Armenian lavash at home. Homemade Georgian lavash

Today I have for you, Armenian lavash and its detailed recipe cooking at home. For a very long time I wanted to cook it, but it seemed to me that it was incredibly difficult, so I never got around to it. But in reality everything turned out to be much simpler. From this quantity of products 14 round cakes are obtained.

Unleavened flatbread made from wheat flour is an excellent alternative to the usual bread. Such flatbreads are popular not only in the Caucasus, as we also love them for their versatility. After all, lavash can be used not only as bread, but also to make wonderful quick snacks and rolls. And if you start listing how many have been invented simple recipes from it, you won’t remember everything at once. Particularly popular holiday dishes with it, so perhaps for someone, this recipe will become a real lifesaver.

Therefore, I want to show you a recipe for thin Armenian lavash in a frying pan. Traditionally, it is baked in a special oven, but since this recipe is adapted for all housewives, I will cook these flatbreads in a frying pan. This recipe was sent by Elena, who often has such baked goods on her table.


  • Wheat flour – 350 g + 50 g for rolling
  • Hot water – 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp

Quantity: 14 pcs.

How to cook pita bread at home in a frying pan

To make it yeast-free homemade lavash, I immediately prepare all the necessary products. I put the water on the fire because we need it hot. And I sift the flour through a sieve. Then I add salt to the flour and mix.

Next, pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably refined, and mix with a spatula.

Lastly, I pour in hot water and, continuing to stir, knead the dough. The water should be very hot, but not boiling water.

In order for the dough to become elastic, it must be kneaded for about 10 minutes. Do not add additional flour during the kneading process, as the indicated amount is sufficient. When kneading the dough, you need to stretch and wrap it, then it will be saturated with air and, in the end, it will turn out right. After time, it will not stick to your hands, will become elastic and will be easy to work with.

After which I wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes. Its weight is about 540 grams.

Next, I divide the rested dough into equal pieces. I got 14 pieces, 40 grams each.

Then I roll each piece into a ball, press it down a little with my hand, put it on the board and cover it with a napkin.

And at this time, lightly sprinkle the work surface on which I will roll out the pita bread with flour. Then I begin to roll out the dough one piece at a time. Roll out very thinly, the thinner the better. To do this, you will have to make a little effort. For a more aesthetic appearance, you can cut the rolled out dough with a knife, making a beautiful circle out of it. To make this easier, you can use a plate of the desired diameter as a template. Since lavash is prepared quickly, it is better that you have several round pieces rolled out in advance. And so that they don’t get chapped, I sprinkle them completely a small amount flour, which I shake off before frying.

Meanwhile, I put the frying pan on the fire so that it warms up well. There is no need to pour oil into it, because we will bake it in a dry frying pan. When it is hot, I reduce the heat to medium and place the prepared dough piece on it. I bake it without adding oil, about 30 seconds on each side. But this is not the whole recipe for Armenian lavash. Now it is important that the resulting cakes do not become dry. To do this, I put it in a spray bottle drinking water and sprinkle it on each tortilla immediately after frying, on both sides, and then cover with a kitchen towel.

I put hot Armenian lavash in a pile on a board and cover it with a kitchen towel on top. As you can see, they turned out porous, thin and layered, which means that we did everything right. I can safely say that it tasted much better than I expected. Fried pita bread in a frying pan better than that what they sell in stores. After all, it happens that sometimes you buy it, but it crumbles or, on the contrary, is somehow rubbery, so making it yourself, in my opinion, is the ideal solution. It is perfect for forming various snacks, shawarma and much more. And some people eat it instead of bread, and for good reason, because it’s so tasty, and it doesn’t take long to prepare. It is best to store it in disposable plastic bags to prevent it from drying out. Try it too, I hope you like it. Bon appetit!

Delicious, tempting, melt-in-your-mouth shawarma, you just want to cook it at home. But not every follower of this snack knows how to make pita bread for shawarma. In fact, there is nothing complicated; all manipulations are carried out at home using available components. Today we will present you recipes for cheese, mustard, Armenian, tomato, yeast, yeast-free and other variations of lavash. Try it and enjoy!

Lavash for shawarma: “classic”

  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • flour - 720 gr.
  • granulated sugar, salt - 8 g each.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

We will first describe how the base (dough) is prepared, and below we will indicate exactly how to bake pita bread.

1. So, we combine warm filtered water with granulated sugar and salt, introduce the yeast.

2. Sift the flour into a container, pour in the previously prepared water mixture and oil, and stir at the same time.

3. When the mass is thick and homogeneous and does not stick to your hands, it must be covered with a cotton towel and left to “simmer” for a third of an hour. Then you can start baking.

