The most delicious marinade for duck in the oven. Recipes for juicy duck in the oven

The simplest way
marinating for duck

The simplest
The way to marinate duck is to soak it for several hours in kefir or
in red wine. This will help tenderize the meat even on an old duck.

Still quite
A simple recipe for marinating duck is to rub the carcass with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise
in equal proportions, with the addition of salt and pepper. Duck carcass can
marinate in this marinade for 24 hours.

Spicy marinade

Grind five
cloves of garlic, half a tablespoon of black pepper and the same amount of cumin. Add
salt, two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, one
a tablespoon of wine vinegar, a glass of dry red wine, stir well
the resulting marinade. Pour the resulting marinade over the duck carcass and place in
refrigerator to marinate at least overnight. Then drain the marinade and pour it over
duck while roasting.

Citrus marinade

Take half a glass
natural orange juice, add the juice of half a lemon (about three
tablespoons), one tablespoon of honey, two to three tablespoons of soy
sauce, spices as desired. Generously coat the duck carcass with the resulting marinade and
let it brew for five to six hours.

Quick marinade

If you need
literally after half an hour send the duck to the oven, then pour it with lemon
juice, brush with a mixture of salt and spices and leave to brew at room
temperature for half an hour, and then bake the duck in the sleeve.

You can rub the duck
a mixture of lemon juice and honey with salt and spices.

Orange marinade

Very tasty
it turns out duck baked with oranges. But the duck will turn out even tastier if
pre-soak it in orange marinade, and it will turn out even tastier
if you give a duck so-called “orange injections”. It's not at all difficult to do, you just have to squeeze it out
juice from one or two oranges, strain the resulting juice through several layers
gauze so that the orange pulp does not get stuck in the needle during injection. Mix
strained juice with one hundred grams of dry white wine. Then take a syringe with
with a thick needle and use it to stuff the resulting orange marinade
duck carcass. Then rub the duck carcass with a mixture of salt and spices and place in
refrigerator to marinate for five hours. After this, bake the duck as usual.

method, using injections, you can soak duck meat with any liquid
marinade, for example wine with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, or cognac with
soy sauce. Then the duck must be put in the refrigerator for at least six hours, and
even at night.

Oriental marinade for duck

For this you need
mix three tablespoons soy sauce, juice of one lime or lemon, one
a tablespoon of liquid honey, add half a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar,
two tablespoons of vegetable oil and one tablespoon of grated
finely grate ginger. Rub the duck generously with a mixture of salt and ground pepper.
coat with marinade and leave to steep for ten hours.

Spicy marinade - 1

Grind in a mortar
one teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of cumin, one teaspoon of black
pepper, half a teaspoon of coriander seeds, add five cloves of garlic and more
grind once. Add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the ground spices.
oils, juice of half an orange and juice of half a lemon. Let it brew
leave the resulting marinade for about fifteen minutes and coat the duck well with this marinade
carcass You can marinate from one hour to ten hours, the longer the duck sits
in this marinade, the more piquant its meat will be.

Spicy marinade – 2

"House of Soviets"
offers you a recipe for another savory marinade that makes duck
the meat is unusually tender and juicy. To prepare this marinade you need to mix
in equal quantities salt, black pepper, paprika, turmeric, cardamom, garlic,
ginger, add three to four tablespoons of soy juice and the juice of one
orange Mix the marinade well and generously coat with the resulting marinade.
duck carcass.

article Types of marinades for duck shared with you recipes for marinades for
ducks, which can make duck meat juicy and tasty, as well as save
duck from a specific smell.

Baked meat is a true delicacy if you cook it tasty. In this process, it is important not only to observe the correct thermal processing conditions, but also to prepare the product itself. One of the main ways to make meat softer, more tender, and remove foreign odors is to keep it in a marinade. This option is especially good for birds, such as ducks.

Duck in soy marinade: preparing the filling

Duck marinade can be prepared on any basis. In this regard, it is good because it has a rich taste and contains various spices. This means that if you don’t have any herbs or seasonings in stock, the dish will not be affected. You can put the whole bird into the duck marinade (in which case you will need a lot of it) or cut it into portions. In the second case, the meat will be soaked in the filling much faster. Method of preparation: in an enamel pan, mix 3 parts of soy sauce with 2 parts of vegetable (sunflower) oil. Grate 50 g of celery root there, add 1-2 teaspoons of paprika, the same amount of sugar, mix. If it seems to you that there is not enough acid in the duck marinade, add a little vinegar - apple or grape. Or lemon, Citrus fruits will even be somewhat preferable.

