Biography of Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva, a talented actress and TV presenter. Biography of Larisa Guzeeva

This article will describe the biography of Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva, Honored Artist of Russia, talented film actress and TV presenter. Her life had everything - the envy of her colleagues, disappointment in love, the loss of loved ones, life in a damp room without heating, light or water, and alcoholism. Despite all the trials fate had in store for her, Larisa Andreevna managed to “create herself” as the whole country knows and loves her.


The biography of Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva began with the fact that in 1959, namely on May 23, in a small village called Burtinskoye, in the Orenburg region, a girl was born into a simple family, who was destined to become a popular film actress. As Larisa recalls, she was always a pretty girl. Mom, a professional seamstress, always tried to dress her daughter in something unusual and interesting, but since she was only allowed to go to school in uniform, the only opportunity to dress her in all its glory was new year holidays, on them Larisa looked like a real princess. But she was sad that boys didn't fall in love with her... because she was too thin. The adults assured her that she had the makings of a good figure, she would grow up and everything would happen, and there would be boys, but this did not reassure her.

One day, when Larisa was eleven, a misfortune happened in the family - her younger brother, who was barely three years old, died. This happened on Constitution Day, and therefore, when in the evening the mother brought the boy who had drunk water to the hospital, there were no doctors on site. The young, inexperienced trainee could not help. Larisa recalls that since then she has not liked cut flowers - there were so many of them at her brother’s grave that they dazzled her eyes.

Admission to the theater

In 1979, Guzeeva’s biography was replenished with a new page - Larisa, a young beautiful long-haired girl, came to enroll in the theater. She was one hundred percent confident in her success, but when she saw hundreds of the same purposeful long-haired beauties in the hall of the institute, she decided to take a desperate step - she cut her hair bald. So, not relying only on her talent, she decided to defeat the selection committee with an unconventional appearance. And she succeeded; Guzeeva was enrolled in the first year.

Star biography: actress Larisa Guzeeva

The first film in which Larisa Andreevna starred back in student years, filmed by Eldar Ryazanov himself. “Cruel Romance” brought to Guzeeva real success and... black envy. Her classmates could not stand her triumph and began to humiliate her in every possible way, reproach her and accuse her of all grave sins. The girl was very worried, she even wanted to leave the institute and commit suicide. She was saved by her mother, who was always there and supported her daughter in every possible way. At the same time, Larisa became addicted to alcohol, an addiction to which later for a long time was treated. The actress recalls that then she did not see anything through the fog of her wild life. She purposefully destroyed herself, gained an extra twenty kilograms, and almost left the profession, since no one would take her on. The biography of Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva suggests that there were many moments in her life when she could give up and give up. But, fortunately, now we know her as a successful actress and TV presenter, who overcame all the blows of fate and became the idol of millions.

Larisa Guzeeva: biography - children and husbands

Guzeeva often fell in love. As she herself recalls, she was married twice out of stupidity and once out of love. With your current spouse, screenwriter Kakha, Larisa met in 1991 in Georgia. This was the first man with whom the actress wanted to have a child. In 1992, a son appeared in their family. Larisa Andreevna recalls that during the prescribed candy-bouquet period, she and Kakha lived in a hotel, a damp room without heating, lighting or water, ate at a cheap Georgian eatery, but, according to the actress, for lovers, even that had its charms.

Biography of Larisa Guzeeva

Most famous heroine Larisa Guzeeva’s name was also Larisa (film “Cruel Romance”). According to the actress, she was named in honor of Larisa Ogudalova, Ostrovsky’s heroine. Whether this “name experience” helped the film’s director Eldar Ryazanov discern the future “dowryless” in the thin aspiring actress who came to the casting dressed as a hippie is unknown. But he saw, saw the very essence - her femininity and strength.

Larisa Guzeeva does not hide the fact that she has never seen her father. When she was 5 years old, her mother, Albina Andreevna, a history teacher, got married, and her stepfather took active participation in raising a girl. If the mother loved and spoiled her daughter, then the stepfather was strict with her, forbade many things, for which, as Guzeeva admits, she later became grateful to him.

And her mother’s boundless love instilled in Larisa self-confidence, that she was the best, the most beautiful. This supported her in her childhood desire to become an actress, which gradually grew into conviction. She was thin and was not popular with rural suitors, who preferred those with curvaceous figures. The actress recalled that she wore several tights at a time to make her legs appear fuller.

