Bone processing on the Ya8-FLK line. Method for waste-free bone processing Equipment for processing animal bones

At meat industry enterprises, after deboning raw materials, not only the main product - meat - is obtained, but also production waste. Bones remain the most, since they account for up to 20 percent of the weight of each animal corpse. Cattle are the main source of bone waste, which must be disposed of in a timely manner.

Disposal of cattle bones in our company

If you have a farm or meat processing plant and have a question animal bone recycling is one of the main ones, then we can provide you with such a service at the most favorable conditions. We guarantee prompt removal of biological waste from your facility. Processing of animal bones will be carried out in accordance with existing safety standards.

For which areas of activity is the disposal of animal bones relevant?

Disposal of bones is an essential component of the activities of pig farms, poultry farms and other livestock farms. Under the influence high temperature in special ovens, production waste such as bones, and along with them microbes, viruses and bacteria, are completely destroyed.

Thermal bone recycling

To process animal bones, we use the most effective and reliable method - burning. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms that are formed during the decomposition of biological waste are destroyed. For thermal disposal of bones, biological waste incinerators or cremators are used. Such equipment looks like a special chamber with an internal fireproof coating and a burner.

Disposal of animal bones in cremators makes it possible to destroy all pathogenic organisms that, as a result of reproduction, harm the environment and can become a source of serious diseases for people. Due to the fact that the combustion temperature inside the furnaces reaches 800 degrees Celsius, waste is destroyed almost completely. The result will be a sterile ash, sometimes with a negligible amount of brittle bone debris.

Why can you trust us with the task of bone disposal?

Our company has modern furnaces for burning biological waste. Disposing of animal bones is the preferred method as it is completely safe for environment. By contacting our company and ordering such a service, you will not only improve the sanitary and hygienic situation at the enterprise, but also protect yourself from a fine of 700,000 rubles, as well as from suspension of activities for 90 days.

We work not only in Moscow, but also in Leningrad region, in the Central Federal and Northwestern Federal Districts. If you need bone disposal, please contact us at any in a convenient way and leave a request for a cost estimate. The manager will quickly name the price. After signing the contract, we go to the site and pick up the bones for their subsequent burning. After this, we provide all the necessary supporting documents.

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In recent years, the share of use of block meat and meat mass for production of products has increased significantly at meat processing enterprises. This has led to a weakening of attention to the problem of rational and efficient processing of bones obtained by deboning meat in the form of half carcasses.

However, in conditions of economic recession, reduction and rise in prices of raw materials, the relevance of improving technology in this area of ​​production becomes obvious.

Thus, it is proposed to degrease bones with a high fat content (for example, tubular bones) and produce bone edible fat from them. Bone fat is classified as animal fat. It is boiled from clean, fresh bones, freed from the remains of meat, tendons, etc. By appearance this product resembles ghee from cows. The consistency of bone fat is liquid, ointment-like or dense. In the molten state, grade 1 fat is transparent, grade 2 is cloudy.

For the processing of tubular bone, the Ya8-FOB vibration degreasing line and its modification Ya8-FOB-M are successfully used, which allows the processing of any types of bone to obtain bone meal fat content less than 10%.

Edible fat is obtained from fresh bones on these lines, which is used in cooking and in the manufacture of canned food. Vertebral, thoracic, and sacral bones of cattle, characterized by the presence of a significant amount of fleshy tissue cuts, are recommended to be used for the production of meat-and-bone semi-finished products or subjected to mechanical additional deboning.

It is advisable to use the resulting bone residue for the production of edible fat, dry food broth, feed flour or protein-mineral component intended for the production of food products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and the meat mass for the production of minced meat products.

For small enterprises, it is possible to process bones to produce edible fat and feed flour, as well as use vertebrae to produce semi-finished meat and bone products (semi-finished table products, soup set, beef stew, borscht dressing, broth set).

One of the options for using beef bone of the 1st category (except for the shoulder blade, pelvic and unsawed tubular bones) is the production of soup bone, for the production of which fists from filing the tubular bone can also be directed.

With a large production capacity, it is effective to obtain meat mass as a result of mechanical additional deboning of the vertebral, sternum, sacrum and ribs. The remaining bone residue can be sent for processing, using the first option - with the production of edible fat, feed flour and the second - edible fat, dry food broth or dry protein semi-finished product, feed flour or protein-mineral food product.

Depending on market conditions, vertebrae, ribs, thoracic and sacral bones are used for the production of semi-finished meat and bone products or in combination with fists from tubular bones - soup bones.

It should be noted that, despite the feasibility of producing dry food broths or dry protein semi-finished products from both bone residue and bone, in recent years there has been a sharp decline in their production. This circumstance is due to a decrease in consumer demand for data food products, produced by waste-free technology bone processing. The reasons for this are the following: meat industry enterprises do not have modern equipment for packaging these products, as well as a lack of contacts with food industry enterprises. To the listed reasons it is necessary to add a reduction in research work to improve the technology of production and use of protein and mineral components from bone for the production of food products and food products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. At the same time, the possibilities for expanding the use of protein and mineral components from bone for food purposes are far from exhausted.

To carry out effective bone processing in enterprises with a capacity of up to 15 tons of meat per shift, lines can be recommended where, due to short-term processing and moderate temperature conditions high yield and quality of the resulting edible fat and feed flour is ensured. The best results and environmental safety of production are achieved when using the Ya8-FLK bone processing line. It is distinguished by its ability to process all types of bone and bone residue and ensures almost complete elimination of losses while simultaneously increasing the yield of high-quality edible fat and biologically valuable feed meal.

The need to process all the waste from slaughterhouses and sausage shops for the production of meat and bone meal contributed to the creation of the Ya8-FOB-MA20 line with a productivity of up to 1 t/h of any raw material, except blood, which does not have time to dry in screw dryers continuous action. In this regard, modifications of the line with batch dryers were developed, allowing the processing of absolutely any raw material, including dead animals with guaranteed sterilization of flour and fat: Ya8-F05MA05P - up to 500 kg/h of raw materials and Ya8-F05-MA06P - - up to 1000 kg/h. At low-power enterprises, where the amount of waste per day does not exceed 1-2 tons, mini-lines of two modifications are used - steam and electric. For example, on the ML-A16 line up to 800 kg of raw materials are processed per change using steam, and on the ML-A16-01 line without steam. The productivity of the ML-A16M (Fig.) and ML-A16M-01 lines is up to 1500 kg per shift, and the ML-A16M2 and ML-A16M2-01 lines are up to 3000 kg per shift.

Heat treatment of bone in the production of dry food broth and edible fat can be carried out in an apparatus for rendering fat from bone of the K7-FV2-V brand or in other types of autoclaves that allow the process of collagen disaggregation to be carried out at a temperature of 130-140°C.

