How Natalia Oreiro lives now. Natalia Oreiro with her son

This year, Natalia Oreiro, whose height, weight and other information about whom many fans are interested, celebrates her 37th birthday. Famous singer and the actress charmed with her beauty, but do all fans know at least some facts from her biography? How do celebrities still remain beautiful and slim? After reading the publication, the reader will know the answers to these questions.

Childhood of a future celebrity

Natalia Oreiro was born on May 19, 1977 in Montevideo, located in east direction Latin America on the border with Argentina.

At the time of birth, Natasha already had a four-year-old sister, Adriana. Parents of girls - ordinary people, earning little, but enough to live on. Carlos Alberto was a salesman and Mabel Iglesias was a hairdresser in a beauty salon. Despite the fact that there was a rich set of professional tools at home, among them little Natasha was only interested in a comb, with which she happily twirled in front of the mirror, imagining herself as a singer. Did the little girl know that in twenty years the biography, height, weight and other parameters of Natalia Oreiro would become of interest to millions of fans?

The family of the future celebrity had to go through more than 20 moves. The girl studied at an ordinary school, but at the age of 8 she became very interested in theater and enrolled in various clubs. Since her hobbies did not interfere with her studies, the parents supported the abilities of their youngest and very talented daughter.

Like all teenagers, Natalia had her own idols. Among them was Marilyn Monroe, but she really liked the band Los-Ramones, for the sake of attending whose concert she even deceived her parents, saying that she would stay with a friend for two days. The viewing experience was the most amazing!

The beginning of an artistic career

Natalia first appeared on the TV screen at the age of 12, starring in Uruguayan commercials for two years. During this time, more than 30 videos from various companies were recorded. This was her first practice.

In 1991, the girl was chosen as Shusha's (Brazilian television star) assistant on travels around various countries, where the celebrity presented her TV shows. So Natalya slowly began to become famous. In parallel with filming, she took part in castings in Buenos Aires, although she had to spend almost all the money she earned on trips.

In 1993, the girl received a small role in the television series “High Comedy,” but due to lack of finances, it was never released. By that time, Natasha had already ceased to accompany Shushi and refused the offer to represent MTV in Latin America. Natalia Oreiro, whose height, weight and biography at that time was of little interest to anyone, a year later received a more important role in the film “The Unruly Heart”. In 1995, she starred in the film adaptations of “Sweet Anna” and “Models 90-60-90.”

Major achievements in creative career

1997 turned out to be especially significant for the young actress. She got the first main role together with the offer from Canal-9 to star in the television series “Rich and Famous,” which the girl could not refuse. The television series had high viewing ratings, and fans began to be interested in various questions: how much Natalia Oreiro weighs, where she was born and other facts from her biography.

In 1998, the young actress began collaborating with the Te Le Fe company. Director Gustavo Yankelevich invited the girl to star in the film “An Argentine in New York.” Natasha did not immediately agree, because she actively participated in the work on the television series “Casablanca”, where she played the main role, but then difficulties arose and filming was stopped. Then the girl decided to accept Gustavo’s offer, not expecting much success. Bringing the director's ideas to life required professional skills, but Natalia coped with everything. The film was a huge success. Everyone knew that Natalya was not only talented actress, but also a singer with amazing vocal abilities!

In October of the same year, with the support of Gustavo, the first solo album “ Natalia Oreiro" After its release, they managed to sell about 140 thousand copies of the disc, for which the actress and vocalist received a double platinum award.

Do you know how old Natalia Oreiro was when she starred in the famous series “Wild Angel”, which became a real triumph? This happened in 1999, that is, at the age of 22. The girl received the main role of the charming and brave maid Milagros Expósito Di Carlo (nickname Cholito) together with another actor - Facundo Arana (Ivo Di Carlo). Many people still call Natalia by the name from this series and think that she and Facundo are also in love with each other in reality. The series “Wild Angel” further fueled the fire of the celebrity’s fame and strengthened fans’ interest in her vocal abilities, since almost all the tracks were performed by her in this film.

