Women about women - Newspaper "Novocherkassk Vedomosti" - Novocherkassk.net. “The heritage of Russia is our women! What do you think is your main drawback?

Teaching is not work
and renunciation
The ability to give your all,
Go on a long journey
and torment
And see the light in this
and grace.

Morning. The bell rings, and lyceum students rush to take their seats, immersing themselves in the unique school atmosphere. Everything is pleasing to the eye, everything is subordinated main goal: create for the guys ideal conditions for study and relaxation. And the main inspirer of all the affairs of the lyceum, the creative mentor of the team, its soul is the director of the Republican Classical Lyceum, Irina Vladimirovna Kartopolova. Her confidence in success fills her with optimism and makes her believe in herself.
She dreamed of being a teacher, teaching her dolls literacy and mathematics as a child, helping her classmates, imagining herself as an adult teacher, and her dream came true. After graduating from the Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute, she worked as a teacher English language in the village of Multa (Ust-Koksinsky district), then at school No. 6 of Gorno-Altaisk and, since 1993, at the Republican Classical Lyceum. Irina Vladimirovna became not just a teacher, but a real professional, constantly improving her skills and her teaching talent!
A teacher is a state of mind, a way of life, if you like. Irina Vladimirovna’s life credo: “Be able to feel the person next to you, be able to understand his soul, see the complex in his eyes.” spiritual world"(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
The main goal that our director sets for himself and his colleagues is the education and development of a free and cheerful talented individual, enriched scientific knowledge about nature and man, ready for creative creative activity and moral behavior.
More than 30 years pedagogical activity left behind... Is this a lot or a little for the life of a teacher, and subsequently the director of a lyceum? Probably, for any person this is not just a period in life, but a huge journey, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and failures... But what do these years mean for a school leader? This is constant and purposeful work on raising children, self-improvement and the formation of a unified educational space. For Irina Vladimirovna, the teaching career is not just a job, it is truly a great service to the noble cause of educating new generations! Hundreds of graduates gratefully pronounce the name of their beloved director. Irina Vladimirovna dedicated 24 years of her life to the Lyceum. Over the years, an educational institution has been created, which occupies a leading position among schools in the Altai Republic. In 2014 and 2015, the lyceum was the only one in our republic among educational institutions entered the TOP-500 rating best schools Russia based on the results of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 academic year. In 2016, the Republican Classical Lyceum was included in two lists of the best schools in Russia providing specialized education in the following profiles: philological and social and humanitarian. Lyceum students receive education in prestigious universities our country and abroad, many of them work as leading specialists in our republic in the field of healthcare, legal
prudence, economics.
The competitiveness of the lyceum is largely due to the high qualifications of teachers, which Irina Vladimirovna pays attention to special attention; the methodological growth of a teacher, in her opinion, is the main task of a school leader. The director painstakingly and skillfully coordinates the studies and development of each member of the team. She devotes a lot of strength and energy to working with young teachers, subtly and wisely correcting the activities of experienced mentors. All this allowed the teaching staff of the lyceum to become a friendly and cohesive team, capable of solving any issues of training and education of the younger generation.
Excellent organizational skills and knowledge of human psychology help her to captivate the teaching staff common cause. A special feature of Irina Vladimirovna is a heightened sense of the new. She has some kind of unquenchable innovative impulse, an amazing sense of the new, knows how to see this new in many different situations and is always ready to help others. The most advanced pedagogical discoveries and methodological innovations are reflected in the practice of the lyceum.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Republican Classical Lyceum, Irina Vladimirovna was asked to write an essay about herself and the lyceum.
Here is her “Confession...”:
“A teacher gives his life to children.
A noble, beautiful, respected profession.
It is not true that a teacher sacrifices his life for the sake of children. This is not a sacrifice, but a joy, otherwise he is not a teacher. For those who go to school with a heavy heart, it will seem like hell. In fact, school is the center of life, it is the center of energy, wisdom, love, joy. How the teacher perceives school is how the students perceive it. Everything is in the hands of the teacher.
I am grateful to my school teachers who taught me to think and live, introduced me to the profession, and became an example in life.
I respect my colleagues - teachers of the lyceum, I admire their high professionalism, their wisdom, hard work, their ability to love and understand children, their willingness to give up rest in order to solve a child’s problems, their modesty, internal culture, their ability to enjoy life, children’s successes, and not to be discouraged even in the most difficult situations, their patience, their desire to learn and move forward. It is their work and attitude to life that is embodied in the students of the lyceum.
I have a hard time getting used to new kids, especially eighth-graders.
snikam: awkward, unorganized, unable to organize themselves, grasping at everything but not completing much, lacking skills independent work afraid to argue with the teacher, unaccustomed to asking questions. But with what courage do they sacrifice their free time To achieve this goal, how quickly they absorb the spirit of the Lyceum!
I sincerely love graduates! I love them for their determination high intelligence, the ability to quickly adapt in an unfamiliar situation, the ability to find an adequate solution to any problem, the willingness to take responsibility, decency in everything. They know how to work honestly, conscientiously, creatively, have fun, live with dignity, and act honorably. I believe that this is exactly what Russian citizens should be like. With peace of mind I can entrust them with the future of our country.
I thank fate that I became a teacher, that every day is filled with meetings and communication with amazing teachers and talented children.”
That's what she is, our director! Extraordinary, courageous and beautiful woman! With her intelligence, high culture, ability to listen and hear another person, she managed to create around herself an atmosphere of mutual understanding, creativity, and search. This woman has so much beauty, charm, strength!
Currently, no one doubts that the effective development of the education system in our country depends exclusively on highly professional people, such as Irina Vladimirovna Kartopolova.
Over the years of teaching, Irina Vladimirovna has grown from a simple teacher into a modern and successful leader. She is an excellent student of public education, an honored teacher Russian Federation, winner of the All-Russian competition the best teachers within the framework of PNPO 2008, winner of the All-Russian competition “Director of the Year 2013”.
Of course, this is not the limit! We sincerely wish our director new victories, achievements and worthy appreciation of her work. Happiness to you, dear Irina Vladimirovna!

