Where to look for inspiration. 3 Ways to Find Inspiration - wikiHow

There are moments when everything starts to “fall out of your hands” and smart thoughts “leave” your head. I don’t want to do anything, I lose interest in work. Such periods are called creative block. How longer person is in such a state, the more difficult it is for him to force himself to do anything. But how to get out of it? Where to find inspiration? Are there any effective ways to be inspired and gain strength? Where should I start? Where can you get inspiration when your head is a mess? Let's list the basic techniques that will allow you to get started faster.

Physical activity

Since inspiration is a mental function, then in a good way its recharge can be considered muscle load. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout at the gym. Walking in the fresh air, jogging or cycling, swimming, rollerblading are suitable.

The main thing is to take a break from your task and recuperate. It is not for nothing that philosophers argued that “in healthy body- healthy mind." Harmonious developed person will always find where to get inspiration and how to avoid emotional burnout.

It has been proven that regular physical activity significantly improves metabolic processes in the brain, enhances cognitive abilities, and improves mood. For example, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato was a champion of pankration. The famous Danish physicist Niels Bohr willingly played football and skiing. His German colleague Wilhelm Roentgen was interested in mountaineering, rowing, skating and luge. Mikhail Lomonosov was actively involved in fencing, shooting, English boxing, arm wrestling, weight lifting, dancing and horse riding. Soviet scientist Lev Landau loved to ride alpine skiing and even invented his own original way of riding.

Reading books

Books have absorbed all the wisdom of humanity. They contain answers to almost any question, including where to get inspiration. After all, the problem of loss of creative enthusiasm is as old as the world. Motivational stories from life famous people sometimes they can give strength even during periods of apathy and stagnation.

In addition, reading literature allows you to put your thoughts in order, gain strength and energy, which is good in itself. Sometimes smart thoughts that can be gleaned from a book provide a hint in solving the issue that caused creative difficulties.

Complete rest

Many people mistakenly think that the key to success is only selfless work. Without quality rest, no one can work for a long time. The fact is that a feeling of elation and enthusiasm occurs in response to the production of “happiness hormones” - dopamine and serotonin. They are the ones who give us confidence in our abilities, give us joy and inspiration. If the body is exhausted, then there will not be enough “bricks” to build the necessary hormones.

People also need other substances involved in mental processes. During rest, the body restores its reserves, thereby preparing the “ground” for new achievements.

Proper nutrition

Those who, when asked “where to find inspiration?”, will say “on the kitchen table” are not far from the truth. The point is that mental processes closely related to physiology. “Happiness hormones” mentioned in the last section - shining example this. They fill a person with joy. Inspiration, in essence, is this feeling directed towards a specific work. This means that in order to be inspired and happy, you should eat those foods that produce more active serotonin and dopamine.

Some of the most inspiring products include:

  • Dark chocolate;
  • Bananas;
  • Seafood (fish, squid, mussels);
  • Halva;
  • Nuts and beans (peanuts).

By eating them, you can count on the speedy return of the muse. The main thing is not to overdo it with legumes, otherwise it will blow away again like the wind.

Regular travel

In the question “where to find inspiration?” the main word is “where”. If you have lost the desire to work in the city, you should look for it in a village, or at a resort, or in the mountains. Sometimes, in order to start the thought process, it is enough to leave the office and go outside. In more advanced cases, a trip is suitable, the duration and distance of which depend on the emotional background.

In addition to relaxation, visiting other places provides us with invaluable experience and allows us to take a broader look at the world and ourselves. This is the benefit of wandering. After all, inspiration comes to us when we are ready to accept it. Prepared physically, intellectually and morally.

Motivational videos

In the era of the ubiquity of the Internet, it is also suitable as a source of inspiration. Thousands of all kinds of videos have been created that motivate a person, give him confidence and the desire to do something. Just enter a query and the search engine will return dozens of links to thematic videos.

Birdsong and classical music

Everything in this world consists of vibrations. Living beings and non-living objects resonate with each other. This is why music is so popular and important in human life. Scientists have proven that various sounds are able to influence us, causing a variety of emotions and feelings, including inspiration.

