The most effective techniques in a street fight. This is useful for every woman to know - Self-defense techniques

Painful techniques on joints are the main technique in Modern Jiu-Jitsu to achieve victory over an opponent (in second and third place are choking techniques and striking techniques, respectively).

In Modern Jiu-Jitsu, any painful techniques on any joints are acceptable.

Painful holds are possible in any position of the opponents:

  • both opponents are standing;
  • one is lying;
  • the second one is standing;
  • both opponents are lying, i.e. are on the ground.

The most reliable submissions are in a position where both opponents are on the ground. It makes sense to do painful holds in a standing position only if one of them is significantly more experienced than the other. On a more experienced opponent, or even on an opponent of equal experience, such painful locks in most cases will not work.

Based on the location of impact, the following groups of painful techniques can be distinguished:

  1. Painful techniques on the hand
  2. Painful techniques on the elbow joints
  3. Painful techniques on the ankles
  4. Painful techniques on the knees

Painful techniques on the remaining joints, the shoulder and hip, have little practical value, because These joints are surrounded by powerful muscles and have good mobility. Both of these factors make it very difficult for pain to affect these joints.

According to the method of influence, all painful techniques can be divided into four large groups:

Painful techniques on fingers and hands to free yourself from grips - wrestling lessons

The practical value of such painful techniques is relatively small due to the good mobility, flexibility and sensitivity of the fingers. Basically, such techniques have an auxiliary role to distract the enemy’s attention when preparing the main technique, or serve as a counter-technique to separate the opponent’s hands when grabbing and grasping him.

However, it is possible to perform real painful techniques on the fingers on inexperienced or careless opponents. In most cases, all pain on the fingers comes down to either levers on their joints or squeezes thumb or little finger.

If there is pain on your fingers, try to grab only one or two fingers at a time, grab three or more usually ends in failure - the enemy is freed from such capture.

Painful techniques on the hand

Painful techniques on the hand are much more valuable than painful techniques on the fingers and represent a group of pressing and twisting. There are no levers on the hand.

Video: transition from a classic lock to a reverse arm knot

In most cases, before applying a hand lock, it makes sense to make a knot in the hand. The hand knot is valuable because the relatively weak muscles of one hand can be influenced by the more powerful muscles of both forearms, or even more powerful muscles of the core. In addition, it is quite difficult for the enemy to free himself from such a grip.

In the case of pressing the hand with a knot on the hand from a position astride, it is necessary to rest the opponent’s elbow against his own body, thereby limiting the freedom of movement in the opponent’s limb.

Knots on the hand can be used as auxiliary techniques when applying painful techniques to the elbows, as well as full-fledged painful techniques in combinations with painful effects on the elbows. For example: elbow lever with the body lying on the back, elbow lever with the body lying on the stomach, elbow lever with the body lying on the side with the legs grabbing the neck, twisting the elbow with a knot on the elbow/hand from a riding position.

Painful techniques on the elbow joints

Painful techniques on the elbow joints represent the largest group of painful techniques and are divided into the group of levers and twists. There are no elbow presses. Elbow locks can be done from so many positions and usually, once an opponent is caught in an elbow lock, it is almost impossible for him to free himself.

To make this painful hold from the side grip position by the neck, take it with your free hand the nearest hand enemy and bend it over our thigh. It is necessary to grab the opponent's hand so that the four fingers of your hand are on top, otherwise it will be easy for the opponent to free himself.

If the opponent’s arm, bending, reaches the ground, then you must either lift your leg from the floor, or additionally support your second leg.

If necessary, to enhance the impact, you can help yourself with your second leg, placing it on top of the opponent’s arm and helping her bend her arm over her thigh.

The elbow lever while lying on your back is the most classic version elbow lever. Usually done either from a top position or from a bottom position while grabbing the top one. To end the fight, you must, tightly pressing the opponent’s hand to your chest, bend over onto the bridge, resting your shoulders on the floor.

