Women who had plastic surgery. Surgeries of stars - plastic fantasy or cosmetic disaster? The history of catwoman plastic surgery

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Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with appearance correction, plastic surgery has become widespread, and we have all heard about rhinoplasty (nose job), mammoplasty (breast surgery) and liposuction (removal of fat from a certain area of ​​the body).

But plastic surgeons are always ready to offer their patients new types of appearance changes that correspond to all the latest fashion trends.

website found out which operations are gaining popularity and what else people are willing to do to create ideal image. At the end of the article you will find bonus, who will tell you what can be changed and what seemed impossible to change.

1. Hair transplant

Hair transplant can be done not only on the face, but also on the entire body. For example, you can increase the amount of hair on your chest and lower abdomen for a more masculine look. And of course, surgeons came to the aid of those who cannot grow a fashionable beard.

2. Muscle implantation

If you don’t want to waste time in the gym, but the desire to look impressive just doesn’t leave you, then there is a surgical method. Of course, this will not add strength, but the look “like from the cover” is guaranteed.

3. Transferring your own fat

Surgeons have learned to move a person's own fat throughout his body, and now silicone implants have faded into the background. This procedure allows you to move the pumped out fat from unnecessary places to needed ones. For slender people, fat is taken from the inside of the knees; almost everyone has small fat deposits there.

4. Creating dimples on the cheeks

Now the dream of cute dimples can become a reality. But you need to understand that there is no going back - it is impossible to remove dimples after they form. Therefore, as before any other interventions, you need to think very carefully.

5. Changing the lines of fate

For those who have everything according to Feng Shui and who meticulously examine the lines on their hands in an attempt to discern significant moments in their own lives, surgeons suggest that they stop relying on fate and draw what they want. Using the surgical method, you can draw a new life line, and all other lines that you want.

6. Enlarged calves

The fashion for sports calves has led to new service in clinics plastic surgery. Silicone pads will help make your legs smoother and give the impression that you have never left sports.

7. Navel

If a woman has stopped finding visible (to herself) flaws in her own appearance, then she still won’t stop just like that. Surgeons know this and are happy to offer such a procedure as reshaping the navel to be perfect down to the smallest detail.

8. Breasts for a day

The most insidious surgical intervention imaginable. A saline solution is injected into the breast, which increases it to 2 sizes; in about a day everything will return to normal.

9. Shortening your toes

Women make any sacrifice for the sake of beauty and don’t even want to hear about protruding bones, varicose veins and other horrors that can become a reality from spectacular heels. Surgeons decided to ease the suffering a little and offer to get comfortable insoles that will always be with you. To do this, injections of your own fat are injected into the feet or you can inject Botox into the soles to reduce sensitivity so that you can walk for hours in heels without getting tired. And to make open-toed shoes look perfect, you can shorten your toes.

People resort to plastic surgery for various reasons. Some people are forced to resort to them due to injuries or birth defects- in this case, surgical intervention is justified. But many go under the knife for other purposes - in the hope of prolonging their youth, changing some parts of their body or face, eliminating imaginary shortcomings, creating a certain image or just become a different person. These reasons are unreasonable, and the result of such intervention is disastrous. Let's take a closer look at examples of what people have achieved who have had plastic surgery for these reasons.

1. Plastic surgery as an attempt to escape old age.

IN modern world full of aging beauties and handsome men seeking to prolong their youth artificially. Among them are both media personalities and ordinary people. It would seem that there is a natural and the right way prolongation of youth - do not grow old in soul, lead healthy image life, constantly develop and do what you love. But the problem is that this path is quite difficult, while there is an easier way to rejuvenate in a matter of days - plastic surgery of the face and body. But this is a rather expensive method, and the result looks very unnatural, and therefore unattractive, not to mention the unsuccessful cases of operations. So here you go illustrative examples how people “transformed” after plastic surgery. Compare before and after photos and decide for yourself if it's worth it.

