Why did Evgenia Vasilyeva go to prison and how did she get out? So, are Evgenia Vasilyeva and the wife of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Svetlana Medvedeva, relatives or not? How old is Evgenia Vasilyeva

Former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov got a new position. He became industrial director for the aviation cluster of the Rostec state corporation. Now Serdyukov will oversee the development of the country’s entire aviation industry. As it turned out, previous corruption scandals had little effect on the demand for the former minister in the highest echelon of the elite.

It is unlikely that anyone in our country has not heard about the activities of Anatoly Serdyukov. After a long career in the furniture business, he suddenly headed the defense department. The reform of the Armed Forces he initiated caused many complaints from officers. There were even mass protest rallies organized by military veterans' organizations. Then it became known that the army’s supply system was riddled with corruption. This is how the Oboronservis case appeared.

The criminal case was gaining momentum, new facts of violation of the law were revealed, searches and arrests were carried out. November 6, 2012 President Vladimir Putin Serdyukov resigned. As the head of state himself explained, Serdyukov was unable to manage property in the department under his control and could even interfere with an objective investigation.

But in the end, all suspicions were cleared from Serdyukov. But the story of the investigation itself was extremely interesting, especially regarding Serdyukov’s subordinate Evgenia Vasilyeva. She was serving house arrest in a huge apartment, and during the investigation it was discovered that she simultaneously had the gift of an artist, poet and musician. The tabloids discussed the personal relationship between Serdyukov and Vasilyeva, and she herself dedicated former boss your works of art. Vasilyeva was nevertheless found guilty of causing damage to the state and sentenced to five years in prison. True, she only served four months and was released on parole.

Serdyukov and Vasilyeva in the public consciousness became symbols of corruption in the highest echelons of power. And, despite the legal assessment of the investigation and the trial, the majority of citizens have a negative attitude towards the former Minister of Defense.

However, three years after his high-profile resignation from the post of minister, Serdyukov received a new responsible appointment. Why did this become possible and how might this affect the image of the government?

Deputy Director of the Center for Political Technologies Alexey Makarkin believes that the reason for Serdyukov’s “unsinkability” lies in the characteristics of our elite:

— As I understand it, Serdyukov has never been involved in aviation. As Minister of Defense, he, of course, knew about these issues, but had nothing to do with the aircraft industry. However, even when he was engaged in business, his interest lay in the field of furniture trading. In principle, I am not opposed to a person with serious commercial experience holding a responsible position in the aircraft industry. There have been cases in world practice when the industry needs an outsider who is able to objectively analyze the situation and accept extraordinary and right decisions.

But along with professional qualities a person must have a good business reputation, but with this Serdyukov serious problems. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about Serdyukov as an indispensable specialist who must reorganize the domestic aircraft industry. The reputation factor plays a clearly negative role.

“SP”: - Nevertheless, he was appointed.

- This is very interesting question, why Serdyukov is so “unsinkable”. In my opinion, several factors played a role.

Firstly, Serdyukov is a member of the nomenklatura. The current one is different from the Soviet one. IN Soviet era a person could fall out of the nomenklatura if there was serious suspicion of a criminal offense. Then the person was sent somewhere to the province as the director of a state farm. Formally, he did not fall out of the nomenclature, but was not noticeable and did not bear much responsibility. Now it feels like some restrictions, even formal ones, have become history. And a person from the nomenklatura, despite a bad reputation, can continue his activities.

Secondly, Serdyukov was apparently forgiven. His main problems arose not even because he was unpopular in the army or became involved in a criminal case. The point is that he bet too big on Medvedev when he was president. Through him, Serdyukov sought to increase spending on the army. He was one of those who put Medvedev in office for a second term. But now all this is history.

From the point of view of bureaucratic ethics, Serdyukov behaved exemplary. When the scandal surrounding the abuses broke out, he did not turn to human rights activists or present himself to the public as a victim, but simply humbly awaited his fate. Accordingly, he was forgiven. Everyone thought that he had already been punished by his shameful resignation from the post of Minister of Defense, and now there was no point in ruining his career.

A similar situation occurred with Evgenia Vasilyeva, who was released on parole, and before that worked as a cleaner in a non-working school.

"SP": - But a signal is sent to society that representatives of the nomenklatura are inviolable.

