How to understand an Aquarius guy. How to understand an Aquarius man

Aquarius is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac. He is self-willed, freedom-loving, an idealist with wide range views, accustomed to living by his own rules. Let's see what happens to an Aquarius if he falls in love, and how does an Aquarius man conquer a woman?

Despite their outward sociability, Aquarians are very lonely at heart. They find it difficult to maintain long-term relationships, including with the opposite sex. Representatives of this sign have unique ideas about love and friendship, and few are willing to adapt to them. What should a woman do if an Aquarius man has taken over her thoughts and heart?

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius

We can say that Aquarius men are peculiar people. Even a little strange. They have their own ideas about how things should be, and they do not accept any others. Accordingly, either a woman who loves Aquarius will enter his world and share it with him, or they will not be able to be together.

It is quite difficult to understand what is in his soul. Despite their friendliness and outward sociability and openness, Aquarians are hidden, reserved natures, rarely allowing anyone to be one hundred percent sure of their feelings. They are rather loners in life; freedom of choice and action is one of their key core values. Somewhat self-absorbed. However, there may be true friends, they will always come to the rescue.

As for the temperament of Aquarius men, they are outwardly very restrained, calm, and do not particularly show their emotions. However, quite often a fire of passion burns inside. Romantics, knights in search of harmony, are changeable in their passions, easily captivated by new, unknown experiences.

love to be useful to people, easily give up their interests in favor of loved ones. People often run to Aquarius for help and advice, and this greatly flatters him. However, this does not in any way affect his compassion and good disposition; we can say that he is a lover of other people's problems.

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Excellent conversationalists, they do not like conflicts and showdowns. If a woman begins to nag an Aquarius man and blow his mind, he will first distance himself from her and then leave her completely. Aquarians need periodic solitude, and their loved ones know this and accept it. Often these are creative and very talented individuals who cannot realize this potential, and therefore are slightly disappointed in themselves and in the world.

Aquarius man in love

Aquarians love everyone and no one in particular. This is such a romantic idealist, ready to devote himself to the fight for humanity. Due to his strong love of freedom, he is not particularly inclined toward marriage and treats this phenomenon as a limiting factor.

He is looking not for a passionate beauty, but for a faithful, like-minded woman who will follow him through thick and thin, share his views on life and agree with everything he offers her. None alternative options or he won’t tolerate compromises - either you play by his rules, or you’re out of the game.

You will most likely have to win an Aquarius man yourself - representatives of this sign are somewhat indecisive in relation to women. They need a lot of time to feel sympathy; it rests on a strong friendship basis.

You will never see any feelings of jealousy or possessiveness from an Aquarius - they respect their partner's freedom as much as their own. Not big fans of responsibility, Aquarians are unlikely to be showered with love confessions in front of a woman. But they won’t demand much from her in return either. They prefer to build relationships based on mutual satisfaction of interests, and not because strong feelings. However, if they feel that they are being used, they break off the relationship at that very moment.

What kind of women does an Aquarius man conquer?

First of all, it should be noted that if Aquarius has entered into a relationship, he really experiences a certain range of emotions for his chosen one. Men of this zodiac sign extremely rarely waste time on a woman if she has failed to arouse his sympathy and interest.

What interests Aquarius? As mentioned above, these are men who are greedy for new experiences, impressions, and emotions. Therefore, very often they choose a creative girl because she is able to bring all this into his life. The spiritual side of personality for Aquarius men is much more important than all others, while you must be self-sufficient in a very broad sense - his inner freedom above all, your affection and devotion should not fetter him.

Aquarians are caring, which is why they favor a certain amount of equality in relationships. This does not mean that he will burden you with the responsibilities of a man, it means that he will treat you with the same respect as you treat him.

How to awaken the sympathy of an Aquarius?

Show him that you will never trample on his independence and freedom. Convince that in addition to starting a family and having children, you have a lot of other interests and creative plans that you certainly intend to bring to life.

Make sure your man doesn’t get bored around you, and constantly arouse his interest and admiration. Unusual hobbies, unusual bright appearance, interesting external image. Non-standard ideas and solutions to issues, initiative - in general, you should fill his life with joy and impression.

