Stella Maxwell - biography, information, personal life. The history of the relationship between Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell: the personal life of the “Twilight” actress Stella Maxwell biography

Stella Maxwell is a sought-after top model who has captivated famous designers with her beauty. Since 2015, she has been an “angel” of the lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret.

The future model was born in the spring, May 15, 1990, in Belgium. Stella is Irish, but spent her youth in New Zealand, where she moved with her parents at the age of thirteen. There were two more brothers and a sister in the family. The mother and father of the future supermodel are Northern Irish diplomats.

Stella graduated from Wellington College. Then she entered the University of Otago.

Once in a cafe I saw Stella famous photographer, who was captivated by the girl’s tender beauty. He invited Stella to take a couple of test shots, to which she agreed. As a result, the future “angel” was noticed, and soon the name of Stella Maxwell thundered in the modeling business.

Model business

The girl’s height is 175 cm, weight – 53 kg, figure measurements – 81-58-84 cm.

Stella was invited to the casting when she was studying at the university. But the girl chose to finish her studies first and then pursue a career. From the modeling agency, Stella immediately went to a beauty salon to get a short haircut. With this move, she drew the attention of employers. Short blonde hair highlighted the girl among the other models.

Stella's first professional photos were taken for Vogue magazine. At that photo shoot she shone, and Stella stood in the background. But the girl was glad that she was able to work with photographer Mario Testino.

Stella's career biography began to rapidly rush upward. The girl was invited to important shootings. Soon she appeared in the magazines ELLE (Italy, Taiwan), VOGUE (Japan), MARIE CLAIRE, GLAMOR, PUMA. Among other things, Stella’s photographs appeared in advertisements for global brands.

For a model, Maxwell is of average height, but Stella was still noticed by famous designers. She regularly performed at shows. The most memorable are the fashion shows for Jeremy Scott, Chanel and Marc Jacobs.

In 2014 and 2015, the supermodel was invited to the final Victoria's Secret shows. The girl showed herself to be a professional, and soon Stella was chosen as the new “angel” famous company. Photographers note the girl’s ability to transform. They believe that the "angel" has features of twentieth-century models.

Personal life

Stella Maxwell is bisexual.

In the summer of 2015, information appeared online about Stella’s relationship with a popular American singer. Miley is the daughter of a famous country singer. Since 2009 I have been dating younger brother– . Three years later, the couple announced their engagement, but in 2013 the lovers broke off the relationship. Then the girl shocked fans with her defiant performances and behavior.

In July 2015, paparazzi caught Stella and Miley kissing backstage while filming Cyrus' video. The girls did not refute fans’ guesses and regularly appeared together in photographs in "Instagram". Miley was expected to make an extravagant prank, but Stella's sexuality at that time came as a shock to fans.

But the girls' romance lasted only three months. Fans still consider the relationship between the singer and model a PR stunt. Miley Cyrus returned to Liam Hemsworth shortly after breaking up with Stella. And in October 2016, she announced that she was again engaged to a young man.

Since the end of 2016, the personal life of the “angel” has again been under the radar of cameras. And all because she started a whirlwind romance with the actress of the Twilight saga.

Stewart for a long time was in relationships with men. Among the girl's lovers are Michael Angarano and the public's favorite. Stewart is considered responsible for the divorce of director Rupert Sanders from his wife Liberty Ross. In the summer of 2016, the actress confirmed her bisexuality and announced that she was dating a girl. Kristen had affairs with the artist Soko, as well as with ex-lover– Annie Clark.

At the end of 2016, Kristen set her sights on Victoria's Secret angel Stella Maxwell, and she reciprocated. Photos of the couple regularly appear online. Girls do not show feelings on their personal pages, but they also do not hide their romantic connection. Silent confirmation of the relationship followed Maxwell's appearance on Stewart's set in Savannah in December 2016.

The girls spend a lot of time together and walk holding hands. The couple attends film festivals and fashion shows together.

Stella calls her close friends, and, and. WITH latest model was attributed to a short-term romance after the appearance of photographs of girls from a photo shoot dedicated to female love.

The magazine, which claims to be the American version of Maxim, called Stella the most sexy woman 2016. Then the girl appeared on the cover of a glossy magazine.

Stella is interested in yoga. She loves books by Mikhail Bulgakov, especially the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Sunflowers are a girl's favorite flowers. Stella likes to wear colored socks and chokers.

She has been working on a music project and wants to try herself as an artist.

The model owes her figure to her genes. But he still keeps himself in shape and exercises regularly. Unlike other supermodels, Stella does not practice veganism or vegetarianism. She loves seafood and meat.

Stella Maxwell now

Stella is currently participating in shows for the Victoria's Secret lingerie brand. She is the face of Max Factor cosmetics.

Stella and her girlfriend Kristen Stewart live together in a Los Angeles suburb. Information about a couple's breakup regularly appears on the Internet.

Passions ran high when paparazzi spotted Kristen Stewart in public ex-boyfriend and colleagues on the set of Robert Pattinson on February 14, 2018. But the couple “Bella and Edward” behaved decently and did not show romantic impulses. Therefore, rumors about Kristen's breakup with Stella remain rumors.