- Probably, such a signal is being sent. But this is not the first signal. Initially, Serdyukov received the position of adviser to the general director of Rostec. I don’t know what kind of position, but ordinary employees of the state corporation could only dream of such a position. The second signal is Vasilyeva’s release. Now this is the third signal, it is no longer perceived as a sensation.

In my opinion, these signals are due to the fact that Russian authorities does not see anything particularly serious in them. Like, they’ll talk and calm down. People generally began to talk more about problems that affect them personally. There is disappointment in society, but it does not transform into some kind of protest against the authorities. The main outbreak was in the case of Vasilyeva - parliamentary factions discussed the situation, deputies demanded to sort it out. But then other topics appeared. Dissatisfaction remains, perhaps, only among the military and law enforcement officers, but the specifics of their work are such that they will not publicly express their protest. And if the story with Vasilyeva did not bring people out into the streets, then we can now try and return Serdyukov. After all, why not reward a person for exemplary behavior after resigning from the post of minister.

Another thing is that public discontent tends to accumulate. Let's say during times Brezhnev people discussed history with Churbanov. But there were no consequences. Outwardly, it seemed that people were calm about corruption and did not join dissidents—and that was good. But then too many such stories accumulated. The “Uzbek case” appeared. As a result, the topic of corruption became very serious and caused great damage to the Soviet leadership.

The topic of corruption was decisive recently, in 2011−12. People took to the streets under the slogan “Against swindlers and thieves.” But then this topic began to go away. To leave, but not to disappear, she seemed to “go inside.” The most relevant topics were Crimea. And people were disappointed in the rallies: they went and exposed them, but there was no result. There is an idea that people are stealing at the top, but few people are interested in how exactly. And the authorities decided that Vasilyeva could be released and Serdyukov could be appointed to a responsible position.

Only tension in society will increase. Especially against the backdrop of an unfavorable socio-economic situation and the lack of new successes. And, as we see, it is not easy to achieve success even in Syria; the military and political situation there is difficult.

There is a feeling that the Kremlin is dealing with short-term threats. In the short term, the authorities are not afraid of irritation with Serdyukov. It may spill out in the parliamentary elections, but all our parties have reached the “Crimean consensus”, and nothing will happen from the increase in votes for A Just Russia. They don’t think much about long-term prospects.

“SP”: — It turns out that for the elite it is more important to preserve the established rules of the game than to take into account reputational risks?

— The elites live by maintaining the current state of affairs. They have broken through to power, money, resources and are not interested in change. We have low social mobility, there is no change of power, that is, there are no incentives for the elite to change.

Even the arrests of the governor of the Sakhalin region and the head of the Komi Republic do not change the mood of the elite. The first few days the elite were in shock, but no one wanted to change. Everyone was just trying to understand what had happened, was it a “new 37” or some kind of accident. But time passed, and everyone came to the conclusion that the Sakhalin governor and the head of Komi were simply unlucky, that they did not have serious support at the top and they made operational mistakes.

They think exactly the same about Serdyukov. They say that if he had not bet on Medvedev, then everything would have been fine, and he would have left the post of Minister of Defense for another position without scandals. That is, any anti-corruption actions of the authorities are perceived by the elite as an accident and hardware miscalculations.

Elites are concerned that restrictions are now being introduced. For example, officials are prohibited from having accounts abroad or doing business, but previously this was considered normal. A minority of civil servants simply go into the commercial sphere so that there are no unnecessary worries. But all the same, these people remain in the elite, just in a different form.

“Protection mechanisms work in our elite,” says Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Alexander Turchinov.— In general, our elite is partly marginal. Usually, if a person has a tarnished reputation, then such a person becomes unshakable, he goes into the shadows so as not to discredit those with whom he communicates. In our country, the reputation of a candidate for office, unfortunately, does not become a significant factor in decision-making. Hence all the collisions that occur.

"SP": - Are the elites really not afraid of creating unfavorable public opinion?

“Our elite has no sense of self-preservation. A legal assessment of Serdyukov’s actions has been given, many express regret about it. But Serdyukov’s reputation is definitely ruined. But this does not matter to those who determine personnel policy.