And at the same time keep your distance. Not only do not dissolve in him, but rather the opposite - only sometimes let him get close to you. Only in this case will he want to “assign” the rights to you.

How to understand that Aquarius is in love?

How does an Aquarius man conquer a woman? If he understands that you are his destiny, believe me, you will have no doubts about his sympathy and his decision to be with you. He will call, meet you from work, give gifts. Aquarians are attentive and caring with their chosen ones.

In addition, despite a somewhat biased attitude towards marriage, an Aquarius man who falls in love quickly proposes. Immediately after he is convinced that you are suitable for him, and for your part you understand and accept his rules of the game.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

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If you are also a freedom-loving nature, but at the same time are ready to follow the Aquarius man and accept him to the end, you can make him happy and be happy next to him. If not, such an alliance will become a source of disappointment for everyone. Therefore, before entering into an alliance with an Aquarius, think twice about how suitable you are for each other.

If you want to be with the man you love, you need to figure out whether you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out your exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below:

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How to understand the love of an Aquarius man to a woman?

This sign is distinguished by its independence and bright character. Love plays a big role for them if the woman is beautiful, unusual and not devoid of playfulness, coquetry and charm. Interest and the feeling of falling in love increases significantly if the passion flirts with others, changes gentlemen like gloves, but is in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings.

There are several signs to tell that an Aquarius man likes you. However, before you fly into arms, you need to know how a person born in late January - February understands love.

Challenging mediocrity

People born under this sign cannot stand routine and monotony. For them, love is always a bright adventure, unusual emotions, memories that can remain in memory for a lifetime. Girls choose guys who are attractive, bright and unusual, with whom they can have an affair and leave at the right moment.

The love of an Aquarius man is like a blazing fire, an unusual sporting competition in which the process more interesting than the result. A guy in love with a sign becomes unusually romantic, well-groomed, capable of the most unexpected and beautiful actions. The more obstacles, the greater the excitement.

However, the flame can easily go out if the relationship becomes boring, monotonous and predictable. It is for this reason that they easily fall in love, seriously believe in miracles, in the fact that the romance has developed for life, and then they also simply become disappointed and leave, often abandoning their family and children. Although with the latter, after some time, very warm, friendly relations.

To understand the feelings, you need to imagine a big race for a beautiful and mysterious prize. Before you get it, you need to go through obstacles, sometimes difficult and unusual. It seems that victory is close, but some accident suddenly pushes us away from victory again. How to understand that a girl is a virgin external signs, every guy should know about this.

And now the prize is won. You open the box, and there is again a piece of paper and something lies there. Having examined the prize, the man loses interest in it. But if there is something else wrapped in paper, he will certainly tinker with the box until he gets to the bottom of the truth. Therefore, love for him is always excitement, competition and unpredictability.

Object of desire

It’s quite easy to figure out what kind of character and appearance a woman likes for an Aquarius man. Such a guy does not like mediocrity, banality and standardness, both in appearance and in character. Typically, representatives of the sign are not indifferent to creative people, girls who are brave, bright, self-sufficient and independent.

The more distant an attractive beauty is in a bar and the more popular she is with guys, the higher the interest.

It’s easy to understand that an Aquarius guy likes you if:

  • The girl is not interested in marriage and family. Guys born in February usually avoid girls who have the expression in their eyes in capital letters: “I want a husband,” because the process of conquest, flirting, play of passions is more interesting than the result.
  • There is a zest in her appearance, something bright and unusual. Most often, such girls have a creative profession or hobby and are attracted by their unusualness and originality. However, adult men of this sign may be put off by the abundance of piercings, black nails, tattoos or blue hair of a potential chosen one.
  • She actively builds her personal life, ignoring his signs of attention. If most women are delighted with the charm of Aquarius, then the lady of his heart may not succumb to his charms at all. This arouses curiosity and keen interest.
  • There's a big one in it creativity, from rock star to model. It is these women who attract the attention of Aquarius the most.

The Superman of this sign is surrounded by many women. He masterfully knows how to make a good impression, flirt, get you into bed and leave first. Usually girls do not stay around him for long for one or several nights.

