Congratulations to the first teacher on the last bell. From the first teacher

Thank you for inviting me
For your holiday, a wonderful graduation,
I remember you as funny kids,
Timid boys, girls with braids,
Well, today you have become more mature,
The time has come for you to leave school,
Accept from the first teacher
You wish: no troubles, no problems!
Be honest, smart and fair,
Know how to distinguish lies from truth,
I want each of you to be happy,
I wish you not to have any big worries.

My dear guys, time has flown by quickly, and now you are already graduates. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on completing the route of the first stage of learning about life. As your first teacher, I remember you as cheerful, cheerful, kind children. I wish you to always remain the same in life. May each of you find happiness and love, respect and luck, prosperity and the pursuit of your dreams.

Dear children, I remember how you sat down at your desks for the first time, how you held your first flowers in your little hands, how you opened your primers for the first time and tried to write letters in notebooks. Now you are already very big and are about to set out on your own in search of your goals and dreams, your hopes and hobbies. Today you are saying goodbye to school, and I want to wish you that you never forget your first steps to success, the first achievements and victories that we walked towards together. May good luck smile on you all, may each of you certainly be able to build your own happiness in life.

It seems like just recently
You got into first class
I, as your first teacher,
I remember each of you
You have grown up very quickly
Your graduation has arrived
And it's time to say goodbye
You and your school are dear,
On this day I wish you
Achieve your goals
Develop, don't get lost,
Never lose heart!

My dear children, yes, yes, exactly children - this is how I remember you, little crumbs with fluffy bows and cute bow ties, today is your graduation and I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. May any of your first steps be correct, may any of your starts be successful, may any of your ideas have their success, may any of your dreams soon become part of the reality of your life.

My dear children, congratulations on finishing your school life. These years have flown by unnoticed, making you wiser and more mature. I wish you to find your path in life. Walk along it confidently, achieving great and small heights. I wish you health, good luck, and determination in life. I love you all very much and wish you happiness. Happy graduation!

You came to me in first grade,
I remember each of you
And today before us
Graduation of your friendly class,
You children have grown up quickly
Not by days, but by hours,
I'll tell you how it was in first grade:
Do you believe in miracles?
There will be happiness in your life
Dreams will definitely come true,
Don't be lazy, don't give up,
I wish you kindness!

Your first-graders have grown up
Congratulations on your graduation now,
Before you had time to look back,
The last class is already behind us.

I wish you a happy journey,
Life will give you new teachers,
Let them not be too strict,
And may life be kinder to you.

Be happy and successful
And don't be afraid of obstacles along the way,
I wish you courage in life
Climb to your peaks.

Dear graduates, it is a great joy for me to see you so mature and independent, beautiful and full of hope. You have already achieved a lot, and now I wish you the implementation of your future plans for study, love and health.

Dear children, I remember you when you were still very young, when you first sat down at your desks and picked up primers, and now you are standing on the threshold of new discoveries, now a journey to the land of adulthood awaits you. I want to wish you, my wonderful ones, to certainly achieve what you have dreamed of since childhood, to conquer many peaks of success and fame, to become people of your favorite profession and your own happiness. Good luck, guys.

The traditional Last Bell is a symbol of graduation from school. On this day, congratulations on the Last Bell will be given to graduates of grades 9 and 11 from their first teacher, friends, and girlfriends. Senior students still have to pass difficult exams, but school time is already a passed stage, the best time in life.

The best touching congratulations on the Last Call to graduates from teachers

The graduates are congratulated by teachers, class teachers, parents, and guests of the celebration. Their congratulations show that the hard work is not over. Graduation from school is simply a break before the battles for knowledge on the new battlefields of life. The guys are wished good luck and patience, success in their chosen goals and professions. Now, of course, it's time to relax after work, but the break will be short-lived. School Last Bell is the beginning of a bright future.

Beautiful, original and significant

Beloved Fatherland through the ages.

Russia begins with a teacher,

And it continues in the students.

Tasks and riddles will be forgotten,

There will be no trace left of the chalk,

All books and notebooks will be destroyed,

And the school will be in my heart forever.

Looking for harmony in my mind and feelings,

Sitting at your desk, you became a person.

Your character was forged in the school class,

How metal could be forged in a forge.

Beautiful and traditional congratulations on the Last Call to graduates from the first teacher

According to tradition, on the day of the First Bell, the first teacher congratulates his students. The teacher, who was the first to see the talents of future graduates, is now rejoicing at the difficult path he has passed. He says that in the life of each of today's boys and girls many mistakes will be made, but they are all experiences. To find your own star, you need to go through thorns!