Sketches for portraits of contemporaries

The myth that women can only speak about their own kind in a dismissive and condescending tone was dispelled by the recently published collection “Women about Women.”
The idea to create such a book arose in the bowels of the public organization, the Association of Journalists "Aksinya", which just this year celebrates its 15th anniversary and decided to present itself, its beloved, with such original gift. A few months ago, the head of Aksinya, Irina Mardar, invited members of her organization to write essays about their contemporaries - about those whom they have known for a hundred years or whom they met quite recently, about young or old people who occupy high positions or who have found something modest, but very important for them. their place in life. The main thing is that the person is interesting to the author - no matter what, his biography or its individual episodes, his non-standard views on the world or commitment to conceptual principles that he himself developed, his attitude towards the profession or people. The main thing is that the heroine of the future essay should somehow surprise, amaze, or delight the author, which makes him want to write about her.
Members of the Aksinya organization (and the overwhelming majority are women) responded with enthusiasm to the proposal, especially since journalism is very close to many of them, and it seemed like becoming the authors of the collection, returning to such an almost forgotten genre today as the essay, or just trying it out very tempting. And, speaking in journalistic language, everyone had plenty of material for this, because there are no uninteresting people, there is a reluctance or inability to “stir up” one’s character, explore his fate, press hidden “springs”.
The presentation of the collection “Women on Women” took place last Friday in the fireplace room of the central city library, and, as often happens with “Aksinya” events, there was a twist. Along with the authors of essays about women, the heroines of the essays were also invited to the meeting. This added general atmosphere holiday... reality. Here they are, our contemporaries, real, not fictitious, not born of creative imagination. Each woman in these sincere stories is truly “ the whole world worthy of everyone's attention", each of them "lives in full height and creates his own personal history in the context of the history of a large country."
“Women about Women” is an anti-glamor publication. A woman here is attracted not by “a minimum of clothing or a maximum of bright feathers on her”, not by involvement in intrigues, scandals, investigations. She is ordinary, and at the same time, when you hold your gaze on her and focus your attention, she turns out to be not so ordinary, but on the contrary, she has invaluable experience and unique personality traits. This idea was emphasized by Irina Mardar, who is also the editor and compiler of the collection, when welcoming the presentation participants. And then each author was given the floor - about the “searches and finds” of his heroine. And the heroines, in turn, expressed their attitude towards the idea of ​​“Aksinya” brought to life.
By the way, the publication of the book became possible thanks to funds from the Global Fund for Women, as well as from the publishing house “Old Russians” (Rostov-on-Don), headed by Natalya Startseva, a writer, author of the novels “In the Light of Love”, “To Me” It doesn’t hurt”, a collection of fairy tales “Tales from the Christmas Tree”. She attended the presentation and declared her love for all the heroines of the collection’s essays, who became close to her during the preparation of the book for publication. And a great gift for everyone gathered in the fireplace room, and there were not only the authors and heroines of the collection, but also members of other public organizations the cities that came to congratulate “Aksinya” on her birthday were books by Natalya Startseva with a personal signature.
All presentation participants received the book “Women about Women” as a gift. And on Monday, several such books were presented to the local history department of the library named after. Pushkin and each branch. Any reader can get acquainted with the collection of sketches about contemporary women.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 9.6k. Published Jul 8, 2015

It is no secret that many beautiful and unique women live in our native and ancient Yuryevets. This is what the employees of the Ryabinka MKDOU said about one of these women.

