Helen Zapashnaya: Without my husband, I can’t sleep in our huge bed! Askold Zapashny: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo.

Askold Zapashny – producer, Honored and People's Artist RF. He is the artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus, which is located on Vernadsky Avenue. To see the grand shows of legendary trainers called “Sadko”, “Camelot” and “Legend”, “K.U.K.L.A.” and “System”, many spectators regularly come and leave the circus performance in a state of complete admiration.

Askold Valterovich Zapashny is the youngest representative of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty. A dynasty that spans four generations. Not only their parents, but also their grandparents and great-grandfathers were circus performers. He is a German by birth, the eccentric clown Carl Thompson, who performed in Russia under the stage name Milton.

It is difficult to say exactly what nationality Askold and his brother are, because the family has different roots.

Follow the steps famous ancestors and to continue the glorious circus dynasty was destined for the great-grandsons of Milton - and Askold Zapashny. Parents even gave bright names to their children so that they would sound beautiful under the circus big top and be remembered well.

The family toured the country - such a “nomadic” fate for circus performers. The eldest son Edgard was born in Yalta, but for a year junior Askold was born in September 1977 in Kharkov, Ukraine.

Zapashnye specialized in training predatory animals. This the most dangerous profession more than once put the life of her parents, Walter and Tatyana Zapashny, on a fine line beyond which this life could end. Terrible wounds were left on the mother's legs after the tiger attacked. And I can talk for hours about the injuries my father received: numerous broken limbs, lacerations and even a broken neck, after which Walter Zapashny miraculously returned to life.

However, such a life - always on the edge - turned out to be the only possible and familiar one for the parents. She became the same for Askold Zapashny and his older brother.

The future trainers studied in the same class, although there was a one-year difference between them. This was the decision of the father, who saw the future of his sons under the circus big top. The family traveled to many large cities in Russia, so the boys changed several schools. However, this did not give them the right to study in any way: the boys’ progress was monitored by a strict father. And although he was terribly tired after exhausting training and difficult attractions, he always found time to raise his sons.

The circus biography of Askold Zapashny began in early age. He went to the arena as a child, but the boy took part in his first circus act when he was 10 years old. The official debut is considered to be entering the stage at the age of 11. Then, in the winter of 1988-89, the Zapashnys toured in Riga. Askold and Edgard took part in the “Time Machine” number, which was warmly received by the audience.


In 1991, Askold Zapashny and his family went to the Middle Kingdom. The advent of the “dashing 90s” brought their charges to the brink of starvation, because the required provisions for lions and tigers were a considerable expense every day. And in the 90s, it became more and more difficult to buy food for animals every day.

Fortunately, a solution was found. The Chinese offered the parents a lucrative contract. At that time, the sons graduated from school. There were no obstacles to traveling abroad.

IN famous place recreation, Safari Park in the suburbs of Shenzhen, a summer circus was erected for the Zapashnys. Walter Zapashny's responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. The sons also participated in the process. And to be different from the Chinese, they became blondes.

Askold Zapashny learned a difficult one Chinese which he still owns today. During these years, he learned to juggle while standing on horses and train monkeys. Later, in this type of training, he and his brother reached such heights that they received main prize“Golden Troika” from the First All-Russian festival-competition circus art, which took place in Yaroslavl in 1997.

In addition, Askold Zapashny is an excellent vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler and roller acrobat.

After the end of the Chinese contract, the circus family returned to Moscow. During these years they toured a lot, visiting everything major cities post-Soviet space, and distant foreign countries. We even visited Japan.

Also, Askold and Edgard Zapashny began working with lions and tigers at this time. In 1998, the father passed on the famous attraction “Among Predators” to his sons. Askold and his brother adopted from him the wisdom of training predatory animals and developed this dangerous and beautiful art. Askold Zapashny with his author's trick “The longest jump on a lion” is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Soon the brothers created their own circus, calling it the “Zapashny Brothers Circus.” He is distinguished by a special style that none of his colleagues have either in the country or abroad.

In 2012, Askold Zapashny became the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. Edgard took over as director.

Askold Zapashny in the show " Ice age»

In 2013, the brothers presented the show “Emotions...” at the Fontanka Circus. The peculiarity of this program is that each performance can be considered the main one. That same year, the artist shared in an interview that they began building a 5D circus. And by 2018, or maximum by 2021, such a circus will be created in Russia.

Askold Zapashny – real star. Therefore, a man is often invited to television shows. He and he became a participant in the 4th season of the TV show “Ice Age” in 2013. He also appeared in the top-rated television projects “The Safronov Brothers”, “Veselaya Street”, “One Hundred to One” and “Dinner Party”.