2. Plastic surgery to create a certain image.

Plastic surgery is used not only by those who dream of preserving youth, but also by those who simply want to change the appearance given to them by nature in the way that comes into their heads. For some reason, they perceive their face and body as a field for experimentation, or as a blank sheet on which they can draw whatever they want, or as plasticine from which they can mold whatever they want. They find some strange self-expression in this. But the problem is that the face and body are not the material from which you can endlessly fashion something. If a person doesn’t get a drawing, he can erase it, paint it over, or simply throw it away and take another sheet of paper. But this will not work with the body - a person has one for his entire life. And any manipulations with it do not pass without leaving a trace. Those who do not understand this are fools, and will be severely punished by life for their stupidity.

3. Changing individual parts of the face and body using plastic surgery and injections.

Have you heard the expressions “More is not better” and “The best is the enemy of the good”? And some didn't hear. When people with naturally quite good looks begin to “improve” it, nothing good usually comes of it. Especially if you don’t see limits in your zeal. Fashion for big breasts or big lips - pushes women and girls to make various changes to their bodies in order to meet standards. However, more does not mean better. Doesn't mean that at all. See for yourself:

Based on listed examples- and this is only a small part of such cases - we can conclude: people set themselves the wrong goals and achieve them in the wrong ways. They completely lack any understanding of the consequences of their actions and they create their own problems. They are catastrophically unreasonable.

What do celebrity plastic surgeries look like? Famous actors and actresses, singers, showmen, TV presenters - at least once each of them, in pursuit of youth and beauty, resorted to plastic surgery.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in the whole world who will be 100% satisfied with their appearance. One is not satisfied with the size of the nose, the other is not.

Examples of successful and unsuccessful modifications can be found in our material.

What plastic surgeries do stars most often undergo (and their cost)?

Operation nameWhat needs to be correctedApproximate cost
RhinoplastyChanges in nose size and shapeFrom 60 thousand rubles
MammoplastyCorrection of breast size and shapeFrom 300 thousand rubles
OtoplastyChanges in the external auricleFrom 10 thousand rubles
BlepharoplastyCorrection of the shape of the upper and lower eyelidsFrom 70 thousand rubles
Facial correctionChanging the shape of the cheekbones and cheeksFrom 70 thousand rubles
LiposuctionPumping out 2-3 kg of fat from problem areasFrom 60 thousand rubles

8 successful examples of plastic surgery

Marilyn Monroe

Few people know that Norma Jean Baker (this is the real name of the actress and singer) also had plastic surgery of her nose and even inserted a special implant into her chin.

In addition, she decided to radically change her appearance - she cut and dyed her hair, changed her hairstyle and clothing style. Doctors solved another important problem - and removed part of the hair follicles on the forehead that grew too low.

This idea of ​​reincarnation was given to her by ex-boyfriend Johnny Hyde, who paid for all the manipulations. However, all these procedures with the face and body made Marilyn from an ordinary actress to a world-class star.

She became a sex symbol for all men and a role model for women. By the way, the famous mole above the lip is also fake.

Angelina Jolie

It's hard to believe, but famous actress She has repeatedly performed plastic surgery on her face and body. The young star’s face underwent the first changes at the age of 16, it was then that she corrected the shape of her nose -.

Subsequently, the actress’s nose was changed several more times until it acquired ideal thinness and evenness.

If you compare old photographs of Angelina and more recent ones, dated from the mid-2000s, you can easily notice that she has noticeably lost weight, but her breasts have increased.

And even after natural feeding, the bust did not decrease in volume or become deformed.

She had a preventive mastectomy followed by prosthetic gland replacement with implants. The fact is that she had a high risk of developing breast cancer genetically, since her mother died from such a disease.

Also, many experts claim that the star repeatedly had a facelift and made herself artificial cheekbones, perhaps this was accompanied by.

In any case, these minor operations only emphasized natural beauty Angelina helped her achieve significant success and become an idol of millions.