Musical creativity and touring

After filming the series “Wild Angel,” Natalia Oreiro went to Los Angeles and recorded a new album, “Tu Veneno” (“Your Poison”), which became a real achievement for the vocalist: 45 thousand copies were sold in Israel and 40 thousand in Argentina. The most popular songs were “Rio de la Plata” and “Tu Veneno”. Among them was also the composition “Como te Olvido”, for which a spectacular video was even shot.

Natalia Oreiro, whose height, weight, age and enormous talent helped her become a real celebrity, in 2001 for the first time made a world tour of Europe and Latin America. She even visited Russia, performing at the Kremlin Palace.

After filming a new film (in 2003), the girl went on tour again and recorded the album “Turmalina”, consisting of 11 songs. This is a unique disc, and its tracks are dedicated not only to the theme of love, but also to the human environment, its influence on nature. Some of them are written in rock style.


After filming “Wild Angel,” a new humorous series “Kachorra” was released. Not everyone knows how old Natalia Oreiro was at that time. In it she played the role of the cheerful Antonia Guerrero together with Pablo Rago. For filming, the girl had to radically change her image: dye her hair fiery red and get an asymmetrical haircut. The television series “Kachorra” appeared on TV screens in 2002 (May) and was received with great warmth by viewers.

After a long creative work 12 months later, the melodrama “Cleopatra” was released, telling about the difficult life of the heroines. The main role was played by Natalia Oreiro, whose figure parameters, discography and personal life still worried fans. In the series, she again got the role of a girl named Milagros.

In 2004 famous actress reincarnated as Carmen in the film “Town of Desire”. At the age of 28, she took part in the filming of “In the Rhythm of Tango,” “Possible Lives,” and “Trophies.”

Another series with the participation of a talented celebrity, “You Are My Life,” was released on television in 2006-2007, again uniting the main characters. How old Natalia Oreiro was at the time of filming is difficult to determine immediately, because she played the role of professional boxer Esperanza Muñoz (“Cutie” ) - a mischievous and cheerful girl who was a thirty-year-old lady!

In 2014, new films with her participation are planned to be released: “Angel” and “Blue Mauritius”.

What does Natalia Oreiro look like now?

Natalia Oreiro was able to achieve dizzying success in her career not only thanks to her talent, but also to her slender figure. Today, at 37 years old, she still remains in excellent health. physical fitness: with a height of 1.74 meters, it weighs only 54 kg. This is every girl's dream! How does Natalia Oreiro, whose height, weight and other data about whom fans are interested, maintain her attractiveness?

The celebrity never aspired to become the same as those who were emaciated modern models. Save perfect figure An active lifestyle and special diets help her. The celebrity has long been passionate about fitness and continues to regularly train with a personal trainer. In addition, she runs a little in the morning and dances.

Natalia Oreiro

Until 2005, the girl never excluded meat from her diet, and today a vegetarian diet is part of her life. This method nutrition cleanses the body and facilitates the functioning of the kidneys. He prohibits the consumption of dairy products, eggs, any type of alcohol, large number strong coffee. Don't forget about two liters of clean water.

For breakfast you can drink tea or a cup of natural espresso and bran bread. For lunch, pasta (rice) and fruit salad without cream are suitable. For dinner it is better to eat vegetables: soup, stew, to which you can add nuts. Dessert - apples baked with cinnamon and honey. It is allowed to add sugar (5 g) to tea or fruit and natural fruit marmalade (up to 50 g). The diet is designed for an active lifestyle and contains 2000 kcal. Thanks to him, Natalia Oreiro still remains slim!

Personal life

In 1994, during the filming of the film “The Unruly Heart,” Natalia Oreiro met Pablo Ecciari, whom she married. Unfortunately, over time, their marriage broke up, which the celebrity was very worried about. For this reason, she even dramatically changed her image.

Over time, all the pain went away, and the girl met the man of her life - Ricardo Mollo, Argentine guitarist, leader of the group “Dividos”. Their wedding took place on a ship, where the newlyweds vowed eternal love and tattooed each other on ring fingers. At 34, the girl gave birth to a boy.

Many people are interested in the question of how I achieved slim figure celebrity even after giving birth? Are there any special diets? In fact, there is no need to torment the body with hunger. The "Wild Angel" star regularly engages in fitness, jogging and leading healthy image life.