Just recently, hiding behind bouquets,

You entered the first class with excitement.

And now some parting advice

Your home school sees you off.

Childhood remains in the school corridors,

The bells stopped, the noise and noise died down,

And only memories in conversations

They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.

And there is something to remember: ups and downs,

And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;

How my head “cracked” from studying,

And the enamel of the teeth was “rubbed off on the granite.”

You have grown, become stronger, matured,

Ready to move mountains on your way!

Your day has come! You've all been waiting for him.

Doubts away! Be brave, good luck!

May good luck accompany you in everything,

And your cherished dream will come true,

And even to an unsolvable problem

There is always a solution!

You are my first students

You are my first students,

But so much is already connected with you:

Boisterous school bells

And there is a well-trodden road to the school.

You are my first students.

Let us sometimes upset each other,

But school sorrows are fleeting

In the flow of the stormy river of life.

And on the threshold of his youth,

Stepping confidently into another life,

Don't forget those teachers

Who were once with you...

To graduates from the first teacher

We met you - there was the first call,

Various colors of foliage and the first lesson.

Little eyes sparkled, arms stretched up,

I told you, and you smiled at me for the first time.

We were friendly - you studied diligently,

They distinguished themselves in both classroom and school work.

Sometimes we fought, but more often we fell in love,

We were inspired by the desire for our cherished dream.

Those four years flew by in an instant,

Victories remain, adversity has disappeared.

Then others taught you science,

You have become dear to them, just like to me.

I remembered you when in silence

I’ll suddenly walk into our class, and it will seem to me,

What are you like then, at your tables,

Still without hairstyles - with cowlicks and bows.

And here is the last class, the final lesson,

The farewell call separates us all.

The direct road from the school has opened,

I wish you to walk along it honestly.

On the wings of dreams you fly into the distance,

You can't go back, no matter how sad it is.

You will leave school forever,

And yet we are waiting - come here.

Come and remember your school childhood,

The goal that we wanted to achieve since childhood,

Make a dream and again, like now,

Boldly forward - good luck, good luck!

Solemn congratulations on the Last Bell for 11th grade from teachers, class teacher and parents

Remember the past, live in the present and look to the future! - teachers who have become close people for the children accompany their congratulations with such parting words. Graduates of 11th grade, accepting congratulations on the Last Bell, have an amazing opportunity to create a beautiful world of tomorrow.

And bright sadness and sadness

They fly into the vast distance.

And tomorrow a new life awaits:

Don't be afraid of her. Hold on!

With your mind and work

Our Russian home will rise again.

And it will flare up, proud of its greatness,

There is a star above the Motherland of Happiness!

My dear, dearest

You will always be dear to my heart.

My dears, it’s hard to part,

But I hope we will meet...

Like chicks breaking free from a nest:

Jump, fly, focus on the entire wing.

You also want to take a plunge as soon as possible

To something else, an adult, wherever it leads.

May your path wind like a light snake!

But remember, graduate, always the same!

That school friendship remains forever,

No matter what happens, no matter how hard it shakes!

Let in the labyrinths of adult life

It will be simple and easy for you!

Serve the cause and the Fatherland

Near and far!

The world is incredibly interesting

And intriguingly large!

Let the songs make you happy,

Let the continent be small!

Good luck to you, graduate,

Happy fate and good luck!

Let knowledge be a magical spring

Will help solve all problems!

Let the dream become accessible,

A sea of ​​wishes will come true!

Let beauty make life happy

And a calling will be found!

Farewell congratulations on the Last Bell for 9th grade from teachers, class teacher and parents

9th grade students accept parting congratulations on the Last Bell in a solemn atmosphere. Before the presentation of certificates, the children are congratulated by the teacher, class teacher, parents, and school graduates from previous years. They tell the children how far they have already come, but this is not the end of their journey of knowledge. Experienced comrades know that their greatest lessons await them outside the classroom.

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,

9 years flew by year after year.

Childhood is gone from you forever,

Leaving a good mark in my memory.

Yes, the story of childhood is coming to an end,

Chapters have been completed, dreams have been reviewed.

No longer relying on anyone's tips,

You must solve all problems yourself

Not every path will be smooth,

Not all trials will be easy,

And life lies before you like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet...

How, you're a little tired

Life from bell to bell?!

Your positive response

Of course, it’s no secret for us!

Well, what awaits you guys is

Life from paycheck to paycheck.