Nicole Kidman

If someone now looks at the actress’s childhood and teenage photographs, he will have great difficulty recognizing a world-class star in the curly red-haired girl. The benefits of plastic surgery in Nicole's life are controversial.

First, the actress performed rhinoplasty on herself and changed her face. However, the procedure was carried out so carefully that the contrast is not striking.

A little later, at the beginning of the two thousandth, she first discovered and. Nicole Kidman's face acquired more aristocratic features, noticeable high cheekbones appeared, and thin lips became fuller.

But the actress did not want to stop there. Looking at the before and after photos different years, you can see that she changed the size and shape of her breasts several times.

In addition, the actress’s face became more and more lifeless; there was practically no expression of any kind on it. But Nicole came to her senses in time and stopped experimenting with her appearance.

Kim Kardashian

Popular name all over the world socialite, model and blogger are always on the lips now. Most often, users on the Internet, and even “colleagues” themselves, discuss the body modifications that the girl subjected herself to.

She started with the same thing as other stars -. Initially, Kim reduced the bridge of her nose and changed the shape of her nose.

Practicing surgeon since 1998. Member of the USAPS organization - the community of progressive plastic surgeons of Ukraine. Certified by USAPS "Rhinoplasty. Facial rejuvenation", Breast Enhancement (Madrid), Polytech Health & Aesthetics /Clinic Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Bucharest),

Girls who want to change the shape of their nose are the most frequent guests in the office of plastic surgeons. helps solve not only medical problems in the form of a curved septum, making breathing difficult, but also cosmetic. According to statistics, most people who have undergone rhinoplasty report improvement after surgery. psychological state, increased self-esteem and social activity. As experts in analytical psychology and physiognomy found out, the reason that brought the girl to the surgeon’s office was that she is not satisfied with her temperament and the way her life was going before the operation. In physiognomy, the nose and character are considered closely related elements, so subconsciously girls who are dissatisfied with this aspect of their lives decide to change this “responsible” zone.

Kim Kardashian (36 years old) before and after rhinoplasty

« Due to the popularity of this service, many surgeons now perform operations that patients request without taking them into account. individual characteristics faces. This is how women with noses “like Jolie” and “Megan Fox” come out from under the knife of hundreds of doctors. This deprives the owners of their individuality, and is unlikely to help them resolve internal conflicts in the future,” British researchers say.


Changing the shape of the eyes is a common request among girls of Asian appearance. However, among the patients who have decided to undergo blepharoplasty, there are many who unconsciously decide to cope with this in this way. Thus, Chinese physiognomists associate the need to change the shape of the eyes with the feeling that one’s own “view of the world” is not good or correct enough: overly pessimistic, selfish, simple or naive. The fact is that the eyes are the only organ that does not change throughout our lives, unlike the ears, nose and mouth. And the meaning of the operation in this case is an attempt to globally change the totality of one’s own ideas about the world.

Blake Lively (30) before and after blepharoplasty

« When performing blepharoplasty surgery, plastic surgeons solve a specific aesthetic problem: drooping eyelids, excess skin under the eyes or drooping corners. Sometimes, the result of their work does not satisfy the patient, because it does not correspond to his intuitive feeling of the “correct” eye shape. Therefore, repeated blepharoplasty is not uncommon,” the researchers note.

Changing lip volume

Every tenth woman in our country enlarges her lips. What can we say, the latest study by Scottish scientists showed: men consider women with full lips to be the most attractive. Psychologists and physiologists have drawn an analogy between female lips and intimate area for a long time. After all, even when a girl gets excited, she automatically and involuntarily begins to lick or bite her lips. Thus, by increasing the volume of her lips, a woman unconsciously demonstrates her sexuality to a man. Men read this signal perfectly: studies have shown that they associate full, reddish lips in women with passion and readiness for sex. So subconscious desire to increase libido and become more attractive to men- perhaps the primary reason for lip augmentation manipulations.

