The coming Russian Tsar. The coming Russian Orthodox future Tsar will appear in Russia: various predictions and prophecy about the future Tsar of Russia

The main political intrigue on at the moment, V Russian Federation is the question of the presidential successor, and it torments many: ordinary people, enterprising analysts and the current “elite”. On the political stage, nervous guessing about a successor, shuffling possible scenarios...
Here are a few... assumptions (fantasies, dreams, whatever you want to call them) of some representatives of different categories of citizens:
Journalist Sergei Dorenko: “Putin now has three potential successors: Dmitry Medvedev, who is probably accepted by the Americans and who is probably disliked by the Russian security forces, Andrei Vorobyov, who is from Shoigu, who with the security forces is on a scale from “very normal” to “very good,” and, finally, Alexey Dyumin, just introduced to us, for whom the Tula region was magically cleared in time.”

Twitter user tato Alex drew attention to the similarity of a recent photo of Putin with a famous archival photograph: “Putin exposed the future president of the Russian Federation in Crimea.” (joking, humorous, but still... :-))

Twitter tato Alex. “Putin highlighted the future president of the Russian Federation in Crimea”

Former owner of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky: “The Russian government is considering two possible successors to Vladimir Putin as president - the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, and the former head of the FSB, Secretary of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev. Both, like Putin, come from the KGB.”

Among the likely candidates for the high post, experts name Dmitry Rogozin , however, his chances are small, and he does not fit into the current “elite”.

There will be many more assumptions, fortune telling on coffee grounds, opinions of experts, analysts, political scientists, OBS (one grandmother said), there is still time for fantasies. But there is one more point - the upcoming presidential elections are indirectly reflected in a number of predictions dedicated to more significant events. Nervous guessing about a successor, shuffling possible scenarios, and the search for a successor, and presidential elections, and democracy unnecessary for Russia: it’s all a whim, there will be a Monarch in Russia! Only he will save us from the destruction that the West has planned.
Thus, eight prophets and seers unanimously affirm the inevitability of Russia’s return to monarchy. These are Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchin, Seraphim of Sarov, monk Abel, Theophan of Poltava, Lavrenity of Chernigov, monk John, monk Agathangel. But only one of them names the time of this event. The chronicles record the words St. Basil's : “Russia will live for a whole century without a tsar, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but the people will begin to serve not God, but gold.” Thus, the time for the restoration of the monarchy falls somewhere in 2017.

St. Basil the Blessed

Phenomenon Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (2002):“Tell everyone what I say! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people leave Diveevo, it will begin immediately! But I’m not in Diveevo: I’m in Moscow. In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar. The Tsar’s wedding will take place in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava , 1930: “The Monarchy will be restored in Russia, Autocratic power. The Lord has chosen the future King. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy in it (Russia) will be reborn and triumph. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. will be installed by God Himself strong king on the Throne" .


Is it really possible that in 2017-2018 the Tsar will come and Russia will be reborn again as an autocratic Orthodox empire? Well-known prophecies of Russian saints give an affirmative answer to this question. With slight differences in detail, but in essence, these prophecies state: "Russia national repentance will be transformed, rise from the dead and together with everyone Slavic peoples and the lands will form a mighty Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God’s Anointed, a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will, whom even the Antichrist will fear.”

Clairvoyant Vanga predicted in 1996: New man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life... The new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and they will be replaced by this new philosophical teaching of the Fire Bible. Socialism will return to Russia new form, in Russia there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture, and the former will be restored again Soviet Union, but the union is already new. Russia will strengthen and grow, no one can stop Russia, there is no force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and will not only survive, but will also become the sole and undivided “mistress of the world,” and even America in the 2030s will recognize Russia’s complete superiority. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by its old name ancient name Rus."

