The scenario for celebrating a woman’s 30th birthday is cool. Ideas for a girl's birthday: celebrating her thirtieth birthday

Birthday script for 30 years "Women's anniversary" - 30th anniversary scenario 1. Meeting the hero of the day.

Guests stand in the corridor! (with balls!)

The birthday boy enters (to fanfare!)


Birthday is a special date!

This holiday cannot be compared with anything,

Someone wise once came up with

Give joy to the birthday boy.

Let there be happiness and fun

After all, this is the only thing we live for,

And we say: “Happy Birthday! Have a bright and joyful day!”

(The guests shout three times: “Congratulations!”

And it's time to honor these minutes

We can hear the anniversary fireworks here!

And now, dear birthday girl, in honor of the anniversary, the guests have prepared for you a magical drink infused with forty herbs of love, good mood and the most best wishes(The hero of the day drinks a drink to the applause of the guests).

A word to the hero of the day.

1st feast:

1. One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!” But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts!


Happy anniversary,...,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

A toast to your happiness

We've been in a hurry for a long time.

Let all troubles go away

And let the sorrows go away,

Only joy to you,...,

Let your years carry you.

Be cheerful and happy

And beautiful as it is now.

May good luck accompany you

Every day and every hour.

Q: And I now invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing anniversary date our birthday girl!

Q: Dear friends, now I suggest you listen to the rules of behavior at our anniversary. Or rather, the anniversary charter!

(the charter sounds!!!)

Q: Today at the anniversary there is the closest and dear person Birthday girls - mom!

On this day, dear..., I really want to tell you such good kind words:

There are golden domes

There are golden herbs

But there is nothing more beautiful

Than my mother's hands!

Dear guests! Let's greet mom with friendly loud applause... After all, she is also a birthday girl today!

Dear friends! 30 years ago,…. July 19..., angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - ...!

Q: Dear... (addressing mother)!

Do you remember the day when you brought... from the maternity hospital? What was she like?

Years have passed - how do you remember her at 7 years old?

What was she like at 18?

How do you see her now?

(Congratulations to mom and dad) - toast!!!

Toast: Let's fill our glasses and, according to tradition, drink while standing to our parents - they deserve it!

Q: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition of lighting a candle on all birthday holidays, etc. fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness. I suggest you, ..., also light a candle.

May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones, and may only your most beloved and dearest people gather for this light, just like today.

Q: At our table there is younger sister our birthday girl! You grew up in the same family, two girls. Two closest friends. Surely you trusted each other with your most hidden secrets, shared secrets.

Tell us your most memorable, most unforgettable childhood moments.

Sister's toast!!!

Musical game “Heart”

Q: And today for ours festive table there is a charming little girl, the closest and dearest little person, a daughter, and we now find out what’s in her heart...? What's your mom like?

Congratulations to your daughter!

Q: Game with guests: “Embarrassed birthday boy.”

Dear friends, I want to ask you what the hero of the day should be like on his birthday - happy, cheerful, and at the same time he should be a little more... (what?), and whoever names the most definitions will receive a prize from the hero of the day!

Toast: to the sincere wishes of the guests! - a kiss from the hero of the day!

Break: musical break.

2nd feast:

Q: I must say that our birthday girl is happy man, today so many good close friends and relatives have gathered around her, who walked next to him throughout her life, were together in sorrow and in joy. And now I want to hand over the microphone to my close relatives...!

Game with guests: Bouquet of flowers from muses. compositions

Q: Congratulations to the guests!

Game with guests: Who knows the birthday girl better - 2 pairs, questions and answers.

Q: Congratulations to the guests

IN : Popular proverb says: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.” Today our friends came to congratulate our birthday girl.

Game with guests: so much has already been said today good words and congratulations to the hero of the day, and now let’s all think about it together and I suggest you name the best human qualities of the hero of the day starting with the letter “O”, whoever names the most words will receive a prize from the hero of the day.

Q: Congratulations to the guests

Break: musical break.

