Blake Lively interview. Editorial phone number

Blake Lively

If there is one Hollywood actress who embodies the true American dream, it is Blake Lively. Blonde twenty-eight-year-old Blake succeeds in literally everything: and working with famous directors, and a successful marriage with handsome Ryan Reynolds, and an ideal daughter, and a second pregnancy, which became known quite recently... However, Lively herself assesses her successes and accomplishments differently. About how exactly - in the interview.

— Blake, I think every interview of yours begins with words of admiration from journalists. Simply not noticing how gorgeous you look seems like a faux pas. So, you are simply magnificent! And by the way, is it true that you don’t have your own stylist?

- Thank you. I really love compliments. (Laughs.) And about the stylist - absolutely sure! My mother was not only an actress, but also worked as a model and created her own outfits. And since childhood, I was close to the fashion world, fell in love with it and learned to understand it a little. And only then, years later, when many of my colleagues were choosing stylists for themselves, I simply could not find one whose work would suit me one hundred percent. Well, I decided to select my own sets, especially since this has been my main hobby since a very young age. Agree, it’s a rather strange idea to pay someone to do your favorite thing instead of you!

- It’s just a day of compliments today! (Laughs.) I eat chicken pies before going out - at social gatherings they are not very generous with normal treats. I always try to be moderate in the use of cosmetics, I love simple, natural styling. In general, I try to imagine myself only as a fashion model who presents all these gorgeous dresses, and my main goal is not to spoil this designer beauty.

The series "Gossip Girl" brought Blake Lively worldwide popularity

— Sometimes you shock the public with rather daring outfits, balancing on the edge of what is acceptable... Aren’t you afraid of becoming a victim of public condemnation?

— Many people mistakenly compare me with my heroine from the series “Gossip Girl.” I once struggled with this, then I gave in and started wearing what Serena van der Woodsen wore in the photo. Society puts an equal sign between us anyway, so why not take advantage of it? Once, to a rather provocative question about how many men I had, I honestly answered: four. The fourth, by the way, is my husband. This figure did not suit the journalists; they could not believe that the “debaucher” Blake could turn out to be a modest girl.

- But you really are, as they say, a “stylish little thing” socialite, practically American dream in the flesh…

— I hasten to disappoint you: I am not what I wear, I am not my film heroines. Usually everyone really perceives me as some kind of stupid dummy who constantly laughs contagiously, flashing white teeth, and talks about outfits. To be honest, I really do love to laugh and flash my teeth, but for one reason only: it makes me happy. And I’m happy because I clearly know my boundaries, my desires and goals. Knowing myself was my main goal, and now I choose the right people, the right movies, the right outfits, and everything around me makes me happy.

- Then let's talk about suitable people. Now it seems that you are married to one of these people. Is that so?

- Well, what do you think? Of course it is. Ryan and I for a long time were friends, often bumped into each other at various events, even starred together in the film “Green Lantern”. Only a few years into our friendly relationship did we realize, and at the same time, that we were definitely more than just friends. It happened so naturally, so simply, but with a sparkle that we both had no doubt: this is it, love.

- Well, what about the sudden passion of two strangers - it’s not all about you?

- Why, it’s very much about me! (Laughs.) One of the rules of my life is to try to avoid stereotypical paths and constantly study myself. One day it happened that I just looked at the man, he looked at me - and that’s it, we were already prisoners of love.

—Are you still not ready to comment on your romance with Leonardo DiCaprio?

- You're right, I'm not ready. And I never will. I'm a married woman, so it's just strange to talk about some other men when your only one is next to you.

— Do you remember the first time you and your husband worked together?

- I remember very well. I knew him, but, of course, filming together brings us incredibly closer. Then he revealed himself to me as an infectiously cheerful, charming, very lively person with a wonderful sense of humor. And it seems that I fell in love with him as an actor on those sets - and forever.

- Do you believe in a marriage made in heaven? Such that once and for all?