Duck in soy marinade

Preparing the bird

As for the bird itself, it needs to be washed well, and preferably soaked for about an hour in cold water. Then blot with napkins or paper towels, divide the carcass into portions, rub with salt and leave to “simmer” for an hour and a half. During this time, the meat may release liquid that should be discarded. Place the pieces in the duck marinade until they are completely covered. Cover with a lid and leave in the filling for 6-9 hours.


This bird is baked with apples, quinces, plums, and greenish peaches. Turn the oven on to preheat. Oil the baking tray well and place the fruits on it, cut them into slices, removing seeds and seeds. And place the meat between them. Pour in the unabsorbed marinade. It is needed so that pieces of fruit do not stick to the baking sheet, and the meat is better baked. Keep it in the oven for an hour and a half, periodically pouring juice over it. If you want a crispy, fried crust, brush each piece with honey 15 minutes before removing from the oven. Serve the duck hot, piping hot. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

How to make orange marinade

Duck in orange marinade turns out exquisitely tasty. It is no more difficult to prepare than others. Except that some components are specific. But they are easily replaceable with those familiar to us. But as a result, the meat turns out to be very juicy, aromatic, so that you want to lick your fingers! To create this miracle, you need 2 citrus fruits, preferably large ones. Both juice and zest will come in handy - grate it from the squeezed fruit. Classic recipe prescribes a piece of ginger root. In its absence, horseradish, celery, parsley are great - a little bit of each. The result will be even tastier. He also recommends adding 200 grams of wine (sherry, sherry, Cahors or other sweet) to the marinade. Finely chop 1-2 onions, pour in honey (1-2 teaspoons), a little vegetable oil and 100 grams of ready-made sauce (you can use the same soy, garlic, tkemali or any other). If desired, add salt and add hot peppercorns and ground pepper to the marinade for duck with apples. Garlic is also left at your discretion.

in orange marinade

Prepare the meat (wash, soak, dry), place in a saucepan, cover with marinade and place in a cool place for 3-4 hours. Then fry on all sides. After this, place the duck pieces in the oven, topping them with apple or quince pieces if desired, for 35-40 minutes. Bake at a temperature of 160-170 degrees. While the meat is cooking, prepare the sauce based on the marinade. To do this, pour a little broth into it, maybe vegetable, and boil until slightly thick. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve warm with hot meat. As a side dish, cook fluffy mashed potatoes.

Duck with honey

Duck or goose baked in the oven is a dish traditional for Russian and Slavic cuisine. In addition to apples, additional ingredients include buckwheat porridge (for filling) or plums. And to give the meat a slight sweetish taste, which in this case will be very appropriate, you should make a marinade with honey. It is also successful for a duck because this bird is a little fatty and tough. Honey softens well, and the fat is rendered in the oven, resulting in a wonderful roast. And the spices, which the filling naturally cannot do without, will add a delicious aroma to the meat. For the marinade you will need 150 grams of honey - preferably with a neutral smell and light. If it's thick, it doesn't matter. Heat it a little in a water bath and it will become more liquid. Table wine is also preferable. And red is better. dry marjoram, cumin - a pinch of each spice. Plus salt 70-100 g (to taste) and almost a full glass of water (200 g). So, without removing the skin, rub the portioned pieces of poultry with salt. Mix the spices and sprinkle them over the duck. Place in a casserole dish, fill with honey, and then with wine diluted with water. Let the meat marinate in this form for 6-8 hours. Then preheat the oven, place the bird in it for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Then reduce it to 160, add prunes (pitted) and bake for about 2 hours. Make sure that the marinade does not evaporate. Add more wine and water if necessary and pour it over the meat. In passing, we note that this marinade is excellent for wild duck, too, and not just for domestic duck. But let's get back to the roast. If you want a crispy crust, open the lid shortly before the end of the process.

with honey

What to serve with this baked bird? Stewed cabbage, but also with fruit! Thinly slice a small head of cabbage, lightly fry, but do not cook until cooked. Place a few tablespoons of lard on the frying pan. Chop the onion, brown it a little, add the cabbage, add half a glass of sugar and let a thin caramel crust form. Cut 100 g of prunes into pieces and place in a frying pan. Pour in a little water and vinegar, and let the cabbage simmer under the lid for 25 minutes over moderate heat. Grate sweet and sour apples (2-3 pieces) and add to vegetables. Simmer a little more, add salt and pepper to taste. If there is not enough acid or sweetness, add the missing ingredients. Sprinkle with fresh dill or parsley and bring to the table along with the meat.