(games Brook, Little Engine, Gypsies, “Medley”, dance with a handkerchief, “Ribbons”)

3rd feast:

Q: Like any other woman, our birthday girl loves to receive kisses, and let us now try to kiss her together (guests on command must give a choke and a kiss to the hero of the day - 2 teams) - a toast to the hero of the day!!!

Game with guests: super prize from the hero of the day (a bottle of wine).

Game with guests: Auction (based on the riddles of the hero of the day) - for the auction prepare: a can of beer, men’s underpants, an apron, an apple;

Songs (in envelopes), put together a verse of a song from the words and perform it for the hero of the day.

Final words from the presenter. ................ Scenario for 30th anniversary - Scenario for 30th birthday "Women's" anniversary"

All teenage girls dream of growing up quickly. And adult women are nostalgic for childhood. In the soul of every woman, even if she turns thirty, lives a naive girl from the past. I wish I could go back to where the trees were big and love was desperate. The mood is romantic, and the actions are impulsive.

Is it possible to combine the elegance of thirty with the carelessness of thirteen? Everything is possible!

General idea of ​​the holiday

Not only the hero of the occasion, but also all guests, regardless of age, undergo a miraculous transformation from an adult to a teenager. Everyone turns 13 this evening! Isn't it fun? To do this, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Teenage appearance– playful hairstyles with pins, short skirts for “girls”, greased hair for “boys”, slight bad taste or excessive makeup, as happens with teenagers. In general, the look should be slightly ridiculous and careless. Everyone can remember the trends of their time and apply them in creating an image.
  2. Musical arrangement “from the past”. Throughout the holiday, fashionable compositions of the time in which the birthday girl was 13 years old are played.
  3. Laid-back behavior typical of teenagers. You can coyly, keep your hands in your pockets, behave defiantly (in moderation), break into flocks, etc.

For the main gift, you need to prepare a symbolic souvenir reminiscent of this wonderful age. Let it be a hand-signed card, a children's book, or a flower headband. It all depends on the imagination of the guests.

Games and competitions

Holiday idea - adolescence, and therefore appropriate fun activities, reminiscent of school. It was there that everyone, without exception, received the most vivid impressions and first life experience.

Pass a note

The guests gathered at the table are offered small pieces of paper and pens. The task is to write a short note with good wishes to someone present during the meal and pass it so that the “teacher” does not see it. One of the guests present is chosen to play the role of teacher, whose task is to closely monitor the “behavior” of the guests and remove notes that come into view when being handed over to the recipient.

If the teacher manages to type more notes than they were planned to convey, he receives a prize. Otherwise, the “class” wins and small prizes are given to everyone. 15 minutes are allotted for this competition.

Read the note

The task is to write and deliver a note to any of the guests, but encrypt the text in such a way that the meaning of the text is not easy to decipher (you never know, the message might end up in the hands of adults).

After the notes are received, everyone reads the text out loud and tries to understand what it says. Those present help. The one who correctly deciphers the message wins.

The Princess and the Pea

For this task, three chairs are placed on which a certain number of decorative glass pebbles or large beads lie. Objects are covered with thick fabric so that they are not visible.

The hero of the occasion chooses two “girlfriends”, all three participants sit on chairs. The task of each of them is to determine how many pebbles or beads are under it. For this purpose, women actively move on chairs to rousing music, without using their hands. The princess turns out to be the one who accurately determines the number of objects.

Blind dance

Guests are divided into two groups. It is advisable that each group consist of representatives of the same gender - “boys” separately from “girls”. If there is not an equal number of participants, you can make mixed teams. All participants in one group are blindfolded, others remain without blindfolds. To the accompaniment of slow music, the “blind” must find a partner and dance a slow dance.

“Sighted” participants scatter around the hall and freeze in one place. They should not invite their partner to come to them or approach them. But moving away and hiding is also not part of the rules.

Anniversary scenes for a woman turning 30

Everyone remembered their school years for interesting events, and skits were their favorite part. You can use this idea when celebrating. To do this, you need to invite those interested, divide them into several teams of three or four people and set topics for the skits. For example:

  1. School disco.
  2. Love triangle.
  3. Chemistry lesson.

A time of up to 60 minutes is allocated for preparation, after which each team presents its masterpiece to the audience. The birthday girl does not participate: she heads the audience jury.