“I will do everything to ensure that our union with my husband becomes just like this.” And if it doesn’t work out, well... It’s very stupid to believe that there are “random”, “superfluous” relationships. You know, women often tend to dramatize moments of separation, fall into despair, hysterics, and burn their ex-lovers What's the point, reproach them for wasting valuable time. I just want to give them advice: look at the situation from a different angle! How these relationships enriched you, how you grew in them, became smarter, wiser, how much experience you gained - is it possible to call such experiences “superfluous”? So breakups are not a reason to act out the tragedy. In general, before I met Ryan, I was fine alone! The fact is that no matter what kind of man suits me, he should light me up, charge me with his energy. There are few of them - and this means that you can easily be alone with yourself. Even more: until you learn to enjoy yourself alone, you will not become happy as a couple - this is the law.

- You are simply amazing happy man!

— My mother influenced me in this matter. She is an extremely optimistic woman. Every day, while I lived with my parents, she left me notes and voice messages with different motivating expressions, the essence of which boiled down to one thing: “Life is beautiful!” I constantly heard her whistling, humming, and laughing. But mom didn’t have the best happy childhood, but when someone tries to talk to her about it, she assures that the past is over, and now it is important to be happy every day. And you know, as they say, you have two choices: live or die. And if you choose the first one, it’s worth sorting out your priorities and understanding what will make you happy. Otherwise, it will turn out that you will have to exist in despondency and melancholy. Quite a dubious prospect, right?

Still from the film

-Are you close to your mother?

- Both with mom and dad. They raised five children, while maintaining the energy, strength and time for smiles that they still give to each of us. And each of us is a completely integral, harmonious person - isn’t this an indicator of the success of my parents? From them I learned for the rest of my life: if you are healthy, then you have no right to be weak. And one more thing: what happens around you is your fault and your merit. Without any exceptions. When you accept these simple but effective rules, life begins to move in a new way. Try it!

— Your daughter James is already one and a half years old. In addition, you recently admitted that you are expecting a second child. Is motherhood one of those states that makes you so cheerful?

— I always knew exactly what I wanted big family. And I always felt like a kind of “mom” - I babysat for my sister’s children. Therefore, when I had my own child, there was no sense of global change. Don't get me wrong: this is an indescribable moment. Perhaps the most intimate for every woman. It is impossible to tell what exactly your world is like now, after giving birth, in ordinary words. Therefore, speaking purely technically, so to speak, there are really few changes. I'm still the same free time I devote myself to the little ones - now my little ones, I still adore them - led by my baby James, of course, still full of maternal care and love.

- What about your second pregnancy?

- There is no doubt that I will mother of many children, I didn't have it. I was the youngest of my parents, so I was raised not only by them, but also by my sisters and brothers. Children in a family constantly teach each other and influence each other. It seems to me that in unions where there are many children, children grow up more harmonious, whole, and happy. So my second pregnancy is our joy!

— This year has been quite successful for you, not only personally, but also in your career: the thriller “The Shallows” was recently released, and the film by the brilliant Woody Allen “ Social life“You brilliantly presented at the last Cannes Film Festival. Do you combine motherhood and filming?

- I don’t think so! I shoot for pleasure with those directors who inspire me. Well, then, who will refuse Woody Allen when he calls you into his picture? And my staff colleagues are outstanding - Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg. But family remains my first priority, and always has been.

— Probably, my answer will not come as a surprise to you: I like roles in those films that are as different as possible from my heroine in “Gossip Girl.” Understand: I love this series with all my heart, it opened all doors for me, made me famous, turned me into that very “style icon” that you talked about earlier. I remember how literally all the fashion brands and high fashion houses began vying with each other to offer me contracts - to me, still a very young girl! So I am very grateful to Gossip Girl, but I would like to move away from the image of a rich, spoiled fifa. After all, I've already grown up. (Laughs.)

- Blake, and yet it’s hard not to ask: how do you feel about gossip?

- Not at all. This is information that needs to be checked, spent time, compared, analyzed. So you can work on a report, a book - but use your precious free minutes to get to the bottom of the truth about some strangers - I can directly ask my own people, right? - this is nonsense. And this may only be interesting to teenagers. As for gossip and rumors about me, I generally ignore them, I don’t watch or read anything about myself. I’m with myself all the time, and why should I watch and listen to something unpleasant about myself? As a last resort, I can go look in the mirror.

— Do you like to cook?

