Boris Krasnov: The doctors did not give a single chance that I would survive! The artist Boris Krasnov, accused in an extortion case, returned to Russia Krasnov in a wheelchair.

While visiting Pugacheva, the famous set designer develops a beastly appetite

While visiting Pugacheva, the famous stage designer develops a beastly appetite

I have known Boris KRASNOV since the mid-90s. Like many of his friends, I was shocked when three and a half years ago the famous production designer was unexpectedly detained and faced with serious charges. Allegedly, he was part of a group of people who extorted 100 percent of the shares of the authorized capital from the Inconnect company, which organized exhibitions. Krasnov faced up to 15 years in prison. During the investigation, he was released by the court on bail of 5 million rubles. But literally two weeks later he was struck down by a severe stroke. Since then, information about him has been extremely scanty and fragmentary. Like, he was in a coma, then he was transported abroad...

When I managed to reach him a year ago, Boris said that he had already returned to Moscow, was continuing treatment and, as soon as the doctors allowed, he would be the first to give an interview to me. To Boris's credit, he kept his word.

And so I go into his office in the brainchild he created - the Forum Hall celebration hall. Krasnov When he meets me, he cheers up and takes a few steps, leaning on his cane. His assistant Sergei insures him.

- Of course, readers are primarily interested in your health!- Thank you, I am recovering slowly. I can walk, though, with difficulty. Left hand not yet in working order. I had a right-sided stroke, so most of the problems were with my left arm and leg. By the way, if it were left-handed, we wouldn’t be talking now. Fortunately, the memory was not affected either. I'm having fun here - I ask my assistant to name me any football team from the USSR football champions and easily name all the players, including the substitutes.

Well, with your rhythm of life, you got off easy. I remember how you worked. Almost no days off. Have you been to a sanatorium at least once in your life?

What a sanatorium! Jumped up at six in the morning - and go! My family and friends all asked me: “Slow down!” Mikhail Tanich , may the kingdom of heaven be upon him, on each of my birthdays he wrote an epigram: “Krasnov is a thing in speed somewhere between the speed of sound and the speed of light.” Or here’s another: “There was no order twice, and Borya was at home twice. / How can I check this libel? And by the number of children!” I practically did not take care of my health. I smoked two packs a day. I drank 35 cups of coffee... - I know that in difficult times Pugacheva provided you with great moral support. You have special relationship with Alla Borisovna? - Yes, we have, as they say, a creative romance. Anything happened between us. It happened that my scenery was destroyed with a microphone. One minute she likes everything, but after a couple of minutes she screams - redo everything. It seems to me that sometimes Alla is unpredictable to herself. We still often call her back. A month ago we had dinner together - at her home, with Maxim, in their castle. You know, it’s an amazing thing - Alla, no matter where she lives, has such an atmosphere in her house that she eats very well, she’s just overcome with some kind of hunger! Whatever she cooked, I always swallowed it right away! Very tasty! By the way, I ate her cooking not only at her place, but also at my place. I noticed that Alla is not always serious when it comes to cooking. I remember a long time ago they came to see me with Sergei Chelobanov spontaneously. Alla took everything that was in the refrigerator, poured it into a pan, threw cheese on top, and when it melted, please bring it to the table - the dish is ready. And she dedicated it to me and Chelobanov... By the way, a month ago I saw her and Max’s children for the first time. They are simply wonderful! This is some kind of fantasy - I have never seen such a resemblance: Garik is just a copy of Max. Facial expression, eyes, lips, nose - one to one. Such a serious boy. And Lisa is just a doll, such a blonde with a pink bow and curly long hair.

- Did you give anything to the children?

