Money in blood: is it worth opening a test collection point as a franchise? How much does it cost to open an office in different cities around the world?

To take into account all the nuances when arranging your office, draw up a preliminary plan, in accordance with which you will carry out all the work.

Here it is, the long-awaited moment has come when your business is firmly on its feet, and now it’s no longer fitting to be an ordinary “homeless” entrepreneur, it’s time to get your own office. Firstly, your staff has increased significantly, and secondly, there are many new clients who need to be received somewhere - in general, the need for office space is not in doubt. Now that you have found a room, where to start arranging the workspace itself?

What should an office be like?
From the very beginning, you need to approach the business of equipping an office extremely seriously, so as not to later regret that everything was done in a hurry, and some necessary things were not thought through. The office will be the center of your business, your headquarters, where from now on most of your working time and the time of your employees will take place. It is from here that you will manage all business operations related to your business. What characteristics should your office have? In my opinion, the main thing is that it is easy to use and useful for running a business, and also perfectly adapted to the tasks that need to be performed in connection with your business. Based on this, equip the room. It is known that remodeling is always much more expensive than creating from scratch, so initially make the office that you need, trying to provide for any little details.

Solution space

Standard open space office: spacious, bright, “crowded”. The laconic design does not distract from work, and the thoughtful arrangement of workplaces does not create psychological discomfort for employees.

There are two types possible - open space or cabinet solution. An open office, when employees occupy a large room and are separated from each other by partitions, or even do without them, has a number of advantages over ordinary office space.

Firstly, of course, this is a significant saving: equipping one large hall, in which 10-15 people will work, will cost you much less than if you decide to seat them in offices, 3-4 people in each.

Secondly, there is also a disciplinary aspect to such arrangement. Agree, when everyone is sitting in the same room, under the watchful eye of the Public it will be more difficult to “snatch”, and each employee will have to pay more attention directly to work, and not be distracted by third-party matters. Visiting third-party sites, personal phone calls, presence at the workplace - it has been proven that in an open office, such violations of work discipline occur much less frequently.

The main thing is that the employee is comfortable. Dealing with contracts, talking with clients, calling suppliers - everything needs to be done comfortably!

Thirdly, working in an open space office has a beneficial effect on strengthening the corporate spirit of the team. People see their colleagues, and willy-nilly they have to at least say hello to each other in the mornings and say goodbye in the evenings. At a minimum, they know each other by sight. After all, there are often cases when, working in office structures, colleagues who have been sitting in neighboring cubicles for many years cannot recognize each other when they meet on the street, because they simply do not see each other. What kind of corporate culture. From the point of view of “socialization”, an open office has only a positive assessment.

What about the furniture?

Standard furniture solutions will provide each employee with a comfortable workplace and will cost you very little...

Having decided on the organization of the office space, we begin to look for furniture. The ideal option is custom-made exclusive furniture, made in corporate colors and made taking into account the individual needs of each employee... We dreamed it and it will happen. Now let's return to reality.

Exclusive furniture is expensive, we’ll make do with a standard office offer, especially since now there is very decent office furniture among the available options. The only thing you should pay attention to is that furniture that is too cheap breaks quickly, and replacing it will ultimately cost you more. Cheap office chairs especially often fail; you shouldn’t save too much on them.

If necessary, cabinets can play the role of office partitions - this is both functional and useful.

In addition, first of all, you should think about the convenience for employees; after all, the office is equipped so that they work here. The cheaper the chair, the more uncomfortable it will be to sit on it, and this will affect the performance of your employee, a decrease in which, in turn, will affect your profit. When equipping an office, you should not forget that the main thing for which it is needed is the organization of acceptable working conditions, and, accordingly, ensuring profit. If the office does not perform this function - in my opinion, the main one - then it is not needed. Marketers and PR specialists can argue as wisely and reasonably as they like that the office is the face of the company, the cornerstone of its image, etc. If its maintenance is unprofitable, then there is no need for it!

When choosing from all the variety of furniture, you really want to be guided by price, but it’s still worth thinking about the comfort of your employees...

For the future
When equipping your office, figure out how it will have to be changed in the future, and if your company develops steadily, then this will definitely need to be done. And if you keep a plan for the upcoming changes in your head in advance, then in the future you will be able to easily and quickly, and most importantly, not very expensively, re-equip your office. I wish you success!

Setting up an office is not difficult - thousands of companies have done it before you, thousands will do it after you.

