Self-defense techniques on the street. Jiu Jitsu submission techniques

Dear women! In this article you will find useful self-defense tips and techniques that any woman can easily perform. But there will be no point if you just read it and put it aside. You need to try all the techniques (you shouldn’t, of course, knock out own husband or father-in-law). Find it on yourself pain points and remember their location, and then with someone else, just practice the movements (like actors do when filming a fight scene) and remember them. To begin with, I would like to bring to your attention some statistics.

Richard Dimitri, a Canadian self-defense specialist, once conducted a study of the factors influencing the outcome of a street fight - as it turned out, successful self-defense depends 60% on whether the person was mentally prepared for what was happening, 25% - from the emotions experienced and only 15% - from physical strength and mastery of self-defense techniques. The conclusion is simple: forewarned means forearmed.

And one more interesting fact. According to police statistics, 95 rapes out of 100 are committed under a roof - in the entrance, in the elevator, in the victim’s apartment, etc. Attacks on the street are extremely rare - it is not at all convenient for a rapist to throw a victim into a puddle in the middle of the street in front of passers-by and under the windows of houses. Most often, street rapes occur in vacant lots, in dark corners of parks and other similar places, where police are afraid to enter. Again, the conclusion is simple: never, even during the day, choose such a dangerous route.

Perhaps the most common tactic of a rapist is to choose a victim on the street, walk him to her house, enter the entrance with her and attack her there. Two more private types of attack are practically variants of the first:

1) the rapist gets into the elevator with his victim (therefore women should not get into the elevator with strangers or strangers; if such a person enters the elevator on one of the intermediate floors, the woman should exit immediately);

2) the rapist accompanies the victim to the door of her apartment or waits for her on the landing in advance, and if the woman unlocks the door with her key (this most likely means that no one is home), the rapist waits for her to open the door, then pushes her into the apartment and comes in next. What can I careful!

1. Unless you are a professional athlete, you should resort to self-defense only when you can count on someone else for help.

2. If you are being chased, change your route several times to make the criminal lose his way. Avoid being chased all the way to your home, especially if you live alone or in a deserted place. In this case, it is better to call your family or friends and ask them to meet you, or take a taxi.

3. When returning home late at night, do not stand in front of front door When looking for keys, it is better to have them at hand.

4. If there is an intercom at your entrance, do not let strangers or people you barely know in, sharply close the door in their face. If a person is walking to someone at your entrance, it won’t be very difficult for him to dial the number. Excessive caution is a good idea these days, and normal man will understand this.

5. Always walk on crowded streets.

6. Never enter your apartment if you think it has been broken into and there may be someone inside.

7. When returning from work or school, take note of nearby places where you can get help, where you can hide: offices, shops that are open late, houses where people go to bed late.

8. Think about how you carry your car keys. Do you hold the keys in your dominant hand, with which you will protect yourself if something happens? Learn to open the car with your other hand (if you are right-handed - with your left, respectively, if you are left-handed - with your right).

9. When heading anywhere, don’t be too lazy to throw hairspray, deodorant into your purse, or, what will be even more effective, buy a can of pepper extract. A jet directed into the attacker's eyes causes shock.

If an attack occurred.

A few tricks that can affect a man’s psychology:

1. If you hope for someone’s help, you need to gain time by offering the “aggressor” to eat or drink something, or to go to a place more suitable for carrying out his plans. You can also tell him about feeling unwell, menstruation, pregnancy, a sexually transmitted disease or another contagious disease. We must try to evoke compassion or sympathy, remembering, however, that crying can cause a backlash. Pretend that you are complying with his demands, and when he relaxes, act mercilessly, sticking your fingers in his eyes or nose, hitting him with a knee in the groin, with your hand or elbow.

2. If the place is deserted and there is nowhere to run, and the enemy is strong or threatens with weapons, do not irritate him or insult him. Think about whether it is worth risking your life, because if there is no help to come from anywhere, and you yourself cannot cope with the rapist, your inept opposition may anger him.

3. Some rapists assume that the victim will at least somehow try to change the situation, for example, push away or beg for mercy. If you are in a place where people can appear at any moment, you can feign fainting, since by completely “fainting,” you deprive the scoundrel of the main thrill and, moreover, gain time.