Jonah (IGNATENKO), Schema-Archimandrite

Prophecy: “The first Easter will be bloody, the second will be hungry, the third will be victorious”

“A year after my death, great upheavals will begin, there will be a war. This will last two years. After which there will be a Russian Tsar"
, - said the confessor of the Odessa Holy Dormition Monastery, Elder Jonah. He reposed in the Lord on December 18, 2012. In December 2013, the second Maidan and the civil war in Ukraine began.

P.S. IN interesting time We live, comrades! :-) And, at the end, I offer the opinion of the current President of Russia.

On the eve of 2017, when the prophecies of many Russian saints about the restoration of the monarchy in Russia, albeit for a short period, should be fulfilled, we need to once again turn to many prophetic words in order to understand not only the significance of the monarchy for Russia and the Russian people, but also the path according to which Russian will go Power, as well as the events taking place at this time in many countries of the world.

In February - March 2017, a great event will take place, the hundred-year circle of Russian history will end, which brought both great achievements and unimaginable grief to the entire Russian people, forced to prove their right to Russia and its independence with arms in hand. This hundred-year cycle, at its very completion, brought to Russia a real revival of the Orthodox faith and awareness of the position of the Russian people in the sovereign construction of a great state, which was built on the bones of the righteous and the domes of our Orthodox Church, where the blood of martyrs and soldiers was united with prayer and hope for salvation. This cleansing blood of many millions of the best Russian people transformed Russia and the Russian people, prepared the Russian nation to meet the Tsar, whom the Russian people suffered and begged for, capable of accepting in their very heart the monarch - the Master of the Russian land.

Blessed is he who reads, and those who listen to the words of this prophecy and keep what is written in it; for the time is near (Apocalypse of John the Theologian ch. 1:3)

Most of the Russian prophets who announced the coming Tsar were the holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov (+1833), whose glorification took place in 1903 by Sovereign Nicholas II, despite the objection of members of the Holy Synod. Several decades before this, in many ways epochal event, Seraphim of Sarov said:

There will one day be a Tsar who will glorify me, after which there will be great unrest in Rus', a lot of blood will flow for those who will rebel against this Tsar and His Autocracy. But God will magnify the King.

For the renunciation of Nicholas II, for the betrayal of the oath that all His Majesty’s subjects took, rivers of blood flowed across Russia and more than once our state literally stood on the edge of the abyss, but at the cost of the feat of the Saints Royal Passion-Bearers and Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, Russia survived and strengthened, the Russian people matured and became spiritualized, again becoming the people on whose shoulders the Lord will place the Royal Throne, as the footstool of His Own Throne.

Abel the Seer (+1841):

And the Great Prince will rise in exile from your family, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the Chosen One of God, and on his head will be a blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone; the very Russian heart will sense it. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one will say: “The Tsar is here or there,” but everyone: “It’s him.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling. His name is destined to Russian History three times over.

It is fitting for him to reveal himself in a blaze of light and signs. This one will be called from an Angel, having the image of a eunuch man in white robes, who will speak into his ear, engulfed in sleep: “Arise, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will illuminate you. For He calls you to shepherd a great people.” That king has special signs. On the nail right leg he has a light spot, and on both shoulder blades there is a purple cross, and the name of this king is hidden among the nations. And the Lord will lay His hand on his head.

And in 2017, that Tsar must come who will become the Forerunner of the Second and Glorious Coming of Jesus Christ, reviving Russia and its Orthodox Church, but laying down the Scepter and the Power before the coming of the Antichrist. It is also amazing that the sign of the coming of Moshiach into the world will be the premature death of the Russian Tsar, but such a sign is given so that the faithful do not have any doubts about the coming of the Antichrist, so that they do not ask themselves: “Is he the one who is destined to come on 3.5 years or we need to wait a little longer.” That is, the accession of the Russian Tsar is important both to indicate the coming of the Antichrist and the coming Second Coming of Jesus Christ in great glory. Just as John the Baptist did not see the miracles of Jesus Christ, except for the miracle of Baptism, so the Russian Tsar will not see the terrible time of the reign of the Moshiach, but will see the great sacrilege - the worship of all primates Christian churches to the young cardinal of the Vatican - the priest of Baal and Astarte in the temple of the restored Palmyra.