Attention! It will be a mistake if the opponent’s elbow does not rest against the lower abdomen, in which case either the painful hold itself will not be applied, or the opponent will release his elbow and escape the painful hold.

The elbow lever while lying on the stomach is very similar in essence to the previous technique, differing from it only in that both opponents lie on their stomachs, and not on their backs. Usually done either from a top position or from a bottom position while grabbing the top one. To end the fight, you must, tightly pressing the opponent’s hand to your chest, bend back.

Additionally, in this position, you can squeeze the hand by grabbing it with a knot or a grip close to it.

Attention! The opponent’s hand must be grabbed as deeply and tightly as possible, so that the opponent would not be able to pull out his elbow, kneeling down or even standing up.

The elbow lever lying on the side with the neck grabbed by the legs is similar to the classic elbow lever, differing from it only in the additional grip of the neck by the legs. This leg hold allows you to combine an elbow lock with choking the opponent, which significantly complicates the opponent’s position.

Additionally, in this position, you can squeeze the hand by grabbing it with a knot or a grip close to it.

Attention! It is necessary to grab the opponent’s neck and arm as deeply as possible so that the knees and not the shins hit the opponent’s neck, otherwise the opponent has a chance to break out of the grip.

The elbow lever while lying on the shoulder blades is usually a very unexpected technique for the opponent. It is done mainly from a position lying on your back with the upper one grasped. There are many options for approaching this technique; as a further continuation, it is possible for both opponents to fall either on their backs or on their stomachs with an exit into one of two classic levers on the elbow.

Attention! It is necessary to tightly and deeply grab the opponent's hand, not allowing him to pull his hand out of the grip. The grip must be such that a painful hold can be performed even while hanging on the opponent’s arm in case the attacker is lifted off the ground. To improve your grip, it is recommended to bend your leg at the knee and grab the opponent’s neck—the bottom’s left leg in the photo.

The reverse elbow lever while lying on the back is usually an auxiliary technique; it is attempted, for example, when the execution of the elbow lever while lying on the back is unsuccessful, or when the opponent’s hands are separated if he connected them together when trying to make a classic elbow lever.

Unlike the previous levers, in this case you do not need to lean back or bend, but, on the contrary, bend forward at the waist, and leaning the opponent’s hand on your shoulder, press his elbow towards you. At the same time, you need to bend your legs at the knees, thereby preventing the opponent from rolling away and pulling out his hand.

Twisting the elbow with a knot onto the elbow or hand from a mounted position is very similar to a regular knot on the hand and allows you to apply a painful effect to the elbow, twisting it outward with support on your thigh.

This technique is a combined painful effect, because In addition to the elbow joint, it can also cause pain in the shoulder and wrist joints.

Twisting the elbow with the arm bent behind the back while lying on the back is done by grabbing the elbow onto a reverse knot from the bottom position and grabbing the top one. Another, more common name for this technique is bending the arm behind the back.

This technique is a combined painful effect, because can cause pain in both the elbow and shoulder joints.

Sometimes, when trying to get out of a position from below by grabbing the upper elbow onto the lever with the body lying on the shoulder blades, it is not possible to throw the leg over the opponent’s head, and it remains on his shoulder. In this case, it makes sense to twist the elbow while grabbing the neck with the legs while lying on your back - a very unexpected and effective and painful technique.

Attention! Twisting of the elbow occurs not due to the strength of the arms, but due to the pressure of the thigh on the elbow due to the lower twisting of its body in the lower back. Looking at the photo, it may seem that the lower one is twisting the opponent’s elbow due to the strength of his hands, but in fact, his hands only hold the opponent’s hand, and the main painful effect occurs due to the impact right leg attacking to the left and up by twisting his body.

A biceps pinch is a painful technique not on the joint, but on the muscles near the elbow joint, on the biceps or on the muscles of the forearm.

To reliably carry out this technique, you need to lean back and pull your elbow towards you, pressing the opponent’s wrist down. You can press either with your hand or with your foot, throwing it on top and holding it with your hand.