After school, Larisa Guzeeva went to Leningrad to enter the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (LGITMIK). Having assessed the number and beauty of those wishing to become applicants, Guzeeva shaved her head bald in order to stand out and attract the attention of the admissions committee. And she was noticed. Beautiful, self-confident, extravagant, sharp-tongued, she did not join the student body, preferring modeling and a bohemian party to student subbotniks and skit-makers. Artists, informal musicians, poets - the alternative youth of the 70s attracted her much more than her classmates.

Since her first year, Guzeeva has been appearing in commercials. After graduating from the institute, he is in no hurry to enter the theater, but tries to act in films. And immediately such luck: the role of Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova in Ryazanov’s film. Although her very first appearance on the screen occurred in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” - a girl dancing with Taraskin in a restaurant. But then, due to the insignificance of the episode, Guzeeva’s last name was not even included in the credits. After “Cruel Romance” the whole country recognized her. True, according to Ryazanov, the triumph was blurred by the release of two weak films into “romance”, in which the actress starred for money. But, nevertheless, Guzeeva was remembered and loved.
In total, Larisa Guzeeva’s filmography includes about 60 films.

In 2008, the actress was invited to play the role of a TV presenter in the talk show “Let's Get Married.” Since then, Guzeeva has been constantly helping with advice to everyone who wants to find their other half. Her precise, very witty and aphoristic comments immediately reach the people.

Personal life of Larisa Guzeeva

The beauty broke more than one man's heart. She is credited with novels with the most extraordinary and striking famous men. But there are only three official marriages.

Guzeeva’s first husband was assistant cameraman Ilya, whom they met on the set of the film “Rivals.” The marriage lasted seven years and broke up due to the husband's drug addiction.

After this marriage, which almost destroyed Larisa herself, in Georgia, during the filming of “The Chosen One,” she met philologist Kakha Tolordava. He won the heart of the obstinate beauty with his intelligence, education, and attention. In this marriage, a son, George, was born (1992). But the difference in upbringing and cultures put an end to the marriage quite quickly.

The actress's current, third husband, restaurateur Igor Bukharov, became the father of Larisa Guzeeva's daughter, Olga (2000)

  • The rebellious spirit has been inherent in the actress since childhood. The daughter of a teacher, she wore mini-dresses at school, smoked cigarettes and swore, for which her mother regularly reprimanded her colleagues
  • As a child, Guzeeva, out of resentment towards her parents, once ran away to a camp among the gypsies. Fortunately, she was returned in time
  • the actress was the first to openly talk about female alcoholism, admitting that she herself almost crossed the line. The first admitted that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons
  • Guzeeva is an excellent cook and always brings recipes from her trips abroad. national dishes. Her culinary skills are legendary


In 1972 she graduated from the 1st Moscow medical school them. THEM. Sechenov, Faculty of Medicine. Since 1977, he has been working at the Center, first as a junior, then as a senior and leading researcher in the department of gynecological endocrinology.

In 1985, L.A. Marchenko defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The state of the hemostatic system against the background of hormone therapy during menopause”, in 1997 - her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Genital herpes (clinic, diagnosis, treatment).” Since 1998, she has been assigned the position of leading researcher in the same department. To date, she is the author of more than 170 scientific papers.


Has the highest qualification category in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.

Owns everyone modern methods diagnosis and treatment of gynecological patients with various disorders of the reproductive system and endocrine pathology, as well as the technique of minor surgical operations. Larisa Andreevna is a leading specialist at the Center in the field of diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from viral and bacterial infections; she has developed tactics for managing patients suffering from severe forms of genital herpetic infection outside of pregnancy.

Along with this, she conducts courses of treatment for patients suffering from dystrophic lesions of the vulva and vagina, including lichen planus, lichen sclerosis and other pathological conditions of the external genitalia, associated with complaints of itching, burning, and penetrative dyspareunia.

Scientific activities

L.A. Marchenko throughout recent years is engaged in an in-depth study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of chronization of inflammatory processes in the endometrium, on the basis of which she has developed and introduced into practical healthcare a complex method of treating chronic endometritis using not only antimicrobial drugs, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which makes it possible to personalize treatment approaches for this severe, often occurring pathologies and increase the effectiveness of treatment, taking into account improved reproductive outcomes.

She is developing new approaches using cellular technologies to the treatment of patients with intrauterine synechiae that arise as a result of severe inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity due to complicated pregnancy with recurrent miscarriage, septic conditions, etc.