For the mystery of iniquity is already in action, but it will not be completed until the one who now restrains is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed (2 Thess. 2:7-10)

He will mercifully deliver the remnant of My People, those who are preserved within My borders, and He will make them glad (with His Reign) until the end of (this world) comes, the Day of (Last) Judgment (3Ezra 12:32-34)

Anthony Savvait (+1964):

In Russia at this time there will be an Orthodox Tsar, whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people. And after this, the world will again become corrupted and will no longer be capable of correction, then the Lord will allow the reign of the Antichrist.

Rev. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming (+1651):

And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages and over the rural districts, after the Pious Sovereign is taken away from the midst of Christians and there will be no head in the villages, towns and rural districts.

Holy Theophan the Recluse (+1894):

When there is no one left to wait, the Lord will take away the Sovereign hand of the Holder, evil will spill out, and the Antichrist will appear.

Right John of Kronstadt (+ 1908):

The Apostle says that the Antichrist will not appear on earth until the Autocratic Royal Power exists.

The reign of the coming Monarch will not be long - many holy prophets spoke about this - no more than 12-15 years, but in this short time the King will be able to do a lot.

The Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory. Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of the Saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic Gog and Magog, before which All nations will tremble."

Rev. Nectarius Optinsky (+ 1928):

IN lately The same thing will happen to the faithful as happened to the Apostles before the Dormition of the Mother of God. Every faithful one, no matter where he serves, will be transported to one place on a cloud. ARK - RUSSIA. Only those who are in it will be saved. All who remain faithful to the Orthodox Church, no matter where they are scattered, the Lord will gather them all together, like the Apostles at the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Rev. Martin Zedecka (+1769):

The Great Sovereign in Europe will conquer almost all of Asia to his power, and no enemy force can restrain him. The infidel Mohammedans will be completely exterminated. All of Asia will accept the Christian Faith, and after many centuries of darkness there will be light. Before their destruction, the Turks will be in unspeakable rage, and will try in every possible way to exterminate all Christians; but the Lord God is already preparing a worthy punishment for them.

Hieromonk Agafangel (+X century):

Constantine founded, and Constantine will lose the Byzantine kingdom. But do not be afraid: just as the people of Israel were subjugated in ancient times by Nebuchadnezzar, so the Greek people will be under the rule of the wicked Hagarians until a certain time and will remain under the yoke until they are four hundred years old. The Russian Tsar will restore the victorious sign of Christ in Byzantium and crush the power of the Ishmaelites.

In addition to the return of Constantinople, the defeat of Turkey, the unification of all Slavic peoples into a single family, preaching the Gospel of salvation in Asia, it is extremely important to strengthen the Russian Orthodox Church - the basis of statehood and culture, spirituality and courage of the Russian people, replacing lukewarm bishops and priests with those who burn holy Orthodox faith who are not subject to the dangers of ecumenism, for the Vatican has always been and remains worst enemy The Russian Church, as stated in the prophecy.

St. St. Augustine (+430):

In recent times, a large part will break away from the Church of God and form the inner circle of the Antichrist.

This is a prophecy about catholic church and those Orthodox churches, which constituted the Pan-Orthodox Council in Crete in June 2016, finally renouncing faith in Jesus Christ, handing Him over to be crucified to the Antichrist. Following Judas Iscariot, who sold the Savior for thirty pieces of silver, the current “Christian” leaders again came for their reward, betraying the Head of the Church Jesus Christ. The Russian Church barely avoided the temptation to take part in the “Wolf Council,” but at the Council of Bishops it approved all the documents of the Pan-Orthodox Council, thereby sharing the betrayal of Judas with those who presided over Crete.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (+1833):

Then the time will come when, under the pretext of church and Christian progress, to please the demands of this world, they will change and distort the dogmas and statutes of the Holy Church, forgetting that they originated from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who taught and gave instructions to His disciples, the Holy Apostles , about the creation of the Church of Christ and its rules, and commanded them: “Go and teach all nations what I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19). The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy of the last times will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them.