That's what Natalia Oreiro is like! The height, weight and biography of the celebrity will interest fans of this wonderful singer and actress for a long time. For her age, she is still very slim and her creativity does not stop, but is constantly in work, so soon we will see Natalia Oreiro again on TV screens.

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias (b. 1977) is a Uruguayan singer and film actress. He is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Argentina and Uruguay.

Childhood years

Natalia was born in the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo on May 19, 1977. The family where the girl was born was very ordinary and had nothing to do with art.

Dad, Carlos Oreiro, owned a small shop, where he himself worked as a salesman. He is now in the business of selling mattresses. Mom, Mabel Oreiro (maiden name Iglesias), worked as a hairdresser, and when the children were born, she began raising them and running the household. Natalia has more older sister Adriana, the girls' age difference is 4 years. Now Adriana is the owner of the clothing store “Las Oreiro”, this is their joint business with her star sister.

The family was not rich, but normal life they had enough. The girls received their education at school and participated in various clubs and sections.

Oreiro began to show interest in creativity from early years. The house was full of my mother's professional hairdressing supplies. Among them, Natalia was only interested in the comb, which she used instead of a microphone, pretending to be a singer.

As soon as the girl went to school, she immediately enrolled in an acting club. She was only 8 years old then. And after 4 years, Oreiro began appearing in Uruguayan commercials. The parents had nothing against their daughter’s hobbies and supported her in every possible way, especially since she grew up not only as a talented creative person, but also as an obedient girl and a capable student.

Despite her craving for art, Natalia devoted a lot of time to sports activities during her childhood. She attended the swimming section, went to boxing, gymnastics and circus acrobatics, where she practiced trapeze (she liked this sport the most).

Career in film and music

Filming advertisements on Uruguayan television channels was not in vain. In 1991, Natalia was noticed and selected for her show Brazilian singer and presenter of children's programs Shusha. Among many applicants from other countries, 14-year-old Oreiro turned out to be the best and became Shushi’s main assistant, representing her at important events and traveled with her.

When Natalia turned 16 years old, she went to Buenos Aires. Here, for a long time and persistently, she went to all the castings for the series, trying to get at least some meager role, so that she would have something to cling to and something to build on. Finally, in the film “The Unruly Heart” she received a small role as an extra. It was on this project that the start was laid creative path to the cinema.

Beautiful young girl attracted attention, and soon Natalia got an episodic character in the TV series “Tender Ana”, and then the same director invited her to one of the main roles in “Model 90-60-90”. The youth film was a success and after its release, people on the street began to recognize Natalia Oreiro.

But she truly became famous after starring in the serial film “Rich and Famous.” In this modern history Natalia played Romeo and Juliet by Valeria Garcia Mendez, and her lover in the film, Diego Salerno, was played by the handsome Diego Ramos. The ratings for the series were high.

After the series was released, Natalia was inundated with filming offers from directors and producers. Among them was Gustavo Yankelevich. He offered the young actress the main role in his film “An Argentine in New York.” The film was an incredible success, and Natalia also released her first solo album, with the release of which Gustavo helped. In 1998, the disc was released in Argentina, and the following year the compositions “Cambio dolor” and “Me muero de Amor” won the hearts of listeners around the world. The disc became gold, and Natalia became famous outside of Latin America.

At the end of 1998, Natalia began working on a role in the series “Wild Angel”; the girl Milagros from a Catholic monastery brought the actress popularity all over the world. In this film, Oreiro not only worked on creating the image, but also came up with the script. After the release of the film, Natalia gained numerous armies of fans in different countries Latin America, Eastern Europe and especially in Russia. And at the “Viva” competition, held in 2000 in Israel, the series “Wild Angel” took first place.

After the series, Oreiro began work on her second solo album, which was released in 2000 and sold more than two million copies.
At the beginning of 2001, the singer went on her first world tour. She attended concerts:

  • Chile and Argentina;
  • Colombia and Uruguay;
  • Turkey and Hungary;
  • Spain and Bulgaria;
  • Greece and Poland;
  • Czech Republic, Venezuela, USA.

