Great love for Kurt Cobain. Courtney Love: success story and star trek Courtney Love young

Courtney Love - scandalous famous actress, singer and artist, widow of Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain. A rebel girl, a storm girl, Courtney has always been an extraordinary and controversial person. Many fans of the group Nirvana blame her for the death of their idol, and some say that without Kurt the scandalous blonde would have been nothing of herself. But if you take a closer look at her biography, especially her early one, great love Cobain is striking in the scale of his personality.

Let's see what rebellious Courtney looked like in her youth, when she turned from ugly duckling into a swan.

Courtney Michelle Harrison was born in 1964 to psychotherapist Linda Carroll and publisher Hank Harrison. She grew up in a hippie commune and first tried LSD at the tender age of six (the drug was given to her by her father, who was arrested for it).

At the age of 7, Courtney Love moved to another city with her mother. By that time, she had a second stepfather, to whom her mother gave birth to two more daughters. Little Courtney felt abandoned and unwanted. Perhaps it is in early childhood she developed a strong desire to attract attention to herself in all areas of life.

Courtney was different from her peers because she was eccentric and aggressive behavior. At school she was considered talented child, but at the same time the girl was diagnosed with mild autism and a mental disorder. As a teenager, Courtney was left all alone: ​​her parents and younger sisters went to New Zealand raise sheep.

The girl ended up in a boarding school, and then spent several years wandering among foster families. It was then that, due to the theft of a T-shirt with rock symbols, she was sent to a juvenile colony. At that time, Courtney Love tried to earn a living herself, not even disdaining to work as a stripper and pose topless.

At the age of 16, Courtney Love received an inheritance from her adoptive grandparents, moved to Ireland and began studying theology at Trinity College. Then she returned to the States, entered the university in San Francisco, but later dropped out and went to travel. Even during her wanderings around the world, the blonde continued to experiment with professions - in Japan she worked as a dancer.

In 1984, Courtney finally returned to the United States to develop her acting and musical career. Young Courtney Love had a complex about her wide nose. She got rid of him with the help plastic surgery at 20 years old. Subsequently, over the years, she developed an addiction to plastic surgery.

In 1985, Courtney auditioned for the role of Nancy, the girlfriend of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious, but failed the casting and was content with the minor role of Nancy's girlfriend. Later she was still able to get main role in the 1987 film Straight to Hell. But the blonde was not interested in acting for long, and very soon she exchanged cinema for music scene.

By 1989, Courtney mastered the guitar and formed her own group, Hole, which later became famous.

And in January 1990, two loners met in one of the Portland clubs. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love got into a fight when they first met. But this was the beginning incredible story love.

Courtney Love is an American punk rock singer and actress, known for her roles in the films “Sid and Nancy,” “Feeling Minnesota,” “200 Cigarettes” and others. The lead singer's widowed wife legendary group"Nirvana" by Kurt Cobain.

Brief biography

The singer's full and real name is Courtney Michelle Harrison. She was born on July 9, 1964 to Linda Carroll and Hank Harrison on the coast Pacific Ocean, in San Francisco. Despite the fact that her parents were followers of the hippie movement, cultivating the idea of ​​peace, freedom and joy, Courtney’s childhood was far from cloudless. Mother Linda constantly changed men and was not puzzled by the question of how to raise and raise her daughter with dignity. Little Courtney, if she was not with her in various hippie communes, then wandered the streets and boarding schools. She was the personification of all the stereotypes included in the concept of “difficult teenager.” She constantly had to deal with the police, and once Courtney ended up in a juvenile detention center for theft. Instead of going to school and learning a profession in college, as most American teenagers do, Courtney hitchhiked, traveled around the world, organized rock concerts, and later danced striptease in Asian countries.

Courtney Love came to relative fame in the early nineties, when she became the lead singer of the group “Hole,” which she herself organized. Their first music album was released in 1991 and sold thousands of copies. Fans and typical attributes of the life of reckless rock musicians appeared. Love soon met the famous performer Kurt Cobain and married him in 1992. Their marriage lasted for several years, and the relationship between the spouses could not be called anything other than explosive. The young people argued violently, loved each other passionately and, with varying degrees of success, fought together against drug addiction. After the birth of their daughter, the musicians had to prove in court that they were capable of becoming good parents.