The singing of forest birds is considered favorable for the thought process.. It also brings us inspiration classical music. First of all, this concerns the immortal works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The effect is enhanced when instrumental music is superimposed on the sounds of nature. You can find similar videos on YouTube. Similar applications are provided for mobile versions. They can be installed and downloaded directly to your smartphone.

The phrase “where to find inspiration?” – ceases to be a difficult question if you apply the techniques described earlier. They allow you to restore strength, improve your emotional background, tune in to work and always be in high spirits. Inspiration comes to those who do not sit idle, constantly develop and improve, while not forgetting about proper rest and proper nutrition.

If you are in any way connected with creativity in any of its manifestations, then you do not need to explain how important inspiration is. When you have it, any task seems within your reach, and the creative process is so captivating that you forget about sleep and food. If it is not there, then one’s hands give up helplessly and any task becomes an unbearable burden.

It’s good if you are engaged in creativity as a hobby and can give up on the lack of inspiration: “well, no, okay, let’s wait until it’s worked up and comes back.” But what to do if creativity is your job, and your income depends on missing inspiration? There is only one answer - you have to look. We have collected 21 for you effective way bring back escaped inspiration.

10 minutes or less

Listen to music. The positive effect of music on brain activity has long been proven and is beyond doubt. One melody will help you get ready and get into the mood for work, the other will help you relax or remember pleasant moments. Find the song that affects you personally and play it in moments of stagnation.

Write by hand. We are less and less likely to lately We write the old fashioned way, relying entirely on new technologies. Close Word, take a pen and paper and remember how it used to be. Perhaps new sensations will awaken your inspiration.

Meditate. No new ideas at all? Try to relax and not think about anything at all. It is at this moment that ideas will appear.

Listen to other people's opinions. Don't be shy to ask other people for advice or help. Sometimes a random phrase, even from a completely incompetent person in your field, can awaken such a flurry of ideas that you will be surprised how you didn’t think of it yourself.

Free associations. Try this game: open the dictionary on any word and write down all the thoughts associated with it that arise in your head. Or guess two random numbers corresponding to the page number and line, then open and find the corresponding place in the book. “Divine hints” made in this way sometimes hit the mark.

Think about something far away. Exhausting constant thinking about a problem can lead you to an insurmountable dead end. Try to focus on something completely abstract, for example, imagine how you will meet New Year in 2022 or climb Everest.

Look for blue or green. Research says these colors can also influence our creativity. This happens because we associate blue with the ocean, sky and openness in general, while green gives us signals of growth.

Alcohol. This advice doesn't fit well with in a healthy way life, but no one doubts that a small dose of alcohol liberates our brain and allows us to find new, unconventional approaches. It is important not to abuse this method and not to leave your inspiration in constant supply.

Free writing. Some masters artistic word they call it freewriting :). This method consists in the fact that you must, within a short period of time, say 10 minutes, without pausing or thinking, write everything that comes to your mind. After that, try reading it and picking out useful ideas.

Change of scenery. Do you work in an office? Go out into the corridor. Do you sit all the time? Start working while standing. Tired of palm trees and the beach? Replace them with snow and polar bears. It's amazing how much a change in familiar surroundings can spark our imagination.

Laugh. A positive mood can promote creativity because it promotes activity in the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex (regions of the brain associated with complex cognition, decision-making, and emotion).

30 minutes or less

Do something with your hands. If you are mainly engaged in intellectual work, then try switching for a while and doing something with your hands. Carpentry, knitting, cooking, modeling - the main thing is that it is interesting and completely captivating to you. This switching of activities greatly refreshes thought processes.

Stay outside. Walk home from work today, take an hour-long walk in the park, or backpack into the mountains for a few days. In this matter, everyone can have their own methods, the only important thing is that fresh air, new experiences, a break from routine are great for inspiration.

Practice. When playing sports, we not only strengthen our body, but also significantly liberate our brain. In addition to purely physiological benefits (strengthening blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the brain), we strengthen willpower, perseverance, and determination.

Try something new. If you do everything out of habit, it will lead to the undermining of creative thought. On the other hand, the desire for novelty is inextricably linked with creativity. Even something as simple as a new route to work or a bold culinary experiment can give you a great idea.