Pinching the biceps allows you to either immediately end the fight with a painful effect on the muscles, or to unhook the opponent’s hands and go to the elbow lever with your body lying on your back.

Attention! Sometimes there are opponents who are insensitive to this painful effect, in which case in this situation, in order to separate the opponent’s hands, you should either switch to a reverse elbow lever, or use knots on the hand or painful techniques on the fingers.

Painful techniques on the ankles

Video: Leg pain for MMA from the masters. Artak Nazaryan and Marshall Savchuk.

Ankle locks are a very effective, fast and reliable way to finish a fight. The use of these techniques is possible in any relative position of the opponents, i.e. when both opponents are in a standing position or both are on the ground, or when one of them is lying down and the other is standing, see below 1,2,3.

The value of these techniques, and indeed the position with the legs grabbing the leg, is that it is very easy to occupy, and, consequently, to reach these painful techniques from very large number positions, and unexpectedly for the enemy. In addition, with this technique you can even attack a standing opponent from your own prone position.

The heel twist from a leg lock position is one of the most damaging techniques in Modern Jiu-Jitsu. The sensitivity and mobility of the human leg joints is significantly lower than that of the arm joints. And when performing this technique, the opponent may not feel any pain at all until an ankle injury occurs. Therefore, this technique, both when practicing techniques and during fights, must be used with great caution.

Attention! Be sure to throw your outside leg over the opponent’s leg onto his stomach, otherwise the grip of the opponent’s leg will not be reliable enough and he will be able to free himself. The position of the inside leg is not important. Both legs should be bent at the knees and pulled towards you, otherwise the enemy may attack your legs with similar techniques.

A technique similar to the previous technique, performed, in this case, from a supine position against a standing opponent. To enter this painful position, you need to wrap your leg around the opponent’s leg from the inside out. Then, standing on your shoulder blades, grab the opponent’s heel with the bend of your elbow and continue to twist and twist the heel. After some point, the opponent will either succumb to the painful impact on the ankle or fall to the ground. In this case, the painful technique will be reduced to the previous technique - twisting the heel from a position with the legs grabbing the leg.

This painful technique is the reverse of twisting the heel of a standing opponent from the ground. This painful hold can be achieved, for example, after throwing the opponent by grabbing both legs and then turning him over onto his stomach, or by freeing himself from the grip and rising from a position with grabbing the upper one.

Attention! This technique should be performed extremely carefully, because The mobility and sensitivity of the leg joints is very small and there is a risk of damaging the ankle before the opponent has time to feel the pain.

Painful techniques on the knees

The value of painful techniques on the knees is somewhat lower than the value of painful techniques on the ankles, and, nevertheless, they are actively used during fights. Painful techniques on the knees are, as it were, adjacent techniques to painful effects on the ankles, which allows you to quickly switch between these two groups of techniques.

In addition to placing the opponent's foot behind the attacker's shoulder, you can simply hug the opponent's leg with your hands and press it to your chest. With both grips, to apply pain to the knee, you must bend back.

Attention! This technique should be performed carefully, because The mobility and sensitivity of the leg joints is very small and there is a risk of damaging the knee before the opponent has time to feel the pain.

Twisting the knee, impacting the heel

If, in a painful hold, twisting the heel from a position with the legs grabbing the leg, you place the opponent’s foot not under your opposite shoulder (as shown in the photo), but under the opposite shoulder of the same name, and produce a similar twisting effect on the heel, then pain will not occur in the ankle , and in the knee of the captured leg,

Attention! This technique should be performed very carefully, because the opponent practically cannot resist this painful effect and there is big risk hurt his knee.

This technique causes pain not on the joint, but on the calf muscle. The hand grip in this technique forms a knot. This painful hold is used mainly as a countermeasure to protect against heel twisting.

By grabbing and bending your body back, you can create a painful impact on the opponent’s calf muscle. To enhance the painful effect, the attacker in the photo could grab right hand my left leg, throwing your leg over the opponent's thigh.

