Benefits of pulling up on a horizontal bar. Reverse progression method

Pull-ups are perhaps the most popular exercise for developing the muscles of the back and arms. It is performed by people of all ages, from small children to experienced performing athletes. Pull-ups in bodybuilding are designed to develop the latissimus dorsi muscles. No matter how it sounds, many athletes do not know how to do technically correct pull-ups in order to more effectively work the latissimus dorsi muscles. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the correct technique for performing pull-ups on a horizontal bar.

Pull-up technique on the horizontal bar different types sports can be different. For example, in CrossFit, athletes do not pull themselves up by own strength, but swing and lift the body using the force of inertia. We'll talk about pull-ups in bodybuilding.

Features of pull-ups in bodybuilding

When performing pull-ups on a horizontal bar, the latissimus dorsi muscles, biceps and forearms are mainly used. The amount of load on certain working muscles can be changed using different grip widths. The wider the grip width, the more the lats are engaged and the biceps are turned off, and the narrower the grip, the more the biceps and lower portions of the lats are worked.

To get the most out of pull-ups, you should do pull-ups with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. It is this grip that most contributes to the development of back muscles in bodybuilding. Many athletes may say that you need to do pull-ups with a very wide grip, because it is with this placement of the arms that the lats are used the most. But with such a grip, the amplitude of movement decreases many times, which also greatly affects muscle growth, so you need to look for a middle ground with a large amplitude and a wide grip.

What to do if you can’t do a single pull-up

For maximum muscle growth, you need to do a full pull-up without jerking, but what about those who can’t do pull-ups at all? These athletes need to do pull-ups, perform other pull-up-like back exercises such as lat pull-downs or chin-ups, or work with a partner.

For those who can do pull-ups but want to increase their reps, we also have recommendations. Most effective way increasing the number of pull-ups means using additional weight. You can also increase the strength of the working muscles by performing other back exercises. The most effective are bent-over barbell rows, one-arm dumbbell rows, lower block rows, and upper block rows.

Rapid growth of back muscles

In bodybuilding, few people chase strength indicators; the majority simply try to increase muscle volume and make them more proportional to each other. In order for your back muscles to constantly grow, you do not need to train every day, this will lead to overtraining. For maximum growth, each muscle group should be trained once every 3 days. You also need to plan your training wisely. You should not train your biceps and back different days. If today you had a biceps workout and tomorrow you will do a back workout, then you will not be able to do full pull-ups, since the biceps will not work properly.

The technique of pull-ups on the horizontal bar in bodybuilding should be without swinging and jerking if you want to quickly build up the latissimus muscles. Swings and jerks are great for training endurance and strength, which are more important in CrossFit and martial arts. You can watch pull-ups with jerks in the video below.

Features of the pull-up technique on the horizontal bar in bodybuilding

Types of pull-ups with swinging

Everything you need to know about pull-ups

As practice shows, pulling up is a very simple exercise, which is still not so easy to perform. And this is more good than bad: if you are not able to perform a single pull-up, there is no need to worry, there are a lot of people like you.

Of course, it will take some time to make progress, but if you have a clear plan of action, very soon you will be able to perform set after set on the bar, instead of stupidly hanging on the bar and trying in vain to do at least one pull-up.

(and must!) see detailed instructions how to do pull-ups correctly. True, the text is poorly designed, but Zozhnik undertakes to make everything beautiful.

Pull-ups are proof of your strength

Before moving on to practice (and improving the technique), let's take a better look at what this exercise, familiar to everyone from childhood, is. The first thing we need to ask is why are we so obsessed with these stupid pull-ups and constantly harp on the importance of this exercise? Why not forget about the bar and concentrate on, say, push-ups?

The difference between these two basic exercises is not that they use different muscle groups - in fact, both push-ups and pull-ups work the same muscles (mainly the upper back muscles, chest, shoulders and biceps), but that how they load these same muscles. In short, push-ups develop strength (i.e. the ability to lift more weight), while pull-ups allow you to develop stability and balance (i.e. the ability to perform certain movements in a particular plane.

