What to take with you to Goa (India): tips and personal experience. What to wear in Goa

Useful tips tourists in Goa - what to buy, where to stay, which beach to choose, how much money to take with them, where to go and what to do.

What to bring from Goa

If you are going on holiday and don't know what to bring from Goa, then you will need to check out the Anjuna market and the night markets in Arpora. The assortment in all Goan markets is the same, and so are the prices.

Large shops and shopping centers There are no places where you can go shopping in Goa, so you are welcome to the market where the sellers are Indians and foreign hippies.

The most useful things that you can bring from Goa may be tea, spices, cosmetics, coconut oil, cashmere clothing and leather goods.

An absolute waste of money would be buying T-shirts and exotic clothes like Indian saris, which tourists usually throw away right in Goa, since firstly, no one will wear them at home, and secondly, these clothes will only withstand one wash. The quality of clothes bought at the market in Goa fully corresponds to the price. For example, T-shirts and light pants can be bargained here for 200 rupees, although at first they want 500 rupees for them. The sellers themselves purchase this product in bulk for $1 each. Naturally, you don’t mind spending that kind of money on disposable clothes, but it’s clearly not worth bringing them home from Goa.

If you don’t decide what to bring from Goa, then look at belts, bags and wallets made of leather, which have quite good quality. Tea is sold in the markets both loose and packaged at the factory. There are also sets of different types of tea in bags and tea in beautiful wooden boxes. The most popular types of tea here are Darjeeling, Assam and Masala.

Sets of spices are sold here for 100 rupees, but again, these sets do not contain those spices that could not be bought from us.

Souvenir lovers will enjoy figurines of elephants of various sizes, figurines of Buddha and Indian deities. The cost of figurines is from 100 rupees, depending on the size and material. As for shoes, they sell flip-flops at a price of 200 rupees per pair. Hippies at the market sell singing bowls, baubles and other decorations.

Sun hats here cost from 200 rupees apiece, and sunglasses are sold for the same price. T-shirts in Goa do not have a wide variety and, just like in other tourist countries, here you can see T-shirts with Che Guevara, Bob Marley and the inscription Superman. You can also buy a towel with Buddha or elephant Ganesha and bring it from Goa as a gift.

One way or another, all the things that can be brought from Goa will be for lovers of eastern currents.

What to take with you

When going on vacation to India for the first time, tourists think about the question of what to take with them to Goa? This resort is not much different from other tropical resorts, so we put a standard beach set in our luggage.

In Goa, you should take a flashlight, as in the evening and at night you will have to walk along unlit streets from beach restaurants to your hotel. Most of the villages near the beach are a field with a winding path, on which guest houses and hotels periodically come across. There is no lighting at night, so a flashlight will be high on the list of what to take with you to Goa. For example, on Baga beach there are shops where you can buy a flashlight, but on other Goa beaches it will be difficult to find one upon arrival.

Goa is different, for example, from Thailand, where they hand out food to tourists at the airport and resorts. free cards terrain, so you will really need a map of Goa and you should stock it up at home. Can be downloaded to your phone electronic card and in addition, take with you a guide to Goa with a map.

If you take any medications, you should definitely take them with you, because complete absence infrastructure on most beaches, even if you really want to, you won’t find a pharmacy here. On the second or third day of arriving in Goa, most tourists experience diarrhea, i.e. My stomach hurts from local exotic cuisine. Pre-purchased tablets should help you.

It’s not worth taking a bunch of clothes with you from home, because here you can buy basic things such as swimming trunks, shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops and sun hats for 2-3 dollars per item. The quality may not be the best, but after the holidays you don’t mind throwing away such things.

You can take sun cream, since on the first day you are unlikely to find a store here with the necessary product. Be sure to take personal hygiene items and perfume, because it is not possible to find these things upon arrival. If you plan to stay in hotels of a lower category, then exactly what you need to take with you to Goa is a padlock. Cases of theft are common in cheap hotels and guest houses.

There is no place to dry things in the hotel and many tourists hang their towels, for example, on chairs that are placed on the balcony. Bring a clothesline with you to Goa. You may need mosquito repellents, and they take up little space. In some places in Goa, mosquitoes simply eat tourists alive.

