What documents are needed to receive a social scholarship? Who is entitled to a social scholarship for students and how to get it

We explain what a social scholarship is and how the conditions for receiving it have changed.

Social scholarship is additional to the main one academic scholarship cash payment intended for financially vulnerable categories of students. Back in 2016, many Kirov students studying at state expense full-time studying at universities and colleges, could count on receiving it. But now the number of recipients has been greatly limited, and the procedure for processing this payment has become more complicated.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

On social scholarship The following students can count on:

  • disabled people of groups I and II,
  • orphans,
  • students exposed to radiation,
  • students with disabilities due to military injury or illness,
  • students who have served for at least three years under contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition to the above categories, students whose parents earn low wages could previously apply for a social scholarship. This option was the most common reason for assigning this payment. Provided that the average per capita income in the family is less than the subsistence level, the student could collect the necessary documents and submit an application to the dean’s office.

How much is the social scholarship?

The size of the social scholarship is determined by the educational institution, but for universities it cannot be less than 2010 rubles. Unlike an academic scholarship, a social scholarship does not depend on the grades a student receives; its payment is terminated only if the student has a debt in any subject or practice, as well as due to the expiration of a social security certificate.

Let us remind you that a typical academic scholarship at a higher educational institution is just over 2 thousand rubles; a student will receive this amount monthly, provided that he studies with “good” and “excellent” grades. If the student’s record contains “satisfactory” grades, then the issuance of an academic scholarship is terminated until the next session. Thus, previously a student receiving both of these scholarships could count on about five thousand rubles a month.

What is the current procedure for receiving a social scholarship?

Previously, to assign the so-called “social benefits” it was necessary to take certificates about the composition of the family, the income of all family members, that the person is a student at an educational institution, and also that he was awarded an academic scholarship. Based on these certificates, a certificate from social security was issued recognizing the family as low-income; it was this that made university staff understand that the student needed additional financial assistance.

The validity period of this certificate is still limited to one year, that is, in order to extend the payment, you need to re-submit a certificate from the authority social protection population at the place of registration at the university.

But from January 1, 2017, the procedure for receiving a social scholarship has changed. Now, in order to apply for or extend the payment of a social scholarship, students, as before, need their family to be recognized as low-income (total income divided among all family members should not exceed the subsistence level, today this amount is 9,503 rubles). But at the same time, in accordance with another condition for assigning a state social scholarship to students, there is now a document confirming the appointment of the state social assistance. This means that now, in order to qualify for a social scholarship, a student must already receive some kind of subsidy or benefit from the state. This is not a problem for orphans and disabled children, but it makes life difficult for students whose parents have low incomes but do not officially receive any social benefits. After all, there are many more students who need social scholarships than students who are already receiving financial assistance from the state.

What options are there?

For state-funded students from low-income families, one of the options would be to apply for a subsidy to pay for utility bills. It is assigned to citizens who have expenses for public utilities exceed 22% of the average family income. We already know how to get it and what documents are needed for this. After this, you will only have to get from social security the same certificate that you will need to apply for a social scholarship at the university.

If it is not possible to obtain a subsidy or your family does not fit into the low-income category, a budget student can apply for financial assistance due to a difficult financial situation. To do this, you need to contact the dean's office of your educational institution. This payment is provided once a year, it is usually accrued before the onset of the winter holidays, its amount cannot exceed three times the size of the state social scholarship. In your application for financial assistance, you must indicate the reason why you need to receive it. For example, “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, since I am from out of town (I don’t live in a hostel) and rent a house” or “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, since the income of the family in which I am being raised is below the subsistence level.” The application must be accompanied by a copy of your passport (page with photo and registration) and a copy of your TIN. Practice shows that in some universities it is much more realistic and easier to receive financial assistance, and it will not take as much time as applying for a social scholarship.

Photo: vesti22.tv

One of the significant means of financial incentives for university students is a scholarship provided by the state to those who show good skills during their studies. There is such a thing as a social scholarship, which is awarded only to full-time students who study with money provided by the federal or local budget. What documents are needed to assign it, who has the right to apply for it and how to complete the necessary documents will be discussed in this article.

The procedure for determining, assigning and directly paying a social scholarship is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” adopted in 2012, and a list of documents required for this is also provided here. A student who needs social assistance has the right to receive such a regular scholarship, for which he must confirm this status with an appropriate certificate. It is issued by the Social Services department. protection of the population at the place of official registration of the student and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487 of June 27, 2001.