Lavash for shawarma without yeast

  • flour - 720 gr.
  • water (can be replaced with whey) - 240 ml.
  • salt - 8 gr.

1. If water is used, it must be preheated to 35 degrees. Bring the whey to room temperature.

2. Mix the liquid with salt, add the flour sifted several times in small portions. Stir.

3. The final dough should not tear, because it will need to be stretched a lot before baking. Kneading is carried out until an elastic base is obtained.

4. It’s easy to prepare a flatbread without yeast, just like making pita bread for shawarma according to classic scheme. After kneading, let the workpiece stand at home for about half an hour.

Lavash with yeast

  • flour (sifted) - 480 gr.
  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • whey - 230 ml.

1. Combine the yeast with flour, add a pinch of salt. Warm up the whey in advance and pour it into the bulk ingredients.

2. Knead, then divide the entire volume into balls with a diameter of about 6 cm. Place separately from each other, cover with a towel and set for 45 minutes.

Cheese pita bread for shawarma

  • hard cheese (grate) - 90 gr.
  • flour - 240 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • water - 130 ml.
  • yeast - 9-10 gr.
  • salt - 7 gr.

1. First, combine the heated water according to the recipe with granulated sugar and yeast. Add salt, cheese shavings, sifted flour 2-3 times. Melt the butter and add it here.

2. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then divide into several equal parts. It is better to distribute it immediately into balls 5 cm in diameter.

3. Time it for 10-15 minutes. Then knead again, start rolling out the flatbreads and further baking (we will describe the technology below).

Armenian lavash with vodka

  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 950 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • water - 300-320 ml.
  • vodka - 25 ml.

This recipe is suitable for those who do not know how to make real Armenian lavash for shawarma. In professional bakeries and at home, it is traditionally baked from dough with vodka.

1. Mix oil and salt, pour this mixture into water. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring to the first bubbles.

2. Separately, sift the flour mixture several times, make a well in the mixture and break the egg into it. Pour in vodka, stir until smooth without lumps.

3. Now slowly pour the mixture from the saucepan into the flour base. Stir at the same time. When the mixture has partially cooled, knead with your hands.

4. Roll into a ball, wrap in film and time for 1.5 hours. During this period, the dough must be kneaded once.

5. When the set time comes to an end, divide the entire volume into balls the size of chicken egg. Roll out and get ready to bake.

Lavash with tomato juice

  • yeast - 8 gr.
  • flour - 450 gr.
  • tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • spices - to taste

1. If the juice is not salted, season it with salt and spices to your taste. Enter the yeast, wait for it to dissolve and add flour in small portions.

2. Knead the contents, leave in a warm place for half an hour. Then knead in flour and divide into several pieces the size of a tennis ball. Cover, time for another quarter of an hour and roll out.

Mustard pita bread for shawarma

  • mustard - 30 gr.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • salt, dried herbs - at your discretion

Since making pita bread for shawarma is quite easy, follow simple instructions at home.

1. Dissolve mustard, a pinch of salt and oil in water. Place the homogeneous mass on the fire and wait for it to boil. When bubbles first appear, pour the liquid into the bowl of flour.

2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wait for it to cool. After this, feel free to roll out the dough as thin as possible. As a result, you will get a flat cake that just needs to be baked.

Technology for baking pita bread for shawarma

1. Divide ready dough into portioned pieces. Roll out the dough into thin flat cakes. During this manipulation, do not forget to generously sprinkle the dough with flour. The thickness of the cake should be about 2 mm.

3. Be sure to spray the finished pita bread with water from a spray bottle or cover it with damp gauze. This way the cakes will remain soft. Once the pita bread has cooled, transfer it to a bag to prevent it from drying out.

After studying all the recipes and familiarizing yourself with baking technology, it is not difficult to understand how to make pita bread. This flatbread is ideal for shawarma and preparing other rolls at home.

“Let's eat bread” - this is what they say in Armenia when inviting you to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. The recipe for making Armenian lavash has its own characteristics.

Bread is truly a problem for many peoples, and Armenian lavash is no exception. The basis of the foundations, the beginning of the beginning - what is not cooked from lavash, today is no longer only in the Caucasus! With what pleasure, despite the many delicious dishes, we eat sandwiches with pita bread! How many snacks have been invented from it! Lavash cooking is varied, tasty, and loved in many cuisines. And there are so many recipes for lavash that it’s time to start collecting...

Armenian lavash is just a type of Armenian bread, the same as rural or matnakash. But in addition, it is a general name for all flour flatbreads baked in the ancient Caucasian country with an amazingly tasty and capricious culinary tradition.

