In a dream, hear a prediction from a woman. Dream Interpretation - Prediction of Death

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Listening to a prediction is a warning of danger.

Dream - Prediction

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you are predicted something in a dream unpleasant --in A joyful event will take place in your life.

Dreaming about “Prediction” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you were predicted something in a dream, such a dream should be taken literally. Its meaning depends on whether the event was predicted for you to be happy or sad. If you made a prediction, your happiness will change for a while. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that...

Why do you see a Prediction in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you turn to fortune tellers, wanting to know your future fate- this means that in reality you will be worried about something important matter, which requires an urgent decision, but in order to make it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. For a young girl, such a dream means that...

Prediction (Seeing in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a young woman, a dream in which someone reads fortunes on her hand means that things will happen in her life. friendly relations with men, but she will not have girlfriends. If you yourself predict someone’s fate, then you will earn the respect of others...

Dream - Prediction - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Turn to a fortuneteller - you are disappointed in your loved one. If you are predicted to fail, you will be disappointed. If you are predicted to prosper, you will have a pleasant time in intelligent company. Predicting the future - you will doubt the loyalty of a person close to you.

Interpretation of sleep Prediction

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be disappointed.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you receive some kind of prediction, do not rush to take it literally. Most often, we receive real predictions in our dreams in the form of hints or riddles. It often happens that, having solved such a riddle, we actually receive valuable information or useful advice on...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Prediction?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Turn to a fortuneteller - you are disappointed in your loved one. If you are predicted to fail, you will be disappointed. If you are predicted to prosper, you will have a pleasant time in good company. Predicting the future - you will doubt the loyalty of a loved one.

Prediction in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Catfish?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For fishermen who see a catfish in a dream, this is a prediction of receiving unfavorable news or painful sensations in the near future, which can lead to the development of a serious illness. If you tried to catch a catfish in a dream, then this dream may be a warning about the beginning of an unfavorable...

How to interpret the dream “Random, unfamiliar women”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The meaning of such a dream depends, first of all, on the social significance of the woman represented in it: if she is “good-looking, pleasant, in expensive thin dresses and with gold necklaces, and is pliable in love,” then the dream is good. If she is “old, ugly, disgusting, ...

The essence of the dream - Wagon

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw a carriage in a dream: this foretells that you will not be very happy in your marriage. Troubles will age you prematurely. Riding in a carriage down the mountain: a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Ride in a carriage...

How to interpret the dream “Fortune Teller”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Talking to her in a dream is a sign that you are confused in your love affairs, and only a happy turn of events can bring your love story to a happy ending and engagement. Hearing her prediction in a dream is a sign of failure. Guess for yourself...

What does the dream mean - Wagon

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a carriage in a dream means that you will not be very happy in your marriage; troubles will age you prematurely. Riding in a carriage down the mountain is a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Ride up in the carriage -...

What does the dream mean - Orange

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a blooming orange tree in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news. If you see orange flowers blooming in a dream, then happiness in love awaits you. A dream in which you see an orange tree with many fruits on it...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Rooster dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, especially in the business sphere of your activities. However, treat this with all possible precautions: do not allow your happy elevation to turn you into a vain and arrogant person who...

Dreams in which a fortune teller is present have a strange, inexplicable quality from the point of view of ordinary consciousness effect. They come true more often than dreams filled with any other images. If you remember the words of the soothsayer, then the near future will not be a special secret for you. Let's turn to dream books to understand exactly what the fortune teller dreams about.

Dream books of Miller and Freud about fortune telling

Miller, in his dream book, claims that the fortune teller symbolizes anxiety about matters that had to be postponed for some time.

Freud considers the dream of a fortune teller to be a symbol of subconscious fears. Be careful! She is ready to tell you in a dream what exactly you are afraid of. The image of a fortune teller in dreams can appear as a symbol of fear of being deceived and fear of the unknown. Such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a two-faced person. Don't expect help from him, he can only show off dust in your eyes.

If you dream of a fortune teller, it is possible that the dreamer in reality is worried about things that have been put off for later

Who is predicted in a dream: a man or a woman?

What men and women have in common is that the opposite sex will show increased attention to your person. Dream books also talk about fundamental differences and the need to listen to the words of the fortuneteller, which contain purely individual information.

