Mikhail Kozakov - biography, information, personal life. Mikhail Kozakov and his women Kozakov fought a terrible disease

Man and women

75-year-old Mikhail Kozakov was kicked out of his apartment by his sixth wife

Outstanding Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov decided to stay in Israel forever. The 75-year-old artist was forced to take such a decisive step by his sixth wife, 30-year-old Nadezhda Sedova, whom Kozakov married in 2006.

For the past few years, the couple have been constantly quarreling. At the beginning of this summer, after another family scandal, Mikhail Mikhailovich was hospitalized in one of the neurological clinics in Moscow. It was from there that Kozakov called his fourth wife, theater producer Anna Yampolskaya, in Israel.

« Mikhail Mikhailovich was very in serious condition , says Anna. - He said that he was guilty, that they don’t beat people who are down, that if I don’t help, he will commit suicide.».

Anna immediately took ex-husband to Tel Aviv, where she rented a one-room apartment for him near the sea. Israeli doctors diagnosed Kozakov with a pre-infarction condition. During the operation, the actor experienced clinical death.

« Mikhail Mikhailovich has already been discharged from the hospital, - Yampolskaya continues, - I visit him every day and bring him lunch. Now his health comes first. We need to restore our health insurance and get serious about treatment. Was it difficult to accept your ex-husband? I didn't think about it. I have our children and my parents in my arms. Misha was just in such a serious condition. His wife... everyone understood that for her it was a marriage of convenience. She came from Nizhny Novgorod and probably thought: “I’ll marry famous person, which means rich, secular.” And I didn’t expect that I would find myself in a completely different world - the world of a person focused only on himself, on his work, who does not recognize any parties. This is where the conflicts began».

« My young wife wants to take my apartment away from me!- Kozakov said on the eve of his departure to Israel. - I am forced to flee to Israel. I hope we get divorced soon. Nadya turned out to be a swindler! She wanted to drive me into a coffin and get an apartment. Yes, I'm a fool for marrying a young girl! Well, who doesn’t make mistakes?! Unfortunately, old people are not protected from this. I'm sure this is my last marriage».

Kozakov’s lawyers have already begun divorce proceedings. According to rumors, Nadezhda was offered 100 thousand dollars as compensation. The girl took the money, but never vacated Mikhail Mikhailovich’s one-room Moscow apartment. " Sedova changed her mind about getting a divorce, - say the actor’s representatives, - s declares that she still loves her husband and wants to live with him. Kozakov found himself in a completely terrible situation. His health is poor, and he has to rent an apartment in Israel and give concerts there, because he has nothing to live on!».

In turn, the culprit of the scandal, Nadezhda Sedova, exclusive interview Russian newspaper“Interlocutor” blamed Yampolskaya for all the troubles.

What they write about me is a vile lie! - Sedova is indignant. - Mikhail Mikhailovich’s depression began last year. The reason was a tiring tour of America, organized by Anna Yampolskaya. 18 concerts in 23 days! Who could stand this? As a result of numerous flights and transfers, Mikhail Mikhailovich’s circadian rhythm was lost. When he returned to Moscow, he could not sleep at all. After these ill-fated tours, he began to decline sharply.

I knew about everything that ever happened to Mikhail Mikhailovich. I also knew about his problems in relationships with ex-wife Anna, about the destructive influence she had on him. He endured everything for the sake of the children! ( Mikhail Kozakov and Anna Yampolskaya have a 21-year-old son, Mikhail, and a 15-year-old daughter, Zoya.- Note ed.). But still he had the strength to break free from her influence and start a new family life. He's not a Don Juan at all. He simply cannot live alone.

- Why do you think that Anna wants to destroy your marriage?

Yampolskaya was always terribly afraid that his last roof over his head - a one-room apartment in Moscow - would go not to her children, but to someone else. Not only is the apartment bequeathed to her daughter Zoya, she wants to get the money as soon as possible. I remember how Mikhail Mikhailovich told me that he was disgusted by Anya’s lies, greed and cunning! I don't want this woman to ruin his life and my life!

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kozakov. Born on October 14, 1934 in Leningrad - died on April 22, 2011 in Ramat Gan (Israel). Soviet, Russian and Israeli actor and director of theater and cinema. People's Artist RSFSR (1980). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1967).

Father - Mikhail Emmanuilovich Kozakov (1897-1954), writer. He came from a Jewish family; his ancestors, who strived for assimilation into the Russian environment, adopted the surname Kozakov.

Mother - Zoya Aleksandrovna Nikitina (née Gatskevich, 1902-1973), editor of the Writers' Publishing House in Leningrad. She had Serbian and Greek roots. Mikhail Mikhailovich’s grandmother, Zoya Dmitrievna Paraskeva-Borisova, was from Odessa. During the years of Stalin's repressions, the mother was arrested twice: in 1937 (along with the artist's grandmother, both were released in 1938) and again in 1948.