Sleep. If you are stuck on a problem, then go to bed - best solution will come to you in the morning. Yes, yes, that “morning is wiser than evening” really works.

Long-term ways

Don't expect perfection. It's okay if your painting doesn't end up in the Louvre and this post doesn't get a thousand likes. Excessive demands on yourself in an effort to give birth to a masterpiece can lead to you not doing anything at all. Just try to do your job the best you can and see what happens.

Travel abroad. One study suggests that students who have studied abroad are significantly more active creative thinking. Psychologists say that multicultural experience facilitates the complex cognitive processes that underlie innovative thinking.

Create a treasure chest. Collect your ideas, impressions, feelings. Inspiration is a capricious lady, sometimes it showers you with its gifts so abundantly that you don’t have time to collect, sometimes it disappears over the horizon. Canned ideas are a great way to survive a period of creative starvation.

Find a creative stimulus. Balzac wrote only in a hot bath, Hugo needed the smell of coffee to work, and Newton generally sat under an apple tree. You may also have habits that are most conducive to creativity. Find them and use them.

Don't wait for the muse. If you have tried all of the above methods, but inspiration has not returned, then start working anyway. Your muse will quietly come up behind you and look over your shoulder, wondering what you are doing there without her. Then he’ll give you a hint once. And then he will quietly take your hand and do everything as it should.

What ways of finding creative inspiration help you?

We all know that feeling of an all-consuming routine, described by the words “every day is similar to the previous one, like two peas in a pod,” which appears at the moment when we wonder whether we are following the right path in life. Self-doubt, as well as lack of motivation, are, alas, commonplace in modern life phenomena that can make you feel like a bit of an empty bag. However, you can find inspiration - you can always find inspiration, both outside and inside, in yourself, which will allow you to breathe more freely and start living, making your dreams come true! In other words, if you urgently need a source of inspiration or at least a way to make your days brighter, this article is at your service.


Finding inspiration

    Nature. Musicians, poets, artists and many other people have found a source of inspiration in nature. Of course, for nature to serve as a source of inspiration for you, you do not need to be a musician, poet, artist, etc. Believe me, even a simple walk in the park after work can work a miracle. Plus, in addition to potentially finding inspiration, you'll simply feel better walking outdoors in the pristine beauty of nature!

    Historical figures. If you ever thought that you, to the common man, never leave your mark on the pages of history, then know: hundreds of real examples prove the opposite. Some names are still well-known, some are already remembered by only a few - but this does not mean that their contribution to history was less!

    Literature and art. And although the sources of inspiration in real life full full, literary and works of art nothing worse. Movies, books, songs, any other form of expressive art can inspire and inspire. Moreover, these days these sources of inspiration are perhaps the most accessible - after all, listening to a song is much easier than conquering Everest! Here are some examples:

    • Shawshank Redemption. A story about the long-term friendship of two prisoners, about hope, salvation and revenge.
    • Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky's masterpiece about love, death, family ties, evil and revenge.
    • Somewhere Over the Rainbow. A simple and beautiful song about the eternal hope that somewhere in this world something good awaits us all. Perhaps only lazy people didn’t cover this song, so there are many different versions.
    • Space basketball. The film is about how basketball player Michael Jordan and the characters from the animated series “Looney Tunes” defeated aliens in a basketball match. By the way, quite an inspiring film.
  1. Old and familiar. Sometimes the source of inspiration is somewhere near us and is just waiting to be finally noticed by you. Try to pay attention to the familiar and familiar, to everything that you have done hundreds of times already - but this time try to notice details that have previously remained hidden. Any new detail can become the first link in a chain of amazing discoveries that will give you new vision and inspiration.

    • Example: you are walking in a park where you have been many times before. However, this time you are not walking along the usual path, but along a new path. Perhaps this will allow you to discover that there is a huge anthill not far from your usual path!
  2. Motivational literature. Of course, it’s worth remembering all those countless motivational books, articles and publications that contain the secrets of how to find inspiration and, if not pull a star from the sky, then at least achieve your own goals. There are many such books, such books are different - some are longer, some are shorter, some are more detailed, some are more abstract, some are better, some are worse, some are more reliable, some are not so much, some are written by Ph.D.s, some by self-proclaimed experts, some can truly change your life, and some have no other purpose than to provide income to the author.