These are the kinds of contests and competitions that can be included in the scenario for a woman’s 30th birthday. Colored tubes, napkins with funny designs, balloons. It is important to decorate the walls with posters of idols of the time when the birthday girl was a teenager. If the territory allows, you can arrange outdoor games that require skill and speed. And if there is a swimming pool, organize a water disco at the end of the holiday.

Are you getting ready to celebrate your first thirtieth birthday? You've probably imagined more than once what you'll be like when you're 30. Some people completely find themselves by this moment, others reach the peak of their career, and others decide to make drastic changes in their lives before it’s too late.

Whatever surprises fate has in store for you when you turn thirty, this is not just another date. This is a new page in life that needs to be turned over in a fun, original way and always in good company. Today we offer you 30 useful ideas how to celebrate 30 years.

1. Birthday in nature

We're not talking about a barbecue in your backyard. Pack your backpacks, tents, provisions, and go hiking. Celebrate your birthday in a picturesque forest or in the mountains, with songs accompanied by a guitar around a fire, with the best people and without the usual city bustle. Romance!

2. Party at the bar

If you are a child of a metropolis and cannot distinguish ordinary matches from hunting matches, go with your friends to your favorite bar or cafe. Organize a loud party with interactive entertainment, delicacies, live music and an exciting show program.

3. The actual barbecue

There is no time or desire to call entertainment venues, negotiate with artists and get together public place? Then calmly fry the meat and drink beer in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends. Minimum preparation, just a pleasant rest.

4. Wine tour

Are you a passionate wine fan whose tastes would be the envy of professional sommeliers? Then it’s decided: plan a wine tour to the best wineries in Italy, France or Spain for your 30th birthday. See the world, taste and stock up on your favorite wines for yourself and your friends.

5. Concert or music festival

If a concert of your favorite artist is planned nearby, book tickets and indulge in the pleasure. Music festivals are generally a wonderful place for a music lover to celebrate their 30th birthday: food, drinks, entertainment, conversationalists and a lot of positive emotions.

6. Ghost Tour

We are in no way hinting that the dust is already falling off you, and the world of spirits has become a year closer. Foreign birthday people are increasingly ordering extreme ghost tours to abandoned cities and dangerous places. For example, a tour to Pripyat is an ideal place to think about the eternal.

7. Karaoke marathon

An excellent choice for musically gifted owners of a sonorous voice. Host a fun karaoke party at your local bar or at home. But don’t forget about high-quality sound equipment, without which a karaoke marathon will turn into a pathetic parody.

8. Amusement park

Turning thirty is not a reason to become a bore. Turn on in yourself inner child and explore the nearest amusement park. An excellent option for family birthday parties with children.

9. Road trip

Turn your 30th birthday celebration into a fun road trip with friends or family home country. Fill up your tank, pack your bags and head to the cities you've always wanted to see. All you need is a credit card and good company.

10. Excursion to the brewery

Do you love beer? Then we invite you to go on a tour of the legendary breweries of Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Belgium. This is an opportunity to expand your beer knowledge and at the same time enjoy the tourist beauty of old Europe.

11. Long vacation

To celebrate your 30th birthday, take a vacation, turn off your phone, and fly off to dreamland. Some people dream of the beaches of Thailand, some dream of the brooding peaks of Nepal, and some want to take a breeze through the African savannah. Hurry up to make your dreams come true!

12. Cool hotel

Celebrate your birthday in a luxury hotel where you would never normally stay. Just check out today's incredible selection of boutique hotels, historic hotels, and more.

13. Zipline and skydiving

Prove that you are young, physically strong and brave. Extreme entertainment like skydiving or rappelling over an abyss on a steel rope is an unforgettable experience for your 30th birthday.

14. Chic party

Are you used to saving penny after penny? Then a chic party on a Hollywood scale will greatly shake up your usual world. Don't skimp on this day, organize an enchanting show, invite your favorite performers. Treat yourself and surprise your friends.