Semi-annual overpayment

According to the letter, three agreements were concluded between the bank and the lessor from 2012 to 2015. According to them, the bank occupies 12.7 thousand square meters. m and pays rent in the amount of 39.1 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year, including VAT. In addition to rent, the bank pays utility bills and operating services, the amount of which does not change - 4.5 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year. In total, in 2016-2017, the bank paid Otkritie Holding 1.1 billion rubles, as indicated in the text of the letter.

On January 29, the bank received a report from appraisal company“Audit and Consulting”, which found out that the rented premises cost 25% less than under the concluded contracts. So, the first floor should cost 36.7 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m, and the remaining floors - 31.6 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. Over two years of rent, the overpayment, according to calculations by FC Otkritie, amounted to 186 million rubles.

The weighted average rental rate for class A office space in the Paveletsky Station area in 2017 was 30.2 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year, Vera Zimenkova, regional director of the departments for services for tenants and office real estate at Colliers International, confirmed to RBC. According to her, the rental rate at Vivaldi Plaza is $550 per 1 sq. m. m per year. At the same time, the currency corridor announced when concluding new agreements of group O1 is 55-65 rubles). Based on this, the possible rental rate for this office is up to 35.8 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year.

According to the text of the letter, Otkritie FC is suspending payments “to conduct negotiations on drawing up a statement of reconciliation of payments,” the date and time of which will be agreed upon.

Reaction of the parties

The lease agreement was drawn up at a clearly inflated rate, a representative of FC Otkritie indicated. He confirmed that the bank continues to pay only operating and utility bills, and proposes to move on to negotiations regarding the base rental rate. “The bank, in the interests of depositors and shareholder, the Central Bank, is conducting a serious audit of all expenses in relation to its operating activities,” a bank representative said.

A representative of the holding calls the current situation “nonsense.” “The rental rates in the contracts are even lower than market rates. The report shows a base rent at the end of January 2018 that is significantly lower than neighboring buildings,” he says.

The holding also noted that the building is pledged as collateral for a loan to Trust Bank (included in the reorganization of FC Otkritie Bank. - RBC), which is serviced through rental payments, assures a representative of Otkritie Holding. According to him, if the bank stops paying rent, it will default on this loan. “In this way, most likely, a situation is being created to seize someone else’s property using a standard raider scheme,” he says, adding that the bank previously offered to buy the building at a price below the market price.

Creating your own company or another branch of a thriving organization involves the need to purchase or rent an office suitable for the needs of the company. This stage is fraught with disappointment if you do not timely estimate all the costs necessary to create a ready-to-use office.

Opening a new office requires fully providing employees with the resources to perform their duties. In other words, key point opening an office space is the technical equipment of the employee.

As already mentioned, before preparing the office for opening, it is necessary to calculate all the costs of opening the office, because you do not want to lose valuable time during the renovation and equipment of the office.

Let's start with rent and bills. Calculating this category of costs will be one of the most simple tasks at first, since in most office buildings rental rates are fixed.

Next, there are the costs of office renovations. If you have chosen a premises that is unsuitable for work (office from scratch), then you will need to make repairs. It all depends on your wishes: standard finishing within a certain budget or exclusive renovation to maintain the reputation and business status of the company.

The next item on your budget will be the purchase of furniture. The choice of furniture largely determines the efficiency of the office in general and employees in particular. Undoubtedly, uncomfortable furniture will cause discomfort and reduced performance of your staff, while high-quality and comfortable furniture will serve as a kind of motivation.

One of the main questions when opening a new workspace is: “How to equip an office?” Let's consider this question in more detail.

What is needed to open a new office.

1. Computer equipment is a complex concept that implies both a mini PC and a powerful server for the office or a server for 1C. Nevertheless, computer equipment Computers are often referred to as .

3. Peripheral equipment is stand-alone equipment that works in conjunction with a PC and provides additional functionality (scanning, printing, protection against power failures, Internet access, etc.). This includes equipment such as PBX, plotters, etc.

You can order all of the above from us, and Brigo specialists will help you with the selection, installation and maintenance of your new office equipment.

The next item of your expenses will be the conclusion of contract agreements for repair, installation, commissioning and other work to fully prepare the office space and put it into operation.

Undoubtedly, all expenses cannot be taken into account; therefore, unforeseen expenses should be highlighted in a separate column of the estimate. It is better to have a pre-allocated budget than to cut the immediate financial needs of your organization.

There is another approach to choosing equipment for a new office. To use this approach, you need to take a separate element workplace employee. What should he be equipped with so that the employee can fulfill his official duties?