And in general, working with a vertical block is much less fun than learning to perform various “tricks” on the horizontal bar (a person who spends a lot of time on the horizontal bar will have nothing to fear if he suddenly finds himself hanging on the edge of a ledge). Research has revealed that there is no clear analogy between pull-ups and deadlifts. vertical block, so they cannot serve as a substitute for each other during preparation.

Simply put, there is a difference between lifting weights on a machine (like an upright row) and lifting own weight on the crossbar (when performing pull-ups). The fact is that muscles and the movements performed with their help are closely related. When the brain sends signals, the central nervous system and the muscles begin to work. As a result, we have the following result: the muscles contract, energy is generated and movement occurs.

If we talk specifically about strength training, the effect of training can be achieved in two ways: through exercises with closed and open kinetic chains. Machine enthusiasts tend to work with a vertical pulley to the chest (open kinetic chain), moving an object towards and away from the body. In this case, the exercise involves only one joint and one muscle group. People who are trying to perfect their pull-up technique try to use a closed kinetic chain, moving their body to and from a stationary bar. This type of movement involves various joints and muscle groups.

It must be emphasized that both methods have a right to exist. Any exercise is good (only the lack of it is bad). However, depending on your goals, some exercises will be more beneficial than others. In most cases, closed-chain exercises such as pull-ups are the winner. And this is confirmed scientific research. When scientists recruited two groups of adult athletes, one focusing on closed-chain exercises and the other on open-chain exercises, the people who did the closed-chain exercises performed significantly better over 6 weeks of training.

Higher and higher

I have been convinced a hundred times of the truth of the following fact: only practice makes it possible to achieve perfection. However, trying to do pull-ups without proper physical condition can even be harmful, so those who want to finally start doing pull-ups should first improve their physical condition.

Only after a certain time will you be able to move on to honing the technique of the pull-up itself.

How to Achieve Perfect Pull-Up Technique: Straight Grip

1. Straight grip

Stand under the bar and grab it with both hands. Your palms should be facing forward, your hands shoulder-width apart. If you cannot reach the bar, use a stand or chair. Use a standard overhead grip, thumb should grasp the crossbar and practically reach the ends of the remaining fingers.

2. Hang from the bar

Before starting pull-ups, you need to hang on the bar with your arms straight. As you hang from the bar, your arms should be fully extended, your shoulders should be back, and your core should be tense. It is necessary to keep the body tense, this will help to avoid swaying, since this is a condition that the lifting will be carried out only due to the work of the muscles, and not inertia.

3. Stretch up

Begin the pull-up by gripping the bar tightly with your hands while squeezing your upper body and core muscles. Imagine your elbows dropping to your sides as your body rises toward the bar. Don't let your neck stretch towards the bar. Continue the movement until your chin is above the bar, at which point the first phase of the pull-up is complete.

4. Downward movement

Congratulations! Half the work is already done. However, you have a return trip ahead of you. The difficulty is that returning to the starting position must be done slowly. Hold the bar tightly and slowly straighten your arms, lowering your body down. Once your arms are fully straightened, you can consider your first pull-up complete. You can congratulate yourself. Shout “Hurray! I did it!”, raise your hands in the air, celebrating victory, etc.

Working on technology

Knowing how to do a pull-up is one thing, but actually doing a pull-up is another thing entirely. It takes time (and practice and desire) to achieve this. Instead of giving up trying to do a pull-up forever, use the exercises above to achieve optimal form that will help you perform a perfect pull-up.

1. Pull-ups on a low bar

Like a regular pull-up, the low bar pull-up is a closed kinetic chain exercise. However, in this case, the athlete lies under the crossbar, and does not hang, clinging to it with his hands. Using a Smith machine or power rack, position the barbell so that you can reach the bar used as a bar while lying on the floor. Grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing to the side, thumb gripping the bar. Press your heels into the floor and then pull your chest toward the bar, keeping your elbows close to your body. This exercise can also be performed on rings. In any case, if performing the exercise is difficult, place a bench on the floor and adjust the bar so that your body is positioned under more acute angle relative to gender. As your shape grows, you can decrease the degree of angle.

2. Bent-over dumbbell row

To perform this free weight exercise, use a set of dumbbells. Bend your back at the waist and grab the dumbbells with both hands, wider than your knees (palms facing each other). Bend your knees slightly, straighten your back, and your chest should be parallel to the floor. Then move your elbows back and up towards the floor, lifting the dumbbells and exhaling. At the highest point of the elbow movement, you need to tense your back muscles, stop for a second and only then lower the dumbbells down.

3. Pull-ups with decreasing load

Practicing pull-ups can be a challenge. Just hanging on the bar, trying to do at least one pull-up, is useless. There are usually two reasons that prevent you from performing pull-ups: the first is the lack of necessary strength training of the body muscles (here, standing dumbbells and barbells with an incline will come in handy more than ever, which will allow you to develop the muscles of the shoulders and arms), the second is the insufficient development of muscles that are not in able to lift your body weight. Either your muscles are too weak or your mass is too large. Fortunately, there are methods that allow you to practice pull-ups without any difficulty.

4. Help from a friend

Your friend in gym grabs your legs and pushes you up slightly, so that you are required to do a pull-up less strength. Grab the bar with your arms outstretched, but this time cross your legs. It is with your crossed legs that your assistant will push you up, helping you do a pull-up. Well, has it become easier?

5. Pull-ups on a special simulator

Most gyms have machines that help you perform pull-ups (in fact, they serve the same role as your buddy pushing you up by your legs), supporting your body and reducing stress on your arms. Start by setting the weight using a pin on the machine (most machines allow you to set the weight that will push you upward, but there are also machines that allow you to set the weight you will have to lift). After installation required weight, stand on the platform with your knees and grab the bar and do a pull-up. As you perform the exercise, the platform will move upward with you, acting as a counterweight and supporting you on your upward path.

6. Elastic belt

Large rubber elastic straps can be used in a variety of ways to perform a variety of exercises. If you want to perfect your pull-up technique, loop the strap around the bar. Step on the part of the belt that hangs down with your foot. Grab the bar and start doing the exercise. Do you feel how the belt helps you, reducing the strain on your hands? This solution is much more effective than a special pull-up machine, since in this case the movement you perform is more like a real pull-up, allowing you to engage the core muscles and the muscles that stabilize the body position in the air (be careful when you step off the belt, make sure that so that it does not jump back sharply and hit you).

7. Downward movement

When we talk about the pull-up, most of the attention is drawn to the upward movement part of it, although this is incorrect. The ability to slowly lower your body down during the final part of a pull-up is great way develop muscles that will help you do pull-ups without any difficulty in the future. Grab the bar as if you had already pulled yourself up, and begin to slowly straighten your elbows and lower yourself down, engaging your back muscles and biceps, as well as tensing your core muscles. You may not be able to do a full pull-up yet, but you should definitely be able to lower yourself down under the influence of gravity. And this, as we remember, is already half the battle.

Various pull-ups

1. Reverse Grip Pull-Up

Above, we told you how to build up the form for doing a regular pull-up with a wide, shoulder-width grip. However, if you grab the bar with a reverse grip, with the palms of your hands facing you, the situation will change a little. This type of pull-up is called a reverse-grip pull-up. Of course, a regular pull-up is not much different from a reverse-grip pull-up, but there is still a difference. With a reverse grip, the biceps are more heavily loaded, so in this case the load is distributed more evenly and it is a little easier to perform such a pull-up. That is why we confidently advise all novice athletes to use reverse grip when practicing pull-up techniques.

2. Wide grip pull-ups

How much does the placement of your hands on the bar affect the load when performing a pull-up? Much stronger than you think. If you place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart on the bar, the load increases significantly, and if you can barely do a pull-up with a regular grip, then you don’t even have to think about a wide grip. Of course, such a grip is quite possible for people with good physical fitness, but that’s why they are athletes, to perform such tricks. A wide grip implies good preparation of the latissimus dorsi muscles, and in this case the biceps, chest and shoulders are less loaded. You can move on to pull-ups with a wide grip only after you have mastered pull-ups with a direct and reverse grip.

3. Speed ​​pull-ups

This variation of pull-ups became popular with the advent of CrossFit, and is somewhere in the middle between gymnastics and weightlifting. The movements characteristic of this type of pull-up allow you to use the inertia of the body, helping to perform larger number repetitions at unprecedented speed. As with the wide grip, speed pull-ups will be available to you only after you have mastered the basic types of pull-ups well.

4. Weighted pull-ups

Once you have mastered the pull-up technique, when you can perform it without problems large number repetitions using different grips, you may want something more. Once your body weight is no longer a major burden, try adding a weight belt to add some dynamism to your workout. If your gym has special belts with chains attached to them, put them on and try hanging a weight, etc. on the chain. The technique of the exercise remains the same when using additional weights (except that it will be more difficult for you to lift your weight along with the weight of the kettlebell).

In order to develop the muscles of your arms and back, you need to do as many different pull-ups as possible. These are the most accessible exercises that both adults and children can perform anywhere (in the gym, at home or even on the street). Experts have long come up with a huge number of different options for such training. Each pull-up technique on the bar is unique and requires strict adherence. Only in this case can you be sure of an excellent result.
A very effective program consists of 4 exercises, each of which is aimed at developing specific muscle groups. Her athlete followers have long noted how good she is.

Correct technique for pulling up on the horizontal bar with a lower middle grip
This is the most common exercise. It is ideal not only for strong and experienced men, but also for weak, novice athletes. Here we train the biceps, lats, pectoralis, brachialis, teres major, as well as the trapezius and abs.

The technique for performing pull-ups of this type is to create a shoulder-width grip. In this case, your palms should be directed towards you. Inhaling, you need to rise, closing your shoulder blades. You must try to touch the horizontal bar with your chest or at least your chin. It is recommended to linger for a few seconds at the highest point.

There should be as many repetitions as possible, as much as you can. This will be a kind of warm-up. After this we move on to the next exercise.

Upper middle grip
Another popular pull-up variation to perform maximum quantity once. Its effectiveness depends on this. At the same time, the shoulder, pectoral, and latissimus muscles develop. Abs and trapezoid work.

The starting position is similar to that indicated in the previous exercise, but the crossbar is grabbed so that the palms are facing away from you. The technique of pulling up on the horizontal bar is to rise as you inhale and lower as you exhale. The legs should not dangle during the process. It is better if they are crossed, but tense. Everything needs to be done carefully, smoothly and slowly.

Wide grip pull-up technique

In this case, the grip is upper, i.e. palms are directed exclusively “away from you”. This is how we actively train the trapezius and latissimus muscles. Your hands should be about 25 cm wider than your shoulders.

You need to rise not with the strength of your arms, but with the help of your latissimus muscles. When you are at the top, your forearms are parallel to the horizontal bar. By adding extra weight around your waist, you can double the effectiveness of this workout.

Narrow grip

There are 2 options for execution - direct or reverse grip. In any case, we develop the muscles of the arms, which work very actively here. The hands on the crossbar are located 20 cm narrower than the shoulders. Now we gradually begin to pull ourselves up, breathing correctly. It is important that there are no jerks during the execution of the task.

Among the basic physical exercises, one of the most effective and useful is pull-ups. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to study the technique and techniques of this exercise, as well as consider the basic pull-up patterns on the horizontal bar. This will allow you to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time by following the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar from scratch. But before moving on to the practical part of the story, it is necessary to provide the reader with a little theory in order to fully understand the essence of the positioned exercise and the benefits that it gives the athlete.

Pull-ups are one of the general exercises physical training, which is aimed at strengthening the muscles located in the upper part of the human body. The muscles involved in pulling up on the horizontal bar include the following:

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles
  2. Biceps (main muscles of the shoulder)
  3. Pectoral muscles.
  4. Abdominal muscles.
  5. Muscles on the forearms.
  6. Brachialis (auxiliary muscles of the shoulder).

Rarely, what else physical exercise capable of productively influencing so many departments simultaneously.

  1. As already described above, one of the main advantages of this exercise is pumping six muscle groups at once.
  2. High efficiency in use correct technique pull-ups. In a month of intensive training, you can achieve three months of results from going to the gym every day.
  3. Compatibility. Pull-ups can be used in combination with any other physical activity, as an additional or main exercise.
  4. A triple effect depending on the technique used: the ability to pump up muscles, the ability to develop muscle strength, stretching the muscles and giving it the required relief and flexibility, which contributes to greater endurance.
  5. Benefits for the spine. Thanks to the correct body position with an emphasis on stretching and sagging, with the help of pull-ups you can eliminate the initial stages of scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.

Well, now it’s time to move on from theoretical knowledge to practical guide and tell you how to increase your pull-ups on the horizontal bar. First, three main techniques for performing the exercise will be presented, where each of the proposed techniques contributes to achieving one or another result (described in point 4 advantages). After choosing a technique, the athlete can move on to one of the presented pull-up schemes in order to obtain the desired effect.

Pull-up technique on the horizontal bar

  • Slow ascent - fast descent. This method used to build muscle mass.
  • Fast ascent - slow descent. This method is good for giving strength to the muscles.
  • Fast ascent - fast descent - 10 seconds of sagging. Helps stretch muscles and tendons and give them flexibility.

Ideally, each pull-up system on the horizontal bar should be used for one month, starting with the first. After that work in progress month with daily alternation of techniques. Then the cycle repeats. It is important to note that no matter what method of training is chosen, pull-ups must be performed correctly every time, that is, as follows: complete sagging on straightened arms - lifting until your chest touches the bar - descent and complete sagging on straightened arms.

It is also important to note that such a physical exercise as pulling up on a bar is distinguished by a variety of grips, which differ in width and in the position of the hands on the bar.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

  1. Straight narrow: the hands are turned with the back side towards the person being pulled up and are located on the bar at shoulder level.
  2. Straight medium: the hands are located with the back side towards the person being pulled up and are located on the bar 5-10 centimeters wider than the shoulders.
  3. Straight wide: the hands are positioned with the back side facing the person being pulled up and are located on the bar at the maximum distance from the shoulders (the distance is selected individually by the athlete or coach, depending on the capabilities of the practitioner).
  4. Reverse narrow: the hands are turned with the palms facing the person being pulled up and are located on the bar at shoulder level.
  5. Reverse middle: the hands are turned with the palms facing the person being pulled up and are located on the bar 5-10 centimeters wider than the shoulders.
  6. Reverse wide: the hands are turned with the palms facing the person being pulled up and are located 15 - 20 centimeters wider than shoulder level.

Pull-up programs

The optimal result when practicing according to the schemes that will be proposed below can be achieved if you change the type of grip every day. That is why both schemes for increasing pull-ups on the horizontal bar will be presented in six-day cycles over four weeks. It makes no sense to proceed to this guide without studying in detail the techniques and grips for pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Reverse progression method

  • Day one. Six approaches to the horizontal bar: 1 - 5 pull-ups, 2 - 4, 3 - 3, 4 - 2, 5 - 1, 6 - 1. The first approach begins with sagging on straight arms for 10 seconds, and the sixth approach ends with the same sagging (this relevant for each day of classes if the first or second technique is used).
  • Day two. Six approaches: 1 - 6, 2 - 5, 3 - 4, 4 - 3, 5 - 2, 6 - 1.
  • Day three. Six approaches: 1 - 7, 2 - 6, 3 - 5, 4 - 4, 5 - 3, 6 - 2.
  • Day four. Six approaches: 1 - 7, 2 - 6, 3 - 5, 4 - 4, 5 - 3, 6 - 3.
  • Day five. Six approaches: 1 - 8, 2 - 7, 3 - 6, 4 - 5, 5 - 4, 6 - 4.
  • Day six. Six approaches: 1 - 8, 2 - 7, 3 - 6, 4 - 5, 5 - 5, 6 - 5.

The next day you need to take a break to restore the body and consolidate the results. After this, a new six-day period and so on for four 6 days. Then they change the pull-up technique.

Direct progression method

  • Day one. Three approaches to the horizontal bar: 1 - 5 pull-ups, 2 - 5, 3 - 5.
  • Day two. Three approaches: 1 - 6, 2 - 6, 3 - 6.
  • Day three. Three approaches: 1 - 6, 2 - 6, 3 - 6.
  • Day four. Three approaches: 1 - 7, 2 - 7, 3 - 7.
  • Day five. Three approaches: 1 - 7, 2 - 7, 3 - 7.
  • Day six. Three approaches: 1 - 8, 2 - 8, 3 - 8.

Both of the above tables of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are designed for initial training athlete. If we're talking about about more significant preparation of the practitioner, then from the second week the load can be doubled, further increase according to individual instructions. However, the total daily number of pull-ups should not exceed one hundred in the first year of working with the circuits.

If we talk about a person who physical activity knows, only from hearsay, that before using the pull-up schedule on the horizontal bar, he needs to complete a preparatory course of push-ups using the reverse or direct progression method. This will prepare you for more serious loads and productive exercises.

Pull-ups count basic exercise, which involves the joints and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and back.

It belongs to one of the highest classes in terms of difficulty of execution and is difficult for beginner athletes and girls. It is often replaced by the graviton training option, but it does not always allow you to work out all the zones that are included in the work when doing pull-ups on a classic horizontal bar. That is why, if you want to bring your back and top part Shoulder girdle to perfection is worth studying the technique of doing pull-ups and mastering various types of this exercise.

Pull-ups involve almost the entire shoulder girdle and back, including small muscle groups that remain in a relaxed state during other types of loads.

This exercise is used to train the following muscle groups:

  • targeted: latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • synergizing: include biceps, brachioradialis and brachialis, teres major and minor, infraspinatus, middle and lower trapezius, minor pectoral muscle, rhomboid and posterior deltoid muscles, as well as the levator scapulae muscle;
  • stabilizing: long head of the triceps.

Thus, it turns out that pull-ups that are ordinary at first glance can improve the growth of muscles throughout the upper body, chest, back, and arms.

Benefits of Pull-Ups

Pull-ups have many advantages over alternative exercises for the upper shoulder girdle. The most important of them is the absolute undemandingness of equipment. All the athlete needs is a bar fixed just above his height. Using various variations of pull-ups, you can work out various muscle groups well and sculpt the relief of the upper shoulder girdle, back and chest, based on personal preferences and goals.

With pull-ups you can:

  • give the top part a V-shape;
  • achieve good back relief;
  • develop the muscles of the upper back and shoulder girdle to the maximum;
  • develop grip strength;
  • improve weight indicators when doing back exercises;
  • increase the production of growth hormone and achieve excellent results in a shorter period of time;
  • increase energy consumption, which will lead to weight loss.

Among other things, pull-ups differ from other exercises in their high degree of variation. Using different grips, you can work different muscle groups to achieve perfect mass and shape.

Where should a beginner start to learn how to do pull-ups?

Rarely does anyone succeed in doing pull-ups the first time, so it is important for beginners not to force their body with excessive muscle tension. Unsuccessful, exhausting attempts to pull your chin up to the bar the first time in 99% of cases result in microtrauma, so you should give preference to a set of preparatory exercises.

First you need to master the technique of “negative repetitions”. The essence of this exercise is to assume a position as if the pull-up has already been completed and the body returns to its original position. To do this, you will need a horizontal bar and a low support (bench, stool, etc.). The main thing is that its height is just enough so that the athlete, standing on it, can calmly reach the horizontal bar with his chin.

The technique for performing negative repetitions is as follows:

  • Starting position - standing on a chair, chin at the level of the horizontal bar bar, arms bent at the elbows and fixed at an average distance from each other on the bar.
  • Next, the legs are bent so that the arms tense, holding the body in its original position.
  • The arms are slowly straightened, as when coming out of a pull-up.
  • Then the athlete returns to the starting position. If necessary, you can help yourself with your legs (lean them on a support) or ask an assistant to lift you from behind.

You shouldn’t overload yourself right away; 3 sets of 5 repetitions will be enough. It is not recommended to accelerate or sway while straightening your arms. All movements should be as smooth as possible.

Before starting training with pull-ups, it is advisable to warm up the muscles well and stimulate work cardiovascular system with the help of a warm-up. But even here you should be restrained so as not to start the main training feeling tired.

Pull-up technique

Before starting training on the horizontal bar, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced bodybuilders and their mentors on how to do pull-ups correctly:

  • you cannot involve anything other than the muscles of the back, arms and chest in the process of lifting the body;
  • to avoid injuries, there is no need to accompany the pull-up with jerks and sudden movements;
  • the body must be in a strictly vertical position during ascent and descent;
  • rises are performed while exhaling, and you need to lower while inhaling.

Otherwise, the technique for performing pull-ups varies depending on what type of exercise is performed.

It is advisable to start mastering pull-ups on the horizontal bar as such with a direct grip. It is simpler to perform, but in different variations it helps to work out the entire upper shoulder girdle and back.

The technique for performing pull-ups with a straight grip may differ depending on the grip width:

  • when doing pull-ups with a classic grip (medium), the lift is made to the level of the chin - at the peak point it should be slightly above the crossbar, the gaze is directed forward;
  • when pulling up with a narrow grip, the body is lifted until the bar is at chest level, and the gaze is directed to the hands;
  • When performing pull-ups with a wide grip, the chest should be located in the upper peak at the level of the horizontal bar (its middle part), the maximum load falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles.

There is an opinion that a greater effect from pull-ups using a straight grip is achieved with a high lift of the body - at the peak at the level of the crossbar, the midline of the chest or at least its upper part is located. At the same time, the back bends slightly in the lower back, and the head is thrown back.

When performing pull-ups with a wide and medium grip, you need to stretch until the level of the crossbar coincides with the top line of the body (just above the clavicle bones). It is important not to make sudden jerks, but to keep your back straight. You can tilt your head slightly forward so as not to injure the back of your head while lifting.

The reverse grip is good for working the biceps and back muscles. How closer friend The hands are placed next to each other, the more the biceps are involved. Otherwise, the technique is similar to performing pull-ups with a straight grip:

  • the hands are located at a selected distance from each other;
  • During lifting, the back is straight, slightly arched in the lower back;
  • the head is slightly thrown back;
  • movements are smooth, without jerks or distortions.

You can pull yourself up to the level of your chin or to the middle of your chest. Here the goal of the training plays a role: if you plan to load your arms as much as possible, pull yourself up to the chin, and if there is a need to pump up your back muscles, pull yourself up to your chest.

Parallel pull-ups are no different in technique from the previous versions, with the exception of the position of the scapular bones. In the upper peak position, you should bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible, and your elbows should be slightly pulled back. The back is in the same position as in the previous versions - slightly arched in the lower back, without lateral distortions.

The effect is also repeated: when narrow grip, when the hands are located close to each other, the biceps and chest muscles are maximally used, and when the hands are wide, the latissimus dorsi muscles work more actively.

This method is suitable only for experienced athletes with good strength training, as it has a greater range of motion compared to previous techniques. Pull-ups are performed with a forward or reverse grip. Hands at an arbitrary distance from each other.


  • Dead hang at the bottom with a neutral (medium) grip.
  • Rhythmic pull-up to the middle of the chest.
  • Quick return to starting position.

Ideally, there should be no delays between the upper and lower peaks. The intensity and amplitude of movement are maximum, resulting in more active training of the upper shoulder girdle and back.

Head pull-ups

This method of pulling up is more difficult to perform, as it combines the classic exercise with pulling up by the head.

The technique is as follows:

  • Hands on the bar are placed slightly wider than shoulders, legs are crossed and bent at the knees.
  • A pull-up is performed in classic version to the chest. Then the body returns to its original position, arms are completely relaxed and straightened.
  • A pull-up is performed with the hands behind the head. Return to original position.

Alternating between classic pull-ups and behind-the-head pull-ups helps work out the maximum number of muscles.

The technique resembles a pull-up with a parallel grip, but the difference is that the athlete holds on to a regular horizontal bar, that is, the hands are not just located towards each other, but are on the same line. The value of this exercise is a deeper study of the shoulder and brachioradialis muscles, as well as the biceps. The muscles of the buttocks and abs are involved.


  • The athlete hangs under the horizontal bar perpendicular to its direction. The hands are brought together.
  • The pull-up begins slowly, as the head approaches the horizontal bar, it is moved to the side, the shoulder touches the horizontal bar.
  • Return to hang.
  • The pull-up is the same as the previous one, but this time the head is moved in the other direction.
  • Return to original position.

Pull-ups are done by tensioning only one arm, the second is used to hold the body in an upright position.

Half-Moon or one-arm pull-up

This pull-up is practiced in preparation for one-arm pull-ups. A neutral grip or pronation is suitable for this exercise.

Starting position - hanging with arms straight and relaxed. The body is pulled up only on the right or only on the left hand. The second one is “stretched” at this time, as a result of which the line of the arms and shoulders forms a “half moon”. After mastering this type of pull-up, you can move on to

Secrets and subtleties of pull-ups

Even those who easily perform several sets of various pull-ups do not always know 100% of the facts about this exercise. The most popular questions that can be heard from experienced and beginner athletes concern the range of motion, the most effective type of grip, the height of the body lift and much more.

Up to the chest or up to the chin?

The most popular question concerns the difference between chin-up and chest-length pull-ups. Famous coaches and athletes recommend practicing pull-ups to the chin when using a reverse grip, and to the chest - in combination with a straight grip. With this combination, the risk of injury is significantly lower, which is especially important for novice athletes.
In general, pull-ups to the chest are more effective in terms of pumping up the back muscles, while pull-ups to the chin allow you to better work the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and arms. Pull-ups that are too high can be dangerous because lifting your chest above the bar will place maximum stress on the muscles between your shoulder blades, which can lead to injury.

Weighting - when is it necessary?

Using extra weight when doing pull-ups can be beneficial or harmful depending on several factors:

  • mastery of pull-up techniques - if there is the slightest doubt that you are doing everything correctly, it is better not to use weights;
  • condition of the back and spine - if there is a tendency to injury or problems with the spine, it is better not to use aggravation;
  • if there is overweight(more than 13 kg), the burden will be unnecessary.

In general, experienced athletes who have ideally mastered the exercise technique resort to using additional weight when doing pull-ups.

Ideal amplitude - what is it?

Pull-ups “to the maximum” will benefit those who have already achieved certain results and are fluent in the pull-up technique. Discomfort and acute pain in muscles and joints should be a signal to stop training.

A small amplitude is more effective and less dangerous if training on the bar is intense and/or with additional weights. Exercises in this mode do not harm the joints and stimulate maximum muscle growth. However, it is worth remembering that severe restriction of movement and minimal range of motion will not lead to the goal of muscle growth and increased strength. Everything should be in moderation.

It is important to remember that the concept of ideal amplitude when doing pull-ups is as individual as food preferences. The athlete must listen carefully to his muscles to understand what range of movements is best.

The “swinging” technique - to use or not?

Attempts to show a good quantitative result through the deceptive “swinging” technique leads to loosening of the joints, and has minimal effect on the muscles. By using it, a beginner risks never achieving significant results. Moreover, failure to comply with the pull-up technique often leads to injuries that imply a ban on any load. It is better to do fewer repetitions, but with high quality, than to waste time and joints, deceiving the body with the laws of inertia.

Which grip should you choose?

The main rule is that the grip should be tight. The width and direction depend on the training goal. If you plan to pump up your arms and shoulders, a narrow or medium reverse grip is suitable. For high-quality back work, a combination of wide and straight grips is ideal.

Without pulling up, it is impossible to create an ideal athletic body with a V-shaped back and chest. To master this seemingly simple way to increase mass and strength, you will have to spend several months. But it's worth it - your body will become really strong and beautiful. The main thing is to carefully study the execution technique various types pull-ups and systematically train to achieve your goals.

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