How much does it cost to organize a party at a club? Earning money by organizing parties

The essence of the idea is that you can organize holidays in your educational institution. Anyone who has studied probably knows that there are holidays for students - Median, Freshman's Day, New Year etc.

Having collected necessary information about the upcoming business, my friend and I began to prepare. We had to decide on the club where the party would take place, the program we would present there, and most importantly, how to attract students.

In order to receive more money, it was necessary to hold an official party for my university. To do this, you need to have your own person on the Council of Elders. Then it would be possible to collect money from the University (let me explain, if you organize a party through the Council of Elders, then it is considered official, and our faculty, through the Vice-Rector for educational work may provide us with financial support).

We decided not to waste time on trifles and organize a holiday for the entire university (more than 10 faculties). It would be possible to collect 5,000 rubles from each faculty.

To begin with, we promoted our group leader to the Council of Elders. How we did election program and promoted it - that’s a separate conversation, we even had to shout at whoever needed it. As a result, we achieved our goal and our man ended up on the Council. I’ll say in advance that we didn’t receive a penny from university. Some people let us down, and the university seems to have laundered money on us.

Next, we agreed with the club about the holiday. We made a big mistake and agreed officially - 70,000 rubles (per night), although it was possible unofficially, and renting the club would have been much cheaper, about 30-40 thousand rubles. The first payment had to be made immediately, and this is half the amount. We got into debt, and for us, for students, this is not a small amount of money.

The second and most important step was the search for sponsors. We spent a lot of time and money on it. You could say it was unsuccessful. In the end, we only had two sponsors. The first one provided us with free posters and tickets to the party, and the second one sponsorship in the form of their products, which went towards prizes in competitions. Nobody gave me any real money.

The third step was to attract students to the party. Naturally, we attracted them with our program. In it we included a striptease, male and female, hosted by a well-known DJ in our city, and promised competitions. This was quite enough.

Three weeks before the party, we started selling tickets for 150 rubles, and also sold tables and sofas separately in the club. I note that the club accommodated about 700 people. Every evening we went around the entire university and put up posters advertising our party. During the day they were all shamelessly torn down (by competitors!). I won’t tell you how much nerves and effort it took us to prepare this party. The mere fact that it was normal to buy tickets only a week before the party drove us crazy (we had a lot of debt).

What happened in the club does not fit into any framework at all. We, as organizers, were responsible for everything. All the fights were on us, during the night (and the party lasted from 22:00 to 6:00), we had to call twice ambulance, and much more. Considering that the club seats 700 people, we had at least 1000 at the party, maybe more. It was not possible to calculate exactly, as well as the profit!!!

Much, of course, cannot be told, and I’ve forgotten how much, but the only thing is that only people who know how to control themselves in difficult situations can do this business. Now about income and expenses.

Expenses (prices are for 2006):
Club rent - 70,000 rubles.
Female striptease - 3000 rub.
Striptease for men - 1500 rubles. + booze
DJ - 6000 rub.
Security - 5000 rub.
Travel, payment for a cell phone and other expenses - about 5,000 rubles.
Total expenses: 90,500 rub.

Officially, 600 tickets were sold at 150 rubles, the rest
were sold at the entrance with prices ranging from 50 to 500 rubles.
Ticket distributors acted on their own terms. As a result, the income from tickets was about 135,000 rubles. It was impossible to count exactly, even after the party.
From the sale of tables and sofas - 3500 rubles.
The total income was 138,500 rubles.
Profit - 48,000 rubles.

Difficulty level: Difficult

1 step

First you need to decide on a theme for the party. Will it be a holiday, presentation, theme or just an exciting event? Have you decided? Amazing. As an example, I will describe the holiday of February 14, or as it is usually called Valentine's Day.

Step 2

To prevent everything from falling through at the most crucial moment, you need to agree with the club in advance. The rental price will vary depending on the rating, time of year and, in fact, on what day you are planning the rental itself. On weekends it will be much more expensive, especially in the summer. Autumn (October-November) is the low season and any establishment will be happy to welcome you. Call, insist, but under no circumstances beg! Let the administrator think that you are the Messenger of Angels who came down to lift financial position club. He himself must make concessions to you.

Step 3

To attract people's attention, you need a meaningful name and catchy advertising. Hang up posters all over the city, hand out flyers to passers-by, leave advertisements in stores (with the consent of the manager, of course). Make sure everyone is talking about your party! Create a meeting on social networks, invite all your friends, word of mouth will follow.

Step 4

To interest people, you need to outline the program of the evening: which DJs will play, who the host is, hint that there will be competitions with prizes, organize a show (dancing, break, go-go, striptease, fire show, whatever!) The main thing is that people are interested . Invite DJs (it will be much cheaper if you have familiar DJs, even if they are unknown, there will be such a trick). The presenter can be some chatty classmate who leads KVN or simply knows how to make speeches. He himself will be happy with the unexpected gift of fate and will try to bring as many people as possible to the concert. more people so that they would look at him, handsome. By the way, this also applies to the speakers you put on the list. This could be a starting rock\rap\break\beatbox group. Newbies try to bring a bunch of people to their premiere, which will have a beneficial effect on your return on investment.

Step 5

And now the main thing. Where can I get the money for all this? Very simple: sponsors. Don’t be alarmed, I’m not talking about “daddies” who sponsor girls, but about the most ordinary partners)) This is done like this: print out the contract form (it is advisable to draw it up yourself, indicate all the clauses, agreements, etc.) and go ahead - shopping! Choose stores that can afford to allocate 10-15 thousand (depending on the city. In Astrakhan, for example, you can organize a party for 30 thousand, and in Volgodonsk it costs 15 thousand) in return offer advertising. Banners above the stage, posters around the city (at the bottom there is a note “with the support of the Boltik store”), mention on flyers, advertising from the stage... It will be better if you have information sponsors, for example, local television or a local radio wave. Then you will need to allocate 3-4 tickets for the drawing in live. And the ratings increase, and you will have additional advertising!

