Glory to the hares personal life. Fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a pioneer in the domestic fashion industry, the most important milestones in his biography

Fashion designer, painter and graphic artist, People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev was born on March 2, 1938 in the city of Ivanovo into a working-class family.

In 1956 he graduated from the Chemical-Technological College in Ivanovo with honors, specializing in textile design.

After graduating from technical school, which he graduated in 1962, receiving a diploma in the specialty “fashion designer”. Zaitsev's first experiments in costume modeling date back to this time. According to the system of distribution of specialists, Vyacheslav Zaitsev was sent to work as an artistic director at one of the garment factories in the town of Babushkin near Moscow.

The first collection of workwear for rural women workers amazed the customers with its brightness and boldness: Zaitsev offered colored padded jackets, skirts made from colorful Pavlovo Posad shawls, and felt boots he personally painted with gouache before the show. The collection was not accepted, but a photo report about it was published by foreign publications (including French magazine Paris Match). This is how the name of the Russian fashion designer became known abroad.

In 1965, Zaitsev began working as the artistic director of the experimental technical workshop of the All-Union Fashion House (ODMO) in Moscow. At the same time, he created costumes for theater, cinema, television, stage, and figure skating based on orders.

In 1971, Vyacheslav Zaitsev was in a car accident, where he was seriously injured and was forced to undergo long-term rehabilitation.

In 1979, he left the All-Union House of Models for a small atelier, which by 1982 he turned into the Moscow Fashion House. In 1988, a triumphant showing of Zaitsev's collection "Russian Seasons" was held at the Marigny Theater in Paris, for which he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Paris. In the same year, the fashion designer was elected director of the Moscow Fashion House.

In March 1989, the Parisian Maison de couture proclaimed Vyacheslav Zaitsev Man of the Year in the fashion world. In December 1989, at the “Best Five Fashion Designers of the World” festival in Japan, Zaitsev became the winner of the competitive show, ahead of Claude Montand, Hanae Mori, and Donna Karan.

In 1991, Zaitsev received an order from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR and began developing uniforms for the police. In 1992, the French company L'Oreal held a presentation in Paris and launched Zaitsev's Maroussia perfume.

In 1994, for the first time in Russia, Zaitsev held a competition of professional fashion designers named after Nadezhda Lamanova, which became traditional. Subsequently, he became the initiator and patron of numerous and mostly annual competitions held in Moscow and other cities and regions.

In 1996, the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House was transformed into the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Moscow Fashion House OJSC. In September 1997, the Fashion Laboratory began its work at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House - a one-year school, a kind of graduate school for young artists who want to gain maximum practical knowledge and skills in their profession at the highest level.

Along with fashion, Vyacheslav Zaitsev pays serious attention to painting and drawing. His personal exhibitions were repeatedly held in Russia and abroad. In October 1999, five easel works by the artist were included in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In 2007-2009, Zaitsev was the host of the show “Fashionable Verdict” on Channel One.

In February 2012, an exhibition was held in St. Petersburg, where, in addition to costumes, paintings and photo-painting works of the couturier, which had not previously been exhibited in Russia, were presented. In addition to the main exhibition, visitors were able to see two documentaries, dedicated to the designer’s work, and continuously running videos from his numerous shows.

In October 2012, the “Glory of Russian Fashion” took place at the Moscow Manege Central Exhibition Hall, dedicated to the double anniversary of the designer - the 50th anniversary of his creative activity and the 30th anniversary of the Fashion House.

December 1, 2006 for great services in the field fine arts Vyacheslav Zaitsev was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation".

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2007), Doctor of Arts (2002), honorary doctor of the Moscow State Textile University named after A.N. Kosygina (2004), honorary professor of Russian state university tourism and service (2012).

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996), an honorary worker in the textile and light industry. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1998), the Badge of Honor, St. Constantine the Great (1996) from the Assembly of the Nobility, the Constantine Order of St. George (2002), and medals. Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2004).

The designer’s work has been awarded many prizes and honors for his contribution to the Russian fashion industry.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev - Honorary Citizen of Paris (1988), Honorary Citizen of Ivanovo (1996), Honorary Citizen of Russia (2008).

He is the author of the books “Such a Changeable Fashion” and “This Many-Faced World of Fashion” (both published in 1980), “Nostalgia for Beauty” (1992, on English), album of graphics and poetry “I owe everything to Providence” (1992), “Memories of the Future” (1994 1995). In 2006, the fashion designer presented the book “Slava Zaitsev. Secrets of Seduction.”

