Children's project "air-water rocket". How to make a water rocket from a plastic bottle Water rockets from plastic bottles

One of the most popular materials for making various crafts today is plastic bottles.

This material will probably be found in every home; if not, it costs a penny, and it can also be easily processed in all sorts of ways.

And with a little imagination, it turns into the most unusual and original things. For example, you can make a rocket out of plastic bottles! You should definitely involve little fidgets in such an exciting process; they will be very interested!

This master class describes in detail the entire process of creating a rocket from plastic bottle with your own hands!

Materials and tools for making a rocket:

— plastic bottle (any volume);
- colored cardboard;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- foil;
- glue;
- marker;
- scissors;
- pencil.

All handles and labels, if any, are cut off from the plastic bottle. The bottle will be the main part of the rocket - its body. It is necessary to select a bottle of such a shape that it is as close as possible to the shape of a rocket.

From colored cardboard, any shade, one-sided, a cone is created and securely fixed with glue.

It will be glued to the neck of the bottle, that is, to the top of the rocket body.

A marker is used to draw a porthole, which should be left unpainted.

Then on a sheet of cardboard with reverse side, a sketch of the rocket support is made and cut out.

A total of 3 of them are needed, so that they are all the same, first the template is cut out, and then its outline is transferred to the same sheet of cardboard and also cut out.

On the lower part of the body, a marker marks the places for three supports.

After, using acrylic paints, signing the rocket body.

WITH color scheme rockets, you can safely experiment and combine shades at your discretion.

The plastic case should be coated with paint in at least two thick layers, otherwise there will be bald spots on the surface, and this will significantly spoil the appearance of the product.

At the bottom of the rocket, notches are made along the marked lines to secure the supports.

Then, ready-made supports are inserted into these notches.

The convex bottom of the bottle bottom is painted with black paint.

And cut out stars are glued to the supports.

You can decorate the rocket a little differently, based on your personal preferences.

This is such a wonderful rocket made from plastic bottles!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

This plastic bottle toy will last a child for quite a long time. The theme “space” is very interesting for kids, which means the craft will certainly take its rightful place on the shelf in the children’s room!

As is our custom, at the end of the master class we offer to make a new craft. This time we propose to make a hedgehog!

Water rocket. With your own hands

1) First you need to choose a suitable cylinder. For example: let’s take a 1.5 liter bottle. To achieve the highest flight altitude, the ratio of the diameter of the rocket and the length of the rocket should be 1:7. If the rocket is too short, it will not fly smoothly, and if the rocket is too long, it will break into two parts.

2) Secondly, we need a bicycle nipple. On old domestic cameras, most likely, there will be a spool valve, like on cars. Although this one can be used.

3) A stopper from some shampoo or lemonade, which is made in the form of a valve. The cork must be strong and not loose. Then she will not let air through. It’s better to check this right away - screw it onto the bottle, close it and squeeze the bottle tightly. For the best flight of your rocket, the nozzle diameter should be 4-5 mm.

4) Now you need to drill another hole in the center of the bottom of the bottle so that the nipple can fit into it. Insert it from the inside with the nose facing out. It's not easy, but it can be done. Screw the clamping screw onto the nipple so that it fits very tightly and tightly to the hole. In other words, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the perforated bottle. When closed, the bottle should not allow air to pass through!

5) And finally, we attach stabilizers to the bottle. They help the bottle fly smoothly.

That's it, the rocket is ready.

Now, let's make a "launching pad" for our rocket. This is not difficult to do: you need a piece of board and an iron rod (it will serve as a guide). As a result, you should have a design like the one in my picture.

How it works:

Everything is ready! Take a rocket, a pump, a supply of water and go outside. It is advisable to take a friend with you, as you will need their help.

In order for the rocket to rise into the air, it is necessary to pour water into it, about a third. To obtain the greatest thrust impulse, the table shows the proportions of the weight of water and the volume of the cylinder.

The rocket is primed. Now let's start the launch.