- The other day The anniversary is celebrated by our manager Lyudmila Alekseevna Alekseeva, who recently retired. On the eve of her birthday I want to say a lot about her kind words, - this is how the teachers who worked with their head for decades began their story.

– Lyudmila Alekseevna was born in the village. Giblitsy Kasimovsky district Ryazan region. She began her career immediately after graduating from school in 1967. Arriving in Ivanovo, I started working as a nurse at the 1st clinic. She completed nursing courses at the Ivanovo regional health care center and was sent as nurse nursery groups to us, in the city of Yuryevets at the Mir nursery. Then she entered the Kineshma Pedagogical College in absentia, from which she graduated in 1974, receiving the specialty of a teacher kindergarten. In August of the same year, she began working as a teacher in kindergarten No. 5. From December 1985 until her retirement, she worked as the head of MKDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Ryabinka”.

While working as a manager, Lyudmila Alekseevna showed herself to be a responsible, competent leader. She has always been distinguished by the clear organization of her activities and professionalism when working with teachers, children and parents. She has the ability to ensure the functioning and development of the kindergarten in accordance with the requirements public policy in the field of preschool education.

For Lyudmila Alekseevna, a manager is not just a position, but a way of life. As a leader, she did everything to ensure that the kindergarten flourished, the employees worked comfortably, and parents trusted their children without any problems. She is a professional in her field, an initiative, experienced leader who directs the team’s activities towards the realization of creative abilities, the development individual qualities the personality of each employee, so that everyone who at first glance seemed unprepossessing and stereotypical would suddenly reveal an interesting side.

In her preschool institution, she was a real mistress, she knew every corner, all the problems and needs, and they lately it got bigger and bigger. Lyudmila Alekseevna found both the strength and time to solve them, without sparing herself.

And if there was a problem with a lack of staff, she worked for the nurse, and for the caretaker, and for the teacher. Along with all the employees, she cleaned the territory, dug flower beds and planted flowers, participated in the repair of groups and premises of the kindergarten, and even knocked icicles off the roofs herself. Where it is difficult, where there is a problem, there is the owner of the garden. She did everything possible and impossible to ensure that the life of the kindergarten proceeded in a calm and peaceful direction.

Lyudmila Alekseevna has such qualities as: modesty, simplicity, decency, hard work, dedication to her work. Many young colleagues strive to be like her in everything.

“This is a kind-hearted person with whom it is very easy and pleasant to communicate. This is the person about whom they say that “people are drawn to him.” She treats everyone around her with respect, be it an adult or a child. Any conversation begins with the words: “Hello. How are you?" This is not a stock phrase, but a manifestation of interest and care for every close and familiar person. He always listens attentively, encourages, advises, helps with deeds and advice.”

Lyudmila Alekseevna worked well with people. She is from that category of people who control themselves in critical situations and can anticipate and prevent possible conflicts. He can understand and support at any moment, so employees come to work with pleasure, knowing that they are always expected, understood, treated well, valued and respected. As a leader, she combined business activity with the ability to seek pleasure in work, and, together with her subordinates, rejoice at successes and be upset at failures. Supported justified risks when implementing innovations, highlighted the main thing in own work and the activities of the team she leads. She quickly adapted to the changing modern conditions reforming the education system.

“She is a very bright person with an open soul. It’s hard to imagine Lyudmila Alekseevna gloomy, she always smiles and creates good mood to those with whom he communicates.”

She was a frequent guest in groups, children ran up, shared their secrets with her, and she paid attention to everyone. She is distinguished by her boundless love for children. Lyudmila Alekseevna knew every child in the kindergarten, and there were more than a hundred of them.

She still remembers all her students by name. She has always been able to find an individual approach to each child and never remains indifferent to the problems of children and their parents. Children and their parents come to kindergarten with pleasure. Kindergarten graduates are frequent guests, recalling the bright moments of their preschool life.

Teachers and students of preschool educational institutions actively participated in municipal creative exhibitions, competitions, sports events and were awarded numerous diplomas and letters of gratitude.