Zaitsev was married, but divorced in 1968. From his marriage to his wife Maria, he has a son, Yegor. Egor Zaitsev - fashion designer, deputy general director OJSC "Moscow Fashion House of Vyacheslav Zaitsev". There is a granddaughter Maria.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, whose biography is full of bright events and creative achievements, celebrated his 80th birthday. The illness does not allow him to work as usual, but the trendsetter hopes to do a lot more in his work.


The future fashion artist was born in the city of Ivanovo in 1938. The mother raised the child alone, since the father was at the front. Mom Maria Ivanovna was a creative and gifted person. She dreamed of the stage, but it didn’t work out. Therefore, she carefully instilled a love of art and beauty in little Slava.

He always studied diligently first in high school, and then at the Chemical Technology College. Four years later, in 1952, Zaitsev was awarded a diploma with honors for the specialty “Textile Artist”. This profession was very important in the “calico capital” of Ivanovo; one could easily find a job with it.

In 1956, a new turn began in the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, namely, a move to Moscow, where his ascent to the top of the fashion Olympus began.

Vyacheslav did not settle down in his hometown, but decided to go to Moscow to improve his knowledge at the textile institute. The young man immediately entered the faculty applied arts, where he began to learn how to design clothes. The young man was accepted for study without hesitation, because he had a great understanding of art, life and people - in a word, he was very comprehensive developed person, which made him stand out from other applicants.

In a foreign city, he had to rely only on his own strength, so the student began to combine study with work. Slava spent his rare free minutes on trips to museums, theaters, and self-education.

While studying at the institute, Zaitsev comprehends all the intricacies of graphics, calligraphy and drawing. In his first drawings of future clothing models, he used antique patterns and Persian miniatures, and studied with Russian and Western masters. He soon became very interested in Russian folk art. I began to travel around cities and villages, studying the combination of colors, shapes and colorful style.

Over its many years creative activity was awarded many prestigious awards in the field of art. He has published several original books on fashion.

Creative achievements

Zaitsev's first collection was workwear for working women in cities and villages. The teaching council was not enthusiastic about this collection and rejected it. One of the magazines published an article on this topic entitled “He dictates fashion to Moscow.” Three years later, the author of this rejected collection was found by Pierre Cardin and Dior himself through a magazine article. After the unsuccessful collection, Zaitsev had already managed to create new clothing samples and become the artistic director in the workshop of the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most. Three years after the publication of the article about the failed collection, French couturiers approached him and recognized his professionalism and unconventional approach. After this meeting, an article entitled “Kings of Fashion” was published, where Zaitsev’s talent was highly appreciated.

The fashion designer worked at the House of Models on Kuznetsky Most for 13 years, becoming deputy director. Here he presented his collections based on Ivanovo chintz, as well as his famous “Russian series”. At a fashion festival in Moscow in 1967, he received the Grand Prix for his presented dress under the motto “Russia”.

Since the late 60s, Zaitsev’s authority has been highly appreciated in the West. The leader of Soviet fashion in foreign press was awarded the title "Red Dior". Many publications mentioned the name of the Russian fashion designer next to the name of the legendary Dior.

Many of Vyacheslav’s projects found support abroad. For example, in 1976, his personal exhibitions with sketches of costume jewelry and future collections were held in many Czech cities.

Exhibitions of Vyacheslav Zaitsev were also held in cities in the USA, Belgium and Estonia, where he acted as an artist of graphic and painting works. Five of his works were acquired by the Moscow History Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich participated a lot in the development of costumes for Soviet cinema at Mosfilm and the Gorky Film Studio. He also designed costumes for Broadway theater soloists. The fashion designer also devoted a lot of time to theatrical productions, where he participated as a costume designer. He also acted as the creator of stage costumes for many Russian pop stars.

As a media person, he became known as the first host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program.

Personal life

The personal life and biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev is associated with one official marriage. In 1959, he married Marina Vladimirovna Zaitseva, whom he met at the institute. Soon a son, Yegor, was born into the family. After 9 years, the wife preferred another man and left her husband. Vyacheslav was very painful about the breakup.