Of course, but how? Garik - a car-bicycle. You press the button and it takes you. And Liza has this big thing: you press it and something plays, beeps, crows, speaks English. But most of all she was delighted to see a doll that brushes its teeth. You know, watching Alla look with great tenderness at her two angels - Garik and Lisa, I thought that, probably, only now, perhaps, for the first time, she truly felt what it's like to be a mother. At one time, when Christina was growing up, she had a monstrous touring schedule, she was constantly running around with concerts. I also couldn’t devote much time to my grandchildren. And only now he spends as much time with the kids as necessary, and gets tremendous pleasure. I recently organized a prank for the guests. Guests on his birthday (January 22, Krasnov turned 54 years old. - OK. ) reported that during his illness he constantly watched news abroad. And one piece of news struck me so much that my head turned around and I, they say, began to engage in something unusual for me - writing songs. And he dedicated one of them to Alla and Max. It comes out here Natalie and sings: “Oh God, what a man, I want a son from you. And a daughter!” Everyone burst out laughing.

Oh, I remembered! Borya Moiseev told me: when he had a stroke, the cutlets that Alla Borisovna personally fried for him and brought to his ward helped him a lot!

This is true. And many people helped me too. Although, of course, I don’t remember well the first time after the stroke - I was in a coma for too long, almost three months. Borya, as far as I know, was not in a coma. That’s also probably why it’s taking me so long to recover now. My wife became my guardian angel - she did not leave the bed for a minute. And without a doubt mine best friend and partner - Konstantin Petrov, for which I am very grateful to him. When the doctors were asked what the percentage chance was that I would live, they shrugged: none. Special thanks, first of all, to Russian doctors. In particular, to the head of the neuroreanimation unit of the clinic where I was hospitalized - Pavel Härkenen.After I came out of the coma, it was decided to continue treatment abroad. At first it was a clinic in Germany - I spent six months there. Forecasts German doctors were disappointing. They said that I would not only never be able to walk, but even sit in a chair. But I still did not lose heart - I continued to believe in a miracle.

After another six months, we were advised to change the clinic. I was brought to Montreux, Switzerland, on a stretcher. Every day I worked for many hours with physiotherapists - by the way, they are all Portuguese, very good specialists who literally force the patient to get up. Nothing moved, not even my feet.

When I started moving my legs and shoulders, it was my first victory. Then he learned to get out of bed and transfer to a wheelchair. The pain was terrible, as if everything were grinding you into two. But after a few months I took the first step. For almost three years, being treated in Western clinics without insurance would have been unthinkable without the financial support of friends, and besides this, for example, Joseph Kobzon And Alla Pugacheva helped to find good specialists. They visited me in a Swiss clinic Valera Syutkin, Igor Krutoy, Sasha Fayfman. My beloved mother and father also often visited, creating a truly homely environment for me.

The investigation is over, forget it!

I think these terrible accusations of extorting a controlling stake from the Inconnect company, which all the newspapers wrote about at that time, could also affect your health...

Rather, it became a kind of finishing point. After all, before this we had an incredibly difficult project - preparing the Russian Pavilion for the World EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. Among five hundred exhibitions in terms of attendance, our pavilion took first place and second place for the best presentation of the topic “ Better city - better life" It's like winning the Grand Prix at the Oscars. But, despite such enchanting success, there were constantly some groundless attacks from some media that drove me into a frenzy - they were so unfair and dishonest. And this story with my alleged participation in extortion... Of course, it was terribly offensive that I, a person who had done so much for the USSR and Russia over 35 years, organized many of its landmark projects, fifty percent of which were at the government level, was accused of which I didn't do.

For the first time in my life I found myself in the unusual role of a suspect! Naturally, I was internally wounded by all this injustice; I wouldn’t wish anyone to endure such accusations. Stroke, translated from Latin, means “resentment.” As I know from the words of my assistant, this happened during the day, right in the office. Fell, lost consciousness...

When I fell ill, the criminal case was separated into separate proceedings and suspended. No investigative actions were carried out on him. But the investigation was always notified where I was, at what stage my treatment was at. After being discharged from the hospital, the investigation was resumed.