It is advisable to dry the resulting broth using drying units of the A1-FMU, A1-FMYA, A1-FMB brands with a vibro-fluidized layer of inert material, the installation of which requires a small production area in a one-story room, and for operation - steam with a pressure of 0.4 MPa. For mechanical additional deboning of bones, batch and continuous presses of domestic and foreign production can be used (K25-046, from Selo, Protekon (Holland), Laska (Austria), Beehive (USA), etc.) . Drying of bones and fat-free bone residue, as well as the production of feed meal from bones can be carried out in vacuum boilers (KVM-4.6M and Zh4-FPA) of domestic or foreign production. Tubular and pelvic bones of pork, unlike similar bones of cattle, can be used as raw material for the production of soup bone. A significant amount of pork ribs with intercostal meat is sent for the production of smoked pork ribs. Pork vertebrae (cervical and sacral) are used to make pork stew or obtain meat mass as a result of mechanical deboning. The bone residue is used for the production of dry food broths or dry protein semi-finished products, edible fat and feed flour. Pork shoulder is characterized by a low content of meat tissue cuts (up to 7%), and for this reason it is not used for mechanical deboning. It is mainly used for the production of edible fat and feed flour, given that the fat content in it is 11.1-14.1% and protein - 21.5-26.6%, respectively. Processing bone allows for the most efficient use of it, taking into account market conditions and the technical capabilities of a particular enterprise. In addition to economic considerations, the recommended technologies are aimed at improving the environmental safety of production.

Description of raw materials

bone processing technology


An important source of raw materials for the production of edible animal fats is the bone of slaughtered animals. The importance of this raw material is evidenced by the volumes of its production during deboning of meat at meat processing plants, as well as the high presence of fat in it. The yield of bone depends on the fatness and type of meat, as well as on the gender, age and breed of livestock. Approximate norms of bone yield (in%) when deboning beef, lamb and pork are given in table. 11 and 12, from which it is clear that bone makes up from 9.4 to 40.5% of the mass of the animal carcass, depending on its type and fatness. As carcass weight increases, bone yield during deboning decreases. In addition to meat processing plants, bone is obtained from the slaughter and cutting of livestock. at meat processing plants . At the same time, the average bone yield (in% of live weight) when processing cattle heads is 1.72, pigs - 2, small cattle - 2.65 and cattle tarsus - 0.5%. Depending on the anatomical structure and appearance, the bones of slaughter animals can be differentiated into the following groups: tubular - forearm, metatarsal, metacarpal, femur, reed (in production terminology, metatarsal and metacarpal bones are usually called tarsus); the bones are wide, flat, somewhat curved: scapula, pelvic, ribs without vertebrae, head; bones of complex profile: bones of the spine.

Regardless of the anatomical structure, raw skeletal bone from all types of livestock, obtained by deboning fresh, cooled, chilled and defrosted meat and offal in meat processing plants and meat processing plants, belongs to the bone of the first category, and fat-free (processed) bone belongs to the bone of the second category. Bones of the first category can be used for the production of edible fat. Depending on the subsequent use, there are certain requirements for the use of bone as a fat-containing raw material in terms of preparation for processing and fat extraction modes.

Structure, chemical composition andphysical parameters of bone

Bone consists of bone tissue, bone marrow and periosteum. The most important structural elements of bone are bone tissue and bone marrow, which are of industrial importance.

Bone tissue - hard supporting-trophic connective tissue, forming the basis of the animal’s skeleton, it performs a mechanical, supporting function, but also participates in the trophic and metabolic processes of the body. In addition, bone tissue plays an important role in mineral metabolism, contributing to the retention of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and other tissues of the animal body.

Bone tissue consists of cellular elements and intercellular substance, which includes interstitial structureless substance, collagen fibers and inorganic salts. In the intercellular substance of bone tissue there are bone cavities in which bone cells - osteocytes - are located. The size of bone cells is from 15 to 20 microns. The shape of osteocytes is elongated, oval or spindle-shaped with many long branching processes. The bodies of osteocytes are located in bone cavities connected to each other by bone canaliculi. Cells and bone processes are always surrounded by a thin capsule, which differs in properties from the rest of the intercellular substance in that it does not contain collagen fibers. The nucleus of bone cells has a round or oval shape. The interstitial substance contains osteomucoid, which envelops collagen fibers. The remaining proteins (albumin and globulins) are found in small quantities. In addition to proteins, it contains lipids (0.177-0.195% lecithin), and glycogen is found in the tubular bone. Mineral salts make up the bulk (65-70%) of dry bone and are part of the interstitial (intercellular) substance. The presence of mineral salts contributes to the creation of a certain hardness and strength of the bone. During the aging process, the amount of inorganic salts in the bones of animals increases, which causes their increased fragility.

Depending on the nature of the arrangement of collagen fibers in the ground substance, two types of bones are distinguished: coarse-fiber and fine-fiber or lamellar.

In coarse bones, collagen fibers are arranged randomly. Rough fibrous bone is found where tendons attach to bone.

All other bones of adult animals are lamellar. In lamellar bones, collagen fibers are arranged in individual thin bone plates. The thickness of such plates is 4-11 microns. The totality of bone plates makes up the thickness of the bone, while the collagen fibers in each two adjacent plates are located in different directions, which creates a system that is resistant to fracture.

The bone plates in tubular bones look like thin-walled cylinders, which seem to be nested one inside the other. Some of the collagen fibrils pass from one plate to other adjacent ones, thereby ensuring a strong and dense connection between the bone plates.

Each bone is divided into compact and spongy substance.

The compact, or dense, substance is always located outside and is especially strongly developed in the walls of the tubular bones. It is built from a series of bone plates, strongly pressed together.

Spongy bone consists of bone plates arranged in strict accordance with the laws of mechanics, which provides this part of the bone with greater resistance to fracture and significant lightness. In the cells between the crossbars of the spongy bone there are bone marrow and blood vessels.

The compact substance predominates in the flat bones and diaphysis of tubular bones, and the spongy substance predominates in the articular heads-epiphyses, in professional terminology called fists, in the vertebral body and bones of the cranium.

Outside, the bone is surrounded by periosteum, which is firmly connected to the bone using collagen fibers, which are made from the periosteum runs deep into bone tissue. The largest collagen bundles, called Sharpey's fibers, are found at the tendon insertions.

Directly under the periosteum in the diaphysis of the tubular bones there is a compact substance, which has four systems of plates: the outer common , internal general, system of Haversian plates and system of intercalated plates.

The basis of the bone marrow is reticular reticular tissue, in which various cellular elements are located: red blood cells, erythroblasts, lymphocytes, leukoplasts, blood cells. The dominant place in the bone marrow is occupied by fat cells.

Bone marrow is red, yellow and gray. Yellow bone marrow is richest in fat. Red marrow is present in very young animals in all bones and in the cavities of spongy bones of adult cattle. It is formed by the transformation of connective tissue cells into fat. The transition of red bone marrow to yellow can be observed on the vertebrae. It begins in the caudal vertebrae and continues towards the head. In well-fed cattle, starting from two years of age, yellow bone marrow is contained in all caudal, sacral and partially thoracic vertebrae. In pigs, red bone marrow turns yellow after 1.5 years of age.

