How long does alcohol stay in the body? How long does alcohol stay in the blood

People periodically use alcoholic drinks, and they do it in different quantities. At the same time, some are interested in safe doses, while others are curious about how long alcohol lasts after a festive feast or other event. It can linger for several hours or days, depending on the alcohol consumed. Other individual factors also influence its elimination.

What affects the speed of sobering up?

Even if the same alcohol is drunk in equal quantities by two different people, it will be excreted with at different speeds. Affect her various factors:

  • The more ethanol and the stronger the drink, the more its content in the body will increase.
  • Combination of different drinks and their compositions. Different strong drinks with a similar percentage of strength can have different effects on the composition of the blood.
  • Volumes of drinks. The more alcohol you drink, the longer it will linger.
  • The time period is also important: the faster you drink alcohol, the longer it stays in the blood (the reason is a sharp increase in concentration).
  • General state. For example, after stress, physical activity or illness, the body weakens, and the elimination of alcohol slows down.
  • Gender also matters. Ethanol is not excreted from a woman’s blood as intensively as from a man’s body.
  • Liver performance affects sobering.
  • The speed of sobering up also depends on individual enzymatic activity.

How long alcohol remains in the body of a man, woman or teenager depends not only on the condition and functioning of the organs, but also on patterns. For example, a person’s weight plays an important role, so the time it takes for thin people to remove alcohol from the blood is always longer than for overweight people. Also, young people sober up a little faster due to accelerated metabolism.

For a faster withdrawal of alcohol and complete disappearance of intoxication, you need to have a good drink, and even better, do not drink after nine in the evening. The reason is the slowdown of metabolic processes at night. Thus, at different people alcohol intoxication stored for a specific period, depending on numerous factors and conditions.

How is blood tested for alcohol?

To determine the ethanol content in the blood, it is analyzed in the laboratory. The analysis shows the concentration of ethanol at a specific moment, without providing information about how long ago the drink was consumed. The study provides accurate data on whether the driver is drunk or not.

The analysis is carried out by enzymatic method. When a person drinks an alcohol-containing drink, the activity of enzymes responsible for processing alcohol increases in the blood (non-drinkers do not have these enzymes). In a laboratory analysis, blood is placed in a test tube and divided into fractions, after which the container with the serum is inserted into the analyzer. In a few minutes, the device provides information about the content of the necessary enzymes.

Speed ​​of sobering up

Let's find out when you can drive if you have been drinking alcohol, and how long the state of intoxication lasts. Everyone must independently control the dose of alcohol consumed, taking into account individual factors. The rate of alcohol removal from the blood is about 0.1-0.15 ppm every hour in men, and in women it is approximately 0.08-0.1 ppm (difference in metabolic processes).

First, let’s clarify how long alcohol remains in the blood after consuming a certain amount of beer. Within half an hour, about 100 ml of a drink with a strength of 4% is completely eliminated, and after drinking half a liter, the smell of alcohol in the exhaled air will disappear after at least two hours.

After drinking 0.5 liters of champagne, it is better to get behind the wheel at least five hours later if you weigh more than 80 kg, and for thin people, ethyl alcohol will linger for eight hours.

Alcohol in the body from a glass of wine will linger for two hours, and after drinking half a liter of drink, the driver should not drive for the next 8-14 hours. All kinds of liqueurs in similar quantities are delayed for a day, and vodka may not come out twice as long. Half a liter of cognac - an excessive dose of alcohol - will remain in a man’s blood for about a day and a half, and in a woman’s body or a teenager for up to two days.

A table with exact data will help you understand how many hours it will take for alcohol to leave your body, and you will be able to control the amount of drinks you drink:

Time table for removing alcohol from the body

Type of alcohol

quantity drunk

60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer, 4% 100 g 35 min. 30 min. 26 min. 23 min. 21 min.
Beer, 4% 300 g 1 hour 44 minutes 1 hour 29 minutes 1 hour 18 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes 1 hour 03 minutes
Beer, 4% 500 g 2 hours 54 minutes 2 hours 29 minutes 2 hours 11 minutes 1 hour 56 minutes 1 hour 44 minutes
Beer, 6% 100 g 52 min. 45 min. 39 min. 35 min. 31 min.
Beer, 6% 300 g 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 14 minutes 1 hour 57 minutes 1 hour 44 minutes 1 hour 34 minutes
Beer, 6% 500 g 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 44 minutes 3 hours 16 minutes 2 hours 54 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes
Gin and tonic, 9% 100 g 1 hour 18 minutes 1 hour 07 minutes 59 min. 52 min. 47 min.
Gin and tonic, 9% 300 g 3 hours 55 minutes 3 hours 21 minutes 2 hours 56 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 21 minutes
Gin and tonic, 9% 500 g 6 hours 32 minutes 5 hours 36 minutes 4 hours 54 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 55 minutes
Champagne, 11% 100 g 1 hour 36 minutes 1 hour 22 minutes 1 hour 12 minutes 1 hour 04 minutes 57 min.
Champagne, 11% 300 g 4 hours 47 minutes 4 hours 06 minutes 3 hours 35 minutes 3 hours 11 minutes 2 hours 52 minutes
Champagne, 11% 500 g 7 hours 59 minutes 6 hours 50 minutes 5 hours 59 minutes 5 hours 19 minutes 4 hours 47 minutes
Port, 18% 100 g 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 14 minutes 1 hour 57 minutes 1 hour 44 minutes 1 hour 34 minutes
Port, 18% 300 g 7 hours 50 minutes 6 hours 43 minutes 5 hours 52 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 42 minutes
Port, 18% 500 g 13 hours 03 minutes 11 hours 11 minutes 9 hours 47 minutes 8 hours 42 minutes 7 hours 50 minutes
Tincture, 24% 100 g 3 hours 29 minutes 2 hours 59 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes 2 hours 19 minutes 2 hours 05 minutes
Tincture, 24% 300 g 10 hours 26 minutes 8 hours 57 minutes 7 hours 50 minutes 6 hours 58 minutes 6 hours 16 minutes
Tincture, 24% 500 g 17 hours 24 minutes 14 hours 55 minutes 13 hours 03 minutes 11 hours 36 minutes 10 hours 26 minutes
Liqueur, 30% 100 g 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 44 minutes 3 hours 16 minutes 2 hours 54 minutes 2 hours 37 minutes
Liqueur, 30% 300 g 13 hours 03 minutes 11 hours 11 minutes 9 hours 47 minutes 8 hours 42 minutes 7 hours 50 minutes
Liqueur, 30% 500 g 21 hours 45 minutes 18 hours 39 minutes 16 hours 19 minutes 14 h. 30 min. 13 hours 03 minutes
Vodka, 40% 100 g 5 hours 48 minutes 4 hours 58 minutes 4 hours 21 minutes 3 hours 52 minutes 3 hours 29 minutes
Vodka, 40% 300 g 17 hours 24 minutes 14 hours 55 minutes 13 hours 03 minutes 11 hours 36 minutes 10 hours 26 minutes
Vodka, 40% 500 g 29 h. 00 min. 24 hours 51 minutes 21 hours 45 minutes 19 h. 20 min. 17 hours 24 minutes
Cognac, 42% 100 g 6 hours 05 minutes 5 hours 13 minutes 4 hours 34 minutes 4 hours 04 minutes 3 hours 39 minutes
Cognac, 42% 300 g 18 hours 16 minutes 15 hours 40 minutes 13 hours 42 minutes 12 hours 11 minutes 10 hours 58 minutes
Cognac, 42% 500 g 30 hours 27 minutes 26 hours 06 minutes 22 h. 50 min. 20 hours 18 minutes 18 hours 16 minutes

From the table it is clear that the duration and amount of alcohol content depends on to a greater extent on the strength of the drink and body weight. Beer, gin and tonic and champagne are processed the fastest. Please note that even these low-alcohol drinks are harmful to the body, like strong alcohol.

How long does it take to sober up after drinking?

It is assumed that after a binge, a longer period of sobering occurs until the alcohol completely disappears from the blood. This is partly true, because a week-long binge causes enormous harm to the body, causing alcohol intoxication with severe poisoning.

Alcohol remains in the blood for the same time as indicated in our table above. The elimination process can only be delayed by the amount of drinks consumed and factors such as weakening of the body and a slowdown in metabolic processes. Thus, after a binge, a blood test can reveal traces of ethyl alcohol in the blood even after 1-2 weeks, even if the person drank beer and not cognac or vodka.

No doctor can understand exactly how long alcohol will linger and how long it will take for the analysis to reveal clear blood after binge drinking. At a minimum, it is better not to drive for the next 3-4 days after a week-long binge, so that alcohol can no longer be felt at least in the exhaled air.

Ways to speed up the process

We helped you figure out how many hours or days this or that alcohol lasts, and finally we’ll give you some tips on how to speed up the withdrawal of alcohol from alcoholic drinks. You can take a diuretic purchased at a pharmacy - Trifas, Lasix, Furosemide or their analogs, which stimulate the withdrawal of alcohol due to its diuretic effect.

To speed up the removal of alcohol from the body, try to move more actively instead of lying in bed. Do household chores, go for a walk or engage in other activities, but do not overdo it.

Regardless of the volume of alcohol consumed and individual characteristics, drink plenty of liquid - tea with lemon, mineral water, vegetable juices, plain water. Taking a sorbent group drug will also help: Enterosgel, activated angle, etc.

All these methods will help improve well-being, but will not significantly accelerate the rate of elimination of alcohol from the blood of a woman, teenager or man. There are common methods, including:

  • drinking strong tea or coffee;
  • taking an ice shower;
  • jogging for fresh air;
  • and many others that people use to speed up sobering up.

In reality, they all only slightly speed up the rate of alcohol oxidation, so to avoid trouble, you just need to know how much you should drink without consequences.