The fact is that our elite is segmented, and according to certain corporate interests. If we really had an institution of elite, that is, there was a community of people from whom we could take an example, then we could talk about something. But when the elite is segmented, and reputational losses are not taken into account at all, then things like the appointment of Serdyukov happen.

Segmentation of the elite occurs based on the principle of belonging to a certain group. There is a creative elite, there is a business elite, there is an elite of managers. And there is also an illegitimate elite, that is criminal world, which nevertheless plays some role. And the peculiarity of the formation of our elite is that people from the criminal elite come with their specific subculture into the public field and impose their own rules and principles of life.

We do not yet have a division of the elite according to views. Everyone is divided according to their interests. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about a quasi-elite or a marginal elite. Take examples for last year. First one governor is brought in in handcuffs, then another. How many are on the way is unknown. But they also represent the state. This means that we simply do not have an elite.

Of course, there are still old Soviet cadres, honest people. A younger generation is gradually forming, but it cannot yet influence decision-making. The elite is assessed by society, first of all, by its moral authority. But, unfortunately, we don’t have this.

Reported the wedding of the ex-head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation 39-year-old Evgenia Vasilyeva and 56-year-old former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. It is unknown when the marriage took place, but, according to Malakhov, Serdyukov and Vasilyeva became husband and wife quite recently.

This couple gained fame in 2012, when a high-profile corruption scandal broke out, in which they became participants. Both left their positions, Vasilyeva was convicted and even spent some time under house arrest and in a Moscow pre-trial detention center, and then served her sentence in a colony in the Vladimir region. And so, when it would seem that everyone had long forgotten about this couple, they again became media heroes.

We talk about how the romance between Vasilyeva and Serdyukov developed, how the scandal affected their relationship and how they live now in our material on the site.

How it all started

Evgenia Vasilyeva, who graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg state university, in 2010 (and then she was 31 years old) became an employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Before that, she managed to work as a realtor, legal consultant, and general director. construction company and advisor to Alexander Beglov, deputy head of the presidential administration.

It is worth saying that Vasilyeva grew up in prosperity and did not feel the need for money. Her father Nikolai Vasiliev is a businessman with a multi-billion dollar fortune. When Vasilyeva turned 18, he gave her a luxury car.

Evgenia Vasilyeva at the ballet school-studio "Todes"

It was at the Ministry of Defense that she met Anatoly Serdyukov, who at that time had already headed the department for three years. Soon a romance broke out between them, despite the fact that Serdyukov at that time was married to Yulia Zubkova. Simply put, Vasilyeva became his mistress.


Soon after the start of the relationship, Vasilyeva moved to a 13-room apartment in house number six on Molochny Lane. In this residential complex, which is one of the most expensive in the capital, Serdyukov also had an apartment (is it a coincidence?) - so they became not only colleagues and lovers, but also neighbors in the stairwell.

It is not surprising that Vasilyeva, who is 17 years younger than her lover, attracted his attention. A stately, prominent, spectacular blonde with an excellent education and background, who was interested in painting, literature and music, immediately aroused his interest.

But let’s take a closer look at Evgenia Vasilyeva. Before her arrest, she lived in grand style (however, it is possible that she has not abandoned her old habits even now). For example, in her wardrobe it was hardly possible to find dresses cheaper than several tens of thousands of rubles, and, of course, she bought shoes not at the mass market level. Among her favorite stores are TSUM, her favorite brands are Max Mara and Louis Vuitton, jewelry is only precious (she had several kilograms of them, mind you, and they were confiscated during the arrest), cars are exclusively of the executive class, fur coats are only made of natural fur .

Perhaps we don’t even need to talk about the fact that she had personal au pairs, cooks, manicurists, hairdressers and cosmetologists, who every day made her life only more beautiful, brighter and tastier. In general, she lived happily and did not know grief until that very scandal happened.

Corruption scandal

In 2012, Evgenia Vasilyeva was accused of fraud on an especially large scale. According to investigators, she, together with other persons, managed to steal more than 360 million rubles belonging to the Oboronservis holding. On November 23 of the same year, she was placed under house arrest, but after some time she was allowed to use the Internet and see her family and lover.

Soon, several more criminal cases with her participation appeared - in total, Vasilyeva was accused of four articles, for which she could receive up to 12 years in prison. She herself did not admit her guilt and stated that in this way she was forced to testify against her lover.