The main areas of scientific and practical activity also include the system she developed for examining patients suffering from premature ovarian failure, including genetic, immunological, immunohistochemical examination methods, as a result of which a group of patients suffering from autoimmune ovarian damage, chromosomal genetic aberrations, viral toxic defeats.

Currently, early criteria have been developed on the basis of which it is possible to predict the possibility of developing early menopause. New schemes for stimulating superovulation in various estrogen deficiency conditions and disorders of folliculogenesis using innovative hormonal schemes are being introduced into clinical practice. Considering the high frequency of patients suffering from recurrent forms of genital endometriosis of various localizations, long courses of hormonal therapy are carried out, which are an alternative to surgical treatment, after which, in a significant percentage of cases, patients become pregnant on their own.

Along with the treatment of women in the reproductive period, she is engaged in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from various metabolic, endocrine and metabolic disorders in postmenopause using hormonal and non-hormonal medications.

Since 1992, he has been vice-president of the Association of Gynecologists-Endocrinologists of Russia and in this capacity provides great organizational, methodological and educational assistance to doctors and researchers in various regions of Russia. Along with this, he is a member of the European Association of Gynecologists and Endocrinologists.

, People's Artist

Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva - Russian actress cinema, TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (1994). Larisa Guzeeva was born on May 23, 1959, in the village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg region. In 1983 she graduated from Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinema. The actress gained popularity due to her role as Larisa in Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov’s film “A Cruel Romance” (1984). She also starred in the films “No Strangers Walk Here” (1985), “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. The twentieth century begins" (1986), "The Secret Fairway" (1986-1987), "SV" (1989). In 1996 she starred in the drama “Hard Time”, in 2005 - in the television series “Tanker Tango”.

A mistress is a toilet where a man goes to relieve himself.

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

Larisa Andreevna says: “As a child, I was not an ugly duckling. I was a pretty girl. My mother sews wonderfully, and I had no equal at New Year's balls. Many people said: when you grow up, what a beauty you will be. But no one fell in love with me! Because I was very thin. Very. Well, just pathologically thin. And only adults could see that when I began to form, I would have everything. But the boys didn’t fall in love with me, because in the Urals they love busty, big-boobed guys, but I didn’t have that...”

When Larisa was 11 years old, a misfortune happened in her family - her younger brother died. He was only three years and three months old. The disaster occurred on December 5 - Constitution Day. The mother was washing clothes, and the son was sitting nearby and watching. Suddenly he decided to blow into the hose, and the water went down the wrong throat. The boy lost consciousness. His mother immediately grabbed him in her arms and ran to the hospital. But on the holiday, only a young trainee was on site, and she was unable to bring the child out of asphyxia. The boy could have been saved; his heart was still beating until six in the morning, but the doctors never showed up at the hospital. There were a lot of people at the funeral, and each of those who came brought a flower. There were so many of them that people’s eyes dazzled. Since then, Larisa has hated cut flowers.

You need to trust people and you need to live with an open heart, just keep your head open.

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

In 1979, Guzeeva came to Leningrad to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. By then from ugly duckling there was nothing left, and a slender and beautiful girl with long luxurious hair. However, having come for a consultation at the institute and seeing crowds of the same beauties, Guzeeva acted in accordance with her decisive character - she cut her hair “to zero.” This is how she showed up for the exams.

It’s paradoxical, but despite such an unconventional appearance, the teachers were able to discern the germs of talent in Larisa. And Guzeeva was enrolled in the first year of the acting department.” Razzakov F.I. Dossier on stars. Idols of all generations. - M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 504 - 505.

Well, what can I say, one likes painting, another likes literature, and another likes sausages!

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

“Her classmates at the institute took Guzeeva’s cinematic debut even colder. According to Larisa: “When Eldar Aleksandrovich himself came to our course with the cameraman to thank me, my classmates, frankly speaking, did not applaud me. I didn’t understand then: what was the matter? I’m so good, I love everyone, why isn’t anyone happy for me?

The real persecution began at the institute. Out of envy, they accused me of non-existent sins, and I swore to God and beat myself in the chest: “This didn’t happen!” I decided to quit college, although I only had two months left to study, I even wanted to commit suicide. My mother cried: “Daughter, you will die, but they will prosper. Don’t do this, God will judge everyone...” Razzakov F.I. Dossier on the stars. Idols of all generations. - M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 507.