Rarely is a feast complete without vodka or wine. To get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol without breaking the rules traffic prohibiting driving a vehicle in drunk, you need to know how long alcohol stays in the blood and after how long it will completely disappear.

Methods for testing alcohol in the body

There are situations when it is necessary to check how much alcohol is in a person’s body. Typically, a similar situation arises when traffic rules are violated, when the road patrol inspector has every reason to believe that the driver is drunk. To determine the exact ethanol content, special instruments are used.

Ways to test alcohol in the body:

  1. Using a visual examination: the person behaves inappropriately, he has a slow reaction, his speech is illogical and incoherent, his coordination of movements is impaired, and there is a strong smell of alcohol from his breath.
  2. Alcolaser Bud. A device that detects alcohol at a distance of 10-20 meters. Using a laser beam, the interior of a driving car is scanned to detect ethyl alcohol vapors.
  3. Breathalyzer. A device that measures the concentration of alcohol in exhaled air. Analyzes are taken using a disposable mouthpiece that has not been used to test other people and has not been wiped with alcohol; these factors can distort the actual results. Before operation, the device must show 0. The permissible permitted dose of alcohol while driving is 0.16 ppm.
  4. Venous blood analysis. The procedure is carried out in the laboratory of a drug treatment center or in a paid medical clinic. The test determines the amount of ethanol at the time of blood donation. Alcohol can be detected a few minutes after drinking strong drinks. Ethanol remains in the blood for several hours, depending on the dose taken. Permissible value alcohol while driving – 0.35 ppm.
  5. Analysis of urine. Alcohol in the urine appears 1-2 hours after drinking strong drinks. Stores for 1-2 days. The permissible ethanol content in urine analysis is 0.1 ppm.

Important! It is prohibited to drive a car after drinking alcoholic beverages. For violating traffic rules, a fine of 30 thousand rubles is imposed on the violator, and the driver is deprived of his license for up to 2 years.

Output table

Many people are interested in the question: how long does alcohol stay in the blood, and how long does it take for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body? It all depends on individual characteristics. The rate of alcohol withdrawal is influenced by various factors: weight, gender, age. A thin person will get drunk faster after drinking 100 ml of vodka than an obese person, and it will take him longer to remove alcohol from the body.

Depending on the strength and type of alcohol-containing drinks, the degree of intoxication varies, and 50 ml of vodka takes longer to leave the body than 50 ml of beer. Women sober up after drinking 50 ml of cognac, an hour later than men who drink the same amount of alcohol. This is due to the fact that women get drunk faster, their blood is cleared 20% slower.

It is easier for young people who rarely drink to recover from vodka. strong alcohol. Children and teenagers do not belong to this category. They keep alcohol in their body for several days and excrete it slowly. Drinking alcohol affects old people immediately, but it is eliminated over a long period.

If a person has been drinking alcohol for several days in a row, it is more difficult for him to sober up after binge drinking. There are too many toxins in his body, it is not easy for him to recover. The rate of alcohol elimination is affected by the condition internal organs, for example, the liver. If a person has impaired functioning of this organ, intoxication occurs faster, and the elimination of ethanol takes long time.

Factors influencing the rate of alcohol withdrawal:

  • amount drunk;
  • quality and strength;
  • gender, age, weight;
  • speed of metabolic processes;
  • presence of pathologies.

There are 2 stages of metabolism of drunk alcohol in the body:

  • suction;
  • excretion.

Absorption time is calculated from the moment of drinking the alcoholic drink until reaching maximum level concentrations in the blood. This period for an average dose of alcohol is 1-2 hours. When the level of ethanol in the body reaches 90%, the period of its elimination begins.

Over the course of 8 hours, 10% alcohol is excreted unchanged through the lungs, kidneys, and skin. The rest is oxidized in the body to acetaldehyde, then to acetic acid, followed by breakdown to water and carbon dioxide in the liver. It is in this organ that up to 90% of oxidative activity occurs.

Table No. 1. Elimination time for alcohol-containing drinks:


The degree of intoxication is determined in ppm (one ppm = one tenth of a percent, denoted by the sign ‰). The indicator is calculated based on the alcohol content in the blood. If you drink a bottle of beer, your blood will contain 0.3 ppm. A bottle of wine will provide 0.7 ppm of ethanol. One hundred grams of vodka will show 0.55 ppm.

Table No. 2. Permille of alcohol in blood:

After 50 ml of vodka, ethanol vapor can be detected in the air exhaled from the lungs for 2 hours. After 500 ml of vodka, traces will be detected after 18 hours. 100 ml of champagne will affect the breathalyzer reading for one hour, and 100 ml of cognac - for 4 hours. A glass of wine will affect the exhaled vapor for 3 hours.

Important! After drinking 100 g of vodka, you should not drive for 3 hours. Considering individual characteristics body, it is better to add 2 hours to this indicator. You can drive a car 5 hours after drinking half a glass of vodka.