Duck in ordinary marinade

Well, if the housewife does not have time or does not have any additional products, the marinade for poultry can be made as simple as possible. This won't make the duck any worse, believe me! Especially if you decided to bake it whole, without cutting the carcass. Pour plain cold water into a wide bowl or saucepan, dissolve salt and vinegar to form a medium-saturated marinade. Add a few peas of allspice and hot pepper, a handful of coriander, and a couple of bay leaves. Soak the washed, gutted duck in the marinade for the available time. Then rub the inside with salt, mayonnaise and fill with pieces of apples, which need to be salted, peppered and, if desired, rolled in cinnamon. Place thin slices of half a lemon between them. Darn the bird, rub the outside with the other half of the lemon, also coat with mayonnaise or sour cream and place in a heated oven. Cover with apples and bake until done.

Bon appetit and happy delicacies!

Good day! Well, very soon our most favorite holiday is coming, and therefore for all housewives the first question is that I propose to make a duck baked in the oven, and what to stuff it with, you decide for yourself. I will only help you with this.

By the way, if you don’t like this bird, then I can advise you to use my other note and cook it for a feast with that crispy and juicy crust. And if you often rack your brains over what to make for dinner quickly and efficiently a quick fix, then grandiose events await you, don’t miss out.

Undoubtedly, this dish is quite elegant and very festive; it is placed on the table when all the guests are already gathered and served hot with various drinks and

The first cooking option will be the simplest; we will cook the whole duck in a roasting bag. The dish will turn out quite elegant and beautiful. Of course, everyone will like it without exception. Especially if you make a couple more

We will need:

  • duck - 1 pc.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs. for marinade and 0.5 pcs. for filling
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • honey - 2 tbsp
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Using your hands, rub the surface of the bird with salt and pepper and rub in. Then prepare the marinade, to do this, squeeze half a lemon and an orange into a container, pour in soy sauce and stir.

Now add two tablespoons of honey for flavor and stir.

2. Place the duck in a deep form and fill with the resulting mixture. Cover with a lid and leave to marinate for at least 5 hours, it is better to do this in the evening. If you have it for 24 hours, it will be just great.

Important! From time to time, do not forget to take it out and turn it over and pour the marinade over it.

3. Stuff the bird with an apple and an orange, cut them into slices. It is not recommended to remove the skin from the fruit; wash it well.

4. Place in a baking sleeve and also scatter the potato pieces. Tie the bag on both sides and pierce it with a knife in several places.

Interesting! You can use a toothpick instead of a knife.

5. Bake in the oven for 2 hours, the frying temperature should be 200 degrees.

6. You can get such a wonderful and beautiful dish on a plate. Eat for your health! Bon appetit!

Cooking whole duck in marinade

No one will argue that a lot depends on what the marinade is like. Therefore, I suggest you make a universal and spicy marinade based on soy sauce and mustard. Wow, this will be delicious, your mouth will water at the sight of our duck.

Fried with a crispy crust will conquer everyone, and your guests will ask for more, you'll see!

We will need:

  • Duck - 1 pc.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce 4-5 tbsp
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • Tariyaki sauce 4 tbsp (optional)
  • Potatoes - 18 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper

Cooking method:

1. Before making and baking the duck in the oven, you need to marinate it. This is very important, because if this is not done in advance, it will not be juicy and soft, so decide for yourself. It’s better to find and devote a lot of time and make it divine.

So, take a bowl and put 2 tablespoons of mustard in it, followed by tariyaki sauce, soy sauce and honey. Then add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and squeeze the garlic cloves through a press.

Interesting! If you like your duck sweeter, then add two tablespoons of honey instead of 1 tablespoon.

Stir and move aside.

2. Season the duck itself with salt and pepper on all sides, coat it very well.

Place one red apple inside and cut it into 6 slices. Then, when the bird is baking, add another green apple.

3. Place it in the resulting sauce, dip it well and pour it thoroughly. Coat the inside with marinade too.

Leave in this position, covering of course with a lid, for 1 day. During this time, turn it over occasionally.

4. Then place the duck on a baking sheet and cover with foil. It will fry at a temperature of 180 degrees for 2.5 hours, then remove the foil so that it does not burn and fry more intensely.