As a result of an objective investigation in December 2014, a decision was made that there was no crime in my actions. Of course, I did not doubt for a second that everything would end this way. However, like all my friends. Lolita, for example, when they questioned her, she kept repeating: “What are you doing?! This is a man who can only give - he can’t take anything away!” - What do you want more than anything in the world at this second?- Drink and smoke! But this is absolutely forbidden. After the stroke, I did not drink a single drink or smoke a single cigarette. And - I won’t. I want to live. And I look into the future with optimism. After all, they left me in this world for something - probably for something good. Essentially, I am living a second life now. Indeed, the signal given was too serious. In order for a revaluation of values ​​to occur. And it certainly happened.

Doctors do not rule out that the famous decorator will need surgery abroad

The hype around the artist Boris Krasnov does not subside, and the public is unlikely to calm down until he leaves the hospital. A week ago, when he was hospitalized with a stroke, skeptics said that this was a simulation—they say he didn’t want to answer for the extortion of which he was suspected. MK found out first-hand whether Krasnov could have feigned an attack.

As MK learned, when Krasnov became ill, employees from the Krasnov Design studio began to fuss around him - they held the set designer, who was sitting in his work chair, until the ambulance arrived. On the way to the hospital, he was in a stable condition, his blood pressure was well maintained. He answered questions about his well-being that were asked by the employee, the doctors from the “03” service, and the hospital doctors. At the same time, the speech was as if something was preventing the designer from pronouncing the words clearly. His left limbs were paralyzed.

“All signs of a stroke,” the doctors shared with MK. “During the attack, he had problems with speech, and in such a situation it is the left side that is taken away - an untrained person cannot know this detail and imitate the symptom. It is impossible to deceive a real, experienced doctor - after all, the patient is always checked with a special method and special means. For example, a needle is applied with a certain force and frequency, a person cannot endure it for long, at some point he will definitely jerk his arm or leg.”

At first, Krasnov’s condition was relatively stable, and coma, as it seemed to doctors then, was not in danger. However, it still happened.

There is talk in creative circles that the artist could bribe people in white coats to make the necessary diagnosis. Just who exactly? Maybe everyone in a row: first the ambulance team, then professionals in the field of neurology from the 1st City Hospital, who confirmed the conclusion of the doctors, and then the Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after. Burnazyan?

Boris Krasnov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky was laconic in assessing his patient's condition. When asked “whether the famous decorator felt better after surgery due to cerebral edema, which was performed on Saturday by specialists at the FMBC, he only remarked: “What do you mean better? He didn’t die, but he should have?”

Alexander Andreevich resolutely denied statements from some media that his ward allegedly came out of a coma.

— Did Krasnov have a stroke during your meeting with him?

- Not really. My client talked with my colleague, with whom we are working on this case, I asked him to hold a meeting.

— How serious are the charges brought against Krasnov? After all, Article 163 of the Criminal Code - “extortion” - implies only real punishment, including restriction of freedom for up to four years. But they found it possible to release Krasnov on bail, which means his situation is not bad?

— I cannot comment on the progress of the investigation. Yes, now what is much more important is not this, but the state of health of my ward. Therefore, I can only say one thing: today New Year(September 28 is the Jewish New Year. - Note auto), and we are all going to pray for Boris. May God give him health, and I will do the rest for him.

Meanwhile, operatives also do not want to believe in such a critical state of health of the suspect, because long-term hospitalization is one of the popular ways to delay investigative actions. But for now they can only wait for the verdict of the Aesculapians. However, it is possible that a post facto study will be carried out medical examination, that is, seized medical records and a council of doctors, after studying them, will give an opinion on how serious the disease was and the timing of treatment is justified.

Doctors, in turn, argue that Krasnov’s attending doctors, given the current picture of the course of the disease, may raise the question of the need for a new operation, already abroad. For example, like this complex operations they do it on the brain in Israel. Will the investigation give permission for this? The legal community believes that yes, this is possible, since the suspect is on bail, which formally is a guarantee of his return.