Video: Seminar by Fedor Emelianenko. How to do painful holds and how to defend against them

Often painful techniques on joints are performed not on one specific joint, but on two, usually adjacent joints of the same limb. Such painful techniques are called combined. The value of combined painful techniques is that they disperse the enemy’s attention between several joints and thereby increase the chances of defeating him.

The wrist and elbow joints combine well, as examples you can take the elbow lever while lying on your back or stomach with an additional knot on the hand, or twisting the elbow with a knot on the elbow/hand from a riding position, as well as twisting the elbow with the arm bent behind your back, lying on your back. In some cases, twisting the heel additionally causes pain on the knee.

Leverage on a joint is an impact that causes a joint to extend beyond its physical capacity. Typical examples of such influences: lever of the elbow with the body and lever of the knee with the body.

Pressure on a joint is an impact in which the joint bends beyond its physical capabilities. A typical example of such an effect is pressing the hand.

Joint torsion is an impact in which the joint is twisted along its axis beyond its physical capacity. Typical examples of such effects: twisting the hand, twisting the heel, twisting the knee.

Pinching is pain not on the joints, but on the muscles near the joints. In the process of pinching, the muscle is squeezed from the outside by the opponent’s limb, and from the inside by the own bone lying under this muscle. Examples of such impacts: biceps pinching, pinching calf muscle and pinched neck muscles.

In we discussed a training program to increase strength and endurance, as well as ways to develop striking techniques and improve agility. Next, we will discuss “mean and cruel” self-defense techniques, which are prohibited in combat sports, but are quite suitable for a street fight, means of self-defense, and the psychology of behavior that will help not only protect yourself on the street, but also avoid conflict altogether.

Prohibited self-defense techniques: “cruel and vile” ways to neutralize the enemy

They are called prohibited because they are actually prohibited in martial arts due to their high lethality. However, as they say, “all means are good in war.” We have identified four tough self-defense techniques - strikes that should be practiced until they become automatic:

  • (with hands, feet, teeth, whatever). The groin area is endowed big amount nerve endings, which makes it an extremely vulnerable and painful place when struck. There have been cases where blows to the groin area have been fatal.
  • Palm slap to the ears(simultaneously from both sides). Such a blow is very dangerous, just like blows to the groin, it can lead to death. A blow to the ears is usually combined with a simultaneous blow to the groin with a knee. The effect is simply fantastic. But be careful, the law may not be on your side.
  • Pokes in the eyes. Also, not a weak technique, you can make the enemy disabled. The eyes are not protected at all and this makes them easy prey. Such blows are usually very painful and can incapacitate the enemy for a long time.
  • A blow to the Adam's apple. Such a blow can knock the enemy out of breath, incapacitate him, and even kill him. The Adam's apple cannot be pumped up or strengthened, but you need to be able to get into it. Also, it is allowed to grab the Adam's apple with your fingers, which is also very painful.

These are the main points to work on in emergency situations. There are more options and specifics, but this is more than enough.

Special means of self-defense: what will be in your hands at the right moment

Now let's talk about acceptable means of self-defense and other items that can be used to protect yourself on the street, without breaking the law. By breaking the law we mean not having permission to carry.

1. Gas canister

It's inexpensive. Effective only at a distance of up to three meters, beyond that it sprays heavily. A completely legal means of self-defense. You should not use spray-type pepper spray in enclosed spaces, otherwise you risk inhaling it too. For entrances and other confined spaces, special jet cans are sold that shoot a stream of pepper liquid.

2. Stun gun

Quite a useful thing, a good help to protect yourself on the street. A stun gun can knock out even a seasoned lumpen. The main thing is to be able to use it correctly, and not to close the discharge on yourself during the fight. Therefore, you need to use a stun gun carefully, and after neutralizing the enemy, immediately move away to a safe distance.

3. Air gun

On the Internet it is often seen as a means of self-defense. However, these are just the wet dreams of armchair warriors. An air pistol has a weak damaging effect, so we do not recommend using such things. They can take it away, especially if there are several opponents, and shove it into... In short, we don’t recommend it.

