Kate Middleton and Prince William's meeting was awkward. Royal divorce: what will happen if Kate Middleton and Prince William break up Prince William of England and Kate Middleton children

Kate Middleton, aka Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Baroness Carrickfergus. To put it simply - wife crown prince UK.

For millions of people on earth, a woman is the living embodiment of the fairy tale, an icon of style, an example of restraint and, to some extent, self-sacrifice. In the latter case, this refers to the desire of Kate, who did not know so many restrictions and responsibilities before marriage, to comply with the rules for which the royal court cares so much.

Childhood and youth

Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Father Michael Francis Middleton was a pilot for the world famous British Airways. Kate's mother, Carol Elizabeth, also worked there as a flight attendant. The parents got married in June 1980. The family also grew up younger sister Kate - Philippa Charlotte and brother James William.

2 years after Kate’s birth, her father was transferred to work in the capital of Jordan, where the Middletons lived until 1986. Here the girl visited the only kindergarten for children of foreigners, and after returning to England she continued her studies at St. Andrew School, from which she successfully graduated in 1995.

Kate Middleton in childhood

Despite the fact that Kate's ancestors are from the working class, her parents earned enough that the girl did not need anything as a child. She could travel, study in best colleges and institutes, devote time to charity. Kate Middleton was not much inferior in her education and upbringing to a real aristocrat.

Then she studied at Marlborough College, where the future Duchess of Cambridge paid a lot of attention to sports. Kate enjoyed hockey, netball, tennis and athletics. At college, Middleton completed the Duke of Edinburgh's program, and the high level.

Then the girl took a year off from studying, traveled a lot, participated in an exchange program in Italy and a charity program in Chile. Even in her youth, Kate began to participate in charity work, which received further development, when Middleton entered high society.

In 2001, Kate entered the University of St. Andrews. It was at this prestigious educational institution that she met Prince William, not knowing how the meeting of fellow students would affect her entire biography. Middleton received a bachelor's degree in art history. At the beginning of her studies she attended this subject with the prince; later William changed his specialty to geography. The young man wanted to drop out after the 1st year, and, according to rumors, it was Kate who dissuaded him from this.


After finishing her studies, Kate Middleton began working for the family company Party Pieces, which was engaged in delivery holiday decorations and party items. Kate was involved in marketing: she developed catalogs and arranged filming. In 2006, she began working in parallel at the Jigsaw chain store, in the purchasing department.

The girl also dreamed of becoming a professional photographer and even planned to take lessons from famous British photography masters. Kate has earned several thousand pounds from her photographs.

Personal life

Kate Middleton's personal life quickly attracted the attention of the press. At some point, the girl even had to ask for the help of lawyers in order to avoid pressure from others.

Kate met the heir to the throne at university and there she faced strong competition for the prince’s heart. William at this time was interested in two girls at once who were studying at the faculty English literature, however, he quickly forgot about his former girlfriends when, according to rumors, he saw a gray-eyed brunette in a transparent dress, under which there was only a miniature swimsuit, at a charity show. Since 2002, young people began to live together, renting country house.

Kate Middleton is called Cinderella

The novel developed according to its own unknown laws, although the students tried their best to hide it. Even then, Kate and William could not live without each other; they even often spent holidays together. The connection became stronger, which is not surprising, because they lived under the same roof and studied at the same university. At the end of 2004, it became impossible to conceal the relationship, and the press service royal family was forced to admit that the prince was really dating Kate, a girl from a simple family.

The news shocked the public, and many began to compare Kate Middleton to the fairy-tale Cinderella. They began to take an especially active interest in the girl’s life; her peers were curious about what parameters she should have in order to attract the attention of the prince. By the way, the duchess’s height and weight are quite average – 175 cm and 60 kg.

After graduating from university in 2005, Kate was invited to work in a chain of clothing stores, and William, according to royal tradition, entered military academy Sandhurst. At the end of 2006, graduation took place at the academy where the prince studied. The ceremony was attended by the entire royal family, including the Queen, as well as Kate and her relatives.

Kate began to appear more and more often in public with the prince, not only in everyday life, but also at official events. Despite the fact that Middleton was never trained in how a princess should look, her appearance was not satisfactory, and the girl soon received the title of style icon. “Cinderella” managed to look sophisticated and perfect in a dress, a coat, jeans, and even a Russian fur hat. For this, Kate received another nickname - the English Rose.