In April 1994, twenty-seven-year-old Kurt Cobain was found shot to death in their home. Despite the fact that the police officially acknowledged the fact of suicide, the musician’s fans were divided into two groups: those who spoke of Courtney’s selfless love for her husband, and those who blamed her for the death of their idol. The tabloids exploded with scandalous articles, and the paparazzi followed Courtney everywhere.

Love became an actress long before she met Cobain and even before she took up music professionally. She played her first role in 1986 in the film “Sid and Nancy” by Alex Cox. The debutante played the supporting heroine. Viewers were able to see her again on screens the following year - in the film “Straight to Hell” by the same Alex Cox. Much later, Love starred in Julian Schnabel’s drama “Basquiat,” which was released in 1996. In total, Courtney Love’s filmography includes more than a dozen projects, including the drama “The People vs. Larry Flynt,” the comedy “Man on the Moon” with Jim Carrey, the melodrama “Julie Johnson” by Bob Goss and the thriller “24 Hours” by Louis Mandoka. In addition, Love has appeared more than once in biographical documentaries and has appeared on countless television shows.

0 July 9, 2013, 09:00

Today, July 9, American singer and actress Courtney Love celebrates her birthday: the widow of Kurt Cobain turns 49 years old. In honor of the holiday, we have collected 15 rare and interesting facts about one of the most scandalous figures in the rock scene.

American singer and actress Courtney Love became famous after her wedding to the leader of the group Nirvana, cult musician Kurt Cobain. The press often referred to her with harsh epithets like "slash": she was prone to unhealthy drug addictions, drunken antics and scandalous interviews.

Now the singer has settled down: she is recording a new album, songs from which she plans to present in December, she quits smoking and no longer uses any psychotropic substances. On Courtney Love's birthday, we're sharing interesting details her stormy life.

1. Courtney Love's real name is still a mystery. According to some information, her full name sounds like Courtney Michelle Harrison Rodriguez Menley Moreland Love-Cobain, others say Love Michelle Harrison, and still others claim that since February 24, 1992, her name has been Courtney Michelle Cobain. At the same time, Courtney herself continues to maintain the secret - it is known that when checking into hotels, she often records herself under the name Neely O'Hara.

2. Close friends call her "Black Tornado", implying constant trouble, and one of her nicknames, Coco, reflects her long and complicated story relationship with cocaine.

3. Courtney Love's first appearance in the rock music industry took place at the age of five: her father was a manager. The group Grateful Dead, and on the back cover of one of the group's albums there is a photo of children, including Courtney.

4. At the age of 12, Courtney Love auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club, but she was rejected because of the inappropriate subject matter of the passage: during the audition, she read a poem by American poet Sylvia Plath dedicated to suicide.

5. Courtney Love is a member of Japan's largest secular Buddhist organization, Soka Gakkai (Value Creation Society). She became interested in Buddhism in 1989.

6. Courtney drew parallels between her relationship with Kurt Cobain and the history of Sid Vicious with Nancy Spungen. She even auditioned for the role of Nancy in the 1986 film, but did not pass the casting and was content with a cameo appearance in the frame.

7. Courtney Love admitted in her interviews that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

8. In her youth, Courtney Love worked as a stripper.

9. Courtney still writes letters to her husband Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide in 1994. By the way, she kept some of his ashes in her Los Angeles mansion. In May 2008, the house was broken into: the intruders took out clothes, jewelry and an urn with ashes. Courtney said at the time: "It was all I had left of my husband. I took them (the remains) with me everywhere to feel like Kurt was still with me. Now I feel like I've lost him again."

Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain

10. Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain dedicated the song Heart Shaped Box to Courtney Love.

11. Courtney Love is a master of scandalous statements. For example, she said that she would “never go to Tahiti again because she saw hundreds of huge cockroaches at the airport,” admitted that she “snorted cocaine along with naked Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell,” and also claimed that she “before she’s still alive thanks in part to Johnny Depp,” who once performed CPR on her after a particularly violent drug spree.