No circumstances will force me to discredit and slander the former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and my former colleagues at work,

- she said.

Vasilyeva spent two and a half years under house arrest. By the way, in that very house in Molochny Lane. On May 8, 2015, she was sentenced to five years in prison. However, since she had already spent half of her sentence under house arrest, she only had to go to prison for two and a half years. She was taken from the courthouse to a Moscow pre-trial detention center, where she spent several weeks, and then was transferred to a colony in the Vladimir region. But she served there... only a little over a month and was released early on August 25, 2015.

But these are not all the gifts of fate that awaited Vasiliev. If you believe the information published in the media, she was returned not only her freedom, but also all the property seized during the investigation. And this, you know, is not “three foreign movie cameras and three domestic cigarette cases,” but several apartments, a lot of expensive jewelry and wardrobe items and bank accounts worth more than tens of millions of rubles.

Serdyukov, we note, got off even easier. The criminal case against him was closed altogether, since he was granted an amnesty for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - he was recognized as a “defender of the fatherland.” Considering the circumstances of the case, this formulation sounded particularly absurd, yet he did not spend a single day behind bars.

As for his career, here too, one might say, he was lucky: he, of course, had to leave the post of Minister of Defense, but he soon became general director Federal Research Testing Center for Mechanical Engineering, and in 2017 he took the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Rostvertol and became a member of the board of the United Aircraft Corporation.​

In total, according to estimates, Serdyukov and Vasilyeva caused very impressive damage to the state, depriving it of more than ten billion rubles.

Relationships after trial

How the couple’s relationship developed after the court’s decision is unknown. It seems they were completely forgotten, until a few days ago they themselves involuntarily reminded of their existence.

It is known that, while under house arrest, Vasilyeva became seriously interested in painting and even joined the International Art Foundation, and then organized an exhibition of her own paintings.

Vasilyeva is generally quite a creative and enthusiastic person - the former official even published a book of love lyrics (romance, and that’s all).

Here, for example, is one of her poems.

Let the rich be richer
Let luck be smarter.
I'm rooting for the gold of the world.
I know: yes, it is big and beautiful.
Let the rich be polite
Let them be responsive, beautiful...

She also has a video clip. In 2014, a video for the song “Slippers” appeared on her YouTube channel.

A song about Serdyukov's slippers! Shock! My poems, my song, filming in an apartment on Molochny! After my song, Serdyukov is simply obliged to marry me!

— she announced the release of the clip on her Twitter.

Whether the song captivated Serdyukov or he could not resist the other talents of his beloved, the fact remains that he really married Vasilyeva a few years after the video was released.


How and where the celebration took place, as well as who was present at it, has not yet been reported. It can be assumed that, being a great lover of luxury, expensive clothes and jewelry, Vasilyeva wanted to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale. For her, this marriage, by the way, was her first.

Serdyukov married for the third time. From his first marriage to Tatyana Serdyukova, he has a 32-year-old son, Sergei, and a 25-year-old adopted daughter Anastasia. His second wife, Yulia, gave birth to his daughter Natalya.

I worry about their marriage. During an interview with Evgenia Vasilyeva in Molochny Lane (her leg was then adorned with an electronic bracelet), I forgot a brown tie from Tom Ford. So, if Anatoly Eduardovich sees a men’s tie among the Chanel bags, don’t worry,

— Andrey Malakhov wrote in his blog.

Photo Gettyimages.ru/Instagram/Odnoklassniki

Investigators do not rule out that after such a shock she may become more talkative during interrogations. Previously, Vasilyeva “took upon herself” some accusations of illegal sale of real estate of the Ministry of Defense.

Ministry of Defense under Serdyukov: millions for our own, crumbs for the rest

The next debriefing of the Ministry of Defense was recently published by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. And the results of the “Checking the target and effective use federal budget funds for military allowances, wages civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other payments for 2010-2012, as well as for expenses associated with the reform of monetary allowances” once again show what a difficult economy the current head of the department Sergei Shoigu inherited from his predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov.

How Evgenia Vasilyeva lives: Shopping for an elite prisoner from Oboronservis

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out what the girlfriend of ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov is doing now and what whims her servants fulfilled

The other day, a version appeared on blogs about the family relationship of Evgenia Vasilyeva, Serdyukov’s mistress, a person involved in the Oboronservis scandal and the wife of Prime Minister Svetlana Medvedeva.