If a man dreams of a fortune teller, he will have a romantic meeting with a woman who will soon begin to manipulate him. For a woman similar dream means that she has no real friends in her life, but there are many true friends among the stronger sex.

A pregnant woman who sees a fortune teller in a dream should calm down and not worry about her situation and the condition of her unborn child. Everything will be fine! It's worth rejoicing and unmarried girl- there will be fans large number(this is what the compilers of Slavic dream books think).

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a fortune teller, do not worry about the child. Everything will be fine with you!

The fortune teller took hair in a dream or predicted... death

  1. A fortune teller can tell you the future in a dream, but you should know that real life everything will be the other way around. Taking the right actions in the dream space means that big mistakes and blunders are possible in real life. For ordinary people the future is closed, the subconscious is only trying to warn against something. Therefore, do not take signals about impending fate literally.
  2. A fortune teller who predicts pregnancy is believed to be good sign for a woman who has such a dream. He often turns out to be prophetic - expect a child! But if a woman’s plans do not include adding to her family and she categorically does not want to give birth, this dream warns of the need to pay increased attention to contraception.
  3. An important, fateful phenomenon will happen in your life if a fortune teller predicted death in a dream. It is recommended to mobilize your will as much as possible to achieve success.
  4. Fortune telling by hand promises a man many admirers, and a woman many admirers; Against this background, the birth of love is not excluded. In case of fortune telling with cards in a dream, pay attention to financial side your real life. Both positive and negative changes can occur here.
  5. If in a dream a fortuneteller told you the name of a man, then the chance of meeting him in reality is very high.
  6. According to Slavic dream book, a fortune teller taking hair from a dreamer, portends trouble.

If a fortune teller predicted in a dream using cards, in reality pay attention to financial aspect your life: changes are possible as in better side, and for the worse

Dreaming of a gypsy with cards or a fortune teller

If this is a gypsy, pay attention to the fact that in reality you have no desire to control the situation. You are capable of doing unexpected things that do not bring success. The reason for this is shifting responsibility onto others. In this case, Freud warns: do not trust your destiny to strangers.

I dreamed of a fortune teller grandmother - to joyful events in the future; to increase the level of mental comfort when communicating with loved ones. If the fortuneteller in the dream is young, rest assured that in the near future you will have a romantic acquaintance in reality. For spouses, this dream is a harbinger of strengthening relationships.

Important! Dreams happen three types: ordinary natural, originating from God and good angels, devilish. Many people are unable to distinguish the thin line separating them. Probability of execution different types not the same. It happens that dreams do not come true exactly as they are interpreted.

I dreamed of a gypsy fortune teller - which means that in reality the dreamer is accustomed to shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of others

Pay attention to what and in what form you dream. Remember the emotions and impressions of the dream. Write down interesting details dreams

Hello. I dreamed about a friend of mine that she was pregnant. I look at my stomach, and there are the prominent features of a teenager. I suggest she predict the future. I don’t understand how, but a teenage girl, 9 years old, bob hairstyle appears next to me.. Then I see this girl at 6 summer age with pigtails. Then I tell my friend: your daughter will be very beautiful and happy. After that, I tell the girl: now let’s go back to mom’s belly, and again I see my friend with a big belly.

Prediction in a dream

War people are dressed like in old films, I felt more mature, I led these people somewhere, argued with someone and shot (I don’t remember, maybe they even killed me) then I walked along a thin wooden bridge on both sides dirty water and in it there were corpses suddenly I saw a head dead woman and in my mouth there was white bread, I began to take it out and eat it with appetite (although I knew that there were a lot of hungry people, but I didn’t share it with anyone) suddenly a woman spoke from behind her, telling me “finally, now it’s not just my daughter who can be the princess of love” and pointed to the picture, there was a girl in modern underwear and white wings, then I felt like I was floating in the air and I had the same wings, and this girl from the picture was next to me on the left side, it was like there was a blockade and hunger and people from this were dying

Prediction in a dream

Some woman tells fortunes for me by folding pieces of wood that look like runes (there are 8 of them) in a special way. I don't see her face, only her hands. She throws the "runes" into the cauldron with herbs and begins to stir. Then he asks if I really want to know what awaits me. I answer whatever I want. Then she gives me 2 “runes” out of eight and says that this is all she can reveal to me. I hold them in my hands and examine them carefully. On the first, the number 3 changes to 4 and back, on the second 10. Then she gives me an interpretation to read, which I unfortunately don’t remember.