After some time, our hero began a relationship with a girl named Inna. She was with Vyacheslav for two years, helping him survive the consequences of the accident. Zaitsev was even going to marry his chosen one, but at some point he realized that they were completely different people, and broke off the relationship.

Already in his old age, the fashion designer managed to restore friendly relations with my ex-wife Marina. She and her granddaughter are very supportive of Zaitsev and help him in the fight against diseases. Marina Vladimirovna shared in an interview that she regularly pampers Vyacheslav Mikhailovich with her own prepared raspberry pie, which her former mother-in-law once prepared for him.

The latest news reports that Vyacheslav Zaitsev is now optimistic about the future. Although illness prevents him from working fully, he is still full of creative plans and hopes. He remains elegant and stylish in any situation. The fashion designer prefers to relax in his beloved Moscow region, at his picturesque dacha. She also often travels to Paris, where he has a small studio, which he purchased with royalties from cooperation with a cosmetics company.

Son Yegor Vyacheslavovich decided to continue his father’s activities and began to create his own clothing designs. The son gave Zaitsev a beautiful granddaughter named Marusya. She also continued the dynasty and connected her life with design art. Marusya is also a talented model. Grandfather will entrust her with the management of his fashion house.


The press repeatedly talks not only about the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, but also about his health. Last year he was hospitalized in a hospital with suspected pneumonia. Fans became worried, but they didn’t have to worry for long; soon the fashion trendsetter was already back at work.

The master periodically experiences pain in his legs. Two years ago he discovered problems with his joints. To reduce pain, doctors installed a titanium prosthesis for Zaitsev.

Two years ago it also became known that Vyacheslav Mikhailovich suffers from a serious illness - Parkinson's disease. The disease is accompanied by disturbances in the central nervous system, there are difficulties with speech and coordination. The fashion designer underwent a rehabilitation course in Karlovy Vary. He admits that he is still ready to work and is full of creative plans to create his new collections. The disease, of course, reminds itself of itself and sometimes depression appears, but Zaitsev tries to drive away bad thoughts.

It must be said that Vyacheslav suffered serious damage to his health back in 1971, when he was in a serious car accident. At 33, the fashion designer ended up in intensive care, where doctors spent nine days bringing him back to life. Then there was a long recovery course, crutches, etc. The consequences of the accident, one way or another, greatly affected the health and overall further biography fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

Now he is no longer so cheerful, he walks with a cane, but he does not despair. The fashion designer admitted that he will no longer organize a show of his collections, but there are still many other creative ideas to come. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich recently celebrated his 80th birthday. A grand evening was held in his honor at the Russian Song Theater. During the holidays, the hero of the day received many gifts from stage and film stars, as well as millions of applause for his outstanding contribution to the history of Russian fashion.

Have you seen the clothing collections of Vyacheslav Zaitsev?

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a famous Soviet and Russian couturier, artist, teacher. Zaitsev is also People's Artist of Russia (2006) and winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996). TV viewers are most familiar with him as the first host of the show “Fashionable Sentence” on Channel One.

Childhood and adolescence

The childhood of the future famous couturier was during the difficult war and post-war years. His father, Mikhail Yakovlevich, was captured at the front, was among many convicted for this, and after the end of the war was sent to a camp as an “anti-Soviet.”

Maria Ivanovna, Vyacheslav's mother, had to raise herself youngest son and his older brother. The woman worked continuously to put her sons on their feet - she washed floors in the hallways and washed clothes. The boys, in turn, tried their best to help their mother with the housework, did well at school and tried not to cause her unnecessary trouble.

Despite difficult living conditions, Slava grew up as a cheerful, cheerful child, charming and charismatic. He's with early years dreamed of becoming an artist and enjoyed performing at impromptu concerts, singing, dancing, reading poetry, and drawing posters. At the age of seven, he sang in the choir and even won a creative competition.

Enter music school the young man did not succeed - the shameful stigma of “son of an enemy of the people” prevented him. For this unfortunate reason, Zaitsev decided to take the documents to the textile technical school, which usually had a shortage. Moreover, he had to study in the “textile capital” of the country - Ivanovo, where Vyacheslav was from.

Studying was easy for him, and after graduating from technical school with honors, Zaitsev decided to continue his education in Moscow. He felt he had chosen the right one life path and was eager to realize the countless creative ideas that were born in his head.