  • If you approached this issue responsibly and followed the instructions, then your party should go with a bang!!! Be careful with tickets, sell them in advance to avoid dissatisfaction and crowds at the box office. Also mark them with a seal or in any other way so that they cannot be counterfeited! Good luck)

It may seem at first glance that hosting and organizing a club party is very easy and simple. What else do you need other than a crowd of people, preferably of the same age, fun music and various drinks? However, not everything is as simple as you might think. Organizing a club party is a real skill and a manifestation of all the leadership and organizational qualities of a person, and if you do not have them, then most likely you will not be able to organize a successful party.

Important points in organizing a club party

Very important points in holding any club party is the ability of the organizers to combine all the components and components into a single whole. Only then will your party be considered successful, memorable and truly enchanting. By the way, this is very difficult to achieve.

Whatever the theme of your club party, there should definitely be a disco. As you understand, in order to “ignite” people and encourage them to dance, the DJ must have considerable experience in holding such events. That is, a professional. Of course, the number of DJs directly depends on how many people you plan to invite to the party. Sometimes it can be hard for one DJ to cope on his own. Therefore, it is best to invite several DJs. In addition, they will be able to provide people with completely different musical styles.

If a DJ is experienced, then he can handle any situation, even the most difficult one. He will find the right solution that will ultimately make your party a real grand event.

Also, to hold a party you will need a stage and, most importantly, a stage and a hall with very high-quality, powerful lighting. As you yourself understand, the sound should also be on the highest level. After all, first of all, people will come to your night party to have fun, and not to listen to conversations at the next table.

It is imperative that you decide on the theme of your party. For example, today it is very possible to hold pajama parties, or retro parties, flirting parties and others - the flight of imagination is limitless.

What else needs to be taken care of

Naturally, your party should have a lot of different entertainment besides music. These can be all kinds of competitions, for example, for the best dance, or the most erotic movements.

But, in addition to everything we wrote about above, your guests should also not be left without drinks and food. Of course, we are not talking about some restaurant menu with a wide variety of dishes, but sandwiches and canapés must be present. Also keep in mind that not everyone at your club party drinks alcohol, so take care of them in advance and add non-alcoholic cocktails to the menu.

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Party Guide. Part 1

Yes, nothing will surprise Moscow these days. Geishas, ​​gays and DJs - all this is so hackneyed and, at the same time, no one needs it. How to do party parties? This will be discussed in our article.

Five years ago, you could declare a party “for progressive youth” and point out that for the first time in the club, fashionable DJ Vasya Pomidoroff would perform his superset on VINYL (!!!), and there would be nowhere for an apple to fall on your dance floor. What now? We got drunk!!! Even guest DJs from London or New York don't attract enough people. Not to mention our homegrown masters of needles and slipmats. Only a few have their own crowd of loyal fans, and even then, friends do not go to all clubs to pick up their favorite.

And if creativity still flows out of you and you are ready to take responsibility for holding the event - go ahead!!!

First you need to come up with a name for the party.

“Whatever you call the party, that’s how it will float.” But don’t bother too much and come up with something like: “House, Schmouse, Mickey Mouse and other little animals.”

The name should tell people what will happen and whether they should go to the party or not. For example, if you call a party “Labotomy” or “Anasthesia”, expect girls in fluorescent T-shirts and grinders with a ten-centimeter platform, which went out of fashion back in 1997. The name “Wet Fantasies” will attract a crowd of young boys from theme clubs. And “Whisky. Jazzy House rhythms - lazy models and cocaine dealers.

During my practice I also came across pearls. In the city of Samara, at the entrance to the club, which is the “Vasilek” cafe, there was an inscription on a 5x5 meter board: “DISCO. JUST JUST DANCE!!!”

In Moscow, at the Vodny Stadium, there was a club that offered a whole series of parties: “September 1 - Opening of the hunting season” and “September 8 - Hunting season is open.”

And who did the organizers want to see at the party “Barmalei feat Dr. Aibolit” is not clear at all.

Having come up with a name, we move on to next point- program of the event.

As one of my friends said: “I saw everything!!! Tarzans and Candymen - they hesitated!!! It's the same everywhere. Now, if a girl was fucked by a dog on stage, I would probably come.” Well, no one has stooped to this yet, but I’ll tell you: there is something to surprise. For example, in the London club “Minystry of Sound” the girl DJ Rebbeka (part-time fashion model) plays. At the most crucial moment of her set, she bares her tits, thereby creating a sensation on the dance floor. Unfortunately, we have few female DJs (especially those with model appearance), and few of them will agree to show “all the wonders of the world” at the console. But you can also use a trick. Invite a stripper, announcing her as DJ Mari or Juanna (you can do both), and add that she is from Amsterdam or Berlin (where there are more DJs than ordinary people), put her behind the turntables, turn on a two-hour mix (of any format) and wait for the audience’s reaction.

DJ Boy George attracts a huge number of people to his sets not because he is a DJ, but because he is Boy George. But why invite him to Once again, when do we have enough of our own “Battles”? Imagine what will happen if you announce that DJ Nikolai Baskov or DJ Philip Kirkorov will play at your party. (As for DJing itself, you can treat them like a stripper). The only problem is whether you have enough money for such a promotion.

You can attract the public with themed parties. For example, in the Military style. Dress everyone up military uniform, hire models, dress them as nurses and force them to hand out ascorbic acid, activated charcoal and condoms to guests. And the most important thing: hang a volunteer in a parachutist costume from the ceiling on ropes, give him a strobe light in his hands and swing him back and forth. A similar topic is good on the eve of February 23 or May 9.

Or interest guests in a special “Dress Code”. I still wonder why no one organized “Nudist Parties”. This is elementary: call a nudist society and invite them to the club with the aim of “popularizing the movement” or pour alcohol for free for every guest in a negligee. (The only downside: the DJ must also work in Adam's costume so as not to look like a joke). Success depends on your imagination. And if she’s missing, then try to find a dog (we’ll help you find a girl).

So, the program is thought out. It's time to make flyers, posters, invitation cards.

The key here is the design and the information you present.

As for the design, everything is simple. It should look expensive. None bright colors, no stars or hearts. Just put a picture from some magazine, I recommend Penthouse or Hustler (just don’t download a naked Britney Spears from the Internet), or at least scan your photo. It’s cool when the flyer has a non-standard shape, for example, round or folding, like a greeting card. And if it is also in an envelope, and with a wax seal, then the number of people who come through it will be much greater.