The main physical characteristics of bone, which are taken into account in the process of designing equipment for its processing, are density and bulk mass, strength indicators, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and electrical conductivity.

Density bones depends on chemical composition, temperature and porosity. The density of dry fat-free bone is 1700-1900 kg/m 3, and the density of the compact substance is 1290-2000 kg/m 3.

Maximum shear stress tarsus of raw cattle bone is 74.3-86 MPa, and dry bone is 50-70 MPa.

Maximum bending stress fresh cattle tarsus is 255 MPa, tensile strength is 232 MPa, elastic modulus is 166 MPa. These characteristics are of decisive importance in the development of equipment for separating fists from tubular bone.

Strength characteristics decrease as a result of heat treatment and the greater the higher the temperature and duration of thermal exposure.

Heat capacity fresh bone with a moisture content of 51% is 2.76 kJ/(kg-K), and dry bone is 1.3 kJ/(kg-K). The thermal conductivity of bone is determined by its composition and temperature.

The thermal conductivity of bovine cancellous bone is 5.17 W/(m - K).

Electrical conductivity bone at a temperature of 20°C and a current frequency of 1000 MHz is 150 Ohm-cm, and the dielectric constant under the same conditions is 8 f/m.

Bone remnant

Bone residue is a fat-containing raw material obtained by separating muscle tissue from the remnants of the cuts of pulpy tissue contained on the bone using the pressing method. In appearance, the bone residue is a mass in the form of cylinders, blocks, loose crushed particles, including bone, connective, partially muscle, cartilage and fatty tissue.

The bone residue can be obtained as a result of mechanical additional deboning of lean lamb and goat meat without the femur and kidneys in a cooled, chilled, frozen, or supercooled state.

Depending on the method of mechanical additional deboning and the equipment used, the yield of bone residue varies slightly and when using the K25.046 additional deboning complex it is: for cattle bone 77.8 - 81.8%, for pork bone 77.8 - 82.8 %, for bones of small ruminants 77.8-79.8% of the mass of the original bone. The morphological composition of the bone residue differs significantly from the original bone, which is caused by the separation during the pressing process of mainly muscle tissue that is part of the cuts.

The bone residue is also distinguished by a relatively high level of residual fat content, as well as protein and mineral salts. All this allows us to consider the bone remnant as valuable species not only fat, but also food raw materials in general.


Broth is a decoction obtained by boiling bones, meat, poultry, fish, and mushrooms in water (mushroom decoction). Fresh broth is often used as food for illnesses when liquid nutrition is recommended, for example, for poisoning and disorders of the digestive system.

Depending on the type of products used, broths are distinguished: bone, meat and bone, poultry, fish, mushroom. Broth made only from meat pulp specifically for soups are cooked very rarely. Extractive substances, proteins, fats, and mineral elements pass from the products into the broth.

Extractives give flavor, aroma and color to the broth. There are two groups of extractives - nitrogenous and nitrogen-free.

Nitrogenous extractive substances include free amino acids, the content of which in the muscle tissue of large and small cattle is up to 1% of its mass, dipeptides, guanidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine, etc.), carbamide (urea), purine bases, etc.

Nitrogen-free extractives include glycogen, glucose, fructose, inositol, acids (lactic, formic, acetic, butyric), etc.

On taste qualities broth is significantly influenced by the amount of collagen that has turned into glutin, as well as the fat rendered during cooking.

When cooked, glutin (it makes up 77% of the dry residue of the broth), an insignificant (compared to the content in meat) part of the minerals and fat passes into the bone broth. Most of the fat collects on the surface and is mechanically removed, but some of it is emulsified, distributed in the broth. Emulsified fat makes the broth cloudy and worsens its organoleptic properties. There are practically no extractives in bone broth.

Bone broth. Edible bones are used to prepare it. Edible bones include: beef - articular heads of tubular bones, pectoral, vertebral and sacral; pork and lamb - vertebrate, thoracic, pelvic, tubular and sacral. Broths are not prepared from the rib and shoulder bones of beef carcasses; they are sent for technical processing. Vertebral bones are used for preparing sauces.

Bone broth can be prepared concentrated. Bone broth -- slightly cloudy; A small protein sediment is allowed. There may be sparkles of colorless or light yellow fat on the surface of the broth. The taste and smell are characteristic of the broth and added roots.

Concentrated bone broth from beef bones or from beef and pork bones is prepared in accordance with TU 28-24-84. Its technology does not differ significantly from the traditional one. To obtain 100 kg of finished broth, take 190 kg of bones. The finished broth is poured into functional containers and intensively cooled. The chilled broth has a jelly-like consistency. Its shelf life is 48 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C.

Preparedka bone raw materials for processing

Preparing bone for processing involves a set of operations to maximize the extraction of high-quality fat. It includes the following processes: washing the contaminated bone, grinding.

Flushing. If necessary, the bone is washed in a continuous washing drum, which consists of a metal frame with a perforated stainless steel drum itself. The drum with its shells rests on four rollers mounted on the frame and rotates freely. On both end sides the drum is open for loading and unloading. Ribs are welded to the inner walls of the drum along its longitudinal axis, ensuring better washing of the bone.

Grinding. Bone raw materials are crushed in order to open the spongy part of the bone tissue, which mainly contains fat cells, and to increase the reacting surface of the processed raw materials, which in turn intensifies the degreasing process. In addition, crushed raw materials make it possible to use equipment more efficiently. For washing, the bone is loaded into a rotating drum. Thanks to the inclination of the drum, the bowl gradually moves towards the discharge hole, turning over and rising, which facilitates better washing. The bone can be washed in a vat with running water for 30 minutes. or in a cauldron in which fat is rendered.

Fat Extraction is the most important stage technological process production of edible animal fats, affecting both the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the method of processing raw fat. Various technological techniques are possible to influence adipose tissue in such a way as to extract the fat contained in them from the fat cells. It would be possible press out fat from raw fat under the influence of externally applied pressure. However, this method is quite complex in terms of hardware and, in addition, does not exclude deterioration in the quality of fat during the period of accumulation of raw fat due to autolytic changes. In addition, it is necessary to pre-condition the raw fat in order to create conditions for fat crystallization and the raw material to acquire the required consistency.

Another method of fat extraction involves processing the raw materials hydrophobic solvents . It is multi-stage. The process includes heat treatment, since for greater extraction efficiency it is advisable to pre-dehydrate the raw material. In addition, it is necessary to separate the fat from the solvent and clean it before subsequent use. The production of fat in this way is justified when there is a significant accumulation of raw fat. However, the process is characterized by a fire hazard and has a negative impact on the environment.