During the war, Mikhail, along with other Leningrad children, was evacuated to the Molotov region (now - Perm region). From 1941 to 1944 he lived in the village of Chernaya, Krasnokamsk region.

Since 1945 he studied at the Leningrad Choreographic School.

After graduating from the 222nd men's school (formerly Petrishule) in 1952, Mikhail Kozakov entered the Moscow Art Theater School. While studying in his final year, he made a successful film debut, starring in the role of Charles Thibault in the political drama M. I. Romm “Murder on Dante Street” (1956).

In 1956 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (course of P. V. Massalsky) and went to work at the V. Mayakovsky Theater, where he served from 1956 to 1959. Then he played at Sovremennik (1959-1970), at the Moscow Art Theater (1971-1972), at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya (1972-1981) and at Lenkom (from 1986). Also, according to Mikhail Kozakov, he played on the stage of the Saratov Youth Theater with Yu. P. Kiselev in the play “ An ordinary story».

He achieved brilliant success as an actor and director of theater and cinema. I read the poems of Tyutchev, Pasternak and other poets with insight. Along with Smoktunovsky, Yursky, Markov and other masters of literary reading, he took part in recording a series of records “Pages of Russian Poetry of the 18th-20th Centuries.”

At the end of the 1950s, he starred in the films “The Eighteenth Year” and “Difficult Happiness.” And wide fame came to him with the release of the legendary film “Amphibian Man” in 1961. Mikhail Kozakov played the role of the main but negative character - Zurita.

Mikhail Kozakov in the film "Amphibian Man"

In the 1970s, a number of popular films with his participation were released: “All the King’s Men,” “Straw Hat,” “Hello, I’m your Aunt!”

Mikhail Kozakov in the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!"

Mikhail Kozakov’s work as a film director was successful. His film “Night of Errors” was released in 1975. And after 3 years, viewers saw another wonderful film by Kozakov, “Nameless Star,” where he played together and.

With great love viewers enjoyed the film he shot “Pokrovsky Gates”.

Also worth noting are his works “A Lady’s Visit”, the comedy for children “If you believe Lopotukhin”, and the film adaptation of Lermontov’s work “Masquerade”.

In his autobiographical book “The Third Bell,” the actor frankly wrote that from 1956 to 1988 he collaborated with the KGB of the USSR.

In August 1991, M. M. Kozakov was offered a well-paid job in Israel, after which he moved there with his family. For four years played in Hebrew at the Tel Aviv Chamber Theater, created a Russian troupe (enterprise), with which he prepared four performances.

“I am a citizen of both Russia and Israel. And maybe tomorrow I will become a citizen of America or Canada, if America and Canada want and I want. And the day after tomorrow I can go to live and work, for example, in Ulan-Ude, if I want. And if this is not illegal, because there is law and conscience. And conscience is God,” said the actor.

In 2012, in a conversation with Dmitry Gordon, producer Mark Rudinstein said: “Having emigrated to Israel, Kozakov immediately wrote a book where he stated: he left when the time of the Rudinsteins, Yarmolnikovs and Kobzonovs came in Russia. Then, in a difficult time for himself, Misha came back, heroically announcing that he had abandoned Israel, and called and apologized.”

In 1996, the artist returned to Russia and organized his own troupe called “Russian Enterprise of Mikhail Kozakov.”

Until 2010, Mikhail Kozakov performed one-man performances (one of such one-man performances is “Pushkin and About Him”) and as a reader (in particular, he recorded a CD) and with poetic works by I. A. Brodsky and A. A. Akhmatova.

In 2010, the actor was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. The treatment was carried out in Israel at the Tel Hashomer clinic.

On April 22, 2011, Mikhail Kozakov died after long illness. Shortly before his death, the artist purchased a plot at the Vvedensky cemetery, where his father rests and where, according to his will, the actor is buried.

“He was a very beautiful and very unique person who lived a beautiful, very difficult, sometimes confused, sometimes strange, inexplicable life. Because tossing between Israel and Russia, of course, did not add any health, creative strength, or inspiration. But , nevertheless, such a tragic, but at the same time happy fate was prepared for this beautiful, wonderful, very gifted person", said the artistic director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov about Kozakov.

Mikhail Kozakov's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Mikhail Kozakov:

He was married five times.

The first wife in 1955-1965 was Greta Antonovna Taar (born 1934), a fellow student at Petrishula, a costume designer at Mosfilm. The marriage gave birth to a daughter, Katerina, a philologist, in 1957, and a son, a film actor, was born in 1962.

Granddaughters: Daria (born 1980) and Polina (born 1991) from daughter Katerina. From his son Kirill - grandson Anton (lives in New Jersey) and granddaughter (from marriage with).