In large print, write the name of the party and the date. Under no circumstances write abstract phrases like: “Fashionable DJs from Moscow radio stations are playing” (what radio are trendy DJs playing on???) or “MTV-format disco” (what’s that? Decl mixed with Limb Bizkit and Modjo for a snack?) Tell the truth, whatever it may be: if DJ Filin is playing, then write DJ Filin (well, what can you do if I’m not as famous in wide circles as Vasya Pomidoroff). Try to avoid wording: “Killer competitions and super prizes” (don’t forget that you are hosting a party in a club, and not at a tourist center or in a nursing home, and you are a DJ, not a mass entertainer) And most importantly, never write: “Come That’s it, we are waiting for you, we are glad to see you, you will not regret it!!!” The club business is “cinema is not for everyone.” I assure you that the phrases: “closed, private party”, “Face Control, Dress Code” and “After 23:00 entry is strictly limited” will be much more useful.

The most important thing is to remember to include the location of the party (club name, address, phone number and map, if needed).

And when all the printing is brought to you, try to distribute it wisely and not throw it in the nearest trash bin. The most difficult phase of holding a party is promotion. It needs to be done in stages.

Move one - go around everything long before the party favorite places(clubs, coffee shops, etc.) and spread rumors about the upcoming action. Create a stir in the party (you can lie a little, for example, by saying that the budget of the party is $15,000, and that “all of Moscow is talking about it, but you don’t know it yet”). It’s great if it’s not you alone, but a group of promoters.

Step two - open your notebook and call all your friends and acquaintances (the faithful public will not let you down).

Step three - distribute invitations from hand to hand, with the explanation: “I can’t give three, only two - these are the last.”

There are fourth, fifth and sixth moves, but they depend on your capabilities and imagination. In principle, the above actions can be limited.

Now all that remains is to create the atmosphere in the club and decorate.

To do this, you can use simple means: candles, fabrics, fragrances, etc. But just don’t ask grandmothers in church for incense on Halloween (as one of my friends did) - they can be anathematized.

The main thing is that everything in the club should be BEAUTIFUL!!! And, first of all, a lot beautiful girls. How to drag them in - figure out for yourself, I’m not going to help you with this (trade secret).

Finally, everything is ready. You stand at the entrance and wait for people. And while he's gone, don't be upset. Don't cry to the face controller's vest. Better yet, take and re-read this article. Maybe you missed something???

Party Guide. Part 2

Having attended a successful party at the club, which left a lot of positive emotions, many probably wondered: what do you need to know and how do you need to do so that an event at the club stands out from the stream of weekly parties and remains in the memory of the people who came to it for a long time? In many big cities, as in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the club business already has a fairly strong position in terms of both wise investment of money and making a profit, and expression creative potential people working in the club industry. Therefore, literally every season, dozens of independent promoters, promotion groups and companies appear in many cities, whose main job is to organize events aimed at nightclubs. But, unfortunately, not all of them can boast that each of their events was successful in all respects. Why? The answer to this question contains many nuances, on which the quality of the party depends on all components and, accordingly, people’s opinion about it later. I will give the basic rules that are mandatory for organizing a party in a club in order to bring the result as close as possible to the goal. We will also find out the opinions of several promoters whose activities take place in club life for more than one year now.

1. Concept.

In order for the party not to be a clone of other events and to stand out, making those who see the flyer, read or hear the announcement want to come to you, it must have its own, unique concept, in other words, an idea. Ideas can be different, just as a concept can be presented, based on different considerations and possibilities, in different ways. In recent years, our promoters, in the literal sense of the word, have been competing in the most extraordinary presentation of the concepts of their events, sometimes resorting to unimaginable methods and tricks to implement ideas and, the imagination of those who strain it with all their might, in most cases lives up to expectations. It is necessary to remember that normal people go to clubs to relax, therefore, when thinking through the concept of the event, you need to take into account the maximum possible components that will give those who come a charge of good mood, a feeling of celebration and a desire to hang out at your party until the morning and next time too.

Having found a successful idea, try to be attentive to developing a concept for its implementation (few people are interested in events where DJs play and dancers work on stage, and that’s all). People who come to the club to relax will appreciate something extraordinary, which is only tonight, and only at your party (remember the legendary freaks of the XIII club, a moving dance floor with a stage in the center, which were spinning in opposite directions, at the rave "Most great love"Bogdan Titomir). If there is an opportunity to organize an avant-garde fashion show from some fashion designer, think over the concept of this show as part of your party so that it is not a boring walk of models back and forth (it is enough that in many clubs on the screens we see Fashion TV with a similar picture - if it is also present live - people will get bored during this period of time). but also for you, as the organizer of the event at which they were shown. A very positive mood is created by people in unique costumes (note, the club staff - waiters, bartenders, hostesses at the entrance, etc. - this is already a hackneyed option in many cases, although it also brings a certain mood), who simply move around the club with the audience, dance, and at the same time they must energize people great mood with their smiles, fiery emotions, perhaps even some phrases with which they can address visitors (you can also include distributing something in their duties, but without making this their main function). That is, the concept of a party is how you can most vividly express the underlying idea in order to leave a visit to your event in people’s memories for a long time.

2. Event plan.

Once the concept has been developed and you already have an idea of ​​​​what will be the “highlight” of the party, you should create a plan for the entire event from start to finish.

An event plan is essentially a business plan, which includes everything from a description of the concept to the estimated number of people who will attend your party.

The event plan must include:

1. Name of the event.

2. Estimated date of the event.

3. Full composition of participants.

4. Hourly program schedule.

5. Information support.

6. Budget for the event.

7. Financial conditions of income.

And also, if there is a need or is part of the organization process:

Name trademark sponsor, sponsorship offer package (this item is compiled for an offer to sponsors), the organization's terms of participation with the club and the expected income from ticket sales (or the number of expected visitors).

In general, in practice, some of the above points are not indicated in the plans, but this is the privilege of promoters who have already proven themselves as successful organizers and who have the opportunity to stipulate some of the conditions in words (to strategically important components of the organization, such as information support or a sponsorship package for presence of a sponsor, this does not apply). Therefore, if you do not have experience holding events in clubs or you do not have a good relationship with representatives of the establishment in which you are going to hold a party, it is better to constructively prepare a plan so that when you read it, it is clear that you fully understand the picture of what the scheme will work on organizing, what opportunities you have, and what results this can bring.