Most widespread received thermal method extracting fat from raw fat - rendering, which is carried out using wet and dry methods.

Wet method melting of raw fat is that during the processing process, raw fat is in direct contact with water or live steam used to heat the raw material. As a result of heating, adipose tissue proteins are denatured, collagen is welded, undergoes hydrothermal disaggregation and hydrolysis, forming glutin. This leads to a break membranes of fat cells, due to which fat in a molten state has the opportunity to migrate from destroyed cells. As a result of this processing, a three-phase system is obtained, including fat, broth and greave. Depending on the duration of processing and the temperatures used, the concentration of the broth can be different and indicate the magnitude of the transition of protein substances into it. Dry method heating involves conductive heating of raw fat due to contact with a heating surface. The moisture contained in raw fat is during the combustion process, it evaporates into the environment or is removed under vacuum. At the same time, the proteins of the adipose tissue dehydrate, the membranes of the fat cells become fragile and are destroyed. The fat contained in the cells is melted, released from them and partially is retained due to adsorption on the surface of dry protein particles. After rendering, a two-phase system is obtained, consisting of dry fatty greaves and fat. The final separation of fat from greaves is carried out by physical methods: pressing or by centrifugation. The advantage of this method is the possibility of waste-free processing of raw fat. The disadvantages include high energy consumption and the possibility of reducing the organoleptic characteristics of the melted fat; taste, smell and color.

The essence of the process of extracting fat from bone. Extracting fat from bone and bone residue requires performing technological operations that provide for the creation of conditions for isolating fat cells of the bone marrow entirely from the spongy substance of bone tissue or their preliminary destruction and subsequent removal of fat from them. Based on these general approaches, various methods have been proposed for extracting fat from bone. The most widely used thermal methods are based on the destruction of bone marrow fat cells and changing the aggregative state of the fat they contain. Regardless of the method used for heat treatment of bone (bone residue), the degreasing process must create conditions for waste-free processing of this raw material. The wet method of heat treatment of bone raw materials involves constant contact with a coolant - water or live steam - during the entire processing period. With the dry method, there is no direct contact between the raw material and the coolant. Heat transfer occurs through the contact surface. Thus, in this case, the bone (bone residue) is heated by conduction.

As a result of heating, all structural elements of bone raw materials change - proteins, fats, vitamins, etc. In this case, changes in proteins and fats are of decisive importance, on which the completeness of degreasing of raw materials and the quality indicators of the resulting product depend. In order to make the heat treatment of bone more effective, it is supplemented by the influence of physical factors on the raw material: electrical impulses, vibration and ultrasonic vibrations.

Continuous wet extraction of fat from bone and bone residue. There are various methods for the continuous wet extraction of fat from bone. However, they are all based on the phenomenon of diffusion of molten fat (liquid) from a solid body (bone). Intensification of interfacial interaction in liquid systems - solid and increasing the impact on the boundary liquid layer, which interferes with mass transfer, is achieved by turbulization of the liquid. In order to influence boundary liquid films, various methods are used: liquid circulation, mixing of the processed solid material in the liquid, processing in a centrifugal field. The use of these methods makes it possible to speed up the process by reducing the thickness of liquid films on the surface of the particles of the substance being processed. Another effective remedy can be oscillation. Turbulent pulsations of liquid play an important role in the process of matter transfer. The pressure energy resulting from the turbulent movement of the fluid promotes an effective effect on the boundary films and, apparently, rupture of the walls of fat cells located in the bone marrow. Such movements, in particular in liquids, can be created by vibration, ultrasonic and electrical pulses. According to modern concepts, the mechanism for extracting fat from bone in an aqueous environment consists of two stages: extracting fat from the internal porous structure of the bone to the surface; the transition of fat from the surface of the bone into the bulk of water with the formation of a fat-water emulsion. To carry out the first stage of extracting fat from bone, short-term heating of the treated mixture is justified. In this case, the same phenomena occur that are characteristic of the dry method with conductive heating. Under the influence of heat, the rheological characteristics of fat change - viscosity and surface tension. Fat becomes fluid and changes its state of aggregation - it goes from solid to liquid. Additional fluctuations in the mass of molten fat, arising under the influence of inertial forces inside the capillary, contribute to the accelerated migration of fat to the phase boundary from the center to the periphery. With the reverse movement of fat residues, fresh liquid and a steam-water mixture penetrate into the particles, helping to warm up the bone and form a fat-water emulsion. The slowest process is the transition of fat from the bone surface to the bulk of water, which simultaneously slows down intracapillary processes, creating significant diffusion resistance at the interface. When using the wet method of extracting fat from bone, intensification of heat and mass transfer processes can be achieved by applying mechanical (stirring), vibrational, thermal and chemical (adding surfactants) effects, leading to the destruction of fat cells of crushed bone.

Production of bone fat using a dry method in batch machines. The process of dry fat extraction using batch equipment involves heat treatment of crushed bone under vacuum and additional degreasing of the heated dry bone in a centrifugal field. The use of a dry method of heat treatment of bone eliminates the loss of dry substances and, thanks to this, ensures a high yield of feed meal - 47% of the mass of the original raw material. The yield of edible fat is equal to 12% of bone mass, the residual fat content in defatted bone is 12% at a moisture content of 5%.

Depending on the volume of processed bone, vacuum boilers of different capacities and in different quantities can be used, as well as centrifuges designed for baskets with a capacity of 100-500 kg. With the dry degreasing method, the protein content in the dried product is much higher.

Electric pulse methods of bone degreasing. The use of electrical pulses for bone degreasing was proposed for the first time in world practice by domestic scientists. Thus, at MTIMMP an electric pulse method was developed for bone degreasing for the production of gelatin. In the installation, low voltage current (127-220 V) is converted into high voltage current (50-90 kV or more), then rectified, accumulated in capacitors and instantly released in the form of discharges. In this case, the electrical energy transforms into the energy of an explosion that breaks through the thickness of the liquid in the interelectrode space of the degreasing device. Ultra-high pressure arises in the liquid, sufficient to rupture the continuous medium and create a cavitation regime. These phenomena provide conditions for the extraction of fat from the bone, the main part of it in the first period of treatment with a number of pulses of 100-120; in the second period the process slows down.

Cooling of fats. This stage of the process of producing edible animal fats has two goals: preventing the development of oxidative changes in triglycerides, since the rate of fat oxidation depends on temperature, and achieving such structural and plastic characteristics that would ensure good commercial properties of fat. Depending on the type of fat, its purpose and the nature of the container used, animal fats are subjected to one-stage or two-stage cooling. . When packaged in large containers (barrels), fats undergo one cooling stage. When using small containers, as well as when packaging in consumer containers (packs, boxes, bars), fats are cooled in two stages, with the second stage usually called supercooling. Used to cool fats special devices-- continuous coolers in which the fat does not come into contact with air and heat losses are insignificant. In the absence of special coolers, fats can be cooled in double-walled boilers, into the jacket of which is fed cold water.