And of course, the most important thing you should take with you to Goa is a passport with a visa, air tickets, cash dollars, a payment card and a hotel reservation. And the camera will help you preserve the most vivid impressions in your memory.

Prices for Goa

Prices in Goa for food, drinks, transport rental, services and excursions can vary significantly depending on the locality and your ability to bargain. All the prices we list for Goa and India are approximate so that you can base yourself on them.

Food prices in Goa

Juices - 50-100 rupees.

First courses - 100-200 rupees.

Second courses - 100-300 rupees.

Sandwich - 150 rupees.

Dinner with beer - 300 rupees.

Breakfast - 250 rupees.

Beer in a store - 40-80 rupees, in a cafe - 100-150 rupees.

Tea - 30 rupees.

Coffee - 30 rupees.

Fresh - 60 rupees.

Omelet - 90 rupees.

Pancakes - 80 rupees.

Lobster - 1000-1300 rupees per 1 kg.

Old Monk rum - 250 rupees per bottle.

Accommodation prices in Goa

A room in an average hotel costs 1000-1500 rupees.

A room in a guest house - 400-600 rupees.

Prices for transport in Goa

Ride by tuk-tuk - 50-100 rupees.

Taxi - 300-600 rupees.

Bicycle rental - 50-100 rupees per day.

Prices for motorbike rental in Goa

per day - 200-300 rupees.

week - 1500 rupees.

month - 4000-5000 rupees.

Prices for services in Goa

Internet cafe - 40-60 rupees per hour.

Laundry - 10 rupees per item.

Excursion to Goa - 500-1000 rupees per day.

Prices for clothes in Goa

T-shirt - 200 rupees.

Light pants, including “Ali Baba” - 200 rupees.

Flip flops - 200-500 rupees.

Sun hat - 200 rupees.

Prices for souvenirs in Goa

Elephant figurines - from 100 rupees.

Buddha figurines and masks - from 500 rupees.

Fridge magnets - from 40 rupees.

Jewelry - from 100 rupees.

Set of three types of tea 150 gr. - from 300 rupees.

Goa is not an expensive resort, so you won’t need a lot of money, since there is simply nothing to spend it on here. At rational approach it will cost no more than $300 per month to live. The same amount for food with alcohol. Renting a scooter costs another 80-90 dollars. Even compared to other Asian resorts, prices in Goa will be lower. The secret lies in the fact that Goa is aimed specifically at the budget audience, who want to relax away from the benefits of civilization. Prices in North Goa, which is considered a paradise for the poor, will be lower than in the south of the state. Those foreigners who have already settled in India for a long period can significantly save their budget on accommodation and food. Just like the local population, foreigners become vegetarians after some time, which also reduces food costs.

When is the best time to go to Goa?

Gathered at beach holiday to India, you need to find out when is the best time to go to Goa. Travel agencies begin to actively offer tours to Goa in November, and the peak season is observed from December to February. In March and April, the weather in Goa allows you to comfortably spend time on the beach and swim in the sea. Those. in short, you will do the right thing if you go on vacation to Goa from November to April.

From May to October, holidays in Goa are not advisable and that is why tour operators do not offer this destination during this period. In summer, Goa is dominated by the monsoon season, which entails daily rains and strong waves. Even if the rain has stopped, swimming in the sea will be impossible due to the waves.

Of course, it is true that during the off-season, prices for accommodation fall, but the beach restaurants, which are called shakes here, are almost all closed. On the beach you can feel like you're on desert island, since there are almost no tourists. Those who are planning to party in Goa will definitely not go there in the summer and early autumn. Best period For a holiday in Goa, these are the winter months.

When is the best time to go to Goa with children? Again, you can relax and all year round, but the period without rain and waves is observed from November to April. And any beach is suitable for relaxing with kids.

Many pensioners are afraid to go to North Goa, mistakenly believing that there is loud music and crowds of drug addicts dancing on the beaches around the clock. If you do not look for such parties and similar companies, then these events and people will not come to your attention. North Goa is as calm as South Goa, but probably the prices are lower, but not significantly.