To obtain such a document, the student needs to collect and submit to the social services authority. protection of the population the following official documents:

  1. Civil passport, photocopy of documents
  2. from a university, college, technical school or other educational institution where the student is studying.
  3. A document that confirms the status of a person (orphan, victim of the Chernobyl accident, disabled, and so on).
  4. with housing and communal services information about family composition (for citizens classified as low-income).
  5. about official income members of his family.

It should be taken into account that the right to receive social benefits. Scholarships are awarded exclusively to students who study at the expense of the state budget and on a full-time basis. After submitting a package of documents to social security, the student is issued a certificate of the appropriate form for submission to a college, university, technical school, academy, and so on.

Important! The certificate must be updated every year, and it is submitted to the dean’s office of the educational institution in the month of September. Otherwise, issuing social scholarships are suspended.

In addition to knowing what papers are needed, it is important to remember that to receive social security. State scholarships can be applied for by students from families classified as low-income, living alone and orphans. Those who have a low per capita income, that is, less than the subsistence minimum (Moscow Government Decree No. 301 PP dated July 3, 2012), are also entitled to this. You can also submit documents to receive a certificate giving the right to assign a social scholarship through the MFC, which simplifies and speeds up this task.

All state and municipal universities and institutes provide the opportunity to receive social benefits. scholarships, including Northern Federal University named after Lomonosov (abbr. NArFU).

Documents for a social scholarship for a student

According to the latest changes and additions reflected in 2018, in order to receive a social scholarship from the state, a student must write an application to the dean’s office with a request to receive this manual. At the same time, he must justify his desire by providing significant evidence that he falls under the appropriate category of students. Regarding what is needed to receive a monthly scholarship, we must also add the need to provide a certificate of what types of scholarships the student receives. Such a document is obtained from the Department of Social Protection of the Population (abbr. USZN).

Important! List for out-of-town students necessary documents is also supplemented by a certificate in form No. 9, which confirms the temporary registration of the student in the city.

Regardless of the type of university and its direction in terms of training in specific specialties, a student can apply for a scholarship as a member of a low-income family. To do this, you must submit the following additional documents:

  1. A certificate of family composition, which is provided by a housing department employee.
  2. Document on financial support of the family for the last 3 months, drawn up in the form.

It is important to note that after all the certificates and documents are collected, the student writes an application addressed to the rector with a request to assign him a social scholarship. After registering the application, the university council checks the documents for authenticity and if everything is in order, as a rule, it accepts it. Cash pass through the channels of the pension fund, but there are usually no delays in payments. The scholarship is awarded for 1 year, after which the certificate is updated.

Illness is not a basis for stopping accruals; only for this, the student must necessarily bring a certificate from a doctor. If a person leaves the university, then accruals stop at the same moment. Typically, the scholarship is awarded in cash through the university’s accounting department, but in lately Many educational institutions have entered into agreements with banks and transfer money to student debit cards (accounts).

You need to understand that a social scholarship is awarded only to those who master the material well and pass exams and tests successfully. So, only those students who study well should take up the task of completing it, since otherwise the pedagogical council will simply reject the request and will not satisfy the application for payment of benefits. The university management regularly provides information to the Ministry of Education about the number of people receiving social scholarships, which helps make allocations.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Russian government takes all measures to stimulate and encourage students even from poor families.

You can find out more information about receiving a social scholarship from this video:

State provision concerns all areas social life person. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly prepare all documents in order to obtain low-income status.

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For children in such families, there are separate benefit options and it is necessary to understand whether a social scholarship is available for low-income students in Russia in 2019.

Required information

Social support for children in the country is provided through different levels. For low-income families, funds are allocated both for ordinary things - food, clothing, school items, and for more specific ones - free visits to cultural places.

Children from low-income families have the opportunity to receive benefits for federal level and locally. These funds are used to support citizens and ensure that they receive everything they need.

Depending on the assigned status and area of ​​residence, a set of social guarantees for the family and for the child.

Social scholarships for the poor are provided by law. And you can only apply for it if you have official status.