Packaging of fats. Packaging is one of the important processes ensuring the delivery of edible animal fats to the consumer without loss in an attractive and convenient form. In addition, packaging fat protects it from exposure to light and oxygen, which in turn extends the shelf life of this product. Pork fat packaging has become most widespread. But in the practice of meat industry enterprises, beef and bone fats are also produced in packaged form. At meat industry enterprises, edible animal fats are packaged in packs weighing 200 and 250 G, as well as in boxes made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene tape. For dosing and packing fats into packs, parchment and capped aluminum foil are used.

Packaging of fats. Rendered food animal fats are packaged in wooden jellied barrels, plywood-stamped barrels or cardboard winding drums. For the same purposes, wooden, plywood, and corrugated cardboard boxes are used. Before filling the fat into barrels, boxes, cardboard winding drums, liner bags made of polymer film materials are inserted into them or they are lined on the inside with parchment or polymer materials approved for use by health authorities. Before placing them in containers, the liner bags are turned inside out with the cellophane layer inside the bag, while checking the integrity of the film and seam. The liner bags are spread over the inner surface and bottom of the barrel or drum, bending the protruding ends of the liner bag onto the edges of the container, after which the fat is poured. Then the ends of the bag are collected into a bundle and closed with a polyethylene lock or tied, after which the barrels and cardboard-winding drums are closed with a lid. Before draining the fat into cardboard boxes, the box blank is straightened, giving it a “rectangle” shape; first, the end and then the longitudinal valves are closed. Fats packaged in consumer containers in the form of packs and boxes are packed in cardboard boxes, and glass and metal fats are packed in wooden boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes. Each row of boxes is arranged in a box with corrugated cardboard inserts. Internal partitions made of thick or corrugated cardboard are used when packing glass jars with fat into boxes. The ends of the boxes must be covered with steel packing tape. It is allowed to glue the seams of cardboard boxes formed by longitudinal flaps with paper-based adhesive tape.

Container marking. Each barrel and box of fat is marked using a stencil made of sheet steel with a gap for painting the data provided for by the current standard, or using a label indicating the same data.

Cardboard winding drums are marked by gluing labels on the side surface indicating the data provided for by the standard for edible animal rendered fats.

The consumer packaging also contains the information required by the standard.

Description of the design of the device

Flow-mechanized line RZ-FVT-1

The flow-mechanized line RZ-FVT-1 is designed for rendering edible fats from raw fat (except for flesh fat and neck cuts) and is used in fat shops of meat processing plants.

The set of line equipment includes a piping system for steam and water, a control cabinet, an instrument panel, a condenser, a fat rendering machine RZ-AVZh-245, tanks, a level indicator, a control tank, a screw-type centrifuge, centrifugal machines, fat settling tanks, a fat cooler, electric hoist.

The technological process for the production of edible animal fats on this line consists of the following main operations: grinding and melting of fat on a RZ-AVZh-245 machine, separation of fat mass in a screw-type centrifuge, purification of fat in separators, cooling of fat and transferring it for packaging or bulk storage, receiving greaves from a screw-type centrifuge.

The flow-mechanized line RZ-FVT-1 is shown in Fig. 9.

Rice. 9. Diagram of the RZ-FVT-1 line for rendering edible fats: 1 - steam and water pipeline system; 2 -- control cabinet; 3- capacitor; 4 --instrument panel; 5 -- centrifugal machine AVZh-245; 6 -- level indicator tank; 7 -- control tank; 8 -- screw centrifuge OGSH-321K-0; 9 --separator; 10 --centrifugal machine; 11 -- fat cooler D5-FOP; 12- fat sedimentation tank; 13 -- electric hoist

Rice. 10. Diagram of the machine RZ-AVZh-245 1 - bed; 2 -- bunker; 3 -- body; 4 -- perforated drum; 5 -- oil seal; 6 -- electric motor; 7, 10 -- nuts for adjusting the fixed knives; 8 -- fixed knife; 9 -- movable knife

The RZ-AVZh-245 machine (Fig. 10) is designed for grinding raw fat, rendering fat, and transferring the resulting fat mass to subsequent operations. It consists of a frame, a hopper, a housing, and a rotating perforated drum, which is the main working part of the machine. On cylindrical surface The drum has 152 holes with a diameter of 6 mm. In the center of the drum there is a movable knife for primary grinding of raw fat and throwing it onto the wall of the perforated drum. Inside there are two stationary knives for cutting particles of raw fat that have fallen and remained in the holes of the drum. They are attached to the machine body and, using nuts, the gap between the inner wall of the drum and the knives is adjusted. A perforated drum with a movable knife is driven by an electric motor. The drum is enclosed in a housing with pipes for supplying steam and unloading fat mass. The oil seal on the drum shaft prevents the contents of the drum from leaking out while the machine is operating.

Once in the RZ-AVZH-245 fat rendering machine, the raw fat is crushed, thrown by centrifugal force to the walls of the drum, pressed into perforated holes, trimmed with stationary knives and enters the space formed by the inner wall of the housing and the rotating drum, where live steam is supplied pressure of at least 0.15 MPa. Along with steam, hot water at a temperature of 90-95°C is supplied to the bunker of the RZ-AVZh-245 machine at the rate of 300 dm 3 per 1 ton of raw fat,

Pieces of fat in the area exposed to hot steam quickly heat up - the fat passes from a solid state of aggregation to a liquid state, and the proteins of the fat cell membranes are denatured. Through the destroyed shells, the heated fat flows out and, together with the greak in the form of fat mass, under the pressure created by the rotating drum, is fed through a pipeline to the level indicator, from where, using a centrifugal machine AVZh-130, it is pumped into a screw-type centrifuge OGSh-321K-01, where separation occurs greaves (solid phase) from the liquid fraction (fat, water and small particles of greaves). The solid fraction enters the receiving compartment of the casing through the discharge windows of the centrifuge rotor, and from it into the floor cart. The temperature of the fat mass from the fat rendering machine must be at least 80°C.

The liquid fraction from the centrifuge is drained through a pipeline into a control tank, from where it flows by gravity into the AVZh-130 centrifugal machine and is pumped into the level indicator tank of the first separator. Level indicators are installed in front of each separator and are designed to heat the fat-water emulsion to a temperature of 95 ° C,

From the level indicator tank, the fat-water emulsion enters the drum of the first separator, where it is also supplied hot water. The separator separates fat from water and fine particles greaves. Fat from the first separator, intended for coarse purification of the fat-water emulsion, is fed by a centrifugal machine sequentially into the second and third separators for final (fine) purification. The purified fat from the third separator enters the settling tank and then into the cooler.

To control the steam pressure, an alarm is provided when it drops below 0.15 MPa, for which an electric contact pressure gauge is installed on the main steam line. It is advisable to install a similar device on the main water supply line in order to monitor the pressure of cold water and signal when it drops below 0.16 MPa. To control the temperature of hot water and grease, electric contact thermometers are installed on the pipeline and on the grease line in front of the separators. Electrical equipment is started and stopped from the control cabinet.

