Is it possible to help an alcoholic? Arm yourself with traditional medicine

Stop drinking if he doesn't want to? Such patients will never agree that they need professional help. There are many methods of conditions. One of them is to convince an alcoholic that he is addicted to alcohol as a drug addict, the other is to add special medicines or folk remedies to food without his knowledge, the third is to instill a fear of dying.

If you find that your loved one drinks alcohol too often, how can you help an alcoholic? Don't expect this to go away on its own. It is necessary to take action immediately before it is too late.


If you manage to convince the poor guy to get treatment, offer your help so that he feels supported. Visit him more often, let him know that you believe in him and will not leave him alone with his problem.


  1. If talking doesn’t help, you can intimidate the alcoholic and instill in him the fear of death. The method, of course, is contradictory, but what to do, you need to try everything.
  2. Talk about how often people who drink to the limit drive themselves to suicide, or about cases where a person gets into an accident while drunk and ultimately dies from cirrhosis of the liver or cardiac arrest.

Don’t despair, besides negotiations, there are other methods to help an alcoholic give up the bottle.

How to help an alcoholic if he refuses treatment? In this case, you can make it so that everything alcoholic drinks the patient will hate it.

How to help an alcoholic if he refuses treatment?

There are many medicines and decoctions that can be used without his knowledge. When they are used together with alcohol, a process occurs in the body, after which the alcoholic becomes very sick, vomits, the taste of vodka or wine changes, the head “splits” terribly, that is, the person feels even worse than after a regular hangover. You need to tell the doctor everything you know about the patient’s health problems. Special decoctions and infusions require careful use. Prepare them yourself, strictly following the recipe. Any mistakes can lead to severe intoxication, even death. Medication methods that cure alcoholism include drugs:

  • Clonidine
  • Esperal
  • Colma
  • Teturam

and many more. They act on an alcoholic in much the same way as decoctions and infusions. But using them without first consulting a doctor is not permissible. There are many more folk remedies to help you get out of binge drinking at home. The most common are:

  • decoctions of thyme and St. John's wort,
  • tincture of oats, puppeteer,
  • decoction of European hoofed grass,
  • dung mushroom,
  • decoction of bearberry, oats and calendula,
  • lovage root with bay leaf.

Before using such drugs, you must consult a narcologist!

This is not the entire list folk remedies from drunkenness. In order for these drugs to enter the alcoholic’s body, they will have to be added to food or drink without his knowledge. As an option, you can turn to witch doctors, healers, sorcerers... It is your right to trust all these people or not, because there are cases when alcoholics stopped drinking after their help. But still, be extremely careful. When all methods do not help, there remains an extreme, but very effective measure - coding.

Coding from drunkenness

One of the coding techniques is to sew ampoules with substances under the skin. This method has been successfully used for more than 60 years. The following drugs are very effective in treating an alcoholic:

  • Torpedo,
  • Esperal.

They do not have any particularly negative health effects. But if the patient wants to drink even one sip of alcoholic potion, the medicine will block the functions of many body systems, decomposing alcohol into water and carbon dioxide. This significantly increases the amount of acetone in the blood and leads to complex consequences. Only the fear of death keeps an alcoholic from his desires. Coding is also a kind of “treatment without the knowledge of the patient.” As you can see, there are many methods and methods. For any advanced case, there is one that is truly effective.

Chronic alcoholism has literally become the scourge of recent decades. As a rule, the alcoholic himself and his family, who painfully seek a way out of the current situation, suffer from addiction.

3 stages of alcoholism

The disease does not develop overnight. It all starts with everyday drunkenness, and the first stage can be set when alcohol is consumed regularly and the gag reflex is lost in case of an overdose. The second symptom of the onset of the disease is systematic memory loss. The third is the absence of aversion to alcohol on the second day. The fourth is an increase in the amount of alcohol tolerated, an expansion of the individual norm.

In the second stage, a person drinks almost constantly, and the amount drunk increases. The patient is aware of his addiction, but he is almost unable to fight it. As a rule, in a state of intoxication he achieves his greatest performance. Memory lapses become more and more obvious, and the next morning after drinking you feel a powerful hangover.