Fortunately, you can prepare Armenian lavash at home, even if your kitchen is a thousand kilometers away from Armenia. And you can prepare it in the most authentic way possible - almost the way Armenian bakers prepare flatbreads. The difference is that we will have a regular oven, and not a special oven.

A little about baking Armenian lavash

Armenian lavash is shaped like an oblong pancake, up to 2 cm thick in the middle and up to 4 cm thick at the edges, almost a meter long and about 40 cm wide, it weighs about 450 grams. It has a bubbly surface and, as a result, an uneven color: it itself is pale, and the swellings are fried.

An interesting feature is that not yeast is used as leaven, but a piece of old dough, the so-called ttkhmore. The recipe for lavash is as follows: flour - 10 kg, water - 7-8 l, salt - 170-230 grams and old dough - 130-180 grams.

Lavash is baked in a tonir - a special oven (among Georgians, who also bake lavash, the oven is called “torne”). Before the flatbread gets baked, the dough is stretched and straightened on a seating pad, from which it is thrown into the oven. The process of “throwing” (literally) is very interesting: the baker hangs almost his entire body into the oven (which is deep, most often partially dug into the ground) and with a deft movement sticks the cake to the wall of the oven.

As can be seen from the traditional preparation of lavash, you need very high temperature for baking, so put it in the oven as high as possible. Well, we don’t have old dough, so we’ll just cook it with yeast (by the way, you can cook it without yeast at all).


  • flour - 1 kg
  • fresh yeast - 25 grams
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • water - 2.5-3.5 glasses


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    Dilute in warm water yeast.

    Sift flour into a large bowl, add salt and stir.

    Make a well in the flour and pour in the diluted yeast.

    Add water little by little and knead the dough.

    At first you can do this directly in the bowl, and then, if the bowl is not spacious enough, transfer the contents to the work surface and continue kneading.

    Knead for about 20 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands and should not be tough. Place it back in the bowl, sprinkle with flour, cover with cling film, and place in a warm place (it should double in size).

    Place on a floured surface.

    Divide the pita dough into small balls and roll out thinly. You can give them an oval or round shape.

    Bake on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to the highest possible temperature. You can bake pita bread over a fire in a cast-iron frying pan, turning it from one side to the other.

    Place the finished tortillas in a bag until they become soft.

Other types and recipes of Armenian lavash

You can bake from the same dough rural bread And matnakash . For both, you need to place a bun on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, flatten it into a flat cake, thick for bread and thin for matnakash. Lubricate with water.

MATNAKASH. For matnakash, apply grooves around the circumference and in the middle.

Bake the products at 220 until golden brown for about 50 minutes.

RURAL BREAD. For the bread, make a hole in the middle.

This is how golden it turns out.

If you haven't baked Armenian lavash at home, you can't even imagine how the kitchen can smell!

Lavash is an integral part of oriental dishes, which was quickly adopted and popularized by fast food. After all, it is prepared very simply and very easily, and the ingredients for its production are available to everyone.

It has become an indispensable part of shawarma, burritos, and also as an addition to salads and kebabs.

Lavash recipes

There are several options for preparing pita bread, depending on the purposes for which you need it. There are two types of lavash: thin Armenian and more fluffy Georgian.

Armenian lavash

Although this pita bread can be baked in the oven, it is best to cook it in a non-stick frying pan.

Three glasses of wheat flour, glass hot water, half a teaspoon of salt.


  1. Dissolve salt in water.
  2. Pour the flour into a heap on the table and, making a depression in the middle, gradually pour in water.
  3. Now it's time to knead the dough until smooth.
  4. Let it sit for half an hour under a damp towel.
  5. At this time, lightly grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and heat it over the fire.
  6. You should tear off pieces the size of a chicken egg from the dough and roll them into flat cakes.
  7. Fry the tortillas in a frying pan until spots and bubbles appear.
  8. Then turn and fry for another half hour.
  9. The finished cakes should be thrown onto a dry wooden board and sprinkled with water.
  10. Then they can be stacked like pancakes.

Lavash with kefir

More dense and fluffy pita breads.

A glass of kefir, two and a half glasses of flour, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of soda.


  1. Kefir should be poured into a bowl.
  2. Add salt, soda and oil there.
  3. Sift the flour, adding little by little, and then knead the dough.
  4. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and let stand for half an hour.
  5. Then knead and cut into small pieces.
  6. Roll the pieces into flat cakes no thicker than a millimeter.
  7. Heat a frying pan without oil over medium heat.
  8. Bake the pita bread on each side for fifteen seconds.

These pita breads are good for stuffing various fillings and subsequent baking in the oven.

Georgian lavash

This pita bread is more like a bread and is served as an addition to dishes.