Prediction in a dream

I had a dream in December as if my friends and I were walking through the park and suddenly there was such a heavenly place all in the apple trees that were blooming and there were a lot of tables and benches at the tables, as if fortune tellers were sitting and people came up to them to sit down and tell fortunes and my friend said to me let’s go, and since I don’t tell fortunes and am afraid to tell fortunes, I immediately refused, she said, let’s go and tell my fortune, well, I went, and there were three of us, so we walked through the garden and saw a free table and an old lady, God’s Dandelion, was sitting, I somehow liked her, I said, let’s go sit down with her we went to the bench and she started talking to one friend and I was sitting and hiding behind the third and suddenly she told me, bypassing the second friend, and you will have two children (since my husband and I don’t have children and it’s not working out, we are undergoing treatment) I’m just ironic and I ask, well, when, when? And she, seeing that I didn’t believe it, said so bluntly at 36 and 38, and I wanted to ask something and woke up right under the impression that it was all real, as if someone had hit me on the forehead, what do you think of such a dream? And I don’t know whether to believe such dreams or not, but I really want children, all the doctors say that the children will be treated, but they are all gone, and I’m already 35 years old

Prediction in a dream

10 Apr I had a dream, I see some kind of grandmother - a clairvoyant, pleasant-looking and I ask her, will I make peace with my Vl.?

She answered - look what is happening and showed me at the window, and there, in the distance, there is a mountain and black smoke is pouring out... The same thing happens to him... Be patient and everything will fall into place...

And 4 days later they showed a volcano in Iceland on TV - the same mountain and black smoke....

What does it mean? And how to understand this???

Prediction in a dream

I'm relaxing on the coast... There are a lot of people... I live right next to the coast... Young people pay attention to me... Even someone confesses their love... Suddenly... For some reason, some woman begins to predict people have a future.. And me too... I don’t remember what I said... I remember that I asked her about Max (a former young man with whom we have not been together for a long time)... At first she said. That he was a womanizer, and then for some reason she became interested and wanted to find out more about everything... She did some kind of ritual... They prevented him from having privacy... In the end, she said that he was influenced from the outside... It seems like a brother youngest... She didn’t say the most important thing... I knew that he lived not far away and offered to show him in reality, so to speak... But she was busy and all our communication ended... As it turned out later, this woman was a famous psychic.... Then I walked down the street... Somehow quickly... I sharply turned the corner and collided with him so that I fell... He was surprised, and so was I... But to my offer to accompany me, he said that he has work to do now, next time.... "

If in a dream someone predicted death for you, then you should not take everything literally. Although the interpretation of dreams is also a kind of prediction, in dreams we receive warnings in the form of riddles and hints. Therefore, wanting to understand why such a vision is dreamed, dream books recommend taking into account all the details of the plot, passing them through the prism of associations.

G. Miller's predictions

According to the version proposed by Miller’s dream book, prediction in a dream plays a complex role. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were predicting something for someone, this means quick and drastic changes in life.

But listening to fortune predictions about loneliness from a witch in a dream is a sign that you should postpone getting married and concluding important financial transactions. Such stories, for the most part, mean failures and mistakes.

Who prophesied

Most dream books, when interpreting what predictions mean in dreams, focus on who exactly prophesied the future for you. Here are several options for dreamed oracles and their interpretations:

  • the gypsy has guessed on the Tarot cards - be prepared for betrayal or deception;
  • the horoscope suggested that fate will give you a chance to correct the situation that is not in your favor;
  • the witch gave a prediction - you should not let your life take its course;
  • a psychic sees your aura - do not blindly trust those who have not been checked “in action”;
  • the medium conveyed the words of the deceased - you have made a mistake for which you need to repent.

Life or Death: Learn Self-Control

It’s not very pleasant to hear predictions in a dream own death or illness, but in reality, everything does not look so dangerous, Medea’s dream book assures.

If you dreamed that you were predicted to die, then remember your emotions about this. The prediction caused you to panic - you will make a number of mistakes due to your inability to control your own emotions; and if predicting your death did not cause you to panic, or even made you laugh, then this is a sign of self-confidence.

But to hear in a dream about happy life- this is a sign that problems await you that can spoil your mood and confuse your plans, warns Vanga’s dream book. Do you see in a dream that you were predicted to have a long life, but not a happy one? This indicates unexpected but easily solvable problems.