Askold Zapashny in the “Dinner Party” program

Askold Zapashny actively participates in the socio-political life of the country. In 2011, he and his brother signed an Appeal from members of the public, which condemned the pressure on judicial system in the case of Yukos executives.

And in the spring of 2014, Zapashny Jr. signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation who expressed support for the president’s policy on the issue of annexing Crimea.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Legends of the Circus”

In 2015, Zapashny became the hero of the “Legends of the Circus” project, where the trainer’s brother acted as the host.

In the same year, the artist participated in the filming of a series about life. At the work site, Askold was unexpectedly attacked by the tigress Shakira and cut the artist’s thigh with a blow of her paw. Zapashny was immediately sent to the hospital.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In January 2016, Askold Valterovich participated in the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” program. Paired with famous artist played by an actress.

In September, Askold, like his brother, became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Personal life

For a long time the famous trainer was considered eligible bachelor. Handsome, famous, rich, prominent (Askold’s height is 177 cm) - after his heart young man Crowds of beauties were hunting. But later it became known that Askold Zapashny’s personal life was arranged. He also had two charming daughters with sonorous names, like everyone else in this glorious circus dynasty, Eva and Elsa.

The artist met his wife Ellen Raichlin, who has Israeli citizenship, in Minsk while on tour. The girl is Jewish by nationality. At the time of the meeting he turned 27. Behind him was an 8-year-old civil marriage Elena Baranenko, also a circus performer, with whom Askold never decided to marry. Helen was born in Belarus, but as a child she moved with her parents to Israel. Higher education received in my small homeland.

The beautiful student and several other friends were brought with him to the circus by Zapashny’s friend Andrey. Askold immediately liked the girl. She turned out to be not only charming, but also an intelligent conversationalist, and interesting personality. But the main thing that intrigued the trainer, spoiled by female attention, was that Helen did not know or hear anything about him until the moment of the meeting.

They dated for three years. These were occasional meetings, because the girl did not give up her studies, and Askold Zapashny could not cancel the planned tour.

Obstacles on the way beautiful couple it turned out to be more than one could imagine. The relatives of each of the young people were not too happy about this union. Helen Reichlin's parents dreamed of a Jewish son-in-law, preferably a doctor. And the circus artist’s family saw Askold’s wife as a girl from the “circus” circle, who would understand and share a specific lifestyle.

However, love overcame obstacles, and two charming daughters only cemented this marriage.

In one interview, Askold’s mother, Tatyana Zapashnaya, recalled that at first she did not treat her daughter-in-law very well, and then fell in love with the girl. The woman also mentioned the spree of her son from his wife. Then Tatyana told Askold that even if he broke up with Helen, she would remain in the family.

In 2016, Eva and Elsa performed for the first time under the circus big top together with their famous dad and uncle. If they tie future life with the circus, they will end up circus performers in the 5th generation, continuing the glorious Zapashny dynasty.

Thousands of fans watch the artist on social networks “ Instagram", where Askold posts personal and work photos and videos. Often, animal rights activists write in the comments to the pictures asking the trainers to close the show.

Zapashny also leads "

A famous trainer will come, a representative of one of the most famous circus dynasties in the world, Askold Zapashny. We learn all the secrets of his profession, but about what kind of dad he is, how he raises his daughters, Elsa and Eva, and what the future awaits for children whose dad is a circus director, “Oh!” said the wife of the tiger tamer, Helen Zapashnaya.

Eva and Elsa are the same age, but they look completely different, but are they similar in character?

The girls are very different in character. Eva is more like me, she is very energetic, constantly going somewhere, running, moving. She is one of those who is for any party. And Elsa is all Askold, calm, a little reserved, attentive, loves to tinker with small details, brings any task to the end. She prefers to sit in her room than to be in society.

Elsa loves to draw, and Eva likes a little bit of everything: she takes it, throws it, takes it, throws it. But there is also something that really fascinates her - the circus. Eva can rehearse until late, try herself in different genres, but Elsa has to be forced a little more: she loves the circus very much, but she likes drawing and sculpting much more. And she’s actually really good at it! Elsa’s paintings are realistic, lively, and we already have entire shelves filled with plasticine characters.

Of course, girls love to play together, but they also have quarrels - probably like everyone else.

Do girls enjoy school?

This year, Eva finished second grade, and Elsa finished first grade. The girls go to a regular public school, but it's really very good school. The Zapashny brothers also studied there, and the school director remembers them very well. The brothers' first teacher teaches in the parallel class, and class teacher Eva, Natalia Gennadievna Kamovich, often recalls the story when she gave Askold a bad grade in first grade. We are very proud of our school and try to keep the bar high.

Did you somehow specially prepare Eva and Elsa for school?