Kylie Jenner (20) before and after changing lip volume

« Many fans of “injection sexuality” sometimes get so carried away with the stalkers that instead of interest in men they only evoke perplexed glances and questions along the lines of “are you comfortable?”, psychologists say.

Cheekbone modeling

Gaining popularity in the last few years. The reason for this, according to researchers, is the career orientation and ambition of women. The fact is that psychologists-physiognomists cheekbones are considered an area responsible for authority, rigor and determination. Women, whom nature has not endowed with chiseled and high cheekbones, strive with all their might to acquire this “status” facial relief. Psychologists have long proven that all people subconsciously read a lot of “hidden” information from the facial features of their interlocutor. In the eyes of colleagues and business partners, the owner of prominent cheekbones looks strong and confident.

Naomi Campbell (47) before and after cheekbone modeling

« The career ambitions of some clients of plastic surgery clinics run counter to common sense. Sometimes women with soft and rounded facial features ask doctors to “sculpt” their desired cheekbones, not realizing at all that they will look foreign on their face,” comments the cosmetologist.

Circular facelift

With the request “circular facelift”, plastic surgeons are approached by older women who have a wealth of life experience behind them and, as a result, many large and small wrinkles. Many experts are of the opinion that creases on the face are a kind of “marks” left after certain periods of life. Women who strive to “pull everything up from all sides” subconsciously strive to give up and forget about the life baggage that they have accumulated over several decades. Often, with such a desire, surgeons are approached by women for whom it is important to “be here and now”, without remembering yesterday, as well as women in whose lives younger lovers have appeared.

Renee Zellweger (48) before and after facelift

« Sometimes patients strive to have perfectly smooth skin that does not at all correspond to their age. Of course, the desire to get rid of deep wrinkles is not unnatural, but due to excessive lifting, the face loses its individual definition. In some cases, when the patient’s desire to look as young as possible is met with insufficient competence of the surgeon, a “tight drum” effect occurs, comments one of the practicing plastic surgeons.

Over the past 10 years, the number of plastic surgeries in Russia has increased by orders of magnitude. Nobody keeps statistics, and even wives hide the fact of the operation from their husbands, but it’s enough to look around to catch the trend. According to the meager, but unique data of a recent study by Levada Center, the majority of Russian residents have a “rather positive” attitude towards plastic surgery. But to the question “Have you had plastic surgery on yourself?” 69.4% of respondents said it was completely out of the question, 5.9% were “very likely to have surgery in the future,” and only 0.2% answered “yes.”

What plastic surgeries are most often performed in Russia and what they lead to?

For any operation in any private or public clinic, a statistical form must be filled out, indicating the diagnosis, type of operation and its outcome. The coupon, developed in the 30s of the last century, describes the outcomes somewhat simplified - “recovery”, “death”, etc. These coupons go to the Ministry of Health. Maybe, if it wanted, the ministry could count the number of remade noses and enlarged breasts. But there are no statistics: the Ministry of Health has more important things to do than accounting excess fat in the pelvic area.

Forbes asked five Russian specialists in the field of plastic surgery to name the most popular operations based on their personal experience. Based on the survey results, we compiled a small rating. Experts said that 99% of their clients are women, so our list includes operations that are popular among them. Men go under the knife of a plastic surgeon extremely rarely. And yet, it is they who give impetus to the development of the industry: experts are sure that, first of all, women are driven to plastic surgery by the most common desire to please the opposite sex.

Most popular operations

1. Nose job

Nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, is an operation to improve the shape of the nose, change its size, correct birth defects and breathing problems. "Rhinoplasty is the most complex operation, says plastic surgeon Sergei Levin. — The more experienced the surgeon, the more nasal surgeries he performs. I specialize in noses. The point is that if you do it wrong, it will show. And if you then redo it many times, the skin dies, like Michael Jackson.”