Lyudmila Alekseevna is efficient in solving a variety of issues, precise in presenting her thoughts, creatively and deeply approaches the implementation of numerous tasks, which has allowed the kindergarten under her leadership to take first place in the ranking among preschool institutions cities.

Needless to say, every subordinate dreams of such a leader: calm, tactful, smart, respectful, ready to help at any moment. The doors of her office were always open, any child could look in and see a smile or hear a kind word.

“Lyudmila Alekseevna gave her entire life to work in our kindergarten, having worked for more than forty years. Here she earned gratitude, certificates, the title “Veteran of Labor,” and most importantly, the enormous respect of colleagues, parents and children who attended the kindergarten.”

For high professionalism, innovation and pedagogical skill, Lyudmila Alekseevna was repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the education department, the head of the administration of the Yuryevetsky municipal district. In 2001 she was awarded a diploma of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

“She is a very decent and honest person. You can trust her with everything and not for a moment doubt her sincerity.”

We, the kindergarten team, with all our hearts and from all our grateful hearts congratulate Lyudmila Alekseevna on her anniversary. We wish that she would be surrounded by people as kind and bright as herself.

Prepared by M. Krainov

The heroes of today's publications can be divided into two main groups. One of them is various kinds of symbolic faces. Sex symbols, show symbols, symbols of wealth, power, etc. The press is interested in them as people who personify success. There are few such public people, they have become familiar, and many have become fairly boring to the reader. Their job is to maintain interest general public all sorts of vulgarities.

The second group is more numerous, and its heroes are unknown to anyone. These are different kinds of bosses who wanted to be written about them by a certain date, or just like that. This is done for money. It is clear that only relatives and friends can read such essays, and only one line at a time...

Here the author wonders if there are people who do not belong to the first two categories and who sincerely believe that they have not done something in this life that deserves everyone’s attention, but at the same time it would be interesting to read about them.
There may be many such people, but they are not easy to find. They don't expose themselves. Therefore, when the opportunity arises, you should definitely talk about them.

Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kutuzova

Pediatrician. She's already dead. In old age. The drama of a man who is almost 90 is that there are no longer people in this world who loved or hated him. Therefore, funerals of very old people are always not crowded.

A lot of people came to say goodbye to Kutuzova (there were no warning measures, except for a small obituary in Magnitogorsk Metal). And these were not grateful patients: for the last quarter of a century she has not worked. These were doctors and nurses, mostly elderly... The fact that the heroine of my essay is not just a doctor, but an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, the former chief pediatrician of the city and chief physician Children's City Hospital No. 3, this is not the main thing. All this was a very long time ago. A catchphrase“No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” is never confirmed by life... But Kutuzov was remembered by numerous colleagues, despite the fact that most of them had long been in the other world. The author tried to figure out why, and having figured it out, he decided to write this essay.

She was a pronounced workaholic. For this reason, such people are a dime a dozen in our current corporations. Today's workaholic managers are very tough people. Without sparing themselves, they do not spare their subordinates. Kutuzova did not shift her stress onto her subordinates. There is evidence of this. The author communicated in different times with a considerable number of colleagues and former subordinates of Kutuzova, and that’s what’s surprising. Everyone talks about her only with reverence. The opinions of subordinates about other well-known leaders of this level differ diametrically. The author found one colleague of Kutuzova, who believed that he was punished excessively by the head physician, but he also emphasized: “For the cause.” And then he generally said: “A very reasonable woman, it was she who later secured a three-room apartment for me in the Leninsky district.”
Here another quality of the head physician Kutuzova surfaced. This is a complete, absolute incapacity for money-grubbing and even everyday hoarding. All that she left behind, materially, was a tiny Khrushchev apartment she received for a family of five, neglected garden plot Yes, the Order of the Badge of Honor... Although no, also a hockey stick with the autographs of the players of the USSR national team: Kharlamov, Mikhailov, Petrov. She loved hockey and was proud of her personal acquaintance with the national team coach Tarasov.

She always spoke politely to her subordinates and never raised her voice. She was petite in build and pleasant in appearance. Apparently therefore, despite her fierce determination and sacrifice for the interests of the cause, she gave the uninitiated the impression of a soft and compliant person. But the family members received a full leadership impulse. She assigned her daughter, a medical student who came to her practice, as a nurse in the infectious diseases department. There was just an outbreak of dysentery and there wasn’t enough staff. The family carried out her orders strictly. Therefore, after graduating from university, my son did not go to graduate school, but to serve in the army. Or rather to the fleet. Border guards. At that time they served in the navy for three years. According to current concepts, such actions of a mother are some kind of parental ruthlessness. Maybe. Only later, she took a vacation several times and went across half the country to visit her son... There was something in her from the old Prince Bolkonsky from “War and Peace”... It is easier for such people to endure pain than shame.