Elsa went to preparatory courses at school, but Eva did not have time. In general, it turned out to be a very sudden story with her: the girls went to the same group kindergarten, and we always taught them the same way, we wanted them to go to the same class. But at some point the teachers started telling me: “Look, Eva is getting very bored, maybe it’s time for her to go to school?” I resisted for a long time, but in the end I brought her to first grade. Eva was 6 years and 9 months old.

I really like the approach of our school: teachers say that re-teaching is much more difficult for them than teaching from scratch, so if a child doesn’t know how to do something, it’s not so scary. Despite the fact that they used to be like twins, together from seven in the morning until nine in the evening, and now they had to separate, it seems that this time was even more stressful for me than for them.

What do girls do in their free time from school?

All of them free time occupied by the circus. When the team goes on tour, which happens for 2-3 months a year, the girls go to a rhythmic gymnastics school and train under the guidance of Alexandra Blinova. In addition, I loaded them with music school, because I think that it is important for a girl to receive music education, especially the piano. It is not so easy to master the instrument, but if I see that they are succeeding, they have opened up, then I will insist that they do not give up, although it is difficult for them, I see it.

What do Eva and Elsa do at the circus?

Eva is madly in love with horses; she learns to do tricks in the arena, and outside of rehearsals she washes, feeds and cleans up after them. Both girls work out with a coach rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. Circus children have a unique opportunity to absorb everything that surrounds them, learning almost on the go. In the circus there is always a schedule, where it says which coach and where he is rehearsing today. You can make your own schedule and move from one point to another all day.

There are two primas in the Zapashny brothers circus - Elena Petrikova and Elena Baranenko. Elena Petrikova trains dogs, and Eva runs straight to her at rehearsals! Even if Lena allows you to just throw a bone or give some kind of command, it’s a great pleasure for her. And Elena Baranenko works with parrots, and Eva attends her rehearsals with great pleasure.

Helen, have you ever thought about sending your girls to school in Israel?

We are physically in Russia most of the time, so I cannot send the girls to school in Israel. We adapted to the circumstances. Of course, I really miss Israel, but I’m also used to Moscow. The main thing is that I knew who I was marrying, so this issue is not discussed.

I know that the girls are already participating in real shows. What are their responsibilities?

They only have theatrical roles now. Askold's entire show is real story, which has its own heroes. Last time the main characters were girls. In the “Angels” project, Eva had a very important role. For her, she even learned sign language - she studied with a mute teacher for a whole year. And Elsa was her sister according to the script, playing a smaller role.

Do you worry about them when they're on stage?

Only for the first time. You know, when what I call “New Year’s Eve” begins, and there are 3 performances a day, the only strength left is to control what is happening behind the scenes: changing clothes on time, taking them out and picking them up after leaving.

Does Askold behave like a strict director or like a dad at rehearsals?

Askold tries to convey very clearly to any artist what is required of him. He doesn’t have brothers, friends, girlfriends or children in his arena - he has artists, and he makes the same demands on everyone. He can calmly explain for a very long time what he wants to get from you, but this is not strictness. He can be strict with some careless artists who are late, don’t show up to the arena, or can afford not to come to the rehearsal at all.

What kind of dad is he?

He is the most best dad in the world. Even if he is tired, he still puts the girls to bed and plays different games. The evenings are entirely his time. By the way, Askold is a gamer here, and the children have become the same, but I don’t mind at all. They play together computer games. When the grandmothers started grumbling, I first took their side, and then I saw Elsa hitting some high ratings, building such smart strategies, playing such complex manly games... Well, she doesn’t want to play with dolls, but she wants this strategy. Why not?

Of course, they read my books and write reader's diaries. I make sure they read a few chapters regularly. I can’t boast that they do it with pleasure, I’m just trying to instill in them a love of books.

I know you plan for both Elsa and Eva to continue the circus tradition. What will happen if, for example, Elsa says that she is choosing a different path?

You see, our task as parents of children of such a dynasty is to instill such a strong love for this art that the child does not want to leave it. But in no case should we forget that another profession is also needed. I really like the phrase that Walter Mikhailovich told the brothers when he forced them to study and get a second education: “The circus is a world in which you can very quickly move away from the arena, no one is immune from injuries, and your head will always work!”

That's why we give girls general education, and also a love for the circus. True, Askold honestly says: “I wouldn’t want my children to work with predators, this is not a woman’s profession.” But if one of the girls says that they only want to go there, I’m sure he will support and teach everything he knows.

We invited Edgard's daughters - 6-year-old Stefania and 4-year-old Gloria - to the photo shoot, which took place at the Great Moscow Circus. As soon as they fluttered into their father’s office, he literally melted before their eyes. “Daddy, daddy!” - the Zapashny sisters chirped, climbing into their father’s arms. We started the conversation with the children.