Who does: women from 20 to 40 years old. “Nose operations are mostly performed by young girls,” comments cosmetic surgeon Victoria Alekseeva. “If a woman has lived with her nose for 40 years, she is unlikely to redo it.” "A person's nose is weak point, says Professor Leonid Pavlyuchenko. — At the age of 14-18, when the nose is formed, a person may develop a cosmetic defect and, as a result, a psychological complex. And by the age of 18, a patient comes to us with a request to correct his shape."

Rehabilitation period: after a week the nose takes on the correct appearance. Puffiness and bruising under the eyes can last from two weeks to a month. Most patients return to work 10 days after surgery. “When we remove the plaster, the patient experiences slight swelling and bruising, but the final result takes about six months to form. Negative consequences It shouldn’t happen at all, but it all depends on the hands of the surgeon. During initial consultations, it is necessary to carefully select patients, taking into account the initial condition of the tissues and the shape of the nose. According to statistics, 2-3% of patients come with inflated, inadequate wishes. Sometimes they show the desired nose shape in a photo, and I understand that this is impossible. We have to convince them that this won’t work, because after the operation the person will still want a nose like the one in the photo and will ask for a repeat operation,” says Dr. Andrei Lelikov.

Problems: rejection of the new nose, desire to redo it again.

Price: from 90,000 rubles

2. Breast correction

Breast augmentation occurs due to implants - depending on the shape of the breast and the desired result, they are placed under the mammary gland or under pectoral muscle. The incision can be located in the armpit, along the edge of the areola, under the mammary gland along its natural fold. To reduce the breast, the surgeon removes excess fat, tissue of the gland itself, skin through incisions and moves the nipple and areola to a different position, forming a new breast contour. Breast lift surgery restores breast height and improves contour. “Any surgeon can do breasts, it’s simple,” Sergei Levin is convinced. “I mean, it’s easy to do without complications. But beautifully, of course, it’s difficult.”

"Implant - foreign body“, just like a person, it changes with age,” says Dr. Levine. — Over the years, the implant will look ugly, so you have to make it larger or change its shape. It is impossible to fix the beauty of the breast with an implant once." Once inserted, the implant can last up to 15 years.

Who does: Today, breast augmentation surgery is performed by women from 20 to 40 years old (after 40, breast lift and shape correction are more likely to be required). “Before, about 15 years ago, patients had small implants installed so that it would not be very noticeable that plastic surgery was performed,” says Andrei Lelikov. “Now, on the contrary, most women want to have large breasts, so that they can be seen, for prestige. However, in any case We must not forget about body proportions and aesthetics."

“Today, in order for a woman to get married successfully, she needs to attract a man, including with her bust,” says Professor Leonid Pavlyuchenko. “This forces women to undergo surgery to be more attractive and sexy. There is another group of patients - those who correct their breasts after childbirth, breastfeeding leads to deformation of the mammary glands. But a woman wants to be beautiful even after childbirth.”

Rehabilitation period: You can return to work within a week after the operation. However, in the first days your chest will hurt because the muscles are stretched.

Complications: If you follow precise instructions, the risk of complications is minimal. But they are possible - subcutaneous hematomas, inflammation of soft tissues, scars. Regarding horror stories O unsuccessful operations and unsuccessful attempts to fix something, experts say this is a myth. “I won’t hide it,” admits Andrei Lelikov, “I redo something of my own, but extremely rarely, it’s more like a finishing touch. Human psychology is such that failure is always brought to trial, but successes are somehow kept silent. Plastic surgery- This normal operation, you just need to do it in trusted places and with trusted surgeons." “I never redo anything, and they very rarely come to me with this,” says Levin. “Good surgeons always succeed.” Some failures are associated solely with the negligence of doctors. Much also depends on the surgeon’s taste—how he feels about proportions. He can have all the certificates, go through all the training, but he won’t have that feeling. It can’t be taught, just like business.”