Remember then more than once

You are this school, a bright class,

Where it’s so carefree and easy

Life from bell to bell.

All our meetings are, alas, destined to be separated.

School years have flown by - we are standing at the line,

What separates childhood and adulthood?

Don't lose yourself - hold on to luck.

So the parents are here - I bow to all of them.

I’ll tell you later how we studied with the children...

Now I want to wish you patience, kindness,

So that the children have a successful fate.

Children, relatives, I wish you good luck.

Believe in yourself, but also don’t lose school friends.

Remember that I am always waiting for you with hope.

It will be difficult for you - call me, I will come to help.

Cool congratulations on the last call to a friend

This year, the girls will congratulate their graduate friends on the Last Bell - the end of school. The door to the Land of Knowledge opened when the girls came to school as first-graders. Now that school is over, the door shouldn't be closed. Education may take a lot of time and effort, but not a single day spent gaining knowledge will be useless. Soak up every word like a sponge from the new university and college teachers already waiting for their new students in September. Your whole life is ahead of you. Whatever you do, don't waste it chasing someone else's dream. Be brave to have your own and come to it. “The senior friends of the graduates end their congratulations with these wishes.

Congratulations on the Last Bell are parting words and directions to adulthood. They will be performed for grades 9 and 11 from their first teacher, friends, and relatives. Such parting words are a good reminder that learning does not stop just because the children have received certificates. The real adventure of life is just beginning!

The unrest of former students of grades 4, 9 and 11 is always noticeable at the last bell celebration. The guys don’t yet know what awaits them ahead, they are assessing their strengths and capabilities. Beautiful parting words from teachers can give elementary, middle and high school graduates great memories of graduation and help them forget about worries. These could be wishes for good, success, or instructions touching to tears. Among the examples we have selected, you can find suitable words from teachers to graduates of all ages. We also recommend that class teachers and children’s first teachers watch the proposed video example for easy preparation for the presentation.

Wise words of encouragement from teachers to 11th grade graduates on the last bell - example texts

Beautiful and wise parting words from teachers are appropriate at any graduation. After all, they are the ones who help to encourage the guys and give them useful advice. You can find original words from teachers for graduates for the last bell among the examples given below.

Examples of wise words of parting words from teachers to former 11th grade students for the last bell

The parting words we have chosen can sound beautiful from teachers both at the beginning and at the end of graduation. They will give former 11th grade students a great mood and positive emotions.

Today you are leaving your home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital “H” without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase it and cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come. Outlet. So many paths have been trampled around the school and so many roads open to a new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to make the right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter a new life. So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten.

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life.

On this important and wonderful holiday, we wish you to realize everything you have planned and dreamed about. The responsible life of an adult lies ahead. So let there be no adversity or obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, don’t forget how much effort and work they put into everyone!

Beautiful words from teachers to 9th grade graduates at graduation - examples of parting words

Former 9th grade students should definitely hear kind words of instruction. They will give the children wonderful memories and help them forget about their worries. You can choose beautiful words for graduates from the teacher for the graduation celebration from the examples provided.

Examples of beautiful parting words for 9th grade students from teachers to graduation

Using one of our last words examples, every middle school teacher can beautifully wish former students success and fulfillment. At the same time, ready-made parting words can be changed or supplemented in your own words.

The school fulfilled its high mission with honor - it attracted you to the sources of culture and spirituality, enriched you with the treasures of your native language and humanistic values, and pointed to the high horizons of national consciousness and civic conscience.

Graduation is only the first step on the path to adulthood, followed by obtaining a profession. I wish you that your chosen future profession truly becomes something you love, inspires and brings real pleasure.

I wish that you define the highest life and professional heights for yourself, and that each of you say: I have achieved the highest plans.

When setting out on a distant and unknown road, take with you the blessings of your parents and teachers - eternal, like your native land, parting words that will give you faith in the future, hope in your own strength, determination and courage in achieving high ideals and desired goals of your happy future . Not only your future, but also the happiness, well-being of your families, and the prospects of Russia depend on this choice.

Dear graduates! From today, a new world is opening up before you, completely different, unlike the one that was before. Now you are independent individuals who are responsible for their actions. Don’t forget your favorite school and the teachers who taught you everything!