I confess honestly: when was she born? eldest daughter, I haven’t changed, haven’t matured, haven’t instantly felt myself in a new status: “I’m a father!” No... Of course, my responsibility has increased, but I haven’t noticed any global changes. I didn’t want daughters, I assumed that over time I would get married and have sons. But it turned out differently. When Olga, the mother of my children, was pregnant with Stesha, our eldest daughter, I got into a conversation with my friend Kamil Gadzhiev and complained that, damn, it was going to be a girl, but I wanted a son... He looked at me with great surprise and said: “Edgard, you you have no idea what you're talking about. Daughters are what a strong man needs.” He is just raising his daughters. He started talking about them and broke into a wide smile. I was amazed at such a transformation of a brutal man. And when Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I also melted. Now, when I see my girls, I become gentle and affectionate. Unless it concerns them going out to the arena or interacting with animals, then I am collected and strict.

We rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, now the Zapashny sisters (Askold, like Edgard, also has two daughters. - Note "TN").

- The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, do you manage to spend a lot of time with your children?

We have a special situation. There has never been a traditional family - mom, dad and children living under one roof. Olya and I are not married, but my daughters, of course, bear my last name, I immediately recognized my paternity. Their mother recently got married and gave birth to another child. Therefore, we see each other when it is convenient for Olya to bring the girls to me, most often here, to the circus. Although I live under time pressure, I walk with them, take them to parks, to the cinema, and go to their rhythmic gymnastics training.

My children are at such an age that it is still difficult to cope without their mother. Especially the youngest, Gloria, she misses Olga very much. It’s easier for me with Stesha, she’s already older and I think she’d be happy to go with me even on vacation - she and I get along perfectly - but I don’t want to separate my sisters. I'm waiting for autumn, Olya promised to move with the children to my three-room apartment not far from the circus, and then I will see them more often. For now they live in Krasnoznamensk, 40 km from Moscow.

- You will give ex-girlfriend apartment?

Yes. She is the mother of my children. I don’t understand how people who once loved each other can part as enemies and not communicate. This is a tragedy!

We have an excellent relationship with Olya, as well as with her husband Dima. As soon as they announced themselves as a couple, we met with him and talked face to face. It was important for me to verify the adequacy of the person who took responsibility...

- When Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I melted... Photo: Andrey Salov

- For other people's children.

Yes, but only moral. He won't have to feed my daughters. We immediately agreed that for Stefania and Gloria he is a friend, not a dad. I immediately discussed this sensitive issue so as not to provoke unnecessary conflict. The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. I fully provide for both them and Olya; she doesn’t work and hasn’t worked since we started dating.

- You did not marry Olga, despite having two children. Why? Surely the girl planned to start a family with you.

So I never imagined that I would have children out of wedlock. Olya sincerely loved me and did not understand that there were some things I could not cope with. Her horoscope is Aries. Aries' stubbornness is a difficult quality. Plus Olya is jealous. And I am a freedom-loving person. A child cannot correct the characters of his parents. When she said that she was pregnant, she added: “I will give birth.” But I didn’t mind, I provided her with everything she needed, and met her and Stesha from the maternity hospital. But we never started living together.

A year later, he invited Olya to vacation in Venice so that she would come to her senses and recover, because all the worries about her daughter lay with her. And when we returned, we found out that we would become parents again. Olya was happier than me; she dreamed of having children from one man, even if he was not her husband.

With daughters Stefania and Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, can you name your daughters’ birthdays? Or do you need to call Olya for this?

Can! Stesha was born on February 24, Gloria on May 2. Although this knowledge was difficult for me (laughs), I have difficulty remembering dates. Ask me when Olga and I met and when we separated, I won’t say, because I don’t even remember approximately. But she, I’m sure, will accurately answer this question. I don’t remember, not because I’m stupid and can’t keep numbers in my head, but because I don’t see the need for this information. For me, the story is still ongoing; Olga and I are raising children. And even though each of us has our own personal life, we are close people and do not lose sight of each other. And the dates... I remember only one: the day my father died. This is understandable - the story is over forever. Askold and I became different that day.

- I would also like to talk about your beautiful children. Which one is more like you?

Stefania, the eldest, is soft, feminine, sociable, I feel very at ease with her. And externally like our breed. The war is still going on with the youngest. (With a smile.) Gloria is growing up as a stubborn girl, you need to find the key to her.

On the other hand, stubbornness can lead to success in the profession. It is important for my youngest to win her personal space and insist on her own. At such moments, I regret that she is not a boy, because she would have been raked to the fullest extent.

The girls gave their father drawings where they depicted their family: mom, dad and children - all together. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Could you spank me?!