1. A portion of the premises must be allocated for the accommodation of each employee.

2. Office worker must have a minimum set of furniture, i.e. what to sit at and what to sit on.

3. The employee needs office equipment - an office computer, communications equipment, etc.

4. An office worker needs access to information resources(corporate database, legal information reference system, etc.).

The totality of all of the above resources constitutes the employee’s workplace. He uses these resources to perform his immediate duties, and, therefore, the costs of using these resources can reasonably be attributed to the costs of maintaining an employee.

Remember, it is fundamentally important to separate those costs that were caused by the employee’s activities from indirect costs that are associated with the activity in an indirect way.

Special attention should be paid to organizing small offices based on terminal access.

Advantages similar organization obvious. Among them is a significant reduction in the initial costs of purchasing a PC, as well as purchasing a licensed software, because the software will be installed only on the server, and not on every office computer. Terminal access will allow you to place the server in a separate room. In addition, terminal access will give you the opportunity to quickly create any number of new jobs.

A competent approach to opening an office involves installing a SCS (structured cabling system), which allows you to combine many network services (telephone networks, video surveillance systems, security, etc.) into a single system.

Brigo specialists will install SCS in short terms and in accordance with the stated budget, and you, in turn, will receive a functional cable system. The safety and reliability of significant operations in your company depends on how well and competently the installation of SCS is carried out.

I would like to point it out special attention on the use of licensed software. Obvious advantages of licensed software:

1. Licensed software allows you to use the entire set of software functionality and software compatibility with third-party hardware, software products and services from other manufacturers.

2. Using licensed software, you will be sure that you will be able to use all the improvements and software updates that will ensure the maximum efficient use computer and software installed on it.

3. Users of licensed software, unlike users of pirated software, receive free access to all new software, can enjoy discounts on the purchase of new software and numerous other preferences from the software manufacturer.

4. Licensed software gives you a guarantee of the security of your data. In addition, the use of licensed software means there is no legal risk and the possibility of prosecution is eliminated.

5. Joining a civilized society - the use of licensed software means compliance with the law, compliance with certification requirements and standards. In addition, this means respect for intellectual property rights, respect for the work of software authors, and respect for the interests of your counterparties.

So, if you decide to open a modern, functional and comfortable new office, then we recommend that you contact the professionals of the Brigo company, because only experience and qualifications allow our specialists to create competent and reliable solutions for you.

Let's consider the average cost of opening an office for 5 - 15 workplaces and try to give an approximate calculation of what equipment is needed for a small office:

1) Brigo 1C Server Can be used as a mail, Web, 1C or firewall server in an organization (or division) with a small amount employees (up to 15 people) from 40,000 rubles.

2) Ready-made kit for working with standard office applications ( System unit+ monitor + keyboard + mouse) from 12,000 rub.

3) with network support (printer, scanner, copier, fax) from RUB 5,400. - excellent functionality for a small office. If we consider the average and large groups If you need a professional multifunctional device with color printing support, then your choice is definitely . This model incorporates all modern innovations and technologies, with a printing speed of 70 ppm.

4) VOIP PBX based on ASTERISK software from 10,000 rubles. (excluding the cost of setting up and implementing software)

5) (One workplace) from 1500 rub.

6) Stationery(One workplace) from 2500 rub.

The insurance business is a fairly profitable enterprise, and although competition in the insurance market is very high, you can still open your own insurance agency and earn decent money. It is even more profitable to open a branch of a foreign insurance company. True, such a business requires obtaining a license and quite serious financial investments. So how to open insurance company?

A little about the insurance business

Everyone knows that there is insurance for life, property, bank deposits, etc. What exactly do you want to do? Insurance professionals recommend not focusing on any one type of insurance, but offering clients maximum services. In addition, it makes sense to simultaneously conduct various types examinations related to insurance. This will help not only expand the range of services of the insurance agency, but also make money in several directions at once, which, given the fairly large initial investment, is quite justified. By the way, about investments. Insurance executives say that the initial investment when starting an insurance business can exceed $500,000 because there are several factors that require a decent amount of seed capital. As for the return on business, your investment will return in about three or four years, subject to successful operations. But let's talk about the details in more detail.

How to register a business?

To open an insurance agency, you must register legal entity. This can be an organization of any form of ownership: , . As for the types of activities, it is advisable to indicate all types that have the word “insurance”. And if you are going to conduct expert activities and conduct various examinations, then an indispensable condition for this type of service is that all examinations must also be related to insurance. And they should be named accordingly.

You should immediately decide whether you will engage in life insurance. This is important because if such a service is provided, the authorized capital of your organization must be at least 20,000,000 rubles.

How to obtain a license for insurance activities?