Price: from 160,000 rubles

3. Facelift

During a facelift, the doctor removes wrinkles, nasolabial folds, sagging skin, second and third chins and other signs of aging by removing fatty tissue, tightening muscles and redistributing the skin of the face and neck with excision of its excess.

Who does: women over 40.

Rehabilitation period:“If a patient decides to have a facelift, she needs to take a vacation for three to four weeks,” says Dr. Andrei Lelikov. “The greater the volume and depth of the lift, the longer the rehabilitation. I pay special attention the location of the cuts - I try to hide all the seams as much as possible. If the operation is performed correctly, you can ultimately get an excellent anti-aging result."

Complications: the most common complications are temporary hair loss around skin incisions in the scalp, swelling and bruising, skin pigmentation. All this disappears within six months after the operation. "Many women are now asking for peeling - a rejuvenating procedure without surgical intervention, says Georgy Sulamanidze. “I understand them; I want to avoid unpleasant consequences.” Besides, I know women who today regret that they did it too soon circular lift faces: their facial expressions become unnatural over the years, and their face becomes puffy, they want to have a second operation, but it will not help, it is undesirable to perform facial plastic surgery often." "It all depends on the surgeon's technique and the characteristics of the patient,” says Victoria Alekseeva. — It is difficult, for example, to make a European one out of a Mongoloid face. Again, 5% of the population is prone to scarring. Even if the surgeon did everything perfectly, after the operation a person can get a rough scar."

Price: from 120,000 rubles.

4. Eyelid lift

Blepharoplasty (from the Greek blepharon - eyelid) eliminates drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes by removing excess skin or fat deposits.

Who does: women after 35 years. “The eye circumference is the part of the face that ages first,” says professor Leonid Pavlyuchenko. “Therefore, after 35, women resort to blepharoplasty.” An eyelid lift is often done in parallel with a facelift.

Rehabilitation period: 5-10 days, sometimes bruises in the area of ​​intervention can last up to two weeks.

Complications: surgeons consider eyelid surgery to be a fairly simple and common operation without any particular complications.

Price: from 50,000 rubles.

5. Liposuction

Liposuction is a method of correcting body contours by removing excess fat in problem areas: the abdomen, sides of the back, outer and inner thighs, knees, sides, neck, cheeks, upper parts arms, buttocks, calves. There are many different techniques"suction" of fat, they have one thing in common: through a special tube that is placed in the subcutaneous space, excess adipose tissue is removed.

“Liposuction is the simplest operation. 20 years ago, when I started, that’s all I did. All novice surgeons love this operation,” says Sergei Levin. “If you do it unsuccessfully, you still can’t see it under your clothes.” However, today liposuction is rapidly losing popularity. "More effective techniques: all kinds of currents, hardware massages, plus special diets and intragastric balloons,” says Victoria Alekseeva.

Who does: women from 25 to 45 years old. “The popularity of liposuction suggests that people are lazy,” says Leonid Pavlyuchenko, “they don’t play sports, they overeat. But there is another category of patients - they are disciplined, take care of themselves, eat right, play sports, but due to their individual physiology there are excess fat deposits in certain places(knees, riding breeches, subchin area). Liposuction helps them too."

Rehabilitation period: Usually three to four days after surgery, patients can return to normal life. It is important to wear compression garments for another month and follow the surgeon’s instructions. Changes in body contour will become noticeable after two weeks. The final result will be visible only after six months.

Complications: the percentage of complications is minimal. Some patients may experience swelling of soft tissues in the surgical area (in 1.4% of cases), pain during movement, subcutaneous hematomas (1.6%), painful sensitivity in the surgical area (2.6%), which persist for up to two or three days. weeks “The risk of complications, of course, exists,” says Andrei Lelikov. “The larger the surface of liposuction, the higher the risk of complications. From the outside it seems like one puncture and that’s it. But inside under the skin there is a huge traumatized surface. For example, thromboembolism can occur ( blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot that breaks away from the site of its formation and enters the bloodstream - Forbes)."