A distinctive touch to Middleton’s image at court were the hats, spectacular and bright, in retro style or created by the imagination of modern designers. The British Headdress Association included the wife of the heir to the throne in a kind of hall of fame for fans of these hats.

The Duchess, as fashion observers have noticed, chooses brands John Boyd, Lock&Co, Philip Treacy and Jane Taylor. Photos of Kate's outfits appear after every event with her participation and set the tone stylish life not only England, but the whole world. The hairstyle is copied by visitors to beauty salons and beauty bloggers.

In 2007, they began to say that Kate and William had broken off their relationship. The reason for the separation was the beautiful Isabella Calthorpe. The prince allegedly proposed to her, but the girl refused, citing the fact that she did not tolerate royal ceremonies.

However, as American journalist Christopher Andersen wrote in his book “The Crown’s Game,” the prince’s wife drove a wedge between the lovers.

Camilla Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton

Allegedly, the Duchess of Cornwall disliked Kate because there was such a fuss around the affair with William, while Camilla had been trying to win the sympathy of the British for many years.

Andersen also argued that Middleton’s acquaintance with the prince was not an accident, but a calculation orchestrated by the girl’s mother. Kate allegedly did not intend to study at the University of St. Andrews and gave in to Carol's arguments that only people of royal blood can be found there.

Be that as it may, at the end of 2007, the relationship between Kate and William was restored, and on November 16, 2010, their engagement was announced. Young people in Kenya got engaged.

The prince presented his beloved with a famous ring with a sapphire and 14 diamonds, which previously belonged to the princess. The wedding ring is simple, made of yellow gold, but the metal deposit is located in Wales and belongs to the Windsors. Shortly before the wedding, William also gave earrings that matched the style of the main decoration. The jewelry set has firmly taken its place in Kate's jewelry box, becoming one of her favorites.

The wedding was celebrated on April 29, 2011 in London. The Queen, a couple of hours before the ceremony, gave William the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron of Carrickfergus. Following their marriage, Kate became Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. The girl not only broke the stereotype that a king, even a future one, cannot marry for love. Middleton set a kind of record - she became the “oldest” bride of a prince in all of British history: at the time of her marriage she was 29 years old.

The celebration turned out to be profitable for London. Those who wanted to see the newlyweds in person spent about £100 million on accommodation, food and souvenirs. A film was made in the wake of the excitement. dedicated to relationships and wedding crowned persons.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

On July 22, 2013, the new heir to the English throne is George Alexander Louis. True, Kate and William began to call him George for simplicity. On October 23 of the same year, the christening of the first-born took place. Immediately 7 people became godfathers future monarch.

In 2014, particularly observant fans of the duchess suggested that Kate was pregnant for the second time. Official Representative The palace confirmed this rumor, and in May 2015, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born.

The two children did not make their royal parents stay-at-home moms. In 2016, the whole family went on an official visit to Canada. The prince, his wife and children had to attend more than 30 meetings and events. In Canada, the famous couple spent time not only with politicians or stars, but also visited universities and small sporting events and holidays.

In 2017, the royal family surprised their subjects. In January, Kate turned 35 years old, and the whole country was waiting for news about a beautiful and solemn event. But the celebration did not take place, organize noisy party The birthday girl was forbidden by her husband. Prince William himself was on air ambulance duty that day.

This behavior of the husband can be explained by the fact that some of the British recognized the Duke, Duchess and Prince Harry as the laziest residents of the state. The Crown Prince is upset by the title and is now struggling to correct his unflattering image.

Due to Kate’s special government status, she is prohibited from creating a personal account on Instagram. Photos about the life of the royal court are published on the Kensingtonroyal page.

Kate Middleton now

In the spring of 2018, there was another addition to the royal family. April 23 Kate Middleton at St. Mary's Hospital in England. Doctors, according to the media, vacated an entire wing for the arrival of the Duchess of Cambridge. At first the heir lived in Kensington Palace along with his brother and mother. The royal couple's third child was named Louis Arthur Charles, and the boy was given the title His Royal Highness Louis of Cambridge.

On May 19, 2018, Kate appeared with her husband for the first time after giving birth to Prince and. William acted as best man, and Kate was again recognized as the most elegant at the celebration. The wives of the princes are on friendly terms.