Having decided when is the best time to vacation in Goa, you can look at the calendar of Indian holidays and find out which ones fall during your vacation. Lying on the beach every day in the company of humpbacked cows will get boring after a couple of days, but participating in a fun Indian celebration will be remembered for a long time.

The most significant influx of white tourists to Goa can be seen during the New Year period, so to have a fun time you should go from December to January.

I recently wrote, in the same article I promised to prepare a small reminder for independent travelers, which should make packing and living in Goa a little easier. It's time to keep the promise.

I want to start with what is correct to say in Goa, since it is a state, not an island, surprisingly, not everyone knows this. Thus, I advise you to get rid of the grammatically incorrect “holiday in Goa” as soon as possible and boldly go to this curious area. The northern part of Goa is a very populated tourist area, with a lot of Russian-speaking tourists, winterers, long-stayers and businessmen. Local Indians (Goans) already understand Russian quite well in markets, shops, cafes and the beach, so you shouldn’t worry too much. When you need it, they will understand you.

I came across a lot of similar articles on the Internet, and they really turned out to be useful, unfortunately, many were written quite a long time ago and have partially lost their relevance. However, having trusted them, we rather “played it safe”, so they did no harm. On the other hand, I didn’t find a single complete manual; in the end I had to work with many sources, the information in which was also duplicated. Therefore, I will try to cover as much as possible the most important issues related to a trip to Goa, but at the same time I will write concisely and to the point.

A general article on all the necessary aspects of a holiday for a traveler going to India may also be useful:

Packing our bags for India in Goa 2016

I want to start with the fact that it is possible and advisable to prepare at home in order to less overshadow your long-awaited and so:

  • Backpack. Or something similar that would be convenient to go shopping on a bike or take things to the beach. A practical and useful thing in Goa, and throughout Asia, if you prefer to travel on a two-wheeler without a trunk, and it’s more convenient to carry your belongings without having to carry them in your hands
  • Copies of documents for travel to Goa. Be sure to make several copies of your civil and Indian visa, driver’s license, travel insurance if you decide to buy it, electronic tickets. Carry one copy with you, including in, in case you lose your main luggage. You can take photographs of these documents on your smartphone, at least with a driver’s license the local police will do just fine, as long as you have an open category A (a motorcycle is drawn). By the way, we were advised to simply add a motorcycle to the image of our license in Photoshop, and tell the police in Goa that the original is at home and we are afraid of losing it.
  • Travel insurance to India. Safety and health come first, so don’t skimp on insurance. A timely purchased insurance policy will allow you to receive compensation for a vacation that was spoiled due to no flight or loss of luggage, will help you get back the money spent on treatment and will be stored like a real talisman. Before applying for an Indian visa, we took out insurance in case of refusal, because by that time we had already purchased tickets. Therefore, I recommend not skimping on security.
  • Photos. Most likely, you will still have photographs after, so you can take them with you, take them separately - there is not much point. Since we didn’t need them, but the circumstances are different, they are needed to purchase a tourist SIM card, as well as some copies of documents, but this is easily done, more on that later.
  • First aid kit for the road. WITH Take with you, with a main focus on antibacterial and digestive products. If you are afraid of malaria, then a week before your trip and throughout the trip, as well as one or two weeks after, you can take one doxycycline tablet per day. This is a weak antibiotic that will not cause much harm to your health (if taken along with any probiotic), but it will help malaria bypass you. Although, when traveling to high season in GOA you are unlikely to face this disease. In any case, consult your doctor before taking antibiotics. By the way, a lot of medicines are produced in India, the prices of which will pleasantly surprise you, so, perhaps, it’s not worth recruiting a lot from dear Russia, but on the contrary, it makes sense to think about it.
  • Cosmetics and protective equipment. In general, all this can be bought on the spot, but in order to immediately run to the sea upon arrival, it makes sense to take sunscreen with protection of at least 25, and a small cosmetic bag to touch up your makeup in the evening. Although very soon, having imbued with the spirit of Goa, the need for all this will disappear. Cosmetics, again, are much cheaper in India, and the quality is high, so don’t overstuff your suitcase.
  • Insect repellents in Goa. There is no need to bring large quantities, since India has its own good products, which sometimes work better than proven domestic ones, but you can buy them for the first time. However, you will have to buy the remedy for termites and ants on the spot almost immediately upon arrival.
  • Flashlight. The road from the beach, and in many places in Goa, at least in the northern part, is dark and unlit, so to save your feet, it is best to have a small LED flashlight and a supply of batteries or rechargeable batteries. In addition, by illuminating your path, you can calmly avoid all sorts of unpleasant animals that you don’t want to step on.
  • Change for the road. Be sure to prepare some dollars in small bills, they will come in handy both on the plane if you want to buy lunch during the flight, and when changing at the airport upon arrival, at the extortionate rate, on the way to your vacation destination in Goa.
  • Padlock (like a barn lock). The door locking system in India was a little surprising at first, but it is easy to explain, because... allows you to lock the house with your own lock, and the owners do not have to change the keys after each vacationer. As they say, the sheep are well-fed and the wolves are safe, or vice versa, here who feels like who.
  • Products that are missed in Goa. Officially, the import of meat and dairy products, as well as cereals into India must be declared, but no one does this. But many tourists, especially winterers, bring delicacies: cheese, sausage, seeds, herring, caviar, buckwheat, chocolate, vermicelli - i.e. those products that cannot be found here in the usual quality and at reasonable prices during the day
  • Things and suitcases. Usually people arrive with empty bags and take trunks home, including clothes. So take the most necessary or very favorite things, still buy a lot of things. If you take a large empty suitcase, you will have something to carry your gifts back with. You can also buy it on the spot - I remember the story of one of my friends, how he bargained for two days in Goa for one spacious suitcase - well, this is also an element of exoticism.
  • Women's clothing. India is a country of strict views; it is not customary to expose your legs and shoulders much, so out of respect for foreign culture, do not wear miniskirts, shorts and any tight underwear if you want to be treated well. Short clothing is unsafe for riding a bike in the heat and generally not practical. In Goa, of course, people are more accustomed to the sight of tourists, but if you are coming to experience the spirit of India, then you should not irritate its residents, they, of course, will remain silent, but at best they will write you down as a woman of easy virtue.
  • Other little things. Shampoos, oils, soap, gel, powder, etc. there is a large amount of local production here, natural and cheap, so you only need a maximum supply for the first day or two
  • Money in Goa. The Indian Rupee has a relatively stable exchange rate to the dollar, so if you are not confident in the sharp growth of the ruble or, on the contrary, there is a fear of its further fall, then it is better to immediately exchange dollars and go with a pre-calculated budget. By the way, the ruble traditionally grows in the spring, so we took a minimal supply of cash.
  • Plastic cards. This is the best replacement for a mountain of cash, a relatively safe and profitable means of storing money. The main thing is to set limits correctly and have several cards from different banks and payment systems. The question is also relevant in Goa, it is always relevant: with a stable ruble exchange rate (when was this the case?), cash dollars are profitable, even with double conversion, but right now a card is more profitable for me. By the way, this and the previous point can cover all the others, because with money it is very easy to rest lightly. On the other hand, I know several examples where people in India got by with virtually no money, so who goes for what?
  • Spare phone. If you come for the whole season, then it makes sense to use a cheap old mobile phone, since due to the humidity and sand, not every smartphone can survive six months in Goa. Besides, you shouldn’t show off expensive equipment unnecessarily in front of poor Indians

Instead of ending

Perhaps this is where we can finish the first part. I really hope that I haven’t forgotten something especially important and worthy of attention; at the very least, I’ll add it. In addition, there is a place in the comments, not only for questions, but also for forgotten answers. The best advice I’ll add this article from the comments or prepare a separate one if I have enough material. When using this memo, you should not forget that in it I draw conclusions based on my own experience, including writing about what I myself forgot when getting ready and regretted upon arriving in Goa. I hope my mistakes will become a lesson to someone. In general, let’s pack our bags and take a bold step to India, and I’ll tell you what to expect upon arrival. Good luck on your trips, perhaps India won’t scare you either, at least the prices are very reasonable, both for accommodation and travel, However, check it yourself.