But, if an Aquarius man loves you, he changes, although he does not guarantee fidelity. Here are some signs of his interest:

  • Frequent calls. Constant, at any time of the day or night for the most trivial reasons. Sometimes he just wants to talk, for no reason.
  • Surprises and gifts. If you have an Aquarius man in front of you, how can you understand that he is in love? Original gifts, surprises showing his ingenuity are guaranteed. If a man cannot spend a penny on ladies for bed, then in a state of love he will give away everything he has for the sake of his goal.
  • He quickly makes an offer. Especially if he fears that the girl will be taken away from under her nose.

These are the main signs of how to understand an Aquarius man and his feelings, which can intensify with age and experience. Here's how to understand what an Aquarius man doesn't need. How can you tell when a man has finished?

  1. Stops talking about his feelings and affairs. He thinks about something all the time and is constantly busy.
  2. Rarely calls, especially on weekends. He may not enjoy communicating with his beloved and becomes cold and formal.
  3. He begins to do things that irritate his chosen one, knowing about it.
  4. Can become boring, lazy and apathetic, although with friends he is cheerful and cheerful. Remember that this sign cannot stand variety and routine, and melancholy is an abnormal state from which it tries by all means to get out.

And, of course, the main thing that a girl should not allow is predictability, complete openness, routine and actions to her detriment. Then the love of the February sign can be kept for a long time.

In secret...

Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.

Aquarius man in love and relationships - sex, character and family

Almost every representative of the fairer sex fell under the spell of the Aquarius man. This is not surprising. Charisma, lightness, an excellent sense of humor - Aquarius is fully gifted with all this. Easily noticeable in any company, over the years he becomes a real heartthrob.

Is it that easy to be in a relationship with this guy? And what pitfalls can you stumble upon when giving your heart to Aquarius? If these questions haunt you, our article was written especially for you.

I found a cool video about Aquarius - everything is as they say

What is an Aquarius man like in love?

A guy born under the sign of Aquarius is a dreamer. Despite his image as a ladies' man, when he falls in love, he becomes naive and helpless. Feelings completely capture him. Moreover, sometimes so much that there is no energy or time left for everything else. Study, career? A guy in love will leave all this for later.

But don’t rush to rejoice! Air element takes its toll, and Aquarius cools down just as sharply as it flares up. His many friends (by the way, often female) will be able to win your prince from you and leave you with nothing. To prevent this, Aquarius will have to become not only a beloved woman, but also a faithful friend. And to know what to prepare for, familiarize yourself with the behavior of your beloved at each stage of love.

How to understand that Aquarius is in love?

Before you bring in the “heavy artillery,” you need to make sure that the object of your sighs is reciprocated. In the case of Aquarius, this is not so difficult. He is the image of a classic young man in love: charming and absurd.

  1. Humor. Jokes are out of place and not - the first sign of an Aquarius in love. Trying to impress you, he will unleash his entire humorous arsenal. Moreover, his jokes may be unfunny, inappropriate and even offensive, but his charming smile will not allow you to be angry for a long time.
  2. Thirst for attention. This guy will do anything to get you to notice him. Spending the evening in a large company, he will constantly be next to you and demonstrate his achievements. Most likely, an Aquarius in love will suddenly change his hairstyle or take up sports. In general, shocking is his middle name. Be prepared for the unexpected. Moreover, all his actions will be charmingly clumsy. As if in front of you big baby, trying to grab his share of everyone's attention.
  3. Conversations. In a certain sense, Aquarians, in their love of conversation, will give even Sagittarius a head start. Philosophical conversations on eternal topics are something they cannot live without. Accordingly, they also strive to infect their beloved with a thirst for reasoning. It should be noted that these arguments are indeed very interesting. For the most part, Aquarians are incredible intellectuals. But if your beloved is not included in the majority, then fascinating and interesting stories about his life await you. Believe me, guys of this zodiac sign definitely have something to tell. You can write books about their lives!
  4. The desire to spend more time together. It seems to sound banal and ordinary. Every guy strives to spend more time with his beloved. If you think so, you simply haven't seen Aquarius in love. His proximity will literally cut off your air. This is the same guy who unexpectedly shows up for a visit or calls at 2 am with an offer to ride around the city at night.

How to build a relationship with him?