The betrothed-mummer, or Love will come, but learn to wait...

The same well-known dream book of Vanga, explaining why one dreams of fortune-telling about a loved one, says the following: if you are unsure about the relationship of a guy who actually exists in your life, then you should not check him through rumors - ask directly. This will help you avoid making misjudgments.

And here, Eastern dream book, who dreamed of a prediction of love, which the dreamer does not have in reality, prepared his own interpretation of the dream: do not rush to “throw yourself on the neck” of the first person who compliments you - happiness is already nearby, but you need to wait a little for it.

Family life as a symbol of relationships

If you dreamed that a fortune teller, looking into a magic ball, was silent about your future, then this may mean misunderstandings and discord in the family, the Muslim dream book suggests. And if the fortune teller’s speech is full of rosy predictions for the future, then you should be vigilant - someone wishes you harm.

Did a fortune teller in a dream predict a woman's marriage or pregnancy and the birth of a child in the near future? Such a dream does not always have direct interpretations; it is quite possible that fate hints to a woman about her unconscious desires.

But why does a girl dream about later pregnancy, hear in a dream the date of birth of your son: find out whose name day is celebrated on this day, and name the boy one of the suggested names - then he will be a happy person.

Fortune telling for career success: Don't dwell on failures

Receive in a dream good prediction, regarding your career, according to most dream books, is a signal that you are too fixated on work. Slow down, otherwise you'll get " emotional burnout" But a prediction about losing a job, on the contrary, promises promotions and all sorts of honors, suggests Miss Hasse’s dream book.

Did you dream that a bad job prediction came true? There is no need to worry, but you need to be puzzled - you are doing something wrong, and this kind of dream is a warning about this.

But won't finance sing romances? How to prevent ruin

Pastor Loff's dream book will help you understand why you dream about going broke. If you see in a dream that with the help of magic you are trying to correct the financial crisis that has occurred in life, then this means that in reality, with the help of friends or relatives, you will be able to increase your income.

And if you dreamed that you received predictions about a meeting with a rich and influential person, then according to the explanation of why such a vision is dreamed, it is a symbol of persistent and painstaking work, says the interpreter.


In reality, people are skeptical about various kinds fortune telling, but if the opportunity presents itself, few people will refuse the services of a witch. The explanation for this contradictory behavior is quite simple. Every person has problems that he cannot cope with on his own. Why do you dream about a fortune teller? What is the dreamer trying to warn about?

In Miller’s dream book, a fortuneteller means the dreamer’s experiences of abandoned affairs. The interpreter warns that it is undesirable to leave what has been done halfway. We need to finish everything to the end.

Noble dream book Grishina is sure that a fortune teller in a dream represents news that you yourself can predict. If, of course, you remember what exactly she guessed:

  • the future, filled with troubles and problems, has a radically opposite interpretation; you will be able to cope with all the troubles, but do not be overly self-confident, ill-wishers can take advantage of this;
  • happy future, full of love and mutual understanding, indicates the devotion of friends who are ready to help at the first call.

The mythological dream book associates a fortune teller with great luck. If the fortune teller was a gypsy, you should be more attentive and careful. Someone will try to deceive you. This vision also indicates the dreamer’s desire to delve into esotericism.

According to Freud, if you dreamed of a fortune teller, the dreamer is hiding his fears

The meaning of the image according to other dream books:

  • eastern female - a conversation with a fortune teller means that the dreamer is confused in love relationships, only a lucky chance can save them;
  • Ivanova - romantic acquaintance;
  • bitches - you are seduced by forbidden pleasures;
  • psychological - if you talked to a witch in a dream, in reality your personal life will change dramatically, the main thing is not to miss your destiny;
  • erotic - there will be a need to choose; Apparently, a woman cannot choose the one who is closest to her heart.

According to the seer Vanga, if a person turns to a fortuneteller in a dream, life will once again teach him a lesson. Probably, the dreamer deliberately makes some mistakes and constantly pays for them.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

If a woman dreams of a fortune teller, two gentlemen will look after her at once. Also, the meaning of the image depends on the age and status of the dreamer:

  • pregnant - empty worries, apparently expectant mother fears a difficult birth, but everything will go fine;
  • unmarried - many suitors, among whom she can choose a worthy one;
  • if a married sorceress dreams of her husband’s betrayal, the lady needs to take a closer look at herself, perhaps she is biased towards her betrothed;
  • modern dream book believes that if you dreamed of a gypsy telling fortunes by hand, the dreamer will be friends with representatives of the male sex, but relationships with women will not work out.