Acceptable Content

Despite the sad statistics of road accidents, many drivers still drink alcohol before driving. It is believed that if you drink a bottle of beer, you can get behind the wheel immediately, because after half an hour the smell will disappear anyway, and the alcohol will disappear from the blood. Although this is not entirely true.

Even 2 hours after drinking a bottle of beer you can get a fine for driving a car in drunk. After all, alcohol vapor remains in the lungs for a long time. Even if there is no smell, the breathalyzer will still instantly detect ethanol.

Table No. 3. How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

Type of alcoholResidence time in the body
Vodka, cognac (40%)8-30 h.
Liqueur (25%)5-18 hours
Champagne, wine (15%)3-8 hours
Beer(4%)1-4 hours

Important! If a man drinks a bottle of beer, the alcohol vapor will be noticeable for 4 hours, and for women this figure is 6 hours. It will take 6 hours for men to get rid of 0.5 liters of champagne, and 8 hours for women.

Fast withdrawal of alcohol

It is impossible to influence the rate at which alcohol is processed by the liver and its dissolution in the blood. You can speed up its release through the urinary system, but you need to be very careful when using this method, since you can thicken the blood and increase the relative concentration of ethanol in it. Is it true, large quantity alcohol will still remain in the blood, so after drinking strong drinks it is advisable not to drive for 14-17 hours.

How to quickly get rid of alcohol in the body:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • take diuretics – Lasix, Furosemide;
  • take a shower;
  • eat citrus fruits;
  • drink tea with citric acid;
  • take a walk;
  • take sorbents - activated carbon, Smecta;
  • During the feast, try to eat heavily.

When drinking alcoholic beverages, many people want to know how long it will take until ethanol completely disappears from the body. The safety of people often depends on this information, especially if drinking man is a driver and is about to get behind the wheel.

After taking 0.5 liters of vodka, you can drive a car after 19 hours. After drinking beer (6 bottles), you can start driving after 16 hours. After drinking two bottles of wine, you should drive the car no earlier than 17 hours later.

It is necessary to remember: the more alcohol there is in an alcoholic drink, the slower it is eliminated from the body. Vodka will take longer to excrete than beer. If a person drinks half a bottle of vodka in an hour, ethanol will be eliminated from the body within 24 hours. And if you drink a little throughout the evening, the blood will clear faster the next day. If you drink a bottle of vodka, the residual alcohol from the body will disappear only after 2 days.

Doctor's opinion

As already mentioned, the maximum blood alcohol content after a single dose is reached after 1-1.5 hours. The rise and fall of concentration follow a bell-shaped curve.

Interesting! If we take points on the rise and fall of the curve, a person subjectively feels more intoxicated on the ascending part of the curve than on the descending part, even with the same concentration of ethanol in the blood.

The article provides approximate data on the time it takes to remove ethyl alcohol from the body. For more accurate calculations, you can use the well-known Widmark method. First you need to calculate your blood alcohol content. The following formula is used for this.

It is necessary to recalculate the mass of the drink consumed in grams into pure ethanol and divide it by body weight in kg, multiplied by 0.7 for men and 0.6 for women, after which the resulting number is reduced by 20%. This is due to the fact that not all of the alcohol taken enters the bloodstream, but about 80%. The resulting figure is the ethanol content in the blood in ppm.

It is known that ethyl alcohol is excreted from the body at a rate of approximately 0.15 ‰ per hour, and this figure does not depend on gender, body weight, or liver condition. By simple calculations you can find out how long it will take for there to be no ethanol left in the blood.

For example, you can calculate how quickly a man weighing 80 kg will sober up after drinking 250 g of a forty-degree drink (which is equal to 100 g of pure ethanol). The concentration in the blood will be equal to (100 g / 80 kg × 0.7) - 20% = 1.44%. Considering the rate of elimination, it turns out that after about 9.5 hours the man will be completely sober and no alcohol will be detected in his blood.

Interesting! Modern radiological research methods have shown that healthy person traces of a single dose of ethanol are found in the body within two weeks, although alcohol disappears from the blood after 4-5 hours.

Before drinking alcoholic beverages, you should take into account the time it takes for alcohol to remain in the blood until it is completely eliminated, because for many people - especially those who are driving - their own safety depends on knowledge of this information. The time it takes to cleanse the body of alcohol will vary, as it depends on many factors.

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    What factors influence the period of alcohol removal from the body?

    The period of removal of ethanol from the body is influenced by the individual characteristics of a particular person, the way he drinks alcohol and some other factors.