The name of the event should fully reflect its concept, attract attention, since the name is the face of the party, which is offered initially, both in the plan itself and to potential consumers in advertising to attract them (here it is quite appropriate to paraphrase the epithet - as you call a party, so many people will pay attention to the announcements). The more original the name, the more likely it is that people will want to know what the content of the party is behind it.

Party Guide. Part 3

If with disc jockeys and musicians (if you decide to include a live performance in the program), when answering these questions, everything becomes more or less clear (even though you personally know who plays what from the participants you have chosen, and not from stories people who have little knowledge of music), then to the selection of dancers, a fashion designer with a collection, some special shows, etc. it is necessary to approach in more detail, since they usually bring considerable variety to the program and thanks to this, in many cases, remain a vivid memory of the party for people.

The composition of participants must be determined from the following questions:

2. What is the potential location (better if there are several options so that there is a choice) for the party?

3. What format of music will dominate throughout the night?

It is better to plan the program schedule so that the brightest performances occur at the peak of the night - from midnight to four in the morning. You shouldn’t put one disc jockey after another, the feeling of the movement of the event should occur in people constantly, so between the set of one disc jockey, to whom the dancers will work with their numbers, and the set of the next one, who will sound, for example, the show of a fashion designer’s collection , you can make a performance of musicians. And after the show the next number may come on, etc. Moreover, you should pay attention to the fact that if the program of the event includes a performance by some headliner (which is more relevant to events of a touring nature), it should have a “nail” character, not from the point of view that he is simply playing because he is invited, as a headliner, but to be an integral part of the concept and program, i.e. if this is a disc jockey’s set, in parallel his performance may be accompanied by some kind of bright show that would emphasize and at the same time highlight this period of time of the program (you must admit that more than once the headliners of many events did not leave us with vivid memories, and not at all because that their performance was below average, but because it simply blended in with the monotony of the entire night's program).

Information support must be indicated in the plan in such a way that it is clear by whom it is provided, under what conditions, to what extent and in what form.

The budget of an event in most cases is the final figure of all expenses associated with the organization and holding, but a situation may well arise when you may be asked to specify this figure for each item of expense separately, so just in case, have a budget in reserve, outlined for all items expenses.


In order to determine what the budget of the planned event is, it is necessary to find out the amount of fees of the expected participants, the amount of expenses for advertising, printing production (flyers, posters), payment for additional people involved in organizing and holding it (for example, the same flyers, the person on the face control, etc.).

Where does the budget for the party come from? There are three options for receiving money for organizing and holding an event:

1. Sponsors.

2.Budget allocated by the club.

3. Own funds.

With the first option, I think everything is clear - the conditions for working with sponsors are almost identical to each other in most cases - for financing an event, the sponsor receives advertising of his brand to the extent that he selects from the proposals in the sponsorship package (drawing up a package of proposals for sponsors is an exercise , which requires certain knowledge of the advertising market and, in most cases, good relationships with certain people in high positions, on whom the company’s consent to sponsorship depends, so I will not touch on this issue).

You can use the option when the club where the event will be held allocates partially or completely (depending on the conditions of the organization and the capabilities of the club itself) the budget for organizing and holding the party, based on the event plan you submitted. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that if this is your only option for receiving a budget, a situation may arise in which individual points of the organization’s plan are revised due to the club’s inability (or desire) to allocate the entire budget you have submitted. In this case, there are several options for getting out of this situation: either the program is tailored to the budget that the club is ready to allocate for the event, or you share the budget with the club, investing the rest of your funds, or some expenses that you can cover at the end You leave events not related to the organization (for example, paying for a disc jockey’s set or a musician’s performance) until you receive income. If you intend to go all the way in holding a pre-planned event with a specific program and the venue you have chosen is not able to meet your financial conditions, despite the fact that you see this option as the only one for yourself, look for another club.

And finally, the last option, when the personal capabilities of the organizers allow and the previous two for some reason become impossible, is to invest personal funds in organizing and holding the event. Keep in mind that if in the two previous cases, due to a combination of circumstances that resulted in an unsuccessful event, other people would have to account for the losses, then in the latter case the result will be entirely reflected in your well-being - either hit or miss. Unfortunately, sometimes events that cost money to organize large amounts money and human resources do not justify themselves, and there are a lot of different reasons for this. But to be afraid of wolves is not to go into the forest, so when deciding to overcome the budget on your own, you may at least have an additional incentive to make every effort to organize and hold a party, so that the money spent, if not increased, then at least returned . It is at this stage of preparation and implementation creative process intersects with the business process, which together makes club culture club business, combining the recreation of some people and making money for others. At the same time, under no circumstances set yourself the initial goal of making money, pushing the implementation of some creative ideas into the background - this can have a detrimental effect both on the event and on the attitude towards you as the organizer. Being a promoter is more of a creative job, for which you receive a reward if you manage to realize your idea through possible means.

Party Guide. Part 4

To attract attention the largest number potential public for the event, it is necessary to use all available advertising and promotion opportunities. These are the means mass media, printed products distributed among people, announcements on the Internet, outdoor advertising (streamers, billboards, etc.) and any other means of notifying about the upcoming party.

4. Information support (promotion).

There are two options for placing advertising information: commercial and barter. The commercial basis involves advertising for money at prices that are established in the media where you want to advertise. Please keep in mind that if you plan to use more than one media of the same type (for example, two radio stations or two magazines), this does not mean that the price for advertising is the same everywhere. Having an advertising budget, you have the opportunity to place direct advertising in any media - on radio, television, in publications, use outdoor advertising, etc. Keep in mind that if you purchase a large media advertising package, you may be able to receive discounts.