“The creative dissatisfaction that gripped Guzeeva at that time also had a negative impact on her mental well-being. To get away from the painful thoughts that increasingly began to visit the actress, she found the only salvation - alcohol. In her words: “I was self-destructive. She slept little and spent her nights in company. I had a lot of friends. Stormy conversations, alcohol, cigarettes... I have always been drawn not to boys from good families, but to risky men. My first husband was addicted to drugs, he was recently killed. It’s a pity, he was a good man...”

Treason is betrayal. It doesn’t matter whether you jump into bed or slowly crawl into bed.

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

After Guzeeva realized that she did not have the strength to cope with the disease, she turned to the help of doctors. She had surgery. However, after it, the actress began to gain a lot of weight (gained more than 20 extra kilograms) and began to bear little resemblance to the former beauty Larisa Guzeeva. For old times’ sake, she still came for screen tests, but when the directors saw her, swollen and fat, they immediately lost the desire to film her.” Razzakov F.I. Dossier on stars. Idols of all generations. - M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 507 - 508.

“When you’re filming for six months in one film, the director may suddenly think: “Why don’t you and I start a romance?” But I have never sold myself on a role in my life. If a drunk director breaks in on me at night, I can give him a “kettle.” They couldn’t remove me from the role, but the expedition was turning into hell, into war...” Razzakov F.I. Dossier on the stars. Idols of all generations. - M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 508.

“In the same years (1990s - compiler V.K.) she married for the second time - her chosen one was a former compatriot, and now an elderly American, who owned an exhibition hall. According to the actress: “My brain was constantly clouded by alcohol back then, I think that’s why I married him...”

If your watch is broken, it does not mean that time has stopped...

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

That marriage turned out to be the shortest for Guzeeva - it lasted about a month. In 1991, she went to film in Georgia, where director Mikheil Kalatozishvili began working on the film “The Chosen One” based on the novel “Mateo Falcone” by Prosper Merimee, and there she met her new love- philologist-scriptwriter from Tbilisi named Kakha.

L. Guzeeva recalls: “I often fell in love. And she told her mother: “Mom! How I love him! And she told me: “When you want to have a child who is like your man, then I will believe that you love him.” I saw my future husband and just wanted a boy like him. I never wanted a child before...

But, unfortunately, there was no beautiful courtship on his part. We lived in a hotel, filming took place in Georgia for six months. No hot water, no heating. Terrible discomfort. I love beauty, luxury, money, restaurants, gifts. And there was nothing there. We went downstairs to some Georgian stone tavern, drank wine, ate greens. There is something about this too when you are in love. Then the damp sheets, there was no light. Terrible…"

In 1992, Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva gave birth to a son. According to her, her friend Larisa Udovichenko forced her to do this. She literally said the following: “Aren’t you ashamed that alcoholics, those who are deprived of parental rights, give birth, and you, so healthy, can work, can arrange a life - and live for yourself? Aren’t you ashamed of not having your own repetition?”

Expecting gratitude is stupid, and being ungrateful is mean.

Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna

Love and the birth of a child helped Guzeeva regain her former harmony and beauty. And, despite her marriage, fans began to pay attention to her again. For example, the famous French actor Richard Berry, having met Larisa, immediately invited her to a restaurant. However, he did not take into account Russian reality and literally sweated from Russian prices. In the end, his generosity was only enough for a cup of coffee and a cheap salad. Guzeeva ordered the rest, including shrimp and caviar, with her own money.” Razzakov F.I. Dossier on stars. Idols of all generations. - M.: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 1999, p. 509.

“My husband, like my mother, supports me in everything. We can quarrel, and very strongly, I don’t particularly watch my expressions, I can insult. But he never. Kakha is very intelligent.

When Kakha first came to my house, he immediately told me: “If I see you in the kitchen for more than an hour, I will stop loving you.” But this does not mean at all that I do not do housework. In the Urals, it was considered indecent if a girl did not know how to cook, wash, or clean. Kakha is a very grateful husband, he is happy with boiled potatoes. For me, coffee in bed is the norm, not a surprise. And the fact that he walks with his son and feeds him is a discovery for the neighbor, not for me. But this does not mean at all that I cannot be his slave. If, God forbid, something happens to him, I will do everything for him

Larisa Guzeeva is a wonderful Soviet and Russian artist. Many remember her for her role as Larisa Ogudalova in the film “Cruel Romance.” This image immediately made the actress a real people's favorite. The trembling appearance of the deceived young girl made an indelible impression on the television audience. These days, the artist has become incredibly popular thanks to the “Let's Get Married” project. The biography of Larisa Guzeeva will be presented in this article.