In Russia, Oreiro's performances took place in the Kremlin Concert Hall.
The singer’s tritium album “Turmalina” was released in 2002, its circulation was 1.5 million copies.

All the time, Natalia manages to successfully combine her singing career with filming. Every year several films and TV series with her participation are released:

Year of release of the film

Movie title



"Town of Desire"

"Gymnasium War"

"In the rhythm of tango"

"You are my life"

"Amanda O"

"Music Waiting"

"Miss Tacuarembo"

"Underground Childhood"

« Dark Angel»

"Only you"

"Among the Cannibals"

“I don’t regret this love”

She is still offered to play twenty-year-old girls, but Natalia refuses such roles. She prefers characters who are similar in age to her: “I am already 39 years old. Wrinkles appeared on my face, my skin was no longer so elastic. And I'm not going to pretend to be a girl. Aging is a normal life process.”

The success of Natalia Oreiro lies in the fact that she never in her life sought to become famous; most of all she wanted to become a good actress.

Love from Russian fans

In Russia, Natalia is loved endlessly. She herself is surprised at such love. She came to this country for the first time when she was 20 years old. And since then, when she comes back after a long break, every time she thinks that she’s probably already been forgotten here. But that was not the case; right at the airport, the actress was greeted by crowds of fans with flowers. She sees and understands that the love of Russian admirers of her talent is becoming greater every time. And it's mutual. Natalia loves the Russian public, culture, traditions, souvenirs. Even her growing son loves to travel with his mother to Russia and says that he really likes Russian girls.

In this country, Natalia starred in the series “In the Rhythm of Tango” in 2006 and was pleased with working with her Russian colleagues.

In 2015, Oreiro held a big tour called “Our Natasha” in Russian cities; the singer even visited Siberia, traveling by train all the way.

From Russia, Oreiro always takes dill with him: “I really like this spicy herb, Russians put it in almost all dishes.” She also brings Tula gingerbread cookies, which the actress is constantly presented with when she comes to Russia.

Personal life

First great love Natalia Oreiro was handsome actor Pablo Ecciari. They starred together in the series, and at first he did not pay any attention to the girl. At the end of filming, Pablo decided to invite his partner to an expensive restaurant. Natasha ordered herself bread and tea with milk. When the order arrived, she crumbled the bread into her tea and began to eat. Pablo was struck by her childish spontaneity and realized that he was falling head over heels in love with this girl. They started dating, and soon began to live together.

Sincere, romantic and turbulent relationship one of the most beautiful couples Argentine cinema lasted 6 years, but in 2001 Natalia and Pablo broke up. The actress took the break very hard and plunged headlong into work.

In November 2001, Natasha met Ricardo Mollo, the leader of the rock group Dividios.

She was 24 years old, he was 44. But the age difference of 20 years did not become an obstacle to their love. And a month later, on the last day of the passing year, Natalia married Ricardo. Their gorgeous wedding took place on the ship, the young people exchanged rings, tattoos and declarations of eternal love. According to Oreiro herself, Ricardo was able to bring her out of severe depression and taught her to love and enjoy life again.
After 10 years of marriage, in January 2012, in a clinic in Buenos Aires, Natalia gave birth to her first child, a son, who was named Merlin Atahualpa.

After the birth of the child, all the priorities in the actress’s life changed, and her son became the center of the Universe for her. Completely different thoughts began to enter my head: about the cleanliness of the planet, about ecology, about what kind of Earth will we leave for our descendants?

During pregnancy, Natalia did not work, she lived in country house, devoted herself completely to her husband. She enjoyed cooking in the kitchen, especially baking desserts. During the nine months of waiting for the baby, Oreiro gained 30 kilograms, everyone thought that she was pregnant with twins. After giving birth, she began breastfeeding and lost weight. The actress sacrificed her figure and was not afraid of losing her breasts former form, fed my son until he was two and a half years old. As she herself says: “When you are a mother, all these are such little things!”