The war is not being waged by Middleton and Markle, but by their supporters. After the announcement of Megan and Harry's engagement, a kind of competition began on the Internet to see which of the women was more stylish, elegant and confident. The joint appearance of the duchesses in public provides food for publications by fashion experts and behavioral psychologists. The latter noticed that Megan's acting background affects her gestures and manner of presenting herself. And Kate demonstrates that royalty doesn't need to attract attention - they will always be heard.

According to insider information cited by the media, the “popularity contest” is causing a lot of friction in the palace. The next reason for the clashes was the place of residence provided by Elizabeth II to her grandson Harry. It’s as if the apartment has one more room than Prince William’s, and this outrages Middleton. It is still unknown how the duchesses perceived the rules of etiquette, according to which Meghan is obliged to curtsey to Kate.

In the autumn of the same year, another commoner appeared in the Windsor dynasty, albeit of count blood: the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, Princess Eugenie, married the manager of a nightclub.

The flawless Duchess of Cambridge almost outshone the bride due to a slight embarrassment when the wind lifted the hem of her dress. Prince George and Princess Charlotte traditionally worked as a page and flower girl.

By appearing at the event, the Duchess made it clear that maternity leave ended, and she begins to perform the duties provided for by the status. Middleton attended the opening of a photo exhibition at the Queen and Prince Museum and Sayers Croft Forest School, a mental health summit and a garden wildlife Paddington Recreation Ground. After the last appearance, the press again drew attention to how naturally the royal lady looks in simple clothes. In addition, Kate changed her hair again.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle in the summer of 2018

According to reports from online retailer eBay, Kate has consistently exerted a greater influence on consumer demand than Meghan Markle. The stores are waiting for customers who want to buy things “like Middleton’s,” and fashion magazines trying to predict what will become popular next season.

The world is now watching with attention the most popular young monarchs of Great Britain - Prince William and Kate Middleton - in New Zealand and Australia. Meanwhile, their story began with unrequited love, and Kate was an object of pity, not admiration among the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. Kate Middleton managed to win the love of the prince and millions of people from all over the world.

On April 29, Prince William and Duchess Catherine will celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary. HELLO.RU remembers the love story of one of the most beautiful couples England.

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The future princess and favorite of England, Kate Middleton, was born on January 9, 1982 in the family of a flight attendant and a pilot. They had no relation to the British nobility, but among their own friends and relatives they were considered a wealthy family. After the birth of Middleton's children - Kate, Pippa and James - parents opened own business, Party Pieces, a party supplies company, and were able to provide children with a decent education and upbringing.

Little Kate Middleton

From the very early years the future duchess was brought up in order and severity, and she was sent to study at a prestigious boarding school in Wiltshire. Rumor has it that she dreamed of meeting the young Prince Wil in her youth, and his portrait hung above her bed in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Prince William, born on June 21, 1982 into the family of English monarchs - Prince Charles and Princess Diana, was also raised in accordance with the strict rules and canons of the British royal family.

Little William with Princess Diana and Prince Charles

Although, if you look back several decades, William’s mother showed real impudence when she decided to send her baby to kindergarten. Previously, royal children were raised only at home. Perhaps the fact that the royal child was accustomed to communicate with children from another circle made it possible to meet his future wife. Kate and Diana never had a chance to meet, but it was the mother of her future husband that the Duchess should say “thank you” for meeting her beloved.

Prince William with his mother Princess Diana William did everything on par with his peers: he studied, played sports, and then lived in the barracks. After graduating from college, the prince decided to spend several months traveling. He traveled to countries on a charitable mission, continuing the work of his deceased mother.

At the same time, Kate, after graduating from school, decided to go on trips. To visit Chile, Florence and other beautiful and exciting places, she even postponed her university studies. The girl gained impressions and made acquaintances. True, she never had a chance to meet her future husband on her trips.

Kate Middleton

The fateful meeting occurred when they both returned from travel and decided to start higher education. Kate entered the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and began studying art history. Among her classmates was Prince William. There are rumors that Kate's parents specifically sent her to this educational institution in hopes of her future acquaintance with William.

The young prince, although he had a separate room with bulletproof windows, did not shy away from communicating with other students, actively participating in the life of the university.

One day in 2002, he came to a charity fashion show and sat in the first row of the audience, from where he could see best review scenes. And there was really something to see there: young students followed one after another along the catwalk. Why specifically her, a girl in a translucent dress, with thick hair? brown hair and with a confident gait, he turned his attention to the unknown.