One person holds the bottle with the cork down and at the same time firmly presses the cork with his hands so that it does not open from the pressure, and the second at this time takes the pump and inflates the bottle with all his might. Pump approximately 3-6 atmospheres into the bottle and disconnect the pump. One of the launch participants continues to hold the rocket, and the second moves away a short distance. When everyone is ready, you can let go. After the start, water under pressure flows out of the cylinder and thereby creates a thrust impulse. As for the explanation for the fact that the rocket flew, everything is simple. Complete analogy with real rockets with combustible fuel. Only in them there is an emission of light combustion products at a tremendous speed, and in a water rocket there is an emission of rather heavy water, although at a lower speed. The mass of water compensates for its low speed. Hurray your rocket has taken off. The only negative is that the launcher ends up in the rain of “fuel”, and for this reason it is better to carry out launches in the warm season. Another option is also possible. The rocket can only bounce slightly and fall, spraying everyone with a stream of water. This most likely means that the hole in the plug is too small. Look for another one.

This time it will be current model pneumohydraulic rocket that flies thanks to
action of reactive force. Its flight is based on the fact that a stream of water is forced out of the rocket body under compressed air pressure, forcing the rocket to move in the opposite direction.

A plastic bottle was used as the rocket body. As launcher A plastic tube mounted vertically on a wooden frame was used. A bottle filled with water about 1/3 is hermetically placed on this tube. At the bottom of the tube there is a nipple from bicycle camera, through which air is pumped by a pump. When pumping air into a bottle, it creates high blood pressure above the water at the top of the rocket body. The air pushes the water out through the neck. And when the bottle comes off the launcher, a stream of water continues to shoot down, creating jet thrust and pushing the rocket upward. The take-off altitude of a rocket made from a two-liter bottle at launch was up to 30 m (above a nine-story building).

Despite the fact that a rocket with a water jet engine is nothing more than a toy and real life Such engines are not used; the same principle is the basis for the operation of ships with water-jet propulsion. It is actively used on floating armored vehicles and small vessels operating in shallow waters.

We will need:

2-liter plastic bottle, the neck of another bottle, a rubber stopper, a metal-plastic water pipe (length approximately 50 cm), a steel corner, two clips for installing pipes on the wall, a nipple (at a tire shop we asked for an already used nipple from a car rim), board, bicycle pump.


We glue a nipple into the tube from one end with epoxy, the rubber part of which will need to be cut first. We will connect the pump to it.
We put the cut off neck of the bottle in the middle of the tube and glue it too. It is needed to fix the plug and prevent it from coming off the tube.
Then we put a plug made of some material such as rubber on the tube. We had it frozen in a tube silicone sealant, which Anton cut out in the form of a cylinder with a hole inside. The stopper is needed to ensure that the water bottle sits tightly on the tube. If there is no suitable rubber, you can simply wrap several layers of electrical tape.

We make a support that will hold the tube in a vertical position. To do this, we screw plastic clips onto a metal corner purchased at a building materials store. They can be used to place and remove the tube from the support.

For stability, we screw the corner onto the frame - a piece of board.

This is what the finished launcher looks like.

And this is how we will put our bottle rocket on it. Just before the start you will need to fill it with water. This is where detachable clips will come in very handy. The tube can be removed, inserted into the bottle without fear of spilling water, put on a stronger cork and then put back in place. You don’t have to fasten the clips - everything holds up well anyway.

Let's launch:

To launch a rocket, you need to go out into an empty space, away from windows and cars. (We did this at the school stadium). The rocket flies very high, higher than trees and nine-story buildings. And the trajectory of its flight is almost unpredictable. In order to fix this, you can stick stabilizers on the bottle, but we decided not to bother with this. Because of the same unpredictability of the flight path, the person who will directly launch the rocket must be dressed, taking into account the fact that the rocket in flight pours a stream of water, and it may well hit him.

Pour water into the rocket. It should fill the bottle about one-third - this is the optimal ratio of water and air.

We stick the tube into the bottle, fitting it tightly onto the cork.

Connect the bicycle pump.

We fasten the tube with the bottle on it with clips to the support.

Now you need to quickly pump air into the bottle with a pump. And after 10-20 seconds it will break off under pressure and fly upward. The flight does not last long, but you can always repeat it again by simply pouring a new portion of water into the bottle.

The air-hydraulic model is one of the simplest types in rocket modeling. It is characterized by simplicity of design and operation. This model makes it possible to conduct many different experiments and, most importantly, get acquainted with the action jet engine. You can easily build an air-hydraulic rocket yourself.

Such a simple rocket can be made very quickly from scrap materials. First you need to decide what size the rocket will be. The base of its body will be a simple plastic soda bottle. Depending on the volume of the bottle, the flight characteristics of our future rocket will vary. For example, 0.5 liters, although it will be small in size, will also take off not very high, 10-15 meters. Most optimal size This is a bottle with a volume of 1.5 to 2 liters, you can, of course, also take a five-liter vessel, but this will be too powerful for us, not to fly to the moon. To start, you will also need a basic tool - a pump, it is better if it is a car pump and with a device for measuring pressure - a pressure gauge.