Mikhail Kozakov and Greta Taar with their son Kirill and daughter Katerina

Second wife (1968-1971) - Medea Berelashvili, restoration artist. The marriage gave birth to a daughter, Manana, in 1969, a graduate of the Shchukin School, actress of the Tbilisi academic theater named after Kote Marjanishvili. Granddaughter - Tinatin Tsuladze (born 1995).

Third wife (in 1971-1988) - Regina Solomonovna (nee Bykova; born 1940), translator of poetry and prose from English language into Russian and from Russian into English, writer, has lived in New York since 1988.

Fourth wife (1988-2003) - (born 1959), GITIS graduate, actress and theater producer. In 1988, the couple had a son, Mikhail, and in 1995, a daughter, Zoya.

Fifth wife (2006-2010) - Nadezhda Sedova (born 1981), historian.

Filmography of Mikhail Kozakov:

1956 - Murder on Rue Dante - Charles Thibault
1958 - Difficult Happiness - Nikolai Nagorny
1958 - The Eighteenth Year - Valerian Onoli
1959 - Golden Echelon - Cheremisov
1960 - Far from the Motherland - Hauptmann Saugel
1960 - Eugenia Grande - Charles Grande
1960 - The last salvos - Gorbachev
1960 - Baltic sky - pilot Baiseitov
1961 - Nine days of one year - Valery Ivanovich
1961 - Court of the Lunatic - Michel
1961 - Amphibian Man - Pedro Zurita
1965 - A bridge is being built - Mamedov
1966 - Shot - Silvio
1967 - Day of Sun and Rain - actor in the role of Jap Bear (cameo)
1967 - Stars and Soldiers - Nestor
1969 - The Tale of a Chekist - Belov
1970 - Two days of miracles - professor-examiner at the Institute of Good Magics
1970 - An ordinary story - Pyotr Ivanovich Aduev
1971 - All the King's Men - Jack Burden
1971 - Goya, or The Hard Path of Knowledge - Gilmard
1972 - Grandmaster - Volodya
1973 - Childhood. Adolescence. Youth - Pyotr Alexandrovich
1973 - Acting - Alexander Stern
1974 - Car, violin and dog Blob - violin / bass guitar / cook
1974 - Dombey and Son - Sol Giles
1974 - The Pickwick Papers (teleplay) - Jingle
1974 - Ivan da Marya - cashier
1974 - Lev Gurych Sinichkin - Zefirov
1974 - Straw Hat - Viscount de Rosalba
1975 - Hello, I'm your aunt! - Colonel Francis Chesney
1975 - Yaroslav Dombrovsky - Andrey Vasiliev
1976 - Theater of an unknown actor - Genrikh Genrikhovich
1977 - Walking through torment - Bessonov
1978 - Nameless Star - Grieg
1978 - The Life of Beethoven - Gioachino Rossini
1978 - Comedy of Errors - Antipholus
1978 - Handsome Man - Lupachev
1979 - Deficit on Mazaev - Kira’s lover
1980 - Syndicate 2 - F.E. Dzerzhinsky
1980 - State border - F.E. Dzerzhinsky
1981 - December 20 - F.E. Dzerzhinsky
1981 - And I’m with you again - P.Ya. Chaadaev
1981 - Comrade Innocent - S.V. Zubatov
1981 - Sixth - Illary Danilovich Danilevsky
1982 - Who's knocking on my door? - actor who plays Cyrano de Bergerac
1982 - Pokrovsky Gate - Konstantin Romin today
1982 - Trustees - observer
1983 - Demidovs - Biron
1983 - Unicum - Joseph Timurovich Petrov, hypnotist
1984 - The hero of her novel - Erast Tsykada
1984 - An incredible bet, or a true incident that ended successfully a hundred years ago - summer resident Dudnikov
1984 - Scenes from the tragedy "Faust" - Faust
1985 - Scenes from the drama “Masquerade” - Arbenin and Unknown
1986 - Warrior
1986 - Guard me, my talisman - cameo
1988 - Mr. Designer - Grillo
1989 - And this happened in Vichy - doctor
1990 - Fools die on Fridays - Geliy Ivanovich
1991 - Shadow, or Maybe everything will work out - Caesar Borgia
1995 - Fatal eggs - Woland
1995 - Giselle Mania - Akim Volynsky
1999 - Dinner for Four Hands - George Frideric Handel
1999 - Honoring - Scotty Templeton
2000 - 24 hours - Costa
2000 - In the beginning there was a word - voiceover
2000 - Duet for voice and saxophone - Voice
2001 - Avalanche - Lev Borisovich
2002 - Game of Modern - Friese
2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - space flight - photographer
2004 - Death of Tairov - A.Ya. Tairov
2005 - Narrow Bridge - Yakushev
2004 - Wonderful Valley - grandfather Said
2004 - Playing Shakespeare - narrator
2005 - Hello, we are your roof! - Solomon
2006 - Shift - Academician Kharitonov
2006 - The Creation of Love - Naum Trakht
2007 - Carrot Love - Doctor Kogan
2008 - Carrot Love 2 - Doctor Kogan
2009 - Orange juice- Leonid, Dasha's father
2009 - Precinct - veteran Vladimir Borisovich Barkanov
2010 - Zoya - operator Rapoport
2011 - Last meeting - Yu.V. Andropov
2011 - Boris Godunov - Father Pimen
2010 - Guardians of the Network - Sergey Ivanovich Kalgarov
2010 - Fairy tale. Yes - school director Stanislav Dalievich Salvadorov
2011 - Carrot Love 3 - Doctor Kogan