Art. a spoonful of dry yeast, six hundred grams of flour, three hundred and fifty milliliters of water, a teaspoon of salt, three tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, teaspoon of sugar.


  1. Sugar and salt should be added to the yeast dissolved in water.
  2. Sift the flour and knead the dough.
  3. Cover it with a towel and put it in warm place for forty minutes.
  4. Wet your hands in oil and knead the dough for seven minutes, then put it back in a warm place for twenty minutes.
  5. The baking tray should be greased vegetable oil. Roll the dough in oil and form into a ball.
  6. Flatten it, giving the bun a lavash shape, and form sides.
  7. Let the dough rest for a couple of minutes.
  8. Wet the surface of the pita bread with water with your hands and place it in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees.
  9. Bake the pita bread for half an hour.

Lavash will be tasty, tender and fluffy.

  • Be sure to let the dough rest - it will turn out elastic and will roll out well.
  • To prevent the dough from puffing up and frying evenly, press it onto the pan with a wooden spatula.
  • You can use meat, vegetables, rice, herbs, fish, caviar and so on as a side dish.
  • Lavash rolls can be served in any form. You can also make it from pita bread layer cakes and cakes.

Video lessons

Fragrant and appetizing Armenian lavash is a bread with a very long shelf life. When dry, it does not deteriorate within a year. At the same time, at any time it is enough to simply moisten it with water and it will restore its original taste and elasticity.

Lavash is a national landmark of Armenia

In Armenia, when inviting someone to the table, they say “come eat bread.” Lavash has been an integral part of the Armenian feast for the third millennium. It is indispensable in many recipes national cuisine. Hot khorovats (shish kebab) meat removed from the fire is wrapped in pita bread so that the bread cakes absorb the meat juices and the aroma of the fire. Lavash is served with khash, covering the plate with it so that the broth does not cool down. Fresh herbs and cheese are wrapped in soft flatbreads. This dietary roll – durum – is the most popular breakfast and aperitif in Armenia.

Lavash is baked in special ovens dug in the ground and coated with clay - tonirs. The oldest woman in the family is trusted to knead the dough. Nearby, on a special low table, the daughter-in-law should roll out the flatbread. Then, to finally stretch the dough, toss it in your hands several times in a circular motion. Next raw pita bread passed to the mother-in-law, who is sitting at the tonir. She quickly stretches the dough onto a special pad. Then, bending into the thoroughly heated tonir, the woman sticks lavash to its walls. After just 30 seconds, the browned bread is pulled out using a long iron hook. Usually, several dozen pita breads are baked at once, stacked and stored in a dry room for several months. It is noteworthy that at each stage of preparation, Armenian lavash is marked with a cross.

Armenian bread flatbreads on our table

Today, lavash is known far beyond the borders of Armenia. It is often used to prepare which have become very popular in lately rolls, pizza rolls and shawarma, replace pancakes and thin dough. Chips are made from pita bread. These bread cakes are ideal for dietary and baby food, suitable for a Lenten menu.

That is why it is worth preparing Armenian lavash at home, on your own. This will require only three of the most simple ingredients. No yeast. The dough is kneaded very quickly and then baked in a frying pan in just 1 minute.


  • flour 160 g
  • boiling water 75 ml
  • salt 1 tsp.

Recipe for making Armenian lavash at home

  1. For lavash, it is best to use premium and first grade flour mixed in equal proportions. However, you can only use one type of flour. First, the starter is prepared. For it you need to mix 3 tbsp. l. flour and 2 tbsp. l. boiling water

  2. Stir and leave in a warm place until small bubbles appear.

  3. Then add the leaven to the sifted flour and salt.

  4. Knead the dough with your hands or a mixer, adding boiling water one spoon at a time.

  5. You should get a dense, elastic, elastic dough. You need to knead for 15–20 minutes so that the gluten of the flour is well activated. Leave the dough for 30 minutes to rest.

  6. Then place it on a floured table.

  7. Divide into 7-8 parts.

  8. Roll out each part into a thin round cake with a diameter of 20 cm. If you have the appropriate skills, you can stretch the dough to the desired thickness by tossing it on your hands.

  9. Shake off any remaining flour. Roll out all the cakes and only then proceed to the next step.

  10. Heat a dry, thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Place the tortilla on it and wait 30 seconds. The pita bread will begin to bubble and puff up.

  11. Then turn the tortilla over and brown the other side.

  12. Hot pita bread dries quickly in the air. To keep it soft, each cake should be generously sprinkled with water and covered with a damp towel.
  13. Cooled Armenian lavash can be packed in plastic bag and store at room temperature 3-4 days or in the refrigerator 3-4 weeks. To prevent the bread cakes from becoming moldy in the packaging, you need to make several holes for ventilation.