India is a country tropical climate, thousand-year-old traditions and strict laws that even tourists must comply with. Much will depend on how you dress, what you carry with you, and how you behave - namely, the attitude of the local population towards the “next” tourist.

It is better to take your time when packing your bag for India. After receiving the long-awaited documents, it is worth checking the contents of your suitcases several times - not to take anything unnecessary or particularly valuable, but also not to forget what, without which your holiday in India will certainly be overshadowed.

Check out the approximate list of what you need to take with you to India. This list is incomplete and can be expanded with individual items.

Documents for traveling to India

Citizens of Russia for a period of stay in India up to 30 days, can receive an entry document upon arrival at the airport. To obtain the right to visit the country, you must have:

International passport with expiration date from 6 months at the time of planned departure from India;

Copies of completed pages Russian passport;

One color photo on any digital media in format.jpeg. The file size must not exceed 300 kb ;

Completed and certified visa application form. It is certified online in 4 days before departure;

Visa or MasterCard card with open account For payment of visa fee in the amount of $60.

If you plan to live in India over 30 days, then you will have to apply for a visa in advance and only through Consulate General of India in Moscow.

international passport

Packing your suitcase for India


When traveling to any place in India except Goa, you should remember that it is indecent for women to bare their shoulders or knees, wear too revealing or tight clothes, or look provocative. There are no such restrictions.

Any clothing should be light, light and at the same time quite comfortable. It would be good to have a few with you T-shirts, two pairs shorts or breeches, trousers or jeans, some skirts or dresses. Helps a lot during combustion long sleeve T-shirt, which will protect burned skin from new stress in the form of UV rays.

Example of clothing in India

For swimming and sunbathing on the beach, you need to take a pair of swimming trunks or swimsuits. But for cool Indian summer nights it is better to take with you sweater or summer jacket, because walking and sightseeing in the evening is even more comfortable than during the day. It would also be better to take several pairs socks and more clean underwear.

When traveling, don’t forget about hats. The hot sun of this country can cause sunstroke, so it is better to cover your head with a light shade. Panama hat, wide-brimmed hat or cap.

For a trip to the mountains, warmer clothes will be useful, however, you can buy them locally for a reasonable price. You may also need rain cover, however, it will only be needed in especially rainy months, or again when going to the mountains.


Shoes for a trip to India need to be chosen especially carefully. These should be comfortable shoes, preferably made from natural materials, and preferably already worn, since new shoes sometimes it starts to rub, even though it seemed comfortable.

For mountain hikes and long excursions, it is better to choose on sneakers or other closed, comfortable shoes on a small heel. In such shoes the foot will not get tired for a long time, so it is an ideal option for long walks.

The best way to get around the city is sandals, light shoes or other open shoes, in which the leg will breathe. And for walking on the beach or even going into the water, flip flops or beach slippers are best.

In the country it's better don't wear open shoes, no matter how hot the weather is. In the Indian jungle there are a lot of dangers in the form of representatives of the local fauna - Poisonous snakes and spiders are found even near densely populated villages.

To visit various entertainment and public places you can take it high heel shoes, however, you shouldn’t wear it all the time - your legs will get too tired, which will significantly spoil your rest.

First aid kit

Every tourist must have a first aid kit - not only comfort, but also health after the trip depends on it. In addition to the personal medications you need to take, your first aid kit should include:

· Bandage, iodine, plaster and other means for treating minor injuries;

· Medicines for stomach disorders (activated carbon, Immodium, Linex, etc.);

· Remedies for headaches. Please note that aspirin is not sold in Russia;

· Simple painkillers;

· Remedies for conjunctivitis - ointment or drops;

· Hygienic lipstick;

· Medicines that relieve cold symptoms;

· Drops or ointment for nasal congestion;

· Personal hygiene products - in India it is difficult to buy, for example, feminine pads or cotton wool;

· Malaria preventive medications may be helpful.

In Indian pharmacies you can see analogues many “Russian” drugs, but under different names. You can buy them only at your own peril and risk. The quality of some medicines in India is constantly criticized international organizations doctors.

Pharmacy in India

What to take when traveling with a child?

When traveling with a child under 14 years of age, he must be entered in your passport. After 14 the child is entitled your document.