5. Now peel the potatoes and place them next to the bird, it will bathe in fat and bake for 40 minutes.

Important! Potatoes should be small in size.

After this, the potatoes will brown, and the duck will fry and take on a golden brown color.

6. The duck will be so delicious and golden! Happy feast! To add solemnity, decorate with any greenery.

Video on how to cook duck in the oven so that it is juicy and soft

Recipe for poultry with potatoes in foil

Of course, it takes a lot of time to prepare, but the taste is certainly worth it. In the next recipe, I decided to show you the duck not as a whole, but in pieces; for example, you can take only the drumsticks or thighs. To be honest, I adore them most of all, although of course the breast, white meat, is considered a delicacy.

We will need:

  • Duck drumsticks – 1 kg
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sweet paprika - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp
  • Greens - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Take salt and pepper, rub the duck legs with these ingredients, then sprinkle a little paprika. Apply mayonnaise with a brush and let them marinate for 20-30 minutes.

Peel the potatoes, then cut them into small cubes, add salt and pepper. Place everything on a baking sheet, you can grease it a little vegetable oil.

2. Now place in the preheated oven and set the temperature to 180-200 degrees, bake for 90 minutes or until you see a golden and ruddy crust. Serve hot with any appetizer, such as

Making duck with buckwheat at home

I would also like to say that there is nothing better than poultry, store-bought duck is of course good, but your own is always better, it is fattier and healthier. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to get one somewhere, then go for it.

Today we are preparing it with buckwheat so that we can have both a side dish and a main dish at once. Nearby you can put a light and quick salad or

We will need:

  • duck - 2-3 kg
  • chicken liver - 200 g
  • champignons – 200 g
  • buckwheat – 140 g
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. So, in front of you is a bird, wipe it with salt and pepper at your discretion. Of course, you can make a special marinade, but this recipe does not require it. If you want, you can take it from another previous version.

In this form, the bird should lie in a bag in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

2. Now make the buckwheat filling, boil the buckwheat in a saucepan, lightly salt until done. If you don’t know how to cook buckwheat correctly, then watch

3. Meanwhile, cut onions into small pieces together with mushrooms. The liver that is left from the duck will also work; it will need to be chopped into pieces.

Now everything needs to be fried in a frying pan, first pour vegetable oil into it and fry the onion until golden, then add the champignons and fry over low heat until tender.

In another frying pan, fry the liver and add salt to taste. It cooks quite quickly so you don't overcook it.

Then mix all the ingredients received, namely buckwheat, mushrooms and liver and stir.

4. Stuff our duck with the filling, and then sew up the belly with threads that are specially designed for baking.

5. Place in a bag or baking bag, tie the ends with a special plastic device and off you go, as they say, into the oven for roasting.

6. Bake for 2-2.5 hours, and if you want to see a crispy, fried crust in the end, then cut the bag and open it 30-40 minutes before it’s ready. Baking temperature is 200 degrees, no more, you can even set it to 180.

This is how the wallpaper turned out, it looks great, just gorgeous! Eat with pleasure.

Duck with apples in his sleeve

Do you want your duck to be juicy and soft, what secrets does this dish hide? How are you doing? After all, each of us has our own tricks and subtleties, some small nuances. Well, let's figure it out and quickly prepare this culinary masterpiece.

Take a young duck, it will turn out more tender and not so fatty.

We will need:

  • salt and pepper to taste
  • duck - 1 pc.
  • apples - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the bird in water, leave it for about 2-3 hours, this will rid it of excess blood. Then wipe with salt and pepper, in this form it should also lie for 2-3 hours.

Cut the apples into slices and stuff the belly with them as tightly as possible.

Afterwards there will be interesting work, this is sewing with threads, creative work))). Wow, this is so cool to do. Before placing the duck in the oven, lightly rub it with salt and pepper it with a mixture of peppers.

2. Place in the sleeve, tie on both sides, and in the middle, pierce the bag with toothpicks so that there are several punctures on the sleeve and the air circulates well. You don’t have to do this, but pierce it at the very end, when you turn it over.

This is a dry method of marinating, with mayonnaise or sour cream it turns out much richer, but it will already release its juice.

3. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 2 hours, by the way, you can bake in foil or a duck pan, use what you have on hand. But in the sleeve it turns out much tastier and more convenient. What is your opinion, write and share your opinion.