State level support is carried out according to a certain scheme. Within its framework, it is necessary to navigate according to the norms of the terminological base:

Concept Designation
Low-income citizen A person who is part of a low-income family - within the framework of such an association, the income indicators for each family member are lower than the established minimum subsistence level
Scholarship A payment that is issued to a citizen studying at a budgetary department of a state educational institution. The benefit defines best students on the course and provides them with financial incentives
Statement A document involving the transfer of data between different structures and confirming any legal actions
Living wage An indicator of the level of income per person in a region, which is recognized as the minimum for living. In different regions of the Russian Federation, the numbers differ - depending on the development of the region, the amount of work, and the level of wages

Who is eligible to receive payments?

Only a separate list of students can apply for a social scholarship. Initially, a certain framework was created according to the following conditions:

  • full-time training and no absences from classes;
  • training should be carried out only on a budgetary basis with successful passing the Unified State Exam or OGE.
Children who are deprived of parental care or are recognized as orphans Payments are made in relation to them up to 23 years of age - in the case of a constant increase in the level of education
Disabled people In this case, children with disabilities, people with disabilities since childhood, or those with group 1 or 2 categories may qualify for benefits.
Citizens who came under radioactive influence This category includes Chernobyl disaster, participation in the Semipalatinsk test site
Students who served under contract From 3 years in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB or executive authorities
Poor It is imperative to confirm the fact that you do not have a proper financial position - a certificate from social security is issued

Legislative regulation

Initially, the package of regulatory legal acts should include the main valid papers. Thus, one should rely on Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”.

This document establishes indicators for the size of government payments of such a plan. All scholarships are paid in accordance with Article 36 of this Federal Law. Paragraph 17 of the article talks about how the amount of the benefit should be formed.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 “On establishing standards for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget” forms indicators for the amount of social scholarship payments.

Since financing is provided from all-Russian funds. And for all students the benefit will be the same. There is also information about increased payments separate document with its provisions.

This is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 679 “On increasing scholarships for needy first and second year students of federal state educational institutions higher vocational education students studying full-time at the expense of federal budget allocations for bachelor’s degree programs and specialist training programs and having academic performance ratings of “good” and “excellent.”

And by creation of this document took up after the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 599 “On measures to implement public policy in the field of education and science.”

How to apply for a state social scholarship for low-income students

This type of benefit is issued upon the student’s application. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for a number of requirements and actions. Initially, you need to understand that receiving government assistance in this area is based on the citizen’s success in education.

Photo: procedure for applying for a social scholarship

It is to stimulate his high achievements that funding was introduced. The registration procedure itself involves several stages.

And in this case, the most important ones will be:

  • registration procedure;
  • collection of documents.

In order to receive financial support, you must constantly attend classes at the educational institution and receive high grades for the work done.

Registration procedure

Receiving financial assistance state standard requires a number of steps:

Draw up a certificate stating that the student is studying at the institution This document can be obtained from the dean's office of an educational organization - universities or colleges
The dean’s office also prepares a document on the amount of income for the last three months. In their absence, a document is still drawn up indicating zero indicators for benefits
Pass all items for the session without debt If there are any “tails”, social scholarship payments are terminated
Confirm the status of a low-income family - according to all norms established by law All documents are sent to educational institution for verification and reporting

This algorithm should be carried out every session. Since the social scholarship is awarded only to excellent and good students and under certain conditions, it is necessary to constantly confirm the status.

Collecting certificates and calculating payments should begin in advance to avoid delays and long breaks in assistance. The student takes care of this on his own.

It is usually necessary to collect documents in the first month of the semester in order to process payments on time. More detailed deadlines are set at the place of study - there you need to get advice on registration.

It usually does not take time to apply for a scholarship. large quantities time at university. Therefore, it is worth obtaining the status of a low-income family in advance, so that there are no problems in further registration.

After the documents have been transferred from social protection to a higher or secondary educational institution, an administrative act of local significance is issued.

List of documents

A basic set of papers includes the following items:

For non-resident students it is necessary to provide additional options papers:

  • confirmation of registration in a dormitory or residential premises according to Form 9;
  • receipt of payment for accommodation in the hostel and absence of debt.

If a citizen does not live in a hostel, he must provide the appropriate certificate from a passport officer.