Many personal hygiene products in India there is simply no such thing, so it would be better to take diapers, powders and other products with you. The same applies to special food.

A child should be dressed in the same way as an adult, in light, comfortable clothes. light clothes. Don't forget about headdress.

Important little things

Sun cream- no joke, tourist “currency” in India. They sell it at every turn, but the quality and prices will upset even the most generous tourists. Therefore, it is better to take it from home, or better yet, with a reserve.

Be sure to take a few with you adapters for sockets. Some hotels still use an outdated standard. In addition, there may generally be one socket in the room - electricity for a row Indian states even in the 21st century it remains a luxury. In this case you need to have with you tee or extension.

The electrical problems won't end there. Every visitor to India, even in such a rich state as Goa, should have with him LED flashlight kit. Rolling blackouts at power plants are a common occurrence here.

The issue of sanitation in Indian hotels is also easy to solve - just take your own towels And bed sheets . With the latter, by the way, you need special vigilance - too expensive sheets can be stolen by maids.

For long outdoor excursions in India, a few replacement pairs will come in handy sunglasses .

When traveling on your own, always have with you GPS -navigator in a charged smartphone or special device. It makes no sense to take “paper” maps and guidebooks for tourists - many settlements they just don't have it.

GPS navigator in your phone

Indians speak good English, and major cities There are even experts in the Russian language. But nonetheless, hindi phrasebook It is highly advisable to have it with you. If you can find a similar one marathi phrasebook, then you can safely go to Maharashtra on excursions to the legendary Bollywood film studios.

Before you go to, you need to think through in detail the list of all the necessary things that you must have at hand if you go on a trip. All preparations can be roughly divided into three stages - we will tell you step by step what you should take with you in order to feel confident and comfortable in any situation.

Step 1: Pre-readiness

Of course, the very first thing that must be present in your travel suitcase is documents, among which will be:

  1. International passport. For an Indian visa, it must have two blank pages, and you must also ensure that the passport remains active 3 months after your return from the trip.
  2. Copies of your foreign passport (in case the main document gets lost).
  3. Package tour. documents.
  4. Indian visa.

Step 2: not much time left before departure

So, you're already mentally basking in the golden sands of Goa, but you can't forget about the things you'll definitely need on the road. So, don't forget to take:

  1. Medicines. One of the most important points things that you must have with you. Not always medicines can be bought at any stall in Goa, so make sure in advance that you have on hand:
  • brilliant green;
  • plasters;
  • bandages;
  • proven insect repellents;
  • peroxide;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-motion sickness medications;
  • means to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any antipyretic tablets;
  • sunscreen spray or cream (in India there are a lot of mosquitoes and other insects that carry various infections).
  1. Take credit cards and money with you. If you plan to take more than 10 thousand dollars on vacation, they must be declared in advance.
  2. Insurance policy.
  3. International driver license(it is worth remembering that Goa has introduced Left side traffic). Many people prefer to take a personal driver for their own safety.
  4. Don't forget to bring hats for yourself and your children.
  5. Phone chargers, cameras, video cameras - and don’t forget the chargers for them.
  6. A small guide to Goa that will help you navigate the area.
  7. A phrasebook - English-Russian is quite suitable. Despite living in India a large number of people who know Russian tolerably well, you should be fully armed. To take lunch in a cafe or buy souvenirs, you need knowledge of the language, so if you have difficulties with English, it is better to prepare in advance so as not to buy a phrase book on the spot at an incredible price.
  8. Flashlight. Already at 6 pm in Goa the sun begins to set, and if you consider yourself to be a fan of night walks, this device is worth taking with you.
  9. Bed linen and towel (at least a clean sheet). No matter what experts say, India is one of the dirtiest countries in the world. Therefore, it is better to take personal belongings in order not to catch an infection.

Step 3: final readiness

Goa is one of the smallest states in India. Here you can have an unforgettable time for both newlyweds and married couples with children, even groups of young people will find entertainment to their liking. Economical shopping, fun parties, exciting walks - all this awaits you on vacation, but in order for the trip not to be overshadowed by unforeseen incidents, you should definitely take all of the above things with you.