    • Of course, only you know what is right for you. However, if possible, weigh all your options. You don’t want to buy a book with obvious advice for a lot of money, do you? If you pay, then only for quality.

    Changing your point of view

    1. Look for new sources of inspiration. Quite often, simple boredom is behind the lack of inspiration. If so, then dealing with it will be quite simple - you just need to get out of your comfort zone and do something new! It is quite possible that you will discover something completely new and interesting. Here are some tips on this matter:

      Travel. And what? A change of scenery is sometimes a great way to cope with melancholy. This is why you probably hear the advice to “go outside and unwind” so often. And, by the way, the advice is very practical - the new environment around forces the brain to think in a new way. After all, you yourself know that consistency can be tiring - so add a touch of variety to it, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the change that has happened!

      • If you have enough money for a long vacation in another country or an extravagant trip - well, you're in luck! However, if the money is not enough, then don’t be discouraged - you don’t have to drag yourself to the other end of the globe to find inspiration. You can go to a neighboring city, which, by the way, is much cheaper, or even get out into nature for the weekend. You may later be surprised at how little you know about the places in which you live.
    2. Laugh. You can count on one hand the situations in life where laughter will not help. The situation when you are in the slips of inspiration does not apply to them! Yes, laughter is unlikely to lead you to a brilliant conclusion, laughter is unlikely to allow you to immediately achieve all your goals, but it will help you relax, calm down and simply live in the current moment. In other words, laughter will make you open to new things - including things that can inspire you.

      Contact old friends. Meeting with an old friend former colleague or teacher can be a surprisingly enjoyable experience, especially if at the moment you feel sad because you have no one to talk to heart to heart. Accordingly, by meeting old acquaintances, you will not only cheer yourself up, but also find inspiration in new ideas, new views on old ideas, etc. Judge for yourself - those with whom you would like to meet again are most likely those people whose opinions you respect and whose opinions you listen to. Here are some ideas for this:

      • Call friends you've lost touch with due to moving or transferring to a different school.
      • Contact your old teachers and professors, especially if you were friends with them. Advice from a mentor will inspire you.
      • Write to distant relatives whom you have not seen for a hundred years.
      • Find out how yours are doing former leaders- those with whom you had normal relationships. Here - similar to advice from a mentor, only in terms of work.
    3. Spend time with new people. Yes, talking to people you know can be a source of inspiration, but talking to a stranger can be just as inspiring. After all, what can cope with the task of bringing into life new point vision is better than new person?! However, not every person you meet will have new thoughts and views. Someone, let's face it, will be the embodiment of pessimism. Perhaps you will meet such people too, but don’t be discouraged and keep meeting new people!

      • Search more information about how to meet people will come in handy.
      • You can meet people anywhere - the main thing is that people gather there. The best thing, of course, is when people whose interests are similar to yours gather somewhere - for example, it is better for book lovers to meet in libraries or bookstores.
    4. Strive for your dream. Even if it is almost implausible, almost fabulous and unreal - strive for it, and may you be rewarded! Remember the saying that “it’s not victory that matters, but participation”? This is not the excuse of losers, as it may seem, but deep wisdom. Believe me, just the thought that you were not afraid to take a step towards a dream that requires a million steps to achieve will inspire and inspire you for the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine... well, you get the idea. And even if life itself forces us to choose between “ideal and beautiful” and “real and achievable,” if you choose the first at least once, you will discover new, amazing, unexpected and delightful opportunities. It will be great, believe me! Here are some tips on this matter:

      • Record a song or album at home. Working in a studio may not be an option for you, but finding a free studio to record at is also possible.
      • Write a book, story or article. Yes, it can be very difficult to push all this into print through a large publishing house, but small publications will be much... more liberal.
      • Make a movie. There is every chance that you can make a film for pennies that will become a cult film, set new standards for the genre and enter the annals of world cinema. However, it is much more likely that you will simply perform successfully at a local film festival.
      • Discover your talent for something. If you are good at something, then announce it to the world! Yes, not every talent can make a living, but just making money is quite possible!