In his post, Anatoly Kresik, chairman of the Union of Military Sailors, suggested that the 47-year-old wife of Anatoly Medvedev, Svetlana Medvedeva (Linnik), and 33-year-old Evgenia Vasilyeva are cousins.

First on the face external resemblance two women. Secondly, it is precisely the circumstance of the presence of high-ranking relatives that can explain the rapid career growth and today’s soft conditions of detention for Vasilyeva.

Indeed, how did a recent student suddenly become the head of a large construction company in St. Petersburg, SU-155? At the same time, she became an adviser to the first deputy mayor of Moscow, Vladimir Resin. Since 2009, he has been an adviser to the deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, Alexander Beglov! For what kind of merit?

Why did President Dmitry Medvedev award her the Order of Honor in January 2012?

Where did Evgenia Vasilyeva get all her untold wealth and expensive apartment on Ostozhenka?

Who promoted Evgenia Nikolaevna Vasilyeva and who is helping now is under house arrest in a 13-room apartment.

They are already saying that Evgenia Vasilyeva was the only employee in the ministry who was not afraid of Serdyukov. And Anatoly Serdyukov has a reputation for being a rather tough leader. So she had leverage over the ex-minister?

Anatoly Kresik found justification for love story Serdyukov.
“Citizen Serdyukov loves women from High society. He left his first wife, not from High Society, and married the daughter of Putin’s friend and ally Zubkov. And then he abandoned this one and went higher. The bride or mistress was the cousin of Medvedev himself, who is already aiming for another presidency.
And who so famously besieged this stallion? Yes! Family ties are strong."

The fact of relationship between Evgeniy Vasilyeva and Svetlana Medvedeva has not been proven. These are probably just rumors. Svetlana Vladimirovna herself is in no hurry to comment on her “kinship”.

Just recently, the entire public was outraged by the fraud taking place in the country's military department. The Oboronservis case was covered on almost every news channel on Russian television. His defendant, Evgenia Vasilyeva, was subjected to severe criticism and censure. The people demanded that the high-ranking official receive the deserved punishment for the atrocities committed.

However, fate turned out to be favorable to her. Having received a mild sentence (house arrest), she could pursue her favorite hobbies: painting and music. For many, Evgenia Vasilyeva is an official who got away with almost everything. Is this really so, and how did she manage to get into upper echelons authorities? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Vasilyeva Evgenia Nikolaevna is a native of the city on the Neva. She was born on February 20, 1979. The future official was the only child in the family, so her parents surrounded her with care and did not deny her anything.

Evgenia Vasilyeva’s father is a well-known entrepreneur in certain circles. He was a wealthy man, so he could spoil his only daughter.

At the same time, as a child, Evgenia did not stand out from her peers in any way. She, like other kids, attended school, spent time with friends, and went to various clubs. And at home, Evgenia Vasilyeva’s relatives cared for and cherished their daughter, so there were practically no prohibitions for her.

Student years

Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl decided to become a specialist in jurisprudence. She entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University (SPSU). It was within the walls of this university that fate would bring Vasilyeva together with her future patron Anatoly Serdyukov, who also learned the basics of jurisprudence at the above-mentioned educational institution.

Start of work

Having become a certified lawyer, Evgenia Vasilyeva found a job in one of the local real estate companies. After some time, she began working as a lawyer in various commercial structures.

In 2006, the girl changed places, moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow. In the capital, she gets a job at the construction and investment company S-Holding, but after working there for several months, she quits.

A year later, Evgenia Nikolaevna works in St. Petersburg companies, heading a branch of the SU-155 construction structure, and then becoming at the helm legal entity LLC "Baltikstroy"

Shortly before these appointments, a graduate of St. Petersburg State University in Cannes, at an international real estate exhibition, made acquaintance with a large Russian official Vladimir Resin, thanks to whose patronage she would later end up in higher structures public administration.

Higher echelons of power

Soon Vasilyeva Evgenia becomes an adviser to Resin, who at that time served as the first deputy mayor of the capital. In Moscow, a newly-minted official settles in an elite house in the very center of the city. Evgenia Nikolaevna’s housing consists of four rooms, the area is 200 square meters. Vasilyeva’s career is going uphill.