The future actress was born in 1959 on May 23 in the village of Buryatinskoye ( Orenburg region). Her childhood years were spent in the homeland of downy scarves, strict morals and pine nuts. Guzeeva Larisa Andreevna does not really like to remember that period of her life. Too many things were forbidden in her childhood. The girl never knew her own father. She was raised by her stepfather and mother. The parents kept the girl strictly. She was forbidden to watch movies with kisses on TV until her senior year. Larisa’s mother worked as a teacher at the school where the future celebrity studied. Contrary to the prescribed norms, Guzeeva wore miniskirts, wore makeup and secretly smoked. For this, the girl’s mother always got it from her colleagues and superiors.

External data

Surprisingly, one of the most beautiful actresses Soviet cinema She was not at all popular with her peers at home. In the Urals, plump and blond girls were always valued, but Larisa was thin and dark-skinned. In order to look more impressive, she even wore several tights at once. However, soon the girl managed to attract everyone's attention.


After graduation, the biography of Larisa Guzeeva continued in the city of Leningrad. From an early age, the girl dreamed of a career as an artist, so she immediately and easily entered the State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, in the workshop of V. Petrov. Parents future actress I cared little about my daughter’s choice. They were more worried about her younger brother. However, Larisa often heard affectionate compliments from her mother. This gave the girl extreme self-confidence. For example, upon admission, in order to stand out from the motley crowd of applicants, she shaved her head. However, in her youth, Larisa already stood out among her peers. She raved about the work of M. Bulgakov, adored his “The Master and Margarita” and could quote this novel almost by heart.

Relationships between fellow students

Not everyone accepted Guzeeva; many disliked her and were even afraid of her. The actress smoked vigorously "Belomor" and could drink a glass of "Riesling" in one gulp. At the same time, the girl always dressed brightly and unusually - this was facilitated by her mother’s tailoring talent. In general, when in her last year the group in which Larisa studied was supposed to go to Bulgaria, her fellow students unanimously voted against her participation in the trip. The actress nevertheless went abroad and distinguished herself there with another defiant trick. The course master appreciated the graceful gesture and declared that the girl would go far. This man already knew that Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva was finishing her work with Eldar Ryazanov in the film “Cruel Romance”. Classmates are still jealous of the celebrity, because from the entire class only she and Alexander Lykov managed to become famous.


The biography of Larisa Guzeeva shows us the independent character of the famous artist. She always ignored other people's opinions and despised conventions. She didn’t care about the attitude of her classmates, but she was attracted to extraordinary people. In Leningrad she quickly became close to avant-garde youth. Larisa was a hippie, worked part-time as a model and all her own free time spent in "Saigon" - a cafe where St. Petersburg bohemia gathered. Guzeeva always had many fans; according to her, Viktor Tsoi himself unsuccessfully tried to court her. The actress quickly got used to moving in the circles of advanced St. Petersburg youth, where Boris Grebenshchikov and the Kino group were regulars. At one time, Larisa dated Sergei Kuryokhin, a musician of the Aquarium group. He became a teacher and mentor for her.

Tape "Cruel Romance"

While still a student at a theater university, Larisa Guzeeva made her film debut. How many years have passed since the release of the film “Cruel Romance”, and people still enjoy watching it! And this is a considerable merit of the talented actress. It is simply impossible to tear yourself away from her performance in this film. Sergei Shakurov advised the aspiring artist Eldara Ryazanova to take on the role of the homeless woman. Larisa rushed to the audition in sandals, cut-off jeans, and a multi-colored manicure. At the same time, she was still smoking Belomor and periodically spitting through her teeth. Guzeeva still claims that she never had anything in common with her gentle heroine. At twenty-three, no heartache was characteristic of her. On the contrary, she had a very high opinion of herself. Depict suffering film set the girl was helped by her co-stars. Nikita Mikhalkov especially tried.

Despite her defiant behavior, Eldar Ryazanov liked Larisa. He was impressed by the type of her beauty, because this is exactly how he imagined Ogudalova. True, the actress Anna Kamenkova was entrusted with voicing the heroine, and Valentina Ponomareva was entrusted with singing in the frame, but Guzeeva was worthy company with the most famous actors countries: Alexander Petrenko, Alisa Freindlikh, Nikita Mikhalkov, Andrey Myagkov and Alexander Pankratov-Cherny.