15. Medieval fair

An ideal option for those who are not alien to the spirit of travel and love of history. In many cities of Western and Northern Europe From time to time, unique medieval fairs are held with a lot of authentic entertainment and goods, music and costumes. Pack your bags!

16. Conquering the peak

An epic conquest of a mountain peak is for those strong in body and spirit. If you were involved in mountaineering in your youth, then climbing a mountain with friends will be a serious test of the strength of your old bones. There you will raise a glass to your health!

17. Horse riding

Organize a trip to the nearest farm or stud farm. Celebrate your 30th birthday on horseback, literally and figuratively. Picturesque countryside, clean air, communication with nature surrounded by dear people - what else is needed for a good time?

18. Cooking master class

If you want to learn something new, book a cooking class with your friends. Great opportunity chat, learn the secrets of delicious cuisine and cook something special for your own birthday party.

19. Excursion to the museum

Visit a themed museum with family and friends that suits your interests. Fans exhibit a variety of things - from racing cars and sabers to wine stoppers and butterflies.

20. Paintball

Whether you want to vent your frustrations or just have fun, paintball is suitable for both. Grab a group of friends and go to the nearest arena, where you will give vent to your feelings.

21. Winter fun

Winter is coming, which gives birthday people a special holiday experience. Skis, skates, snowboarding - have a blast. No snow? Celebrate 30 years at the ice arena.

22. Climbing wall

Not everyone has the courage and preparation to climb real mountains, but no one can stop you from going to the nearest climbing wall. It’s fun, good for the body, and will work up an appetite.

23. Predictions

Add a little mysticism. Go to a medium and get a prediction for the next 30.

24. Massage session

Sign up for the best massage parlor. Relieve stress and anxiety, relax all your muscles and get ready to celebrate an important date. Take time for yourself.

25. Game festival

Gaming is a hobby for all ages. Gaming exhibition or festival like WG Fest – best place to plunge into the virtual universe. Bring your children and wife - the former will probably be delighted, but the wife... But where will she go on your holiday?

26. Marathon

For those who can use more than just a joystick, we suggest running a marathon. Well, or at least a more modest distance. In any case, have no doubt: you will remember this birthday for a long time.

27. Beach Party

If you live near the sea, then a beach party will be a natural end to the special day. Lovers active recreation can start with surfing and scuba diving.

28. Best restaurant

Quiet gatherings in a bar are too modest for an anniversary. Hollywood party is too expensive. But a birthday in the best restaurant, with your favorite dishes, cocktails and music is just the thing.

29. New pet

Start your fourth decade by acquiring a new friend, even a four-legged one. In addition to a loyal look and affectionate hugs, little brothers are good company, especially if you are alone.

30. Shopping

Classic of the genre. Shopping for modern man– it’s not just a trip for things, but also communication, stress relief, and entertainment. Stock up on time and a tight wallet, take your best friends, and go ahead - fight stress. You definitely won’t come back without pleasant purchases.

To the girl

How fun and interesting is it to organize a girl’s 30th birthday party at home, and even with competitions? The question, at first glance, is complex, but solvable. And a scenario for a girl’s 30th birthday can easily resolve this issue. This scenario is designed to celebrate this at home, without the help of a toastmaster, but on your own. Cheerful and entertainment program All guests will enjoy it, and they will relax as they have never before.

Scenario for a girl's 30th birthday. Birthday 30 years

The hero of the day herself is behind the door. There is a red carpet laid out on the floor, with helium-filled balloons hanging on either side. The balls soar up and create a unique atmosphere. The balls must be hung so that there are no identical colors next to each other, but so that the colors opposite each other are the same. And at the end of the red carpet there are guests, they stand in a semicircle. The presenter stands in the center, and next to her on either side are two young men with gorgeous bouquets of flowers.
Solemn music sounds. The doors open and the hostess of the evening enters the room. She walks along the red carpet and stops near the guests and the presenter.

With a beautiful important date, we congratulate you!
Ten times more, we wish you to live longer!
So that you have time to do everything you wished for,
And the invisible fairy fulfilled your wishes!
This applause sounds only for you,
A bouquet of gorgeous flowers, best girl in the world!