- I can and I love it! It's been four years since the end of Gossip Girl. But those around me still can’t believe that I’m capable of going out to buy groceries, dragging bags of vegetables and meat, and cooking a wonderful dinner. On one's own! Without governesses, assistants and cooks! (Laughs.) I love discussing food, creating food, eating food - different: both haute cuisine and simple village recipes. Related to this hobby of mine funny story. Once in New Orleans, I tried an amazing sauce - and asked the cafe manager to send it to me at home so I could try to recreate it. He refused, saying that the quarantine service simply would not allow such a package through. Just for fun, I suggested sewing a bottle of this sauce into a teddy bear and smuggling it across. I remember how the manager remarked with sincere indignation: “I’m not some kind of drug dealer to do something like that!”

- And how, with such a passion for food, do you manage to stay in great shape? And by the way: how did you get toned so quickly after giving birth?

- Oh, try walking like mine in high heels! Sometimes it seems to me that stiletto heels are a good substitute for working out in the gym. And so, of course, I go to classes, albeit occasionally - I’m sorely short of time! And I even swim in the pool - it’s all part of an actor’s job, right? And not just an actor - any woman. Honestly, I’m very afraid of seeming rude to someone, but shouldn’t ladies strictly monitor their appearance, isn’t this a sign of our intelligence and wisdom?

— They say that you assure your fans that you became an actress because of your love for food...

- This version is close to the truth! (Laughs.) I remember very well my admiration for my first job - I was delighted not because I would appear in the frame, not because of the stylists and make-up artists, no! I was made happy by the realization: film set free food! And sometimes I really feel like I can work for food.

- Blake, let's get back to girl discussions. Tell me, apart from Ryan, what is it about men that can captivate Miss Lively?

“It won’t be possible to ignore Ryan, because he is the main representative of the tribe of men who can conquer me.” And the main thing in all of them is the desire to live and laugh. And eat well, from the heart! I also (of course, as a fashion victim) like it when a man knows how to dress well. Stylish husband - what more could you want?

- Okay, Blake. You are so positive, happy and beautiful woman. Well, don't you have any dark sides, no phobias, no fears? Is this ideal picture really not a picture at all, but reality?

“I’m afraid to stop being honest with myself, to forget how to hear myself.” Do you think I'm selfish? Well, it is quite possible that it is so. But without sincere self-love, I would not be able to truly love all these wonderful people who fill my life - my sisters, brothers, my wonderful parents. My wonderful husband, daughter and our future child. So there are no terrible secrets and phobias. Is it true. I'm not afraid of old age and death, I'm not afraid excess weight and even cellulite. Just let me get to the ice cream, I'll eat it all!

- Let's return to where we started - to the fashionable issue. Soon you will become a mother for the second time and celebrate your 29th birthday. How do your clothing preferences change? When can we expect cozy Blake in jeans and sweaters?

- Don’t wait - and don’t hope! I physically feel that in jeans I lose myself as a woman. So skirts, heels, dresses - that’s all you’ll see me in for a very long time. Of course, as I got older, I began to wear less provocative outfits. After all, I know that soon my knees will not be in the best shape.

The name Blake Lively is now invariably associated with her husband, famous actor Ryan Reynolds, but Blake's career is no less successful. Recently, the actress spoke with representatives of a famous online news portal and Blake’s fans had the opportunity to learn a lot of new things about their idol. We invite you to read the recently published interview with the actress.

Nowadays, being in a relationship with a famous Hollywood personality is a prerogative, but look at bed scenes involving his partner is definitely not one of them, as Ryan Reynolds has already realized.

Not long ago, filming of a film starring Ryan Reynolds' wife, Blake Lively, ended, in which she is in a relationship with an attractive man. On the screen, a certain sexual “chemistry” arises between the former gossip and actor Henry Golding, but as Blake herself told, her husband, with whom she has been married for 6 years, is in no way jealous.

“Henry is just a wonderful and delightful partner, but Ryan is not jealous of me. And why should he even? I wouldn't be jealous either if I were in his place. I would say, 'She must be crazy to leave me!'” Blake told, laughing.

We spoke with her during the promotion of the film “A Simple Favor”, which will be released soon.