Feofan Poltavsky (+1940):

The Monarchy and Autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord has chosen the future King. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place.

Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise (+911):

Destroy wickedness, punish with fire those who do the deeds of Sodom. Moreover, expel the wicked priests from the temple, and place those worthy again in the service of God.

Cleansing the Church from “fellow travelers” and simply saboteurs pursuing their own mercantile needs is also necessary, as is ridding the authorities of corrupt officials, nepotism and outright banditry. The performance of officials has little to do with concern for Russia, but often lies in satisfying their ambitions and the desire to enrich themselves by simply fulfilling their own duties. An official appointed to “kosht” considers the bread-and-butter position of his position a source of well-being, and, given the rotation, also the need to keep up with short term(4 - 5 years) to create such a foundation for the future so that possible retirement does not burden him and his family with many years of forced idleness and idleness. But nothing like this will happen in the environment of the coming King.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (+1833):

When the Russian Land is divided and one side will clearly remain with the rebels, while the other will clearly stand for the Sovereign and the integrity of Russia, then the Lord will help the just cause - those who stood for the Sovereign and the Fatherland and our Holy Church - and will give complete victory to those who took up arms for Him, for the Church and for the benefit of the indivisibility of the Russian Land. But not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side for the Sovereign receives victory and catches the Tsar’s traitors and enemies of Christ all over the world and delivers them into the hands of justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and now here even more blood will be shed than before, but this blood will be the last cleansing blood.

Rev. Kirill Novoezersky (+1532):

Now I saw the Tsar sitting on the Throne and standing in front of him were two brave youths wearing Royal Crowns on their heads. And the Lord gave them weapons in their hands against those opposing them, and their enemies will be defeated, and all nations will worship, and our Kingdom will be pacified by God and established.

The coming King is wise and strong in his will, as well as in his ardent faith in God, his prayer is like morning dew, reviving all living, awakening from sleep those who are dull in heart and weak in faith. His prayer is like lightning, illuminating with its power, before which the enemies of Russia tremble, and the thunder of the word of the Tsar, gathering in a terrible hour all the faithful sons of the Russian Fatherland, to defend the Power and the throne of God's chosen one.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov (+1833):

Great was the Sovereign Emperor Peter I Alekseevich, for which he was rightly named Great and Father of the Fatherland, but by faith in the Lord (the coming Sovereign) he could not be compared. He is taller than Peter the Great, for His unfeigned Orthodox Faith, and God will help Him in everything and in His days will so exalt Russia above all her enemies that She will become above all the kingdoms of the earth. For example, the Sovereign Emperor Pavel Petrovich loved the Holy Church, how he honored its holy statutes and how much he did for its good, not many of the Russian Tsars served the Church of God like He did, but the Lord will help His Imperial Majesty (the future Sovereign) to do much more. and for the Holy Orthodox Church.

The last Russian Tsar, with his wisdom and ardent faith, will surpass all Russian tsars from the creation of Holy Rus', and many of the earthly rulers will envy his fortitude, “So they will last ones first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16), for he will unite with himself the head of the Russian Church and the Master of the Russian land. Since the creation of Rus' there has not been such a symphony of power manifested in one person, and there never will be. The coming Tsar “alpha and omega” of royal power in Russia, the first and last, will complete the huge circle of formation and end of the existence of our Fatherland, which will be the foot of the Throne of the Lord and will merge with the heavenly abodes after the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has already laid His right hand on the pre-elected Tsar, whose name has been known for over two thousand years and the flaming sword of the Archangel Michael is placed next to the last Russian Tsar, whose name will be given to the Order of the Great Royal Guards, protecting the throne of the Sovereign and the Russian land from enemies internal and external. And there will be no one who can resist the Russian Tsar and the Order of Archangel Michael, whose fire sword will drive out sedition from the Russian Church and from Russia, restore justice and return strength and glory to the Russian people.