4. If the attack was committed at the entrance or near the house, and you know the residents of the nearest apartments by name, shout, addressing them by name: “Vasya, Petya, help - we are burning! Fire! Seryozha, call the firefighters, call the police!” Unfortunately, in our time, when we hear shouts of “Help, they’re robbing us. They kill,” people most often prefer not to interfere.

5. Rapists can expect anything, but not a violent rebuff and aggression from the victim, so you can try to turn the situation upside down, making the maniac feel that he is now going to become your victim, and not vice versa. Maniacs, as a rule, are cowardly and complex men, so if you play your role well, most likely he will run away from you with his heels sparkling. Seasoned criminals and murderers should be distinguished from this kind of rapists - this technique will anger them even more.

6. Try to fake nausea. Having played on the rapist's disgust, act quickly and ruthlessly.

Self-defense techniques:

Having decided to engage in battle, you should attack the enemy in such a way that after that he no longer poses any threat. Otherwise, having enraged the attacker with his attempts to resist, he will most likely simply begin to beat his victim, and without any allowance for belonging to the “weaker sex.”

1. Kicks to the groin. Grabbing the scrotum. Such a blow - best way force a man to let you go, because... he will reflexively lower his arms to protect his reproductive organs. However, it should be taken into account that in case of failure, this method of defense can enrage the enemy, so, having freed oneself from being captured, one must run away - and quickly.

By hand. With your palm cupped, the side of your fist on the side thumb the same way as hitting with a knife from the bottom up if the enemy is facing you. If the enemy is behind you, holding you by the throat or hair, hit the attacker with all your might in an arc down and back with the edge of your palm or the base of your fist, and if there is a significant difference in height, with your elbow. Another option: pretend that you yourself are not averse to having fun with a maniac, and when the rapist exposes the genital organ, strongly squeeze the scrotum with your hand, pulling it towards yourself or forcefully twisting it towards yourself and to the side.

- With your foot. If the opponent is clearly taller and a swing is possible, strike with all your strength in the groin from the bottom up, while at the same time using your hands to pull him down by his clothes or shoulders. If you are about the same height, squat down, bending your knees, moving your pelvis back, and then straightening up sharply, strike. The blow must go necessarily from below.

2. A poke into the chest cavity with a pinch. Place the fingers of your dominant hand in a pinch (all fingers together, fingertips touching each other) and poke firmly into the chest cavity from top to bottom or bottom to top (depending on the height of the offender) at an angle of 45 degrees. This technique causes severe coughing, watery eyes, sometimes bleeding from the throat and fainting. The blow is used if the enemy's throat is open. Also, a sharp poke into any part of the face with a pinch can cause bleeding or painful shock.

3. Strike with the little finger and the edge of the palm upper lip or nose. This technique is easy to disguise. Place your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm, as if begging for mercy. This gesture should not alert the criminal. Now slowly move the fingers of your right hand to the base of the palm of your left. The thumb of the left hand covers the little finger of the right. With a quickdraw, strike the opponent's upper lip or nose with the little finger pressed against the other four fingers and the edge of the palm. The movement itself is as if you are brushing dirt from one palm to the other. A blow usually causes a painful shock.

4. A blow to the ears. Cup both palms and forcefully hit the opponent's ears. Causes a painful shock, sometimes rupture of the eardrum. If it doesn’t work, grab the enemy’s ears with both hands and use a screw-like movement - sideways, towards you, down - twist the criminal’s head until he is on the floor.

5. Hit to the leg. If you are wearing shoes or boots with heels, even very small ones, the following technique will do. Slightly raising the toe of the foot, forcefully deliver a trampling blow with the heel on the instep of the opponent’s foot (you can also hit the toes). It is unlikely that the rapist will be able to stand on this leg within the next half hour. If your shoes have a strong, not very elongated toe, they can strike the lower third of the opponent's shin.

6. Poking in the eyes. The thumbs of both hands are stuck into the rapist's eyes (you should try to stick them inside the eye socket right up to the membrane between the thumb and forefinger), and the remaining fingers cling to the corner of the opponent's lower jaw just below the ears and press towards the movement of the thumbs. The enemy is almost guaranteed to be out of commission for several minutes, or even hours (however, he may remain blind for life - but this is his problem, the law will definitely be on the woman’s side). If for some reason you cannot cope with the enemy, you can, without letting go of his face from your hands, hit him with all your might against the wall, if there is one behind his back.

7. Knocking down the choke hold. If the enemy is facing you and squeezes his throat to loosen his grip, blows to the eyes, nose, and throat of the criminal will help. Then, simultaneously use your shoulder and forearm (if the opponent is holding you with his left hand, then you need to knock him down with your left shoulder) lean on the attacker’s hand, knock down the grip from top to bottom.

8. Knocking the grip off the hand. If, while trying to escape, the criminal managed to grab your hand, take a step forward and hang on your hand, as if hanging on your hand, transfer your body weight to the front leg, and hit the pursuer with your other foot in the thigh. Deliver another blow, turning around, backhanding the face with a relaxed hand.

9. Women's kick. Let's practice first. Take an ordinary glove in your hand and, turning slightly sideways, sharply throw it forward. In this case, the elbow will go first, and then, from the bottom up, the hand. The throw will turn out to be with a draw, with a whip. The movement is reminiscent of hitting a “closed” racket in table tennis. The hand and forearm fly in a given direction absolutely relaxed. The blow can be delivered either with the back of the hand or with the fingertips, as well as with the edge of the palm.

Remember, while the enemy is still breathing, while he is moving, you cannot let your guard down! Even a knocked out enemy who is unable to rise from the ground cannot turn his back!

How to help your companion during a street robbery or fight

1. They threaten you with a weapon. There are two bandits. One held a knife to your companion's throat. The biggest surprise for a criminal is getting the weapon knocked out. Moreover, robbers do not expect serious resistance from a woman. The blow is applied sharply, with a relaxed hand, to the point under the wrist joint (where the pulse is felt). Next, apply the above techniques, and your companion also gets the opportunity to become the master of the situation.

2. A fight ensued. The bandits forgot about you. Once behind the enemy who is fighting with your companion, use the strap from your bag as a noose. Throw it around the enemy's neck and pull it down towards you using your body weight. At the same time, hold your hands not on the bag, but on the strap, because the weakest place is where the strap is attached to the bag. Another option. You are behind the enemy. Grab the strap and use the bag itself to strike. The stick principle is used here. Parallel to the floor (if the bag is heavy, even touching the floor), a whipping movement is made along a trajectory resembling a question mark. The bag entangles the opponent's supporting leg, you pull the strap towards you and the bandit falls. It is very important to grab the supporting leg and sharply pull it towards you.

In parting, I would like to sincerely wish, dear readers, that you will never need these tips. If you are vigilant and careful, you will most likely be able to safely avoid meeting the rapist. However, if this does happen, it is better to be prepared for it. Forewarned is forearmed!

Incredible facts

With many crimes happening somewhere in the world every minute, self-defense sometimes becomes a necessity.

Not all people know how to use a pepper spray or what to do if attacked.

These tips are not a substitute for taking professional self-defense courses, but they can help you get out of a sticky situation.

Application of self-defense

1. How to get rid of plastic handcuffs

Plastic handcuffs are one of the most common movement restraints used by kidnappers, as they are cheaper than metal handcuffs. With your body and determination, you can get out of them.

2. If attacked in an elevator, stop on all floors

Imagine having to return home late and finding yourself with... stranger in the elevator. Press all elevator buttons to reduce the risk of attack, as it will be more difficult for a person to do so when the door is constantly opening. However, use this method carefully and trust your intuition.

3. If someone tries to rob and attack you in the house, head to the kitchen

Naturally, the first thing you should do is call the emergency rescue service (112). Only you know where the knives, breakable plates and spices are that could become potential weapons. If all else fails, start screaming and throwing kitchen utensils to create noise and alert your neighbors.

4. If someone tries to attack you on the street, don't stand still.

Even if you are not an athlete or have no self-defense skills, you have the ability to fight back. Inexperienced people tend to be inactive, so remember to use all parts of the body, including knees, elbows and legs.

5. Download several security apps

Security applications, e.g. bSafe, Shake2Safety, GetHomeSafe, Family Locator may come in handy in unexpected cases. Such applications will help you create your own secure network with friends and family, tell you where you are, information about the movements of loved ones, or send a help signal to friends.

6. Remember the main pain points

Try to remain calm and pay attention to the attacker's position to determine the optimal places to fight back. You only have a few seconds and a few moves before the attacker takes control.

Don't get too close to hit him on the nose if you can reach and kick him on the knee.

Use your elbows, knees and head to strike.

Gas spray for self-defense

7. Learn how to properly use pepper spray

Do you have pepper spray in your purse but don't know how to use it?

· Firstly, you should keep the can on hand, for example, in your jacket pocket, so as not to waste time trying to find it.

· Shout “Stop” or another phrase to distract the attacker.

· Bend your knees slightly and keep it at least 15 cm in front of you, aiming at your opponent's face and eyes.

· Focus on the attacker at close range and only press the can when you are ready.

· Spray the can and immediately run away.

Self-defense for women

8. How to get out of a hand grip

If someone grabs your hand, turn your hand to the side where the thumb and index fingers the enemy - the most weak point capture.

9. Let your hair down

Attackers can easily grab you from behind by your ponytail or braid. If possible, it is better to let your hair down until you arrive at your destination.

10. Keep valuables in a pad wrapper

It is unlikely that the criminal will want to check there.

11. Scream loudly

The last thing an attacker wants is to attract unnecessary attention. Moreover, screaming will give you a burst of energy for effective self-defense.

Self-defense techniques

12. A blow to the solar plexus will incapacitate a criminal

If possible, hit the solar plexus - the most vulnerable place, which will cause pain and the inability to breathe in the enemy.

13. A stylish ring can become a weapon of self-defense

Sharp rings and other jewelry may come in handy in the event of an attack.

14. The Guillotine is a basic and easy-to-learn technique in Jiu-Jitsu and is effective from a standing and rear position.

15. Run

If you can run away and avoid the attacker, this is the best tactic.

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We see news about attacks on TV and on the Internet, but we almost always think that it is not about us. That this cannot happen to us. Unfortunately, no one is safe from bandit attacks.

website I am sure that it is better to be prepared for any twists of fate, and I have selected 13 for you useful tips. We hope you never have to use them.

1. Make a fist correctly

The debate about which is more effective - a fist or a palm - has been going on for a very long time. But more often, before striking, the hand involuntarily forms a fist. The main thing is to fold it so as not to injure your fingers. Do not stick your thumb out or leave it under the four fingers - this can lead to a fracture.

Don't neglect palm strikes: this strike is more unexpected.

2. How to get rid of ropes

The most important thing to do is to try to leave a loophole - air. If your hands are tied, hold them in a fist; if your torso is tied, take in air by expanding the diaphragm. The more free space will remain, the higher your chances of being freed.

3. Remember your vulnerabilities

A woman has much less physical strength than a man, so you need to work for surprise. The main thing is to strike as sharply and powerfully as possible. If you think or “take aim” for a long time, the enemy will understand what you are going to do and will get even more angry.

4. Use security apps

Take advantage modern methods. The Family Locator, bSafe and other applications will help you track the movements of friends and loved ones and, if necessary, signal for help.

5. Come up with a code word

As children, we come up with codes, new words and even languages. And this seemingly fun thing can save a life. If you have the opportunity to talk or write a message, an encrypted "SOS" will show the general situation. And if you go further in the puzzles, then your loved ones will find out that you were taken to the north or along the highway, near abandoned buildings, or even along a specific street.

6. Use available tools

Use any item that can help you. So, the bag can be used as a shield from a knife attack (just don’t press it close to the body), and the scarf can be thrown in the face to gain a couple of seconds. Umbrellas, bags and even some change in your pocket can help. Keys are one of the best means. Just don't waste time making brass knuckles out of them.

7. Spray can in the right place

There's no point in keeping a can of gas in your bag if you have a bottomless black hole in there. More often than not, an attack occurs unexpectedly, and you need to grab a means of defense as quickly as possible. Even the outer pocket is not entirely suitable for storing a spray can - after all, even there you need to spend time to unzip the zipper. Keep this remedy in your pocket so you can quickly apply it and run away.

8. If you grab your hand

You can break free from a hand grip by using the “rule of thumb”: that is, rotate your hand towards the attacker’s thumb. But remember that the jerk must be sharp. If the enemy understands your plan, he will squeeze your hand with all his might. In this case, use your legs: hit the groin, the knee and step on the foot with all your strength.

9. If you grab your hair

One of the most popular methods of attack is to grab the victim's hair. This technique is not only painful, but also gives almost complete control over your body. Therefore, first of all, grab the opponent's arm with both hands: this way you will again take control into your hands. Then use your legs again. As soon as you feel that the attacker's hand has loosened its grip, let go of yours and run.

10. If grabbed by the neck

The popular "circular lever" method of breaking out of a neck hold is not always productive in practice. You may easily not have enough energy or time. It is better to unexpectedly hit the groin or poke your fingers into the eyes - the pain will weaken the attacker’s grip.

11. In the elevator

Of course, everyone knows not to get into an elevator with strangers. And if someone who doesn’t inspire confidence comes in when you’re already there, it’s better to leave. Get into the habit of standing with your back to the part of the wall where the buttons are. It’s better to press the button for your “neighbor” than to let him stop the elevator and get stuck with him between floors.

A few more rules that will be useful to you

  • Stay alert. Due to music in your headphones, complete immersion in your phone screen, or simply the habit of looking at your feet and not around, you may not notice the intruder. Look around and look back from time to time: if the effect of surprise is missed, the attacker may change his mind about attacking.
  • Keep your distance. Try your best to avoid being pushed against the wall. Even if the enemy is moving towards you, move not back, but to the side, thereby changing your overall trajectory of movement.
  • Keep your palms in front of you. This is not only a defensive position (just make sure that your hands are at chin level and your elbows are bent), but also a “conciliatory” one. So you say: “Calm down. Calm down. Let’s resolve the matter peacefully,” but at the same time we are ready to fight back.
  • The main thing is to escape. Even if you have learned and practiced all the techniques, this does not mean that you have become Electra. There is no need to measure your physical strength with a man, your main task is to remain intact. Therefore, take into account three points: break out of the grip, confuse, run.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Self-defense tricks and techniques that everyone should know

Unfortunately, few people take seriously the cases of street attacks and murders that are talked about in newspapers, on the Internet and on TV - everyone believes that this will happen to anyone, but not to them. But we want to remind you of this danger and tell you about useful tricks self-defense that can be useful to everyone.

Getting out of the rope

The main secret of self-defense if they start tying you up is to leave space and air in the knot. For example, when tying your hands (or ankles), do not fold them towards each other, but discreetly spread them slightly apart. Or clench your fists so that you can open them later and get a small “window” that will allow you to loosen the knot and remove the rope. By the same principle, if your body is tied up, inhale more air to “inflate” your chest.

Forming a fist correctly

One can argue about whether it is better to hit an opponent with a palm or a fist, but the average person will most likely instinctively use his fist to defend himself. Therefore, you need to practice folding it correctly so as not to get injured from your own blow. Namely, do not place your thumb inside the fist, under the other 4 fingers, but also do not point it out to the side.

We hit vulnerable spots

This advice is especially useful for women, who on average have less physical strength compared to the opposite sex. Hit the offender's most vulnerable spot and use self-defense techniques to do it quickly. You may be afraid that such a blow will only anger your opponent, but in fact it will anger him even more if you hesitate and let him know exactly what you are going to do. Usually to the most vulnerable areas on the body during hand-to-hand combat include the eyes, throat, groin and part of the legs below the knee.

We escape from suffocation

Often the enemy tries to choke the victim by grabbing him by the throat. If the attacker has not yet managed to grab the back of your head with his other hand, try to grab the hand that is grasping you in front and pull it down as much as possible. Don't forget about kicks - kick your opponent in the groin or land on his foot with all your might. Try to turn around and be on the side of the enemy so that he does not control you from behind - this will make it more difficult for him to hold you.

You can also bite the offender hard (very hard) on the hand or sharply poke your fingers into his eyes.

We use everything we have at hand

Hand-to-hand combat exclusively with fists is an interesting thing, but not very effective in our harsh realities, where ordinary person does not have good self-defense techniques and cannot hit an attacker with knowledge of judo or karate. Therefore, it is better to be able to use available means and use in battle everything that will be able to help you. And the best thing is not to count on chance, but to carry the following items with you: an umbrella, keys that can be used to hit an enemy, a ball or package that can be thrown at an attacker to distract attention, or used for suffocation.

Don’t forget also about a bag, which will help protect you from a knife only if you keep it at a distance from you. Of course, it would be nice to purchase a specialized means of self-defense, such as a gas spray or a stun gun. The main thing is to keep all useful items within close reach, and not among a heap of other things in a bottomless bag, because they can attack you very unexpectedly, and sometimes seconds decide the matter.

Freeing your hair

What to do if the criminal used one of the most common, painful and effective techniques from the point of view of attack - he grabbed you by the hair? Don't make the mistake of frantically trying to feel the offender's hair, but rather grab his hands to regain control of the situation. Well, then again use self-defense techniques involving your legs.

Freeing up your hands

To immobilize the victim, the enemy often tries to grab his arm. In this case, remember such a self-defense technique as the “rule of thumb.” This means that if someone grabs your hand, you need to sharply turn it towards the opponent’s thumb, trying to loosen the grip. The main thing is to do it quickly, with a jerk, moving your hand up, so that the attacker does not have time to figure out what you are going to do, because then he will tighten his grip or use his second hand, and it will become even more difficult to get out.

But even in this situation, you can try to free yourself if you use your legs: hit the offender in the groin or shin, and then step on his foot with all your weight.

There are many little things to consider in order to be prepared for a surprise attack on the street, in an elevator, in a car or anywhere else. Let's list the most important:

  • Your first priority is to escape safely. No matter what self-defense techniques you learn, you are not a professional fighter, and in front of an experienced opponent you are unlikely to find yourself in an advantageous position, especially if he knows cold weapons and even more so firearms. Therefore, if possible, run away, putting away the sudden heroism and desire to feel like an action movie character.
  • And in broad daylight, and especially in the dark, do not give criminals the opportunity to overtake you by surprise. Don't listen to music very loudly and through both headphones, don't read on the go, and don't text on the phone. Don't forget to look under your feet and around, and sometimes don't be shy to turn around.

  • When riding in an elevator, stand with your back to the control panel and press the button for the desired floor yourself. Otherwise, an attacker can do it himself and stop the elevator between floors. Better yet, don’t get into an elevator with strangers, and don’t be shy to get out if someone suspicious gets in after you.

We also suggest watching the following video to learn the simplest self-defense techniques for girls:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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In this article we will talk about specific steps that must be taken to repel and suppress an attack, which hand-to-hand combat techniques are most effective in a fight, and we will also touch on the topic of using edged weapons for self-defense. Do not forget that hand-to-hand combat techniques, and any martial arts technique, must be strengthened practical training, only then will you have a chance to win. As an example, I will say that even after watching all the films with Arnold Schwarzenegger, you will not become as strong and muscular as him.

A small remark: when describing wrestling techniques, techniques of holds and releases from holds, the terms “same” and “opposite” hands will be used. Those who are not new to martial arts know what it is, for the rest I will explain. Facing the enemy, your right hand turns out to be opposite the opponent’s left hand, i.e. “opposite” hands. When shaking hands, you shake your right hands, i.e. “of the same name”, at this moment your hands seem to cross.

In general, it is useful to know the basics of wrestling and sambo. Read the books that are on our website, they describe fighting techniques in more detail and with illustrations.

So, often, a fight begins with a grab or hold, i.e. People grab you by your clothes or wrist, trying to hold you back or push you away. Your further actions depend on whether you want to immediately start a fight or use a spectacular technique to free yourself from the grip, showing the “scoundrel” that you are not fooled, and the continuation of aggression on his part may end badly for him. Immediately assess the situation, whether your opponent intends to get into a fight or whether he just has a way of communicating, grabbing people by the hands.

The simplest thing you can do is hit, especially since the enemy’s hands are occupied, holding your clothes or one of your hands. At this moment he is most vulnerable, you have time to think about where to hit and take good aim. Only a trained person can deliver a good strong blow at close range, so hit better with your foot in the groin or throat, these are the most vulnerable points and even with strong impact the case will not end in self-harm (so that there are no problems with the law in the future).