The main component in the rocket will be the valve, the effectiveness of our entire rocket will depend on it. With its help, air is pumped into the bottle and retained. Let’s take a punctured or perhaps working chamber from any bicycle and cut out the “nipple”, the part to which we connect the pump. You will also need a regular stopper from bottles of wine or champagne, but since there are a lot of them different forms and sizes, then the main selection criterion for us will be a length of at least 30 mm and a diameter so that the cork fits into the neck of the bottle with an interference fit of 2/3 of its length. Now in the found plug you should make a hole of such a diameter that the “nipple” fits into it with force. It is better to drill the hole in two steps, first with a thin drill, and then with a drill of the required diameter, and the main thing is to do this gently with a little force. Next, the “nipple” and connect the cork together, having first dropped a little “super glue” into the hole of the cork to prevent air from leaking out of the bottle. The last part in the valve will be a platform that serves to attach the valve to the starting pad. It needs to be made from durable material, for example metal or fiberglass with a thickness of 2-3 mm and dimensions of 100x20 mm. After making 3 holes for fastening and nipples, you can glue the plug to it, but it is better to use epoxy glue for a more durable connection. In the end, the main thing is that part of the nipple protrudes above the platform by about 8-11 mm, otherwise there will be nothing to connect the pump to.

I started on the rocket itself. To make it you will need two 1.5 liter bottles, a table tennis ball, and colored tape. You can put one bottle aside for now, and let’s perform the operation with the second. Need to be cut carefully top part bottles, so that the total length is approximately 100 mm. Next, we saw off the threaded head from this part. As a result, we got a head fairing, but that’s not all. Since there is a hole left in the middle, it needs to be closed and in this case you will need a prepared ball. Let's take a whole bottle, turn it upside down, put a ball on top and put on the head fairing. In total, it turned out that the ball protrudes slightly beyond the circumference of the bottle; it will serve as an element that softens the impact on the ground during descent from orbit. Now the rockets need to be decorated a little, since the bottles are transparent, then in flight the rocket will be difficult to see and for this, where there is a flat cylindrical surface, wrap it with colored tape. So in the end we got the cherished missile, although it looks more like a ballistic one intercontinental missile. You can, of course, make stabilizers to make it look like a standard rocket, but they will not affect the flight of this projectile in any way. Stabilizers in the amount of four can be easily made from cardboard from household appliances, cutting them out into a small area. You can glue them to the rocket body using liquid nail glue or something similar.

Now let's start making the launch pad. To do this, we need a flat plywood sheet 5-7 mm thick, cut into squares with sides 250 mm long. In the center, we first fix the previously made platform with the valve, choose the distance between the holes arbitrarily, the distance between the two platforms must be at least 60 mm, and for this we use bolts with a diameter of 4 or 5 mm and a length of at least 80 mm as fastening. Next, in order to fix the rocket on the launch pad, you will need to make a holder with a launcher, which consists of two corners, two nails and 4 bolts with fastening. At the corner, on one side, we drill two holes for fastening to the launch pad; the distance between the holes, both in the corner and in the main platform, should be the same, for example 30 mm. On the other side of both corners, you also need to make two holes with a diameter of 5 mm for two large nails of the same diameter, but the distance between the holes should be such that the distance between the nails themselves is from 28 to 30 mm. When everything is assembled, you should adjust the height of the fixing nails. To do this, we will install the bottle on the valve, as in combat mode, with great effort, and after that we need to select the height of the corners so that the nails slide easily in the holes themselves and between the neck of the bottle. The nails also serve as a release mechanism, but we will also need to make a special plate connecting them and for the rope that we will pull to launch the rocket. The final elements in the launch pad will be the legs, for which you need to drill 4 holes in all corners of the pad and screw 4 small bolts from 30 to 50 mm long; they serve to fix the launch pad in the ground.