The barter option for placing information implies mutually beneficial conditions between you and the advertising medium, i.e. in essence, you become mutual advertisers together. For example, for placing your advertisement in a magazine, you must offer the publication the placement of any information about it (logo, indicate its information support, etc.), to the maximum extent possible at your disposal. Please keep in mind that for barter terms of advertising, your advertising campaign should be as wide as possible and designed for a large number of audiences, so that the media to which you offer barter conditions would find it interesting and profitable to receive advertising about yourself in other media with which you cooperate instead of paying for placing your advertisement. Advertising in this way on radio or television is only possible if you have a good relationship with the management of the channel or station. There is also a semi-commercial or semi-barter option for advertising - it includes some part of the payment for placing advertising volume and a partial mutually beneficial exchange of advertising resources. To complete the picture, make yourself a list of all available advertising resources known today:


A television




From all these resources, select those that seem possible for you to use and decide what advertising volumes you need and how much you are able to handle them within the available capabilities.

At the same time, there is information support for the event post-factum, i.e. after it has passed. This is the coverage of your party by various media. To do this, you need to contact journalists from publications, presenters of radio stations and television channels, interest them in the upcoming event, so that they have a desire to attend it and make material about how it went.

Having an idea of ​​what audience your event is intended for, what maximum number of people you expect to gather, what advertising volume you have previously achieved through negotiations with the media and, finally, having a preliminary decision on holding the event in a specific club that meets all the requirements for your party , you can begin the process of negotiations with the club management.

5. Negotiations with the club.

A club is a place interested in the maximum return on the investments made to keep the establishment functioning, while always counting on a certain number of regular visitors. When choosing a venue for your event, have an accurate idea of ​​what kind of audience the club has, what events take place there, how people feel about this place and what musical format dominates the usual parties of the establishment. It makes no sense to hold an event where the main musical direction will be house, in a place where the format is europop or to do trance - a party in a club where lounge is played - the main format of the establishments is developed for a certain audience, which makes up the regular customers of the place, and you are unlikely to be allowed a one-time event to scare away this audience, which has been developing for some time through the efforts of the club. Any club has a reputation, which it gains in the eyes of partygoers after a certain time of operation.

If the opinion that you definitely need to know about is not the best (and you should listen to constructive feedback, and even better - to the opinion of people who have had experience working with the establishment), then try to evaluate how true it is if you have not been there never during parties, evaluate your ability to change the prevailing opinion of the audience so that the audience goes to this club, and if, after analyzing the situation, you are sure that the place you have chosen is exactly what you need, start acting. The event plan, prepared by you in advance, is the first thing you present to the club administration when making a proposal to hold a party. With a well-drafted plan, after reading it, the administration must decide whether it sees the need to hold your event in its club or not.

All floating issues (for example, date of holding, division organizational functions, amendments to the budget, if it is expected to be allocated by the club) are decided on the basis of mutually beneficial conditions. You must have the maximum possible guarantees for the plan that you have drawn up, which, according to by and large, for the club administration - just a piece of paper on which everything is written (you can write, as you understand, anything you want, but not always do it). Therefore, during the negotiation process, you risk being unfounded if you do not back up your proposal with some guarantees - you need them in order for the negotiations to end with a positive result for you. What can be your guarantee for the club?

A signed cooperation agreement with sponsors (if any).

Confirming factors of the agreement on the placement of advertising information in the media (there is no point in signing an agreement on advertising until there is an agreement with the club where the advertised event will take place).

List of preliminary distribution of printed products.

If at least one of the above points is present, you have a chance to conduct successful negotiations and achieve positive results.

If the organization of the event is planned to be divided between you and the club, then the conditions must be negotiated based on the capabilities of the club (this will make the work easier for both you and the club). For example, if a club has its own permanent channel for producing printing or posting information in some club-specific publication, then you can calmly stipulate these conditions so as not to waste energy on what already constitutes an established system in the work of the club for its own promotion, having taken up the amount of work on your part. If the results of negotiations with the club are positive, in order to avoid failure to fulfill any conditions on its part (unfortunately, this is not uncommon today), sign an agreement “On the provision of show program services” between you with an exact list of all conditions, signing it from the club director (not the art manager!) and putting the seal of the establishment. If one of the parties fails to comply with the guarantees, the other may act under the conditions that will be specified in this agreement.

The most difficult and crucial period of organizing an event. It is better if you start this process a month before the set date, so as not to fuss and miss anything in a hurry. It is better when responsibilities are distributed among several people, each of whom is engaged in a separate job - this will increase both productivity and speed of preparation.

6. Preparation process

Write down for yourself step by step all the actions that you need to do, calculate the deadlines for completing each necessary item and start working with the longest ones (for example, the production and placement of commercials on radio and television) and those with the most pressing deadlines (for example, placing announcements in the nearest issues publications) actions. Notify all participants of the event in advance about the date in order to avoid situations where it is impossible for them to perform for any reason on this day. If a situation arises that on the agreed date one of the participants cannot take part for some reason (for example, pre-planned tours for this date), you can either reconsider the date with the club if this participant is strategically important for your event, or find a replacement for him. But it’s better to check the busy dates with the participants in advance when agreeing to agree to take part in the party. Please note that due to different attitude to their work and character traits, some disc jockeys, musicians and dancers need constant reminders to participate in an event on such and such a day, so don’t be lazy and call once a week under the guise of support in the process of preparing for the event and remind them. If you are responsible for producing the design, printing and distributing the event's printed materials, make sure that all the necessary logos are present, all names are spelled correctly, and only after that send the layout to production.

Print distribution should begin 2 weeks before the event, and radio and television spots at least 1 week in advance, depending on the volume. Check what costumes the dancers will wear; if they are preparing special numbers for your party, ask them to demonstrate them to you at the rehearsal. Also control the process of preparing the fashion designer’s collection show and any planned shows. Check with the musicians what technical requirements for a performance and coordinate this issue with the club. When decorating the club premises, make sure that the decorations are completed on time and installed safely if they are bulky. Assign the responsibility to one of the people organizing with you to control the number of commercials on radio and television, the availability of information in all publications, announcements on the Internet, etc. (it is better if this is done by the person organizing the placement of advertising volume in the media).