For a man, a fortuneteller in a dream promises stunning success with women. Did the groom have such a dream right before the wedding? His future family life it will turn out great.

IN Ancient Egypt predictors ranked high social status. Every morning the pharaoh began by viewing the horoscope for the coming day.

If a child dreams of a fortune teller, someone out of envy is trying to harm him.

Fortune telling by hand in a dream indicates a huge number of fans

Interpretation of sleep taking into account details

Even the smallest details can radically change the meaning of a dream. It is important to remember all the nuances of what you saw.

What did the fortune teller predict?

If a fortune teller voices a terrible prediction (illness or death) in a dream, unpleasant events will happen in reality. Of course, not so significant, but you will have to be nervous. In some cases, the unfavorable prognosis of the fortune teller indicates that the dreamer needs to be more confident in himself, since selfish people take advantage of his soft character.

A fortune teller predicting pregnancy is a sign that there will be no losses in life; on the contrary, you will soon gain something significant. For a woman, this plot is often prophetic. You will probably have a baby soon. If the witch said some words in a dream, it is advisable to remember them. Most likely, the main meaning of the dream lies in them.

The famous French fortune teller Madame Lenormand gave such accurate political forecasts that she was even sentenced to several years in prison.

The name given by the sorceress is also a special sign. Soon you will meet a person with that name. Perhaps he will not enter your life for a long time, but he will definitely leave a mark on fate. If a fortune teller predicted the future for the dreamer’s relatives in a dream, one of them needs his help.

Tarot cards in a dream promise financial problems

What attributes were used by the fortune teller?

The objects with which the fortune teller predicted the future are also important:

  • ordinary playing cards- women can hope for a romantic meeting, men should take a closer look at their surroundings;
  • Tarot cards predict problems with finances; it is not yet recommended to get involved in dubious scams or get involved in gambling;
  • a magic ball in the hands of a sorceress - the dreamer should be more assertive and purposeful;
  • coffee grounds indicate a useless task on which you will waste a lot of time;
  • if the fortuneteller used a candle flame, it is worth taking a closer look at what it was like: a small fire indicates a sharp change in plans, a large one predicts new prospects;
  • mirrors indicate the dreamer's regret about the past.

Since ancient times, people have used all sorts of methods of fortune telling. There are methods for predicting the flight of birds, the entrails of animals, the bones of a deer, and many others.

If a fortune teller came up on the street in a dream, in real life the dreamer needs help

What did the fortune teller look like?

If you were on the fortune teller dark clothes, the dream carries a double negative. Firstly, the dreamer needs to be wary of health problems. Secondly, he needs to take a closer look at his colleagues - some of them are deceiving him.

The age of the fortune teller also matters:

  • young gypsy - you missed the moment when you could still control the situation, but now everything goes by itself;
  • old village grandmother - good news, you will meet new people or be able to establish relationships with friends with whom for a long time were in a quarrel;
  • a young psychic woman promises a romantic acquaintance for a girl, but if the dream was seen by a married woman or married man, their marital relationship will become even stronger.

An old fortune teller dreams of good news

The meaning of other plots

If in his night dreams the dreamer saw himself fortune-telling, his friends are devoted to him and will never leave him in a difficult situation. A seer who takes a strand of hair from you in a dream promises trouble. Most likely, problems will appear in your personal life. You should be more attentive to your chosen one. Gave it to a fortune teller a large sum for her services? The dream warns of betrayal of friends.

A fortune teller predicted Alexander Pushkin's death at the hands of a blond man long before the fatal duel. The prophecy weighed on the poet all his life, but did not save him from Dantes’ bullet.

A gypsy who stole something from the dreamer means big losses in real life. If a fortune teller approached a person you know right on the street, he needs help.

A fortune teller in a dream is a mystical, heavy image. Remember in detail what she predicted for you, and think about how it can be applied to real life. But you shouldn’t take visions of this kind too seriously, because not every dream is prophetic. You can change your life for the better without leading, you just need to believe in yourself and do what you love.