Voiced by Mikhail Kozakov:

1973 - Three Nuts for Cinderella - King
1975 - Muk the fast walker - Padishah
1976 - Octopuses - text from the author (in the credits erroneously listed as Mikhail Kazakov)
1976 - 38 parrots - Baby Elephant
1977 - Grandma Boa Constrictor - Baby Elephant
1977 - How to treat a boa constrictor - Baby Elephant
1977 - Where the Baby Elephant Goes - Baby Elephant
1978 - What if it works out! - Baby Elephant
1978 - Rain - manufacturing advisor Harry Pykh
1978 - Hello to the monkey - Baby Elephant
1979 - Tail Charge - Baby Elephant
1979 - Tomorrow will be tomorrow - Baby Elephant
1979 - D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers (film) - Cardinal Richelieu (role of Alexander Trofimov)
1982 - Ushastik and his friends. Series "Mysterious disappearance" - Crow
1984 - And in this fairy tale it was like this... - Kashchei the Immortal
1985 - The Great Closing - Baby Elephant
1985 - The Riddle of the Sphinx - text from the author
1986 - The Legend of Salieri - Salieri
1991 - A Beloved Aid - Baby Elephant
2007 - Ratatouille (m/f) - Antoine Ego

Directed by Mikhail Kozakov:

1974 - “Night of Errors” (television play)
1978 - “Nameless Star”
1982 - “Pokrovsky Gate”
1982 - “The Trustees” (television play)
1983 - “If you believe Lopotukhin”
1984 - Scenes from the tragedy "Faust"

1989 - “A Lady’s Visit”

1999 - “Dinner for Four Hands”
1999 - “Honoring”
2000 - Duet for voice and saxophone (poetry by Joseph Brodsky)
2002 - “Joker”
2004 - “Copper Grandmother”
2004 - “Playing Shakespeare”
2006 - “The Charm of Evil”

Scripts by Mikhail Kozakov:

1982 - “The Trustees” (television play)
1985 - Scenes from the drama “Masquerade” (television play)
1988 - “And the light shines in the darkness”
1989 - “And this happened in Vichy” (film-play)
1989 - “A Lady’s Visit”
1991 - “Shadow, or Maybe everything will work out”
1999 - “Dinner for Four Hands”
2004 - “Playing Shakespeare”
2007 - “Love according to the Stanislavsky system”

Discography of Mikhail Kozakov:

1974 - “Oh time, wait!” (poems by F. Tyutchev are read by M. Kozakov and B. Akhmadulina)
1977 - “Langston Hughes. Black blues. Mikhail Kozakov reads" (solo performance, Melody)
1985 - “Hamlet. Theme and variations. Read by M. Kozakov" (solo performance, Melody)
1988 - “Stop in the Desert”, poems by I. Brodsky read by M. Kozakov
2004 - “My love, Odessa.” Musical and poetic composition
2004-2005 - “The young lady-peasant. Shot. Queen of Spades. Read by Mikhail Kozakov"
2005 - “The Gospel from the Master. Read by Mikhail Kozakov" (Solo performance based on the "novel within a novel" "The Master and Margarita")
2006 - “My Brodsky. Favorites. Read by Mikhail Kozakov"
2009 - “Leopold Epstein. Poetry

The wonderful actor and director Mikhail Mikhailovich Kozakov was born in Leningrad in October 1934. He was brought up in an intelligent family, where his parents' work was closely connected with literature. Father Mikhail Emmanuilovich Kozakov was a writer. Mom Zoya Aleksandrovna Gatskevich worked as an editor at one of the St. Petersburg publishing houses.

Mikhail Kozakov's ancestors were Jews. In an effort to assimilate, they changed their surname to “Kozakova”. But in Mikhail Mikhailovich’s veins flowed not only Jewish, but also Serbian-Greek blood, inherited from his mother. The families of the future artist were touched Stalin's repressions. Mikhail Kozakov’s mother and grandmother (Odessa resident Zoya Paraskeva-Borisova) were arrested twice. The first time before the war, the second after. Fortunately, both survived.