Act quickly, as soon as you strike the first blow, while the enemy is disoriented, carry out another series of blows, preferably also at vulnerable points. Under no circumstances should you “get bogged down” in a fight, that is, do not try to fight with the enemy. If your opponent is not alone, then his friend or friends will very likely come to his aid. You have about 10-30 seconds to incapacitate the bully.

If you are grabbed by the chest, you can break the grip with an overhead strike, delivering an additional blow to the kneecap or groin of the opponent. Also, such a grip can be broken with a blow from below, while grabbing the hooligan by the sleeves of his clothes in the area of ​​the shoulder joints (i.e., the biceps/triceps area). Thus, for some time, you deprive his hands of freedom of movement, and you can strike his head in the nasal cartilage.

Let’s say you are being held by your “opposite” hand. In this situation, it is worth striking the chin with the elbow of your free hand. In Sambo wrestling, it is recommended to make an “outward arm lever.”

All wrestling techniques are very effective, but to carry them out effectively in a street fight requires good level preparation. And, unfortunately, wrestling has a more sporting bent; the end result comes down to a painful hold, which is completely inappropriate “on the street.” However, elements of wrestling technique must be used, this will help unbalance the opponent, throw him onto the asphalt and free himself from chokeholds and other types of grip.

The basic tactics of high-speed hand-to-hand combat consists of the following rules:

1.Work in an explosive manner, at the highest possible speed

2. Do not engage in protracted fights or pursue any of the opponents unless the situation forces you to do so.

3. Act strong on the weak. This principle applies to both technique and tactics and strategy of the fight. Application of this principle means: - impact on relaxed vulnerable areas of the body; applying a painful grip to a relaxed part of the body; fighting, if possible, with only one enemy

4. Instantly move from one technique to another, and, if necessary, return to the action you started, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses. In this case, an effect occurs when several efforts that are not brought to a decisive conclusion still lead to victory, since they destroy the enemy’s defense, creating a reserve of time for you, which ultimately allows you to bring one of the attempts to a victorious end.

5. Use the enemy’s efforts, both offensive and defensive, and, taking into account unconditional reactions, build an attack, without, however, being tied to a pre-selected scheme.

6.Be ahead of the enemy in tactical and strategic thinking, instantly analyzing the information received (the opponent’s manner of movement, terrain factors, etc., etc.)

7.Create a psychological advantage both by ways of influencing the enemy and by methods of self-management of the psychophysical capabilities of your body.

8.Use vulnerable areas and points of the human body.

If you feel that you cannot cope, the enemy is stronger than you or there are several of them, immediately think about finding and using some kind of weapon for self-defense. Many men carry a knife with them, and this is exactly the moment when it is worth remembering about it. I think there is no need to tell you how to use a bottle or a brick. With a knife it’s a different story, you can kill with a knife, but the thought of this stops many. But your health is at stake, the desire to stay alive is main reason According to which you should never leave the enemy a chance, self-defense is always justified.

Regardless of what fighting methods you use (wrestling, striking, knife fighting), your goal is to knock your opponent to the ground. After you have completed the task, make sure that he will not rise soon.

Three basic principles for using a knife in a fight:

1) An experienced fighter never puts his hand with a knife forward.

2) An experienced fighter always pulls his hand with the knife back after a blow and does not allow him to grab it.

3) An experienced fighter will always hit you with his free hand.

IN various systems In hand-to-hand combat, there are methods of defense against the threat of a knife when the enemy puts his hand with the weapon forward. Your hand with the knife should be pulled back, hidden from the enemy, with your free hand you should “open” the enemy, bring him to the desired distance and only then strike quick kick with a knife.

The most important thing is, don’t show the knife, if you decide to hit, hit, don’t delay. It is important to remember that every fight has its own reason and every self-defense has its limits. If you are attacked by a robbery, take all measures to protect yourself; if it is just a drunken fight in a tavern for some unknown reason, it is better to refrain from extreme methods.

Constantly practice hand-to-hand combat techniques; in order for your body to react correctly to a threat, each technique must be “rehearsed” several hundred times. In a fight there is no time to think, we act at the level of reflexes, the situation develops quickly and hand-to-hand combat techniques should become our reflexes.

Good luck with your training, may the force be with you!