Make sure that the distribution of printing is in pre-determined places (it is better if, after sending flyers to places and receiving information about distribution from them, you go to these places and check - this must be done without delay). Don't be shy about supervising the work of the people you assign responsibilities to - you pay them money for this, so they should feel responsible. If you work in splendid isolation, try to distribute your time as consistently as possible to complete all necessary work so that there is no rush, no omissions of some points and everything is done on time. Also, be constantly in touch with the person responsible for fulfilling the club’s obligations, ask how the work that the club has undertaken is progressing and keep informed of how preparations are going on your part, so that at the last moment it does not become clear that during the preparation some people have unresolved issues. Prepare a list of invited guests for your event in advance, notifying them in advance.

7. Control over the implementation

The day of the event is the last tension. On this day, you need to collect the results of all the work done on the organization, namely: the number of commercials aired on radio and television, the number of announcements printed in publications, the amount of information posted on the Internet, the number and places of printing, etc. , and check it all with the event plan - the results should be identical. If so, then you did a good job advertising and promoting your event! In the afternoon, visit the club and find out how the preparatory work is going on the dance floor and other premises, if any (for example, a restaurant or chill-out), what is the condition of the technical base and whether everything necessary that was announced for the performances is available.

Call all participants and specify the time of their arrival at the club, and also, if you place your own person responsible for face control at the entrance, he must be at the club at least half an hour before the start of the event. The sound check should take place in a calm environment so that everyone necessary equipment was organized efficiently and there were no technical failures during the event, so it is better to start doing this a few hours before the start. Make sure that the dressing room for participants is in proper condition and has everything necessary, the wardrobe is functioning and there is a cash register.

Discuss with the bar or restaurant manager the number and names of the free bar for participants and the person who will provide it. Agree on the location of security at the dressing room, if it is not behind the stage, at the passage to the DJ room and near the stage. It is better if all participants arrive at the club in advance in order to avoid unnecessary stress, but if this is not possible for some reason, keep constant contact with those who will appear after the party starts for their performance. But the first disc jockey must arrive at the club at least 15-20 minutes before the start of the event in order to have time to prepare for the start of work. 5 minutes before the start of entry into the club, everyone, without exception, must be fully prepared. During the event, monitor compliance with the schedule of performances, checking readiness 10 minutes before each one.

Monitor the situation occurring at the entrance to the club, check from time to time the status of the guest list for the presence of invited people in the club and, if possible, devote at least a few minutes to each of them - they are your guests! If tables in a restaurant have been previously reserved for guests, make sure that they are occupied by those by whom or for whom they were reserved. Pay attention to the members of the press you invite to cover the event, communicating with each of them from time to time. Try to ensure that the security at the club behaves politely towards visitors (unfortunately, in many clubs the security does not differ in this), and if there is a hint of inappropriate behavior by the security, report this to the club management to further suppress such situations. Be vigilant about alcohol consumption by participants even after their performance - it is not very pleasant to see a drunk disc jockey, especially at the turntables, or a drunk dancer wandering around the club in the costume in which he just performed.

In a word, try to control the work of all participants involved in the event. If some unexpected circumstances arise, do not panic, but try to solve the problem constructively, without focusing everyone’s attention on it - people who came to relax should relax and have fun, and not watch how the organizers deal with misunderstandings. Make sure that all financial conditions for paying participants are fulfilled after their performance (the exception is the option when fees are distributed from the income of the event). When withdrawing income from the cash register, be on the spot at this moment in order to avoid unauthorized entry of some of the money into someone’s pocket (and this happens). For precise definition, how many people have passed through the discount flyers, it is better to leave them at the checkout.

8. Summing up.

After the event is over and the last related issues have been resolved, do not rush to leave the club. Make sure that none of the participants left any personal belongings, the club does not have any claims regarding its property, find out the administration’s opinion regarding the event. If you end up getting what you hoped for, then the party was a success and you have a chance to become a promoter!

For yourself, note all the disadvantages noticed during the party and try in the future, if possible, to prevent their presence, and take into account the noted advantages.

Well, don’t forget that the festive atmosphere at any party is created by pleasant, smiling and dancing people.

What is Public Relations (PR)? This is the communication of certain events to the public through the media. The media are television, radio broadcasting, printed publications, Internet resources, printed products, etc.

We will try to determine how to correctly use different opportunities to convey your information to the audience when organizing parties, what you need to know for this and how to act correctly so that PR has an effective result.

It should be remembered that if PR resources are used incorrectly and methods for achieving the required public opinion, even the best undertakings can end in disastrous results, since in our time of developed mass media, the audience for the most part is quite picky about what they are told and written about.

What is the job of a PR manager? This is, first of all, establishing business relationships with people who can contribute to the implementation of the set objectives for the PR of the event. As a rule, these are journalists, editors, art directors, designers, administrators, managers - in general, all those who are involved in implementing production processes their companies necessary and beneficial actions from any point of view (be it an article, an interview, a party program or a banner on the website).

The task of a PR manager is to use all available resources to disseminate information about the upcoming event to the maximum extent possible, without restrictions.

At the same time, I repeat that PR is, first of all, interaction with the media to create public opinion. In most cases, the conditions of this interaction are mutually beneficial, i.e. not so much commercial as partnership or barter.

Dissemination of information on commercial terms is advertising. But in both cases there are exceptions that depend on many components - requirements, profitability, conditions at the time of the offer, relationships, in the end. Human factor in this area plays one of the main roles, since relations between people who agree on informational or other support that is necessary for one side and may not be very beneficial for some reasons to the other, at a minimum, must sympathize with each other, and the presence This sympathy can also be the fruit of public opinion, in case the parties collide in negotiations for the first time. In general, public opinion is created thanks to information, and the creation and promotion of this information is the job of a PR manager - to make sure that during the announcement the audience has a desire, if not purposefully to go to the proposed party, then at least out of interest.

Now let's try to take a closer look at the resources that are used for a targeted PR party. At first glance, there may not be many of them, but given that each resource includes a huge variety and choice, all this together can have a powerful impact on the dissemination of information and the creation of public opinion.

1. Internet

The World Wide Web is the most widely used resource. Countless number of sites, pages, portals that have a lot of information tools - from banners and news feeds to newsletters and conferences. The most popular sites for PR purposes are sites specially created for specific information (sites of promotional groups, DJ labels, artists, etc.). These sites can safely function simultaneously:

A banner exchange system, thanks to which you can place your information banner about a party on a partner site, in return placing a banner with their information on yours.