12. Courtney Love not only produces her own line of guitars, but also collaborated with the Squier brand, having the honor of signing the Vista electric guitar. The model, presented in a limited edition in 1997, is still popular today and is considered a rarity among music lovers. By the way, during the Hole tour in the 1990s, Courtney Love gave one of her guitars to fans after each concert, and only to girls: an exception was made only once, and the lucky winner was a guy who looked like Kurt Cobain.

13. In May 2012, Courtney Love participated in the New York exhibition And She's Not Even Pretty, the purpose of which was to demonstrate different emotional states women. Courtney contributed over 40 paintings and sketches created using ink, colored pencils, pastels and paint.

Drawings by Courtney Love

14. Courtney Love doesn't have a driver's license.

15. Previously, Courtney Love smoked about three packs of cigarettes a day, and she has been a smoker for more than thirty years. A few years ago, she switched to e-cigarettes, which helped reduce her daily intake of regular cigarettes to half a pack.


Courtney Love was born in San Francisco on July 9, 1964. The family into which she was born can hardly be called happy and prosperous: her parents were active supporters of the hippie movement, which was extremely popular in those years. Their house constantly hosted parties and impromptu concerts, during which guests and owners of the house actively consumed alcohol and drugs.

Five years after Courtney was born, her parents divorced, and her father was officially deprived of parental rights(partly because his little daughter tried LSD with his help). Together with her mother Linda, the girl moved to Oregon, where she soon had a stepfather, and after a while - two sisters and a brother who died in infancy.

The whole family lived in a hippie commune, sleeping in a barracks with a dirt floor, and Courtney could only dream of normal hygiene. Because of this, she was nicknamed "the pissing girl" at school. Deprived of parental care and affection, she grew up quite difficult child. The teachers noted that the girl was very talented, but she periodically had problems with her studies, and her relationships with her classmates were very difficult.

In 1972, Linda's second marriage failed, and she moved with her children to New Zealand. Courtney attended the local Nelson School for Girls for a time, but was eventually sent back to Oregon to ex-husband Linda, who was hers adoptive father. At the age of fourteen, Courtney was sent to a correctional facility: she stole a T-shirt with the logo of the rock band “Cinderella” from a store. Subsequently, for several more years she was listed as “under state guardianship.”

When Courtney turned 18, she had to support herself. She changed many jobs, including being a DJ and a stripper. She soon had unexpected luck: her adoptive grandparents gave her a small amount of money in trust, and she was able to move to Ireland. There the blonde studied at Trinity College for some time, but she did not stay in this country for long. She visited San Francisco, studied at a local university and art institute, and even lived in Japan for some time.


In 1985, Courtney Love once again returned to the USA. She heard about the casting for the semi-biographical film “Sid and Nancy,” dedicated to Sid Vicious (bass player of the Sex Pistols) and his girlfriend Nancy. Courtney really wanted to play the main female character, but director Alex Cox only approved her for the role of her friend Nancy. Soon Cox changed his attitude towards the girl, and in the next film “Straight to Hell” he offered her the main role. Courtney was even invited to Andy Warhol's talk show as a gifted aspiring actress.

Courtney Love in The People vs. Larry Flynt

However, Love soon realized that films were not what she wanted. Over the years of her subsequent career, she appeared several more times in various film projects, but her real passion there was always music. Courtney admired how the songs of famous performers sounded from the stage, and how the crowd of fans perceived them. She really wanted to become part of this world.


In her youth, in the early 1980s, the girl tried to organize her own group. At first it was the Sugar Baby Doll team, which, in addition to Courtney, included two of her friends. No records of this group currently exist. Then Love persuaded her to try out for the role of vocalist for the members of the band “Faith No More”. The musicians initially agreed, but then decided that they still needed male vocals, not female ones.