Everyone applauds, and young guys present bouquets of flowers.
Next, the hero of the day invites everyone to the table.

Toast 1.

Today we will drink to your beauty!
There is nothing in the world that can be compared with it!
Let's raise all our glasses and drink them to the bottom,
You are the best, you are the only one we have!

Game 1.

One famous song says: “birthday, sad holiday.” Is this really so? Do guests come to the hero of the day to be sad? No! And now we will prove it.

Game for girls. The girls go to the center. They stand as they stood. And the presenter says:
And now your task is to build according to height from the tallest to the smallest!
All girls must line up according to height. The presenter records the time on a stopwatch.

And finally, build according to the neckline: from the smallest to the deepest!
The girls line up, and the presenter again times the time. Afterwards, the presenter says how much time the girls spent on all the constructions.

Game for guys. The guys go to the center. The presenter says:
Line up by the number of hairs on your head: from least to most!
The guys line up, and the leader starts the stopwatch.

Now line up by shoe size: from largest to smallest!
And the stopwatch starts again.

And finally, line up along the length... ring finger on the left hand!
The guys line up, and the stopwatch is started again. After, when everyone has lined up, the stopwatch turns off and compares who spent the least time on everything. So to speak, who is more disciplined?

Toast 2. (to parents)

Who tried hard at night without sleeping?
Who didn't close their eyes?
Who did everything for him
To reveal this child to the world?
Of course it's the parents!
Would you like to have a glass for them?

Game 2.

Which of you wants to catch money with a net? But this is only at first glance, it seems that everything is so simple, in fact everything is not very simple, especially for the one who loses.

Rules of the game.
Money of one currency is taken, for example, rubles, but of different denominations. One person climbs onto a chair and throws money up. And two or three others stand nearby and catch them with a net. You can’t pick up money from the floor; if it falls, that’s it. When the money runs out, the amount of money caught is counted. It is not the number of banknotes that is counted, but their denomination. If one caught 550 rubles, and the second caught 400 rubles, then the one who caught more wins. And whoever lost either pays the difference in the loss, in this case 150 rubles, or fulfills the wish. For example, eat 150 grams of lemon or drink 150 grams of vodka at a time.

Toast 3.

Let's fill our glasses again,
And we’ll empty them once, twice, three times!
To our hero of the day we drink to the dregs,
And we’ll tell her three times: hurray, hurray, hurray!

Game 3.

And now I propose to divide into four teams!

The essence of the game.
The first two teams write words on sheets of paper in two minutes that characterize the mood of the hero of the day. For example, cheerful, joyful, happy, and so on. Who will get more different words, he won. And the third and fourth teams write words that indicate a mood that the hero of the day should not have. For example, sad, not happy, doesn’t dance, and so on. Again. Whoever wrote the most wins.
Two teams compete in a super game that reach the finals.

Super game.
Teams must come up with and write congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day in three minutes. But it’s not so easy to write, but so that each congratulation begins with the letter of her name, surname and patronymic, if it comes to that. That is, if the hero of the day’s name is: Irina Alekseevna Prokopyeva, then congratulations should begin in turn with the letters: i, r, i, n, a, a, l, e, k, s, e, e, v, n, a , p, r, o. k, o, p, e, v, a. You cannot move to another letter until you have come up with a congratulation for the previous letter.
After the time has passed, the pieces of paper are handed in, and the presenter reads out congratulations. The team that writes the most wins.

Game 4.

Does everyone like to play forfeits? Then here are your assignments, everyone in turn takes out their piece of paper with the assignment and completes it.

And now it's time for something tasty! and what is the most delicious thing we have? That's right - cake!

The cake can be brought out spectacularly. This requires four strong men and one dancer. Four men lift the dancer on an improvised tray and cover him with an opaque cloth. They bring the tray to the hero of the day, lower it and ask the hero of the day to throw off the cloth. The fabric is peeled off and

You need to prepare rubber gloves in advance according to the number of participants in the competition. They will need to be filled with water, tied at the top and hung on a rope, securely secured with clothespins. The leader quickly walks along the rope and pierces one of the fingers of each glove with a needle, after which he gives the command “Start”. Participants grab bowls or other containers and try to milk all the liquid from the glove into the container as quickly as possible. The fastest milker or milkmaid wins.