A news feed where you can post news about an upcoming event.

Conferences in which site visitors, after registration, can discuss past club events, information received about you and your activities from any other sources, and accept Active participation in the creation of information, and, as a result, public opinion.

A guest book for visitors, where anyone can leave a message without registering on the site.

A system for exchanging site addresses, with which you can place the address of your site in a similar section on a partner site, in return placing its address on your own (in this case, the system of exchanging so-called mini-banner buttons is also actively used).

At the same time, it is necessary to rely on the barter conditions that you offer to potential information partner sites, based on the volume and seriousness of the resource. For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to place a banner announcing an event on a large portal with high traffic in exchange for placing its logo on printed products, since the ratio of conditions in this case is not equally proportional. Therefore, when stipulating the conditions for posting information in a certain volume on mutually beneficial terms, you need to keep in mind the specifics of the resource and know the conditions under which sites post certain volumes of information.

Advantages of the Internet as a PR resource:

The posted information can be found by anyone, both purposefully and spontaneously, from anywhere in the world, at any time of the day. The chances of conveying information to the maximum number of audiences increase with the number of sites on which this information is posted, and the type of information placement can be any of the above, without excluding all at once.

Disadvantages of the Internet as a PR resource:

Information posted for the purpose of bringing it to the public can be used for anti-PR purposes by competitors, opponents and simply virtual hooligans, for example: to create discussions at conferences that refute the posted information, provoke negative public opinion, and are of a defiling or, even worse, insulting nature. Also often, for anti-PR purposes, in response to the appearance of information about a specific person, a username of supposedly this person is registered in conferences and deliberately false or inadequate information is disseminated. It is possible to combat this kind of action only with the help of system administrators of sites and conference moderators who have access to the electronic data of registered users (IP addresses and coordinates of Internet providers). Vigilance never hurt anyone.

2. Printed publications

The variety of printed publications - magazines and newspapers - allows you to post information of a certain nature and of a certain size. Unlike Internet resources, where the distribution area and the size of information are practically unlimited, in the case of printed publications there are certain frameworks that must be taken into account, namely: the audience for which the publication and its profile are intended, the sections of the publication in which it can or information, number of pages (volume), timeliness of publication cannot be posted. One of the most important components in interaction with print media is the frequency of publication of issues of magazines or newspapers, since the timing of information submission depends on this, especially if the goal of exclusivity and news is pursued. When announcing or covering an event in print media, it is important to keep in mind the following characteristics:

1. It is advisable to choose a specialized publication focused on covering cultural and nightlife, which people read to obtain information about past and upcoming events.

2. Keep in mind several proposed types of announcement and coverage of the party, so that there is a choice between headings (does not fall into one - there is an option for placement in another).

4. Monitor the timing of timely submission of information before sending the issue to print.

For a greater effect of publications, it will be good if the possibilities of conditions and volumes are divided into announcing the event and its coverage.

How are printed publications used for PR purposes?

News strips in which information can be placed in several lines.

Materials in the form of articles covering events or characters of the event by a journalist.

An interview containing the necessary information, accompanied by photographs and images.

Photo report from the scene of the event (also with the possibility of description).

It is necessary to take into account that periodicals often conduct their own PR campaigns, in which you can take part, thereby determining the terms of interaction in terms of volume, duration, topic and type of information placement.

Russian periodicals for effective advertising of club events: Poster, Don't sleep!, Flyer, Your Leisure, You, Where, Go!, Kommersant Week-end

Advantages of printed publications as a PR resource:

As a rule, information published in printed publications is perceived by readers as more reliable and verified when compared with information on the Internet, since before publication it is repeatedly checked by the editorial board and approved for publication by the editor-in-chief of the publication. According to some psychologists, information read on paper and arousing some interest in the reader remains in his memory for a longer period of time. When information is published in several publications, the number of people who read it increases, which also increases the effectiveness of the PR party. And finally, publications in print media play one of the main roles in creating public opinion, since in the field of mass media magazines and newspapers are one of the main sources of information.

Disadvantages of printed publications as a PR resource:

Placing information about club events is possible only in those publications that are focused specifically on it, from which the readership expects to receive information on this topic that interests it. Also, the placement of information depends on the availability of a section in the publication, under which this information can be presented in the form you specify. The periodicity of publications and the size of the information published in them sometimes reduce the effectiveness of the result, since, for example, a small piece of news of a few lines, which is published in a daily or weekly publication, may simply go unnoticed among other published materials, so the volume and frequency of publications have meaning.

3. Radio

One of the most consumed media today is radio broadcasting. Radio stations are received not only via radio receivers, but also via the Internet, which significantly expands the broadcast area and the number of audiences. As a PR resource, radio can often play the most significant role, depending on what opportunities to convey information are used with its help, namely:

News blocks containing information about upcoming or past parties.

Programs in which it is possible to place information in the form of an announcement, interview or story about a past event, voiced by a radio presenter.

The use of a certain broadcast time, during which the radio host informs listeners about something (drafts of invitations, mention of the event’s media partnership, etc.).

Taken together, using all these radio broadcasting capabilities when conducting many PR campaigns for major events, in most cases, the maximum effect of conveying information to the audience and creating public opinion is achieved than when using only Internet resources and printed publications. But taking into account the expensive basis of radio broadcasting, it is not always and not in all cases possible to achieve non-commercial conditions for placing information on the air, no matter how mutually beneficial they may be, and this must be taken into account when planning the use of radio broadcasting for PR purposes.

Advantages of radio as a PR resource:

Radio stations are listened to by a huge number of people around the world, which makes it possible to convey information to as large an audience as possible. It is from the radio that information can be heard by those who do not use the Internet or do not read periodicals (and there are a lot of them).

Disadvantages of radio as a PR resource:

Radio is, first of all, an informational (and not a musical, as many mistakenly believe) resource, which is why it is classified as mass media. During the time of listening to radio broadcasting, many listeners switch from one wave to another, in search of a more interesting broadcast for them, and this carries the risk that, if information is placed on the air of one radio station, it may be missed by this category of listeners, who are quite may be potential consumers of this information. It is also worth noting that the type and volume play a big role, since a small announcement or mention on air can simply drown in the flow of information that makes up the varied information content of the radio broadcast.

