Ice fish, also known as white-blooded pike. Ice fish - benefits and harms, recipes for cooking in a frying pan or oven with photos

The icefish is a unique Antarctic whitefish. There are several types of this fish. Due to its appearance, which is similar to a pike, the fish was nicknamed the white-blooded pike. The uniqueness of the fish lies in its transparent blood, which became so due to the complete absence of hemoglobin and red blood cells, and they are the ones responsible for the red color of the blood.

Ice fish lives at the very depths, where the water temperature is as cold as possible. Due to its rarity, this fish is considered a delicacy and is quite expensive. People quite often call ice fish striped pike. The fish has the most delicate shrimp flavor. Another huge advantage is that it practically does not have the specific smell characteristic of fish.

Properties of ice fish

Ice fish is considered to be extremely useful and valuable food products. Among the minerals present in fish meat, cobalt, iodine, copper, chromium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, nickel, fluorine and some others are of particular value. The content of vitamins is unfortunately small, but they are still there.

The most notable are vitamins B1-2-6, C and PP. The remaining vitamins that are present in fish are invisible, since their content is negligible. There are no carbohydrates in fish, and the amount of protein per hundred grams of product is 17.8 grams. This allows us to classify ice fish as a lean dietary product. Calorie content fish fillet about 90 kilocalories per hundred grams.

The benefits of ice fish

The benefit of fish lies in the polyunsaturated magnesium acids it contains, which help normalize cholesterol levels. With the help of this fish, you can remove excess fluid from the body, normalize blood pressure and remove swelling.

The fish lives only in ecological reservoirs, therefore, it is completely free of any heavy metals and harmful microelements. This fact indicates that fish will be extremely useful for children for normal digestion and proper growth of bones and body. It is recommended to consume ice fish if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

It also has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis, disruptions in the cardiovascular system, hypertension and metabolic problems. To prevent the ice fish from losing their useful qualities Under no circumstances should the product be allowed to re-freeze. To some extent, dishes made from this fish can relieve fatigue and lift your spirits.

Use of ice fish

The fish has practically no small bones, so it is extremely easy to cut. You can cook ice fish in various ways. To save everyone useful properties It is not recommended to fry or smoke fish. It is best given to children boiled. The ideal cooking method is steaming.

In Japan, it is customary to eat this fish raw. When purchasing fresh fish, it is important to pay attention to the eyes and gills; they should be light in color and free of any turbidity. Under no circumstances should you buy ice fish with an odor present. Frozen fish should have a small and transparent layer of ice. If the ice is thick and has a different color, then most likely the fish was frozen more than once and it has lost all its useful microelements. A chilled carcass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, and in the freezer for up to six months.

Nutritionists, if possible, recommend including ice fish in your diet menu. This lean fish makes it easy to shed pounds thanks to its low calorie content and ability to affect digestion. Unfortunately, due to the high price, not all dieters can afford to pamper themselves with such a delicacy. You can add various seasonings and herbs to the fish; it goes best with lemon balm, ginger and basil.

Harm to ice fish

Fish is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance and allergies. It is not recommended to give it to children under one year of age, so as not to develop allergic reactions. Under no circumstances should you eat expired fish, otherwise you may get severe poisoning.

The Murmansk icefish lives in the cold Arctic waters, which is where its name comes from. The length of the carcass is about 25-35 cm, weight – up to 600 grams. Low temperature The waters of the Arctic make it unfavorable for harmful organisms, so ice cream has environmentally friendly meat that is beneficial for humans. This type of fish is considered a delicacy, as it has no analogues.

The benefits and harms of ice fish

What are the benefits and harms of ice fish? It is endowed with a number of microelements that are beneficial for humans, contains a minimum of fat and a high percentage of proteins. Thanks to these properties, ice cream belongs to the category of dietary products. It is useful for people of different age categories, has a large number amino acids. Boiling in water and steaming, baking, stewing - these methods of heat treatment will preserve the benefits of the fish.

There are no harmful properties, the only exception may be intolerance to the product, allergic reaction on fish products. Always check the expiration date to avoid the possibility of food poisoning. Do not refreeze the product, this kills all the beneficial substances. It is not recommended to give ice cream to children under 1 year of age.

Why is ice fish so expensive?

In the 80s striped fish was mined in large quantities and was in great demand among buyers. Its cost was low. Why is icefish so expensive now? This is due to the collapse of the USSR, and with it the fishing industry. The result is that the ice pack has become expensive, and the delivery price has increased. Today, its catch is under control, which also affects the final selling price of this representative of the Antarctic fauna.

How to cook ice fish

Any product requires the right heat treatment. How to cook ice fish? Microelements, minerals contained in it: potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, even sulfur and copper - are important for our body. To preserve them as much as possible ready dish, you must adhere to one of these useful ways preparing white pike:

  • cook broth;
  • bake in the oven;
  • grill;
  • steam;
  • stew.

This will help save not only her unique properties, but a unique sweetish taste. It is important to defrost it correctly: there should not be a sharp temperature change; it is better to leave it overnight in the lower part of the refrigerator. It is easy to clean and cut up an ice fish: it has no scales, only the fins, tail, entrails, and head are removed (optional). There is no specific fishy smell.

How to cook ice fish in the oven

One useful way is to cook ice fish in the oven. This preserves its shrimpy, slightly sweet taste. delicate taste, all trace elements. White-blooded pike is prepared easily and quickly. The cleaned carcass is rubbed with oil, sprinkled with spices: thyme, basil, salt, pepper, and sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, you need to wrap it in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Cooking time is minimal - only 20-30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end, you need to unfold the foil to get a crispy crust.

Ice fish in a frying pan

Ice fish in a frying pan is no less tasty. To get an appetizing crispy crust, you need to roll the fillet in breading: to do this, mix flour, egg yolk, a mixture of dried herbs, salt, and black pepper. Fried whole, in small pieces or as fillets. This must be done over medium heat using vegetable or butter. This way the carcass will be completely cooked.

Instead of breading, batter is sometimes used. For it, combine the egg, flour, water, knead well until smooth. The ice cube needs to be rolled in it before frying or put in quickly and then filled with batter. There will be no crispy crust, but the fish will be much juicier and softer. Just before cooking, add small basil leaves to the pan; this will add a delicious aroma to the dish.

Ice fish recipes

There are many recipes for making ice fish. Fried white pike has an amazing crispy crust and cooks quickly. Sprinkle the dish with sauteed onions, this will give the fish additional flavor notes. You can bake ice cream on your own or in tandem with vegetables: carrots, onions, lemon, bell pepper. When serving, add fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Spices that reveal its taste well: thyme, ginger, lemon balm. Ice cream will be an excellent side dish for rice and can be the main component of fish soup.

It is better for novice housewives to stick to recipes with step by step photos– this way you can learn a lot and learn how to cook ice fish. After experimenting with different ingredients and cooking methods, choose your favorite recipe. Some people like it crispy fried fish, others like it fish soup, and still others prefer ice cream baked with cheese.

Ice fish for children

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 84 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Fried ice fish is introduced into the diet of children from the age of 1 year. It contains phosphorus and many other vitamins. Try to diversify your child’s menu with such a dish - it will be an excellent flavor addition to rice and baked vegetables and will saturate the child’s body. useful microelements, promoting brain function and development muscular system. This recipe will not require large financial expenses or special culinary skills from you.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the ice cream into fillets, get rid of the entrails, fins and head. Wash thoroughly and add salt.
  2. Cut the fillet into portions of 3-4 centimeters.
  3. Place the fish pieces on a steamer rack or in a slow cooker and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished dish can be recommended for children after one year of age.

Ice fish in foil

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 92 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for lunch, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Ice fish in foil has exceptional taste. The ice cube must first be defrosted, cut and marinated with cumin, saffron, and dill. There should be little spices so as not to overwhelm the taste of the product. An important point in the preparation of ice cream is the addition lemon juice– you can use it to marinate fish or serve it with a ready-made dish.