However, Boris Krasnov himself considers it a great achievement that he was able not only to get out of a wheelchair, but also to move independently with the help of a cane. “I walk, though, with difficulty. The left hand is still inoperative. I had a right-sided stroke, so most of the problems were with my left arm and leg. By the way, if it were left-handed, we wouldn’t be talking now. Fortunately, the memory was not affected either. I’m having fun here: I ask my assistant to name me any football team from the USSR football champions and I can easily name all the players, including the reserves,” he said.


According to the set designer, he remembers the first time after the stroke poorly - he spent almost three months in a coma. “That’s also probably why it’s taking me so long to recover now. My wife became my guardian angel - she did not leave the bed for a minute. And, without a doubt, my best friend and partner Konstantin Petrov, for which I am very grateful to him. When the doctors were asked what percentage chance there was that I would live, they shrugged: none. After I came out of the coma, it was decided to continue treatment abroad. At first it was a clinic in Germany - I spent six months there. The forecasts of German doctors were disappointing. They said that I would not only never be able to walk, but even sit in a chair. But I still did not lose heart - I continued to believe in a miracle,” Express Gazeta quotes Krasnov.

After another six months, he was advised to change clinics. “They brought me to Montreux, Switzerland, on a stretcher. I worked with physiotherapists for many hours every day– by the way, they are all Portuguese, very good specialists who literally force the patient to get up. Nothing moved, not even my feet. When I started moving my legs and shoulders, it was my first victory. Then he learned to get out of bed and transfer to a wheelchair. The pain was terrible, as if everything were grinding you into two. But after a few months I took the first step. For almost three years, being treated in Western clinics without insurance would have been unthinkable without the financial support of friends. In addition, for example, Joseph Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva helped find good specialists. Valera Syutkin, Igor Krutoy, Sasha Fayfman visited me at the Swiss clinic,” Krasnov said.

The set designer is only committed to recovery, although he admitted that he dreams of drinking and smoking. “But you absolutely cannot do this. After the stroke, I didn’t drink a single glass or smoke a single cigarette. And I won’t. I want to live and look into the future with optimism. After all, they left me in this world for something – probably for something good. Essentially, I am living a second life now. And in fact, the signal was given too serious for a reassessment of values ​​to occur. And it certainly happened,” concluded Boris Krasnov.

In September 2011, the decorator's reputation was seriously tarnished due to extortion attempts. According to investigators, Krasnov and several accomplices threatened a Moscow businessman in order to take over his company worth five million rubles. As a result, the amount of the deposit for the production designer amounted to the same five million rubles. Soon the decorator suffered a stroke, due to which he did not appear in court. After the operation, which he underwent due to the discovery of cerebral edema, the artist fell into a coma, and when he came out of it and began to come to his senses, the doctors deliberately put Krasnov into a coma so that he would not waste his strength.

His lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky announced the hasty departure of the decorative artist for treatment abroad. “Boris did not have a written undertaking not to leave, he is on bail, so his movements could easily take place all over the world,” the lawyer said, adding that Krasnov’s condition has noticeably improved, but he requires a long course of rehabilitation due to the serious consequences of the stroke. The decorative artist was taught to walk and talk again. Meanwhile, information has emerged that Boris Krasnov could fly out of the country to evade justice. As a result of the investigation in December 2014, no crime was found in Krasnov’s actions.

The famous set designer Boris Krasnov spoke in an interview about how he suffered a stroke and overcame paralysis. According to him, doctors did not give him a single chance of recovery.

However, Boris Krasnov himself considers it a great achievement that he was able not only to get out of a wheelchair, but also to move independently with the help of a cane. “I walk, though, with difficulty. The left hand is still inoperative. I had a right-sided stroke, so most of the problems were with my left arm and leg. By the way, if it were left-handed, we wouldn’t be talking now. Fortunately, the memory was not affected either. I’m having fun here: I ask my assistant to name me any football team from the USSR football champions and I can easily name all the players, including the reserves,” he said.