4. Television

Another significant PR resource, with the help of which achieving results, as a rule, does not take long to arrive. But at the same time, television broadcasting, as in the case of radio broadcasting, also has an expensive basis, which does not allow this media in most cases to use mutually beneficial barter conditions. The only exception in some cases is thematic programs, in which it is possible to post information suitable for the format of the program (news, interview, video review, etc.).

Unfortunately, in the case of television, this is the only way to place information on the air, since sometimes even this condition is placed on a commercial basis. I don’t think it’s worth talking about the pros and cons of television as a PR resource, given such a meager possibility of using it on mutually beneficial terms - in the case of the maximum use of methods of agreement with specialized programs, the advantages are obvious.

5. Printing products

This Public Relations resource can play both an auxiliary role to the means described above and a fundamental role in the dissemination of information (example: Ikea furniture catalogue). In general, this resource is more commonly called advertising rather than PR, since its production and distribution require financial investments, but it also belongs to PR resources from the point of view of the task of disseminating information. What possibilities of printing products can be used for PR purposes of a party? This could be the production of special printing with specific information, namely:

Invitation cards to the event, on which you can place all the necessary information.

Stickers (stickers), with the help of which you can count on long-term information space about the past event by the audience who visited it.

Posters and posters, where it is also possible to place information in full.

Advantages of printed products as a PR resource:

Depending on the type of printing chosen, the volume of information can have the effect of increasing consumer interest, and the time for perceiving information also increases, even if this resource is used as an auxiliary to other means of disseminating information.

Disadvantages of printed products as a PR resource:

Since paper products tend to wear out quickly and, when choosing temporary types of printing (such as invitations or posters), are of short-term relevance, the information will be short-term in nature and there is a risk of not delivering it to the consumer, taking into account the fact that most of the printed products distributed, used mainly for advertising purposes, it is not always taken seriously as a means of conveying information due to its diversity.

Taking into account the announcement of the event, the number of those who subsequently visited it may be much less than those informed about its holding. The reason for this may be the capacity of the room where the event is held, as well as the time and place of its holding. But, in any case, using all possible resources is a good reason to convey information to maximum quantity audience and creating public opinion, which results in one big plus, and in the future will provide the opportunity to be perceived in a more serious form, over time expanding the circle of potential consumers of your information.


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How to organize a successful party?

How to organize a club party now, when the public is fed up with pathos and glamor, multi-format music from residents of the best clubs in Moscow? “What to do” and “how to be”?! Having worked in the event industry for about 10 years, we have long been convinced that, despite our experience, it is impossible to give an absolutely universal solution or secret to the success of a club party. But there are several proven methods that still work for the benefit of the club industry.

The main task of holding any party is to make a profit, which to one degree or another is disguised under various concepts of “increasing guest loyalty”, “attracting guests”, etc. Any club or restaurant is interested in maximizing the filling of the club (restaurant) with guests - sold deposits (tickets) and, of course, creating an “attractive image” of the establishment.

Important nuance- attracting guests to the club (restaurant), but which ones exactly? “Portrait of the audience” of the club (restaurant) The category of the audience by age, social status, etc. is dictated by the venue, the concept of the party and you. Whether it will be a high-quality solvent, youthful, democratic or pretentious glamorous party depends on you and the chosen methods of promotion.
If the club project is long-term and consists of a series of parties, more attention should be paid not only to promoting the main idea of ​​the party, but also to holding the party.

1. The first party will become your “face,” so friends, in order not to lose face, you will have to make an effort.

2. Closed party - the good old proven method of “forbidden fruit”, oddly enough, still works.

3. Regarding promotion. One of the most effective means of promotion remains word of mouth. It’s worth making friends with the “guest residents” who set the tone for club life.

4.The use of “star personalities” also gives an aura of odiousness to the party being held. But don’t forget about leisure and life-style publications, banners on club portals, outdoor advertising (bangers) - it all depends on the budget of the proposed event.

5. Now social networks have taken on the lion's share of promoting and attracting crowds. Promoters should pay close attention to the pool of friends and positioning of the party on Facebook, Vkontakte, twitter, my world, look at me, etc.

6.And don’t forget about the targeted SMS newsletter with the announcement of the party (based on the club’s client base + additionally for the club’s target audience).

7. Face-control - must be. Even if the club is absolutely not full, artificially creating a rush before entering and a feeling of being chosen also works.

8. It is also necessary to take care of support partners with a similar target audience and who do not differ in image component or, in other words, “sponsors” of your future event. This is the so-called cross-promotion within one event. Such a partnership helps the Party in terms of payback when we're talking about about alcohol partners, and also becomes very effective when the partners are large international brands - which helps maintain the “status” of the event itself. And finally, the partnership helps attract celebrities to the event. This will provide you with an additional audience, a new platform for posting promotional materials, as well as free-product from the sponsor for party guests - gifts and surprises are always pleasant and no one has canceled them.

What else you need to consider before writing an event script:
- outdoor or indoor event (need to take into account weather);
- target audience of the club (age, gender, social status and, if possible, the psychotype of the main “guest” of the club; musical inclinations of the “main guest”;
- location or location of the club (how to get to it; parking; traffic);
- interior and technical capabilities venues (the possibility of inviting certain musicians to the club, the implementation of bold ideas with all kinds of performances and decorations will depend on this;
- date of the event - don’t be lazy and monitor whether large or significant events for the city are planned on this day and will not interfere with gathering the necessary guests in the club (restaurant).

How “creative” and daring a Party script can be will, of course, depend on the audience you’re targeting. The most difficult thing, with all the creativity and originality of ideas, is to maintain that very line so as not to go into the category of vulgarity and inappropriateness. Although, taking into account the trends of Moscow parties, it can be noted that shocking behavior and the absence of any prohibitions and restrictions are still “in trend”. Summarizing all of the above, the process of developing and implementing a successful bright and profitable party can be compared, perhaps, with choosing a successful “suit” for a reception with the Queen of England. However, without losing sight of the details of its complexity, this process is very intoxicating and exciting, and if you use the above secrets, your party will certainly be crowned with success.

Text prepared by: Alena Fabiani, Elena Koryakova (99 Francs - Communication Group)