In order to reduce environmental pollution, it is advisable to direct separated water into a grease trap before draining it into the sewer system. The vapors released from the fat mass and the fat-water emulsion are sent to a condenser, where they are cooled with cold water and discharged into the sewer as condensate. The fume should be collected in a collection tank or transfer tank and sent to the feed and technical products workshop for further processing. The quality of fat purification on this line is determined visually. When cloudy fat arrives from the third separator through the return line, it is sent for repeated separation.

To separate the Fat mass into solid and liquid fractions, the flow-mechanized line RZ-FVT-1 is equipped with a horizontal settling screw centrifuge OGSH-321K-01. It consists of a frame, a rotor, inside which is placed a screw with a planetary gearbox, which receives rotation directly from the rotor (the latter’s axles are located in two supports). The main unit of the centrifuge is a cylindrical rotor located horizontally on two bearing supports (right and left). The rotor is closed at the end with axle-covers, with which it rests on bearings (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Scheme of the centrifuge OGSH-321K-01: 1- bed; 2 -- spring; 3, 12 -- casings, fences; 4 -- planetary gearbox; 5, 10 -- support bearings; 6.11 -- support bearings; 7 -- rotor; 8 -- rotor casing; 9 -- auger

The centrifuge is put into operation after checking the lubrication in the gearbox and bearings. Then turn on the electric motor for a short period and check that it is turned on correctly - the rotor should rotate clockwise when viewed from the fat mass supply side. When the centrifuge reaches the set rotation speed, fat mass is fed.

During operation, the centrifuge periodically monitors the heating of the oil in the gearbox and the temperature of the main bearings. Thus, the temperature of the oil in the bearings should not exceed 60-65 °C. You can only operate the machine with the lid closed, which must be pressed tightly against the casing.

The flow-mechanized line for rendering fats RZ-FVT-1 includes three separators of the RTOM-4.6M brand. It is a disc-type separator with centrifugal pulsating discharge of sediment (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Diagram of the separator RTO 4.6M I - frame; 2 -- vertical shaft; 3 -- lower chamber; 4 -- cover; 5 -- plate holder; -6 -- glass; 7 - a package of plates; 8 -- upper chamber; 9 -- drum base; 10 -- buffer fluid supply line; 11 -- buffer outlet line liquids; 12 -- helical gear; 13 -- horizontal shaft

The drum - the main working body of the separator - consists of a base, a plate holder with a package of plates and a lid.

The receiving and output device for feeding separated fat into the drum, removing clarified fat, water and sediment from the drum, as well as supplying, collecting and discharging waste buffer liquid consists of an upper and lower chamber, a glass, inlet and outlet lines of the buffer liquid.

Into the rotating drum after preheating hot water Animal fat at a temperature above 90 °C is fed through the filter. It is further processed in the separator drum as follows. Through the central tube, through the channels of the plate holder, it enters the separator chamber of the drum, filling the space between the plates. Under the influence of centrifugal force, fat, as a lighter fraction, is directed along the surface of the conical plates to the axis of rotation of the drum and, under the pressure of new portions, rising through the channel, it is discharged through the holes in the upper nut of the separating plate into the upper chamber of the receiving dish.

The water separated from the fat passes up the channels of the separating plate and through the lower hole in the upper nut enters the upper part of the lower chamber of the receiving pan. The sediment in the fat is thrown to the periphery of the drum under the influence of centrifugal force and accumulates in a special mud space

The D5-FOP cooler used in the RZ-FVT-1 line for cooling purified fat is a heat exchange unit (Fig. 13), the principle of which is as follows. From the fat collection tank (sump), the fat intended for cooling is supplied to a pump driven by an electric motor using a V-belt drive, and is sent through a pipeline to the first and then to the second heat exchangers. Heat exchangers consist of insulation and cooling cylinders, displacement drums and end caps. Displacement drums and multi-contact scraper devices, when the drums rotate, due to the central force, are pressed against the surface of the cooling cylinder and remove the crystallized layer of fat. Mixing with the rest of the mass, crystallized fat transfers heat, and due to this, the temperature of the mass decreases.

Rice. 13. Diagram of the D5-FOP cooler: 1 -- frame; 2 --drive; 3, 7 -- pipeline for supply and removal of fat; 4, 6 --heat exchanger; 5, 8 --pipelines for supplying and discharging coolant; 9 - spill pipeline

The fat settler, which is part of the equipment set of the RZ-FVT-1 line, is an open, vertically mounted cylindrical vessel with a steam-water jacket formed by two hollow cylindrical vessels (cylinders) (Fig. 14). Hot water or live steam with a pressure of up to 0.07 MPa enters the space between the walls. Conical bottoms are welded to hollow cylindrical vessels; to the bottoms - a pipe with a diameter of 80 mm with a valve for draining sediment and a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm with a valve for draining water from the shirt. Water and steam are supplied to the jacket through appropriate valves.

The steam entering the jacket heats the water, condenses, and excess water comes out through the overflow pipe, and if the overflow pipe is clogged, through the safety pipe.

After settling, the fat is drained through a hinged pipe. As part of the line, the sump serves as a collection tank, so a hinged pipe is not used, and the fat is drained through a drain valve in the lower part of the conical bottom.

There is a thermometer on the body of the grease settler to control the temperature. Four support legs are welded to the outside of the sump. The settling tank is covered with a grate on top. The set of equipment for the RZ-FVT-1 line includes a fat settling tank OZh-0.85 with a capacity of 0.85 m 3 .

Rice. 14. Fat settler 1 - thermometer; 2 -- support paw; 3 -- pipe for draining fat; 4 -- pipe for releasing the fuses; 5 -- plug valve; 6 -- valve; 7 -- pipe for draining water; 8 -- lattice; 9 -- safety pipe; 10 -- overflow pipe pipe; 11 -- water supply valve; 12 - steam supply valve; 13 -- hinged labor; 14, 15 -- cylindrical vessels; 16 -- conical bottom

The practice of operating the flow-mechanized line RZ-FVT-1 has shown the possibility of obtaining high-quality edible animal fat on it, which is stable during storage, which is due to the short-term implementation of the technological process, with the exception of long-term contact of fat with air, since the process takes place mainly in a closed system and provides immediate cooling finished product, due to which oxidative destructive phenomena are inhibited.

The disadvantages of this line include the fact that it cannot process all types of fatty raw materials in a stream. So, to process flesh fat, it is necessary to first grind it on a grinder and heat it in an open boiler for 40-60 minutes. at a temperature of 80--90 °C. Thus, processing this raw material in two stages entails additional energy costs, the use of equipment not included in the line, increased labor intensity, and disruption of the continuity of the production process.

