Great love of Oleg Yakovlev, Alexandra Kutsevol. Alexandra Kutsevol covered up the unconventional relationship of the late Oleg Yakovlev Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol

On November 18, 2019, Oleg Yakovlev, the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International”, would have turned 50 years old. His relatives and friends still cannot divide the artist’s property among themselves. Recently it became known that unknown people tried to break into the door of the singer’s apartment in the center of Moscow. Alexandra Kutsevol, Yakovlev’s common-law wife, who is registered in the apartment, was abroad at that moment and she had to call the police to expel the impostors from her living space. According to Alexandra, she is the only heir to the artist’s real estate, because shortly before Yakovlev’s death they legalized their relationship in Serbia and officially became husband and wife. But the musician’s relatives believe that Kutsevol is lying. So who will get the singer's multimillion-dollar inheritance? On "Live" - ​​an investigation.

Alexandra Kutsevol’s friend Tatyana Karmatkova is still in shock from what happened to her friend’s apartment. “Some people broke in, knocked down the door, changed the locks. What right did they have to do this? Sasha did not falsify the documents, the courts are ongoing, the end to this matter has not yet been set,” Tatyana noted. According to her, Kutsevol has every right to live in the musician’s apartment, because she was the closest and dearest person to him. And on the set of the musician’s latest video, Alexandra showed Karmatkova the ring and told her that she wanted children from Oleg.

As it turned out, the musician’s apartment on Derbenevskaya Embankment was opened at the request of Tatyana Kondratyeva, the lawyer of Oleg Yakovlev’s friend Roman Radov, to whom this living space currently belongs. All of Roman’s documents are valid; a certificate of inheritance rights was issued to him in 2018. According to the lawyer, Alexandra Kutsevol was deprived of the right to use residential premises by a court decision, and Tatyana wanted to inquire who lived in her client’s apartment. Alexandra was asked to provide the keys to the apartment, but she did not want to cooperate. And then Tatyana, in the presence of police and journalists, opened the locks.

According to Kondratyeva, after Yakovlev’s death, Roman and Alexandra had a good relationship, the man helped her and paid all the bills. Kutsevol wanted to negotiate with Roman so that he would give her the apartment in memory of Oleg. Everything changed when the singer’s beloved filed an application to the court to declare the will invalid. Defending her rights, she even provided medical documents in an attempt to declare Oleg Yakovlev insane. After this, the relationship between Alexandra and Roman deteriorated, and Radov asked to open the door and change the locks.

Oleg Yakovlev’s niece Tatyana believes that the musician could have had serious reasons for not including Alexandra Kutsevol’s name in his will. A few months before his death, the artist completely rewrote his will, in which he assigned the apartment to his friend Roman. Radov, according to Yakovleva, was Oleg’s best friend and supported him throughout his life.

Tatyana made a shocking confession - it was Alexandra Kutsevol who disconnected Oleg Yakovlev from the ventilator. “Two days passed after Oleg fell into a coma. The doctors turned to Sasha and asked what to do next. And she turned him off,” Yakovleva said.

Is it true that Alexandra Kutsevol forged a marriage certificate? On what basis was she able to register the apartment in Montenegro, left over from Yakovlev, as her own? Who now lives in the musician’s elite apartment on Derbenevskaya embankment? What happened to the singer’s real estate in Bulgaria? And what does Maskhuda Minidarova, the singer’s alleged biological mother, want? The answers to these and other questions are in the “Live” program.

Passed away on June 29, 2017. The ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” died of advanced pneumonia at the age of 47 years. The artist’s parents died many years ago, and he himself was never married.

His niece Tatyana, common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol and friend Roman Radov fought for Yakovlev’s inheritance. Oleg left two apartments in Moscow - on Derbenevskaya Embankment (that’s where he lived with Alexandra) and on Ryazansky Prospekt.