Today is a significant day for you, a solemn and touching event - a school graduation party. This is a holiday of the best time in a person’s life - a holiday of youth. With all my heart I congratulate you on graduating from school and starting your adult life. Behind is the courtyard of my native school, ahead are the uncharted roads of the future. However, you are the happy owners of a powerful force that will take you to the desired heights. This strength is youthful enthusiasm and self-confidence. You were destined to live during a time of great change, when education, intelligence, creativity and talent became decisive. I believe that love for your native land, deep respect for the achievements of previous generations, high ideals, and creative work will make your life happy, glorifying your hometown and Russia throughout the world.

I sincerely wish each of you to be confident in your abilities and your chosen path. Feel free to make your choice. Study, work, create and dare. May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy!

Dear students, dear graduates! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the last bell, which symbolizes the end of the school year. For many students, this means successfully overcoming the next milestone in school life, moving to the next grade, and for almost 12 thousand graduates, today is a particularly joyful and memorable day. After all, they say goodbye to school and set off for independent adult life.

I sincerely wish you, dear graduates, good health, success, personal victories, and the implementation of your plans and creative plans!

Let the knowledge gained at school certainly become the key to significant achievements and help you reach maximum heights in your future activities!

God's blessing to you, generous fate, true friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!

Good luck with everything! Good luck!

Graduate, today I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, which is both sad and joyful - the day of graduation. You will no longer enter a school as a student, so don’t forget your favorite teachers!

Video example of teachers’ speech at graduation to former 9th grade students with parting words

The following video example will help teachers prepare original parting words for former 9th grade students for the last bell. It includes good and warm wishes that will help the children believe in themselves.

Touching words to tears from the first teacher to primary school graduates - examples

For every elementary school student, the first teacher becomes a true friend. Therefore, parting words from him will be the best gift for the guys at the farewell ball. We have selected touching wishes and instructions for teachers. Such words from the first teacher will give graduates confidence in themselves, their strengths and talents.

Examples of parting words touching to tears for graduates of 4th grade from the first teacher

Our dear daughters and sons! We are proud to see you graduate from 4th grade. Congratulations on your graduation evening! This is only the very beginning of your studies, but you have all shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon we will see you completely different. Over these years, you have not only gained the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. We wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and that friendship will overcome all adversity and obstacles.

Today, when you are finishing fourth grade, I would like to wish you to gain strength, health and a thirst for knowledge, because these are the qualities that you will most need in middle and especially high school. I wish you to grow up, think about the future, choose a profession to which you would like to devote your life, and pay special attention to studying the sciences that will be useful in it. Good luck to you and strong teeth with which you will gnaw the granite of science!

Today is our 4th graders' Graduation Day! Congratulations to the young graduates on their holiday. We wish you to boldly and cheerfully step through the stages of learning. To develop in every possible way, to discover new opportunities, to learn what is interesting, unusual and alien. Let there be a lot of joy, high grades and good mood in your lives!

Congratulations to the 4th grade graduates on their graduation! You went through the initial base, where you received a lot of useful and necessary things for yourself. We wish you excellent studies and fulfillment of all your dreams. Be perfect in everything, your future depends on it.

Dear graduates, today you are leaving the elementary school classroom. Now new adventures await you in the land of real science, now you will make serious discoveries and often make independent decisions. Don’t forget your first teacher, don’t be afraid to open the door to new knowledge, always remain a friendly class and certainly achieve great success.

After reviewing the examples of last words for graduates that we have selected, both the class teachers and the first teacher will be able to easily find suitable parting words for graduation. With their help, teachers will be able to express their attention and love to children. They will help former 4th grade elementary school students forget about worries and give self-confidence to 9th and 11th grade students. Beautiful words from teachers to graduates can be supplemented with your own instructions and wishes. Also, examples touching to tears are suitable for writing completely new and unusual parting words for the last call.

A wonderful idea for congratulating teachers, invented by graduates, full of cheerful and kind humor and love for their school and teachers. Original congratulations from teachers at graduation or last bell“Live Roulette” gives teachers the opportunity to show their talents, give them prepared gifts and express gratitude in a light and unusual way. Similar with the award of the nomination you can watch b in the script "Golden Bell"

The congratulations are organized in such a way that the presenters call the teachers one by one and offer to “start” the roulette. Next, the teacher is seated on a chair, the tape measure stops in the desired position, and the “sector” (graduate), who happens to be opposite the teacher, hands him an envelope with the text of the assignment in his teeth. After reading his text, the teacher is awarded a valuable gift (a box with the “hearts” of all students in the class) and is taken to his place by the presenters.
In total, there are 8 texts for “playing” teachers, one “musical break” (short dance) and one ZERO - a prize, which is the text of a “complaint” (read by the head teacher).