    Appeal to the inner self

    1. Create something. By creating, you get to know yourself. By creating something from scratch, you can see yourself reflected in the finished creation. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a beautiful painting or a durable table, every creator leaves a piece of himself in what he created with his hands. It is creation as a process that allows you to look very deeply into yourself, finding there qualities that can become sources of inspiration. Here are some tips on this matter:

    2. Do good. Helping your neighbors, and especially your neighbors in need, is a great way to look at life in a new way. Echo the goodness, and you will not only gradually solve problems that prevent you from achieving your goals, but also give those around you a lot of warmth, and also make the life of a person who is disadvantaged in some way much better.

      • The person for whom you are doing a good deed can be a complete stranger to you (for example, volunteer work in hospices and nursing homes), or someone you know. Helping someone else who is going through a difficult life episode will not only help you find inspiration, but also strengthen your friendship with him.
    3. Meditate. The benefits of meditation for anyone who wants to find inspiration have long been emphasized by all meditation practices, although scientists are not yet in a hurry to agree with them. However, despite the fact that the tangible effects of meditation are a controversial issue, its intangible effects are indisputable! Meditation calms, gives clarity of consciousness and thinking, it refreshes and gives new strength. Even 15-20 minutes of meditation a day can be very beneficial.

      • If you want to know the potential effects of meditation, simply sit quietly on the floor or bed with your back straight and legs crossed. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes, close your eyes, start breathing deeply and not think about anything, or focus on in a simple word, phrase or image until they lose their meaning. Yes, there are more advanced ways of meditation, but this one will do just fine.
      • Search additional information about how to meditate.
    4. Pray if you are a religious person. Prayer said in difficult times, guides and consoles, gives strength to cope with the problem and not fall into despair. Of course, how effective prayer will be depends on the strength of your faith, but let us emphasize that the prayer of a person strong in faith invariably inspires him, and the prayers of those who do not believe turn out to be just words that mean nothing and lead to nothing.


      • Don't get too carried away with motivational books. Yes, they are useful, but you don’t have to spend money on them to find inspiration!

« Where to find inspiration for creativity, work, personal practices, where to get ideas?” is one of the common questions I get asked. Today I will talk a little about this on my blog.

Creativity and inspiration go hand in hand in life. Many people understand the addiction: inspiration appears, the creative process starts. But more often the opposite happens: V creative process, inspiration is born in a creative impulse that takes you new creative path and gives rise to creative success.

Why are you looking for inspiration?

Inspiration is a special state of consciousness and body that gives new experiences. This is probably why there are “hunters” for inspiration.

Wikipedia describes inspiration as a state of highest elation, when the cognitive and emotional spheres of a person are connected and aimed at solving a creative problem. A person in a state of creative inspiration is, as it were, carried by a “flow”; he does not understand everything in his actions, he cannot always say how much time has passed (an hour, a day, a day). Often, being in a state of creative inspiration is associated with the emergence of insights and insights.

For many people, including me, inspiration is a resourceful state in which you want to stay for as long as possible. But life is cyclical, and inspiration tends to leave us and go on vacation for a while. If only it were possible download inspiration for every day, or buy, then what is the price of inspiration. But you can only tune in to it and create the conditions.

How can we make these “vacations” shorter? How can we invite inspiration to be a more frequent guest in our lives?

13 ways to get inspired

  1. Create your life approach your problems creatively right now. No, I’ll decide on this crazy act, I’ll wait for the right moment, and right now, today, I’ll do something different from usual. The act is crazy because the mind at that moment did not have time to turn on and evaluate right/wrong, good/bad, what they will think of me, etc. Take advantage of the lack of mind. I like to wake up early in the morning, because at this time my mind is still dormant and I can take advantage of this and surrender to the creative flow.
  2. Do something new in your life. Allow yourself to be a child. For example, buy colorful paints, paper and draw. Write. Sing. Dance. Don't judge your paintings, artwork, or the movements of your adult body. Watch the children. When the assessment of others is not yet important to them, they draw for themselves, sing for themselves, move for themselves. They are passionate about the process. They enjoy and rejoice. This is the state of consciousness that gives creativity. Creativity is a very multifaceted process. By arranging a “creative childhood” for yourself, you will be surprised to discover how new non-standard solutions come to you for your work, business, favorite activity, new solutions for home improvement, ideas for creative life generally. Note that this is entirely up to you. You don’t need to study specially for this now (if you don’t yet want to become a professional artist, singer or dancer). All you need for this is your desire, time and space.