  • ice fish – 1 kg;
  • saffron, thyme, salt - 1 gram each;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the carcasses from the insides, remove the fins. Leave the head and tail. If desired, you can make small pieces or cut into fillets.
  2. Rinse, mix the spices together, rub the fish with them.
  3. Place each carcass on a small piece of foil, sprinkle with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. Cover the top with a second piece of foil and place in the oven.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cooking ice fish - secrets of chefs

To get a tasty, aromatic dish, you need to know some professional secrets of preparing ice fish. Recommendations from chefs will help significantly improve taste qualities ice cubes. Here are some of them:

  1. When frying ice cream, it is better to add oil not to the frying pan, but to pour it over the carcass itself.
  2. You need to fry it quickly in a very hot frying pan. It is better to place the pieces at a distance from each other so that the fish is better baked.
  3. When cooking soup from this fish, you do not need to cook it for a long time - 20 minutes after boiling.
  4. You can prevent the ice from sticking to the grill by spraying it with oil before baking.
  5. Try to bake the fish as a whole - this way the ice cream will retain all its taste as much as possible.

Video: Ice fish in the oven

- Class - Bony fishes / Subclass - Ray-finned fishes / Superorder - Perciformes

History of the study

Even Norwegian whalers in the 19th century said that in distant Antarctica, near the island of South Georgia in the southwestern part Atlantic Ocean, found strange fish with colorless blood, which they dubbed “bloodless” and “icy”. However, this mystery of nature did not immediately attract the attention of skeptical scientists.

Scientific research on these fish began only in 1954.

The scientific classification (taxonomy) was carried out by the Swedish zoologist Einar Lönnberg in 1905.


Lives in Antarctic waters - around Antarctica and South America, are endemic to this region.


The body is naked, often translucent, with wide transverse dark stripes. There are two or three longitudinal lateral lines on the body. The color completely lacks red tones due to the peculiarity of the blood, which does not contain red blood cells (erythrocytes). Blood, accordingly, is colorless. The head is large, almost a quarter the size of the body, elongated and flattened at the top, and has large toothy jaws. The large non-retractable “pike” mouth exceeds half the length of the head. The appearance and proportions of the head are reminiscent of pike, hence the corresponding names of this fish.

Structural features

Length on average 30-40 cm, can reach 60-70 cm, Weight on average 300-1000 g. The largest recorded specimen of the pike-like whiteblood weighed 2 kg with a body length of 66 cm.

The skeleton is soft, contains little calcium (slightly calcified). There are few bones.


They begin to reproduce at the age of about 2 years, while the number of eggs laid in the fall is relatively small - from 1.5 to 31 thousand. The usual length of adult fish aged 2 to 5 years is 22-30 cm, weight 200-700 g. There are specimens that have lived up to 13 years or more, reaching more than half a meter in length and more than 3 kg of weight. After intensive fishing in the 1980s, such specimens became rare.


Considering that this fish is found in Antarctic ice, that is, in ecologically clean areas of the planet, it is clean, there are no harmful substances in it.


The ice fish feeds on krill, its meat is slightly sweet and tastes like shrimp. Not a fish, but the dream of everyone who wants to eat healthy, dietary food.


Ice fish belongs to the white-blooded family; there are seventeen species of such fish in total. They are all assigned one common name ice fish.

Ice fish and man

Ice - valuable commercial fish. The weight of market ice fish is from 100 g to 1 kg, length is 25-35 cm.

Fish meat contains large number potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and other valuable microelements and vitamins.

Due to its unique taste qualities and due to the remoteness and complexity of the production region, it belongs to the “premium” price category.

In addition to domestic fishing companies, fishermen from Australia, Chile, Spain, and Lithuania supply the Russian market with ice fish.

It is noteworthy that in the Soviet fishing industry it belonged to the lowest price category, along with blue whiting and pollock.

Ice fish, also known as white-blooded pike ( "pike-like whiteblood"), belongs to the white-blooded fish family. Main feature This fish has white, almost colorless blood. This is due to the fact that there are almost no red blood cells in her blood. The white-blooded pike lives in Antarctic waters and is one of the most valuable commercial species. Icy - enough big fish, its length reaches 66 cm, and its weight is 1.2 kg.