Natalia managed the child herself; they did not have a nanny. My husband helped, sometimes my mother came from Uruguay, and occasionally a friend or mother-in-law helped out. She still has sincere admiration for a single mother; the actress cannot imagine how a woman can combine work and raising children alone.

Beauty secrets

Natalia sleeps little; she rarely manages to spend more than 6 hours sleeping. Often she has to be on the set at six in the morning, and in the evening she likes to communicate with her husband, son, and friends. Therefore, you have to sacrifice extra hours of rest for the sake of your loved ones.

The main sources of her beauty lie in proper nutrition and that the actress enjoys every minute she lives. Enjoying life is its most important secret. Natalia has been a vegetarian for many years. Of course, for a vegetarian it is often worth current issue– to eat this for strength and energy? She found nourishment in echinacea and pollen. Although Natalia Oreiro also has her weaknesses. The actress loves pizza and cheese and sometimes cannot deny herself this pleasure.

No matter how tired she is, she never goes to bed with makeup on her face. This is taboo!

Special attention Natalia pays attention to caring for her gorgeous hair. This habit started from childhood. When my mother was still working as a hairdresser, she received her regular clients at home, and their living room served as a beauty salon. It was then that little Natasha saw enough of how to properly care for her hair. Nowadays it’s becoming less and less common to see her as a blonde or a redhead, but the actress is not afraid to change; if necessary for a role, she can easily repaint her hair or cut her hair.

Natalia is good with sports. In addition to the sections she attended in her childhood, the acting profession forced her to master new sports disciplines. To maintain her figure, she works out at home on exercise machines for an hour three times a week, although she doesn’t particularly like these kinds of activities.

She loves high-heeled shoes, it’s a crazy world for her, at home several hundred pairs gather dust in the dressing room. But Natalia rarely wears them, because everyday life prefers to wear shoes without heels. For clothes, she likes long skirts and blouses made of flowing fabrics, something similar to Indian style.


In addition to cinema and singing, Natalya is successfully engaged in business with her sister. Their new latest collection The clothing was called “Matryoshka”; from the name alone it is already clear that it was produced based on Russian motives. Oreiro even wants to open his own store in Russia.

What makes actress Natalia Oreiro happy? As she herself answers: “Happiness for me is my husband and son, family, friends, work, home, my plants and animals.”

When Natalia works, she lives in Buenos Aires, where they have a house. But she tries to spend every day free from filming outside the city. The actress is a fan of this kind of life, she is drawn closer to nature. At her country estate, Oreiro has a large garden, many flower beds and rose gardens, which she loves to look after. Here she enjoys hosting guests and friends, baking pizza for them and preparing homemade taglierini egg noodles.

The actress is a passionate football fan. He likes to watch broadcasts from the World Cup, where, of course, he cheers for the national teams of Uruguay and Argentina.

Natalia Oreiro is one of the most popular Argentine celebrities. The singer and actress is known far beyond the country's borders. The path to fame for Natalia Oreiro was not easy, but the recognition and job of her dreams were worth it.

A unique girl of incredible beauty and talent, who has become an idol for millions of girls around the world, Natalia Oreiro, continues to delight fans with her creativity.

The childhood and funny details of the popular actress and singer are covered in our biography. There are many intriguing details about the path to fame and information about Natalia Oreiro’s personal life.

Natalya’s first popularity came in the early 2000s, when one of the audience’s favorite series was released. After that, people began to recognize her and invite her to star in films. All the Argentine girls wanted to know what her height, weight, and age were. How old is Natalia Oreiro is a frequent question, because she has been on stage for a long time, and she looks simply stunning. Height famous singer– 174 cm, and weight – 54 kg. In a few days, Natalia Oreiro will celebrate her 41st birthday.

There are many photographs online showing Natalia Oreiro. The photos in her youth and now are not very different, because passion has not yet come to her.

Natalia Oreiro now continues to act in TV series and perform on stage. Many cannot understand how she manages everything, but the celebrity is first and foremost a workaholic, and secondly, she does what she loves.

Biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro

The biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro originates in Uruguay, in 1977. She doesn't have big family: father - Carlos Alberto Oreiro, salesman; mother – Mabel Iglesias, hairdresser; older sister – Adriana Oreiro.