According to the set designer, he remembers the first time after the stroke poorly - he spent almost three months in a coma. “That’s also probably why it’s taking me so long to recover now. My wife became my guardian angel - she did not leave the bed for a minute. And, without a doubt, my best friend and partner Konstantin Petrov, for which I am very grateful to him. When the doctors were asked what percentage chance there was that I would live, they shrugged: none. After I came out of the coma, it was decided to continue treatment abroad. At first it was a clinic in Germany - I spent six months there. The forecasts of German doctors were disappointing. They said that I would not only never be able to walk, but even sit in a chair. But I still did not lose heart - I continued to believe in a miracle,” Express Gazeta quotes Krasnov.

After another six months, he was advised to change clinics. “They brought me to Montreux, Switzerland, on a stretcher. I worked with physiotherapists for many hours every day- by the way, they are all Portuguese, very good specialists who literally force the patient to get up. Nothing moved, not even my feet. When I started moving my legs and shoulders, it was my first victory. Then he learned to get out of bed and transfer to a wheelchair. The pain was terrible, as if everything were grinding you into two. But after a few months I took the first step. For almost three years, being treated in Western clinics without insurance would have been unthinkable without the financial support of friends. In addition, for example, Joseph Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva helped find good specialists. Valera Syutkin, Igor Krutoy, Sasha Fayfman visited me at the Swiss clinic,” Krasnov said.

The set designer is only committed to recovery, although he admitted that he dreams of drinking and smoking. “But you absolutely cannot do this. After the stroke, I didn’t drink a single glass or smoke a single cigarette. And I won’t. I want to live and look into the future with optimism. After all, they left me in this world for something - probably for something good. Essentially, I am living a second life now. And in fact, the signal was given too serious for a reassessment of values ​​to occur. And it certainly happened,” concluded Boris Krasnov.

In September 2011, the decorator's reputation was seriously tarnished due to extortion attempts. According to investigators, Krasnov and several accomplices threatened a Moscow businessman in order to take over his company worth five million rubles. As a result, the amount of the deposit for the production designer amounted to the same five million rubles. Soon the decorator suffered a stroke, due to which he did not appear in court. After the operation, which he underwent due to the discovery of cerebral edema, the artist fell into a coma, and when he came out of it and began to come to his senses, the doctors deliberately put Krasnov into a coma so that he would not waste his strength.

His lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky announced the hasty departure of the decorative artist for treatment abroad. “Boris did not have a written undertaking not to leave, he is on bail, so his movements could easily take place all over the world,” the lawyer said, adding that Krasnov’s condition has noticeably improved, but he requires a long course of rehabilitation due to the serious consequences of the stroke. The decorative artist was taught to walk and talk again. Meanwhile, information has emerged that Boris Krasnov could fly out of the country to evade justice. As a result of the investigation in December 2014, no crime was found in Krasnov’s actions.

Krasnov learns to walk after a coma

Boris Krasnov is still recovering from a coma caused by a stroke in 2011. The famous production designer and set designer is learning to walk again without outside help and is on a strict diet.

Doctors are still not sure that the man will be able to move independently. After two and a half years of treatment in Germany, 53-year-old Krasnov returned to Russia. Due to ongoing treatment, the set designer who worked on the sets for Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings” and Philip Kirkorov’s “DRUGOY” show is forced to refuse lucrative offers.

“Boris will no longer be able to fully recover. Doctors are doing everything so that he can at least walk on his own. Every day Borya works out on special simulators that develop motor skills. He is on a diet - no alcohol, nothing spicy or fatty,” one of them told StarHit magazine close friends of the decorator Oleg.

Krasnov, according to the publication’s source, is being treated either in Moscow or in Switzerland. " It costs about a million dollars a year- friends help with finances. Boris’s wife Zhenechka and daughter Darina are constantly with him,” said a friend of Boris.

As already written Days.Ru, in September 2011, the decorator’s reputation was greatly tarnished due to extortion attempts. According to investigators, Boris Krasnov with several accomplices threatened a Moscow businessman in order to take over his company worth five million rubles. As a result, the amount of the deposit for the production designer amounted to the same five million rubles. Soon the decorator was struck down by a stroke, due to which Krasnov did not appear in court.