    Give yourself the right permission for mistakes. The fear of making a mistake “freezes” any endeavors, fetters the body and prevents the creative flow from passing through you. Translate mistakes into life experience that you will rely on further.

    Rest. You shouldn’t get involved in the race and try to do everything. You will have time for yours. The quality of your sense of self is important, which over time will turn into the quantitative result of your activities. It is important to feel good both in body and soul. Good sleep, nutrition, fresh air, physical training are the key to mental resistance to stress and depression.

    Don't try to live, but live .There are no drafts in life like there are in school.

    Inspiration comes to us with a breath. That's why straighten your shoulders, open your chest and breathe deeply.

    Review responsibilities and obligations what you carry on your back. Remove everything that is not yours from your life. Let your wings spread again.

    Watch movies , read books, visit interesting exhibitions.

    Create your own creative space , in which you are comfortable.

    Connect with people who are interesting and inspiring to you.

    Take action. Creativity is the movement of energy through your consciousness, hands, body. Through your entire being. Don't let this force stagnate inside your vessel. This is not a wine that requires aging.

    “Inspiration is the kind of guest that does not like to visit the lazy”

    P. I. Tchaikovsky

    Keep a notepad and pen nearby at all times to have time to write down your discoveries and ideas for implementation.

    It will give you strength and energy, in the flow of which your ideas and inspiration for their implementation will come to you.

Inspiration is always nearby.

Open the door for him, tune in to his wavelength and accept new ideas.

What inspires you?

The main element of creativity, a great desire to create, is inspiration. Many call it a stimulus for activity. Psychologists explain this phenomenon as a mental state that increases a person’s emotionality. In other words, we become more active, experience joy and delight, and are inspired by something. All this happens for a reason. This unusual activity helps improve thinking, trains memory and “turns on” the imagination. But a person does not always manage to maintain such a state. What to do in this case, where to find inspiration?

Why do you need inspiration anyway?

A person full of emotions and sensations creates things in a different way, in a more high level than he does normally. Inspiration cannot be touched, but it can be easily felt. It's like hidden potential that's lurking. This is the flawless execution of all creative tasks. In this state, a person gives birth to new, unique and brilliant ideas, and finds answers to any questions that were previously very difficult to solve.

Today, such a state is also called flow, i.e. when a person is literally carried away by a stormy stream of thoughts. In this state, the goal is always achieved. We often call it this: “something came over me.” This is the very flow of inspiration. Even in ancient times, a goddess appeared, beautiful, with a very subtle soul - a muse. Very often people replace this word with “muse”. We don’t see her, but we feel her, because this goddess comes from above. She comes on her own; it is impossible to call her or force her to appear. But if a muse comes to you, don’t miss your chance and create. It is needed not only by poets and artists. Everyone needs it, because it is a universal thing for any profession. All this is important for life, for idealizing the “picture” of the world.

To find the most important condition, you need to divide everything into points.