Then there was the short-lived group Pagan Babies and the more famous group Hole. The latter also included guitarist Erik Erlandsson, drummer Caroline Ryu and bass player Lisa Roberts, who was replaced after some time by Jill Emery. In 1991, the group "Hole" recorded their debut album entitled "Pretty on the Inside", which received good reviews critics and appealed to fans of noise rock and grindcore.

In 1994, after a rather radical change in the composition of the band, a new album was released - “Live Through This”. The album was not as heavy as the band's first work, and was rather in the style of a more universal pop-grunge. Two months after the release of the record, Kristen Pfaff, who became the band's new bass player, died due to a cocaine overdose.

In 2002, Courtney Love released a solo album with Linda Perry called America's Sweetheart, which received mostly negative reviews. In 2009, Courtney tried to “reanimate” the group “Hole,” although she was the only one left from the original lineup. In the same year, the band’s discography was replenished with a new album, “Nobody’s Daughter.” Listeners liked this record much less than the group's first albums.

In the early 2010s, Love periodically performed solo, recorded songs in collaboration with other musicians and announced that she was preparing new singles and records for release, but nothing of the kind ultimately happened.

Personal life

Courtney Love's height is 175 cm and, as you can see from the photo, in her youth she was a very impressive, slender blonde. She had many novels, but her first official husband became the lead singer of The Leaving Trains, James Morland. The marriage lasted only a few months and, according to Courtney herself, was a “joke.”

True story Love has a love connection with the frontman of the world famous group Nirvana. became Courtney's official husband in 1992. That same year, the family was expanded with the only daughter of Kurt and Courtney, Frances Bean Cobain. The daughter was born healthy, although her mother and father did not shun drug use. By the way, as of 2016-2017, the singer does not use narcotic substances for about ten years now.

Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain with their daughter

As you know, in 1994 the musician shot himself with a gun. came as a big shock to Courtney. She has never forgiven herself for being without a phone that day, and to this day she thinks that a heart-to-heart conversation with her husband might have helped save his life.

Love never married again, although she has affairs quite often. One of the suitors of Kurt Cobain's widow was.

Courtney is widely known for her bold behavior and harsh remarks against some of her celebrity colleagues. So, Courtney’s long-time enemy is, whom she does not hesitate to “pry” once again in her next interview.

Courtney Love now

In 2014, Courtney again talked about resuming the activities of the Hole group, only this time with the classic line-up.

Love leads his Instagram, in which he shares moments of his life with subscribers. Courtney still accepts active participation V social life, visiting fashion shows and film premieres.

Courtney Love is an American actress and singer, as well as the beloved woman of musician Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). Do you want to know how it developed? creative career? Are you interested in the love story of two musicians: Corny and Kurt? All necessary information presented in the article.

Biography: family and childhood

Courtney Michelle Harrison is the real name of our heroine. She was born on July 9, 1964 in one of the largest American cities - San Francisco. In what family was the future stage star raised? Her mother, Lindy Carroll, received higher education specializing in psychotherapist. And Courtney's father, Hank Harrison, was a technician for the Grateful Dead.

The girl's parents were active participants in the hippie movement. This explains the appearance of our heroine’s pseudonym Love, that is, “love.” At the Harissons' house, parties were regularly held with musicians performing and dancing until you dropped.

Homeless girl

At the age of 7, Courtney Love moved to another city with her mother. By that time she had new father, already the third in a row. The mother gave birth to two more daughters. Because of this, our heroine felt abandoned and unwanted.

Courtney's new family lived in a hippie commune. She, her mother, sisters and stepfather were housed in a barracks with a dirt floor. The neighbors smoked a lot and argued. The girl was not allowed to play with dolls. Nobody cared about her hygiene and health either.

Soon Courtney was left all alone. My parents went to New Zealand to raise sheep. They took her little sisters with them. And the girl was left in the care of a nurse. After some time, someone else's aunt sent her to a boarding school. Future actress and the singer often ran away from there. And one day Courtney was sent to prison because of the theft of a T-shirt with images of musicians from the group “Cinderella”. A teenage girl was released early from the colony. The local psychiatrist did not find any abnormalities in her.