The beginning of the Tsar's service in Russia will take place in the year 2017, spoken by the prophets, which is confirmed by the inscriptions in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, left by the hand of a rabbi, and the dates on the prophetic icon of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, compiled according to the prophecies of Abel the Seer. The hundred-year circle closes on the descendant of the Rurikovichs - the last Tsar, chosen by God himself, and on him the thousand-year circle of Holy Rus' closes, which with its entire existence has proven the power and truth of Divine Providence about the final destiny of the Mother of God. Just as the Holy Lady wrapped her belt around the entire Russian land from edge to edge, so the last Tsar will embrace Russia with its care and will not let go until the fullness of times comes, meaning the end of the world, with the advent of the Moshiach (Antichrist), when the Lord gives a short time for repentance and preparation for eternal life. Amen!

October 2nd, 2016

Eight prophets and seers unanimously affirm the inevitability of Russia’s return to monarchy. This Basil the Blessed, Vasily Nemchin, Seraphim of Sarov, monk Abel, Theophan of Poltava, Lavrenity of Chernigov, monk John, monk Agathangel. But only one of them names the time of this event. The chronicles record the words St. Basil's: « Russia will live a whole century without a Tsar, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but the people will begin to serve not God, but gold.” So the time The monarchy will be restored sometime in 2017.

Prophecies of St. Abel the Seer about the future King.

And the Great Prince will rise in exile from your family, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the Chosen One of God, and at the head

his blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone; the very Russian heart will sense it. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one will say: “The king is here or there,” but everyone: “It’s him.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling... His name is destined three times over in Russian History. The two namesakes were already on the Throne, but not the Royal Throne. The heroes served one ( Alexander Nevsky), the second will be born on one day, and will be celebrated on another ( Alexander Suvorov). He will sit on Tsarsky as the third. So it’s clear what the future Tsar will be called.. We’re waiting. All the elders are inclined towards the restoration of the monarchy and the coming of the Tsar in 17-18, so that Vasily said Blessed Russia will live for 100 years without a Tsar.

(It speaks of the coming Victorious Tsar, who will rise from the Romanov family in recent times (that is, already). Everyone recognizes this Tsar by his appearance alone, because the Lord will win the hearts of people towards his chosen one. “The Russian heart itself senses him” - Russian heart! This does not mean that everyone will submit to him just by the sight of him. The Tsar will have many enemies. But these words mean that the Russian heart, the Orthodox, will immediately see its Tsar in him and many will stand for the Tsar not for life, but. to death.)

The two namesakes were already on the Throne, but not the Royal Throne. He will sit on Tsarsky as the third. In it is the Salvation and Happiness of the Russian State. There would be different paths to the Russian mountain again...

And barely audibly, as if afraid that the walls would overhear the secret, Elder Abel named the very name. For the sake of fear of dark power, let this name remain hidden until time...

(When the Lord reveals the Anointed One, his name will be known. This prophecy will also be remembered. When the name is known, it will turn out that this prophecy has come true. Until then, the name is hidden from the evil ones.) The Anointed One of God listened to the words of the persecuted prophet and believed that “the prophetic vision, which he saw will come to pass after many days, and he prophesies about distant times” (Ezek 12:27).

Movie Monk Abel's prophecies and the predictions of the monk the seer, who saw the times. About Russia and the coming Tsar.


Vladimir I Svyatoslavich(Old Russian Volodymer Svtoslavich, c. 960 - July 15, 1015) - Kiev Grand Duke, during which the baptism of Rus' took place. Vladimir became Novgorod prince in 970, seized the Kiev throne in 978. In 988 he chose Christianity as the state religion Kievan Rus. Received in baptism christian name Vasily. Also known as Vladimir the Saint, Vladimir the Baptist (in church history) and Vladimir the Red Sun (in epics). Glorified among the saints as Equal to the Apostles. Vanga called the future tsar’s middle name: “Vladimirovich.” (Continuer of the work of Prince Vladimir.).