On last stage The disease can cause the death of an alcoholic. Most often this happens due to delirium tremens or heart failure. If a person does not die, then he degrades psychologically, physically and socially.

Is it possible to contact healers?

Alcoholism is a serious disease that completely changes a person’s personality. It is usually useless to contact healers and whispering grandmothers here. Traditional medicine also practically does not work. All sorts of miraculous drugs that supposedly help relieve addiction to alcohol are a bluff.

Alcoholism has psychological, subconscious roots. Most often, the problem is associated with the inability to realize one's potential or with deep personal traumas. What is important here is the help of a qualified narcologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, as well as the correct drug treatment, which at first will help reduce dependence on the chemical components of alcoholic beverages.

Treatment of alcoholism in a drug treatment clinic

When dealing with alcoholism, it is worth considering that in advanced cases, successful treatment is only possible in medical institutions. During inpatient therapy, the patient is protected from negative impact familiar environment, which has a beneficial effect on the possibility of healing. It is best to trust your life and health to true professionals in their field. For example, the Renaissance drug treatment clinic is a place where just such doctors work. Here the patient will receive highly qualified assistance at any stage of the disease, will be taken out of binge drinking and will be helped to cope with the disease forever.

According to the editors of the site, it is especially important that relatives of a patient with alcoholism realize that although it is almost impossible to force an alcoholic to begin treatment, his recovery directly depends on the support of others.
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Alcoholism is a family disease. This sounds a little strange: how can it be a family affair if only one person in the family drinks? But, nevertheless, this is exactly the case: if there is one addict in the family, this disease - alcoholism - affects not only him, but also everyone who is nearby.

Without noticing it, the entire family of the alcoholic begins to subordinate their entire existence to alcohol. Remember how many times your weekend plans were canceled due to the fact that husband, drunken alcoholic, got drunk again? How many years have you not gone on vacation because you are afraid that son is an alcoholic burn/drink the apartment? Watch your own mood: is it true that it deteriorates greatly if he is “high again”, and gets better if he suddenly remains sober today? Or maybe you yourself started drinking just so that “he would get less”? And if there are small children in the family, then, as a rule, they firmly know that if dad comes back drunk again, it is better to sit in his room and not show himself to anyone: there will be a scandal. And you can’t talk about it out loud, because mom never says “dad got drunk.” She says “Dad is tired.” That is, he lies all the time and thinks that children do not understand anything. And they understand, rest assured. And it’s a shame to invite guests into the house - what if he gets drunk again and puts you in an awkward position? Sound familiar? This is exactly what it is" family disease alcoholism", otherwise - codependency. The whole family is sick because they live according to their Everyday life not by love and common sense, but by the state of an active alcoholic living in this family….

Surely, since you visited this site and are reading these lines, you have already asked the question what to do if your husband is an alcoholic, or how to help an alcoholic stop drinking. These are natural questions: it is very painful and scary to sit with your hands folded while a loved one (or once loved one, but now just a close one) dies next to you. Perhaps even you have already tried many ways to force an addict to achieve sobriety, but all efforts have gone to waste. This is also natural, for the simple reason that it is impossible to force someone to stop drinking. This decision should be made only by those who suffer from alcoholism and no one else. You can give ultimatums thousands of times, forcefully take you away and lock you up in drug treatment institutions, or deprive you of money and take away your keys. Be sure that the alcoholic will sweep away all obstacles in his path in order to find the desired dose of alcohol. And if he needs to step over you, your life and the lives of your children, don’t be surprised. He will be able to step over. Not because he is a vile and a bastard, but because he is very sick. And until you begin to treat alcoholism as a disease, you will not be able to help an alcoholic.

However, we do not want to leave you in a desperate situation: there are time-tested and time-tested recommendations for relatives and friends of alcoholics.