    Features of the human body

    Depending on the state of health, gender, weight, age and other characteristics, alcohol is excreted differently:

    • Health status. In this case, the work of the internal organs plays a decisive role: if they function at the proper level, then cleansing will occur quickly - within a few hours. But if the liver function is impaired, then intoxication occurs faster, and the process of alcohol withdrawal will be lengthy. For some it takes several days. Thus, alcohol remains in the blood for quite a long time in people who do not have proper rest, suffer from chronic fatigue, and depression. On average, ethanol decreases by 0.2 ppm per hour.
    • Gender. In men, metabolic processes and purification of alcohol from the blood occur 20% faster than in the fair sex. Women, due to the individual characteristics of their bodies, get drunk much faster.
    • Human weight. The lower your body weight, the longer alcohol stays in your body. Accordingly, than more people weighs, the slower he will get drunk.
    • The age of the person. The younger the body, the easier it is for it to get rid of toxic substances. But children and teenagers do not fall into this category: alcohol stays in their blood for a very long time due to the fact that their internal organs are still forming. In older people, cleansing occurs much slower.
    • Duration of alcohol consumption. If a person drank alcoholic beverages for one day, then they will not stay in the blood for long, since the internal organs in this case function at the proper level. But after a long binge, it is many times more difficult for the body to cleanse itself of toxins; complete cleansing occurs on average after 21 days.

    Type of alcoholic drink

    This is one of the main criteria for the length of time alcohol remains in the blood. The higher the concentration of ethanol in the drink, the longer it takes to be removed from the body. Thus, it takes much longer to remove vodka and cognac than to cleanse beer or wine. Quality also plays an important role: the better the quality of the drink, the faster it will be eliminated. Much depends on the form in which alcoholic beverages were consumed - in the form of cocktails or neat. When mixing several types of alcohol, the withdrawal process takes much longer.

    Time during which alcohol was consumed

    When a person stretches out drinking alcohol over several hours, intoxication occurs more slowly, and blood purification the next day is faster. If a large number of alcohol was drunk in a short period of time, the person gets drunk very quickly, and due to the high concentration of alcohol it will be more difficult to get rid of toxins.


    If alcohol was taken on an empty stomach, it will take a long time for it to completely disappear from the blood. But if a person has eaten well before drinking, he will become drunk more slowly, and the cleansing of the body will occur faster.

    How long does alcohol stay in the blood?

    The approximate number of hours is shown in the table below:

    But depending on the individual characteristics of the body, these indicators are different for men and women. If a man drinks a glass of cognac or vodka (50 grams), then blood purification will occur in 5-7 hours. And when you empty a bottle of a 40% drink, the body will cleanse itself in 24-26 hours. For women, these figures are 8-10 and 28-30 hours, respectively. A drunk bottle of beer is eliminated in men after 4 hours, and in women after 6 hours. The withdrawal of champagne (half a liter) for men will occur after 6, and for women after 8 hours. It takes more than 12 hours to get rid of the wine.

The question of how long alcohol can stay in the blood is interesting not only from an everyday point of view, but also from a legal one. Controversial situations arise in various traffic accidents, hospitalizations, registration of sick leave, and if a person is accused of involvement in ethanol-related offenses.

Now there are various calculators and tables that make it easier to calculate the hours of alcohol weathering. To understand the situation, you need to understand the mechanism of alcohol entering the blood and the personal characteristics of a person that slow down or speed up the process of its elimination.

Scientists say that alcohol is completely eliminated from the body within two weeks. Moreover, it is not so important what exactly was drunk - vodka or beer. In most cases, we are interested in how long does alcohol last in the body for detection by a breathalyzer. Here the meaning of the drink you drink plays a big role.

Let's look at the factors that influence how long alcohol stays in the blood:

  • gender factor (the female body takes longer to eliminate alcohol than the male body);
  • person's weight (than less weight, the faster the intoxication occurs, and the longer the elimination);
  • the amount of drink (everything is logical - the larger the dose, the longer it takes to cleanse the body);
  • strength of the drink (strong drinks do not leave the blood longer than light drinks);
  • deterioration of internal organs/person’s age (for example, liver problems significantly slow down the processes of alcohol processing);
  • duration of use (the concentration is higher for the dose that was drunk quickly);
  • time of use (at night all metabolic processes slow down, therefore, so does excretion);
  • Naturally, individual characteristics are also important. There are always people who get drunk quickly, and there are those who don’t get drunk at all for a very long time. This is due to the activity of specific enzymes and metabolism.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood in men?

The indicators for the male population are as follows:

Vodka in an amount of 50 ml will be eliminated from a man’s body in about two hours. It will take the same amount of time for a half-liter can of beer. 100 ml of vodka will take four hours, just like a liter of beer. If you drink almost a bottle of vodka (about 250 ml), then the detectors that determine alcohol in a person’s blood will go off scale for about 10 hours. The same number of hours will cost 2.5 liters of beer.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood in women?

To determine how long alcohol is removed from the blood of the female population, it is customary to add another hour to the male indicators.

Thus, vodka lasts in the volume of one glass for approximately three hours, and a liter mug of beer lasts for five hours. Most Favorite women's wine (by the way, dry wine leaves the blood approximately twice as fast as the fortified one) will cease to be detected by a breathalyzer after four hours.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body

The duration of intoxication is determined, as described earlier, by many factors - from gender and weight to time of use. Let's consider how long alcohol remains in the blood plasma under the influence of external factors. Maximum blood saturation with ethanol occurs one and a half hours after drinking, average speed, which determines how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body, is 0.2 ppm/hour.