After the operation, which he underwent due to the discovery of cerebral edema, the artist fell into a coma, and when he came out of it and began to come to his senses, the doctors deliberately put Krasnov into a coma so that he would not waste his strength.

The news about the hasty departure of the decorative artist for treatment abroad was reported by his lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. " Boris did not have a written undertaking not to leave the place, he is on bail, so his movements could easily take place all over the world,” the lawyer said, adding that despite the fact that Krasnov’s condition has noticeably improved, he requires a very long course of rehabilitation due to the serious consequences of the stroke that struck him. The decorative artist will be re-taught walk and talk. However, information also appeared that Boris Krasnov could fly out of the country to evade justice.



  • Republican Art Secondary School named after. Taras Shevchenko
  • Silver prize for the Russian pavilion at the World Universal Exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai (PRC, 2010)
  • Grand Prix at the international investment exhibition "MIPIM-2011" in Cannes (France, 2011)
  • National Ovation Award (1994-1996)
  • Moscow Prize in the field of literature and art (1996)

Boris Arkadevich Krasnov(surname at birth - Reuther; genus. January 22, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian set designer, designer, producer. Honorary Member Russian Academy Arts, winner of the Grand Prix at the international investment exhibition MIPIM-2011, winner of the silver prize for the Russian pavilion at the World Universal Exhibition EXPO 2010, winner of the Moscow Prize in the field of literature and art (1996), eight-time winner of the National Ovation Prize ( 1994-1996), winner of the Grand Prix “Golden Astrolabe” of the television film festival (1989), member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, etc.



Boris Arkadyevich Roiter was born on January 22, 1961 in Kyiv, Pechersk. Father - Arkady Aleksandrovich, head of the capital construction department of the Elektronmash enterprise in Kyiv. Mother - Nata Borisovna is a Member of the Union of Artists, worked as the chief fashion designer at the Kiyanka knitting factory. During the war, my parents were evacuated to Kazakhstan and Perm. His relatives who lived in Mogilev-Polsky escaped, his grandfather died in Babi Yar after the occupation of Kyiv. Wife Evgenia Krasnova, daughter Darina and son Daniil Krasnova.


Graduated from the Republican Art School high school them. Taras Shevchenko, after which he entered the theater and decoration department of the painting department of the Kyiv State Art Institute. Teacher - theater artist - Daniil Leader, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

By the end of the institute, Boris Roiter had already performed 18 performances.


Work on the first performance - “Romeo and Juliet” at the Kiev Pantomime Theater. The play was a success and ran for 5 seasons.

After the release of Romeo and Juliet, he first took a pseudonym and then officially changed his last name, since the Jewish one, in his words, “spoilt the posters of anti-Semitic Ukraine.”


The first joint performance with the legendary director of the State Academic Russian Drama Theater. L.Ukrainian B.Erin - V. Rozov’s play “Forever Living” (stage at the KITIS Institute).

Admission to the Theater. Lesya Ukrainka to the position of acting chief designer and costume designer.


During my creative activity Boris Krasnov has implemented more than 3,500 projects - concerts, television programs, prestigious competitions, festivals, presentations, ceremonies, etc.

Boris Krasnov collaborates with almost all leading artists Russian stage: Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Laima Vaikule, Larisa Dolina, Irina Allegrova, Alexander Malinin, Irina Shvedova, Igor Demarin, Valery Meladze, Alexander Rosenbaum and many others.

Among the foreign star partners are such popular performers as: Elton John, Eros Ramazzotti, Sarah Brightman, Chris Norman, the groups Gipsy King and Deep Purple. , “Modern Talking”, “Abba”, “Albano”, etc.

Boris Krasnov was involved in the design of performances of leading theaters in Russia, including: Moscow Art Theater named after. A. P. Chekhov, Academic Theater "Moscow Operetta", Cabaret Theater " Bat", "New Opera", Satire Theater, "School of Modern Play" theater, etc.