Couturier career: “Red Dior”

After defending his diploma at the Moscow Textile Institute in 1962, an excellent student and Lenin scholarship recipient, Zaitsev was forced to work for three years at a workwear factory in Babushkino, near Moscow, where he was assigned after graduating from the capital’s Textile Institute. But even there he did not sit idly by and created an original collection, turning ordinary quilted jackets and padded jackets into masterpieces of design art.

They were accompanied by felt boots, painted in bright colors. Soon information about the unusual Soviet fashion designer leaked to the West, and Zaitsev was written about in the French Paris-Match. The foreign press began to take an interest in him, some journalists even came to Babushkino to see the talented designer, Pierre Cardin himself showed personal interest in the young couturier.

At the same time, Vyacheslav was summoned to the Lubyanka several times and repeatedly “sandwiched” at Komsomol meetings, but he could no longer be stopped. After working at the factory for three years, Zaitsev became the artistic director of the experimental workshop at the House of Models on Kuznetsky Most, where he was able to truly demonstrate his talent. And although at first his models were released in single copies, and many of them were rejected by management, the fame of the “red Dior” spread throughout the world.

In the late 80s, the Soviet couturier managed to travel to Paris for the first time, where his collection created a deafening sensation. Leading French designers considered it an honor to shake hands with the inventive Soviet fashion designer and invite him to visit, and the authorities of Paris made Vyacheslav Zaitsev an honorary citizen.

However, in Moscow, Zaitsev still encountered remnants of inertia. Soviet system, which did not allow him to fully realize his creative ideas. After leaving the House of Models, he worked for several years at a custom tailoring factory, on the basis of which he opened new house Fashion. It was here that the maestro created his best collections, which became business card his signature style.

In 1992, the couturier supplemented the clothing line with the signature fragrance “Marusya,” named after his beloved mother. In the same year, he created the Fashion Laboratory, where he began sharing knowledge and experience with young designers.

10 minutes in live with... Vyacheslav Zaitsev (1999)

In addition to development fashionable clothes Zaitsev is well known for his paintings and original photographs, which are successfully exhibited in the world's leading galleries. He devoted a lot of time to creating stage images for film and theater artists, not only domestic, but also foreign.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich participated in the development of uniforms for police officers and Soviet athletes at the 1980 Olympics, and dressed pop stars. His clients were, for example, Muslim Magomayev, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Joseph Kobzon, Edita Piekha, Alexander Strelchenko, Alla Pugacheva, Lyudmila Zykina, Philip Kirkorov, the groups “Time Machine”, “Na-na” and others.

From his pen two books were published on the history and theory of fashion, and in 2007 he became the host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program on Channel One, where he worked until 2009.

Personal life of Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Zaitsev met his wife Marina at the institute - she was his classmate. Slava captivated the native Muscovite from a good family with his irrepressible energy, enthusiasm and creativity, and after just a few months they became husband and wife.

A year later, the young couple had a baby, Yegor. Is it true, family idyll did not last long, and after nine years their marriage broke up. For a long time, his wife did not allow Vyacheslav to see his son, which in the best possible way affected their future relationship.

Now all disagreements are in the distant past, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich often sees Yegor and Marina and dotes on his granddaughter Marusa, in whom he sees his successor.

“Revealing the secrets of the stars”: Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Vyacheslav Zaitsev now

Several years ago, Vyacheslav Zaitsev decided to build a cozy mansion in a picturesque corner of the Moscow region and create his own Fashion Museum in it, which would house all his collections. It took a couple of years to implement the plan, and now the famous couturier enjoys the silence and fresh air doing what you love.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is one of the legislators high fashion, including world-class, multi-talented creative personality, was born in the Moscow region in famous city weavers of Ivanovo 03/02/1938


Perhaps it was the place of birth that predetermined the fate of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, since the town in which he was born and raised was small, and all life in it revolved around a huge weaving mill, which supplied most of Russia and the surrounding Soviet republics with products.

Like many children of the war years, he was left without a father early on, and his mother had to take all the care of her son, and she spent literally days at a time at the plant. Although she herself was a very creative person - she sang beautifully and felt music, drew well, and read poetry talentedly. Before the war she dreamed of acting career, but this dream was not destined to come true.

Realizing how difficult it was for a mother to cope with everything alone, after receiving a basic education, Vyacheslav went to a technical school. Since childhood, being no less gifted than his mother, he chose for himself the creative specialty of weaving. After graduation, he planned to stay, like most graduates, in his hometown and continue the weaving dynasty.