Years of the Great Patriotic War Mikhail Kozakov spent time away from besieged Leningrad. For 4 years he lived in the Krasnokamsk region, in the village of Chernaya. After the end of the war, Kozakov returned to his hometown and entered the choreographic school.

Children's and teenage years He was remembered for the huge amount of literature he read, of which there was a great abundance in the house of his father, a writer, and his mother, an editor. Parents, despite their workload, always found time for “adult” conversations with their son. They discussed the books they had read and argued about art. The only topic they tried to avoid was politics.


After graduating from school and choreographic school, Mikhail Kozakov went to Moscow and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. A cinematic biography of Mikhail Kozakov started in student years. He starred in the wonderful film “Murder on Dante Street”. Not only Kozakov made his debut here, but also others like him in the future famous actors, like .

The debut in the role of Charles Thibault turned out to be successful for Kozakov. He is willingly invited to new projects. He appears in the films “The Eighteenth Year” and “Difficult Happiness.” But real fame came to the artist later, after the release of the legendary film “Amphibian Man.” The film was released in 1961 and immediately became a hit. Kozakov played the role of the main, but negative hero - Zurita.

Simultaneously with filming a movie, the artist works in the theater. Perhaps he is involved here much more than in cinema. Immediately after graduating from theater school, Mikhail Kozakov was accepted into the theater named after. On this stage he played Hamlet - a role that had a huge influence on the choice of role.

3 years after Mayakovka, Mikhail Mikhailovich moved to Sovremennik. Here, starting in 1959, he worked for 15 years. In 1971, Kozakov moved to the Moscow Art Theater, but a year later he changed this stage to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Mikhail Kozakov and Evgeny Evstigneev in the play "Decembrists"

In the 1970s, the artist returned to the screens. During these years, wonderful films were released, which later entered the golden fund of Russian cinema. “All the King’s Men”, “Straw Hat”, “Hello, I’m your aunt!” the audience watches with great pleasure.

During these same years, Mikhail Kozakov tried his hand as a film director. His film “Night of Errors” was released in 1975. And 3 years later, viewers saw another wonderful film by Kozakov, “Nameless Star.”

It was originally planned that main role will perform in this tape. But it had to be replaced. I played together with him. The tape had great success. But it is not comparable to the one received by Mikhail Kozakov’s painting “Pokrovsky Gate”. This film immediately became a cult film, making its creator truly famous.

After “Pokrovsky Gate”, the director managed to film several more projects that became famous. The tragic farce "A Lady's Visit", the comedy for children "If you believe Lopotukhin", the film adaptation of the work "Masquerade" cemented the name of Mikhail Kozakov in the niche of the most talented Soviet directors. The Lady's Visit was particularly successful.

In 1992, Mikhail Kozakov immigrated to Israel. He tried to continue his creative work, put together a troupe of emigrant actors, but lasted only 4 years. Returning to his homeland in 1996, Mikhail Mikhailovich created and headed the Russian Enterprise of Mikhail Kozakov. In the 2000s, he filmed and acted. During these years, two of his projects were released: the film “The Copper Grandmother” and the mini-series “The Charm of Evil” about the life of Russian emigrants.

Personal life

The artist was married 4 times. He lived in his first marriage with Estonian Greta Taar, which happened immediately after graduating from the Studio School, for 10 years. My wife worked as a costume designer at Mosfilm. In this union, two children were born - who followed in his father’s footsteps and chose the acting profession, and daughter Ekaterina, a philologist. It is noteworthy that the granddaughter of Mikhail Mikhailovich followed in the footsteps of two famous grandfathers, as well as father and mother.

After his divorce from Greta Taar, the artist had an unsuccessful marriage with restoration artist Medea Berelashvili. They lived only 3 years, but separated with huge scandals and mutual accusations. In this marriage, a daughter, Manana Kozakova, was born, who also became an actress. After a painful divorce, Mikhail Kozakov became addicted to alcohol.

His third wife, Regina, managed to bring him out of a state of prolonged depression. They lived together for a wonderful 18 years, but there were no children in this union. According to rumors, Regina turned a blind eye to many things for the sake of peace in the family.

Mikhail Kozakov, his wife Anna Yampolskaya and their children

Rumor has it that she forgave her husband for her affair with Anastasia Vertinskaya, which was heatedly discussed in the acting community. But Regina left her husband and went to work in America. 3 months after her departure, the couple filed for divorce.

Mikhail Kozakov’s personal life began to sparkle with new colors at the age of 55, after he met his fourth wife Anna Yampolskaya, 25 years younger than him. The marriage produced a son, Misha, and a daughter, Zoya. The first child was born when the father was 62 years old.