Important! To make the duck juicier, after 1 hour you need to turn it over in the oven to the other side.

4. Ruddy and golden crust. Remove the apples from the belly and decorate the dish. Bon appetit!

Stuffed duck with rice in the oven

I'm tired of something of the same type, potatoes are usually taken everywhere, then let's make it with rice. The recipe is not complicated and does not require much effort or time.

If you want it to turn out golden and with a brown tint, then you need to sprinkle it with cinnamon; for those who do not like this seasoning, do not add it.

We will need:

  • duck - 1 pc.
  • semirinko apples - 3 pcs.
  • rice - 0.5 tbsp.
  • bay leaf - 2-3 leaves
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • salt and ground pepper - 1 tsp each
  • cinnamon - to taste or 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Wash the duck under running water and dry with paper towels. Then rub with salt and pepper and sprinkle with cinnamon. There are no specific proportions, do it by eye, approximately what I prescribed for you in the list of ingredients. The smell will be very pleasant. Wrap up the bird cling film and take it out to a cool place for 3 hours.

2. Soak the rice in water for 30 minutes.

2. After this, place the rice in a saucepan and cook until half cooked for about 15-20 minutes, stirring.

3. Take a goose bowl (duck pot) and put a duck in it, you can pour a little water on the bottom and lay out a couple of bay leaves and 5 peas of black allspice.

Chop the apples into slices and put them into the duck, secure with toothpicks or thread. Yes, don’t forget about rice, you also need to put it in the duck.

4. Place in the oven at 200 degrees for 2 hours.

5. The bird is ready, call everyone to the table. Impeccably beautiful and delicious. Remove the strings or toothpicks and enjoy the taste.

Original recipe for New Year with oranges

Duck baked with oranges will fit perfectly into any celebration, and of course for Christmas evening. And this playful fruit decoration will fit very easily on your table. In general, such a delicacy will be eaten in an instant, and you won’t even blink an eye.

We will need:

  • duck - 1 pc. by 2 kg
  • orange - 1 pc. for stuffing and 1 pc. for decoration
  • juice of one orange
  • juice of one lemon
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • sunflower refined oils- 2 tbsp

Orange syrup:

  • zest of one orange
  • juice of one orange
  • honey - 2 tbsp
  • sweet wine - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the domestic duck and dry it with a paper towel.

Prepare the juice, squeeze the juice of one lemon and one orange, add vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the marinade over the bird and place it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. And if it sits all night, it will be even tastier; after a while, turn it over so that it marinates evenly.

2. And now it is completely saturated with the marinade.

3. Wash the orange and cut into 6 pieces, remove the seeds. Stuff the duck with them and secure with toothpicks or thread. Place in a baking sleeve.

Bake in the sleeve for 2 hours at 180 degrees until a nice crust appears.

4. Make the syrup when the duck is sitting in the oven, grate the zest of one orange on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Mix, you get about 100 ml, now add honey and wine, and simmer a little until thickened. Strain through a strainer.

5. And after removing the duck from the oven, take out the orange slices, place them on the sides, pour warm syrup and fresh fruit slices to decorate this work. Such insane splendor awaits you, just a sight for sore eyes! Bon appetit!

Peking duck

Interesting name, yes appearance Our beauty turns out amazing, as for the taste, everything is super here too. I found a wide variety of recipes on how to cook using this technology, but I want to offer you this video from Stalik Khankishiev for viewing. He prepared it quite simply and quickly and will definitely teach you how to do it too:

Step-by-step recipe for duck with prunes and apple slices

Here is another option for the home that everyone will like, because along with the apples, next to our duck goddess there will also be prune berries. Of course, the dish is not cheap, but it turns out very tasty and aromatic. This is exactly what you can use for your favorite holiday or make it for dinner.

We will need:

  • duck - 2-3 kg
  • apples - 6 pcs.
  • orange - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • prunes – 400 g
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • garlic - 5-7 cloves
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. At the very beginning, take a baking dish and then cover it with foil. Place the prepared bird. Brush the duck with chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Then, using a silicone brush, apply mayonnaise to its surface.

After that, fill it with fruits. Wash the apples and oranges well and cut into slices.

Important! When you put the fruits inside, mash them a little so that they release the juice.

Next, after all the manipulations, wrap the bird in foil, you will get a lump that should stand in this state and marinate for 2 hours. After the time has passed, bake the duck without opening the foil for 2 hours, frying temperature - 200 degrees.