Why not? Dad, Walter Zapashny, harshly punished my brother and me, and always for the job, for which Askold and I are incredibly grateful to him. We grew up to be normal men, not big boys. We were not even allowed to bring a C from school, let alone a D, and we were forbidden to raise our voices at any of the elders in the family. This applied to Askold to a lesser extent; he studied well, and from birth was more tolerant and diplomatic than me. Dad is an excellent trainer, he could mentally crush not only a tiger, but any person. When I reprimanded him, hammering every word, I felt sick. I wanted to say: “Dad, finally hit me, stop tormenting me!” I still punish my daughters. Not as strict as my dad, of course, but they know what an angle is, for example.

- Daughters mean love and tenderness, but what else?

Severe headache. Stefania is now six, another ten years old, and boys will appear. I will be 51 years old at that time, which means I need to keep myself in good physical fitness to unscrew the heads of these goats. (Laughs.) No, of course, I haven’t yet begun to be jealous of the seven-year-old boys that Stesha likes, but I’m already looking forward to it.

- Are you raising circus people? I suppose that girls cannot avoid an artistic career.

The main thing for me is that they love the circus as much as I love it, that they grow up to be hard workers and that I am proud of them.

- There is a two-year difference between your children, like you and your brother. Are they as friendly as you, or are there problems?

- The main thing is that my daughters love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them. Photo: Andrey Salova

They are attached to each other. Even though they fight. Gloria might hit Stesha out of the blue. The physically larger one, in theory, should give back. But no, he just looks with incomprehension. Then he says to me: “Dad, why is she doing this?” I call the little one to account, I force her to apologize to her sister. I really don’t want the terrible situation of hostility between relatives to repeat in the family. Dad didn’t talk to our uncle, his own brother, for 15 years. Then they seemed to make up, but communication was sluggish, they swore and quarreled, but nothing good came of it. Askold and I have a different relationship. Our parents were able to instill in us that we are a single whole and are responsible for each other. My brother was sent to school when he was less than six years old, so as not to separate us. You can imagine how hard it was for him!

The first C's or F's he received in primary school, demoralized him, I had to help, calm him down, I always felt responsible. Askold and I are truly the closest people.

- Not only children, but also adults are jealous. How do your girls perceive your children? Aren't they fighting for attention?

I think it's stupid women who do this. My girlfriend is adequate and friendly and understands the situation in which I live. I already have children, and this circumstance must be accepted, and not fought. And only a loving person can accept.

- Stefania is soft, feminine, I feel very at ease with her. And we still need to find the key to Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

I’m going to move with her to a house that I’m finishing. And there is a large children's bedroom with four beds. I want my daughters to come visit me and live with my new children. I hope I will have them someday. I want a boy. And not just one. I can fully provide for all my children.

Well, if there are no more heirs, let my daughters come to me with their girlfriends and rage in this room - for good measure.

- Edgard, before Olga you had serious experience of living together: you lived with your circus performer Elena Petrikova for 13 years. But they didn’t get married either. Is it your character, your fear of marriage?

Lena and I had a family, but without a stamp in our passport. I was young, I was always missing something, I was selfishly pursuing a career. And I thought that to be popular I needed the status of an eligible bachelor, this added interest. Lena, we must give her credit, treated this with understanding. Everyone in our circle knew that we were a couple. Another thing is that people from the outside had no idea about this. I announced that there was a civil marriage when Lena and I broke up. By the way, we also have a wonderful relationship with her, which I’m incredibly proud of. They are trying to reproach me: I have created a harem around me. And I believe that remaining friends is a sign of wisdom. Lena, like Olga, is doing well in her personal life, there is no reason for resentment or hostility. She is dating one of the world's leading clowns, Italian David Larible. When he flies to Moscow, the three of us often have dinner together, and neither he nor I are jealous. (With a smile.)

With my girlfriend Lyubov on vacation in Sri Lanka (Winter 2017). Photo: From the personal archive of Edgar Zapashny

- You mentioned that you will soon celebrate a housewarming party with your new girl. Who is she? And are you ready for marriage or is single status still important to you?

Psychologically, it is now, at 41 years old, that I want to get married and love my wife for the rest of my life. I have matured for monogamy, I am no longer attracted to affairs on the side. I was looking for a woman with whom I would want to spend all my evenings together. In order not to look for more adventures on your own head, not to have mistresses. I want to have a home where I feel cozy, comfortable, where relaxation, sex, and a warm dinner await me.

I’m not ready to answer right now what our relationship will lead to. But I promise: as soon as we decide, I will give you an exclusive interview.

- I'll take your word for it. What is important for you to see in a woman? Maybe this will make someone think.