Kate Middleton's dress, which Prince William wore on the catwalk

After that day, they were often seen together, and Kate was among the few students who were invited to Windsor Castle to celebrate the prince's coming of age. The couple began traveling together, calling their relationship “friendly.”

The press learned that the relationship had grown from friendship into something more only in 2004. William, who from childhood did not like reporters, considering them guilty of the death of his mother, did not allow interference in his personal life. And at that time, William and Kate were already living together in a rented mansion, practically like a married couple. However, Katherine never received an official marriage proposal.

Kate and William on graduation party at the university

Rumor has it that in 2004 their relationship almost ended. This is because William, surrounded by a group of cheerful and drinking friends, was constantly invited to various parties. One day he went to Greece for a bachelor party and returned from there with the desire to become free again. Even then, Kate realized that it was impossible to put pressure on the young prince, and patience was her main assistant.

Middleton even received the popular nickname “Waiting Katie” - many believed that the relationship with the handsome prince would not be crowned with something serious and she was wasting her best years on William.

Prince William, Kate and Pippa MiddletonBut members of the royal family assessed Kate’s influence on the heir to the throne as favorable. Girl endowed strong spirit, reasonable and impressive modesty, she was liked by the British and the press, and by all indications she was suitable for the role of companion to the heir to the throne.

In 2006, Kate was invited by Queen Elizabeth II herself to Christmas dinner, and later the Middleton family came to watch Prince William join the army. Sitting in the spectator stands, the girl smiled mysteriously, not yet knowing that the army and travel would cause the rupture of her relationship with William.

William's entry into the army, 2006Kate Middleton with family, 2006 In 2007, the union, which was never sealed by marriage, cracked. According to those close to the couple, Kate could not stand the constant absence of her lover and ended the relationship herself. Plus, William endlessly repeated to the girl that he did not intend to get married before the age of 30.

During the several months of the breakup, William was caught in explicit embraces with other women in bars and clubs, but quite quickly the young monarch could not stand it and returned to Kate. In the summer of 2007, the young people not only resumed their relationship - Kate moved into Prince William's residence, and rumors about the impending wedding resumed in the press.

However, from the reconciliation of the couple to the moment when the cherished words of a marriage proposal were heard from the prince, another three years passed.

Rumors about Kate and William's engagement have been circulating for almost 5 yearsKate wore an engagement ring for the first time, 2010

The prince proposed to Kate in October 2010 while on vacation in Kenya. The world learned the exciting news a few weeks later - the bride herself told about it, showing a ring with a sapphire on “that same finger.” By the way, this ring previously belonged to the prince’s mother, Diana. Once upon a time, the son of England's favorite chose a piece of jewelry from those offered and left it as a souvenir from his mother. Now it was on Kate Middleton's finger.

This ring is a part of my mother and I wanted her to be a part of today.

The date for the celebration at Buckingham Palace was set almost immediately and preparations began.

On April 29, 2011, Prince William and Kate Middleton were declared husband and wife. The magnificent royal wedding was broadcast to the whole world, but the main curious glances were focused on Kate:
Which designer dress did she wear? How did you put on your makeup? What kind of hair did you do?

Kate and William's wedding The bride wore a dress from Alexander McQueen, embroidered with the finest French lace.

Sarah Burton, creative director of the brand that created wedding dress Kate Middleton said:
I agreed to the offer to create a wedding dress for Kate during that terrible, tragic time (after the death of the founder of the fashion house, Alexander McQueen). And unexpectedly from this dark cloud that hung over me for a long time after he left, this magnificent dress was born. The dress was truly gorgeous. To complement it, Kate chose exquisite accessories. The bride's head was adorned with a real family heirloom - Queen Elizabeth II's 1936 diamond tiara, over which was draped a lace veil. self made. In her hands she held a lovely bouquet of lilies of the valley of the Sweet William variety, whose name - "Sweet William" - speaks for itself.

According to tradition, wedding ring there was only one thing - for Katherine. It was made by Wartski jewelers from a bar of Welsh gold, which was given to William by his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, shortly after his engagement.