  1. Favorite activity. Believe me, if you do what you love, you don’t even need to call the muse. A hobby that immerses you headlong is the very feeling that many people seek throughout their lives. Therefore, if you have a chance to do what you love, then under no circumstances miss this opportunity. Every day there is a new unique idea, full of masterpieces, interesting solutions and unusual options development. They say correctly that favorite activity encourages a person to work, set goals and achieve them. There are times when a hobby becomes boring, you want to take a break, and temporarily forget about what has always been a piece of inspiration. There is no need to be scared here, this is a normal reaction of the body. Every person needs a little rest to gather strength and thoughts. Distraction, as a rule, takes several days, and then the soul itself will ask you to do what you love again. The muse will never leave you, it will always be there.
  2. Environment. Another main source– these are the people around you. These could be family and friends, friends with acquaintances or work colleagues. People are completely different from each other, despite the fact that they may love the same music or style of clothing. But everyone looks at the same problem differently. The environment nourishes a person, gives him strength and energy, and at the same time inspiration. So, for example, you may struggle with a project at work for several months, pore over it for hours and not know how to solve it. But someone will come to you and give you an idea that you couldn't think of on your own. This is the very inspiration in the person of a work colleague. And then the work will go uphill, and things will improve. Also, if you look for a long time at those people who work and work, then you can involuntarily do what you love. In other words, vigorous activity gives rise to a certain reflex in a person, which is responsible for the thought process and hard work. Inspiration comes to the rescue, which does not let a person go and tells him to do useful things.
  3. Independent development. In order to constantly develop and achieve incredible heights, it is very important to take care of yourself, learn new things every day, and study. And this is always helped by inspiration, which comes and gives a person new food for thought. From here, new problems arise in your head that you want to solve, invent something, and most importantly, strive for more and good things. That's why you don't need to stop there, because only in this case you can achieve a lot.
  4. This includes smart books, and educational films, and high-quality music, and instructive quotes. Sometimes a good movie can motivate a person to change his life better side. Books, as a rule, help us set ourselves all the most necessary tasks that need to be completed on time. All this motivation is inspiration, without which it is impossible to live in the world. Do you feel that you are very tired at work, you give up, you want to give up everything? Then, try to calm yourself down with your favorite music, which motivates, gives strength, and gives an excellent dose of ideas that will make you want to take on the once boring job again.
  5. Alcohol. This is perhaps not the most wonderful option for inspiration to knock on your door again, but sometimes you can afford to drink a bottle of good wine or champagne. Nobody talks about getting drunk. The muse comes at a moment when the brain is relaxed. For example, be sure to come home from work and allow yourself a glass of delicious red Italian wine, after which your body will relax and a pleasant aftertaste will remain in your throat. It is in this state that the very muse that many dream about comes to a person. By the way, all musicians, artists and even singers sometimes resort to a similar method in order to “catch” inspiration and create a new song or paint a picture. Also, exactly 50 grams of cognac is enough to stimulate the capabilities of our brain.
  6. Yoga and meditation. An endless stream of inspiration literally pours out on a person at the moment when the mind is as open as possible, namely when. To do this, you do not need to enroll in school and attend classes in the morning. It is enough just to devote 15-20 minutes daily to yourself, to be distracted from problems, not to think at all, to empty your head. This is called relaxation, when the body rests, meditation begins. As soon as you begin to control your body, a certain flow will open. The state of an open mind constantly attracts all the most incredible things into life.
  7. Silence and tranquility. You may not believe it, but silence helps a person find inspiration. Sometimes, in order to gain strength, you just need to listen to silence. Every day a person hears more than 1000 sounds: from a car alarm to a child crying, from a dog barking to water dripping. All this noise overstrains the brain, very often the pressure rises, and the head just hurts. That’s why silence has become a real paradise for a person, because when you don’t hear anything, your brain rests. If you devote 5-7 minutes to silence every day, the muse will come several times more often than usual. By the way, if you think in silence, then this is no longer silence, but loneliness, when a person thinks alone with himself. Try to turn off your thoughts and internal dialogue.
  8. Love and feelings. Perhaps the most common way for inspiration to knock on the door and enter without an invitation. In order for the muse to come, just try to fall in love, so that it is sincere, strong and real. If love for a person lives in your soul, then this feeling will begin to overwhelm and burn pleasantly. How many people in the world are there who, out of love, begin to write poetry and compose stories, having never done this before. This state gives a person warmth, happiness, euphoria, dizziness and rewards with a powerful charge of positivity and creativity. That's why I want to create so much, no matter what. It seems that there is no more pleasant state than sincere and pure love to a person.
  9. Clean air and nature. Sometimes, in order to find inspiration, it is enough to go outside and take a deep breath of fresh air. clean air, look at nature and gain new strength and energy. Nature is considered one of the main sources for this condition. Go somewhere that is very beautiful. This could be a mountainous area where there is complete silence, incredible fresh air and beautiful fog, or, conversely, a bustling town full of beautiful buildings, cultural monuments and parks. All this is very inspiring and influences a person.
  10. Trips. If you like the above point, but want to relax your soul and body, then it’s best to travel. Go to a country that has long aroused your sympathy. Remember that any change of place of residence, even for such short term, helps to find inspiration, charges with incredible energy and gives maximum quantity strength It doesn't matter what kind of terrain it will be. The main thing is that you feel good and that your soul and body rest.
  11. Smile and laugh. Do you think we're just laughing? But no! It has been scientifically proven that laughter not only extends a person’s life by several years, but also brings inspiration. Even if a smile does not lead to a brilliant idea or conclusion, laughter will always set a person up for nothing but positivity - and from here, as a rule, a great state arises. When a person is happy and glad, this does not close him in, and, therefore, the way is open to the muse.
  12. Turn to God. This point applies to those people who believe in Higher powers who prays and considers himself a real believer. Religion helps to live, it does not allow believers to give up, always filling the soul with hope and faith in the best. There is even a special prayer for inspiration to come, and this definitely helps. Either this is self-hypnosis or prayer, and it really works. Many people attend church to gain strength, cleanse themselves, and leave the room refreshed.