Amount of assistance this year

The amount of assistance benefits is determined based on several factors. So, there is an indicator of a student’s category, which is within the following framework:

Place of study, degree Amount of social scholarship, rubles
Technical schools 890
Colleges 890
Higher educational institutions, universities 2.5 thousand
Graduate students, assistants, residents 3.1 thousand
Postgraduate students in the field of technical and natural sciences 7.7 thousand

These indicators are payments with indexation included. In 2019, the level of supplement for social scholarships will be 4%. Therefore, in the first academic semester, payments are less than in the second.

Advantages and Disadvantages

It is necessary to understand that this type of payment has its own nuances:

In the near future, no increase in this category of scholarship is expected in Russia. Therefore, the poor cannot count on privileges and will receive the same amount of assistance.

The only option to increase your income is to receive a survivor's pension. Although such a payment is available only to certain categories of citizens.

If a person does not have enough money to provide even such basic needs as food or the purchase of medicines and clothing, he should find out how to apply for a social scholarship in 2019 and what is required for this.

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Students can become scholarship recipients in different cases. But government assistance is provided only to those who need it.

The purpose of this appointment is to stimulate future specialists and provide assistance to persons undergoing training at an educational institution.

However, financial support is not available to everyone. First of all, only those who study full-time can receive it.

General information

Appointed different types scholarships. The main category of recipients are those people who are in dire need of social assistance.

The choice of payment type is based on social status student, his security. A prerequisite is that the student must need help.

What is it

Those citizens who study at a higher educational institution or college and need to receive subsidies, which are more of a material assistance, have the right to receive support.

Unlike personal and Presidential scholarships, this support can be received by students with any academic performance.

What is needed for a social scholarship:

  • be a current student;
  • attend day care;
  • to have a difficult situation and need certain things.

Persons studying at their own expense (at the commercial department) are not entitled to receive financial assistance. This applies only to those who entered the budget department.

How much is (size)

Resolution No. 899 established the minimum amounts of social scholarships for students. Differentiation is carried out depending on the direction of the specialty received by a person.

Students of colleges (institutions of secondary specialized education) can make small payments - 730 rubles, on a certain date each month. For university students, this amount is slightly higher and amounts to 2,010 rubles.

Also, some educational institutions have their own non-state funds, but the scholarship is awarded for certain merits in education and is not social, that is, available to everyone who needs it.

Current regulatory framework

The basic law that governs the state. organizations, when assigning payments to students - Federal Law 312 dated July 3, 2016 “Scholarships and other cash payments.”

There are also a number of other regulations governing the process of providing financial assistance to students:

IN Federal law No. 273 also provides a list of citizens entitled to receive assistance.

How to receive a social scholarship from January 1, 2019

To receive payments, you must first apply for them. There are several factors to consider before submitting your application.

First you need to make sure that study session was successfully closed and there are no debts on individual items. It is also necessary to prepare some documents.

The scholarship can only be received by current students in the process of studying. No payments are provided to applicants or graduates.

Who is eligible for universities?

The law establishes a list of persons who are entitled to financial assistance allocated by the state during the training process:

  1. Children who were officially recognized as orphans and have not reached the age of 23, and have not graduated from college or institute.
  2. Children left without parental care for one reason or another.
  3. Citizens who, while studying at an educational institution, lost one or both parents.
  4. Children with disabilities, in particular those who have groups 1 and 2.
  5. Citizens injured during military service.
  6. Persons who, for a period of more than 3 years, were on military service in the National Guard or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  7. Persons officially recognized as poor.

When submitting an application, the fact of need for social assistance will be checked, as well as registration for full-time study on a budgetary basis.

Registration procedure for students

Students are wondering what certificates need to be prepared, what is the procedure for processing documents. Often the question of receiving a scholarship worries girls who become pregnant during their studies.

Please note that during pregnancy, as well as during the period before and after childbirth, payments are suspended.

In excess of the established norm, according to Federal Law No. 273, a scholarship may be awarded to students who are studying in the 1st or 2nd year and need financial assistance. At the same time, they must receive education under a bachelor's or specialist's program.

For the poor

Students whose families, or themselves, have been recognized by social protection authorities as low-income, have a priority right to receive financial assistance from the state during the period of study.

If a pension is awarded to a low-income student, in addition to the usual papers, he must prepare the following:

  1. Certificate of family composition. This paper is issued upon application, at the student’s place of registration. Its validity period is 10 days, which must be taken into account when registering.
  2. Information about the family budget - 2-NDFL.