Alcohol will dissipate faster if there is a snack. The more food eaten, the lower the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the body, the faster the state of sobriety will occur. Glasses drunk between glasses also reduce concentration. ordinary water. Active movement, such as walking and dancing, will be a good help. Physical activity increases sweating and increases the pulse, the metabolic rate increases, due to which the desired effect occurs.

Despite the fact that it will not be possible to quickly bring alcohol in the blood to the point of complete disappearance, it is still possible to increase the rate of withdrawal.

Here are some secrets:

  1. Go outside for some air. In winter, the effectiveness of this method increases significantly due to low temperatures. Moreover, it is best to be in motion, rather than standing or sitting.
  2. Move more. Don't sit still, and especially don't lie down. Clean up your apartment and do some exercise. The main thing is not to overdo it. Too big physical exercise dangerous to health during this period.
  3. Drink water, mineral water, teas, juices (preferably vegetable). Green tea will be useful as a natural antioxidant.
  4. Absorbent substances, such as activated carbon, will help completely eliminate ethyl alcohol.
  5. Under the influence of diuretics, alcohol also leaves the blood well.
  6. It is recommended to eat what you drink with citrus fruits. Or you can take ascorbic acid.
  7. Will significantly help relieve hangover symptoms cool water. Take a shower, but not a hot bath.
  8. There are also methods related to medicine. These are special droppers and medications that alleviate the condition. But they are most often used only in emergency situations and under the supervision of specialists.

There are many subtleties that it is advisable to know for a person exposing himself alcohol influence. It is important to be able to correctly assess your condition and control your behavior. Therefore, it is recommended to start drinking alcoholic beverages over the age of 21.

Harm of alcohol to humans

When ethyl alcohol enters the body, it quickly begins to be absorbed into the mucous membranes. After an hour and a half, the body is maximally saturated with alcohol. Even before ethanol enters the intestines, it manages to partially break down into carbon dioxide and water. Exactly at small intestine the most active absorption of ethanol breakdown products into the bloodstream occurs. Further along vascular system it goes to the liver, where it releases toxins that are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. The percentage of alcohol that is not broken down in the liver ends up in the lungs and other organs.

The effect on the body begins immediately after the first sip. The brain suffers the most; processes occur that inhibit its activity. That is why symptoms visible to everyone appear, such as impaired coordination and orientation in space, the ability to adequately assess one’s behavior disappears, and hearing and vision deteriorate.

To understand the effect alcohol has on the blood and health in general, let’s look at the basic breakdown mechanism. There are two enzymes that break down alcohol into water and carbon dioxide - alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. A by-product of these enzymes is acetaldehyde. This substance has a toxic effect on the body, causing many health problems.

Medical research has shown that women are more likely to suffer from alcoholism than men. These data are explained by the structural features of the body. In females, blood alcohol concentrations are always higher than in males, with the same volumes of alcohol consumed. Due to this, it stays in the blood much longer. Female alcoholism develops much faster and requires longer treatment. Alcohol causes aging of the skin and wear of internal organs, especially the liver, changes in voice and appearance.

Unfortunately, even when the breathalyzer begins to show “good” values, alcohol still remains in the body and continues to negatively affect it. How long before we can talk about stopping? alcohol withdrawal process? As in the case of detector indicators, it all depends on how much time and quantity a person drinks alcohol. The minimum time required to completely cleanse the body after drinking 100 grams of vodka once is from 7 to 10 days. Detoxification in severe cases can take a very long time.

Alcohol poisoning

There are several degrees of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

Mild degree of intoxication

At mild degree Intoxication (from 0.3 to 1.5% of alcohol content in the blood) a person begins to feel relaxed and liberated, his mood improves, but the ability to concentrate on anything disappears. Speech becomes sluggish. A distortion of reality occurs, which is why a person can overestimate his capabilities, and critical thinking suffers. At the initial stage, a person’s memory does not suffer.

Average degree of intoxication

The average degree of alcohol intoxication (from 1.5 to 2.5% blood alcohol content) aggravates the symptoms of the first stage. The smell of “fumes” begins to be felt from the mouth. From the outside you can immediately tell by looking at your gait that a person is drunk. People in the second stage lose all feeling of shyness - they begin to speak loudly, swear and show aggression. Changes also occur with memory. Usually, after sleep, a person can no longer remember what happened to him during the feast.

Severe degree of intoxication

Not everyone reaches this stage (from 2.5% or more), because most are still working defense mechanisms in the form of nausea. Severe degrees are very dangerous for the body. A person loses the ability to speak, do something, his attention cannot be concentrated. The consequence of such intoxication is coma or even death. Severe intoxication can occur during heavy drinking. How long alcohol stays in the blood during binge drinking and how to deal with it will be discussed below.