The limits of your responsibility for an alcoholic

Let's start with "rules of three NOTs", which are well known to those who attend self-help groups for relatives of alcoholics:

  1. You can't control your drinking. The mind of an alcoholic is so resourceful that he will find a way to get drunk, no matter how hard you try to control him. His entire existence is subordinated to getting the next dose of alcohol. As long as you stand between the alcoholic and his bottle, you are his enemy. When you step aside, you will give him a chance to see who (or rather, what) is his real enemy.
  2. You cannot cure your loved one's binge drinking. Even if you are a drug addict. Specifically, you cannot, because no doctor can treat his relatives. Other narcologists may be able to help him. You are not. Stop trying.
  3. It's not your fault. This is probably the most important thing that relatives of addicted people need to hear. It's not your fault, even if it's your husband, your brother or your child . It is not your fault. Anyone can become an alcoholic, regardless of upbringing, heredity, control in childhood and other circumstances. You loved him the best you could and did what you could for him. You weren't able to do more for him than you did. You are not responsible for the actions of an alcoholic and should not accept the consequences of these actions. Moreover: you think that you are saving him, although in fact, by taking responsibility for yourself, you are drowning him even more in this swamp.

And now recommendations: son/daughter/husband/wife/father/mother is an alcoholic. What to do

So, first thing. Stop “saving” him/her

Many relatives of an alcoholic develop “rescuer syndrome”: they lie to the alcoholic’s superiors, covering for him and thereby smoothing out the consequences of his irresponsible behavior; they lie to loved ones, often hiding from them what is happening in the family. They “finance” the booze in one way or another: they feed him, despite the fact that he has not contributed his money to the family budget for a long time, they buy him clothes, pay his debts, buy back from the pawnshop the things that he sold there to buy booze, and the next day the alcoholic again takes these things to the pawnshop... That is, they create all the conditions so that the alcoholic does not think about anything else except getting the next dose of alcohol. And some even buy alcohol themselves, citing the fact that “it’s better to drink something normal than poison.” Remember: for an alcoholic, any alcohol is poison. Poison cannot be “normal”, no matter how much it costs or what it consists of. And binge alcoholism does not become easier or more severe depending on what the alcoholic drinks.

So: the first step is to do everything possible to stop participating in alcoholism financially, to stop sponsoring alcoholism. Stop saving an alcoholic from the consequences of his drunkenness: after all, if he is not even aware of these consequences, he has no one chance stop drinking: he thinks everything is fine! That he has a loving and caring wife, an understanding boss who forgives everything, a bunch of family friends who don’t even know about his problems (and if no one knows about them, then it’s as if they don’t exist), and a TV that every time miraculously returned from the pawn shop! Life is not a fairy tale! Why stop drinking? Step aside - let the consequences finally come into his life, no matter how painful they may be. For an alcoholic to want to quit drinking, he must be at the bottom, but he cannot be there if you always throw him a life preserver. To the question “is it necessary to help an alcoholic avoid the consequences of his behavior?” The clear answer is NO. However, an alcoholic is a sick person, and still needs your help, but not this kind. Which one - read on.

Second. Stop lying: to yourself and others

When you lie to everyone around you that everything is fine, everyone will most likely still guess that you are in trouble, but they can’t help you. While you are in denial, help cannot find you. By the way, in this you are very similar to an alcoholic: he also denies that he has problems, doesn’t he? Start with yourself: stop indulging in your family illness and try to remove lies from your life step by step. At all. It's scary and difficult, but quitting drinking, believe me, is no easier. The path to a sober and healthy life must be overcome on two sides, and someone must break vicious circle. Even if an alcoholic decides to take the path of sobriety, it will be very difficult for him to recover in a family where the symptoms of the family illness have not yet been eliminated. Lying is one of these symptoms.

Third. Live and let others live

Stop denying yourself everything and forbidding yourself to live, throw off the yoke of a sufferer: your life is only your life, and only you choose whether to be a victim in it, or happy man. Buy new things for yourself, leave the house more often to do pleasant things, revive old connections with friends and meet them, take care of your health: it has probably been weakened for a long time. long years living with an alcoholic. When you're in last time Have you been to the doctor? In gym? On holiday? To the cinema? Take the alcoholic off the pedestal and finally put yourself first: believe me, better help Can't be an alcoholic! Leave him alone and let him taste the full consequences of his use; if you have the opportunity to leave, leave, if not forever, then at least for a while. Take a break to recover - you will always have time to return. But stop wasting your life being an alcoholic's crutch. The longer you are, the less likely it is that he will ever learn to stand on his own.