When determining financial situation The representative of the social security authority takes into account not only the salaries of the student’s father and mother, but also any benefits or pensions received.

For non-residents

Law No. 273 establishes that students who come to another city to receive secondary or higher education, that is, who are from other cities, also have the right to receive social assistance.

No restrictions were introduced. In this regard, the accrual and payment of scholarships is carried out on a general basis.

In addition to the usual documents, a student who comes from another city is required to provide a certificate in Form No. 9 confirming that he has received registration in the dormitory.

Receipts confirming the transfer of payment for the place of residence must also be attached.

For the loss of a breadwinner

A person who has lost his breadwinner is especially in dire need of help. Due to circumstances, an increased rate may be assigned.

The scholarship is awarded in the amount established by law - for higher educational institutions - 2010 rubles, and is paid during the period of study at the institution.

Those citizens who have not reached the age of 23 are eligible to receive a scholarship. Also, the loss of a breadwinner may be considered not the death of parents, but a significant decrease in their income, due to which they are unable to support a child.

What documents need to be provided

To receive a scholarship, you must apply for it. The question arises, how to do it right. First of all, you need to prepare documents according to the list:

Additional documents are also provided confirming that the student is socially vulnerable. For example, a certificate of disability. Before you apply, you need to find out who is eligible.

Correct filling of the application (sample)

The application for a social scholarship is drawn up on one sheet of A4 paper. A sample application for a social scholarship is available.

Photo: sample application for a social scholarship

It is allowed to print the document on a computer and provide a manual signature. All fields must be filled out - it is especially important to indicate the circumstance that gives the right to receive payments.

Latest news and changes

Previously, a social scholarship was paid to all students who were eligible to receive assistance from the state.

This allowed almost every student to classify themselves as low-income, for the reason that during their studies work activity is not fully implemented.

However, an innovation was adopted, according to which only those who provide evidence of low income of their family are eligible to receive a scholarship. That is, the student’s family itself must be low-income.

The cost of living for a social scholarship 2019 has only a conditional meaning. Its size is determined based on the cost of goods and services necessary for the student.

Payments are provided for one year, after which you must reapply. From January 1, 2019, scholarships began to be paid to those students who are already receiving assistance from the state.

Hello student! Studying is always wonderful, but I want to talk about financial side question. And what, for diligent study at the university there is a kind of “ wages”, which everyone simply calls “scholarship”. It is these social payments that I would like to talk about in more detail, since for many university students this is the main source of income.

Social scholarship is a monthly cash payment that has a fixed value and is provided as financial assistance to needy graduate and undergraduate students.

The size of such payments is different every academic year; moreover, social scholarships in different regions also have excellent indicators; and this depends on the city budget, which is formed each time at the beginning of the calendar year.

Only students who study for free, that is, on the budget, can count on this form of payment, and this fact is explained by the fact that the money is allocated from the federal budget.

This good help student, therefore, if possible, you should not refuse to receive it, but provide all the necessary documents to the relevant authorities (in this case, the dean’s office of the university).

Academic and social scholarship are two different concepts, and the assignment of the latter in no way affects the scholarship that students with an average score of 4 and above receive every month at approximately the same period.

The social scholarship is paid additionally, and the monthly income received allows you to feel at least a little financial independence and confidence in the future.

Social scholarship amount increases every year, as does the standard of living of a modern student. If in the 2010–2011 academic year the amount was 1,650 rubles, then in the 2013–2014 academic year this figure increased to 2,010 rubles (minimum).

By the way, not only university students, but also students of colleges or vocational schools can count on a social scholarship, and the monthly payment for this category is 730 rubles (minimum).

It would seem that the money is small, but you should not refuse it, since, as you know, it certainly will not be superfluous, especially for a student with his unlimited needs.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

One should not naively believe that all categories of students can count on a social scholarship.

This is an erroneous reasoning, and only the following categories of students at universities, colleges, and vocational schools can receive monthly payments:

1. Children are orphans;

2. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 only;

3. Children are Chernobyl victims;

4. Disabled people and combat veterans;

5. Students raising children;

6. Students from large families;

7. Family students;

8. Students with parents - disabled people of groups 1 and 2;

9. Students from single-parent families;

10. Students with children with disabilities of group 3.

To get due payments, the first thing you should do is contact the academic department of the university, and then submit all the required documents to officially confirm your status.