Phenomenon Rev. Seraphim of Sarov(2002): “Tell everyone what I say! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people leave Diveevo, it will begin immediately! But I’m not in Diveevo: I’m in Moscow. In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar. The Tsar’s wedding will take place in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930: " The Monarchy and Autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord has chosen the future King. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy in it (Russia) will be reborn and triumph. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong King on the Throne.”

Is it really possible that in 2017 - 2018 the Tsar will come and Russia will be reborn again as an autocratic Orthodox empire? Famous prophecies of Russian saints (St. Theophan (Bistrov), St. Theophan of Poltava, St. Lawrence of Chernigov, St. Seraphim Sarovsky and many, many others) give an affirmative answer to this question. With slight differences in details, but in essence, these prophecies tell us that sooner or later something will happen in our country that no one expects. Russia will be transformed by national repentance, rise from the dead and, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a mighty Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed, a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will, whom even the Antichrist will fear.

The coming Tsar will be chosen and installed by God Himself; first of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all of them will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place...

Prot. Nikolay Guryanov. In 1997, one woman asked the priest: “Father Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What should we expect? - Afterwards it will be military- Father answered. - What will happen next? - the woman asked again. - Afterwards there will be an Orthodox Tsar! - said the father Nikolay.

Prediction of the youth Vyacheslav about the future Tsar of Orthodox Rus'

Film Youth Vyacheslav The Coming Tsar - Russian Sovereign

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Father Nikolai, who will come after Yeltsin? What should we expect?

Afterwards there will be a military man.


-...His power will be linear. But his age is short, and so is he. There will be persecution of the monks and the Church. The power will be the same as under the communists and the Politburo.

- And after that there will be an Orthodox Tsar.

Will we survive, father?

Yes, you do.


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“...The collapse of Russia, despite the apparent strength and rigidity of power, will happen very quickly. First, the Slavic peoples will separate... After this, the central power in Russia will begin to weaken even more, so that autonomous republics and regions will separate. Then there will be an even greater collapse: the authorities of the Center will cease to actually recognize individual regions that try to live independently, and will no longer pay attention to Decrees from Moscow. ...The country will lose its main deposits of raw materials... The Lord will allow the loss of the vast lands given to Russia, because we ourselves could not use them worthily, but only dirtied them, spoiled them... The Slavic peoples have a common destiny...”


“There will be great sorrow when the servants of the Antichrist will deprive believers of food, work, pensions... There will be groaning, crying and much more... Many will die... There will be a terrible famine... There will be no food, there will be no water, unspeakable heat, stings from animals at every step strangled people will hang... The Russian people will be strangled by all means. There will be so many suicides in our country. There's more to come. Hunger, and in hunger – cannibalism! War…

Terrible troubles will befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, although all churches will be opened. This power will change... These communists will come back!.. Whether a capitalist or a communist, everyone cares about themselves... Only the Tsar cares about the people. God will choose him! And almost the entire people, a corrupt people now, will choose the Antichrist for themselves!.. There is no need to save money, it will be lost...

Many people will not bear this, because of the loss of their money they will hang themselves and commit suicide... There will be even greater persecution of our Faith... They will even take taxes from icons!.. All evil spirits will take up arms against Russia, against true Orthodoxy. ...The Antichrist will come to power in Russia and begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will reveal his Tsar in Russia. He will be of the royal family and will be a strong defender of our Faith!.. Many people from all over the earth will gather to serve this King.”


“...The Lord does not promise anything good, we will not get anything... War, everyone will be in war... many people will be killed... The dead are properly laid out, but we will have to go head over heels. There will be no one to bury, so they will dump them in a hole and bury them... Bad life will come... There will be a great famine, there will be no bread - we will divide the crust in half... The harvest will begin... There will be a big uprising. It's bad that we lived to see the end of the world. Now there is a little left... They will start to persecute, take away... First they will take away the books, and then the icons. The icons will be taken away... no one will give a piece of bread.”