An incredibly supportive wife, she moonlights as a spokeswoman for the alcohol brand Aviation American Gin, which her husband co-founded. While we were recording the interview, I was also offered a couple of shots. The bottle of alcohol stood right in the center of the table and it was simply impossible not to notice it.

But after I refused to drink a glass, she said: “You know, I don’t drink that often myself. I don't like the taste of alcohol, but at home I become a real mixologist. People are always perplexed why a girl who doesn’t drink offers and makes drinks for everyone, but for example, I like to mix different berries, squeeze juice from citrus fruits and roll them.”

In addition to the fact that she is interested in the business sphere of her husband and helps him in every possible way, she can often be seen with him on the red carpet - when she supports him at the premiere of projects or when he supports her.

This couple is also considered one of the most stylish in Hollywood, so it's rare to see any poor outfit choices.
“I'm lucky that my husband respects fashion and design. He always asks me: “What are you going to wear?”, and all because he will never appear in public in completely different styles.” “It must be strange for our children to see mom and dad dressed up in a ballgown and tuxedo.” “It’s kind of magical,” Blake says, smiling.

Undoubtedly, Reynolds suits suits from famous designers. But how would Lively react if he wore a suit similar to the neon green Versace she chose to promote in New York at last week? But, nevertheless, the star of the film “Deadpool” (and himself has no time sexy man according to People magazine) it would be impossible to look as good in it. But Lively categorically disagrees. “Why not? I think that suit would suit him. I really think so."

Were there any times when Lively had to send Reynolds back to the dressing room to change his outfit? "No. And under no circumstances do I want to see manifestations of dictatorship in my home! It's horrible! No way,” Lively laughs.

Some people need a huge amount of self-confidence in order to wear such unusual and attractive outfits that Lively usually chooses for going out.

“Sometimes I wake up and feel so confident in myself that every part of my body is comfortable in one image or another. And sometimes there are mornings where I wake up and feel completely depressed.”

Through fashion, Lively is able to convey how she feels.

– “You go out to people almost every day, how do you want to tell people about yourself? Do you want to show them your real, inner self, or will you force yourself to come out by pretending to be a member of a higher class of society?”

For her role in the film “A Simple Favor,” she had to adopt a completely different character, unusual for her.
The film, based on the novel of the same name, tells the story of a mom blogger who tries to get to the bottom of the truth and find her best friend, played by Lively. Lively and [Henry] Golding, in the story, enjoy the relationship that binds them, and they are completely oblivious to who is around them.

“At some points we had to improvise and make movements that would make Anna feel uncomfortable. Therefore, we had to do something that is strictly prohibited and unacceptable in the presence of a mutual friend,” says Lively.

“We played as if we were filming the beginning of some erotic porn.”

But, as it turned out, Kendrick is not a timid girl, and in one of the scenes she even had to kiss Lively herself.

“We had to do three takes,” Kendrick told

“We are, of course, professionals in our field. But I can say that...” Anna continues to tell mysteriously. “If I have to kiss a guy on camera, I’m the one who always chews gum. I always have a pack of mint gum with me, every time I brush my teeth with dental floss, and all because I am terribly shy. I think only girls do this. Blake and I ended up chewing mints before filming this scene. And it was the most minty and fresh kiss in the history of cinema!” - Kendrick laughs.

As Kendrick assures, guys prepare for these types of scenes completely differently. “Oh, they do it differently. A guy can just smoke a cigarette and be like, “Okay, let's go!”

Blake recently turned 30, so she's promoting herself with mischief and fun. career ladder.
– “I feel great, unlike my organs and dark spots, which appear on my body every now and then.”

But honestly, she's full of confidence. And why not?

“Yes, there are times when I feel somehow insecure, be it in my own life or career; those moments when I have done something that I am not particularly proud of, or something that leaves me completely confused.”

Let's say which ones? She laughs. “I will never tell you in my life! I don’t want to create clickbait headlines!”

0 19 August 2010, 09:15

The question may arise: “What do they have in common?” It's simple: Blake played the role in Affleck's second film as director. Very soon, on September 10, the world premiere of the film will take place.

True, the interview between Ben and Blake is more like a verbal skirmish. A little sarcastic, but extremely funny.

Ben Affleck: ...Before I went into this interview, someone told me that you are the darling of the fashion world. We can't all be fashion darlings, Blake.

Blake Lively: Well, people like you make me fashionable. Because if there is no one who is wrong, there are no right ones.

You've become a lot more bitchy since we filmed the movie.

But I think at the end of the interview you should say that I am charming. This is the rule, it seems to me.

You are charming.

Actually, I think people like to end interviews on a funny note.

I'm not sure I said anything funny. Maybe you said it.

Maybe they'll just send someone to redo the interview.

Okay, then I can let you go. I can hear your Gossip Girl co-stars knocking on your trailer door because you're delaying production on an entire series with this interview. That's how you got your bad reputation: you keep giving interviews.

Honestly, I'm not in the trailer. I'm in a hotel room without air conditioning. This is something!

This is the charm of Europe. What can I say?

Now it will become a quote: "Ben Affleck said that nothing works well in Europe."

Note that Blake gave an interview to Ben while Gossip Girl was filming. And although there was no air conditioning in her room, the actress really enjoyed it in the French capital.

Do you like it in Paris?

My God, it's amazing here! It's a week now High fashion, so it all looks like a Parisian fashion fairy tale.

Among other things, Lively “thanked” Affleck for the erotic scene in his film (of course, the main character episode she was):

The erotic scene was terribly awkward. And this was my first day working on the film, so thank you for that.

When asked whose career she would like to “get for herself,” the young actress answered in a very original way:

Whenever people ask me about this, I answer that, first of all, it is a male one. That doesn't mean there aren't amazing women in this business, but I feel like men are still given a lot more opportunities. There are so many people I admire for so many reasons that I can't look at one person's life and say, "I want his life!" I want to create my own story.

Blake Lively

Today we know her as a flamboyant Hollywood actress, a Manhattan trendsetter from Gossip Girl, the wife of Deadpool and happy mom two daughters. But how did it all begin?

Blake Lively grew up in a family where everyone was involved in the film industry, so her choice of profession did not surprise any of her relatives. Future actress Often, having nothing to do, she showed up at her parents’ work (at that time they taught acting classes). She did not study specifically, but simply observed the process and memorized it - and this is how she acquired basic artistic skills. Blake's debut on the screen took place when the girl was only 11. She played the tooth fairy in the film "The Sandman", directed by her father.

Blake Lively at a Spice Girls concert, 1997

... and a little older - in a school photo

Time passed, but the girl was in no hurry to plunge headlong into the profession. She had a serene childhood, and by high school she became actively involved in school public life: Sang in the choir, supported the sports team as a cheerleader, and even became class president. But Blake's older brother, Eric, was concerned about his sister's future. Therefore, during the summer holidays, I arranged through my producer for her to audition for several projects. And soon she was cast in the role of one of four friends in the teenage melodrama “Talisman Jeans.” The film won recognition not only from young viewers, but also from professional critics. The film was nominated in three categories, including the “best drama” category, for the Teen Choice Awards, which are awarded annually in the United States. In addition, for Blake, this project became not only a successful impetus in her professional career, but also her first family acting job. The actress's heroine's father was played by her real dad, Ernie. This time, both members of Lively's family were on the same side of the filming process.

Still from the film “Talisman Jeans”

Actress with dad Ernie, 2008

...even today

The takeoff of her career was not long in coming, and two years later Blake received the coveted role of the Manhattan it-girl with a rebellious spirit - Serena van der Woodsen. The series “Gossip Girl,” which aired for 6 years, gained millions of fans around the world: loyal viewers from episode to episode watched the luxurious and complicated life of the Upper East Side elite, wondering who the blogger really was. -a gossip girl who knows the secrets of all the golden children.

With colleagues from the TV series “Gossip Girl”, 2007

However, the series gained wild popularity not only due to its interesting plot, but also thanks to the outfits of the main characters. As befits heiresses of wealthy families, Manhattan girls dressed impeccably. Their wardrobes contain hundreds of items from famous brands - from Valentino and Versace to Yves Saint Laurent and Fendi. In the first seasons, the character's friend Blake, Blair Walderf, was considered the standard of style. Her passion for headbands has made this accessory one of the most popular among young girls. But at some point, Blair's conservative style began to pale against the background of Serena's increasingly catchy and colorful outfits. The heroine Blake became the trendsetter of a provocative, sexy style: tight dresses, seductive minis combined with a deep neckline and the ever-present stiletto heel. Moreover, Blake masterfully transferred this image to real life. And she did it quite deliberately.

“People like to draw parallels between my life and scandalous stories, which take place in Gossip Girl. I dressed just like my character so that everyone would think that I really was like that. I once said that in my entire life I had only four men, and everyone shouted: this is impossible! But that's true. If a man doesn’t charge me and doesn’t inspire me, then it’s quite normal for me to be alone,” the actress admits in an interview with Marie Claire US.

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Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

Shot from the series “Gossip Girl”

After her success in the series, the actress managed to portray many diverse roles on screen. She starred in one of the touching love stories in the film anthology “New York, I Love You,” Ben Affleck’s crime drama “City of Thieves,” the film adaptation of the superhero comic book “Green Lantern,” and worked with Woody Allen in the film about the golden era of Hollywood “ Social life." A capricious rich woman, a single mother who sells drugs, a girl who has found the gift of eternal youth, but has not been able to find love in a whole century - it seems that there is no role that Blake could not try on. Now the actress continues to actively act, even though she has a family and two small children.

The actress with her husband Ryan Reynolds at the Costume Institute Gala, 2017.

Together with her husband and daughters, 2016

She met her future husband on the set of Green Lantern. In this film, Ryan Reynolds played a brash goofball who joins the ranks of superheroes, and Blake played his lover. The actors immediately struck up a good relationship, but only a friendly one. Ryan realized that he was in love with his co-star only a year after filming ended. In an interview with an American publication, he said that at that time both he and Blake were free, so they came up with the adventurous idea of ​​arranging a double date. They invited two potential candidates to play their partners, but things didn't go as planned. The sudden spark between him and Blake came as a complete surprise to both of them. “Our communication has always been exclusively friendly. I couldn’t even think that any feelings could arise between us. Although, in my opinion, it’s right when a relationship begins with friendship, and not with passion,” the actor admitted.

Stills from the film “Green Lantern”

Their wedding took place in 2012 in Charleston on the grounds of the Boone Hall Plantation estate, where the film “The Notebook” was filmed. The ceremony was organized by Martha Stewart Weddings, and only a few dozen of their closest friends and relatives were invited. Blake and Ryan deserve to be called truly great conspirators because their wedding was big surprise not only for colleagues, but also for the press. Only three years later star couple gave her consent to publication small quantity pictures from the ceremony.

It is known that the bride was wearing a magnificent white dress, embroidered with rose gold threads, created by the fashion designer duo Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig (read also: 16 of the most famous, beautiful and expensive wedding dresses of all time), and shoes purchased at the Christian Louboutin boutique. The groom wore a light beige Burberry suit with leather inserts. From insider sources we also know that the outfits for the rest of the guests were provided by the Marchesa brand. In particular, Blake's mother and sister wore unique dresses in soft pink tones made of silk chiffon, decorated with decorative crystals.

Before the altar, the newlyweds vowed to “always love and amuse each other.”

The actress admits that her wedding did not become the embodiment of childhood dreams, and, nevertheless, she is glad that everything turned out this way: “Every girl has her own dream. But my work has greatly adjusted the way I previously imagined it. Mom and I were going to sew our own wedding dress. But it turned out that I was thinking about which Louboutin shoes would suit me best, and which House I would order the outfit from.”

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They haven’t forgotten about their wedding promises, so they regularly make fun of each other in social networks. So last year, for his wife’s 30th birthday, Ryan posted them on Instagram joint photo, cropping it with Blake and captioning it, “happy birthday to my awesome wife.” The actress's response also amused everyone. She posted a photo of Ryan with another Ryan (Gosling). Leaving only part of her husband's face in the photo, she wrote, "Happy birthday, baby!"

Still from the film “I Only See You”

The husband also couldn’t ignore the release of Blake’s new film “I Only See You.” He decided to pretend that he had never met his wife before. Alongside a photo from the premiere, he joked: "I married her online, so it was great to finally meet her in person." Blake "revenged" him under New Year. She posted a photo of the cookies with the frosting running, writing, "Ryan made Christmas cookies... At least he's handsome." Followers appreciated the actress's subtle sense of humor, asking her not to judge her husband too harshly. Ryan quickly defended himself in his usual humorous manner: “I wanted to be the first person to bake Christmas cookies using only a hammer.”