In 2009, she was appointed to the position of adviser to the head of the administration of the head of state, Alexander Beglov. Then Vasilyeva Evgenia Nikolaevna moves to a senior position in the military department, becoming an adviser-chief of staff to the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. Next, the official was entrusted with the position of head of the property relations department of the RF Ministry of Defense, which she held until the summer of 2012.

The income statement recorded that in 2011 Evgenia Vasilyeva, whose biography undoubtedly deserves separate consideration, earned more than 6 million rubles.

At the beginning of 2012, in accordance with the decree of D. Medvedev, the head of the department of property relations of the military department was awarded the Order of Honor.

Criminal case

In the fall of 2012, the media published shocking information that, as a result of a search in an elite apartment owned by Vasilyeva, documents were found about fraud with the assets of the Moscow Region, as well as property valued at millions of rubles: jewelry(weighing 19 kg and worth 130 million rubles), paintings, antiques and three million rubles. All this was confiscated by the police.

When asked where such wealth came from, the head of the Department of Property Relations of the RF Ministry of Defense replied that her father gave her the jewelry. Naturally, the search was carried out for a reason. Evgenia Nikolaevna and several other high-ranking employees of the military department were suspected of committing serious fraudulent acts and theft of property during their leadership activities at Oboronservis. Naturally, investigators opened a criminal case on this fact, and the suspect was fired from a high position. Initially, the amount of damage exceeded 350 million rubles.

Let us recall that the Oboronservis holding, which included a number of strategic companies, was created in 2008 to relieve military personnel of functions unusual for them. When investigators brought charges against Evgenia Nikolaevna, she stated that she was not involved in the thefts and did not intend to cooperate with the investigation.

In the fall of 2012, the former head of the property relations department of the Moscow Region underwent surgery and spent some time in hospital treatment.

The essence of the accusation

Law enforcement agencies suspected that Evgenia Vasilyeva, whose biography, of course, contains dark spots, sold real estate that was on the balance sheet of the military department. Their cost was unreasonably low. It is noteworthy that the buyers for some of the above property were identified in advance from among their own people. One of the socially controversial transactions that the official was accused of committing was the implementation of the State Design Institute, which had strategic status.

According to calculations by employees of the State Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the total damage caused by Vasilyeva (Oboronservis) and her accomplices is estimated at 3 billion rubles, the basis of which was 8 large real estate properties in Moscow.

House arrest

As a result, the ex-official was formally charged with fraud and real estate fraud.

Evgenia Nikolaevna asked to be released on bail, offering 15 million rubles, but the court considered this inappropriate, choosing house arrest as a preventive measure. A month later, Vasilyeva (Oboronservis) again appealed to representatives of the Russian Themis so that she would be allowed to live together with her former boss Anatoly Serdyukov, with whom the official had developed a close relationship. However, the judge rejected this request, but allowed him to see the former minister and relatives. Vasilyeva could also use the Internet.

In the spring of 2013, detectives seized three apartments and the house of the accused, which were located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. To control where Evgenia Vasilyeva moves, on her right leg The police put on an electronic bracelet, and special equipment was installed in the rooms where she lives.

Soon the judge extended the period of stay under house arrest until May 27, 2013. In the fall of 2013, detectives issued a resolution documenting 12 episodes of fraud allegedly committed by a military department official.

She was also charged with: laundering cash, excess official powers, theft of budget money on an especially large scale. After such acts, it would be absurd to count on the release of Evgenia Vasilyeva. Investigators also seized the defendant’s property in the amount of $450 thousand, which included: bank deposits, 6 real estate properties and jewelry.

Court hearing

The case of Evgenia Vasilyeva was scheduled for trial on July 1, 2014. The legal proceedings lasted for 10 months. On May 8, 2014, the judge issued a guilty verdict: the official was found guilty of committing fraudulent acts and illegal transactions with real estate in the Moscow Region. The sentence was not so severe: Evgenia Nikolaevna was given 5 years in a general regime colony, taking into account the fact that she had already served half of the sentence under house arrest; she had 2.5 years left to serve. After the trial, she was sent to the Pechatniki pre-trial detention center, and in the summer she was transferred to the Vladimir region.