“...There will be such a worldwide war that no one will remain anywhere, except in the gorge... Christians will be killed or exiled to desert places... This disaster will last three and a half years.”


“Terrible disasters are coming to the earth: fire, famine, death and destruction, and who can avert them! And this time is very close, do not listen to anyone if they say that there will be peace, no, there will be no peace, there will be war. And then a terrible famine will begin. And where will everything go immediately? There will be nothing to eat, and people will die from famine. People will be sent to the east, but not a single soul will return back, they will all die there. There will be a terrible death from the famine, and whoever remains alive will die from the pestilence. This contagious disease has no cure. It is not in vain that the holy prophet Ezra said: woe, woe for you, our land, one grief will pass, a second, a third will come, etc.


“Was there a war (World War II). There will be a war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, like locusts, enemies will crawl towards Russia. This will be war!..”


“This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them... People will run from place to place.”


“...The cities will present a terrifying sight. Even those that escape complete destruction, deprived of water and electricity, heat and food supply, they will resemble huge stone coffins, so many people will die. The gangs will endlessly commit their atrocities; even moving around the city during the day will be dangerous. At night people will gather in large groups, in order to try to survive until the morning together.

The sunrise, alas, will herald not the joy of a new day, but the grief of having to live this day. There is no need to think that peace and prosperity will reign in the countryside. Poisoned, disfigured, incinerated by drought or flooded with rainfall fields will not produce the required harvest. There will be an unprecedented loss of livestock and people, unable to bury the animals, will leave them to decompose, poisoning the air.

The peasants will suffer from attacks by townspeople who, in search of food, will disperse to the villages, ready to kill a person for a piece of bread. Yes, for this piece, which now cannot go down their throats without seasonings and sauces, blood will flow. Cannibalism will become commonplace. By accepting the seal of the Antichrist, humanity will erase all boundaries of morality. For villagers, night is also a period of special fear, because this time will be with the most brutal robberies. And you need to not only survive, but also preserve your property for work, otherwise you also risk starvation.

The people themselves, as in the city, will also be hunted. From the outside it will seem that the antediluvian times have returned. Every large city- a violation of nature, and it will become a source of disaster for people. First a source of misfortune, and then a common grave for those who lived in it. China will overwhelm most of Russia. All lands beyond and after the mountains will be yellow. The yellow invasion is not the only one. There will be a black invasion - hungry Africans stricken with incurable diseases will fill our cities and towns... Lately, everyone and everything will be in evil.

Banks will burst to bring people to their knees. And they will burst overnight... And during the day it will be dangerous to be on the street because of gangs of robbers. They will die like urban stray animals - without confession, without Communion, without funeral services, even without coffins. It won’t even be so easy to bury bodies in a cemetery; corpses will lie in houses for days until relatives and friends can come to an agreement with the bandits who control the resting places. Therefore, as always in difficult times, graves will begin to appear in courtyards and squares, wherever possible.

They will be buried there secretly, trying to hide the grave, because crowds of the most fallen cannibals - scavengers - will wander in the city at night in the hope of profiting from carrion... The cattle will disappear, there will also not be enough food or water for their life. The rivers will either dry up or turn into sewers, emitting a deadly miasma. The same will happen with lakes, ponds... Inland seas They will also die, and it will be impossible to live near them. Rotting floating fish, sea animals, and hydrogen sulfide rising from the bottom will bring unexpected death to coastal residents.

So much for hunger. It is always terrible, but the earth has never seen anything like this - there will be no bread, no water, no Gospel love and compassion. This will be the sad result of human excess, following one’s passions. The famine of recent times will be even worse - hope for the best will disappear. Previously, people knew that if they could somehow hold on by the grace of God, they would see that they would come away from the new harvest and regain their strength. Now this will not happen, faith in God will disappear, and faith in the best will disappear.