- I joke that my brother and I rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, we are now the Zapashny sisters. With daughters and nieces Elsa and Eva. Photo: Andrey Salova

I'm not interested in lazy women who sit on the heads of wealthy men and believe that their job is to spend their lover's money on themselves. No, I don’t respect them one bit, even if they are as beautiful as goddesses. I am interested in hardworking women, those who do something useful and necessary in life and at the same time manage to take care of their husbands, children and even look great.

And a woman must also realize that the man in charge of the house is the man. And then loneliness will not threaten her.

Askold Zapashny - producer, Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He is the artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus, which is located on Vernadsky Avenue. To see the grand shows of legendary trainers called “Sadko”, “Camelot” and “Legend”, “K.U.K.L.A.” and “System”, many spectators regularly come and leave the circus performance in a state of complete admiration.

Askold Valterovich Zapashny is the youngest representative of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty. A dynasty that spans four generations. Not only their parents, but also their grandparents and great-grandfathers were circus performers. He is a German by birth, the eccentric clown Carl Thompson, who performed in Russia under the stage name Milton.

It is difficult to say exactly what nationality Askold and his brother are, because the family has different roots.

It was destined for Milton’s great-grandsons, Edgard and Askold Zapashny, to follow in the footsteps of their famous ancestors and continue the glorious circus dynasty. Parents even gave bright names to their children so that they would sound beautiful under the circus big top and be remembered well.

The family toured the country - such a “nomadic” fate for circus performers. The eldest son Edgard was born in Yalta, but a year younger Askold was born in September 1977 in Kharkov, Ukraine.

Zapashnye specialized in training predatory animals. This most dangerous profession more than once put the lives of parents, Walter and Tatyana Zapashny, on a fine line beyond which this life could end. Terrible wounds were left on the mother's legs after the tiger attacked. And one can talk for hours about the injuries received by his father: numerous broken limbs, lacerations and even a broken neck, after which Walter Zapashny miraculously returned to life.

However, such a life - always on the edge - turned out to be the only possible and familiar one for the parents. She became the same for Askold Zapashny and his older brother.

The future trainers studied in the same class, although there was a one-year difference between them. This was the decision of the father, who saw the future of his sons under the circus big top. The family traveled to many large cities in Russia, so the boys changed several schools. However, this did not give them the right to study in any way: the boys’ progress was monitored by a strict father. And although he was terribly tired after exhausting training and difficult attractions, he always found time to raise his sons.

Askold Zapashny's circus biography began at an early age. He went to the arena as a child, but the boy took part in his first circus act when he was 10 years old. The official debut is considered to be entering the stage at the age of 11. Then, in the winter of 1988-89, the Zapashnys toured in Riga. Askold and Edgard took part in the “Time Machine” number, which was warmly received by the audience.


In 1991, Askold Zapashny and his family went to the Middle Kingdom. The advent of the “dashing 90s” brought their charges to the brink of starvation, because the required provisions for lions and tigers were a considerable expense every day. And in the 90s, it became more and more difficult to buy food for animals every day.

Fortunately, a solution was found. The Chinese offered the parents a lucrative contract. At that time, the sons graduated from school. There were no obstacles to traveling abroad.

In a famous holiday destination, Safari Park in the suburbs of Shenzhen, a summer circus was erected for the Zapashnys. Walter Zapashny's responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. The sons also participated in the process. And to be different from the Chinese, they became blondes.

Askold Zapashny learned the complex Chinese language, which he still speaks today. During these years, he learned to juggle while standing on horses and train monkeys. Later, in this type of training, he and his brother reached such heights that they received the main prize “Golden Troika” from the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art, which was held in Yaroslavl in 1997.

In addition, Askold Zapashny is an excellent vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler and roller acrobat.

After the end of the Chinese contract, the circus family returned to Moscow. During these years they toured a lot, visiting all the major cities of the post-Soviet space and distant foreign countries. We even visited Japan.

Also, Askold and Edgard Zapashny began working with lions and tigers at this time. In 1998, the father passed on the famous attraction “Among Predators” to his sons. Askold and his brother adopted from him the wisdom of training predatory animals and developed this dangerous and beautiful art. Askold Zapashny with his author's trick “The longest jump on a lion” is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Soon the brothers created their own circus, calling it the “Zapashny Brothers Circus.” He is distinguished by a special style that none of his colleagues have either in the country or abroad.

In 2012, Askold Zapashny became the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. Edgard took over as director.

Askold Zapashny in the show “Ice Age”

In 2013, the brothers presented the show “Emotions...” at the Fontanka Circus. The peculiarity of this program is that each performance can be considered the main one. That same year, the artist shared in an interview that they began building a 5D circus. And by 2018, or maximum by 2021, such a circus will be created in Russia.