In 2010, Mikhail Kozakov was diagnosed with lung cancer. The terrible disease was discovered too late. However, the artist agreed to the operation, which was performed in a clinic in Ramat Gan. Mikhail Mikhailovich felt his death was imminent and in advance purchased a final resting place at the Vvedensky cemetery.

Until the last moment, the actor and director stayed on his feet. He managed to star in the films “Zoya”, “” and “Carrot Love”.

The death of Mikhail Kozakov put an end to his creative biography April 22, 2011. He died in an Israeli clinic where he had previously been operated on.


  • 1956 - “Murder on Dante Street”
  • 1958 - “Difficult Happiness”
  • 1961 - “Amphibian Man”
  • 1966 - “Shot”
  • 1967 - “A Day of Sun and Rain”
  • 1971 - “All the King’s Men”
  • 1974 - “Lev Gurych Sinichkin”
  • 1974 - “Straw Hat”
  • 1975 - “Hello, I’m your aunt!”
  • 1982 - “Pokrovsky Gate”
  • 1995 - “Giselle Mania”
  • 2007 - “Love-Carrot”

Famous actor Mikhail Kazakov died at the age of 76 in an Israeli clinic on April 22. Since then, the relatives and wives of Mikhail Mikhailovich cannot calm down because of the inheritance that was left after the actor’s death. Let us remind you that Kozakov died in Israel, where he went to visit his youngest children and fourth wife Anna Yampolskaya about a year ago. Mikhail Mikhailovich was no longer able to return to Russia on his own.

Mikhail Kozakov’s last wife, Nadezhda Sedova, says that she loved her husband very much and did not want a divorce until the very end, writes KP.RU. But Kozakov insisted that he must recent years spend his life with his children, after which he simply left and disappeared - neither his relatives nor his friends could reach him. In winter, Mikhail and Nadezhda were officially divorced, and the lawyer demanded that the woman vacate the actor’s one-room apartment. But Sedova kept hoping that he would come to his senses and return, but Anna Yampolskaya convinced Kozakov to stay in Tel Aviv. But on the eve of the artist’s death, Sedova felt that there was no point in waiting for his return, and called his son Kirill. The next day, the woman learned that her ex-husband had already died.

Nadezhda Sedova also said that Mikhail Kozakov made his will as many as five times. After his divorce from Yampolskaya, the actor bequeathed the apartment and his archives youngest daughter Zoya, who, he believed, was most like his late mother of all the children. After this, the actor made a will for the second time when he fell in love with Victoria Kolesnikova, deciding to leave everything to her. But after the breakup, Kozakov again rewrote everything to Zoya. For the fourth time, he made a new will, having married Sedova, and decided to leave her an apartment. But the last, fifth will says: all of Mikhail Kozakov’s property - diaries, scripts, memoirs, apartment and savings in his bank book - will be inherited by his beloved daughter Zoya. The girl was 15 years old at that time.

No one can say for sure the amount of savings remaining in the bank account; this will become known when the heiress assumes her rights of inheritance. It was important for Mikhail Kozakov’s son Kirill (who, by the way, is very similar to himself) to obtain copyrights to the artist’s creative heritage - he wanted to complete his father’s projects, stage a performance based on his texts, because father and son worked a lot together. But, Sedova suggests, it is unlikely that Kirill will be able to come to an agreement with Yampolskaya - Kozakov’s son is too decent...

Anna Yampolskaya, who had already visited Mikhail Kozakov’s apartment in Moscow, stated that some things were missing from there, hinting that they were taken by Nadezhda Sedova, who lived in the apartment. To this last wife The artist said that she took with her only personal items that were purchased before her wedding with Kozakov or during her marriage with him.

Lawyers regarding Kozakov’s inheritance express their opinion: since the actor left a will, then his relatives should only come to terms with and fulfill the will of the deceased Mikhail Mikhailovich. None of the wives can claim the inheritance, since he divorced all five.

Anna Yampolskaya took the actor to Israel and forced him to file for divorce from current wife Nadezhda Sedova

Turbulent events unfolded in the personal life of 75-year-old Mikhail KOZAKOV. Unexpectedly for everyone famous actor returned to Israel ex-wife— 51-year-old Anna YAMPOLSKAYA, with whom he broke up in 2003. Current wife- He publicly declared 29-year-old Nadezhda SEDOVA a swindler who allegedly wants to drive him into a coffin and take possession of his living space. The artist went to court to divorce her.
Our correspondent found out how Kozakov’s young wife bothered the master so much that he radically changed his life.