After the will was read out, it turned out that the singer did not mention Kutsevol among the heirs. All property was bequeathed to Roman Radov and his niece Tatyana. In particular, Moscow apartments were transferred to a friend of the musician.

Roman Radov. Still from a TV show

Alexandra Kutsevol did not agree with Yakovlev’s decision. At first she tried to prove that she was married to the artist, and when they proved the falsity of the marriage certificate presented to her, she stated that Oleg signed the will “in poor condition.” However, the court sided with Radov and recognized his ownership of Yakovlev’s apartments.

“Now we are establishing who lives with Alexandra Kutsevol. It is believed that her parents live with her. We will include all these people in the statement of claim.

We will ask that everyone be evicted, because the property right is registered in the name of Roman Radov,” lawyer Roman Radov explained to an NTV channel correspondent. The lawyer added: “When Alexandra found out that we had received a certificate of the right to enter into inheritance, she filed a statement of claim. Now our principal cannot dispose of the property freely, since the court has so far imposed a ban on transactions with the apartment.”

Photo: Persona Stars @ivanushki__fan @sashakutsevol

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Biography, life story of Alexandra Kutsevol

Alexandra Kutsevol is the organizer of concerts for the lead singer of a famous Russian group.

Early years

Alexandra Kutsevol is from Nefteyugansk. In this city, located on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, she was born in 1980.

Over time, she became a journalist, but not in her homeland, but in St. Petersburg and Moscow. She worked on the Muz-TV channel.

Relationship with the soloist

Alexandra Kutsevol became the last woman the singer loved. They met in St. Petersburg, where Sasha studied journalism. The girl was among the ardent fans and was closely acquainted with the musicians. Alexandra became the author of a short film about the creative activities of the group.

It is quite possible that one of the other members of the musical group would have paid attention to her, but they already had their own life partners. It fell to the lot of Alexandra Kutsevol, whose mother was a Buryat and whose father was an Uzbek. The girl, having persuaded the singer to embark on an independent creative voyage, became his producer. She herself sacrificed promotion on television for the sake of her beloved.

The couple lived together, but were in no hurry to register with the registry office. When asked by friends about when the joyful event would finally take place, Alexandra said, perhaps soon. At least they claimed that they were completely ready for the wedding. But time passed, and the wedding was postponed.


The reasons for this were given completely different. Alexandra herself at one time referred to some crazy fan who was literally hunting for her lover. The girl allegedly claimed that Oleg belonged to her and threatened to make public some facts compromising him.

In response to this, the performer claimed that the stories of his love affairs, which the fan seemed to be aware of, were a myth. Be that as it may, nothing was known about Oleg Yakovlev’s public novels.

Death of a loved one

Oleg, the third "Ivanushka", died at the age of 49. Journalists began to gossip about the causes of his death on the pages of their tabloids. Some said that the popular singer died of pneumonia, others believed that he passed away from AIDS.

The publications outraged Alexandra Kutsevol to the core, and she demanded that their authors stop spreading gossip in the press. Otherwise, she threatened legal action. As for living together with

Correspondents of “Light Up!” We attended the farewell ceremony for Oleg Yakovlev and found out the details of his death.

The news of the death stunned the entire Russian show business. None of the singer’s colleagues even suspected that he was experiencing serious health problems, and for the final ten days of his life he could not get out of bed at all.

The official cause of Yakovlev's death was cardiac arrest. According to the medical report, this was due to bilateral pulmonary edema. Yakovlev told few people about his problems. After leaving Ivanushki, he did not go out into the world so often. Despite the release of new songs, he began to experience depression due to lack of demand. Because of this, according to rumors, the singer became addicted to alcohol. Some colleagues blame his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol for Yakovlev’s troubles. Like, it was she who advised her beloved to go free swimming. Allegedly, Sasha offered to help promote Oleg, promising mountains of gold. But in the end she didn’t perform anything, leaving Yakovlev outside the big stage. This version greatly outraged the wife of another lead singer of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev, Lolita, who knows the situation from the inside.