What to do when treating binge drinking at home

Binge drinking is not always a manifestation of alcoholism. There are false and true binge drinking. A person who does not suffer from addiction can go on a false binge, for example, if some kind of shock has occurred in his life. For a real binge external factors Not needed. The binge can last from one to several days. Unfortunately, true binge drinking is very difficult to treat at home. Here you already need qualified help from specialists. But with a false binge, detoxification will help. It is important to remember a few simple rules:

  • do not touch the person until he himself realizes the need to be cured;
  • be there when the patient is being taken out of binge drinking, try to support him and do not criticize him in any way;
  • eliminate any of his contacts with drinking buddies;
  • provide the patient with semi-bed rest, exclude any physical activity;
  • carry out therapy until his sleep normalizes, his appetite appears and all symptoms of intoxication disappear.

Often the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood is not so significant. Sometimes what is more important is what his concentration is on this moment. Simply put, a person’s driving skills directly depend on the amount of alcohol consumed.

This amount of alcohol gives 0.2 ppm

How does alcohol affect depending on dose?

0.2-0.5 ppm

Even with such a seemingly small concentration, driving a car is much more difficult. The reaction deteriorates, and it is difficult for the driver to maintain the distance, judging the interval to the car ahead. And the reaction to light sources is sluggish.

0.5-0.8 ppm

This is much more serious - a liter of beer or 150 ml of vodka. This dose provides a weak reaction to traffic lights. And in general, the likelihood that the driver will be able to objectively assess the situation on the road tends to zero. There is a disturbance in visual perception. In this case, you can only hope for a successful outcome of the race.

0.9-1.1 ppm

This concentration of alcohol is extremely dangerous. After all, it leads to an anatomical loss of lateral vision - the driver looks exclusively forward. And this explains a lot of accidents that occur at intersections. In addition, the reaction to traffic situations and traffic lights is greatly inhibited.

1.2 ppm or more

This is the maximum dose equal to 2.5 liters of beer or 0.4 liters of vodka. As doctors say, after such a volume of drinking it is difficult for a person to stand on his feet, let alone drive a car. But it is precisely these people who are often drawn to “feats”, which result in accidents and casualties. By the way, this concentration of alcohol is the most common in accidents, as statistics show.

In such a state of intoxication, the driver has no control over the situation at all. He drives exclusively straight, because he sees only a couple of meters of road in front of the car, so the loss of control vehicle- it's a matter of time.

4-5 ppm

Oddly enough, such drivers periodically come to the attention of the traffic police. This is all the more surprising, because such a dose is officially considered lethal.

The maximum concentration of alcohol does not begin in the body immediately, but only 2-3 hours after drinking. It is distributed throughout the body and only after that the mechanism of alcohol removal is started.

As a rule, from male body alcohol comes out at a rate of 0.1 to 0.15 ppm/hour, while for women it is lower - from 0.085 to 0.1 ppm/hour. Sometimes the withdrawal rate almost doubles - up to 0.26 ppm/hour, but only with severe intoxication.

"Harmless" products

It would seem that the solution is simple - do not drink before riding. But this does not completely eliminate the problem. After all, there are products that, at first glance, are harmless, but they are able to upset the ppm balance not in favor of the driver.

The first thing that comes to mind is kvass, but not just any kvass, but one made on a yeast basis - it usually contains 0.1-0.6 ppm. Alcohol is found in harmless kefir or ayran - 0.2 ppm each.

A breathalyzer can indicate a slight degree of intoxication even if you eat bananas, oranges, and various confectionery products (cakes). You should also be wary of various medications that contain alcohol - Corvalol, calendula, valerian, motherwort and others.

Factors influencing how much alcohol stays in the blood

How is alcohol removed from the body?

After drinking drinks containing alcohol, the process of alcohol absorption in the stomach and intestines begins. Moreover, the proportions are as follows:

Stomach - 20%;

Small intestine - 80%.

Next, the process of removing alcohol from the body begins. A small part of it goes into pure form. This is excretion through the kidneys, as well as evaporation and excretion through pores in the skin. But the main volume is processed in the liver, where alcohol dehydrogenase, a specific enzyme secreted by the body, is involved in the process. Thanks to this enzyme, ethyl alcohol is gradually transformed into the transition product acetaldehyde, which is a toxic compound. Next the process is underway oxidation of acetaldehyde into acetic acid, which is processed by virtually all cells of the human body.

How long does it take to remove alcohol from the blood?

In general, the main share of alcohol comes out in the second way:

  1. Yield in pure form - 5-10%%
  2. Excretion through the liver is 90-95%.

Alcohol release rate

All factors do not make it possible to accurately determine the time of sobering up of a person, because it depends not only on general condition his body and its characteristics, but also from the liver. Nevertheless, general figures available:

Men - 0.1-0.15 ppm/hour;

Women - 0.08-0.1 ppm/hour.