Already at the end of August 2015, the convict was released. This turn of events was explained very simply: the lawyers asked the judge for parole, and the judge, taking into account the fact that Vasilyeva compensated for the damage caused in full, granted their request. At the same time, the representative of Themis ordered the convicted woman not to leave the territory of the capital’s metropolis and not change her place of work for the next 26 months after her release.


After leaving the Moscow Region, Evgenia Nikolaevna took up the jewelry business in Moscow, opening the Result company. While under house arrest, she wrote poetry and painted paintings in the genre of privitivism, an interest in which arose among Muscovites largely thanks to the work of the former official.

In the spring of 2014, an exhibition of Evgenia Nikolaevna’s artistic works entitled “Flowers of Captivity” was organized in the capital’s gallery “Expo-88”. She even shot a video clip for the song composition of her own composition, “Slippers.”

Personal life

There were rumors that Vasilyeva had never walked down the aisle in her life and that she had no children. However, the ex-official still wanted to experience the happiness of motherhood, but so far she has not succeeded. At the same time, Evgenia Nikolaevna’s confidants reported that in 2012 she suffered a miscarriage due to psychological stress.

The media have repeatedly written that the only man, with whom Vasilyeva met was her immediate superior, Anatoly Serdyukov. It was with him that she became close, holding a post in the public administration system. The convict spoke about her former patron only with positive side: he is a reliable man with whom you always want to be close. Despite the fact that the ex-Minister of Defense was married to the daughter of former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, as it turned out, he was not an exemplary family man.

The connection between Serdyukov and Vasilyeva was not hidden from the public. Even when investigators raided Elena Nikolaevna’s apartment with a search, Anatoly Edurdovich was next to his mistress. After some time, Zubkov’s daughter filed for divorce, but this circumstance did not make Vasilyeva any happier.

Another novel

However, one cannot ignore rumors that Evgenia Nikolaevna had an affair not only with the Minister of Defense. It was rumored that she had a relationship with the ex-governor Tula region Vyacheslav Dudka, who, under the influence of Vasilyeva, squeezed out regional development companies, thereby freeing up the construction market. The official presented his beloved with a luxurious apartment in Moscow, which became their love nest. They met back in 2006, and Vasilyeva introduced herself as a close relative of Svetlana Medvedeva. The relationship between the governor and the future defendant in the Oboronservis case ended in 2009.


Naturally, many are haunted by the question of what Evgenia Vasilyeva is doing today. Her range of hobbies remains the same: she paints pictures and is interested in jewelry. Some experts believe that in the future artwork Evgenia Nikolaevna may have good consumer demand. Where is Evgenia Vasilyeva currently? Naturally, in Moscow, since she is prohibited from leaving the territory of the metropolitan metropolis. She appears less in public and leads a fairly secluded lifestyle. One of the representatives of the ex-official’s inner circle said that after the trial, Evgenia Nikolaevna rethought her own system of values, now she focused her efforts on creativity at home. From the point of view of material wealth, Vasilyeva is also doing well: she wears luxurious clothes, has a servant and wears luxurious jewelry. In general, an ascetic lifestyle is not as bad as it might seem.

Ekaterina Putina with her miracle http://www.besttoday.ru/read/6604.html

Let me remind you that in 2013 the wedding of Katerina Putina and Yoon Joon Won took place.

By the way, about other offspring of the power vertical:

Family of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Medvedev is married to Svetlana Linnik, who is cousin E. Vasilyeva - involved in the Oboronservis case.

Vasilyeva herself is the daughter of one of the criminal authorities of St. Petersburg - Vasilyev. President Dmitry Medvedev awarded her the Order of Honor in January 2012.
Medvedev has a son - Ilya Medvedev. On at the moment he studies in Russia, but in a public interview he said that he will continue his studies at the University of Massachusetts in the USA.

Family of Foreign Minister S. Lavrov

The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, lives and studies in the United States.

He is currently graduating from Columbia University in New York and plans to stay in the United States permanently.

Family of State Duma Vice Speaker S. Zheleznyak

Three daughters of Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak are studying abroad.

Ekaterina is in an elite Swiss school (tuition costs 2.4 million rubles per year from 6th to 12th grade), Anastasia is in London, at the university (tuition fees per year are about 630 thousand rubles).