The guests of the ceremony were 650 people - among them were members of royal families from all over the world, members of the British government, Elton John, and the Beckhams. The wedding ceremony lasted just over an hour and was broadcast to the whole world. It is not surprising that after a long preparation and a day full of compliance with regulations and traditions, the newlyweds wanted to relax.

Leave the newlyweds alone, their desire is to spend their honeymoon in silence and without undue attention from the press. - the press secretary addressed Buckingham Palace to the press. Meanwhile, the British placed bets on the bet, wondering which place the monarchs would choose for their honeymoon.

Kate Middleton, who received the title of Duchess of Cambridge after the wedding, and Prince William flew to a small island in Indian Ocean. They stayed there for about 10 days, with dozens of agents responsible for security and privacy.

Only in fairy tales is a wedding a happy happy ending, after which readers close the book and start studying new history. Attention to Kate Middleton, who immediately became the most popular person in England, has not weakened, but only intensified. Immediately after the ceremony, Kate began to carry out her monarchical duties, and William returned to service in air force Great Britain, where he served as a search and rescue helicopter pilot.

In addition to the fact that now Kate was always under the gun of cameras and could not even walk alone, they began to constantly pester her with the question of when the heir would appear. Her thinness was actively discussed in the press, and the lack of pregnancy was associated with possible anorexia.

Middleton actually lost four sizes in the months leading up to her wedding. They say that in order to have a wasp waist, she did not touch food for several days. Besides, she was already constantly under stress.

The news of Kate's pregnancy arrived on the eve of New Year's holidays- in December 2012. Throughout the nine months, the passion around the unborn baby did not subside for a minute. The British tried to predict the sex of the child by the shape of the belly, and, of course, tried to deduce expectant mother for a frank conversation. Once, receiving a teddy bear as a gift at one of the events, Katherine even said:
Thank you. I'll leave this for my daughter... Of course, the press immediately spread the news that a lovely girl would appear in the family of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Photoshop experts drew up a supposed portrait of the baby, and fans began to buy paraphernalia in pink flowers for the Duchess's discharge from the maternity hospital.

Kate and William expecting their first child, 2013

On July 22, 2013, Kate and William left St. Mary's Hospital holding... a boy. The son of the British monarchs received the name George, in honor of the father of his great-grandmother, Elizabeth I. The boy was titled “His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge” from birth, and also became third in line to the British throne, after his grandfather Prince Charles and father Prince William.

Kate, William and newborn Prince George After the birth of her son, Kate blossomed even more, and the love and respect from her husband’s relatives and subjects of the kingdom increased a hundredfold. 8 months have passed since then. “Waiting Katie” became the “Smiling Princess,” and we could see the warmth of the relationship between the spouses in their daily appearances during a 3-week tour of New Zealand and Australia, which they went on with their large and friendly family.

HELLO.RU congratulates William and Kate on their wedding anniversary!

April 29 marks exactly seven years since Kate Middleton and Prince William got married. Let's remember them wonderful story love.

Kate met her future husband while studying at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 2001. He was the same student as Kate, except from a different background.

Middleton is the daughter of a former air traffic controller and flight attendant, and later the founders of the parcel company Party Pieces. And William is the son of Prince Charles of Wales and Princess Diana.

A year after they met, in 2002, the couple began renting a house in Fife. And a year later, in 2003, a country cottage. Then their relationship was at the peak of the romantic phase. They spent their student holidays traveling, studied together, and celebrated holidays together.

Prince William celebrated his twenty-first birthday at Windsor Palace under the supervision of Queen Elizabeth II. Kate Middleton was also officially invited there for the first time, for now as a student friend.

In 2005, the media began to actively write about the couple. Kate did not like this, she even turned to a lawyer for help, who was supposed to protect her from persecution by journalists and their interference in her personal life.

The engagement was delayed. William, after graduating from the University of St. Andrews, began his studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, and Kate got a job in the purchasing department of the Jigsaw clothing chain in London.

Kate was simply called the prince's friend. In this status, she appeared with him at events. In particular, at William's graduation ceremony at the Royal Military Academy, which was also attended by Kate's parents and members of the royal family.

In 2007, a crisis occurred in the relationship between Kate Middleton and Prince William and they separated. But a few months later they got back together, feelings won.

At the end of 2010, Clarence House announced the couple's long-awaited engagement. And in 2011, the wedding took place, Kate and William got married in Westminster Abbey in London. After her marriage, Kate received the title Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus.