“Sasha always told him: I will support you, no matter what you decide,” Lola assures. “She didn’t take him away from the group.” There were some problems that caused discord in the team. But Sasha supported him. She is the only person who loved and loves him sacrificially and devotedly. She did everything for him. It’s bad for him - she’s with him, good - Sasha is next to him.

Alexandra and Oleg lived in a civil marriage for about five years. Rumor has it that Sasha, who is ten years younger than the singer, has been an ardent fan of “Ivanushki” for many years. Allegedly, she was so much in love with Oleg that she tried with all her might to attract his attention. But Kutsevol herself always denied these rumors.

“I wasn’t a fan of Ivanushki,” she said in an interview. – I worked as a television journalist, and Oleg and I met many times at work. We met, became friends, and then we developed something more than friendship.

Lolita Andreeva, who has been on more than one tour with “Ivanushki,” said that Oleg’s common-law wife is simply embarrassed by the word “fan.” Kirill’s wife assured us that their relationship developed before her eyes.

“Sasha really was a fan of Oleg for many years,” Andreeva continues. “She told me: “Lola, I love him so much.” I’ll just always be by his side.” And I looked at her with regret and repeated: “Sasha, you are a fan. And artists are such people that it always seems to them that they love their image, and not themselves.” I was sure that Sasha would not succeed. But this is an amazing girl. She proved her love with her patience, wisdom, and help. She was always there and made Oleg look at her differently. He believed that Sasha really loved him. And he needed this love and care so much. After all, he has practically no blood relatives left. His mother died a long time ago, his own sister died of cancer ten years ago, he never knew his father. I heard that he has a niece, but she lives somewhere far from Moscow. In public, Olezhka always told Sasha: “Come on, hug me, come on, kiss me!” He wanted her to demonstrate her feelings for him in front of everyone.

Despite the fact that the couple lived together, Yakovlev was in no hurry to walk his beloved down the aisle. He was afraid that Sasha would change her attitude towards him.

“He himself insisted on cremation.”

The farewell ceremony for Oleg Yakovlev took place behind closed doors. Only the closest ones were allowed into the hall where the funeral service took place. Celebrities also came to say goodbye to Oleg: Katya Lel, Diana Gurtskaya, member of the Korni group Alexey Kabanov, Anna Semenovich.

“Oleg has always been a very smiling, positive, cheerful and kind person,” said “Light Up!” Anna Semenovich. “He didn’t spread gossip, never judged anyone and loved life.

Producer Igor Matvienko came, as well as the Ivanushki group in full force. Grigoriev-Appolonov and Andreev did not give any comments, surrounding themselves with security so that it was impossible to approach them. Only Kirill Turichenko, who took Yakovlev’s place in the Ivanushki group, decided to interview.

“We communicated very little with Oleg, unfortunately,” Kirill shared. “But he treated me well.” When I joined the group, Oleg gave me some advice.

Alexandra Kutsevol did not speak to reporters either. The common-law wife remained close to her beloved until the last. Several people led the grief-stricken girl out into the street by the hand. She could barely move her legs.

“Sasha feels bad,” Lola continued. “I don’t think she even realizes what happened yet.” They said that Sasha even wanted to commit suicide. But this is not true. Of course, every loving person will say: “I don’t want to live without my beloved.” All this will still happen. But we will pray for her, and the Lord will protect her. Sasha did everything for Oleg until the last second. And God will have mercy on her for this.

Oleg Yakovlev's body was not buried. During his lifetime, he wanted to be cremated after his death. Alexandra Kutsevol fulfilled the will of her lover.

“We wanted his body to be buried in a Christian manner,” laments Lola. – So that people can come to the grave, and Sasha herself too. After all, I know from myself: sometimes you go to church, pray, then stand at the grave of a loved one, lean against the monument, and it becomes easier. But it was Oleg’s will, and Sasha fulfilled it. By the way, he talked about this long before his death. My husband Kirill has also heard about this more than once.