In February 2018, relatives of the couple reported that the girls were planning to adopt a child. It soon became known that this was just a newspaper rumor.

Stella Maxwell is not just a Victoria's Secret model, but also a friend of Kristen Stewart. Romance with Hollywood celebrity added media points to Stella, now she is receiving much more attention from the press and public than before. ELLE collected facts from Maxwell’s life to better understand who she is, Kristen Stewart’s beloved.

1. Stella, who will celebrate her 27th birthday very soon, on May 15, was born in Belgium, but grew up traveling all over the world, from New Zealand to the UK. The model’s father is a diplomat; due to his duties, he constantly changed his place of residence. Stella studied at the University of Otago in Dunedin. New Zealand, modeling career started late, in her final years, when she was invited to a casting. And despite good feedback and interest in her from agents, Stella chose to get a diploma and then accept job offers.

2. She walked the catwalk for the first time as part of the Victoria's Secret show in 2014, and a year later she officially acquired the status of an “angel” of the brand. “When my agent called me and told me this news, I was amazed. It was an incredibly emotional experience, I felt happiness.” , - Stella later admitted.

Victoria's Secret show, 2014

3. Stella had a short three-month affair with Miley Cyrus in 2015. The singer was going through a breakup with Liam Hemsworth at the time and seemed to have her eye on Maxwell for the purpose of mental therapy. According to the model, their relationship began with a mutual subscription on Instagram, after which Miley's friend and assistant, Cheyne Thomas, contacted her and offered to make several joint photos with the singer.

Stella Maxwell

Stella Maxwell. Born on May 15, 1990 in Brussels (Belgium). New Zealand supermodel.

Stella Maxwell was born on May 15, 1990 in the capital of Belgium, into a family of Northern Irish diplomats. Parents were born in Belfast.

She has a brother.

At the age of 13, after her parents’ new business trip, she moved to Australia, and a year later to New Zealand.

In Wellington, after graduating from college, she entered the University of Otago, during which she was invited to a casting, after which she began her modeling career.

"I was found in New Zealand when I was about to go to university there, and then I moved to Paris and started working as a model. I did modeling for three years, but in different places. And then I moved from Paris to New York and ended up in Lions, and then everything changed,” she said.

IN different times took part in shows: Jeremy Scott, Marc Jacobs, Victoria's Secret, Chloe, Charles Anastase, Fashion East, Luella, Mara Hoffman, Osman Yousefzada, Luella, Todd Lynn, Vivienne Westwood, Limi Feu, Cacharel, Giambattista Valli, Ingrid Vlasov , Issey Miyake, Limi Feu, Moncler Gamme Rouge, Talbot Runhof, Tsumori Chisato, Commuun and others.

Often appears on covers fashion magazines, including: Elle, Elle Italia, Elle UK, Glamour, Interview, Madame Figaro, Mixte, Numéro, Purple, The Last Magazine, Vogue, Vogue España, Vogue Italia, Vogue Japan and Vogue UK.

In 2014 and 2015, she was invited to the final Victoria's Secret show.

Since 2015 she has been a Victoria's Secret angel.

Stella Maxwell - Victoria's Secret Angel

The American version of the men's magazine Maxim named Stella Maxwell.

Stella loves a Russian writer. Especially his novel "The Master and Margarita". “My favorite quote from this book is: “the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never.” This is my third time reading this book,” she said in an interview.

Favorite flowers: sunflowers. “They follow the sun and it’s so beautiful,” says the girl.

Favorite smell: "My favorite smell is Ditpyque, but I won't tell you what it is - it's a secret."

Favorite movies: Clueless, The Fifth Element and The Breakfast Club.

Favorite Accessories: Colorful socks and all types of chokers.

Favorite designers: Rick Owens and Jeremy Scott.

Favorite shoes: YSL and Vans.

Favorite bag: American Apparel and Prada backpacks.

Favorite photographer: Terry Richardson and David Mushegain.

Stella is also working on a musical project and plans to try herself as an artist.

Stella Maxwell's height: 175 centimeters.

Stella Maxwell parameters:: 81 - 59 - 87 cm.

Personal life of Stella Maxwell:

Stella Maxwell is bisexual.

Since July 2015, she dated an American singer and actress

About the bottom of the few models with short hairStella Maxwell(Stella Maxwell) conquered the fashion industry with her charisma and talent for transformation in front of the camera lens. She is listed as one of's sexiest models and is one of the highest paid young fashion models in the world. Stella was born in Western Europe(Belgium) in 1990, in the era of colored leggings, grunge style and bubblegum “Love Is...”, but she spent her childhood in New Zealand (Britain), so she can safely be considered. In her youth, she traveled a lot, due to the diplomatic position of her parents, who often moved from one city to another. But Wellington became the girl's home on long years, where she went to college, and after graduating, she entered the University of Otago. The passion for travel does not leave Stella to this day, she loves leisure and travels a lot.

Model parameters:

  • Height: 177 cm;
  • Chest-waist-hips: 76-58-83 cm;
  • Hair color: light brown;
  • Eye color: blue;
  • Agencies: The Lions (New York), Oui Management (Paris), Why Not Model Management (Milan), Vivien’s Model Management (Sydney), Bon Image Corp. (Tokyo).