Blake's cooking in general special treatment, more than once she admitted that food is her passion and drug. She loves not only cooking and experimenting with products, but also trying culinary creations. Her favorite dish is chocolate soufflé and her drink is hot chocolate. In her free time, the actress often spends time in the kitchen, baking and decorating cakes or cupcakes.

It is very important for her that a man shares this passion of hers. “Loving food is the only way to live with me, otherwise it will be unbearable to live with me. I understand haute cuisine and only talk about food,” Blake once said in an interview with American Marie Claire. And, apparently, she found in her husband ideal partner. According to Ryan, they often cook together - the duo of culinary actors are especially good at Italian and Spanish cuisine, as well as pastries. For Blake's birthday this year, he baked a heart-shaped strawberry cake. Under the photo with him on Instagram, he still couldn’t resist making another joke: “I baked this cake for my wife. The icing is made from glue because I'm not an expert." Blake did not react in any way online, however, there is no doubt that she still tasted the sweet gift that her loving husband gave her.

But Blake herself recently scared all her Instagram followers. In May, she suddenly deleted photos from her profile and unfollowed everyone (including her husband). She then followed 36 social media users under the username “Emily Nelson,” which completely confused her loyal fans. But there was no need to guess for long: it turned out that the mysterious changes in the actress’s account were connected with the fact that the star decided in this way to support the PR company of her future premiere, the crime detective “A Simple Favor.” According to the plot of the film, her heroine, whose life seems to be a dream, Emily Nelson, mysteriously disappears. Her best friend and the husband will have to get to the bottom of the truth and understand the reasons for what happened. But the further their search progresses, the more mysterious secrets they discover.

Ryan Reynolds also fueled interest in the aura of mystery around screen history. He wrote online, addressing his wife: “Well, you can tell me. We are married. And you once took me to the hospital when you were already in labor. In general... What happened to Emily? Blake didn't hesitate to answer, "Darling, of all the secrets I keep from you, this should be the least of your worries... Trust me."

Gigi Hadid became the face of the May issue of Harper's Bazaar US. On the pages of the magazine, the model poses in the lens of Mariano Vivanco, trying on iconic images from new collections in the company of dogs. And during the interview she was kept company - the actress talked with Gigi about beauty, Instagram and her design experience.

Blake Lively: How did you feel during your first collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger?

Gigi Hadid: I was very nervous, I almost fainted. I don't even remember how it all started. But I'm always open to new ideas. My manager keeps asking, “So, do you have any weird plans for this month?” I think I could become a wedding decorator.

Blake Lively: Don't start without me! I like your vision, you have a beautiful instagram. But in mine there is no single aesthetic.

Gigi Hadid: For me, social media is a kind of chronicle, a gallery. I don't like it when people go out for coffee to take photos on Instagram. You should take a photo about what you experience, not experience something to take a photo.

Gigi Hadid: Yes, and usually their comments look absurd. But they can still hurt. Nowadays people say, “I used to like Gigi Hadid's figure, but now she's being taken over by the industry.” But I didn’t follow the industry’s lead. I used to like my body too. But after I was diagnosed, I needed to start exercising and eating right. And it was difficult because all my teenage friends went to McDondals and the food didn't affect them at all.

Blake Lively: They used to call you too fat, but now they say you're too thin.

Gigi Hadid: If I could choose, I would like to get back the breasts that I had several years ago. But you can't regret the past. I want those reading this now to understand that in three years your body will look different, you will look back at your old photos and think: “Did I look great? Why did I dislike myself so much because of what others said?

Blake Lively: Or because someone compares themselves with photos from the Internet. Being in good shape is part of the job of models and actresses. But we have access to nutritionists, proper food and fitness clubs. Sometimes during a shoot I see that something doesn’t fit me well, and they tell me: “Don’t worry, we’ll fix it in Photoshop.” I feel a little guilty about this.

Gigi Hadid: From my experience, I have learned that your body will always change and it will always be beautiful.