The family was often on the move, so little Natalya did not stay in one place for long, but this did not stop her from showing her artistry and passion for the stage from a very young age.

At the age of 8, thanks to Natalia Oreiro’s mother, the girl began studying in a theater group.

As a teenager, Natalia Oreiro was in demand among advertising publishers. So, already at the age of 12, the girl earned money herself. The beautiful Argentine girl received many offers from modeling agencies, but this was not at all what Natalya dreamed of.

The first filming of the now famous actress in the series did not bring success, because due to lack of budget the series was never released. Natalia Oreiro received different offers about earning money, but she refused them because she was waiting for an invitation to filming. And finally, she waited.

At first she was given minor roles in two TV series, and then the main role in the series “Models 90-60-90”. This youth film masterpiece did not go unnoticed, but the peak of Natalia Oreiro’s popularity would be brought by her filming in the TV series “Wild Angel,” which was watched by entire families in several countries around the world.

And after the release of the series “Rich and Famous” on television, Natalia Oreiro fell in love not only with Argentine, but also with European and American viewers.

Filmography: films starring Natalia Oreiro

Here is her short filmography: “The Unruly Heart”, “In the Rhythm of Tango”, “Underground Childhood”, etc.

Natalia Oreiro emerged as a singer almost simultaneously with the beginning of her career as an actress. Nobody knows how she managed everything, but everyone admires her voice. Natalia Oreiro's songs and their videos have become popular in many countries around the world. The singer still tours around the world with concerts.

Family and children of Natalia Oreiro

The family and children of Natalia Oreiro are often discussed in detail in the media. The popular singer and actress always finds a little time for the people closest and most important to her. Today such people are the parents of Natalia Oreiro, her husband and son.

Natalie Oreiro is not just a master of her craft, but also an incredibly efficient woman who never gets tired of working on two stages. Despite the busy schedule, almost everyone free time she devotes to her family. The words of loved ones can bring you back to life in case of any failure at work or fatigue, as Natalia Oreiro herself says.

Son of Natalia Oreiro - Merlin Atahualpa

Natalia Oreiro's only son is Merlin Atahualpa. Today the boy is 6 years old and he is very proud of his mother. Merlin's father is Ricardo Mollo. The birth took place in Buenos Airos, after which the singer took a short break from her career to pay attention to her newborn baby.

Natalia Oreiro loves her son very much, appears with him at various events, sometimes even takes him on stage.

Since the famous actress and singer often visits Russia, where she has her own large audience and mass of fans, she has repeatedly told the press that she likes both the local cuisine and traditions. As Natalya herself admitted, she often reads Russian fairy tales (with translation) to Merlin.

Natalia Oreiro's husband is Ricardo Mollo

First and only husband Natalia Oreiro - Ricardo Mollo. The famous Argentine rock singer of the group “Divididos”, he is much older than his wife. Today he is already 59 years old, but such an age difference does not bother the popular performer at all.

Ricardo and Natalia met 17 years ago, and got married in 2002. Interestingly, the couple got identical tattoos on their fingers as a sign of fidelity. It was Ricardo Maoglio who became a new breath for the actress and helped her cope with depression after a difficult breakup with her previous man.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Oreiro

If you want to get a lot of detailed information about the singer and actress, about her career, personal life, and follow the updates of her photos, then there are excellent sources for this - Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Oreiro. Here you can see constantly updated photos of the singer. The number of Natalia Oreiro's followers on Instagram exceeds 54 thousand. Here fans can enjoy photos of the singer and actress during her performances, from behind the scenes, even from her hotel room.

It is known that Natalia Oreiro often gives concerts in many Russian cities, and she really likes it here. In Russia, the singer has her own audience, which always warmly accepts her. On Wikipedia you can find out a lot of information about her, in particular her path to fame, her work in cinema, and view her full discography. Natalia Oreiro also has her own website.

Argentine actress and singer Natalia Oreiro fell in love with many in the 90s thanks to the series “Wild Angel”. Only at thirty-five years old did she give birth to her first child. Significant event happened in her life in January of this year. Therefore, Natalya is still little involved in her career and rarely goes out in public.