They will rely only on their own strength, to survive at the expense of their neighbors. Just as in besieged Leningrad, bandits pulled out bread cards from people, or took them by force, dooming a person, and sometimes an entire family, to starvation, so now they will steal and take away food. And kill. Siberia will be completely yellow. Far East Japanese. And for Siberia, for its oil and gas, gold, etc., all the battles will not even be with ours, but with the Americans... The whole south will burn, Slavic blood will be shed! “Everyone, do you hear, Father, everyone will have to endure moral, spiritual and physical torment during these years.”


“The Monarchy and Autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord has pre-elected the future Tsar... God Himself will place a strong Tsar on the Throne.”


    In the 18th century, monk Abel said:
    “God is slow to give help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect a horn of Russian salvation. And a great prince will arise in exile from your house, standing up for the children of his people. This will be God's chosen one, and on his head will be a blessing. It will be united and understandable to everyone; the very Russian heart will sense it. His appearance will be powerful and bright, and no one will say: “The king is here or there,” but “This is him.” The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling... His name is destined three times in Russian history. There would be different paths to the Russian mountain again...”

    On August 1, 1903, the holy prophetess Pasha of Sarov predicted a terrible fate for the Tsar and Queen: to be killed along with their children in 15 years. And so it happened.
    “Next,” said the saint (she was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church), “four of your servants will be tortured along with you. For each of the 11 people killed, the Lord gives 10 years. For Your Family - seven people, take it out and put it down - the devil will walk around Russia. And for each of Your servants, the Lord will recheck every ten years: have the Russian people repented? And if they have not repented, I feel sorry for these Russian people: they must come out with vomit until they cry out: Monarchy for us! And here - the worse, the better, the sooner he will repent. But I tell you, Tsar, by the end of these 110 years there will be a Tsar in Rus' from your dynasty.”

    New Orthodox Tsar by origin, he is a completely ordinary, poor man from the Russian outback, who has complete knowledge of everything and everyone given to him by God.

    He knows more than anyone else on earth about God and his creation, about heaven and hell, about angels and demons, and all the truths of Orthodoxy. He was not taught by anyone on earth, but the Lord himself enlightened him.

    He is not visible with his face and body, but his inner man By the grace of God, in his condition, thanks to tireless and continuous repentance, he approached the angel.
    Life in the world, among the most ordinary people made him aware of all the subtleties of our reality from the point of view of himself common man Russia.

    He is an obedient instrument in the hands of the creator, having completely renounced selfhood and completely surrendered himself into the hands of God.

    The Orthodox Tsar comes not to be served, but to serve others. “live for others and serve people” is his deepest desire and goal in life.

    Orthodox Tsar ordinary person from the crowd, his wife is also the most ordinary woman, but holding both him and her is enough to lead the entire process of the final worldwide repentance.

    They are the flesh of our people, they are their very heart. They are Russian, their education is very ordinary. People buy things and products where they are cheaper. Their child is also the most ordinary. they know all the ins and outs of our life, they have experienced all its untruths.
    they have never eaten differently than the most ordinary people and did not wear any expensive or fashionable things, traveled mainly by public transport and, like everyone else, stood in lines. but they will be the same king and queen from numerous prophecies about the last Orthodox kingdom.

    “So that there is no doubt about the identity of the future victorious king, it must be said right away that he will fully deserve the name of the formidable king. and he will be just like that - merciful to the obedient and a righteous judge in relation to the enemies of the state.

    And most importantly, the Orthodox king will have the fullness of physical and mystical power over the created earthly world and the fullness of “the power and authority to step on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy.”

    And the state of things in the world will become completely different. our enemies today are strong only by God's permission, and if it is not there, a red light will flash in front of all their deeds and let them try to do something contrary to this! In this case, any trick they make
    will fall apart like a house of cards.

    Untruth and apostasy live only by God's permission and nothing else. and the blessing for the resurrection of holy Rus', on the contrary, will turn on the green light in front of the messengers of God, and who in the world can then resist them?!” (prophecy by unknown author)