New life

At the age of 16, Courtney Love received an inheritance. Having issued it, our heroine went to travel around Europe. In 1982, she settled with her friends living in the city of Liverpool. It was there that the girl became seriously interested in music and the stage. Her teacher was Ian McCulloch from Teardrop Explodes.

Creative path

In 1984, the blond beauty returned to the United States. She decided to develop her musical career. Courtney started writing songs. She was invited to perform in the band Faith No More. Then Love moved on to another project - Sugar Baby Doll.

In 1989 it began new stage in her work. The girl organized the Hole collective (translated as “Hole”). She was a soloist. The group also invited a bass player, drummer and guitarist. In 1990, the guys recorded three singles - "Teenage Whore", "Dicknail" and "Retard Girl". Soon the debut album "Pretty On The Inside" was presented to the audience.

In the early 2000s, Courtney decides to perform solo. But a few years later the Hole team recovered. The musicians continued to record songs and give concerts around the world.

Courtney Love: films with her participation

The attractive blonde first appeared on screens in 1986. She received a small role in the Anglo-American film “Sid and Nancy.” The girl liked the atmosphere prevailing on film set. And already in 1987, Courtney appeared in films again. This time we're talking about about the film "Straight to Hell".

Our heroine’s creative portfolio includes 16 film works. Throughout her career, Love played only one leading role. She brilliantly played the role of Joan Barrow in the film “Blow” (2000).

Meet a rock musician

Cobain and Courtney Love first met in January 1990. They were both visitors to one of the Portland clubs. Their first meeting cannot be called romantic. The girl made a rude comment about appearance musician. Kurt wouldn't be so rude now. He pushed the blonde to the floor.

A few months later, the beauty admitted to their mutual friend (Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl) that she fell in love with Cobain at first sight. He promised the girl to set them up with Kurt. And Dave kept his word.

In May 1991, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love met for the second time. This happened at a concert of the Nirvana group. After the concert, the guy and girl exchanged phone numbers. Then they talked for hours in different topics. It turned out that their fates were very similar.

The next time Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love saw each other was only 5 months later. By that time, they already realized that they had deep feelings for each other.

Wedding and family life

Friends and colleagues of the loving couple were eagerly waiting for them to formalize their relationship. Cobain and Love's wedding took place on February 24, 1992. They chose as the place for the celebration Hawaiian Islands, and more specifically, Waikiki Beach. Only close friends of the newlyweds attended the ceremony. Kurt was wearing checkered flannel pajamas. And his chosen one put on a dress that once belonged to the actress

On the wedding day, the singer already knew that she was carrying a child under her heart. On August 18, 1992, Kurt and Courtney became parents for the first time. Their tiny daughter was born. The baby was named Frances Bean.

Rocker's Widow

In the music community, many knew about Kurt's addiction to drugs. He started smoking marijuana when he was in school. Over time, Cobain moved to more hard drug- heroin. Doses were constantly increasing. Shortly before his death, Courtney Love's husband was sent to a rehabilitation clinic. But one day the musician escaped from this institution.

The lifeless body of the Nirvana leader was discovered on April 8, 1994. He was lying on the floor. There was blood all over my head. A gun lay nearby. The official version of what happened is suicide. After all, the police discovered what Cobain had left behind.

The body of the world-famous musician was cremated. Our heroine left part of the ashes as a souvenir, as well as a lock of her beloved husband’s hair.

Daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain

Francis is already quite adult girl. In August 2016, she turned 24 years old. She is a talented artist and vocalist. Between June and August 2008, Cobain's daughter worked as an intern at the legendary publication

Relationships with famous mother Francis is not supportive. In 2009, the girl sued her. She was forced to take this step by constant scandals and threats from her parent. As a result, the court banned Courtney from approaching closer than 500 m.

In June 2014, the heir to the leader of the Nirvana group married a guy she had been dating for several years. Her chosen one is musician Isaiah Silva. The singer and actress learned about her daughter’s wedding from American tabloids.

In conclusion

We reported on where Courtney Love was born and how she became famous. Films with her participation were listed in the article. Now you also know the love story of Courtney and Kurt Cobain. Let's wish this woman good health and peace of mind!