In 2013, the couple had their first son, George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge, and in 2015, a daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge. A week ago, on April 23, the third child of the eminent couple was born - His Royal Highness Prince Louis Arthur Charles of Cambridge. And, most likely, there will be more children.

Kate and William's personal life became public as soon as they got married. It is quite difficult for them in this sense - to live under the constant surveillance of the press. Would you be able to feel comfortable if you took care of your family affairs?

These names seem to be already inseparable from each other. William and his only beloved Kate have long conquered millions with their love. The whole world followed the relationship of this couple: they experienced their separation, waited with bated breath for the long-awaited wedding and welcomed the birth of their children. Today PEOPLETALK decided to remember the love story of one of the strongest and most beautiful couples - the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, beloved by all Prince William(33) and (33).

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and also Earl of Strathearn And Baron Carrickfergus was born, as is known, in London. He was the prince's firstborn Welsh Charles(66) and princesses Diana(1961 - 1997). Newborn William became the first child in the British royal family to be born outside the palace - at St. Mary's Hospital.

Kate Middleton, and today the Duchess of Cambridge, was born in the English county of Berkshire in the family of a flight attendant and a pilot.

As befits a prince, William grew up to the high standards of the royal family. He attended a boys' boarding school, excelled in sports, and was even captain of the school hockey team. In addition, Ulyam was interested in football, basketball and rugby.

Kate grew up in a family with good income, but not royal or noble at all. When the family began to grow, Kate's parents had to think about how to earn money. more money. They began to receive a good income after opening their own company Party Pieces, who was organizing parties.

After school, William enters the famous Eton College. Living up to the obligations placed on him, the prince studied well, received high grades and, despite his status, got along well with his peers. After graduating from college, William decided to continue his mother’s work and spent several months traveling on a charitable mission.

At this time, Kate graduates from a prestigious boarding school - Marlborough College in Wiltshire, after which she also goes on a journey for new experiences.

Both William and Kate decided to take a break from their studies after college. This uncoordinated decision of the young people played an important role in their fate.

Upon returning home, William enters the most prestigious St Andrews university in Scotland. Kate went there too. It was here that they met.

It was simply impossible not to pay attention to Kate. In the first month, at the freshers' celebration, Middleton was almost unanimously recognized as the most beautiful girl. Even then, William noticed her.

In 2002, Kate again attracted attention. At a charity fashion show in St Andrews the girl came out onto the podium in black underwear, over which she wore a transparent guipure dress. Of course, it was impossible to remain unnoticed in this form. After the event, the students had a party at which the prince, captivated by Katherine’s beauty, raised a glass of champagne to her success and tried to kiss the beauty, but was rebuffed. The kiss did not take place, but a friendship began.

One day, Kate and William, in the company of mutual friends, rented a house where they had fun. Although the boys’ bedrooms faced different landings, it was impossible not to notice their mutual attraction.

William and Kate began to appear together all the time, but stubbornly denied rumors of an affair, covering everything up with friendship.

In 2004, their romance finally became known for certain. Kate and William rented a mansion where they lived together, almost like married couple. This was one of the most high-profile events, because eligible groom The kingdom finally has a girl.

Kate instantly became a victim of paparazzi and critics. Many thought that she was ugly and wondered what William saw in his chosen one.

According to rumors, in the same 2004 the couple was on the verge of breaking up. The reason was William's desire to relax in the company of friends, one of whom was someone Guy Pili. This is a real tomboy who constantly involved the prince in various adventures, in which beautiful girls were always involved.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are eight years old this year! The whole world followed the love story of Kate Middleton and Prince William, and their union was called the wedding of the century. The young couple restored the faded prestige of the British monarchy, and Duchess Kate has more than once been compared to the “queen of hearts” Princess Diana.

For many years now, the whole world has been watching the development of relations between the former Kate Middleton, and now the Duchess of Cambridge, and her husband, Prince William. Today Katherine looks impeccable and seems to have completely settled into the role of the future queen, but some ten years ago they laughed at Katie in society, called her always waiting and did not believe at all that from the relationship between the crown prince and a simple girl, let , and for a very wealthy family something really worthwhile can turn out. But, as we see, Kate beat everyone, defeated numerous rivals, practically pulled out her happiness with her teeth and is now quite happy with everything that is happening: loving husband, three wonderful children and a throne looming invitingly ahead, quite a good compensation for years of ridicule.