Fourth. Learn to ask for help and accept help

Don’t isolate yourself: inside you there is no answer to the question “what to do if your husband is an alcoholic” - everything that your own mind could give you, you have already tried, but the problem remains. You are now part of this crazy merry-go-round of denial called alcoholism, and in order to get out of the vicious cycle, you need the firm helping hand of someone who knows how you were tortured by your alcoholic husband, and what to do in this situation. Find Al-Anon self-help groups for relatives of alcoholics in your city (for example, by looking at the group schedule on the official Al-Anon community website, writing them a letter, or calling them at the phone numbers listed on the website). If you do not live in Moscow, do not despair, Al-Anon groups are held throughout Russia and it is very likely that they already exist in your city. At these groups, relatives of alcoholics share with each other their experience of recovery from a family illness - codependency - and together look for a way out of difficult situations. In any case, you will find warmth and understanding here - something that you have been deprived of for many years, being left alone with your misfortune. Membership in Al-Anon is anonymous and free, which, you see, is very useful if there is an alcoholic in the family. Of course, there are paid help options: for example, . It doesn’t matter how - start looking for help for yourself, and thereby provide invaluable help to your loved one.

And fifth. Do not despair. Help is available

And for you - and for him. And there are many options for this help. Despite the fact that alcoholism, as we have repeated many times on our website, is an incurable, chronic and fatal disease, it can be stopped! But you have to start with yourself - stop your own disease - codependency. How to stop drinking forever - let your loved one think! At least at the initial stage. Believe that as long as you are codependent, there will be an alcoholic next to you. Or a drug addict. If not this one, then another one. Not another, but a third. Simply because you will attract them: while you are sick, you are attractive only to sick people like yourself. In addition, only by being a sensible person can you provide truly useful help to your loved one. He is very sick, and he no doubt needs your help, but while you yourself are in bad condition, you cannot provide it. Therefore, the first step towards recovery for the whole family is your personal recovery, which you can start with .

Take care of yourself! And call us: we work around the clock and can advise you on questions and services medical care for withdrawal from binge drinking, and we also have a developed one for their family members. Our psychotherapists are ready to work with both you and your addicted loved ones. Our priority is the health of the whole family. Our practice shows that the recovery of one alcoholic is less effective than the recovery of all members of the addict’s family. Don't be left out.

If you are reading this article, then you definitely need helpful information about methods and means of combating alcoholism. Perhaps you will see something in common in our methods of dealing with this disease and your cases. We will be happy to provide advisory, treatment and rehabilitation assistance. Our only condition is to follow all recommendations of the treating staff.

An integrated approach to treatment and consultation:

Is it possible to stop drinking: we will tell you how to do it!

Once you understand the concept of alcoholism, you will understand that it is necessary to use comprehensive measures, rather than isolated and isolated ones. Only comprehensive treatment for alcoholism can provide effective results and return the addicted person’s interest in life.

Quitting drinking is easy!!! It's hard to stay sober later!!!

An easy way to stop drinking: how to stop drinking on your own

We describe five ways to help an alcoholic, but by treatment we mean step-by-step implementation of all recommendations. You can help in different ways: you can ease the pain of physical addiction, or you can help them learn to live soberly. You can also solve all problems in dependent person in the hope that he will appreciate this tin and stop drinking. But alas, alcoholism is a disease, and until a person comes to his senses, it is useless to pull him by the hand into a bright future.

Consulting relatives about

how to stop drinking alcohol

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How can a woman stop drinking?

Women who are alcoholics deny the problem even more. There is a separate article on female alcoholism on our website, and if you have any questions, you can get advice from a hotline specialist. Psychological methods help does not separate women and men and everyone can be helped. Significant differences in treatment are different wards in drug treatment clinics, and as for rehabilitation centers, as a rule they are mixed, but if you wish, you can choose an all-female center.

How to help an alcoholic quit drinking: teach him to live soberly!