On the shelves of regular stores, ice fish is quite rare, because due to the difficulties of fishing and the remoteness of the region, it belongs to the so-called "premium breeds".

History and geography

Icefish live in the cold waters around South America and Antarctica. This is an endemic species, found only in this region and nowhere else in the world. In Europe they learned about it in the 19th century. This happened after Norwegian whalers fishing in the Antarctic seas began to talk about strange fish with colorless blood. For a long time These stories were considered fiction and were taken seriously only at the beginning of the 20th century. The scientific study of ice fish began only in 1954.

The habitat of icefish extends around the southern groups of Shetland, Orkney and Sandwich Islands, South Georgia Island, the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula, Kerguelen, McDonald and Heard Islands. Found at depths up to 700m.

Today, this fish is a very valuable and expensive commercial species; it can only be purchased in elite stores and restaurants. It is noteworthy that during the Soviet era, ice fish, on the contrary, were classified as a lower category and equated with pollock and blue whiting. Its main suppliers on the world stage are Russia, Chile, Australia, and Spain.

Types and varieties

Actually ice fish (“pike-like whiteblood”) It has no varieties or varieties, but in the same region there is a species very close to it, called the “pike” or “Patagonian whitefish”. Externally, these fish are very similar, it is quite difficult to distinguish them. Main difference lies in the size ( Patagonian whiteblood is slightly smaller - up to 35cm) and in the habitat. The Patagonian whiteblood lives in more northern waters off the coast of Patagonia and the Falkland Islands at depths of 50-250m. The taste and culinary qualities of these fish are virtually the same.

It is worth noting that the name "icy" often assigned to all white-blooded fish and used as a general species name. This is incorrect; the real ice fish is the whitefish ( Champsocephalus gunnari).

Useful properties

Icefish meat is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine and copper. It also contains a lot of cobalt, sulfur, and chromium. Vitamin complex represented by group B (B1, B9, B6, B2), vitamin C and vitamin PP. This fish contains a lot of easily digestible protein, while it is low-fat and low in calories ( 90kcal/100g). It is often recommended as dietary or baby food.

Since ice fish lives in one of the most remote and ecologically clean regions, and in conditions of constant cold, its meat is not contaminated with any harmful substances.

Useful properties of ice fish:

Beneficial influence on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
Reducing the number of atherosclerotic plaques;
Fighting hypertension;
Normalization of blood vessels and heart function;
Normalization of metabolism.

Eating ice fish improves the restoration of bone tissue and helps remove excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, swelling is significantly reduced and the functioning of many internal organs is normalized.

Of the contraindications to eating ice fish, we can only name childhood up to a year ( due to the allergic effect of any fish on the child’s body) and individual intolerance.

Taste qualities

Ice fish meat is tender, it has a dense consistency and a unique taste with a slight sweetish-shrimp tint. It completely lacks the specific smell of fish. Moreover, the meat contains practically no bones, only the backbone is present, which contains very little calcium and is therefore quite soft. Such a ridge is easy to chew, in fact, it can also be eaten.

Use in cooking

Because of its elitism, ice fish is not often used in cooking. It is better to prepare it using gentle methods, for example, steaming or boiling. A very tasty aspic is prepared from this fish, which is valued much higher than pike perch aspic. In some countries ( for example in Japan) it is consumed raw ( especially - as an ingredient for various types of national dishes ). The fact is that it is in its raw form that the shrimp flavor of the meat is most pronounced, but after heat treatment it is felt much weaker.

Ice fish goes well with all kinds of herbs and vegetable side dishes. It is very tasty as an addition to rice or seafood. The best seasonings are basil, lemon balm and ginger, as well as Asian spices. In addition, the specific taste of meat is perfectly complemented by soy and lemon sauces, as well as sauces like “tartar”.

