What does it mean in a dream your name is called. Dream Interpretation - Male striptease

Something bad may happen to the one whose name is mentioned.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - The waking death of living parents in a dream

It may turn out to be the acquisition of long-awaited freedom and independence.

It is also beneficial for the parents themselves (with the rare exception of direct non-symbolic scanning dreams).

True, unfulfilled plans and unrealized missed opportunities can also “die.”

The death of a familiar person in a dream may turn out to be separation from him, his departure, or his success (in reality).

It’s even sadder when a feeling like love dies, but the dreamer can always expect new love, new acquaintances and prospects.

In very, very rare exceptional cases the death of other familiar people in a dream turns into their death in reality.

However, it is most favorable to die or perish in a dream yourself, because this absolute happiness complete death any mental movements, manifestations; it is complete fateful success, inner non-action and bliss.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of calling by name in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! My dream was like this: I was swimming in the pool, which is not usually typical for me, because I quit swimming a little less than a year ago. While I was swimming, I noticed some familiar people, well, classmates, ex-girlfriends(those with whom I went to the pool, and then I quit swimming, and after that I didn’t communicate with them). They were at training, and I, swimming with them in the same lane, didn’t understand why I wasn’t swimming in a free lane, as those who don’t train usually swim. Then their training ended and they left. I had 15 minutes left of my paid time, so I was still swimming. Then another group arrived, I started to get out of the water, when I came out I was standing next to familiar trainers. I’m standing, standing, and then suddenly I jump, I somehow jumped so that I ended up almost at the bottom and at the same time it didn’t hurt my ears (as usually happens if you dive deeper), there’s nothing like that. Well, I’m submerged and floating almost along the bottom face up and I see how several guys saw me and are swimming after me (and somehow I’m already breathing under water, I don’t understand how), they smile, I recognize one of them as a boy, he is the boyfriend of a girl from a parallel class, then they float to the surface to get air, and I continue to swim and then, about 10 meters from them, I also float up and get out of the water. Then two unfamiliar boys come up to me, they are about 13-15 years old, I’m not good at determining age, and they start talking to me about swimming, showing some kind of table, and at that moment I understand that we are no longer in the pool, but walking around street. And this boy shows me this table and asks: “Are you serious?” I don’t understand what he is doing, and seeing that he admires me, I answer: “Yes, seriously!” Then for some reason the second one calls my name and looks at me. I answer: “What?” And then he answers: “Well, I know you!” In bewilderment, I scroll through everyone I know, but I find this guy among them. Then we move on, talking about something, and then they stop and point to the table again, I start looking at it and realize that I touched the cheek of the guy who was holding the tablet with his cheek, and continued to stand there, not expecting this from myself, and most importantly, this stranger did not move away either, then I woke up from the alarm clock.

    Hello! When I was not yet pregnant and had just begun my relationship with my current husband, I dreamed that I gave birth to a son from him and in a dream I called him by name. And now that I want to name my pregnant woman by the name I dreamed of, tell me this is some kind of sign or I shouldn’t do this and call my son a different name.

    I had a dream. I was at the dacha and some girl came. She started yelling at me. She took some kind of stick and started beating me. But she didn't hit me. Then she also began her actions. I was all in tears and started shouting the guy’s name Nikita (I don’t know anyone by the name Nikita) And then Nikita came running and started hugging me tightly so that I would calm down. What does it mean?

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in some very beautiful place, very spacious, boundless green fields, a very clear sky, a sunny day, and three large attractions, and my friend and I decided to ride one of them, which looked like a boat, we approached it, wanted to sit on one side, but the instructor for a long time did not allow us, insisted on the other side, and eventually we agreed and sat down, and then it started to rain, we turned to reverse side, and I saw a celebrity that I like and admire and respect, and I was so happy. And so my friend and I decided to change seats to the side we had originally planned, and there was a free seat next to this celebrity, and I sat down, and then the ride started moving, and I suddenly grabbed the holder, and this famous person was behind me, I turned around to look at him, and he was also looking back, we seemed to be swaying all the time in one direction and up, and he was looking in the opposite direction, so I called his name, he turned around and was pleasantly surprised, then we we talked, I spoke either in my language or in his, because he is a foreigner, and all this time the attraction seemed to be just taking off, and all this time I was terribly happy and glad. Then the next picture is as if we are in the same attraction, similar to a boat, but only it is already in the form of a transport that rolls along a rope high in the sky (I don’t know what it’s called, I think it happens in ski resorts, only in the form cabins, but for us it was something like a boat) So we rode on it and admired the beautiful scenery and sunny weather (by the way, at that moment it was no longer raining) and while we were driving we saw a lot of wires and also vehicles traveling on them . And then suddenly this celebrity and I saw a crowd of some people, I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion it was something similar to the military, and we began to run away from them, even though they were far away, we still ran away and ran away (by the way, already on the ground) and eventually ran away, at the moment when I realized that we ran away, broke away from them, I woke up and started replaying this dream several times to remember, because I was in a dream all this time I was incredibly happy with this man. And all these beautiful landscapes were similar to my homeland, only there were almost no houses, only plains and fields, well, practically. In general, it was thanks to the fact that I learned about this man, that there is such a singer-actor, that I decided to make my dream come true at the first opportunity, so what do you think such a dream means? And can it be connected with my dream and with this person?

    I dreamed that in my direction with different sides three ran brown bears. I had to fight with one of them. I called for help by the name of my beloved man. In the end, everything ended well. I was saved.

    Hello, I dreamed about school, the last bell, graduation, but in reality I didn’t go. In a dream, I called my loved one by name, but I never saw him. I also had a dream that I was supposed to fly on a plane to Moscow, but I was late for the flight and didn’t fly, I dreamed about my deceased grandfather and he didn’t let me fly. And in reality I found out this morning that in some
    a plane crashed in the city. Please explain these dreams.

    The man we were dating came to pick me up in his car. After some time, I find myself at some kind of fork, where there are several cars, foreign cars, beautiful ones, and then I understand that my boyfriend is NOT there. I'm completely alone among other people's cars and people. I frantically start looking for my man, but he is nowhere to be found. I loudly call his name, look into the cars, but he is nowhere to be found, there are other people’s cars and other people’s men around. Fear and panic overwhelm me and I start to run away. Running away from it dangerous place I’m starting to calm down, but I still haven’t seen my boyfriend.

    Hello, today I had the following dream...
    “There was a man nearby, in the dream he was either a boyfriend or a husband. It seems that he forced me to work a lot and I fell ill from overwork. She was left alone, and an enemy tried to enter the house, some entity in the guise of a cat. I managed to protect the boundaries of the room from it with some strange words of spells that easily popped up in my head, but the entity turned out to be too strong, and eventually entered the room and attacked me, but in the form of a human, and tried to kill me. I saw through the window how “my” man was going up the steps. I tried to scream, call his name for help (Alexander, that was his name in the dream). And this name surprised me. But he didn’t have time to help. And suddenly I grabbed my attacker’s throat with my nails and killed him. But the entity turned into a cat again. Alexander laughed at my attempts to defend himself and easily expelled her himself. I only got scared when I saw that my hands were covered in blood.” I had such a strange dream, and I just can’t figure out what it means, maybe you can help me?

    Hello, I dreamed that I was walking down the street and saw a man I knew (I care about him) - he was riding a bicycle, and I needed to tell him something important... I called him by name, he stopped and I wanted to go with him talk, but he himself began to tell me something for a very long time about his life and problems, but still the conversation took place... then I drank wine in the company of friends and sang songs with a guitar... such a strange dream

    Hello, I would like to know the interpretation of the dream. I sleep in bed next to a man. I don't see his face. I dream about something and I start calling by name. The man kisses me and says, “Calm down, my dear. Everything is fine, I’m here with you.” I wake up to reality. A man with that name really exists and he is mine ex-boyfriend, with whom I am very worried about parting.

    I dreamed of a global catastrophe and my children and I took refuge in the subway and there I wandered through the stations and called for my ex-wife and she responded, I found her, left the children with her and went looking for food to survive

    I am 14 years old and I dreamed that I married a guy named Roman. He asked me, “Name him good qualities" I called him brave, smart, handsome. After which he kissed me and I was opposite, but at the same time, in real world I don't know him.

    I dreamed of a loved one with his son, we went out into the countryside to barbecue. Then he left abruptly and I went to call him by name several times. My son stayed with me and said that he had gone to Kyiv for work.

Why do you dream about calling

Miller's Dream Book

Calling in a dream means a risky business, which you better refrain from so as not to lose what you have. Calling loved ones - perhaps someone in your family will get sick soon. Calling your lover means changes in relationships. Perhaps you will meet a new partner.

Why do you dream about calling

Freud's Dream Book

Call from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud interprets a dream in which you call someone as a tendency to adventure and dissatisfaction with sexual relationships. You are looking for new connections or a person who will support you in life.

Why do you dream about calling

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream: If you dream that you are calling your children, this means difficulties in business that will lead to problems more complex than the real ones. Calling guests who don’t come in a dream means a quarrel, separation, parting with a person dear to you because of your complex nature.

Why do you dream about calling

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Call? Tsvetkov’s dream book says that if in a dream you understand who you are calling, you clearly recognize the identity of the person you are looking for - such a dream can be considered prophetic. That is, in real life you are missing exactly the person you call in your dream. Perhaps, in this way, your subconscious is trying to tell you who exactly can help with the problem that is in reality in at the moment is the most acute for you. Listen carefully to your dream, and it will help you get rid of the problem.

Why do you dream about calling

Modern dream book

Calling in a dream means problems, troubles, waste.

Why do you dream about calling

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Call in a dream. If a familiar voice calls you in a dream, you should take this literally - this is the person who wants to see you and say something. Hearing a stranger calling you in your dream is a warning of danger. Something bad may happen to the one whose name is mentioned; the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of the one whose voice you hear. Calling a deceased person in a dream is a symbol of approaching trouble or illness. For people in love, calling each other is a call to be more attentive to each other, a warning about possible separation.

Why do you dream about calling

Home dream book

In a dream you called someone loudly - in reality this is an expression of your fears. In real life, you will commit a stupid act and become the subject of persecution or ridicule. To accurately interpret the dream Call, you need to remember who you killed in your dream. If it was a person unfamiliar to you, then such a dream speaks of a risky undertaking in reality. Calling a person you know means help from your good friends and acquaintances. Calling a friend or relative in a dream means their illness. But a dream in which you call a dead person speaks of support higher powers.

Why do you dream about calling

Women's dream book

If you call friends or acquaintances in a dream, you will soon need powerful support and help, possibly financial. If they call you, you will have to be helped: someone is in dire need of your advice, kind words, and support. Why dream of calling - If your relatives do not have such a need, this could be an old acquaintance or a person with whom you see extremely rarely.

Why do you dream about calling

Dream book of symbols

If you call - to the support of a stranger. The one you least count on will help you. Be careful - such a dream can also be a warning. If you call someone for help in a dream, you may be in for a big trouble, to overcome which you will need the support of high-ranking acquaintances.

Why do you dream about calling

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

A man is calling you from the street. - Foretells misfortune.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    If in dream You are called out repeatedly By name- this means that you communicate with friendly people on whom you can completely rely. If in dream other people confuse yours Name- in reality, you will be tormented by great doubts. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings and not know how to get rid of them. If in dream You name is differently than in life - you will not be able to protect yourself from troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Hear yours Name, pronounced in dream in unfamiliar voices - means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but complete strangers will provide you with the necessary material support. If in dream you calling By name your mother is a sign that, having chosen the wrong path, you have alienated from yourself exactly those people on whom the success of the whole business depended. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Psychological dream book. Why do you dream about the Call? in dream: Call - You hear some strange voices name is you By name? There are plans in your affairs serious problems. Hearing the call of a friend or relative means a serious illness or other trouble for this person. Dream, in which you hear that you calling beloved, - warning: you risk losing your loved one. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If name is in dream By name, it means someone is thinking about you and hoping to get help from you. If such a call frightened you in dream, then you should be wary of some unforeseen situation in life. Also see Dream Interpretation “scream”. Call in dream a loved one means a strong desire to see him, to be with him. If in your dream you were invited to get married, dream means a quick profitable offer. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    Who had this: name is in dream?Now this has started to happen to me often. You sleep through dream you hear that someone is talking to you calling.Just By name.you open your eyes - no one is there, and the parents are all asleep. Mom says that you can’t respond. And I’ve already caught myself thinking that I’m responding when I name is.Now it has come to the point that name is almost every one.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "margoscha"

    If you dream dream, in which someone name is By name, events will soon occur that are directly related to the person whom name is.See yours Name written on a piece of paper - to litigation or service matters related to petitions, permits, etc. If you in dream you call yours Name, - to big changes, long journey. Call in dream someone else's Name- to illness named, or to divorce. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Women's dream book call. If you in dream calling friends or acquaintances - you will soon need powerful support and assistance, possibly financial. If name is you - help will have to be provided to you: someone is in dire need of your advice, kind words, support. Your Name: Dream theme: Yours dream for interpretation: * To protect against spam - enter the codeRead more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello! Had a dream today dream that I'm a young man calls By name patronymic, I’ve never been like that in my life called,only By name.And in my sleep I’m still thinking why it’s so unusual..Please explain). Reply. Sometimes I dream that I know people under such names, with whom I actually have no acquaintances. Or there is, but in dream with such names not them. On the contrary, it happens that acquaintances in dream name is not like in reality. What could this mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    me in dream called someone By name.I told him to come out. he came out all black like King Kong, I hugged him and told him not to be afraid that he was so scary. what does this mean? I didn’t really sleep, but I clearly heard a male voice unknown to me calling me By name The voice was calm, but at the same time it was somehow upset. Vosne I didn’t see anyone. It was completely dark. What does this mean? Who could it be me call?And I responded to this call.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-mira"

    What changes can it bring? dream about name. “Name” dream – for better or for worse? If in your dream you couldn't remember how you name is, which means your future is very vague and your present is unstable. Dream where you couldn't remember Name a certain person, indicates that a person who has long been forgotten by you is harboring a grudge against you. You called By name in dream?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "woman"

    Tonight I woke up 2 times because it seemed to me that someone was me called. Called in a whisper By name. Both times I woke up and for the first seconds I tried to understand it was in dream or in reality. But then I saw my husband sleeping next to me and realized that it was all a dream. Maybe someone knows what this means. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Name- Hear in dream like someone like you calling By name, - we need to remember the dead or light a candle in the church. Gypsy dream book. What does it mean if you dream Name : Name- Hear yourself pronounced in dream portends death or displeasure; Seeing illumination is a sign of poverty and lack. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "forum.mirsnov"

    Good afternoon Help me explain this dream. It's not even really dream... I just suddenly wake up from the fact that male voice calling me By name as if above the ear. After this, the call remains in my head for a long time and it is impossible to fall asleep. This happened twice in a week, the first time it seemed to me that it was my brother’s voice, and the second time the voice was completely unfamiliar to me. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-online"

    Call, interpretation in Tsvetkov’s dream book. If you heard in dream call By name and you called familiar voice, then the meaning of this sleep literally. You name in an unfamiliar voice - this dream-Warning: You are in danger. Call | Hasse's dream book. Something unusual and unpleasant will happen. Why do you dream about the Call - esoteric dream book. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "morfei"

    Call, call, name is (By Miller's dream book) - If in dream name is You By name Dream calling Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Hear in dream Name- To important information; dream- warning. Had a dream Name yours - to danger, illness, risk; to a meeting with influential people, a challenge; to publicity, fame. Great value has, in what voice your Name.If in dream someone several times called You By name, it means in reality you are communicating.. ¬ more. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Dream Interpretation Name Hear yours Name, pronounced in dream in unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be at risk, but complete strangers will provide you with the necessary financial support. If in dream you calling By name your mother is a sign that, having chosen the wrong path, you have alienated from yourself exactly those people on whom the success of the whole business depended. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    You dreamed Name why is this - it’s like you’re someone calling By name- you will find yourself in a society of tactful and friendly people; they will invite you to count on their help in case of need; soon you will take advantage of their offer. Psychoanalytic dream book. Meaning sleep Name: What does it mean in dream Name. 1. Our Name- the very first thing we realized. If in a dream called our Name, then our attention is drawn precisely to who we are. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "dreamseer"

    Dream name is By name, foretells you events that will be directly related to this person. If they call out By name you, then be prepared for the fact that in the very near future you will be forced to apply for See in dream Name. change - never get married (for a girl); hear your own, but not the Call - good news; written - litigation or service matters related to petitions, permits, etc.; out loud to myself call yours Name- big changes, long journey. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Name- Hear in dream yours Name means that someone is secretly dreaming about you. Nickname (nickname, nickname). - Call someone by nickname in dream- to prison. Autumn dream book. Why do you dream Name according to the dream book: Name- Hear in dream like someone like you calling By name, - we need to remember the dead or light a candle in the church, as it is said in the dream book about this sleep. Nickname - If you dream that you have been given some kind of nickname, you will be accused of an unseemly act. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    If in dream You hear some strange voices name is You By name, then serious problems are emerging in your affairs. Hearing the call of a friend or relative - foreshadows it serious illness or other unpleasant news from him. Dream, in which you hear that you calling Your lover is a warning that if you do not show more attention and care, you risk losing him. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    If in dream you calling By name your mother is a sign that, having chosen the wrong path, you have alienated from yourself exactly those people on whom the success of the whole business depended. Hear in dream someone's Name means that in reality you will have to face a person whom name is exactly like that, in a situation that is not entirely pleasant. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Call - Hear in dream yours Name, pronounced by unfamiliar voices, means troubles in matters that strangers will help you cope with. The voice of a friend or relative is a dream about the illness of this person. A lover who hears the voice of his “half” should think about whether they are attentive enough to each other. husband called By name.Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.guru"

    If in dream you are called out repeatedly By name, this means that you communicate with friendly people on whom you can completely rely. If in dream other people confuse yours Name, then in reality you will be tormented by great doubts. you will suffer from gloomy forebodings and not know how to get rid of them. If in dream you name is otherwise than in life, you will not be able to protect yourself from troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    Wondering why you dream call in dream someone, you should read the explanations of the dream book of the healer Evdokia. According to him, such dreams foreshadow risky situations that a person will find himself in in the near future. Moreover, if in dream had to call their relatives, then this means illness. In the event that a person name in dreams By name, then this portends serious troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    If you dream dream, in which you carefully write on a piece of paper or glass Name your betrothed - this means that subconsciously you begin to worry about changes in your relationship, although they are subtle. Dream, in which you hear someone name is By name- foretells you events that will be directly related to this person. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    And now I’m already at night, the wedding went vaguely, I don’t remember how, but I’m already in the room with the groom/husband By name Anton. I don’t know any Antonovs, except for my cousin’s husband, but I don’t feel any feelings for a specific person. What could it mean Name Anton in dream.I dreamed that my loved one told me “Lenok, everything is fine!” but actually me name is Marina. in dream he was somehow taken aback that named I was like that, and then I woke up. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Name, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Name in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I dreamed that I called with dream LAVUNIA, I told an unknown history teacher that I name is others name she said “diligently, hmm... where did you live before?” called"Then I woke up. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    All in all, call help mom in dream interpreted as disappointment about something and impending depression. In Tsvetkov’s dream book there is a call in dream By name or when the voice calling familiar, such a dream should be taken literally. If called an unfamiliar voice is a warning against impending troubles and dangers. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-online"

    Name according to Miller's dream book. Hear in dream like someone repeatedly calls yours Name, - such dream suggests that you can completely trust friendly people who walk through life next to you. People confused your Name- you will be tormented by great doubts, gloomy forebodings, not knowing how to finally get rid of them. If in dream you name is not like in life, this portends a situation when you will not be able to protect yourself from troubles.

Call, call, Loff's dream book

Quite often a person has to call someone in a dream, and among these dreams, only those require special consideration when this element of the dream is especially emphasized and is key. Most often this is a sign of a request, help, service, sometimes for forgiveness and return (an example of a dream is calling a loved one and seeing him leaving). This refers to dreams in which the one you are calling is present in the plot.

If in a dream you happen to call by name a person who is not nearby, then the motivating motive for your action is important, since even in the dream you know very well that they will not hear you. The reasons, and therefore the forecasts, remain the same, but the details of the dream indicate an increased distance and, most likely, the futility of your cry from the soul - they do not hear you.

You dream that someone is calling you - who was it? Did you recognize this voice, is this person alive at the moment, or is the deceased calling you? We will dwell on dreams in which the call of a dead person is seen later.

If someone calls you from behind, from behind, the dream indicates that it is not this person, but you yourself who will need his help. The voice was unfamiliar - you will be looking for support, so do not cut bridges, do not summarize contacts that, in your opinion, have exhausted their usefulness.

A living person calls you in a dream, standing in front (he is visible) - a sign that he will need help and moral support in reality. Perhaps this will be a request for forgiveness, which for various reasons he cannot express in real life. Help him do this.

If you don’t see someone who calls you by name and encourages you to go forward, this is danger.

A special and very common category of dreams is a dead person calling a living person to him. Interpretation similar dreams should be mentally divided into three large groups. But they all relate to those cases when the deceased, who is calling you to follow him, was during his lifetime a significant person for you, a close person, and was, of course, recognized in a dream.

The first reason for dreams of the call of the deceased is guilt, a conscious or subconscious awareness of its degree and depth.

The second is emotional, financial or intellectual dependence on the departed person.

The third is the psychological inability of the sleeper to accept the fact of this death. We consider all three reasons in isolation from the metaphysical aspects of the immortality of the soul.

From what has been said, it is clear that the more often a relative or a deceased person appears in a dream and calls you, the more restless the atmosphere of such a dream, the more burdened your conscience is in front of him and the higher the dependence.

Often the logical chain of this dependence is built from an analysis of the life period (in real life) during which the dead call to themselves. If in a dream a dead person calls at the moment when a problem is overtaking in reality, the dreamer is in obvious difficulty - it means that it is in this plane that there is a gap formed after the death of this person.

If dreams in which the dead man calls for him are accompanied by nightmares, take on the appearance of real horror, and the calling dead man takes on an ominous appearance - the dreamer is left with guilt, an “unpaid debt”, which he still does not consciously and objectively recognize, this feeling comes to him from the depths of the subconscious. This is the quiet voice of conscience, which can be heard only when the voice of reason falls asleep and consciousness is inactive.

Why do you dream about calling - esoteric dream book

If you dream that your name is being called, the person doing this will need help, this is a dream with a literal meaning (if the voice was familiar to you).

If a dead person calls with him in a dream, it means illness.

The deceased invites you to visit and promises that you will return - to the great danger of an accident.

A dead father calls his son - sleep demands separate interpretation. Maybe, we're talking about about the life of a sleeping person, which runs counter to the upbringing he received. This is a warning that all this will be followed by serious punishment.

Calling the deceased yourself in a dream means an inability to do anything after this person leaves your real life.

Calling your mother's name in a dream means you will experience a strong fright.

Why do people dream about calling people - a modern dream book

If you dream that a deceased person is calling you to him, this means that you feel guilty towards him or find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without the help that he could provide you during his lifetime. If you have such a dream often, you should atone for your guilt with alms.

If in a dream a dead man whom you barely knew in life calls for you, listen to how his voice sounded. If you feel anxious and frightening, there is real danger ahead. If he calls you calmly and kindly, you will need the help of strangers.

A dream in which a deceased person calls not you, but a person close to you, is a harbinger of a terrible danger for him.

Calling a dog means being forced to turn to friends for help.

If you yourself had a chance to call a dead person in a dream, you will create problems for yourself.