Consequently, due to the much slower metabolism in the female body, alcohol is eliminated from it much more slowly. As for men, the rate of separation of the body from wine vapors can be expressed in an approximate figure - 25 ml/hour. Based on this value, we can roughly indicate how long does alcohol stay in the blood. Naturally, this will require knowing how much the person drank. The figure of 25 ml/hour is typical for men who weigh about 80 kg.

Types of alcohol

This parameter also affects the removal speed. So, for 100 ml of cognac it takes 5 hours, but for 100 ml of vodka - 4 hours. In 2 hours, 0.5 liters of beer leaves the body, 3 hours are needed for 200 ml of dry wine and 1.5 hours for 100 ml of champagne. This means that from 150 ml of ethyl alcohol (2 ppm) drunk at night, after 8 hours another 1.3 ppm will remain in the body.

Weight, gender and other factors

Women take longer to adapt to alcohol. Regarding concentration, it depends on body weight. Alcohol is eliminated much faster in young people, thanks to rapid metabolism, which slows down noticeably with age. The snack plays an important role - the fattier it is, the better. And diseases should not be discarded. So the best option would be a young, healthy guy, tightly built and accustomed to drinking only if there is a good snack. Such a driver will recover fairly quickly.

How long does alcohol last in urine?

In it, alcohol is easily detected during analysis. After all, alcohol is in digestive system, which automatically assumes its presence in the urine. Moreover, the concentration in it will directly depend on that in the entire body. But there is also a nuance - alcohol remains in the urine much longer than in the blood, and the decay process lasts more than a day, and it does not depend on gender. Although, naturally, the time period fluctuates depending on physiology.

How long does the smell of alcohol last?

This is a very subtle point. The most unpleasant thing is that it lasts for quite a long time. Sometimes the driver drinks just a little, and the smell haunts him even hours later. It is not surprising that many people are worried about this moment.

As before, the main factors remain:

  1. Type of alcohol and number of degrees;
  2. Amount drunk;
  3. Physical state.

In addition, it is worth considering other features. For example, for one person the beer smell disappears literally after 3 hours, while another has to wait all day. So it’s impossible to say for sure how long alcohol stays in the blood (and the smell from it).

According to narcologists, 1 unit of alcohol is broken down in the body in about 1 hour. Consequently, a 0.5-liter bottle of vodka will leave a smell for at least 20 hours, and this is in the best case - if you are no more than 30 years old and have no diseases.

The calorie content of the food consumed is no less important, since fatty foods tend to coat the walls of the stomach. This layer prevents the absorption of alcohol, significantly slowing it down. On the one hand, a person does not get drunk so quickly, and on the other, the processes of alcohol absorption and its further removal from the body are significantly prolonged. It is worth considering the features female body, which is not only more fragile, but also has a number of features. In women, the process of removing alcohol and eliminating the smell takes even longer.


Many features of the absorption and elimination of alcohol force drivers to sit in the car seat only when the alcohol is completely removed from the body. Even if a person has sobered up, the smell and alcohol will be present in the blood. Of course, traffic police inspectors do not always decide to conduct a medical examination of the driver, but they force you to breathe into a tube at the slightest suspicion. So it is not recommended to get behind the wheel in the morning, after a stormy holiday the day before.

You can often hear rumors that champagne disappears literally immediately after drinking. This is wrong. After all, even 150 ml of drink will make its presence felt for another hour. However, in our society no one drinks sparkling wine in such portions - they are much larger. The rest, not the “hardest” drinks, are no less insidious. Thus, 100 ml of red wine will be recognized by a breathalyzer for about 1.5 hours, and it will take about 5 hours to remove 300 ml of table wine from the body. The inspector’s “pipe” can catch a driver even drinking 100 ml of gin and tonic or other “low alcohol” drink if less than an hour has passed since drinking.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body

It is no secret that many natural processes in the body can be accelerated, without harm to health. The same applies to the elimination of alcohol, and it is also possible to slow it down.

At the moment there are 2 methods of influence:

  1. Medical - it is the most effective and short-lived. On the other hand, not all doctors are eager to serve drunken people, although this does not apply to representatives of private clinics.
  2. On your own.

Be that as it may, alcohol is ultimately eliminated through the body's excretion of feces, urine and sweat.

In particular, you can take medications - absorbents in the form of almagel, activated carbon, enterosgel and others, taken both before and after the feast, will help to cope.

It will not be amiss to drink a large amount of liquid - mineral water(still), tea (sweet), etc.

The gag reflex is not just considered one of the most effective techniques. This can be done in different ways. For example, you can take several glasses of water inside, but only salty water. However, in a state of intoxication, not everyone expresses a desire to bother with preparing the solution, because you need to mix salt with water, maintain proportions, etc. Oddly enough, vodka also helps to “cure”. According to the precepts of M.A. Bulgakov, you just need to drink 50 ml of vodka in one gulp, breathe into your nose and bend over. Nausea sets in almost immediately.

Physical activity will also not be superfluous, but in moderation.

Alcohol table

The first and second tables indicate how much time the driver will need to