Will a young mother not be tolerated on the red carpet?

IN lately Natalya gradually began to appear: either a press conference about the new series, or a shoot for a magazine, or the Cannes Film Festival. And “gossip-well-wishers” and the media reproach the artist for the fact that she has grown shamelessly plump and aged beyond her years!

She really looks now, and this is natural, no longer the same as in “Wild Angel”. Some call it turning into a real woman with round shapes, some are terribly obese. And even though all people have bad shots, her face really looks a little older than age even in comparison with mere mortals, who have no access to expensive personal care products.

And no matter how much you make eyes at the camera, no matter how much you blow kisses, you can see the shine of fatigue in the eyes, and a scattering of wrinkles, and the swollen contour of the face...

The mystery of the name of Natalia Oreiro's firstborn

Natalia Oreiro's firstborn saw the world in an elite clinic in Buenos Aires through caesarean section. The child's father is Ricardo Mollo, a rock musician. They have been married for about ten years. Neither the twenty-year age difference nor Ricardo’s two daughters from his previous marriage could hinder their happiness.

It was the shocking rocker who came up with a symbolic name for his son: Merlin-Atahualpa. The first part of it is borrowed from Celtic mythology - this is how the wizard-sage is called there. The second is the rocker’s own creation, which is an abbreviation of concepts associated with his work and life principles: soul, mind and matter.

Elite parents - elite child?

Meanwhile, the still pretty Oreiro hardly corresponds to the definition of “angel”, if we talk about her character.

The fact is that the name of her first-born seems strange not only in Ukraine, but also in Argentina. The artist often had to answer questions about this.

So, in one interview, she contemptuously justified this by the fact that he has difficult parents. Like, dad is “not a salesman in a vegetable shop, and mom is not a housewife at all.” Therefore, he cannot be some kind of Jose. These words were published by Antenna magazine. And the public literally exploded with outrage. It turns out that from the first days of life, the mother cultivates arrogance and arrogance in the baby? Natalya had to give up ostentatious exclusivity, including in raising a child.

Natalia Oreiro is the idol of many people not only in her homeland, in Latin America, but also in Russia and Ukraine. This beautiful, talented girl with a charming smile won the hearts of millions back in the late 90s, playing the main role in the television series “Wild Angel”. Of course, fans are very interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro.

Childhood actress

The future actress and singer was born on May 19, 1977 in the capital of Uruguay. The girl's family was not rich. Her dad was an ordinary salesman, and her mother made her living as a hairdresser.

It must be said that Natalya lived in her hometown only for the first few years of her life, and after that, together with her sister and parents, she often moved from place to place. On at the moment, the girl has been living in Argentina for many years, where she moved at the age of 16.

Future child star

Since childhood, Nati (as her many fans call her) has been very artistic. She loved to sing. At that time, her mother’s ordinary comb served as a microphone for the girl. Natasha walked around the house with her and performed in front of her friends.

Model career

When Natalya started acting, beautiful girl not only loved by the audience, but also noticed by representatives modeling business. Therefore, a few years later the girl decided to start modeling career. She had all the data for this - an excellent figure and a beautiful face.

Fatal beauty Natalia Oreiro

When Oreiro was only 14, she was chosen to accompany the then famous TV star Shushi on tour. Nati often appeared on television programs and managed to win the hearts of her first fans.

In addition, the girl was offered a job by the cult television channel MTV. Ambitious Natalya did not take advantage of this opportunity - she wanted to completely devote her life to cinema. She started by often flying to castings in the capital of Argentina. And soon, luck smiled on her.

Natalia Oreiro: photo


Natalia's debut took place in the film “The Unruly Heart”. She was only 16 then. Another cameo role soon followed in her career - she played in the TV series “Tender Anna”. And in the television series “Models 90-60-90” she got a key role, thanks to which the young actress became recognizable.

A talented girl with a bright appearance could not go unnoticed. She began to receive great deals from the directors one after another. In 1997, she played the main role in the touching melodrama “Rich and Famous”, in a duet with Diego Ramos.