And one last thing. When chief physician Kutuzova turned 55, the very next day she wrote a statement asking for release from leadership position. They didn’t let me go, but she insisted. She stayed in the hospital to work as a simple doctor and worked until she went blind.

And when she was dying and had already fallen into unconsciousness, she kept getting ready to go somewhere to save the child...

This, perhaps, is all the most interesting thing about pediatrician Kutuzova.
Although no, here’s another thing.

Our medicine today desperately needs such Zinaida Aleksandrovna Kutuzovs. So, perhaps, we should name her name for the largest children's hospital in the city, No. 3, which she led for a long time, and which she built and organized its work? I am sure there is no decent person who will say a word against it. And if so, then let this name become a symbol of the fact that a doctor should save people not while he is paid, but while he is breathing.

Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region.


This is a breath of conscience - in the shamelessness of the modern race into the void...

No, what I mean is that you are infinitely right, Victor, the press is full of it. What is it replete with? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it brings money.

And in the Soviet Union, newspapers and magazines were simply filled with notes and articles about such unknown, but very important and very decent people. This one did such a thing, and this one achieved such achievements, and this one saved so many.


My memories of school are episodic. Just like on a film film damaged from long storage, missing fragments interfere with the full perception of the “film”, but do not harm the overall impression.

So, I remember a large bookcase in our 23rd room on the third floor of school No. 10, which we, newly minted fifth-graders, at the suggestion of our class teacher Siyana Magomedovna Mamaeva , forced me to bring books and toys from home. I remember the endless “we write one - two in mind” - Siyana Magomedovna’s patient attempts to teach us, capable and incapable of exact sciences, at least the basics of mathematics. I remember how the whole class went to visit our school mother at home, and she was embarrassed by such loud manifestations of care and love. In all memories - Siyana Magomedovna, and with what tenderness and warmth her name warms the memory.

Our parents (my mother and the mothers of the other seventeen classmates) always believed that Siyana Magomedovna was too soft a leader for our noisy “A” class. In fact, it was impossible to catch this wonderful, bright woman in bad mood, irritated and angry, bringing to class a load of her household worries and problems. It was impossible to irritate her by hanging at the board for a long time, looking for the right way to solve a problem or equation when it was very close. And even periodic shirking from doing homework in high school did not become the very last point before a breakdown. Only a disappointed, quiet “Shameless!”, after which I wanted to hide under my desk, never to meet the reproachful, stern gaze of the teacher again.

All I wanted was not to disappoint her, not to let her down, and the best assessment and incentive to work on myself was praise class teacher at parent meetings. Sensitive at heart, sympathetic, empathetic, understanding and forgiving, she tried to keep our parents away from our school troubles as much as possible, to the extent that her gentleness and kindness allowed her to cope with them herself. How often now, when we have grown out of our 15-16 years, we miss this gentle voice of our beloved teacher, from which our souls warm and it becomes clear: everything will work out.

“Your classmate is Siyana Magomedovna? You're lucky! – we have heard more than once from graduates different years, who forever remembered her mathematics lessons. Even to the most incurable humanists, like me, algebra and geometry did not seem like God's punishment. Partly due to the fact that Siyana Magomedovna always had stories and examples in stock, after which even the most complex topics were perceived easier and more interesting. And on classroom hours more than once she became for us a judge whose verdict determined who had conflicting rights and who should apologize. Everything was decided by this calm voice and wise look - the only examples of tolerance I have encountered in my life.

Each of us had our own Siyana Magomedovna. She invariably appeared when one of her school children was ill, or there was a misfortune in the family, or when it was necessary to resolve issues that the teacher's sensitivity did not allow to discuss in front of everyone. For me, my school mother has always been a model of femininity and gentleness, a symbol home comfort and warmth. This warmth washed over you from the very threshold, if you happened to drop by to visit her, and you embraced her dearly in her arms so tightly that it seemed that you had come home, where they had been waiting for you for a long time.

Dear Siyana Magomedovna! Five years have passed since you released us, your last issue, on a long voyage. The best thing that school could give us was your lessons, the value of which you understand more and more the older you get. My deepest bow to you for this inhuman work - to light a light in children's hearts, to teach girls and boys to be adults, endlessly forgiving them for mistakes and mistakes along the way. Let the warmth you radiate return to you a hundredfold every day. We love you very much - everyone who has ever been lucky enough to be your student! Happy Teacher's Day!