1. Stop feeling sorry for the alcoholic

This happens in many families where there is a problem with alcoholism, and especially if the alcoholic is already an adult and the problem is already obvious for a long time. A dependent person gets used to the role of a victim, and one of the codependent relatives gets used to the role of a savior. Moreover, the forms of rescue are far from being rescue actions. In this case, a codependent person saves himself more from the so-called consequences and troubles that a dependent relative causes. At this stage, it is easier to buy a bottle of vodka than to see how an alcoholic “suffers” from his own alcoholism. Relatives feel sorry for such “unlucky people” and already also believe in the incurability of alcoholism or agree with his far-fetched and illusory reasons why he drinks. They agree to all manipulations and create all the conditions for continued drunkenness. The reason for everything is destructive pity, and in fact cowardice and inability to solve one’s problems. It is necessary to learn, with the help of a psychologist, the elements of “tough” love and create some kind of crisis for the alcoholic, in which he will accept help and agree to the necessary treatment, and not behave as he is used to.

2.Create a motivational crisis

As a rule, when communicating with an addicted person, many use persuasion, a raised tone when conveying information, severity and threats to change everything. Keyword here it is precisely “threats”, since they are rarely or never realized. An alcoholic develops immunity to your intimidation and threats; the alcoholic is accustomed to you and your actions, which are predictable for him. If for normal person a raised tone of voice is a signal for action and change, then for an alcoholic this is nothing more than just intimidation, and he is convinced that he can change you, and you will do as he wants. An experienced psychologist will help you create a motivational crisis. Comprehensive treatment of alcoholism is a common task that involves both the family and the treating staff.

For an addicted person, there must come a moment of understanding and accepting the seriousness of the situation. His thought should be something like this: “That’s it, they’re not joking.” The alcoholic must see changes in you, and only then will he think and talk not about how to drink, but about the fact that something needs to be done.



3.Training on standards sober life and rehabilitation centers

Training in sober living is carried out by psychological rehabilitation centers, whose tasks are entirely aimed at changing the attitude of addicts towards social aspects alcoholism. Systematic drunkenness forms certain habits, and evidence of this is the habit of manipulating relatives in favor of one’s illness. They no longer drink because they want to, but because they see no other way out of the current situation. Maybe they are simply afraid to admit the reality of their alcoholism. In any case, these defense mechanisms prevent the transition to a sober life. The task of psychologists at the rehabilitation center is to return the addicted person to a full life in society.

Rehabilitation of alcoholics is also treatment, but treatment psychological dependence, not physical. Treatment of physical addiction is only the first stage; these are drug treatment clinics and dispensaries, where they help you get rid of binge drinking and help with hangovers.

And now the same alcoholic leaves the drug treatment clinic, and what do you think happens next? As a rule, another binge. Anyone can stop drinking, another question is, for how long? But only a few people manage to stay sober their entire lives. And it is for this purpose that rehabilitation centers form the habit of being and remaining sober, relying on one’s sanity and a conscious decision to change one’s life.

4.Narcological clinics

Undoubtedly, this is the first thing that needs to be done, because in a deranged state and with exacerbations chronic diseases no one dares to take a person and start working with him within the framework of a psychological rehabilitation program. The main thing is to create motivation for comprehensive treatment before entering a drug treatment clinic or during the detoxification procedure. Alcoholics are very fickle and may refuse further treatment in rehabilitation, as soon as physical state will come back to normal. This is where relatives need to carefully read the first and second points and not give themselves the opportunity to manipulate themselves. An alternative to coding today is rehabilitation programs. During coding, abstinence from alcohol occurs, which is based on fears and not on common sense. Coding helps some alcohol addicts, and maybe even for some it is the only option, but if you want to help a person heal, and not simply “hammer” the motives of your actions into a corner of your consciousness, this is not your method.

5. Alcoholics Anonymous

AA is a community for people who have made the decision to be and stay sober. These are free groups that hold meetings about recovery. AA meetings are held in most major cities of Russia. The only condition is the desire to stop drinking. Detailed information You can find it on the official website of Alcoholics Anonymous in your city.

Remember that each case is individual, and there is no single method that suits everyone. If you need advice, please contact us and we will definitely help you stop drinking

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Help a drinking person stop drinking: independently at home, in a hospital clinic. What to choose?

We decided to write a conclusion for those who read the article to the end and really want to close person quit drinking. Methods of assistance for alcoholism are naturally individual, and before providing assistance, it is necessary to consult not only with the alcoholic himself, but also with his relatives. The most effective treatment program begins with relatives and especially in cases where the alcoholic does not want to be treated and continues to drink. ,