At the airport, be sure to make sure that you have all your suitcases with you, your documents are in place, and their copies are in separate pockets. Think carefully about whether you forgot any important items; if there was an omission, it is better to buy the missing items while you are in your native land.

After this, you can finally relax and tune in to the positive - you are flying to one of the most wonderful, picturesque, unforgettable places on the whole Earth!

What to take with you to Goa.

Good day, dear readers of the site! In this article we will tell you about useful things on your trip to Goa and India.

IN this list everything you might need for traveling not only in Goa, but also in other countries is included. The list will be useful regardless of whether you are traveling for two weeks or a year, as it is compiled to the maximum. You can figure out for yourself what you need and what you don’t, and cross off the unnecessary from the list. Based on the place you are going to, the comfort you want, and so on.

First, let's make a couple of statements:

There are no necessary things, there are only those that can make it easier to solve certain problems.

The fewer things you have, the freer you feel.

If we talk about Goa, then all you need is a couple of T-shirts and shorts. You can bring your camera, but everything else can be purchased on the spot. Now let's move on to the list:


Be sure to have your passport with you at all times. Be careful when storing your documents, as losing them can lead to big troubles. Carry copies of documents and tickets with you, but store them in other places. Decide for yourself what to leave at the hotel and what to take with you.

More helpful information in the article:


It gets dark quite early in India. There is also a high probability of a power outage, and most often the streets are not lit, and there is a high probability of not finding your home. Not in a bad way You can avoid this problem by purchasing an LED flashlight. Such flashlights waste little energy and work for a long time. You can buy a model that fits on your head, in case you have to look for something in the dark.

The padlock:

In the rooms budget hotels, guesthouses and bungalows have their own locks, but if you are afraid of thieves, you can also lock the room with your own lock; in most cases, there are places on the doors for installing such locks. The lock can be either a combination lock or a key lock. Keys are easy to lose, and code keys are easy to crack. The decision is yours. Although many do without locks.


If your hotel does not have laundry services, it makes sense to stock up on such things. You can also buy it in Goa.


Can be useful if you have a lot of equipment. There are few outlets and not enough for all the electronics. The sockets in India are a little different from ours, but the plugs fit. As a last resort, you can purchase a tee in India.


You can bring your own, or if you are not an expert in this field, you can buy them in Goa, but it is unlikely that you will find good quality glasses.

Safety glasses for riding motorcycles and scooters:

Suitable if you are planning such a vacation. Protects eyes from dust and insects.

Body wallet:

You can take it with you to increase the reliability of storing money and documents.

Quick dry towel:

Microfiber towel, thanks to quick drying, does not rot in Indian humid climate. Doesn't take up much space in your luggage.

Lightweight sleeping bag:

Even in hot climates it can be useful, because in some hotels and guesthouses there are no blankets at all, or the bed linen is of very poor quality and freshness, and sleeping in your own sleeping bag will be much more pleasant. Plus there is draft from many windows. Can be replaced with a blanket.


Backpacks are very convenient way carrying things, compared for example with suitcases. When sorting things, you can adhere to the following scheme - one large backpack, where not the most valuable things are collected, in the meantime, sort everything valuable into pockets and chest bags. If you check your backpack as luggage, there should be nothing there that can be broken or broken.

Inflatable pillow:

If you know how to fall asleep on buses and trains, then you can take an inflatable pillow and make yourself more comfortable.

Mug, thermos and small boiler:

Useful for preparing food for travelers if you don't plan to visit your hotel room often.


Small money, pens, and other things will help establish friendly relations with local residents.

Pen and notepad:

Will be needed when filling out various documents. Using a notepad, you can explain something to a person if you could not find understanding in oral speech.

Photocopies of tickets and passport:

You can make more than one copy and store each one in different places to minimize problems due to loss of documents or tickets. You can take photos of your documents before departure and post them on the Internet so that if something happens, you can present these photos.

2 color photos:

May be needed when purchasing a SIM card or Internet connection.


You can have electronic ones, or print paper ones, or buy them.

Stories and reports:

If you are traveling throughout India, they can be useful for exploring the place you arrive at. If there are many Internet resources with detailed information. For example