King of beasts

The hero of the day is usually chosen as the king of beasts, the lion. He sits down on the throne and, pointing to the next guest, tries to explain to him with gestures and facial expressions who he is. And this guest must, according to his role, approach the lion. If the guest was shown with gestures long ears, and he decided that he was a hare, then he should gallop towards the lion, and if he was shown a writhing snake, then he should crawl, and so on. When all the animals have gathered at the feet of the king, he rewards the most intelligent and skillful with something tasty.

Get it done in 30 seconds

Guests are divided into pairs: man-woman. Each couple is given an orange. At the “start” command, there are two options for the development of events:
A man peels an orange and a woman eats it;
Both the man and woman peel and then eat the orange without using their hands.
The couple that completes the task in 30 seconds will win and receive a prize.

A fairy tale for the birthday boy

Guests must compose a fairy tale about the birthday boy, based on real life hero of the day and your imagination. Each guest takes turns telling one sentence, trying to support the theme of the previous storyteller, but one rule must be followed: use the number 30 in any form (thirty, thirtieth, etc.). The result will be an interesting fictional story that will delight the hero of the day, for example, In a certain kingdom, our birthday boy was born 30 years ago. He soaked his finger for the first 30 minutes. The baby grew by leaps and bounds, because he ate as many as 30 spoons delicious porridge. One day our Andryusha went into a dense dense forest, where there were 30 tall trees. He wanted to find a magic mushroom, about which there was a legend that it weighed 30 kilograms and could grant any 30 wishes. And so on. Whoever forgets about the rule and does not insert “30” into his sentence is out of the game. The rest of the guests receive prizes for their imagination, ingenuity and diligence. And the hero of the day will tell a new fairy tale to your children.


Each of the guests in a circle counts, 30 is 1+29, the second: 30 is 2+28, the third: 30 is 3+27 and so on. And the host names the action that the guest must perform with his second number, for example, 29 compliments to the birthday person, 28 wishes, 27 character traits of the birthday person, 15 squats for the birthday person, 5 jumps to the ceiling, 2 poems that are associated with the birthday person, 1 song with the name birthday boy and so on.

30 "no"

All the guests probably know what the hero of the day likes to do, what he prefers in food and music, but not everyone can guess what he categorically would not like to do and what, for example, he would never eat or listen to. Guests are divided into teams of several people, each team receives a piece of paper and a pen, and when the host gives the “start”, the teams must make a list of 30 “no”s for the hero of the day, for example, he doesn’t eat fish, doesn’t listen to rap, doesn’t like the color red , does not use the services of a beauty salon, does not play cards, does not like to sleep under a blanket, and so on. The team that compiles a list of 30 “no’s” for the hero of the day faster than the rest will win.

30 peas

It’s simple: for each participant, 30 peas are poured onto a saucer (green canned peas) and everyone has one fork. At the command “start”, participants must prick peas and eat them. Whoever can eat his dish the fastest wins.

Anniversary kisses and hugs

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. In the center of the room stands the hero of the day, and at the same distance from him are the visiting teams. The first participants receive a ball and place it on the floor between their legs. At the command “start”, the first participants run, or rather jump (jump) towards the hero of the day, trying not to lose the ball (otherwise they will have to return to the starting position) and, depending on the gender, either kiss him (women) or hug him (men) and rush back, pass the ball to the second participants and stand at the end of the team. The team that kisses and hugs the hero of the day the fastest, that is, the team whose first participant is the first again, will win. It’s nice for the hero of the day and fun for the guests.

For 30 years, eat baguette bread

For this competition you will need small bread baguettes (thin). And then the development of events according to two options:
Participants are divided into pairs and each pair, at the command “start”, must eat the baguette faster than the others, one participant starts from one end, and the second from the other;
Each participant, at the command “start”, begins to eat the baguette, trying to do it faster than the others.
Whoever completes the task faster will win.