Getting to know the world of fashion

It was not easy to study - it was not for nothing that Ivanovo fabrics were famous for their beauty and quality throughout huge country. Teachers demanded from their students not only the maximum development of their creative abilities, but also a very responsible attitude to the completion of each task.

Students had to carefully think through the design, check and clearly draw each line, choose the optimal combination of colors and even imagine how the fabric would look in various types finished products. They believed that the presented ornament should come to life in the fabric, playing with colors in a new way.

Vyacheslav became so carried away by his new specialty that, unbeknownst to himself, he began to take a closer look at nature, drawing new ideas and colors from it. At the same time, he tried to get acquainted with the work of his foreign colleagues, which in those days was possible with great difficulty.

Fashion itself was already considered a completely bourgeois phenomenon, alien Soviet ideology. But nevertheless, fashion magazines leaked out from socialist countries, were passed from hand to hand and were literally read to the gills.

Comparing what he was taught at the technical school with what he saw on the dirty glossy pages, Vyacheslav subconsciously understood that the truth was somewhere in the middle.

Conquest of the capital

In 1956, an unknown graduate of a chemical-technological technical school from the glorious city of Ivanovo came to the capital. Only after reaching the heights of fame was he able to admit to himself that even then thoughts about fame and world podiums were swarming in his head. But, as a young man, he sincerely believed that he was going to develop his creativity and deepen his professional skills.

He passed the entrance exams for the specialty “clothing modeling” very easily. Vocational education in Ivanovo was very good high level. But relationships with classmates, and many teachers, were quite difficult.

It stood out too much from the background total mass this short, gifted guy, who has his own point of view on everything, and is not afraid to be different from others.

Without support from his parents, he devoted his free time from studying to work. Trying to be closer to the fashion world, which he dreamed about so much, Zaitsev gets a part-time job at the Model House on Kuznetsky Most. It was there that Soviet fashion was born and promoted. It was he who became for Zaitsev the launching pad and field for creativity for many years.

Realizing that without a thorough knowledge of the basics of painting and drawing he would not be able to fully create, Zaitsev spent all the few free hours remaining after studying and working in museums. He also tried to attend exhibitions of contemporary art, rightly believing that the most advantageous option was a reasonable combination of classics and modernism.

To the heights of high fashion

After receiving his diploma, he officially remains on the staff of the Model House, and eventually heads an experimental group of fashion designers. Chance played a role here. Zaitsev receives his first assignment to the Mossovnarkhoz garment factory. And his first independent task becomes the development of work clothes.

Accustomed since childhood to approaching every task thoughtfully and as creatively as possible, Zaitsev creates an entire collection that perfectly combines simplicity of lines, comfortable fit and high functionality of clothing.

After the premiere show, the collection on Kuznetsky Most simply shocked the capital’s fashion trendsetters and immediately attracted the attention of the foreign press - his models were so bright and unusual.

It was thanks to this work that such world celebrities as Pierre Cardin and Christian Dior learned about him. Zaitsev himself only read about these people on the pages fashion magazines, and then they seemed unattainable to him. And if someone had told him then what kind of people were interested in his work, he simply would not have believed it.

But time passed, Zaitsev’s models became more and more daring and at the same time functional, he became more and more aware of the canons of fashion and quickly learned to feel and predict new trends. And some ideas were even adopted from him by other fashion designers. And in 1965 he became the head of the experimental workshop.

The house on Kuznetsky Most was visited quite often by famous Western fashion designers, trying to comprehend the canons of the unique Soviet fashion. On one of these visits, Pierre Cardin met a young talented fashion designer.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev with his models

He was so amazed by Zaitsev’s original vision of fashion that after his arrival in Western press The article “Kings of Fashion” appeared.

World fame

But Zaitsev’s world fame was, of course, not brought by the development of fashionable Soviet clothing, which still had to obey clearly defined ideological requirements. In parallel with his main work, Zaitsev worked on creating his own author’s collection, on which he spent three years of his life.

Spending a lot of time in folk art museums and growing up among Russian weaving craftsmen, Zaitsev was so inspired by the idea of ​​​​incarnating the traditions of Russian painting in the world of modern fashion that he created the famous “Russian Collection”, with which the Fashion House traveled almost all over the world.

However, the creator himself did not participate in these trips, but continued to work for the benefit of Soviet fashion.