Some projects

  • 167 performances in leading theaters former USSR(1980 - the first performance of “Romeo and Juliet” in Kyiv).
  • “Christmas meetings of Alla Pugacheva” (1991, 1992, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2009).
  • Concert of Maya Plisetskaya and the “stars” of the Russian ballet “Straight from the Bolshoi”, City Center. USA, New York, 1996.
  • Super show by Valery Leontiev "On the Road to Hollywood". Moscow, State Central Concert Hall "Russia", March 1996
  • Opening ceremony of the 6th World Championships athletics. Greece, Athens, 1997.
  • “Living legend Ray Charles in Moscow,” anniversary concert in honor of his 70th birthday. Russia, Moscow, 2000.
  • Valery Leontyev's show "Nameless Planet". Moscow, State Central Concert Hall "Russia", April 2001
  • Musical “42nd street”, 2002.
  • 1st International Forum in Memory of Auschwitz “Let my people live” in Krakow (2005) and 2nd International Forum in Memory of Babi Iar in Kyiv (2006).
  • 10th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, 2006.
  • Presentation of the project "Sochi - 2014" within the framework of the 11th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. St. Petersburg, London, Guatemala (2007).
  • International sports show “Sochi - Time of Victory”, 2007.
  • 8th International Music Festival “9 billion tons of oil”. Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk, 2008.
  • Ceremonial events dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan. Russia, 2008.
  • "Astana City Day". Kazakhstan, 2009.
  • Anniversary show of Alla Pugacheva “Dreams of Love”. Russia, 2009.
  • Ceremonial events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Vladivostok. Russia, 2010.
  • World Universal Exhibition "EXPO-2010" in Shanghai. China, 2010.
  • Russian National Exhibition in Paris. France, 2010.
  • KSK stand at the international investment exhibition "MIPIM-2011" in Cannes. GRAND PRIX. France, 2011.
  • Gala evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy. Ukraine, Kyiv, 2011.
  • Philip Kirkorov's super show “DruGoy” at the Kremlin Palace. Russia, 2011.
  • Anniversary events dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Sberbank of Russia. Russia, Moscow, 2011.
  • Gala evening in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Football Federation of Ukraine. Ukraine, Kyiv, 2011.

Prizes and awards

  1. Winner of the Grand Prix at the international investment exhibition “MIPIM-2011” in Cannes. France, 2011.
  2. Winner of the silver prize for the Russian pavilion at the World Universal Exhibition EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. China, 2010.
  3. Winner of the Grand Prix of the Golden Astrolabe television film festival for his work on the film Moscow Melodies (Montreux, Switzerland, 1989).
  4. Eight-time winner of the Russian National Ovation Award in the field of entertainment and popular music in the following categories: (“Best Production Designer”; “ Best Show at concert venues across the country"; “Best scenographic company of the year”; “Best Production Designer” (for the artistic design of the First World Festival circus art"Golden Bear"); "Best Stage Director"
  5. Multiple winner of the “Persons of the Year” award in the “Designer of the Year” category (1995, 1997, 2000).
  6. Winner of the Russian competition “Manager of the Year” in the “Culture” category (1998).
  7. Winner of the Moscow Prize in the field of literature and art for the design of the play for children “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” at the State Academic Theater them. E. Vakhtangov.
  8. Winner of the " Business people"in the nomination "Show and Business" (2004).
  9. Winner of the National Professional Award in the field of show technology "SHOWTEX AWARDS 2005".
  10. Winner of the special prize “SHOWTEX 2006”.

Membership in professional communities

  1. Member of the Higher Academic Commission of the National Ovation Award in the field of entertainment and popular music.
  2. Laureate international competition"Pilar" (2006).
  3. Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2007).
  4. Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia (1979).
  5. Member of the International Union of Pop Artists.
  6. Member of the Association of Theater Artists.
  7. Member of the Union of Designers of Russia.