Problems in our family began unexpectedly and in a very stupid way,” she sighed sadly. Nadezhda Sedova. — Mikhail Mikhailovich has two beloved children from his penultimate, fourth official marriage: 21-year-old Misha and 15-year-old Zoya. They live in Israel with their mother Anna Yampolskaya. In December 2009 Kozakov went to visit them and, returning, said: “Anya took me to the doctors. I am completely disabled. I can't work anymore. And the children need money for education: Zoya - $25 thousand a year for school and Misha - $40 thousand a year for university. I have to sell the apartment to pay for their education.” Since then, the idea of ​​settling in a nursing home from the Union of Cinematographers stuck in his mind. He calculated that he would sell the apartment for a maximum of $350 thousand, give 270 “pieces” to the children, and the rest would last him for another seven years. Yampolskaya inspired these thoughts in him. Mikhail Mikhailovich adores their common children, and simply idolizes Zoya. He often repeated that he had never loved anyone but her. Yampolskaya took advantage of this and blackmailed: if you don’t give money, you won’t see the children. Kozakov was afraid that the “ex” would tell his beloved Zoya: “Your dad abandoned you. He has new family, and he doesn’t need you.” Therefore, he did everything that Anya told him.

When divorcing Yampolskaya in 2005, Mikhail Mikhailovich gave her everything: a 3-room and 1-room apartment on Bolshaya Ordynka, an office of 400 sq. m. m at Krasnye Vorota, a 3-room apartment in Krasnaya Pakhra, a Nissan car and all the money earned over 10 years in the enterprise. Anya sold the property, although she later claimed that the office had been taken away from her. Mutual friends said that she got away with it profitably too. The most interesting thing is that Kozakov bought the three-ruble ruble on Ordynka in his marriage to his third wife, Regina Solomonovna, and it was she who owned a large share. The woman lives in New York. Having learned about the sale of the living space, she asked for part of the money, but in vain. “I was your only wife who not only received nothing in the divorce, but also from whom everything was taken away, including personal belongings, as if I had not stayed to live in America, but had died,” Regina wrote to Kozakova. “Anina’s extreme greed and endless lies do not allow her to be fair to me.”
Since 2004, Yampolskaya has settled in Israel. I bought an apartment in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv: by analogy with Moscow, this is an area “with a view of the Kremlin.” From time to time, Anya arranged for Mikhail Mikhailovich to tour abroad - bypassing the producers of programs and performances with whom he worked. She took almost all of Kozakov’s earnings for the education of her children. That didn’t stop her from telling everyone that she wasn’t getting a penny from her “ex.”

Controversial apartment

“Mikhail Mikhailovich still has a 1-room apartment on Samotek,” Sedova continued her story. - At Anya’s request, he bequeathed it to Zoya: Yampolskaya was afraid that his children from previous marriages - Ekaterina, Kirill, Manana - would claim the living space. Soon Kozakov had another woman - he couldn’t even pour tea on his own. He was fully serviced by his wives. The same Regina Solomonovna gave up a prestigious job in the Department for Services to the Diplomatic Corps for this reason. In general, he chose a 37-year-old Ukrainian citizen Victoria Kolesnikova. As friends say, she looked into his mouth and did everything to make him feel good. In response to her concern, Mikhail Mikhailovich re-registered the will for the apartment in her name. Anya was alarmed: “Your Frosya is hacking,” “Your Frosya will rob you,” she reproached her ex-wife. On New Year he went to Israel to visit his children. And when he returned, he accused Vika of theft - she was going home to Ukraine and allegedly grabbed four thousand dollars. I don't think she took anything. More likely, Anya said something to her. Plus Yampolskaya intimidated Kozakov that Vika would kill him for the sake of the apartment. He again rewrote the will to Zoya, but still shook for a long time that Kolesnikova, having in his hands old paper, will order it.
Soon Mikhail Mikhailovich once again appeared on my horizon and offered to become his wife. We met in 2000, when I was studying history at the university in Nizhny Novgorod. He repeatedly came to me with statements: “I love you, but I can’t.” He called and invited me to visit. It was impossible not to buy it: he has incredible masculine charisma. But every time it all ended with him, having “loved” me for two weeks, disappearing. I admit that at some point he was infatuated with me. Why I decided to get married, I have no idea. In 2006, we officially got married. Since then I have not worked and have been with him as personal secretary, housekeepers, nurses and mistresses. In August 2007, Mikhail Mikhailovich once again re-registered the will for the apartment in my name. “When I die, you will be a rich widow,” he said.