Main Sources of Human Inspiration

Be sure to be active person to find your inspiration. Do not be closed under any circumstances, open your soul and your inner world so that the muse gets hooked and stays with you forever. Here are the main sources:

  • the endless beauty of nature and its sounds;
  • classical literature, original paintings;
  • relationship with your beloved man/girl, words of love;
  • communication and games with young children;
  • conversations with experienced and smart people who has seen a lot in life;
  • new unexplored places on our planet;
  • doing something that has not been tried before, something unusual and unusual for a person;
  • studying foreign languages;
  • listening to your favorite music that doesn’t get boring;
  • nostalgia in photographs, video files and notes that you want to review every time.

How not to lose inspiration?

  1. Be less upset and think about trifles. It’s very difficult to tune in if all sorts of thoughts pop into your head: they can be either stupid or overly smart. Remember that “background” thoughts are not necessary to maintain inspiration. Sometimes you need to completely empty your head to hear the voice of your favorite muse.
  2. Strong emotions. It is not necessary to react violently to a certain situation. It is enough to be internally surprised and note to yourself that you like it for inspiration to appear. Sometimes, too strong emotions overwhelm a person, so much so that complete disorientation of actions occurs for several minutes, and at this time a muse may come who will understand that she has nothing to do next to the person, because he is not only overwhelmed with feelings, but also emotions flow over the edge. Try to have control over yourself.
  3. Strong motivation. There is nothing wrong with motivation, but if there is too much of it, then a person may simply not see or notice the inspiration that he has been striving for so long and persistently. Be sure to watch yourself and what you do.

The best exercises for inspiration

  1. If you really love photography or creating interesting pictures, then reconsider everything that you once did. You probably have a portfolio folder on your laptop where you put all the frames and pictures you took with the editor. Every time you look at what you once did, inspiration awakens, which will prompt you to new creativity. This is how you can take up photography again if it once became uninteresting in an instant.
  2. You can’t even imagine what a significant role music plays in a person’s life. Even if you write articles while sitting at the computer and turn on a melodic track, you can “move mountains.” Favorite music has always been a real muse that encourages a person to create brilliant masterpieces.
  3. If you read every day classical literature at least 5 pages, then you can be 80% sure that inspiration will certainly come. Constant reading famous writers allows a person not to leave his creative flow. So, for example, best works recommended reading are “The Master and Margarita”, “Sister Carrie”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “The Great Gatsby”.
  4. It never hurts to fantasize about what you would like. For example, close your eyes and imagine your dream car. But after the object of desire appears in front of you, set goals that you need to overcome in order to achieve this very car. Each desire must be justified by a number of significant tasks that you will have to solve.

Never miss an opportunity to catch inspiration. This is the very feeling that inspires a person, gives incredible energy and gives a stream of endless great thoughts. The muse does not knock on the door and does not ask permission to enter the house. She comes when she wants it. And you need to always be prepared for such a visit. Why not make sure that this feeling stays with you forever? To do this, it is only important to stop at any of the above points that suits you best.