3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces, then add mayonnaise and mix. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

4. Then remove the duck from the oven and you will see some fat on the surface. Place potatoes on both sides on the bottom of the sheet and return to the oven for 20 minutes.

5. While the potatoes are stewing, you need to cut the apples, remove the core from them and cut them into 4 parts, soak the prunes in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then drain the water.

Chop onions sharp knife on feathers or half rings. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and scatter the apples over the potatoes and bake for 15 minutes.

Now remove the pan from the oven and open the foil to roast the bird. Place prunes and onions over apples and potatoes. Bake again for 20 minutes.

6. Well, now the most interesting thing is to enjoy such a delicious treat! Cook to your heart's content!

Video recipe for crispy-skinned duck

Honestly, I couldn’t pass up this recipe, because I was amazed by the crust, I’m sharing this find with you, I hope you like this option too:

Have a nice weekend everyone and good mood! All the best and rainbows. Bye-bye everyone! See you.

In the fall, farms begin to slaughter ducks en masse, which gain weight over the summer. good weight. You can also buy it in the supermarket. The duck can be baked whole, stewed in sauce, cooked in soup, shish kebab, etc. However, this bird has a specific smell, so the carcass is often marinated before cooking. What types of marinades are there for duck?

A simple marinade for cooking duck

If you have very little time to cook the duck, you can use simple, quick ways marinating it.

  1. Pour lemon juice over the duck, rub with salt and spices and marinate for 30 minutes. Alternatively, to lemon juice you can add honey. Roast the duck in the sleeve.
  2. IN cold water add vinegar, salt, spices (pepper, coriander, bay leaf) to taste. Place the duck in the marinade for the time available. This marinade is suitable for roasting whole poultry.
  3. Mix mustard and mayonnaise in equal parts, add pepper and salt to taste. The duck can be kept in this marinade for up to a day.

Keeping the duck carcass in kefir will help soften the duck meat.

Soy marinade for duck

This type of marinade has a rich taste. You can marinate the whole carcass or in pieces, which will allow the meat to soak in the marinade faster.

Preparing soy marinade for duck

For 3 servings of ready-made soy sauce you will need to take 2 parts of vegetable oil, 1 (2) small spoons of sugar and paprika. Mix. For those who like a more sour taste, it is recommended to add lemon juice or vinegar (table, apple or grape) to taste.

Before placing the duck in the marinade, you can soak it in cold water for about an hour, then cut it into portions and rub it with salt. Leave for one and a half hours. Drain off the released liquid. Place the duck in the marinade and leave overnight. It is recommended to bake duck prepared in this way with apples, plums, peaches, and quinces, placing them between pieces of meat.

Marinade for duck based on citrus fruits

This marinade will make the duck juicy, aromatic, and with an exquisite taste.

Required ingredients:

  • juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground pepper and the same amount of a mixture of Provençal herbs;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon.

Marinade preparation process

Squeeze juice from citrus fruits. Add herbs and pepper, oil, mix. Coat the carcass with marinade and leave for at least 10 hours to soak.

Honey marinade for duck

For lovers of the sweetish taste of poultry, a recipe for duck marinade with the addition of honey, which also softens the meat, will be useful. To prepare such a marinade, take 150 g of honey, the same amount of red table wine, diluted with a glass of water.

Cut the duck into portions, rub with salt to your taste and spices (cumin, dill seeds, marjoram). Place the bird in a baking dish, pour honey on top, then wine and water. Place the duck to marinate for 7-8 hours. Bake in the oven in the same marinade.

Marinades for grilled duck

For duck lovers golden brown crust, the following marinade recipes are suitable.

Oil marinade

Chop 2 small onions and 2 cloves of garlic, mix with a pack of melted butter and 120 g of vegetable oil. Add pepper and salt to your taste. Stir the mixture.

Cut the duck into portions and place in the marinade for 3 hours. Turn the duck every 30 minutes. Cook the bird on the grill.

Mustard-citrus marinade

Grate the zest from 2 oranges and 1 lemon using a fine grater and mix with 100 g of melted butter. Add 2 teaspoons of mustard powder, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of ground paprika.

Stir and let stand for 15 minutes. Then coat the duck carcass with marinade and leave for 30 minutes, then bake on the grill.