Clinical death

— Having traveled to Israel in December 2009, Kozakov decided to sell the apartment. So that I would not be offended, he gave me 60 thousand euros, but demanded a written commitment to get a divorce and leave the living space. I signed the paper and on December 30, 2009, submitted an application for divorce to the Meshchansky registry office. On February 2, 2010, a meeting was supposed to take place, but the husband suddenly changed his mind about getting a divorce. All this time I lived with him in the same apartment. Believe me, if he needed it, he would kick me to the registry office. But he reasoned like this: “Why rush? Maybe the apartment won't sell for a long time. And someone has to look after me.” And until May 2010 we continued to live together. I even accompanied him on tours: in winter - to Kyiv and Sevastopol, and in March - to St. Petersburg. In May, Kozakov went on a tour to America organized by Yampolskaya. Two weeks earlier, he suffered clinical death during an operation at the Helmholtz Moscow Institute of Eye Diseases. The doctors did not allow him to go, I also dissuaded him. But Anya screamed that she needed money for the children and the tour could not be cancelled. As participants in Kozakov’s performances say, for six performances he did not receive a penny. Allegedly, Anya spent money on organizing the trip and did not return the money invested. Although it was sold out, and, according to American entrepreneurs, she received about $300 thousand. From America, Mikhail Mikhailovich, together with Yampolskaya, went to Israel to visit the children and receive treatment. He didn't plan to stay there. He took one sports bag with him, even his Russian passport remained here. “Nadya, if I do, God forbid! “I’ll die there, bury me next to dad at the Vvedensky cemetery,” he told me before leaving. “You know where the grave certificate is.”
He did not return to Russia. It turned out that Anya had excluded him from the Israeli family health insurance. It cost $8 thousand to restore it, which Kozakov borrowed from Yampolskaya. He did not have his own funds: before leaving for America, he gave everything he had to Zoya’s studies. When the insurance was paid for, it turned out that Mikhail Mikhailovich would lose it if he left Israel within a year. Under this pretext, Anya persuaded him to stay. But he didn’t live with her: she rented him a separate apartment, naturally, also on credit.

Kozakov lives on debt

— Kozakov called me from Israel, said hello and immediately handed the phone to Anya. She began to press me to urgently vacate the apartment. Later, a letter came from her email on behalf of Mikhail Mikhailovich demanding not only to be discharged within a week, but also to file a divorce. I'm sure my husband didn't write anything: he doesn't know how to use by email. Most likely, Anya is behind this, who didn’t even ask herself the question: how can I divorce a person who is in another country? Soon realtors with buyers appeared and began to rush me to leave. I started packing my things, but I couldn’t check out quickly - I had to register somewhere! My mother and sister live in a 2-room apartment in a Khrushchev building. But it was during that period that my sister got married, changed her documents, and went to doctors because she was pregnant. The process took a long time, and without her participation it was impossible to register me.
On September 10, I received a subpoena and a copy statement of claim about the divorce, in which Mikhail Mikhailovich complained about what a bad wife I was. I was blamed for the fact that in 2009 he was hospitalized with nervous exhaustion, and at that time I was having fun at a resort in Spain. In fact, it was Yampolskaya who brought him to the hospital, who in May 2009 took the 74-year-old actor with a solo program across America and Canada. In 23 days he performed in 18 cities. Upon his return, his circadian rhythm was disrupted: he could not sleep at all. Within a month I reached a state of asthenia and was forced to go to the Neurosis Clinic on Rublyovka. And we planned to go to Spain with my husband and his girlfriend Lyudmila Khmelnitskaya. We even bought non-refundable tickets and paid for a timeshare. Lyudmila Matveevna did not want to go alone, and Mikhail Mikhailovich asked me not to cancel the trip, but to accompany her.
I came to court without a lawyer, with a friend. To my surprise, it turned out that Kozakov’s interests are represented by himself Genrikh Pavlovich Padva. He tried long and hard to convey to the court that wives who go to a resort in Spain cannot be trusted. I attracted a bunch of witnesses who denigrated me in every possible way. For example, the owner of an enterprise “on blue eye“She told me that I didn’t feed Mikhail Mikhailovich and on tour he immediately demanded food.
Despite all Padva’s efforts, the court acted according to the law and gave us a month for reconciliation. I would like to go to Israel now to personally meet my husband and try to explain the absurdity of the current situation. After all, during all this time he never really spoke to me. How do I know if this is his will? I can’t call him myself: he doesn’t have mobile phone. And Yampolskaya does not allow anyone to communicate with him. True, after the trial, Mikhail Mikhailovich suddenly called me in the middle of the night. It was felt that he was in panic. “Nadya, I need money,” he said. - I live on credit. You need to pay for a lawyer." Then he accused me of not paying rent and public utilities, and if I pay, it’s at the expense of his pension. That I'm going to use the script Mark Rozovsky And Galina Polidi“The Murder of Mikhoels,” which he was going to film. “I don’t have access to your pension,” I tried to explain. “And I can’t use the script, since it was purchased by the AMEDIA company.” But Kozakov did not listen. It looks like Anya thoroughly screwed him over. Personally, I feel very sorry for him. I think he needs to run away from Yampolskaya before it’s too late. She will squeeze him dry and throw him away. But he will no longer have an apartment, and there will be nowhere to return.