To obtain a license, you need to submit a package of documents to the Ministry of Finance, which includes: constituent documents your company, business plan, insurance rules that you must develop, tariff calculations (all calculations are made for each type of insurance). In addition, you will have to confirm your qualifications general director(he must have not only specialized education, but also sufficient work experience). You will also need to pay a state fee.

A license for this type of activity can take from six months to a year. These deadlines are explained by the fact that all information provided will be carefully checked. If the check will pass normal, then the insurance company will be included in the Unified state register insurance organizations, will receive a license and can begin work.

How to open a branch of an insurance company?

You can open not your own insurance agency, but a branch of an existing domestic or foreign insurance company. Today the law allows the activities of such foreign insurance firms in the territory Russian Federation provided that the branches will comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, and controversial situations (if any arise) between a foreign company and clients who are citizens of the Russian Federation will be considered in the courts of the Russian Federation.

In addition, branches of only those foreign companies that have at least five years of experience in any type of insurance, and eight years in life insurance, as well as the presence of similar branches that have already worked for more than five years, can operate in the Russian insurance market. The financial asset of the insurance company is also important - it must be less than five billion dollars (the size of the asset is checked at the end financial year which precedes the application filing date).

But how to open such a branch in practice? Having chosen a suitable foreign or domestic company, it is necessary to enter into negotiations with its management, and then (if the outcome is positive) into contractual relations. As a rule, the result of the signed agreement is the acquisition of a franchise, in return for which the insurance company provides the branch with all necessary documents for registration, and also gives permission to use your brand and provides any assistance at the stage of paperwork and opening a branch. So, in terms of preparing and processing permits when opening a branch of an existing insurance company, there is usually less hassle than when opening a business from scratch.

After signing an agreement with the company, you also need to register a legal entity, draw up a business plan, obtain a license from the Ministry of Finance, select a location for the office, hire personnel and organize advertising company.

The office is the face of the company

It must be said that insurance is a very specific type of business, in which a lot depends on how the company is represented on the market, how representative its office is, how trustworthy its employees are, and the wide range of insurance services. It is clear that no one will take their money to a dubious fly-by-night company. Any solvent client will choose a company with a good reputation and respectable image. So you need to look for an office in the city center, and its area should be such as to not only accommodate all employees, but also create optimal conditions for clients.

If you open your own company, then you must have a head office (the area of ​​such an office is usually at least 500 square meters) and several branches throughout the city (their area may not exceed 150 square meters). In addition, offices should be well renovated, furnished with modern but respectable furniture, and comfortable conditions should be created in them for working with clients.

In this case, all offices must be registered in one corporate style(it must be developed and advertised in every possible way) and must make a good impression. After all, in the insurance business, the company’s image matters a lot. If you open a representative office of an insurance company with which you have entered into a franchise agreement, then you receive the design style and brand along with the franchise and you do not need to invent anything.


The issue of personnel for an insurance company is fundamental. You need to hire qualified specialists who can not only work successfully with clients, but also solve any problems. So don’t neglect numerous interviews with potential insurance agents. As for conducting examinations (if you plan to provide such services), experts can be officially hired as staff, or you can enter into one-time contracts with specialists in a certain field to conduct examinations. But here you need to take into account the demand for such services and the availability of the necessary documents from the expert.

Target Audience

How do you plan to select clients? This is an important issue for an insurance company, because if there are no customers, there will be no income. So, having decided on target audience your business, organize an advertising campaign and constant presentations of your services in places where potential clients gather.

Business secrets

To stay afloat at the very beginning of work, it is advisable to reduce tariffs and attract more clients favorable conditions insurance and more wide range services than competitors.

In addition, it is necessary to offer both programs compulsory insurance, and voluntary insurance programs. And the more of both, the better.

It is imperative to involve as many intelligent agents as possible (at least a hundred of them will be needed), and also to invite 10-15 leading insurance specialists from your city who will be able to organize the work efficiently in a short time. How to attract? Of course, decent pay and good bonuses.

And agents should be sent to places where there may be potential clients. Do you deal with CASCO or OSAGO? Organize the work of agents in several car dealerships. Are you in the life insurance business? Let agents go to dangerous sites and industrial enterprises with difficult working conditions.

Initial Investment

As for investments, in each individual case the size of the initial investment will be determined by the conditions of a particular city. But if we talk about the approximate amount, then opening an insurance company and investments in the first year of its operation will amount to about 7,000,000 rubles.

But don’t forget about the authorized capital of your business (approximately 20,000,000 rubles) and wages employees (this is about another 3,000,000 rubles). Agree, the costs are quite serious, so before starting a business, you need to thoroughly study the situation on the insurance market in a particular city and trace its development trend over the course of two to three years.