However, as practice shows, students in these categories cannot always count on financial benefits.

What are we talking about?

1. It is not possible to obtain a social scholarship if the university or other educational institution does not have sufficient funds in its scholarship fund to provide students with a social scholarship.

2. If during September (the next academic year) the student does not provide the trade union committee with a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of registration about the provision of a social scholarship, then he certainly will not see the promised payments, at least for the current academic year.

So it is very important not to delay resolving this issue, because the money will definitely not be wasted!

So the possibility of receiving social benefits depends not only on rights and regulations, but also on the financial capabilities of the university and the efficiency of students.

Documents required to receive a social scholarship

To receive a social scholarship, a student must collect a package of documents standard for all regions of the Russian Federation, and then submit it to the social security service at the place of registration.

Of course, you will have to run around to different authorities, but in the end the result is worth it.

So what kind of certificates do they require in social security?

1. Certificate of family composition from the housing office at the place of registration;

2. Certificate from the dean’s office about studying at the university on a budgetary basis;

3. A certificate from the university accounting department about the accrual or non-award of the scholarship;

4. Certificates of income of all family members;

5. Additional edits as necessary.

When the package of documents is available, it must be submitted to the social security service, and its employees, after carefully studying the application and the documentation attached to it, will determine the feasibility of the social scholarship.

If it is required, then a certificate “about the provision of social benefits” will be issued on a special form, with which you must come to the educational department of the university.

Payments, as a rule, begin from the next month. They do not depend on the size of the academic scholarship, although they can go to the same bank account.

Requirements for a certificate of social scholarship

In order not to confuse anything or make a mistake, I decided to write those important points, which relate to the certificate itself and the requirements for its execution and provision:

2. The certificate must be subsidized by September of the current year, otherwise it will not be taken into account for the provision of a social scholarship.

3. The decision to provide a social scholarship must be made before October 10 of the current year.

4. The certificate provides a social scholarship for a period of one year.

5. In addition to the certificate issued on a special form, the trade union committee of the university also needs to additionally present all copies of the documents on the basis of which the social scholarship was awarded.

Only after all these nuances and actions can you safely count on a social scholarship, the amount of which will be negotiated individually and depend on a number of factors.

Useful information for students

Receiving a social scholarship is good financial assistance, which allows a student to slightly improve their financial condition, live with dignity and obtain the required level of knowledge in their chosen professional field.

However, this should not be taken cash payment, as a “sharu”, since one fine day you can lose such additional income.

What should every student remember?

The rules are simple:

1. If a student is expelled from the university, he is deprived of a social scholarship, whatever the reasons for this circumstance.

2. If there is academic debt, the student is also deprived of the right to receive the supposed social scholarship.

If there is one, then payments stop until he pulls up all his “tails”.

3. When paying a social scholarship, the student’s performance in each semester is taken into account, and not throughout the year.

This is a kind of incentive to study well without debt.

4. The social scholarship also applies to those students who receive higher education at European universities, but free of charge.

5. After a year, you must re-collect the required package of documents in order to receive another certificate of social scholarship.

So this is a very “fragile” payment, which you can lose at one point due to your poor performance or carelessness.

Delays in social scholarship payments

Sometimes it happens that a social scholarship is paid untimely, and without good reason.

This is illegal, and a student with a relevant question must contact the dean’s office and resolve the situation.

If the university management fails to act, there are other authorities that will ensure timely payment of the social scholarship.

After observing the situation, I concluded that good studies at a university is not only an improvement in your own qualifications, but also a good, and most importantly, a stable monthly income, which students benefit from.

Sometimes there is no need to look for part-time work when the university pays well.

So this issue is worth thinking seriously about, especially if your status allows it. Studying well and excellently is not only prestigious, but also economically profitable.

Today it has become reliably known that, according to statistics, 30% of all university students in the Russian Federation receive a social scholarship.

This is a colossal amount of money that the state is willing to pay from the budget to improve literacy and development of the population, train highly qualified personnel and ensure a bright future for its undoubtedly powerful state.

Conclusion: I hope that you no longer have questions about what a social scholarship is and how it differs from an academic scholarship. In fact, these are two different government payments that are only partially interrelated.

The student site has many other useful articles, but this publication is definitely worth reading, if only for self-development.

Now you know for sure what is a social scholarship, and what categories of students are entitled to it!