Ice fish can also be fried; its meat is quite dense and does not “spread” in the pan. Oil is preferable for frying plant origin, for example - sesame. Ice fish baked with various kinds of vegetables is very tasty. It is best to bake it in foil to preserve the juiciness of the product. This fish is also used to prepare delicious snacks ( especially cold ones) and soups. It is added to salads, but rarely, since this fish is quite expensive.

When preparing ice fish, you need to remember that it cannot be re-frozen. Due to its delicate structure, its meat, after secondary defrosting, turns into an unattractive mush with an incomprehensible taste. It is better to defrost this fish in stages. To begin with, leave it in the refrigerator for some time ( not in the freezer!). When the fish is slightly thawed, it is defrosted at room temperature. This process is quite lengthy, but it allows you to completely preserve all the taste qualities of a valuable product. Cleaning ice fish is very easy since it has no scales. Therefore, all preparation for cooking consists of removing the head, fins, tail and entrails.

IN at the end of the last century, whalers from Norway who hunted in the waters off the southern coast Latin America and around Antarctica, they talked about unusual fish, who had white blood. For this property it was called white-blooded, or icy. Now this fish is called the common white-blooded pike, or pike-shaped white-blooded pike. In our country it is better known as ordinary ice fish, or simply ice fish. It's interesting that during Soviet Union This valuable commercial fish was considered low-grade, but has now become a delicacy.

Icefish are quite large in adult size, but rather young stock go on sale. It has excellent taste and rich composition. It contains a lot of fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, as well as other trace elements and vitamins. Due to its valuable nutritional properties and due to the remoteness of the fishing area, this fish is quite expensive and belongs to the premium category.

If you are interested in ice fish, our company offers to buy small wholesale in Moscow - "FISH ABUNDANCE" .
Contact us! We have the best prices and highest level service. Very tasty ice fish purchased from us, the price of which is affordable, will help attract customers and add variety to the assortment of the retail store.

Unique properties of ice fish

If you don’t know where to buy ice fish in Moscow inexpensively, feel free to contact our company for help. Icy - enough rare fish, so our offer will be very profitable for retailers.

The ice fish we sell, the price per 1 kg of which in the company "FISH ABUNDANCE" accessible to everyone, it has unusual properties. In addition to the original colorless blood, this fish attracts complete absence has a characteristic “fishy” smell, so it is readily consumed by people who cannot tolerate this specific aroma. Ice fish can be given to children and the elderly, it contains a lot useful substances. The blood of this fish lacks red blood cells and hemoglobin, which is why it appears colorless.

Another significant advantage of this particular breed is minimum quantity bones. In fact, it only has a backbone without costal bones and smaller bones. Due to the minimal calcium content in the bones, the spine is soft and edible, making icefish a desirable product in children's menu, nutrition of sick and weakened people. This fish is also excellent as a dietary product, since it contains only 7% fat and 17% protein. It has high nutritional value and low calorie content. This unique combination allows ice fish to be used in the diet of people who carefully monitor their health and weight.

Since the whiteblood lives in the subpolar regions of Antarctica, it is exclusively clean waters far from human habitats, it grows and feeds in an environmentally safe environment. And due to its absorption of krill, the fish’s own meat acquires the delicate taste of shrimp, with a slight sweetish note.

by the company "FISH ABUNDANCE" Ice fish is sold in the Istra district of the Moscow region. Proximity to the capital allows us to supply these unique products to various retail outlets and catering establishments.

Why is it most profitable to buy white blood from us?

The wholesale price of ice fish in our company is minimal, so buying it from us is very profitable for both retailers and processing plants or cafes and restaurants specializing in seafood cuisine.
Along with concluding a contract for the supply of goods, our clients receive the following benefits:

  • Large assortment of seafood, fish and other goods.
  • Low prices.
  • High quality.
  • Availability of warehouses for storing products.
  • Own fleet of specialized vehicles for transporting fresh and frozen products.
  • Prompt service.
  • Possibility of concluding an agreement for the constant supply of products.

Call! Our sale of frozen fish with delivery throughout the Moscow region helps retail outlets offer consumers a variety of tasty and healthy seafood products.