Presenters - 2 people;
"Live" roulette - 10 people with envelopes in their teeth;
"Roulette launch lever" - 1 person;
Cheerleaders and awards team - everyone else.

Congratulation script "Live Roulette":

Sector 1 (to the director) "Repentance"

Dear children! At this solemn moment, I want to tell you one terrible truth: I was not always right!
Today I publicly ask for forgiveness from all those who suffered, fell under my hot hand, were offended, humiliated, trampled, crucified and turned to dust.
It's time to admit that I set inhuman tasks, constantly frightened and terrorized children with bad grades.
I assure you that all this was out of good intentions and for your own good. But what can you do if I didn’t always balance my demands with your unprepared, weakened heads.
Forgive me, good people!
Sincerely yours.... (name, patronymic).

Sector 2 (to the writer) “Declaration of love”

I love you, what more?
You have now broken free...
Why now words, sobs,
And the pain of the moment of parting.
Let's just smile
We believe that we will return here.
I love you... So what in the end? -
Spacious roads await you.
And may love shine on you along the way,
I wish you happiness, children!

Sector 3 (historian) "Statement"

I, (last name, first name, patronymic), I responsibly declare my disagreement regarding the departure... of the class from the walls........ of School N... I demand that the decision of the teachers' council on universal admission of students of this class to the final exams be reconsidered. Attached is a list of arguments.
1. At the moment, no worthy replacement for the above-mentioned class has been found.
2. The absence of... class will disrupt the general biorhythm of school life.
3. As a result of the departure of... the class, the cultural and intellectual level of the school will sharply decline.
4. We will all be terribly bored and sad, and we will all cry...
(Wipe away a stingy tear!)

Sector ZERO (head teacher) "Complaint"

Collective from... class of graduation... g.

We, the undersigned students... of the class, protest against the intention of the administration... of school N... to “push” us out of the walls of our native school, thereby completely depriving us of our childhood.
We demand that you keep us for a second year and provide the traditionally warm atmosphere, kind attitude and great love.
We hope that our complaint will be resolved. We tearfully ask, we beg, we believe, we love, we kiss...
Always yours, students... of the class.

Sector 4 (to the chemist) "Oath"

(read solemnly)
I, (last name, first name, patronymic), in front of my colleagues, solemnly swear that I will never forget either you or the lessons held in your class, after which my hair stood on end. I will forever remember your incomparable written works, inimitable oral answers, unique (no matter how hard you try) experiments.
I promise that all the canons of my science, so carefully crammed into your heads, will not change in the next 10 years and will not let you down in difficult times.
I swear that I conducted my lessons sincerely, selflessly, putting all my soul, heart and other organs into them.

Sector 5 (for foreigners) "A little ditty"

(provocatively, in chorus)
Here we are sitting in class,
We explain the rules.
Raise your hands -
Need forced you.

We taught you for 7 years
Different languages.
What do we have in response? -
Indecent phrases!

Das ist alles, veri gud!
They sang a ditty for you.
We taught as best we could
They gave - that they had time...

Sector 6 (to the geographer) "Fairy Tale"

(read sweetly)
Hello, dear friend.
Today I will tell you a little fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, once they arrived, they began to study. They studied, studied, and completed their studies to the point that they became big and smart.
And everything would be fine, but suddenly, out of nowhere, it was time for them to leave this school. But they just didn’t want to leave. Because smart kids understand that school is good.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale. Don't rush out of school, kid.

Sector "Musical break"(concert number - )

Sector 7 (physical education teachers) "Instructions"

(read in duet)
Instructions for use... class.
Clause 1: Exploitation of... the class is prohibited.
Point 2: If you really want to exploit... a class, see point 1.
Clause 3: In an emergency situation, the operation of... the class should not exceed the norm specified in clause 1.
Clause 4: In peacetime, operation of... the class is permitted in accordance with clause 1 of these instructions.
Point 5: Look at point 1 again and wish... the class a bon voyage!

Sector 8 (to the biologist) "Report on the experiment"

(read businesslike)
As a result of a survey carried out in the period from... to... it was established that there was an organic form of life in... the school in the form of... a class.
A series of experiments conducted by school teachers showed the high viability and adaptability of the mentioned community of organisms. Positive reflexes and reactions to external stimuli suggest that this species is suitable for existence in the external environment and can be released within the next month.
Head laboratory (last name, first name, patronymic).

At the end of the performance, students take turns giving flowers to their teachers to the music of “The Little Prince.”