Another disadvantage is that the line does not have a mechanized supply of raw fat to the RZ-AVZh-245 fat rendering machine. Therefore, operators are forced to load this machine manually, which reduces productivity, deteriorates working conditions and leads to uneven load on the electric motor. In addition, the design of the RZ-AVZh-245 machine does not exclude the penetration of condensate and fat-water emulsion through the oil seal into the stator of the electric motor, resulting in its premature failure.

A significant drawback of the technology used in this line is the fairly high residual fat content in the greaves, which negatively affects the degree of use of the feedstock. Therefore, one of the real ways to organize low-waste production of edible animal fats is to use methods and equipment for rendering fat that reduce the level of residual fat content in greaves.

In addition, the disadvantage of this line is that it is equipped with three separators, which increases energy and metal consumption, increases the need for production space, and leads to additional fat loss with waste water. Hence, the development and equipping of the line with a new separator that has appropriate performance and provides a lower residual fat content in the waste water is an urgent task for the production of edible animal fats, since its implementation will increase the yield of marketable products and reduce wastewater pollution.

Bone degreasing line Y8-F0B

The Ya8-F0B bone degreasing line, developed by VNIIMP, is designed to extract fat from bone and bone residue by contacting the raw material with water into which steam is bubbled, as well as exposure to vibration vibrations with simultaneous mixing. The use of vibration is aimed at intensifying the wet method of heat treatment of bone raw materials in order to extract fat. Under the influence of vibration, the braking effect of externally diffusion micro- and macrofactors is reduced, which helps to increase heat and mass transfer coefficients.


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In households, animal bones after slaughtering and cutting up carcasses are usually very rarely used for food purposes. And, I must say, in vain. Master cooks know that it is almost impossible to get a good broth or sauce without bones. We will try to show in an accessible form the rules for processing bones and give some recipes for preparing broths and sauces. We hope that housewives will take advantage of our advice and widely use bone waste to give dishes an exquisite aroma, taste and smell.

Processing bones involves cleaning them from meat residues and grinding them so that they are better digested during heat treatment. The bones are crushed by sawing or crushing with an ax on a wooden block. They are crushed into pieces measuring 5-7 cm.

More valuable are tubular bones containing up to 15-25% bone fat, while flat bones contain only 2-3%. Bone fat and other substances are the best ingredients for cooking broths.

To prepare white meat broth, finely chop beef, veal, and poultry bones, rinse, place in a cauldron with cold water (1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of bones), cover the cauldron with a lid and heat. When the broth boils, open the lid of the boiler, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook at low simmer in an open container.

During cooking, skim off any fat that floats to the surface so that the broth does not acquire a greasy aftertaste. The cooking time for the white broth depends on the type of animal the bones belong to. Beef bones boil for 6-8 hours, calves, rabbits, poultry - 2-3 hours. At the end of cooking, filter the broth.

Brown meat broth is made from the bones of all types of animals and poultry. The bones should be washed, finely chopped (5-7 cm), placed on a baking sheet and fried in a gas stove oven until brown. Turn them over while frying. Place the fried bones in a cauldron, pour in water (2.5-3 liters per 1 kg of bones) and cook at low boil in an open container for 10-12 hours. During cooking, remove fat and foam as they accumulate on the surface of the broth, and the first time, remove the fat and foam immediately after boiling. At the end of cooking, remove fat from the surface of the broth, then strain the broth. The cooked broth should have a dark brown color. Corresponding sauces are created on the basis of white and brown broths.

Broths are also used for making soups, because the taste of soups largely depends on the composition and quality of the broths. In culinary practice, bone broth is more often prepared. For it, they take bones obtained from cutting up livestock carcasses, and food waste birds. The bones are washed in cold water, changing it 2-3 times. To better extract fat and other nutrients, the bones need to be crushed: the vertebral bones should be chopped crosswise; articular heads of tubular bones - into several parts; flat bones - into pieces measuring 5-6 cm. Veal and pork bones are lightly fried. Place the prepared bones in a cauldron, pour cold water into it (1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of bones), cover with a lid and, while heating, bring the contents to a boil as quickly as possible. As soon as the broth boils, open the lid, skim off the foam, then gradually reduce the heat, avoiding further boiling. Partially skim off any fat that floats to the surface of the broth; the presence of a small layer of fat helps preserve aromatic substances in the broth. Beef and lamb bones are boiled for 5 hours, and veal and pork bones - 3 hours. With longer cooking, the taste, smell and aroma of the broth deteriorate.

So, food waste obtained from cutting up animal carcasses after slaughter should not be lost in the household. Among them, as we see, bones also have a certain nutritional value and advantages, which, unfortunately, some housewives simply throw away. The rational use of bone tissue is also dictated by the fact that the share of bones in the carcass of cattle and sheep accounts for about 20%, horses - 14 and pigs - 12%. If we take the live weight of cattle as 400 kg, horses - 300, pigs - 100 and sheep - 50 kg, then their bone yield will be 80, 42, 12 and 10 kg, respectively, from each carcass.

Reviews about our work

On December 4, 2018, my Labrador, Fanya, died of cancer; she was 13.5 years old. I contacted Phoenix, ordered an individual cremation and a photo video report, and had the urn delivered to my home. A young man arrived, introduced himself as Sergei, took my Fanechka and that same evening, a few hours later, he sent a photo and video report about the cremation, and 5 days later he brought me an urn and a box of ashes. The prices were as stated on the website in the price list, and I paid for it, they didn’t charge anything extra. Thanks to Sergei and the Phoenix workers, you are doing a sad job, but animal owners need it. I recommend Phoenix, everything seems to be fair.

At the end of August I had to use the services of Phoenix. My dog ​​died. I ordered a private cremation, agreed on a time, drove and attended. Everything took about two hours, they took exactly the amount of money as indicated in the price list, the ballot boxes may be a little expensive, but this is optional. Everything is very decent, no frills, attentive attitude. I would like to thank all the employees of Phoenix for the assistance provided at a reasonable price during a difficult time for me. Thank you


Many thanks to the “Phoenix” city pet crematorium in Moscow and personally to the veterinarian Alexander Mikhailovich Vdovichenko, who painlessly gave injections to our sick dog and stopped her suffering. Two high-quality injections and 20 seconds of sleep for her without pain, she just fell asleep. On the same day, individual cremation was carried out, photographs were received upon request and, within 2 days, an urn with ashes was delivered to us. You helped us so much, thank you!!

On the morning of July 24, my Labrador dog Hanni, my dog, my love and everyone before me, passed away! She suffered from oncology, in recent days she was paralyzed, I watered and spoon-fed her! The days were counting, it was painful, the dog was 13.5 years old. I simply could not decide on euthanasia. We live in Khimki, so we immediately came across Phoenix. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Alexander for the fact that, despite the weight of the dog along with the tumor (70 kg, or even more), he very carefully and carefully picked her up and carried her to the car! Thank you very much, you are a very compassionate and sensitive person! They sent a video report, the ashes were brought the next day! I recommend it to everyone, God forbid of course, but still this is life!