Duck in the oven... Every housewife should master the recipe for this dish. A festive feast would be incomplete without this delicious dish. You can create a masterpiece from a duck in the oven if you know some of the details of its preparation. First, we need to decide what exactly we want to see on the table. There are many options: duck with apples in the oven, duck baked in the oven, duck in a sleeve in the oven, duck with potatoes in the oven, duck with oranges in the oven, duck with buckwheat in the oven, duck with cabbage in the oven, duck with rice in the oven . As you can see, there is a large selection. Before determining what kind of marinade we will make for duck in the oven or sauce for duck in the oven, we need to choose a method of preparing the dish. The following solutions are possible: duck in a sleeve in the oven, duck in the oven in foil, duck in dough in the oven, duck in a duck casserole in the oven. All of these are ways to more reliably retain heat in a dish. Then we decide what the duck itself will look like. Here are the following options: whole duck in the oven, duck in pieces in the oven, duck fillet in the oven. It is also important for the cooking method what kind of duck it is, because... the recipes are different: homemade duck in the oven or wild duck in the oven. We advise you to carefully study our recipes, then it will be no secret to you what it is to cook duck in the oven. In this article we only remind possible options Duck recipes in the oven. There is a recipe for duck with apples in the oven, a recipe for duck in a sleeve in the oven, a recipe for duck with oranges in the oven, a recipe for Peking duck in the oven, a recipe for stuffed duck in the oven. You can't list everything. Having studied our recipes for cooking duck in the oven, you will definitely achieve success, and your guests will say about your dish: yes - this is juicy duck in the oven, soft duck in the oven, delicious duck in the oven.

One thing is clear: cooking duck in the oven is whole science. There are, for example, a number of exotic duck dishes that we have not previously mentioned: Peking duck in the oven, stuffed duck in the oven, duck with sauerkraut in the oven, duck in the oven with prunes, duck with buckwheat, baked in the oven, duck with honey in the oven, duck with vegetables in the oven, duck with quince in the oven, duck in the oven with honey and mustard, duck with garlic in the oven.

If you are cooking duck in the oven at home, it is best to cook duck in the oven with potatoes, or just baked duck in the oven. Roasting a duck in the oven is a relatively simple process, you can definitely do it, and you will get a juicy duck baked in the oven. To bake a duck well in the oven, we have recipes for every taste, for different budgets. Homemade duck in the oven, a traditional recipe, tested by time and more than one generation of cooks. The most common recipes are: domestic duck: recipe for duck with buckwheat in the oven, recipe for stuffed duck in the oven. Duck, as a rule, is stuffed with apples, then the following dishes are obtained: duck with apples in the oven in the sleeve, duck baked in the oven with apples. If you want the simplest recipe for duck in the oven, pay attention to cooking duck in the oven in the sleeve.

Recipes that make it easy to cook duck are those with photographs. When preparing the “Duck in the Oven” dish, a photo can help a novice housewife. Or the dish “Duck with apples in the oven” - a photo will also come in handy. A recipe with a photo of homemade duck in the oven is a real help to the cook. Therefore, we tried to accompany the main dishes with photographs. After carefully reading the recipes on our website, you can say with confidence that you know how to cook duck in the oven. And even more - how to cook soft duck in the oven and how to cook juicy duck in the oven. Having understood the basic principles of cooking, you can teach others how to cook a whole duck in the oven, how to bake a whole duck in the oven. In a word, how to cook duck in the oven. The person who knows how to deliciously cook duck in the oven is the one who has studied our site. Or a Chinese person who knows what Peking duck is.

It remains to figure out a few details: how long to bake the duck in the oven, how to marinate the duck for roasting in the oven. Roasting time for duck depends on the size of the bird. Usually calculate 1 hour per 1 kilogram of weight. But this also needs to be approached creatively. When cooking duck in the oven, time flies quickly, you need to constantly monitor the process. You might be interested in a few more tips for cooking duck:

It is advisable to grease the duck with vegetable oil (so that the skin is not boiled);

When roasting, baste the duck with the fat it has released every 30 minutes;

Before cooking, you can treat the duck so that the skin becomes crispy during baking. To do this, the bird needs to be doused a large number boiling water until the skin turns white and tightens. Then dry it, rub it with dry white wine and salt on the outside and inside and put it in the refrigerator overnight - on a wire rack, without covering it, to dry. Before baking, pierce the skin of the duck with a fork and rub with something fragrant. For example, ginger powder.

Note to men: duck meat, thanks to its balanced composition of amino acids, enhances potency.