Film career

Not all films with Larisa Guzeeva became as memorable as “Cruel Romance”. After the release of this picture on the screen, many lost their heads from the huge violet eyes main character. One famous director tried to get close to the young beauty, but was refused. Larisa was threatened with complete oblivion and after that she was no longer invited to prominent roles. The actress was offered the roles of partisan heroines, girl athletes, Stakhanovite collective farmers, but they did not inspire her at all. Larisa admits that she herself was unable to properly manage her suddenly surging fame. After “Cruel Romance,” all doors opened for her, but sometimes she herself, foolishly, refused winning roles. So, she refused the invitation to the classic film “The Eve”, but played in the mediocre film “Rivals”.

First marriage

However, nothing in this life happens by chance. The personal life of Larisa Guzeeva on the set of “Rival” received a new twist. After all, there she met her first husband. A guy named Ilya worked as an assistant director and immediately took a liking to the Ural beauty. She lived with him for eight years. Larisa loved her husband very much and sacrificed a lot for him. He suffered drug addiction, and the actress tried her best to cure him. She forgave him for all his mistakes, dreamed of a child, but all hopes were in vain. Soon the artist filed for divorce. After some time, Larisa Guzeeva’s first husband died of an overdose.

Second marriage

In her interviews, the actress has repeatedly said that the success of her first film played a cruel joke on her. Creative biography Larisa Guzeeva has more than sixty works in various films, but everyone remembers only her role in “Cruel Romance.” But she has embodied many others on the screen interesting images. For example, one day a girl was invited to star in the Georgian film “The Chosen One” directed by Mikhail Kalatozishvili. There she played the commissioner. On the set, the actress met her second husband, handsome Kakha Tolordava. The personal life of Larisa Guzeeva has blossomed again bright colors. Difficult working days turned into one continuous holiday for her. The lover was very attentive to the actress, saved her from everyday problems, besides, he was handsome, delicate, educated and well-read. After filming, the artist returned to Leningrad, and Kakha came to see her. The girl soon became pregnant and informed only her film partners Alexei Serebryakov and Sergei Makovetsky about this. Right up until the birth, the actress continued to work. In 1991, Larisa Guzeeva gave birth to her first child. How old was she then? Only 32 years old! The boy was named George. Literally a couple of days before the birth of the child, the lovers legalized their relationship, and a few days later the actress returned to work. Larisa Guzeeva’s second husband was unable to settle into Leningrad and soon returned to his homeland. Now he lives in Tbilisi.

Third marriage

The actress claims that she always counted only on herself. She doesn't know what it is maternity leave, never allowed anyone to take care of her. Maybe that’s why Larisa Guzeeva’s personal life didn’t work out for a very long time. And only a few years ago she managed to find family happiness. Her chosen one was businessman Ilya Bukharov. The respectable owner of several restaurants for more than twenty years only supported the actress friendly relations. He always lived in Moscow, and Larisa lived in Leningrad. Only when the actress moved to the capital did a closer relationship begin between her and Ilya. For half her life, Guzeeva treated Bukharov as an unintelligent child, and did not see a real man in him. However, Ilya patiently waited in the wings and helped the actress with everything. One day he proposed to the artist and she could not refuse him. Since then, Larisa Guzeeva’s life has changed. She became happy wife and mom. In all interviews, she claims that she and her husband are united by a special spiritual relationship that has nothing to do with physical attraction. At the age of forty, the actress gave birth to her second child. The daughter of Larisa Guzeeva was born through caesarean section. The girl was named Olya.

These days

Films with Larisa Guzeeva regularly appear on movie screens. Today there are already about sixty of them. For her services in the field of cinematic art, in 1994 the actress was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” A new wave of popularity came to Larisa Andreevna in 2008, when she began working as the host of a famous show on Channel One. I quickly fell in love with the “Let’s Get Married” program general public. In 2009, the actress was recognized as the best talk show host and was awarded the TEFI award. After that, she was invited to the jury of another famous television project - “Minute of Fame”. Larisa Guzeeva's family probably does not often see the actress at home. After all, now she is incredibly in demand - she acts in films, works on television, and is involved in the restaurant business. But the artist always believed that a woman should be able to take care of herself. And the longer the separation, the more tender the meeting will become. Perhaps Larisa Guzeeva’s daughter will follow in her footsteps. But it’s too early to talk about this, because the girl is now only five years old. The main thing is that everyone in the actress’s family is alive, healthy and loves each other very much.

Now you know the biography of Larisa Guzeeva. I would like to believe that she will delight viewers more than once with new interesting works.