On May 8th we said goodbye to our friend Dilord, Dil, a 12.5 year old Newf. If not for a serious illness, he could have been with us for several more years. It is very bitter and difficult to lose true and devoted friends! We thank the doctor (unfortunately we did not recognize his name) for his sensitive attitude towards the suffering animal and its owners, who carried out euthanasia and took the body for cremation. Thank you, Phoenix!

Due to old age and illness, our cat Kasya left us in March, and our cat Prosha left us in April. We contacted the crematorium twice for a private cremation service and we were able to see first hand that their bodies became ashes. Thanks to the crematorium staff for their ability to communicate with people who are upset due to the loss of a pet! Thank you for their understanding, patience, and politeness!


Due to old age and illness, our family lost both cats and dogs. The cat left in March, the cat left today. I have used private cremation services in Phoenix twice. They put the animal in the oven in my presence, I waited the required 40 minutes, they opened the oven in my presence, I saw the remains, they were given to me in an urn. The only discrepancy with the stated services is that not all ballot boxes are available from the assortment presented on the website at the time of request. Many thanks to the crematorium staff who understand and help people who have lost a pet!


Yesterday my dog, my friend, a piece of my heart died. But it happens and you want to see off your last journey with dignity. I live quite far from Moscow, I called many people offering cremation services, everyone offered to come, pick up, photo report, etc. Somewhere they advised to wait until Monday. A friend gave me Phoenix’s phone number, they kindly told me over the phone what was happening and how it was happening, and agreed to accept me on the same day when I arrived for an individual cremation. Very sensitive guys work; for us, animal owners, sympathy and understanding are very important at such moments. It’s not an easy job for you, constantly being around someone else’s grief, but you are needed.

Bone processing line Y8-FLK.

The Ya8-FLK bone processing line is designed to produce edible fat and feed meal from all types of slaughter animal bones and bone residue. The line consists of two sections: a degreasing section and a section for drying and grinding defatted raw materials.

The degreasing section includes the following equipment: bone grinder, open elevator, fat separator, grinder, closed elevator (2 pcs.), storage hopper, FMD-802K-05 centrifuge, fat mass collector (2 pcs.), coolant fat settler 0.16 (2 pcs.), RTOM-4.6 separator with an inter-plate gap of 0.75 mm.

The section for drying and grinding skim raw materials includes a drying unit, a closed elevator, and a V6-FDA crushing plant.

Processing of bone and bone residue on the Ya8-FLK line is carried out as follows. The raw material is transported downhill or using a lifting device to the storage table, from where it is loaded into the bone grinder.

The crushed bone is transported by an open elevator to the receiving hopper of the fat separator.

The first stage of degreasing crushed raw materials using the conductive heating method with simultaneous partial dehydration in a continuous flow is carried out in a fat separator. The sectional bottom of the grease separator body is made in the form of a semicircle. Inside the grease separator, along its body, a hollow screw shaft is installed on bearings, under the influence of which the crushed raw materials move to the unloading pipe. The screw shaft rotates counterclockwise from the side of the loading hopper.

Steam at a pressure of 0.3-0.4 MPa is supplied to the jacket and the hollow screw shaft of the grease separator from the main line. The body of the grease separator is thermally insulated, so the temperature on its surface should not exceed 45 0 C.

As a result of conductive heating using a dry method, the fat is melted and flows into the lower part of the apparatus installed at an angle of 12 0 to the horizontal plane.

Heating of the raw material in the fat separator occurs within 11-12 minutes to a temperature of 85-95 0 C. The released juice vapors are discharged through the pipe into the ventilation system. Fat mass is collected in a collector.

The heated fat mass is pumped using a pump into the fat sump OZh-0.16. Partially dehydrated and defatted raw materials from the fat separator flow by gravity into the loading hopper of the grinder for re-grinding. The bone, under the action of a pressing screw, is fed to a three-finned knife and, passing through a grate, is crushed to particles of no more than 30 mm. At the end of the work, unscrew the clamping nut and remove the cutting tool for disassembly and washing.

After grinding, the bone is fed into a storage hopper using a closed elevator.

From the storage hopper, the raw materials are loaded in portions into the FMD-802K-05 centrifuge to carry out the second stage of degreasing by centrifugal pressing.

The released centrate exits through the pipes in the frame and is carried through pipes attached to them on the flanges to the heat mass collection described above. From the latter, after heating, it is pumped into the second fat settling tank OZh-0.16.

In fat settling tanks, fat mass and centrate are heated before final cleaning to a temperature of 90-100 0 C and then sent by gravity to the RTOM-4.6 separator to separate moisture and small solid particles. The two-stage fat extraction method used allows us to limit ourselves to a single separation using a fine separator and obtain a product that meets the requirements of the current standard in terms of residual moisture content and transparency.

After cooling, purified fat is packaged in barrels and other containers or, without cooling, sent to a container for storage and subsequent transportation in bulk.

After stopping the centrifuge, the defatted bone is unloaded manually using a wooden oar through the windows in the drum hub, from where it is fed into the drying unit using a closed elevator.

During drying, the bone-free fat-free raw material, received from the centrifuge into the upper section with a humidity of up to 35%, is gradually dehydrated during transportation between the hot body and a heated screw for 11 minutes, the partially dehydrated raw material is poured into the loading hatch of the second section and is advanced by the screw in the opposite direction. the wrong side. In this case, further dehydration of the raw material occurs. Then it is also poured from the unloading hatch into the third, lower section, where during transportation it is finally dried to a residual moisture content of 8-10%.

Using a closed elevator, the dried bone is sent for grinding to the V6-FDA crushing plant.

The crushing process occurs as follows. The dried bone (bone residue) is fed into a receiving hopper located at the top of the jaw crusher, where it is captured by grinding discs and crushed to dimensions of 20 x 20 x 5 mm. The crushed mass is poured onto a magnetic separator, where metal impurities are selected and dumped into a separate chute. The cleaned product is poured through another chute into a hammer crusher, where it is finally crushed by repeated impacts on the working surface of the casing. The blades attached to the outer wheels create a directed flow, towards which a sieve is installed. After passing through the sieve, the product enters the blower area. Through the air duct, the flour enters the cyclone, where it is separated from the contained air.

Thus, using a bone processing line allows you to comprehensively process raw materials and obtain edible bone fat and feed meal in one cycle.

It should be emphasized that the technology of two-stage bone degreasing on the Ya8-FLK line and the Ya8-FUZh installation guarantees the production of high-quality edible fat from fresh raw materials. During processing, the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of the fat do not deteriorate. Therefore, when using this technology, meat processing plants actually obtain more than 95% of the highest grade bone edible fat from its total production. A decrease in quality indicators occurs when processing bones obtained from defrosted long-term storage meat.