All the signs coincided, and your relationship received official status? This is not a reason to relax at all. Quite the contrary. Remember the airy essence of your chosen one. He is like the wind - here today, there tomorrow. Your relationship is a constant attempt to maintain intrigue and tension. Otherwise, Aquarius will get bored and simply run away. But if you manage to maintain interest, you get an almost perfect companion:

  1. Generous. Yes, yes, gifts from an Aquarius in love are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia. There is a need to surprise in him. Unusual bouquets, huge toys, and sometimes even poetry - all this awaits you in a relationship with this amazing person.
  2. Faithful. This is quite hard to believe. Girls will constantly hover around him. Many of them can pester you with attention or even threaten you. But believe me, they are all helpless in front of an Aquarius who is truly in love. His loyalty knows no bounds.
  3. Gentle and sensitive. This facet will open to you a little later and will pleasantly surprise you. It turns out that this joker and merry fellow is a real romantic. Aquarians can even afford to defend a stingy male tear. However, it is still better not to let it come to this.

Sex with an Aquarius man

Paradoxically, things with Aquarius move towards bed very slowly. At the first meeting, it may seem that he is a hero-lover. But this is exactly the case when the first impression is deceiving. Sexually, Aquarius is a real snow king.

Physical intimacy for Aquarius is more like a game. The bright emotions of platonic love are more important to him than polished and virtuoso sex. Such a guy is not inclined to dominate; he easily allows his partner to take the initiative. Just don’t immediately shock him with your exotic preferences! If you have a violent temperament, it is better to start a sexual relationship with Aquarius smoothly, without excesses.

In sex with Aquarius, ingenuity, sociability and ease are encouraged. You should not aggressively demand his attention and bombard him with requests - there is a risk of encountering indifference. Lacy lingerie and role playing games won't fit here. You can’t keep Aquarius like that for long. But intelligence is a 100% means to attract your beloved. Therefore, if you want a rich sex life, you will have to constantly prove that you are not a dummy. You must be like a duck to water in world news, politics and be very well read.

What kind of women does Aquarius like?

And finally, some tips on how to preserve and increase the love of Aquarius:

  1. Don't infringe on his freedom. You shouldn’t call him every five minutes and actively read correspondence on all social networks. networks. Like any “air” sign, Aquarius values ​​freedom. Blind jealousy is also categorically unacceptable. If you want long relationship, you will have to learn to trust and suppress female curiosity.
  2. Don't argue with him. A dispute with Aquarius is a real avalanche. It will not be possible to disperse peacefully here, remaining unconvinced. This intellectual will stand his ground to the last. So if you want to win the battle, be prepared to lose small battles from time to time.
  3. Show him more often how much you need him. Being someone's hero is the highest pleasure for Aquarius. Don't hesitate to ask for his help. You shouldn’t forget about gratitude for your help either. In the case of Aquarius, there is never too much flattery. Just don’t be overzealous with epithets! Being honest and vulnerable, your chosen one will easily see through the falseness.
  4. Engage in self-development. Relationships with Aquarius are a great reason to start new life. Take up sports, cooking, read more and watch analytical programs. By the way, even if the relationship ends, the acquired knowledge will never be superfluous.

As you can see, relationships with Aquarius are not as simple as they seem. At first glance, he is an easy-going guy, but deep down he is vulnerable and capricious. To build truly strong relationships, you have to work hard. This work will be fully justified only if you are sure that this guy is the one. Therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, feel free to get down to business! And remember: there are no absolutely incompatible zodiac signs in relationships. There are unions in which you have to work a little less or a little more.

How to understand that an Aquarius man is in love

This man values ​​his freedom more than anything in the world, and will not tolerate restrictions on it. A lover can spend his whole life searching for his ideal soul mate. His woman should be able to appreciate him highly inner world. To make his dream come true, you will have to try hard. Despite the outward openness and cheerfulness, your lover treats you quite closed people. The lover will try to immediately transform any relationship into friendship. Because he believes that it is safer for freedom.

So how can you tell if an Aquarius man is in love? Look for secret signs. Love settled in the heart will push it to unexpected actions. A lover is able to support and even inspire his woman in absolutely any endeavor. Not knowing exactly how to please you, he will constantly tell you jokes and funny stories. Don't expect passionate confessions. The love of Aquarius is more reminiscent of a fireplace than the flame of a fire. A lover highly values ​​spiritual intimacy. A man will read a lot and constantly engage in self-development. You will never be bored with him. Your lover knows exactly how to freshen up a relationship.

Three clear signs of falling in love

How to understand that an Aquarius man is in love: 1. Representatives of this zodiac sign are obvious intellectuals. These gentlemen will try to consider even love torments from a logical point of view. Few women are ready to endure his constant doubts and reflections. Frequent separations and loss of lovers occur precisely for this reason. Don't pay attention special attention to his inner experiences. Try to make everything into a joke. The simpler and easier you become to communicate with your man, the longer and stronger your relationship will be.

2. A constant desire for freedom can develop into an annoying idea. Don't try to put it into a box. Give him what he wants, and the man himself will want the opposite. The lover has obvious leadership qualities, so he will rarely listen to your opinion.

3. His novels always follow the same scenario: frenzied passion, suddenly turning into coldness. Such sudden change associated with an attempt to regain freedom. A man will love you inside, but outwardly he will show feigned indifference.


Aquarians take love very seriously, perceiving it as a cage in which they are trying to lock them. Carefully monitor the development of your relationship. Don't let your man turn love into friendship. A woman who can outplay her lover awaits happy marriage. After all, Aquarius husbands turn out to be almost ideal; the main thing is to be able to bring them to the registry office.

Aquarius is unpredictable, and thus even more charming. To understand him, one must be prepared for the fact that even he himself cannot fully understand him. Next to an Aquarius man, sometimes you don’t know what to expect.

How can you understand a man based on his Aquarius horoscope?

Sometimes he is very passive, and sometimes his ingenuity and increased attention drive women crazy and give a real miracle. This man may forget something important family date, but suddenly he may unexpectedly present you with a bouquet of lilies of the valley, he may not spoil you kind words, but then tell you about his feelings in a way that will take your breath away.

With this man you will celebrate birthdays at dawn, light candles on the night coast, and maybe swim in an ice hole in winter, because next to you he is an Aquarius.

How can we make the eruption of this volcano at least a little predictable? Sometimes it seems that it is completely unrealistic to do this, but it is still possible to identify a number of patterns.

The Aquarius man rarely shows his sincere feelings; very often he hides them and enjoys leading others by the nose. Such strange relationships are explained by Aquarius’ penchant for experimentation and a unique view of people.

Aquarius wants to see next to him interesting woman. « Open book"Not for him. He wants to understand a woman, guess her deepest secrets, bewitched to solve riddles and think with curiosity about what else awaits him ahead?

He often just pretends to be calm. It is not uncommon for cases when, behind the external equanimity of Aquarius, a real storm breaks out inside him. He can be gentle and soft only if he is fascinated by a woman. If not, he expresses his dissatisfaction violently and emotionally.

How to approach an Aquarius

Aquarius sincerely admires women who stand firmly on their own two feet, can conduct reasoned discussions, and have their own opinions. If at the same time a representative of the fair sex does not demand any promises from him, then such a woman has every chance of becoming the lady of the heart of Aquarius.

Aquarians are often notorious cleanliness. A potential fear of germs and dirt, as well as an aversion to certain foods or substances, can develop allergies in the Aquarius body. So don't be surprised if you hear from him that your perfume gives him a runny nose.

Aquarius is not capable of large gestures, but he can give you pleasant surprises. For example, instead of gorgeous roses, an Aquarius man may unexpectedly present you with an armful of wildflowers.

And of course, every woman is interested in how to understand a man under the Aquarius sign in his relationship to the opposite sex. The answer may be this: he expects friendship from a woman first of all, does not accept emotional pressure and persistence, and only with expectation and understanding can Aquarius be quietly brought down the aisle.

It is always important for a woman to know what emotions a representative of the opposite sex feels towards her. Especially when it comes to love. In this matter, you can be guided by information from psychological literature or the experience of older friends. But to find a single key to understanding different people impossible.

But astrology, studying general characteristics personalities born under the same horoscope sign, is ready to help and give an answer to the question that worries many ladies - the Aquarius man: ?

Aquarius is the element of Air, and air signs Horoscopes are distinguished by sociability and prudence. Indeed, friends and communication for the “pouring water” are a very important part of their life.

In addition to intelligence, this sign also has amazing intuition - many solutions to problems come to them intuitively, without visible logical constructions and mental efforts. Men born between January 21 and February 21 are very insightful and difficult to deceive.

Another feature of representatives of this astrological sign is their independence and love of freedom. It is not easy to “tame” such men, but if they fall in love, they will be faithful to their chosen one and will do everything possible and impossible for her happiness.

However, we must remember that kind, sympathetic and friendly representatives of this sign can sometimes show rebellious tendencies. Naturally inclined to creativity and innovation, these people sometimes shock others with their actions, trying to change reality for the better.

How to understand that an Aquarius man is in love with you?

It is not difficult to understand that an Aquarius man is in love with you. Despite some emotional secrecy, these representatives of the stronger sex can be deciphered if you know Aquarius.

An Aquarius experiencing romantic feelings will not be able to hide them for long and will take the first steps towards them. He will come up with and implement a cunning plan of action to get closer, just to get the attention of the person he desires.

Features of behavior

To reveal the secret of an Aquarius in love, pay attention to his behavior.

  1. For men, the 11th zodiac sign There are always a lot of friends; they prefer to give themselves to the company. But if suddenly an Aquarius man changes this behavior and is looking for a reason to spend more time with one girl, rest assured, he is in love.
  2. Aquarians are generous by nature, they say about such people “they will give away their last shirt,” and an Aquarius in love is doubly generous. His beloved will be showered with gifts and lovely presents. And given that Aquarius is one of the most creative horoscope signs, get ready for amazing surprises.
  3. The chosen ones of Aquarius are very lucky, because men born under this sign will show constant concern for the lady of their heart. Phone calls, interest in her affairs at work and at home, and if necessary, then urgent help at any time - this is how these gentlemen demonstrate their attention to her.
  4. Aquarians, inspired by tender feelings, become jealous. Such a man will control and protect his girlfriend so that no one else can steal his passion. But jealous doubts will disappear as soon as he is convinced that he can trust his soul mate. An analytical mind and an innate “sixth sense” will help you assess the situation and stop baseless suspicions and worries.
  5. Enthusiastic Aquarians begin to pay attention to their appearance. To charm the girl he likes, they will try to look as impressive and pretty as possible. This could be a change of image, for example, a new haircut, or maybe a change of wardrobe, for example, fashionable clothes.

An Aquarius man in love - this zodiac sign always hides signs of sympathy in the initial stages. However, when this already enters the obvious phase, he begins to do everything possible and even everything impossible, sparing neither time nor effort for his chosen one. Aquarius will do everything for his girlfriend only if his feelings are truly sincere.

How to understand that an Aquarius man has fallen in love with you? Special signs of sympathy and feelings of this sign.

We must not forget that representatives of this sign are always open and very sincere. If a man even tries hard to hide his feelings, then they can be determined by facial expressions, gestures and movements. Aquarians always strive to surprise their chosen one, for example, they make her original and unexpected surprises. At the same time, the girl does not need to be afraid that such a gift will turn out to be too extraordinary, since the guy will never offend a person who is truly dear to him.

Interesting on the web:

When an Aquarius man is in love, his behavior can be compared to an impenetrable tank that purposefully goes to ram. The guy will court you very romantically and tenderly, in order to ultimately achieve the favor of his chosen one. He is quite patient, and therefore will stubbornly pursue his goal. If initiative has already awakened in a man’s soul, then you will not be able to extinguish it. You can recognize the sympathy of an Aquarius by the following main signs:

    If the chosen one cannot stand people who smoke, then Aquarius must get rid of this bad habit, at the same time, he will say goodbye to other bad habits in order to once again be on the safe side. Representatives of this sign will begin to talk about a future joint, family life. How to jokingly mention the birth of children. And also listen with a smile and joy to the stories of those couples who have been married for a long time. If an Aquarius man is in love, then he loses his characteristic irritability. That is, it slows down slightly, but this makes life much easier for everyone around. A guy in love will begin to behave slightly differently. For example, he will begin to do something that he had not even thought about before. Aquarians will write and call their chosen one themselves, although before this such methods were unacceptable to him. However, the worst thing is that for the sake of his beloved, Aquarius can completely abandon personal principles in order to make a convenient compromise. This person will begin to show excessive jealousy. At the same time, he will demonstrate it in various ways. Aquarians are slightly possessive, and therefore react aggressively and very sharply to rivals. Representatives of the sign in question will begin to hesitate to look their chosen one straight in the eyes. If you want to recognize a man in love, then just try to meet your eyes. If at the same time he begins to get nervous and look for foreign objects to avert his eyes, it means that he really has some, certain sympathy and sincere feelings for you. For this zodiac sign, the appearance of the chosen one plays practically no role. Even if the woman is stunningly beautiful, Aquarius will not shower her with compliments, however, he will instantly top up her mobile account if he suddenly finds out that it has run out of money. He will begin to visit various social networks more often in order to communicate more with the object of his adoration. An Aquarius in love may not even notice how he fell in love. Don't blame a guy if he doesn't show his feelings.

You can find out about the feelings of an Aquarius in a variety of ways, such as non-verbal signs, words and actions. These components will tell about a man’s feelings. Therefore, you can relax and just accept the signs of attention.

Aquarius men are romantic and curious. They do not like to live by the rules established by others; they prefer to find their own path in life and in love. It is difficult to build a relationship with Aquarius - men of this sign do not like constancy and show self-will for any reason. They do not belong to anyone, they want to constantly hang around in the company of different people and do everything to ensure that their circle of friends expands and grows.

So can Aquarius have serious feelings for his companion and how can you understand that Aquarius has fallen in love for a long time and seriously?

How to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love: arouse interest in yourself in Aquarius

For Aquarius, love is an experiment, an exciting experience, new game, which at first attracts them, but as their feelings intensify, it begins to strain them, since love cannot be measured and justified logically. As soon as Aquarius feels the first symptoms of falling in love, he will immediately try to stop communicating with the object of his suddenly flared passion, and here it is extremely important to strengthen Aquarius’ interest in himself. How to do this?

The usual female tricks in the fight for the heart of Aquarius will not be enough. Neither stylish outfits, nor fashionable makeup, nor provocative behavior will help. In this situation, Aquarius will decide on a short romance, but not on serious relationship followed by marriage. There is only one way to win Aquarius: to constantly excite his curiosity, shock and even shock him. Nothing vulgar: just the images of the beloved Aquarius should always contain some kind of mystery, intrigue, and unusualness.

And only when Aquarius’s interest is undeniable can the arsenal of female coquetry be used. But under no circumstances should you show Aquarius that you cannot live without him and depend on his feelings - limit yourself to hints and sly smiles. In this case, Aquarius himself will want to understand what is hiding behind your smile and will begin to achieve you by all means and tricks.

The best option for winning the heart of an Aquarius man: become his friend. Do not condemn any of his actions and support any of his extravagances. Even if you are tormented by wild jealousy, restrain yourself. Be as independent as possible: defend your point of view, do not hesitate to express your opinions on this or that matter, and show independence more often. Avoid jumping to intimate relationships. For Aquarius, personality is more important than crazy sex.

How to understand that Aquarius has fallen in love: signs of serious feelings in Aquarius

Girls who ask themselves the question “how to understand that an Aquarius has fallen in love” can only be advised to do one thing: carefully observe the behavior of an Aquarius man. If Aquarius has serious feelings for a woman, he will react sensitively to her every request and even remark.

In case an Aquarius falls in love, a lady is not required to be independent: the man of this sign himself takes all the necessary steps to develop the relationship - he writes, he calls, he invites him for a walk or to a restaurant. An Aquarius who has deep feelings for a woman is jealous to the extreme. Anyone whom Aquarius suspects is his rival will face a real duel for the lady’s heart.

Aquarians are sensitive to the object of their passion and will never offend the woman they love, either by word or deed. On the contrary, they will do their best to protect their beloved from all troubles and misfortunes. Captivated by love, Aquarians are not generous with beautiful words. There is no need to be offended by this on their behalf. Aquarians consider words to be tinsel and prefer to show their love with deeds: giving flowers, making their beloved’s dreams come true, always being there.

In love, Aquarians are shy and avoid frank glances and gentle handshakes. If you notice that your chosen Aquarius takes his eyes away from you during a conversation, do not doubt that your Aquarius is head over heels in love with you and will soon make the confession that your heart desires.