Askold Zapashny is a real star. Therefore, a man is often invited to television shows. He, along with Maria Petrova, became a participant in the 4th season of the TV show “Ice Age” in 2013. He also appeared in the top-rated television projects “The Safronov Brothers”, “Veselaya Street”, “One Hundred to One” and “Dinner Party”.

Askold Zapashny in the “Dinner Party” program

Askold Zapashny actively participates in the socio-political life of the country. In 2011, he and his brother signed an Appeal from members of the public, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system in the case of Yukos leaders.

And in the spring of 2014, Zapashny Jr. signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation who expressed support for the president’s policy on the issue of annexing Crimea.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Legends of the Circus”

In 2015, Zapashny became the hero of the “Legends of the Circus” project, where the trainer’s brother acted as the host.

In the same year, the artist participated in the filming of a series about the life of Margarita Nazarova. At the work site, Askold was unexpectedly attacked by the tigress Shakira and cut the artist’s thigh with a blow of her paw. Zapashny was immediately sent to the hospital.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In January 2016, Askold Valterovich participated in the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” program. Actress Evelina Bledans played together with the famous artist.

In September, Askold, like his brother, became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Personal life

For a long time, the famous trainer was considered an eligible bachelor. Handsome, famous, rich, prominent (Askold’s height is 177 cm) - crowds of beauties hunted for the young man’s heart. But later it became known that Askold Zapashny’s personal life was arranged. He also had two charming daughters with sonorous names, like everyone else in this glorious circus dynasty, Eva and Elsa.

The artist met his wife Ellen Raichlin, who has Israeli citizenship, in Minsk while on tour. The girl is Jewish by nationality. At the time of the meeting, he turned 27. Behind him was an 8-year civil marriage with Elena Baranenko, also a circus performer, with whom Askold never decided to get married. Helen was born in Belarus, but as a child she moved with her parents to Israel. She received higher education in her small homeland.

The beautiful student and several other friends were brought with him to the circus by Zapashny’s friend Andrey. Askold immediately liked the girl. She turned out to be not only charming, but also an intelligent conversationalist and an interesting person. But the main thing that intrigued the trainer, spoiled by female attention, was that Helen did not know or hear anything about him until the moment of the meeting.

They dated for three years. These were occasional meetings, because the girl did not give up her studies, and Askold Zapashny could not cancel the planned tour.

There were more obstacles in the way of this beautiful couple than one could imagine. The relatives of each of the young people were not too happy about this union. Helen Reichlin's parents dreamed of a Jewish son-in-law, preferably a doctor. And the circus artist’s family saw Askold’s wife as a girl from the “circus” circle, who would understand and share a specific lifestyle.

However, love overcame obstacles, and two charming daughters only cemented this marriage.

In one interview, Askold’s mother, Tatyana Zapashnaya, recalled that at first she did not treat her daughter-in-law very well, and then fell in love with the girl. The woman also mentioned the spree of her son from his wife. Then Tatyana told Askold that even if he broke up with Helen, she would remain in the family.

In 2016, Eva and Elsa performed for the first time under the circus big top together with their famous dad and uncle. If they connect their future life with the circus, they will turn out to be circus performers in the 5th generation, continuing the glorious Zapashny dynasty.

Thousands of fans watch the artist on the social network Instagram, where Askold posts personal and work photos and videos. Often, animal rights activists write in the comments to the pictures asking the trainers to close the show.

Zapashny also runs Twitter. There, the man regularly shares entries with readers. In addition, sometimes the trainer goes online using the Periscope application, where he communicates with fans.

The Zapashny Brothers Circus has an official website. Fans of the show can find it on the Internet resource necessary information about the program, posters, photos from performances and more.

In 2010, the brothers had an accident when they were returning to Bryansk to start rehearsal in the morning new program. The car hit a curb, lost two axles and stopped 10 cm from a tree. Askold and Edgard were not injured: they were saved by their seat belts and airbags.

In 2014, the tiger tamer suffered complex operations on the spine. The procedures took place in Germany. The artist had problems with his spine due to complex stunts and acrobatic performances. Later, the artist spoke in an interview about the illness and shared with a smile that he felt much better. However, if the man had not applied for medical care, could remain disabled.

Askold Zapashny now

In the summer of 2017, Askold and Edgard Zapashny participated in the program “Where is the logic?” on the TNT channel. The program was hosted by Azamat Musagaliev. The brothers' rivals were Nastasya Samburskaya and Maria Minogarova.

In December-January, the Zapashny brothers presented to the audience three premieres at once under the titles “Princess-Nesmeyana”, “UFO” and “Angels”.