Nevertheless, the world elite started talking about his talent. Enthusiastic reviews of his collections regularly appeared in the Western press, and they even dubbed him the “Russian Dior,” which the Soviet party leadership did not particularly like.

Which did not fail to affect the designer’s financial well-being - back in 1970, he was invited to open designer boutiques in all the world’s fashion capitals, but Zaitsev did not receive permission from the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Since 1970, Zaitsev has become a recognized trendsetter of Soviet fashion, and frankly speaking, at that time, its only creator who was able to adequately represent the country in the European and even American markets. The wives of the highest party elite and Soviet cinema and pop stars begin to turn to him. Real glory comes.

In 1982, he officially became the director of the Moscow Fashion House, which a little later received his name. Now he already has a network of his own boutiques almost all over the world, but he still continues to delight us with his creativity, despite his advanced age.

You can’t say much about Zaitsev’s personal life - he only love there was always work. For a long time he was officially married to Marina Zaitseva, who gave birth to him only son Egor.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev with his wife in his youth

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a famous Russian couturier, the first in our country to open his own Fashion House and build a real style empire bearing the name of the master. Today, at 79 years old, the talented author is still in action, able to sew for any age, and creating with my own hands masterpieces of image and taste.

Wikipedia: Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev – fashion designer, designer, academician Russian Academy Arts, is a Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, as well as two government awards.

The legendary couturier, who invented many clothing collections, is also known as a magnificent creator of picturesque and graphic works, which are the property of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Childhood and youth

Slava Zaitsev was born on March 2, 1938 in the city of Ivanovo, where the future celebrity spent his childhood and youth. Mom, Maria Ivanovna, was a weaving factory worker, and dad, Mikhail Yakovlevich, was a mass entertainer in the city cultural park.

When the boy was eight years old, his father, a former prisoner of war, was given 10 years in the camps, and the family received the status of enemies of the people. As the couturier himself recalls, that time was difficult, hungry, but not devoid of joy. Very optimistic and cheerful, Slava was not only an excellent student and an exemplary Komsomol member, but also the only support for his mother, who was ill for a long time.

The future celebrity spent his evenings at the Ivanovo Drama Theater, sang with his mother in several choirs, and dreamed of enrolling in a music school. But the stigma of being the son of an enemy of the people did not make it possible to do this - the documents were not taken. They were accepted only into the Ivanovo Chemical-Technological College, after graduating with honors in 1956, the guy acquired the profession of “textile artist.” Following the advice of teachers who recognized talent young man, the designer leaves for Moscow to continue his studies and enters the Institute of Textiles.

Personal life

The capital did not receive the Ivanovo provincial very kindly. There was a catastrophic shortage of money, and Slava had to work as a servant to make ends meet. That's all free time the student spent time in libraries and museums, studying the history of domestic and foreign costume.

Loneliness in the capital did not last long - turning point in his personal life came when Slava met and fell in love with Marina, his classmate. Having played a modest student wedding, the newlyweds settled in a rented cramped room communal apartment. One year after start family life son Yegor was born, who later followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming famous designer. Like his father, who has spent his entire life fighting against inertia and the system in fashion, Egor creates clothing collections designed to combat glamor.

Unfortunately, after 9 years of marriage, the marriage broke up, leaving deep wound in the heart of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich from separation from his son. Having never married a second time, the artist devoted himself entirely to serving art and people. Today Vyacheslav has two granddaughters, the eldest of whom, Maria, continues family tradition, studying at the Fashion Laboratory created by the couturier.

Beginning of professional activity

Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who graduated with honors from the institute, was filled with big plans and creative ideas. But the distribution forced the guy to work at the Babushkinsky experimental clothing factory as an artistic director. Dreaming of creating beautiful things and coming up with many bold sketches, the artist had to sew uniforms for the female workers.

The young author, who does not tolerate mediocrity, in his first works tried to paint traditional padded jackets and felt boots with bright colors. The first collection of pictorial workwear created was rejected by management. In those gray, dreary times, when a standard was established for everything, the authorities did not need either freethinking or innovation.

Slava was sent to a workshop to sew clothes from stale fabrics, having been removed from his position as a manager. But this did not stop the talented fashion designer. From old, unmarketable fabrics, the artist managed to sew such things that the quality of the material did not play any role.