Beginning of a modeling career

Stella was sitting in a cafe when a young photographer approached her and offered to take part in a semi-professional photo shoot. The girl agreed with pleasure, and who would have thought that this shooting would be the beginning of her career. The photographer saw the potential of a future fashion model in her at first glance and advised her to contact a modeling agency, and the photographs he took would be useful to her in the future as a portfolio.

It wasn't long before Maxwell had her first major photo shoot with the master of fashion photography - Mario Testino for Vogue UK! Although she was one of the models who only appeared in the crowd, because her highlight was Kate Moss, it was still a huge achievement for Stella, who was taking her first steps in this business. Working with Testino became a springboard for successful start modeling career, which was followed by a lookbook for Puma, photo shoots for Elle (Italy, Taiwan), Vogue (Japan), French Marie Claire and Glamor, as well as participation in many advertising campaigns. But, of course, one of the most enjoyable jobs for Stella was shooting for the Belgian issue of Elle in 2011, where she was the center of attention.

In 2014, Stella Maxwell joined the ranks of the world's most popular brand for the production of exquisite underwear for women. The new “angel” won over the casting of the brand’s directors not only with his impeccable appearance – blond hair, full lips and seductive eyes – but also with his ability to transform, both in front of the camera and on the catwalk, which is so loved by the organizers of the Victoria’s Secret show, famous for its scope and enchanting. Stella really knows her stuff! One moment she can take on the naive image of a young girl and, with girlish ease, make the photographer and the team around her blush, but at another moment, she is already a sultry seductress, shooting a languid look around, in search of a new victim of her sexual charms. Join the ranks of angels Victoria's Secret everyone’s cherished dream, but it’s not enough to have just an impeccable body and beauty - charisma, that’s what is needed for successful selection for. This was precisely what became Stella’s ace in the hole, who, leaving many applicants behind, got a place in Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in 2014, after which she began actively appearing in the brand’s lingerie catalogs.

Stella at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in 2014.

Stella's personal life

Having taken pride of place among the top models of the lingerie segment, such as, and, Stella Maxwell began her successful conquest of the industry High fashion, parading for Jeremy Scott, Chanel, Giles, Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Charles Anastase, Fashion East, Luella, Mara Hoffman, Osman Yousefzada, Luella, Todd Lynn, Vivienne Westwood and many others. But it seems there is no limit to talent! IN free time Stella is actively developing her singing skills and showing herself as a composer. This was probably influenced by her acquaintance with Miley Cyrus, with whom, by the way, she is in a relationship. This became known quite recently, after a series of photographs published in the press, in which the couple, to put it mildly, did not look like friends, the scandalous singer and the “angel” officially announced their love relationships and called themselves a couple.

Interview with Stella Maxwell i-D Magazine:

Ever since we first met Stella in 2012, we've been obsessed with her. Four years have passed, and the 24-year-old model has evolved from a striking blonde with pixie hair to Jeremy Scott's muse and stunning supermodel. She found what she wanted wings"Victoria's Secret", and together with and Martha Hunt became the discovery of the year among the brand’s angels. Her new angelic status became the headline of many tabloids next to the name of the outrageous British singer – Miley Cyrus.

photographer Terry Richardson / i-D Magazine.

You were born in Belgium but raised in New Zealand. How do you feel about Britain?

Well, I treat Britain like my home. My parents live here and now; They are already retired and have moved back to their homeland, so it’s so nice to be with them. I come back here every summer!

The new issue of our magazine is dedicated to coming of age…. When did you feel truly grown up?

I feel like an adult in Lately thanks to her work, especially participating in the Victoria's Secret lingerie show. I feel like a mature woman and it makes me feel sexy and strong. But you know, I grow up every day, even during such small interviews, communicating with journalists! This builds character so much!

And when do you feel most childish?

During photo sessions. I guess when I act in front of the camera and transform into different characters, I go into “kid mode.” With all these fashionable things that surround me film set, I'm like a kid in a candy store. I love fashion and I love dressing up, so I'm glad that my profession gives me the opportunity to indulge in childhood!

What do you think is the bravest thing a young person can do?

I think that simply being in harmony with yourself, both externally and internally, is already a feat. After all, if you feel comfortable, then you are confident, which is truly an amazing quality. I love to see this in my friends.

What were your teenage dreams and did they come true?

Well, I started modeling when I was a teenager, so being a Victoria's Secret Angel was definitely one of my dreams. In fact, every model dreams of this... so, I achieved my dream, and what's more, I'm living it! Since I became a member of the Victoria's Secret Angels, it has become... best period in my life!

If you could, what advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Be yourself and keep doing what you are doing. I think that in life everything happens for a reason, and if you find yourself in certain place at a certain moment, then apparently it’s destined for you, and in the end, everything will definitely work out for you. Of course, there are failures in life, but I have always been a positive person, and I continue to be so. Everything will work out as it should.

Stella on Instagram :

Stella talks about how she became a Victoria's Secret model (eng):

Stella Maxwell photo: