Margarita Simonyan: Keosayan burst in like a tsunami and turned my life upside down along with all the ficus trees. Margarita Simonyan - biography of the editor of the Russia Today TV channel Chief editor of Russia Today

« Russia Today » a certain Margarita Simonyan was appointed 25 years old. Apparently, they want to honestly show foreigners that Russia today is a preserve of the Caucasian mafias.

I would like to know why a very young journalist, who had previously worked modestly as a special correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel, was appointed head of a new TV channel intended for broadcasting abroad. The unknown journalist did not show herself in any way professionally. True, as part of the Kremlin pool of journalists, the girl covered the visits of Vladimir Putin, but it seems to us that this is not enough for such a rapid career rise, outwardly unjustified.”

“Margarita Simonyan never studied anything special; she visited the USA on a school exchange. Her higher education apparently was by correspondence, since at the age of 18 she found work as a correspondent for the Krasnodar television and radio company.

“In February 2001, she was appointed VGTRK’s own correspondent in Rostov-on-Don. Then she became a special correspondent for Vesti, and in the fall of 2002 she became part of the presidential pool. In September 2004, she covered the events in Beslan. On March 9, 2005, she received the medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” from the hands of Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov. April 6, 2005, while covering the meeting between Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov and Vladimir Putin in Sochi Margarita Simonyan received personal congratulations on her 25th birthday and a bouquet from Russian President . Not married."

So what, Putin gives bouquets to all Kremlin journalists for their birthdays? Margarita herself could not come up with any explanation for her amazing career achievements. I spent a long time digging on the Internet, information about her parents and relatives is completely absent(but the public should have been interested in the Armenian prodigy). Margarita Simonyan is classified no worse than many figures in the presidential circle; there is as little information about her as there is about the relatives and ethnic roots of Putin himself.”

Since childhoodMargarita Simonovna Simonyan thickly smeared with chocolate and marmalade at Russian expense, and from a young age hung with positions and medals. It’s not clear why the stupid Armenian correspondence student is so happy about all these honors.

She was sent to America as a schoolgirl. In Russian-language sources, this episode of her biography is unclear. On website RT says that Simonyan spent a year as a student in Bristol, New Hampshire. Margot returned from the territory of her main enemy ideologically seasoned and with the right views:

“future journalist, in her own words , imbued with "some skepticism about democracy and a persistent dislike of American values

Simonyan’s canine devotion to the Chekism does not raise any doubts.

Galkovsky writes that the Chekist regime in the Russian Federation and its corresponding main propaganda resource broadcasting abroad,RussiaToday , there is no ideology. Not inside, of course. And for broadcasting to the West - there is. The TV channel is primarily aimed at an audience of leftist sympathies. And mostlyRussiaToday conducts anti-American propaganda in the appropriate spirit.

The KGB junta pours money into the TV channel - launched in December 2005 - without saving, these are not stupid pensions in the Russian Federation.

“...currently the RT network consists from three global news channels broadcasting on English, Spanish And Arabic languages, broadcasting from Washington, RT America, documentary studio and documentary channel RTDoc. RT has 22 offices in 19 countries and regions, with a presence in Washington, New York, London, Berlin, Gaza, Cairo, Baghdad and other key cities and numbers more than 1000 employees mass media all over the world.

RT has a global reach of more than 630 million people in more than 100 countries, or more than 28% of all cable subscribers worldwide, and is now available in more than 2.7 million numbers."

“In 2009, RT launched a unique project for media professionals: FreeVideo, the first English-language video agency in Russia, which provides users with free online access to broadcast quality RT footage. In 2013 RT addedRUPTLY, a full-service video agency that delivers original news footage from all global hot spots."

In terms of technical equipment and quality of broadcast videoRussiaToday beats CNN and BBC . More importantly, the channel's programs are obviously produced by foreign experts. Academicians of small-town TV in the Russian Federation are not capable of producing anything close to this (Russian-language production RT differs adequately shameful level). ActuallyRussiaToday there is a branch of English agitprop, like, formally QatariAl Jazeera .

Well, the racial prodigy Simonyan serves as the decorative editor-in-chief. At the same time heading to RT and Arabic edition " Rusiya Al - Yaum ", and Spanish. Maybe Martian. She has nothing special to do except endorse documents. Therefore, out of boredom, Margot decided to start teaching the Russian people.

M. Simonyan (05.11.2013) : “My baby and I didn’t sleep last night, she because of colic that upset her, I because the Russian march that upset me. Then we thought for a long time, she was talking about the unknown, I'm talking about Russians. This is the result of my thoughts"

“If Russia plans to preserve itself as a state of predominantly Russian culture and Christian values, then it has…twenty years left to live as it is now. Because in…twenty years, with the current dynamics, Russia will be predominantly a state of non-Russians, and not just non-Russians, but Muslims. And this even with visas. Visas have nothing to do with it at all - I will write here about our internal Russian inter-ethnic squabbles, not about migrants.”

I immediately want to ask, is a Muslim Russian Federation something bad? After all, from the point of view of the KGB junta Simonyan represents, this is definitely GOOD. Isn't it?! And if it’s not good, then you should clearly explain to whom and why.

“The Russians have no other way to preserve their Motherland in its current form except to give birth more and assimilate more. Do not drive away, do not frighten, do not cut up in the subway, but melt into one common cultural Russian mass, into the as yet non-existent single Russian people of all non-Russians born and raised on this land of ours.”

Suddenly, in his nightly thoughts, some incomprehensible Russians appear, who, according to Simonyan, owe something to someone (when they need to sacrifice something or work for free, multinational intellectuals always remember the Russians). But it was necessary first to define the place of these same Russians in the Russian Federation and explain why Simonyan considers himself to have the right to tell Russians how and with whom to live.

“I’ll remind myself - I'm not Russian. I don't have a drop of Russian blood in me. Not a single one"

« Our history, our culture, our values, our first and main language- all this must be unified, indisputable, monolithic, irreversible, independent of who is more talented at yelling at a rally or podium. Once and for all"

What is your history and culture exactly? Chekist, probably. And we know where you got your valuables from, they were stolen.

Having obscured the primary issues, Simonyan began a pathetic preaching of total assimilation of an indeterminate orientation.

"Rest a matter of technology. How is this done, how many years does it take - education in schools and kindergartens, for - oh the horror! – state propaganda of the unity of us all as one monolithic nation, on the return of compatriots based on ethnicity, which neither Greece nor, especially, Israel, nor even post-war Germany, which is timid on such topics, are shy about doing.”

Oh what monolithic nation we're talking about, native to Armenian Simonyan? Let her first try to persuade her native Armenians to renounce their Armenian identity ( RT Armenian is sorely lacking!), and we’ll look at achievements achieved assimilation. Yes, by the way, let me ask you, what is your nationality, Simonyan, huh?

“Personally, I am not happy with Russia within the ring. And if - God forbid! – we’ll have to fight for this someday, well that means. Means, let's go to war».

Look, they didn’t fight in Karabakh. Armenian patriots gathered to drive the Russians to war against Muslims. In the name of the sacred unity of some chimericalChekist nation.

These are all top-level showdowns between the Asian mafias of the Multinational Russian Federation. The Armenian geniuses came up with the idea of ​​luring the Russians with the One and Indivisible (the same Chekist Multinational Russian Federation) and crushing Muslim competitors with Russian hands.

I'll reproach you. Gentlemen should better control the Zits-chairmen, otherwise they talk a lot. It helps to keep them busy with simple work from morning to evening. Well, there’s two pounds of swelling per working day.

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Biography, life story of Simonyan Margarita Simonovna

Simonyan Margarita Simonovna is a Russian TV presenter and writer.

Early years

Margarita Simonyan is from Krasnodar. In the capital of Kuban, she was born on April 6, 1980 into a very poor family. My father repaired refrigerators, my mother sold flowers at the market. Up to ten years, before separation new apartment, Margarita lived with her parents and sister in a dilapidated house, without gas, water or sewerage. Rats roamed freely in the premises.

Who knows, if the girl had been born in comfortable conditions, she would have been able to achieve success in life. And since childhood, she set a goal for herself - to escape from poverty at any cost.

Returning to her homeland, Margarita entered the Faculty of Journalism of Kuban University.

Work on TV

After graduating from university, Simonyan received the position of correspondent on the Krasnodar television and radio channel, and soon became its editor-in-chief. Viewers remembered her for her reports from Chechnya, which brought her fame and journalistic prizes. The fragile girl was not afraid to go to the war zone, but she did not tell her parents about it. Later, she also visited the armed conflict zone in Abkhazia and Beslan, where militants seized a school.

The talented and fearless journalist was noticed in Moscow. Margarita Simonyan was offered to participate in the preparation of the Vesti program.” In addition, she became one of the media representatives accompanying the Russian President on working trips.

When was the English-language TV channel created? Russia Today"(in 2005) to highlight the international aspects of activities Russian leaders, and RIA Novosti was looking for a project manager, the choice fell on Margarita Simonyan. The appointment of a 25-year-old girl to such a responsible position was not received with understanding by everyone. But, according to the agency’s top managers, there must be a person with fresh views who has not learned the basics of Soviet propaganda.


After “Russia Today,” Margarita Simonyan began appearing on screens as part of the program “What’s Going On?” on REN-TV.

In 2013, Margarita Simonovna was invited to host the program “ Iron ladies" In this political show, she interacted with politicians and businessmen. The hosts often asked their guests uncomfortable questions.

A new appointment - editor-in-chief of the international news agency "Russia Today" - followed at the end of 2013.

Literary creativity

Margarita wanted not only to work on television, but also to write works of art. She published a collection of poems at the age of 18. Over time, she also wrote the novel “To Moscow,” which tells about difficult life people in the nineties of the last century. I wrote it over the course of ten years, since journalistic work took up a lot of my time. But she received an award for it. Margarita Simonyan's articles on culinary topics can be read in the Russian Pioneer magazine.


Margarita Simonyan did not consider it necessary to publicly declare her life behind the scenes. However, she admitted to her colleagues that her companion for six years was Andrei Blagodyrenko, also a journalist. True, unofficial. According to Margarita, she simply saw no point in rushing to the registry office.

At the same time, friends began to often see Margarita Simonyan next to the actor and director

Margarita Simonyan is a native of Krasnodar. Born into the simplest family, she was always interested in everything around her. From an early age I followed all the news and could learn a lot from memory quite quickly and by heart. The girl was smart and talented. Despite the poverty of the family, she tried to participate in various Olympiads. While still a schoolgirl, she already dreamed of becoming a journalist. And get out of poverty. Successfully enters higher education educational institution and the School of Television Arts. She reported in hot spots. Has awards for courage. The biography of the little girl is not as eventful as the life of the older Margarita. Margarita Simonyan’s husband, with whom the girl now lives, is the father of her children. He also has children from his first wife.

Margarita Simonyan's husband - photo

Margarita Simonyan gave an interview only once, where her personal life was touched upon very little. Then Simonyan was in love and lived with a journalist. Margarita's first civil marriage lasted several years, but she was in no hurry to officially legitimize her relationship with common-law husband, preferring to live more freely. They had no children together. Margarita was absorbed in her career. Simonyan became not only a famous journalist who was a participant in the raid in Dagestan, but also a TV presenter.

No one understood how the couple separated. But everyone noticed how Simonyan began to appear in the company of actor Tigran Keosayan. Then the man was engaged in the restaurant business, in which Margarita helped him. He was married at the time. And when Margarita gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Maryana, there was talk that the father was a certain director who was 48 years old. A year later, the journalist becomes a mother for the second time. She had a son, Bagrat.

But it turned out that Tigran had not lived with his wife since 2013. He was already in love with Simonyan. It was in that year that Margarita's daughter was born. After the birth of the journalist’s second child, Tigran divorces his wife and begins to live with her. It turns out that Margarita Simonyan simply took her husband away from the family. However, Tigran is not going to leave his two children from his first marriage. Simonyan's husband believes that children should feel the love of both parents. Margarita, being at that time the editor of one of the TV channels, meets ex-wife Tigran at her son's birthday party. They have become friends and believe that this will be good for the well-being of the children. Margarita Simonyan and her husband live together to this day.

After the birth of children, Margarita became very busy. She had to break apart. I had to be a journalist and a reporter and a good mother and wife. There was no time to fulfill the dream. Tigran, having learned that his wife had long wanted to have the skills of a writer, decided to help her with this. Her husband taught her to write scripts. Margarita turned out to have a natural gift for this. And they began filming TV series based on Simonyan’s scripts. The very first series created a sensation and brought the first channel extremely high rating. What Konstantin Ernst himself decided to tell the couple first about.

Margarita always amazed those around her with her mental abilities. It was not surprising that she graduated from school with a gold medal. While I was studying to become a journalist, I wrote my first collection of poems. As a result, I ended up on a local TV channel. But this was not enough for her. For a long time Conducted reports from hot spots. And she was happy. Margarita Simonyan's life with her husband Tigran changed a lot in her attitude towards the world around her.

If earlier she thought that becoming a wife meant doing the same thing every day, now she knows that you can be successful, cheerful and quite lucky. Now Margarita and her husband are raising children, doing what they love and telling bedtime stories of their own composition.

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan was born on April 6, 1980 in Krasnodar. Graduated from school No. 36 with in-depth study foreign languages, in the tenth grade I went on an exchange trip to the USA, to New Hampshire. During this trip, the future journalist, in her own words, became imbued with “some skepticism about democracy and a persistent hostility to American values.”

When Simonyan was 18 years old, a collection of her youthful poems was published. A local TV channel became interested in him, and a film crew came to the girl’s home to film a story about her. During the interview, Simonyan mentioned that she wants to work as a journalist. Soon she was accepted for an internship, and already in 1999 Simonyan began working as a correspondent for the Krasnodar television and radio company. At the same time, she also filmed reports for federal channels (“My father bought me an Oka, ... and my cameraman and I drove it around the region for a couple of years: filming stories and sending them to Moscow”).

At the age of 19, Simonyan graduated from the Vladimir Pozner School of Television Excellence in Moscow, and later became a graduate of the Kubansky Faculty of Journalism state university. Along with her studies, Simonyan continued to work as a correspondent. In January 2000, for a series of military reports from Chechnya, she received the prize of the Union of Journalists of the Kuban "For Professional Courage", and in May of the same year she was awarded the prize of the II All-Russian competition of regional television and radio companies for a report on the holidays of Chechen children in Anapa.

In the same year, Simonyan was appointed leading editor of information programs at the Krasnodar TV and Radio Broadcasting Company. In February 2001, the journalist became VGTRK’s own correspondent in Rostov-on-Don, and in the fall of 2002 she was invited to Moscow. Subsequently, as a special correspondent for Vesti as part of the presidential pool, she accompanied Vladimir Putin on his Russian and foreign trips. As a Vesti correspondent, Simonyan also covered the events in Beslan, where in September 2004 Chechen terrorists took more than 1,300 hostages in a school building.

In April 2005, Simonyan headed the new TV channel Russia Today (RT), founded by the RIA Novosti agency. The channel broadcast information in English and was intended to create a “positive image of Russia.” The media called the initiators of the creation of the channel - former Press Minister Mikhail Lesin and presidential press secretary Alexei Gromov - the curators of the project. The 25-year-old journalist explained her appointment by the management’s desire to see young people at the head of the project, “who have not seen or do not remember Soviet television, Soviet foreign broadcasting.”

In December 2007, Simonyan also became editor-in-chief of the Rusiya Al-Yaum TV channel, the Arabic-language version of RT, and in December 2009, Russia Today began broadcasting on Spanish. By 2010, according to Simonyan, the Russia Today channel, despite meager funding, managed to surpass in popularity many Western television channels, including France 24, Deutsche Welle, Euronews, Al Jazeera English. The reason for this success was called by the editor-in-chief of Russia Today “an alternative view of the world” and the channel’s attention to topics that are not sufficiently covered. Western media. Without commenting on the work of her colleagues and the topic of censorship on state channels, Simonyan noted: “There are different truths - oddly enough, there are a lot of them in journalism. What you see depends on where you stand.”

In December 2009, Simonyan was included in the list of 500 people in the presidential personnel reserve.

Since 2009, Simonyan regularly published “culinary columns” in the magazine “Russian Pioneer”. In 2010, she released the novel “To Moscow!”, for which in January 2011 she was awarded the title of laureate of the annual prize for best book journalist. Simonyan herself defined the genre of the book as “a provincial novel.

Best of the day

In the spring of 2011, Simonyan began hosting the information and analytical program “What’s Going On?” on Ren-TV (according to the journalist, her author’s program is “like a blog, only visualized”). In June of the same year, Simonyan, as editor-in-chief of the Russia Today television channel, became a member of the board of directors of Channel One.

In January 2012, Simonyan joined the Moscow branch of the “people’s” election headquarters of Russian presidential candidate Prime Minister Putin. In the same month, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, citing “trusted sources,” announced on her Twitter about Simonyan’s imminent appointment general director television company NTV instead of Vladimir Kulistikov. Kulistikov and Simonyan denied this information.

Simonyan was awarded the medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” by the Russian Ministry of Defense (March 2005) and the Russian Order of Friendship - “for her great contribution to the development domestic television and many years of fruitful work" (July 2007), as well as the Order of Friendship South Ossetia- “for objective coverage of events during the period of Georgia’s armed aggression against South Ossetia in August 2008” (December 2008) and the Armenian award - the “Movses Khorenatsi” medal, which the journalist received in 2010 from the country’s President Serzh Sargsyan “for significant contribution to development of the field of journalism and high professionalism."

In 2009, Simonyan joined the Public Chamber, where, according to media reports, she was tasked with dealing with “issues of tolerance, interethnic relations and the Caucasus" (in 2011, she no longer appeared in the list of the updated composition of the Chamber). In 2011, she became a member of the Public Council at the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. In addition, Simonyan was mentioned in the press as vice-president National Association Television and Radio Broadcasters (NAT), member of the Academy of Russian Television and the public Olympic Council.

Recognizing that official marriage is not for her, Simonyan, in an interview in 2012, reported that for six years she had been married civil marriage with journalist and producer Andrey Blagodyrenko. Simonyan called cooking her hobby and jokingly noted that “I was born a cook and accidentally became a journalist.”

The “Iron Lady” of journalism, writer, one of the most influential women in Russia, a happy mother and wife, Margarita Simonovna Simonyan achieved brilliant success thanks to her sharp mind and character, uniquely combining masculine firmness and feminine insight.


Margarita was born on April 6, 1980 in Krasnodar. The family lived in a small house, which they shared with several neighbors. Despite the fact that Simon and Zinaida Simonyan, both purebred Armenians, had higher education, V time of troubles camber Soviet Union they could not find application for their knowledge. Simon was doing renovations household appliances, and Zinaida was an entrepreneur.

The family did not live well, but the parents tried to give better education daughters - Margarita and her younger sister Alice, raising them in the best traditions of both the Russian and Armenian peoples. From the very early age Margarita was drawn to knowledge and even before entering school she already knew how to read and write. At a school with advanced knowledge English language the girl was one of the most best students, in the 9th grade she got a chance to improve her English language skills in the USA, getting into school curriculum by exchange.

She lived in New Hampshire for several years, and when her studies came to an end, Margarita made the first serious decision in her life that predetermined her fate. The girl refused to continue her education at an American university and returned to Russia.

Margarita Simonyan at the Pioneer Readings

Admission to Kuban University was easy for her - she was a gold medalist. Having become a student at the Faculty of Journalism, the girl devoted all her time to study and her favorite hobby - literature. Having received her education in Kuban, she studied in capital school television skills, after which she returned to her native land.

"Iron Lady" of Russian journalism

In the early 2000s, Margarita got a job on a Krasnodar news TV channel. At first the girl was an intern, but then she became a war correspondent. Risking her life, she covered the events in Chechnya and won the “For Professional Courage” award. After a short work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of Rostov-on-Don, Margarita became a correspondent for the Vesti program.

In 2004, Margarita reported live from Beslan, telling the whole country the truth about the seizure of the school by terrorists.

Margarita Simonyan in Beslan

In 2005, Russia Today was created, an international information channel whose purpose was to highlight Russia's position in relation to the policies of other states. The creation of RT was dictated by the times and the need to openly and truthfully state the political decisions made and Russia's views on problems that other international media preferred to keep silent.

The creation of the channel was led by Mikhail Lesin, who previously served as Minister of Press, as well as Alexey Gromov, who at that time was the president’s press secretary. Margarita's appointment to the post of editor of the channel was received ambiguously due to her rather young. It was due primarily to her exceptional knowledge of the English language, as well as the enormous potential and talent that she was able to demonstrate in a short time.

Having headed RT, Margarita first oversaw the English-language version of the channel, but later became editor-in-chief of the Spanish and Arabic versions. Under the leadership of Simonyan, the young RT already in 2008 surpassed the venerable Deutshe Welle, France 24 and Euronews in popularity. Margarita herself called the reason for this success a “fresh” look at world politics and patriotism, which he considers the main advantage of a Russian.

In 2010, Margarita entered the personnel reserve of President Vladimir Putin. At the end of 2012, Dmitry Kiselyov, director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, appointed Margarita Simonovna editor-in-chief of the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya. Simonyan managed to successfully combine the leadership of the RT and Rossiya Segodnya television channels.

Since 2014, a woman has also headed the Sputnik news agency, as well as RT, aimed at foreign audiences. Sputnik websites, services and radio stations are available in all languages ​​of the world. Russian word should be heard in all corners globe, says Simonyan, the main female face of Russian journalism.

Other achievements

In 2012, Simonyan was the author and host of the popular analytical program “What’s Happening”, and was Tina Kandelaki’s co-host in the show program “Iron Ladies”.

Margarita's childhood dream - literary activity. From a young age she wrote stories, and at the age of 18 she published her poetic works. The novel “To Moscow,” which tells about simple and understandable truths for every person, such as love, dreams, overcoming difficulties, published in 2010, became popular in Russia and other countries.

It was based on Margarita’s script that some popular TV series were filmed, such as “Actress” and “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay”, starring Sergei Gazarov, Larisa Guzeeva, Svetlana Ivanova, Alena Khmelnitskaya, and Sergei Nikonenko.

Personal life of Margarita Simonyan

Since the beginning of her career in journalism, Margarita had to work a lot and arrange time woman's destiny she didn't have any left. However, it is known that before her official marriage with director and showman Tigran Keosayan, she had open relationship with colleague Andrey Blagodyrenko.

In 2012, Tigran, who was married to actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, himself expressed a desire to meet Margarita and sent her a message to social network Facebook. The relationship quickly grew into friendship, and then into something more. Soon the director moved with new lover to her house near Volokolamsk.

In 2013, the couple had a daughter, Maryana, and a year later, a son, Bagrat. The journalist’s children, like hers, have a minute-by-minute schedule: sports, languages, dancing, creative clubs. By the age of five, Maryana could speak five languages.

In October 2019, the couple became parents for the third time. On the 19th, a girl was born, 57 cm tall and weighing 3050 g, who received unusual name Maro. Margarita is friends with Tigran’s ex-wife; according to her, they have nothing to share. Moreover, Alena Khmelnitskaya is happy with entrepreneur Alexander Sinyushin, with whom she married in 2018.

Margarita Simonyan now

The star of Russian journalism supports President Vladimir Putin; in 2018, she was one of his proxies in the presidential elections.

Actively defending Russian policy in the international arena, Simonyan advocates freedom of speech and the reliability of information. Margarita Simonovna is making every effort to maintain a positive image of Russia; thanks to her efforts, the whole world learned the truth from the father of a Syrian boy, who was put forward as the main evidence of Russian aggression. Margarita is a frequent guest of political shows and popular analytical programs; even ardent oppositionists listen to her opinion.

However, it also has failures, as in the case of the interview with Petrov and Bashirov, suspects in the Skripal poisoning. After the conversation on RT, their real names were determined - Alexander Mishkin and Anatoly Chepiga. In the media sphere, this interview with Simonyan was called “a complete disaster.”

Interesting moments from Margarita Simonyan's interview with suspects in the Skripal case

Combining journalistic and socio-political activities, Margarita manages to find time for creativity. She is a co-author of the script for her husband's film " Crimean Bridge: Made with Love,” which was released in the fall of 2018, but grossed just over a million dollars and received devastating reviews from film critics.