In February 2018, Channel One premiered the program “Stars under Hypnosis.” Askold Valterovich participated in one of the episodes. Hypnologist Isa Bagirov put the artist into hypnosis, and he forgot that he was running a circus. Instead, Zapashny was sure that he was an artist.

That same month, a tragedy occurred in the circus of the Zapashny brothers’ uncle, Mstislav Zapashny. Acrobat Anton Martynov fell during a performance and fell into the arena from a 6-meter height. A month later, the young man died without leaving a coma.

Askold Zapashny in the show “Stars under Hypnosis”

In April, Olga Buzova released the Buzcoin cryptocurrency. In an interview, the presenter and singer said that the world lives in her era. The Zapashny brothers could not ignore such a loud statement. Edgard suggested making a video in which he involved artists of the Great Moscow Circus. Askold took care of the script and editing. According to the plot, the characters in the video are shocked when they find out that they live in the Buzova era and decide to commit suicide.

On May 31, a large volunteer forum started in Moscow. The forum participants summed up the interim results of the Year of the Volunteer.

After the event, Askold and Edgard Zapashny held a circus performance for children with cancer. The program was implemented at the Cancer Center named after. Blokhina.

On June 1, a grandiose performance took place at the Great Moscow Circus, in which the Zapashny brothers took part. The men entered the arena with their favorites - the eleven kings of the jungle. The attraction is called “Among the Predators”. The famous American actor Steven Seagal was present in the hall, who after the show went backstage and thanked the artists for the amazing spectacle.

In the same month, actor Mikhail Efremov offered to give Crimean Bridge Ukraine. Askold called the artist’s words shocking and suggested that he decided to feel like a liberal.

Askold Zapashny’s wife and children occupy all the time he has left from working in the arena. He, a representative of one of the most famous Russian circus dynasties, together with his brother Edgard, organized his own circus, the tours of which not only in our country, but also abroad are a huge success. The artist’s wife Helen gave birth to her eldest daughter, Eva, in 2010, and a year later Zapashny became a father for the second time, and again to a little daughter, whom they named Elsa.

With my future wife Askold Zapashny met during a tour in Minsk. Helen was best friend the wife of one of his circus friends. Helen is an Israeli citizen, and therefore was a student at the Faculty for Foreigners. Their romance developed rapidly, and immediately after the wedding they decided that their family must have many children.

In the photo - Askold Zapashny with his wife and children

The first daughter, Eva, was born in 2010, when Askold was thirty-three years old, and he was already old enough to take this responsibility responsibly important event. The decision to give birth to a second child in a year was also meaningful - the age difference between Askold and his brother Edgard is also a year, and this, according to the artist, is the best option for children.

Both of Askold’s daughters were born when he was performing in the arena, and each time he received a message from his wife via SMS, and it was very touching for him. Zapashny chose the names for his daughters himself, and approached this very responsibly - Askold wanted them to be beautiful, and at the same time not pretentious.

Helen is a doctor by training, graduated from the conservatory in piano, served in israeli army, and currently only cares about his family. Askold tried to help his wife as best he could when the daughters were very small - he got up at night, changed diapers, but his wife, if possible, tried to free her husband from these worries, understanding how tired he was at work.

Today, Askold Zapashny’s children Eva and Elsa have already grown up and are already performing in the arena. From their very birth, he said that his daughters would definitely become circus performers and continue the Zapashny dynasty, and for this they would not even have to study at a circus school - he would teach them all the wisdom himself, because he had extensive experience performing in the circus arena.

Outwardly, the eldest daughter looks more like her mother, and the youngest Elsa is a copy of Askold, and her relatives jokingly call her Askolda Askoldovna. Eva and Elsa have been traveling with the circus since birth, they know all the artists and animals, and in this their life is very similar to the life of Askold and his brother.

For the first time, the eldest daughter of Askold Zapashny entered the arena when she was three years old, and after that her father began to take her to bows after each of his performances. When Askold Zapashny’s wife was about to give birth to a second child, he dreamed that he would have a son, but it turned out that a daughter was born again. But Helen is sure that they will have more children, and she will definitely give birth to a boy. Askold is not against it, but to the question “how many children can Askold Zapashny have in the future?” replies that no more than four, and even if they are girls again, more he doesn't agree.

Helen, realizing that frequent separations can negatively affect the relationship between spouses, is ready to endure all the inconveniences and difficulties in order to always be close to her husband, so they go on almost all tours with the whole family. She is accustomed to this way of life, and even when she stays at home, after a few weeks she asks Askold to take her and her daughters to his place. Helen understands that constant communication It is necessary not only for her and her husband, but also for their children - with their dad. In addition, they love their uncle very much - Askold's older brother Edgard, who also adores his nieces.