Kate and William, 2005

So how did it all start? Since childhood, Katie was distinguished by perseverance and a thirst for knowledge, and in general, being an excellent student was much more important for her than the teenage entertainment that children so strive for; entering puberty, Katherine had to be the best. While her active sister Pippa was having affairs at school, Kate conquered one peak after another. So, it is not surprising that after studying in all conceivable and inconceivable educational institutions, Kate entered one of the most prestigious British universities, St. Andrews. It was there that Katie met the main man of her life, Prince William, and, of course, immediately fell in love with him. Their love story began at the university, where William first saw (or, rather, saw) Kate at a charity fashion show. Then future wife The prince appeared before a large audience in a transparent dress; such a moment for the loving William simply could not pass unnoticed.

Kate Middleton, fashion show, 2002

True, William himself, who was seriously popular with girls, was in no hurry to meet the simply pretty Kate. He had affairs with several girlfriends at once, only occasionally turning his attention to Middleton. Kate was not going to give up. To begin with, resourceful Middleton simply became friends with the prince and began to spend everything with him free time and even persuaded him not to quit his studies, but future ruler England seriously wanted to leave the University. The young people began a full-fledged romance in their second year of study at the university - then they, together with a group of friends, began renting a house in the city where St. Andrews was located and William was no longer able to evade Middleton’s “courtship.”



Kate and William, 2007

November 2005

In the spring of 2005, the paparazzi photographed the prince ski resort in the Swiss Alps with a mysterious brown-haired girl. On the same day, the tabloids were full of headlines that William finally had a girlfriend. After the couple “lit up”, Katherine, as the prince’s official girlfriend, began to be invited to various kinds of official royal events, Katherine was pursued everywhere by journalists, the girl, not ready for the fame that had befallen her, was very tired of such a stir around her person. The prince even carefully assigned security to his beloved. Such a broad gesture could not go unnoticed - the country started talking about an imminent wedding. True, William himself was in no hurry to tie the knot.




Time passed, Kate remained in the status of just a friend, albeit an official one, no one even talked about an engagement. Moreover, Princess Diana's eldest son unexpectedly came to the conclusion that youth was still in full swing, which means it would be unforgivable to waste it on one girl. Katherine disappeared from all radars, William appeared at social events without her or even with new and always different girls. Meanwhile, there was no official statement about the separation, the press was scratching its head and could not find a reasonable explanation for everything that was happening. Meanwhile, Kate suffered from what she thought was unrequited love.

However, the separation did not last long - William quickly realized that he could not live without Catherine and returned to his beloved with confession. The prince made the long-awaited marriage proposal to Kate in November 2010. Already in February of the following year, the couple officially went public for the first time after announcing their engagement. This happened in Wales at a lifeboat launching event. In December 2010, engagement photos of Kate and William, taken by photographer Mario Testino, appeared on the website of the British royal court. The first photo is more formal, while the second shows the couple hugging and laughing.

On April 29, the wedding of Catherine and William took place, which can rightfully be considered the wedding of the century - it attracted more than two billion viewers worldwide. Two thousand people, mainly stars, political and cultural figures, were invited to the celebration. However, the formality could not turn the wedding into a dry performance; all those who watched the holiday could note with pleasure how in love the newlyweds were and how touching they looked together.

William and Catherine at the opening of the Paralympic Games in London

In 2012, rumors began to appear that the Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant, and they turned out to be true. Interesting situation the former Middleton caused the same stir in the world as her wedding to William. After Kate went to the hospital to give birth, July 19, 2013, near the walls medical center there was even a camera installed that broadcast live on the Internet, waiting for Kate and her child to appear. British and European bookmakers accepted bets and promised a good reward to everyone who guessed the sex and weight of the baby. The new heir to the throne was born on July 22. Kate gave birth to a boy weighing 3.8 kg. Today, Prince George is officially considered third in line to the throne, but in fact - second, because his grandfather, Prince Charles, is clearly not in sight of the crown. On May 2, 2015, Catherine gave birth to her husband's second child, Princess Charlotte, who, despite very young age, has already managed to gain much more popularity in the world than her mother and even great-grandmother. And on April 23, 2018, the couple’s third child, Prince Louis, was born. For his first birthday, new photos of him appeared on the Cambridges' official Instagram account, which won the hearts of fans.