Despite the fact that the collection he created did not find recognition among his compatriots, the designer’s first show turned out to be so unusual and memorable that the young man’s talent was noted abroad.

From Wikipedia about Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev: the French magazine Paris Match, which published his collection, spoke about the designer as follows - “Zaitsev dictates fashion in Moscow” .

Thanks to this article, the German and American press began to overwhelm the master, which played into the hands of fame. Three years later, Slava was found by the French couturier Pierre Cardin (Dior), who, having attended the collection show, noted him as a worthy rival in his profession. But, since all contacts with foreigners were taboo for citizens of the USSR, they only got to know each other better in 1965.

Subsequently, 25 years later, it was Slava Zaitsev who became the first Russian fashion designer to be granted the right to participate in world haute couture shows by the Parisian Maison de Couture. But up to this point, he still had to go through the thorns of the Soviet era and the perestroika period, which occurred at the very peak of the fashion designer’s creativity.

Work at the All-Union Fashion House

Authorities Soviet Union, having understood the full value of the fashion designer for the image of the country, they offered the master to head the team of the All-Union House of Clothing Models, becoming the artistic director of ODMO. From now on, many movie stars and celebrities became the designer’s clients.

Wikipedia: the result of the designer’s work at the House of Models was the creation of the famous “Russian Series” collection of Ivanovo chintz based on folk motifs (1976), and other works shown abroad.

But international shows, so significant for the author’s creative success, always took place, alas, without Zaitsev’s participation, since the authorities were afraid to let the Russian celebrity go abroad. It was then that the artist began to be perceived in the West as a leader in the world of Russian fashion, giving him the name “Red Dior”.

But recognition and success did not protect him from trouble. Shortly after breaking up with his wife, in 1971, the famous fashion designer fell into terrible accident. For six months, finding himself chained to hospital bed With broken legs, loss of vision and a concussion, the young artist nevertheless tried to draw. Wikipedia does not mention Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s illness, but then only his great love of life and desire for creativity helped him get back on his feet.


Having won serious condition and depression, Vyacheslav became interested in theater and began creating costumes for many theatrical productions, which brought him closer to famous theater and film actors. In the eighties, the couturier even made costumes for the Broadway theater, which staged the musical “Sophisticated Ladies.”

The designer's recent works include costumes for the production of the famous play " Queen of Spades» Maly Theater. At Sovremennik he is also a co-author and set designer for the production of “Three Sisters” by Galina Volchek.

The designer worked on the uniform style of domestic athletes at the 1980 Olympics, and the popular group Na-Na Bari Alibasov also owes their costumes to Vyacheslav Mikhailovich.


Repeatedly held individual exhibitions in different countries(America, Estonia, Belgium), allowed the paintings to become famous not only in their own country. Many paintings are in private collections, five works from a number of works of graphics and painting are exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Own fashion house

After thirteen years of work at ODMO, tired of fighting the system, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich left there as deputy artistic director. The motivation was simple: plans, projects, and the models themselves are distorted, before reaching the buyer, by multi-level norms and advice.

Despite the fact that his creativity and fashion collections were extremely popular abroad, the couturier did not think of leaving. At Factory No. 19 for custom tailoring, he began working with orders from the Fashion House, located on Mira Avenue. First, he became its artistic director, and then its permanent director, elected by the general votes of the team. It is here that the most popular collections in many countries, recognizable by their special style, are created to this day.

Zaitsev today

Today the public at the shows of Vyacheslav’s fashion collections applauds standing and with tears in their eyes. The couturier's Parkinson's disease and joint problems make it difficult to move legendary fashion designer. He is supported ex-wife Marina, son and granddaughters, and the master himself do not lose courage and hope for recovery.

In his Fashion Laboratory, Emeritus Professor Zaitsev has been training young designers for many years now, teaching them to be relaxed, courageous and able to defend their own position. Despite his venerable age and illness, the couturier is young at heart and full of plans to create a new competitive team of Russian fashion designers.

He has huge house, who is always open to friends, and Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself considers himself happy man, because he has done a lot and still dreams of doing. Over half a century of work in the fashion industry, the couturier has dressed and taught how to feel the style of thousands of people - famous and ordinary. By the way Vyacheslav Mikhailovich once said to himself, not without irony: “I will calm down only when all the women are dressed luxuriously, and the men are dressed like me,” one can predict that his contribution to art and fashion will surprise more than once.