The rocket must be filled with water in a strictly specified amount, this is 1/3 of the total length of the entire bottle. It is easy to verify experimentally that you should not pour too much water or too little, since in the first case there is too little space left for air, and in the second there is too much. The engine thrust in these cases will be very weak and the operating time will be short. When the valve opens compressed air begins to throw water through the nozzle, resulting in thrust, and the rocket develops an appropriate speed (about 12 m/s). It should be borne in mind that the amount of thrust is also affected by the cross-sectional area of ​​the nozzle. The thrust, which decreases as water is thrown out, will allow the rocket to reach a height of 30 - 50 m.

Several test runs at low or moderate wind allow us to conclude that with a hermetically sealed connection between the valve and the bottle, proper filling with water and with a vertical installation of the model at the launch, it can reach a height of about 50 m. Installing the rocket at an angle of 60° leads to a decrease in the lift height, but the flight range increases. With flatter trajectories, either the model’s launches will be unsuccessful or the flight range will be short. A model launched without water will be very light and will rise only 2 - 5 m. Air-hydraulic models are best launched in calm weather. As a result of the tests, it is easy to notice that the model has good stability and a tendency to orient against the wind, both in the presence of traction and after the engine has stopped running. The flight time of the model from start to landing, depending on height reached is 5 - 7 seconds.

By the way, air-hydraulic rockets can be multi-stage, that is, they can consist of several bottles or even five or more. In general, the record for the flight altitude of such a rocket is as much as 600 meters; not every standard rocket model can reach such a height. At the same time, they can raise significant payload, for example, some testers install cameras or mini video cameras and successfully conduct aerial photography.

So, when everything is ready, you can go out and make the first launches. Along with the rocket and equipment, you also need to take additional fuel - several bottles of water. Such missiles can be launched anywhere, in a schoolyard, in a forest clearing, the main thing is that within a radius of 20 meters there are no buildings that would impede a combat flight. In the center of our test site, install the launch pad so that the installed rocket is strictly vertical. Next, we connect the pump to the valve, fill the rocket with water of the required volume and quickly install it on the launch pad, so that the valve fits very tightly into the neck of the bottle. Now we cock the trigger mechanism, insert two nails into the holes, fixing them. It is better to launch an air-hydraulic rocket together, one will pull the string to launch, and the other will pump air into the bottle. The length of the rope should be approximately 10 - 15 meters, this distance is enough so that the launcher is not splashed with a fountain of water from the rocket, but you won’t envy the one who will work with the pump, he has a very high chance of taking a cool shower during a non-standard flight rocket. Since our rocket consists of a 1.5 liter bottle, it should be inflated to a pressure of 4 - 5 atmospheres, you can try more, but the valve itself and the connection to the pump will not withstand such high pressure, and a leak will occur. When inflating, you don’t have to be afraid that something might happen to the bottle, because according to technical data, it can withstand 30–40 atmospheres. Air injection lasts approximately 30 seconds. When the required pressure in the bottle is reached, the launcher is given the command “Start”, who with a sharp movement pulls the string and after a moment the rocket rushes into the sky, performing combat mission. To decorate the flight, you can tint the water, for example, with paints or potassium permanganate, so you can accurately trace the jet stream and trajectory of the rocket. For the next start, all that remains is to add fuel from the reserve and pump air into the engine compartment again. Such a rocket can be a good source of entertainment on a sunny summer day.

Anyone can launch a rocket. To do this, there is no need to rent a spaceport, spend multi-million dollar fortune, because you can build a real water rocket from an ordinary plastic bottle.

First, let's deal with necessary materials for a water rocket.
We will need a regular plastic bottle, one fitting (you can use the fitting from the camera old tire or buy it on the market for about a dollar), glue gun, a piece of thread (preferably nylon, since it is stronger), a regular pump and tap water.

First, you need to make a small hole in the bottle cap, screw a fitting into this hole and seal everything with hot glue for greater fixation and insulation and tightness.

Next, you need to grow one ring on both sides of the lid. This must be done so that when winding it around the lid, the thread does not slip off. You also need to remember to fix one edge of the thread when building up rings.

The rocket is ready. The question remains, how exactly does this design work?

You need to fill the bottle with a little more than half of the water, and then tighten the cap. Do not screw the cap too tightly as it will main role- do not allow air to pass through. The next thing you need to do is take a pump and pump air into the bottle. Next, all that remains is to take the thread and screw it onto the lid. To launch the rocket, you just need to lightly hold the bottle with your left hand, and quickly pull the thread with your right so that the cap quickly unscrews.

The pressure of air and water lifts the rocket into the air.

ATTENTION!!! Maintain safety precautions. Never launch the rocket in the closed position.