The youngest, Lisa, also currently lives in London.

It is interesting that the “patriot-sailor” Zheleznyak declared an income of 3.5 million rubles and at the same time pays 11 million a year for the education of his children at Western universities...

Family of State Duma Vice Speaker A. Zhukov

The son, Pyotr Zhukov, studied in London and even went to prison there; Zhukov Jr. took part in a drunken brawl and received 14 months in prison.

Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Andenko

The daughter studies and lives in Germany.

Family of Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak

The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, has been living abroad for at least six years and is engaged in the construction business.

He is a co-owner of several foreign companies: Red, McBright and Yuna. At the same time, he also works for the state-owned VTB Group.

Alexey Kozak's younger brother, Alexander, works at Credit Suisse.

This year, German and US authorities accused the Swiss bank of helping high-profile clients evade taxes. An investigation is underway.

The family of State Duma deputy A. Remezkov from the “ United Russia»

Remezkov’s eldest son, Stepan, recently graduated from Valley Forge Military College in Pennsylvania (a year of study costs 1 million 295 761 rubles).

The son of a deputy studied under the program for officers of the US Army (!!!).

Styopa then entered the private Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

The deputy’s middle son, Nikolai, has been studying in the UK at the private school Malvern College since 2008.

A youngest daughter lives in Vienna, where he practices gymnastics. Masha Remezkova represented the Austrian team (!!!) at children's competitions in Ljubljana.

Family of deputy V. Fetisov

Daughter Anastasia grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to write or read Russian.

Family of the head of Russian Railways V. Yakunin

The children and grandchildren of the “main patriot of Russia,” the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, live outside the country - in England and Switzerland.

The son of the head of Russian Railways, A. Yakunin, studied and for many years lived in London, currently works in Russia as an investor in a British company.

Since 2009, Yakunin Jr. has headed and co-owned the UK-registered investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which is involved in development projects in St. Petersburg.

Andrey Yakunin is the owner of the Moscow Marriott Courtyard hotel, built on the territory adjacent to the Paveletsky railway station.

At the moment, he permanently lives in his house in London, purchased in 2007 for 4.5 million pounds (225 million rubles) and registered in a Panamanian offshore.

Yakunin’s other son, Victor, lives in Switzerland, where he also owns luxury real estate.

The grandchildren of the head of Russian Railways also study at prestigious educational institutions these countries.

Family of Svetlana Nesterova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

The daughter lives in the UK.

Family of P. Astakhov

The eldest son of the Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov, Anton, studied at Oxford and the New York School of Economics.

The youngest child was born in Cannes, in a rented villa.

Family of State Duma deputy from the “SR” faction E. Mizulina

The main fighter for traditional Orthodox values ​​has a son, Nikolai.

First, Nikolai studied at Oxford, received a diploma and moved to live permanently in tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriage is allowed

Today he works in Belgium at a large international law firm, Mayer Brown.

It’s not clear how Elena Mizulina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, left her own son in such gay danger?!...

The daughter of communist Vorontsov, Anna, lives in Italy. She moved there from Germany, where she also studied.

Currently studying at the University of Milan.

Vorontsov himself, foaming at the mouth, denounces the West, and in the meantime pays hundreds of thousands of euros for his daughter’s education in Milan.

Family of Elena Rakhova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction

United Russia member Elena Rakhova, who became famous for calling Leningraders who lived less than 120 days under the siege “not before the siege,” has a daughter who lives in the United States.

Polina Rakhova graduated from the faculty international relations St. Petersburg State University, then went to New York.

Family of B. Gryzlov, member of the Security Council.

The daughter of ex-speaker of the State Duma, one of the founders of the United Russia party, and now member of the Security Council Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia lives in Tallinn. And I even recently received Estonian citizenship.

Family of A. Fursenko.

Former Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko, who pushed the country Unified State Exam system, for a long time hid from the public that his children also studied abroad.
Today his son Alexander lives permanently in the USA

Family of V. Nikonov (grandson of Molotov), ​​president of the Politika Foundation

Son Alexey is a US citizen.

Where did this gentleman show up? That's right, in the Anti-Magnitsky Act, in defense of the law banning the adoption of children by American citizens.

In general, everyone cares about Russia, they are sick...