Still from the movie "Rich and Famous"

Next came another greater success. She got the role of the orphan Milagros in the series “Wild Angel”. Natalya recorded soundtracks for him and participated in writing the script. This project has gained incredible popularity. It was shown in the most different corners globe.

Oreiro became famous far beyond the borders of its country. The young girl's dreams of popularity and fame came true.

Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana in the series “Wild Angel”

In addition, in 1998, the girl played the main role in the film “An Argentinean in New York.” This film had great success. In its first week of release, approximately two million people watched it.

In 2005, Oreiro played in a joint project between Argentina and Russia - the television series “In the Rhythm of Tango.”

Still from the film “In the Rhythm of Tango”

In 2006, Oreiro met at film set with Facundo Arana, his partner in “Wild Angel.” They again played lovers in the series “You Are My Life.”

From 2008 to 2009, Natalya was involved in the television series “Amanda O,” where she played the role of an arrogant superstar, whose life unexpectedly changes in a different direction. Also in 2009, the films “Music in Waiting” and “France” were released.

Still from the series “You are my life”

In 2011, the girl played in the films “My First Wedding”, “Underground Childhood”, “Miss Tacuarembo” and “Bad”.

Other interesting projects Oreiro - TV series “Lynch”, “Among the Cannibals”. The films “Angel”, “Gilda” and the drama “Vakolda”.

Natalia Oreiro in the “Evening Urgant” program

Music career

Natalia Oreiro is no less popular as a singer. She has an excellent voice and moves well to the music. The girl's first producer was Gustavo Yankelevich. In 1999, he helped her release her debut album, Natalia Oreiro.

The following year, 2000, the singer’s second disc, Tu Veneno, was released, which was very much in demand by the audience. And already in the winter of 2001, the girl began to tour the world. She then came to Russia, where many already loved her dearly.

Famous Argentine singer on the set of a video

Oreiro's third album, Tourmaline, was released in 2002. This was followed by a long break in his singing career. The girl devoted more time to filming TV series and movies. Occasionally she released singles.

At the end of 2014, the singer performed concerts in many cities of Russia. She also appeared on Channel One, where she gave an interview to Ivan Urgant. In addition, the girl sang her popular song “Me Muero De Amor” in Russian and even starred in the video with Facundo Arana.

Personal life

In 1994, young Natalia fell in love with handsome Pablo Echarri after seeing him on TV. She was able to meet the guy and become his lover. She was only sixteen then.

Journalists closely followed the relationship between Pablo and Natalia. Soon the girl moved to live in Argentina, with her beloved. But still, after six years, this relationship has exhausted itself. The actor was jealous of his lover’s success and jealous of his partners on the set.

With first husband Pablo Echarri

It so happened that by the time “Wild Angel” was released, the couple had broken up. One of the reasons for the breakup was that the actress was not ready at that time to start a family and give birth to a child. In addition, photos of Natalia Oreiro, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, appeared in the men's magazine Play boy. Pablo did not like this, and the relationship was put to an end.

After breaking up with a loved one, for a long time Oreiro could not come to her senses. Despite the fact that the press attributed her to having affairs with her partners on the set, the actress did not confirm this information.

With second husband Ricardo Mollo and son

Changes for the better in the personal life of the “star” occurred in the fall of 2001. Then fate brought her together with rock musician Ricardo Mollo. Natalia and Ricardo played a modest wedding on a ship, in the presence of only their closest people. Star tattoos became a symbol of their love.

In 2009, information appeared in the press that the actress had a crisis in her relationship with her husband and that the girl was having an affair with Facundo Arana. Natalya denied the information, saying that she was happily married.

Natalia at the Cannes Film Festival

Fans who are interested in the personal life of Natalia Oreiro know that she has children. After 11 years of marriage, he was born long-awaited son Natalia and Ricardo -Merlin Ataulpa. After the birth of her child, Natalia soon returned to her working rhythm. It was hard for the girl - she could not personally congratulate her son on his first birthday and it was not always possible to be there when the boy was sick. The actress often cried on the set because of this.

Now Natalya admits that she managed to organize her time in such a way as to devote more time to her family. The girl even took little son with you on tour so as not to be separated.