4. Gas gun

It all depends on the model and manufacturer. Sometimes worthy specimens come across. But gas weapons require a permit, and this is troublesome. In addition, according to the law, they carry a gas pistol without a magazine - you may not have time to use it. Gas pistol designed for the effect of fright and damage to the eyes and mucous membranes. If the enemy covers himself with his hand, the shot will not stop him.

5. Traumatic pistol

Permission to obtain is even more difficult than for gas weapons. In self-defense, you can only shoot at certain parts of the body, which is sometimes ineffective. There are models that have a fairly strong stopping effect, but then you have to explain it to the police. Carrying rules - the chamber is empty, the magazine is in the pistol or separately (the second is more desirable, from the point of view of the police). That is, to use it you need to at least be able to remove and insert a cartridge - and this is training. If in a situation of self-defense on the street such a thing is taken from you, the matter may end badly, and obviously not for your offenders.

6. Yawara

Although this is not a special tool, we really like it. Yawara, or “Palm Stick,” came to us from Japan. Yawara is actually a stick, sharpened at the ends. Sometimes a strap is attached to it to secure it on the hand. At first glance, it is a primitive thing, but it has established itself as a serious impact weapon. Of course, you will need to practice to learn how to use it correctly, but it is a minimum cost and completely legal.

7. Knife

But a knife is a very controversial means of self-defense. In general, we categorically do not recommend carrying knives, especially large ones, for self-defense. To protect yourself on the street using a knife, you need to have. In the wrong hands, a knife can become a threat to those who try to use it.

Police officers will definitely not be happy with self-defense with a knife. Even if you use improvised means of self-defense, a pistol for which you have a permit, pepper spray or a stun gun, this can be explained. But society does not treat people with knives kindly. Thus, from a defender you can turn into an attacker and will be discredited in the eyes of representatives of the law.

We could go on for a long time listing all sorts of available self-defense means that are not prohibited from being worn and can be used to protect yourself on the street. For example: nails, screwdrivers, forks, steel balls from large bearings, etc. If you want to study in more depth this topic, then you can read the book by A. Taras “ Fighting machine"or something more modern. And we will move on and move on to the psychological aspects of self-defense.

Psychology of self-defense: how to protect yourself on the street without getting into a fight

Remember that the best fight is the fight that never happened. We don't remember who said this, but it's a fact. Despite all the preparation, strength and toughness, this will be the highest point of professionalism. Here are some tips to avoid physical conflict:

  • Try not to go to hot spots unless necessary, this will reduce the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.
  • Lumpens rarely pick on people who look confident. Choose the appropriate image for yourself, the right clothes give you self-confidence. With a successful selection of clothes. Even the last wimp can be visually turned into a serious guy.
  • If you enter into a dialogue, try to speak clearly and confidently. Hesitating speech, lack of specificity in words and a trembling voice will reveal your fear.
  • Try to look your interlocutor in the face, otherwise they will think that you are weak. If you cannot look directly into the eyes, look at the point on the forehead between the eyes, visually it will seem to the interlocutor that you are looking into his eyes. But in general it is better to proceed from specific circumstances - it happened when a look “right between the eyes”, on the contrary, provoked a fight.
  • When walking late at night, never listen to music on headphones - this will...
  • Always evaluate the events happening around you. Try to play out different situations and their outcome in your mind. Let's say you see a crowd of young, strong guys - imagine what you will do if they come up to you, how you will answer their questions and where to run away if necessary.
  • Once again, do not respond to provocations. There are situations when they may swear at you or call you bad names, if you understand that by remaining silent you will be able to avoid danger - remain silent.
  • When walking down the street, look straight ahead. Of course, you need to evaluate what is happening around you, but this can be done with peripheral vision. There is no need to look around, this can motivate the marginalized layers to action and give a reason to pester you.
  • Carry self-defense equipment with you, wear it correctly and know how to use it! At first glance, the advice is banal. But in fact, there have been cases where pepper spray right moment I didn’t have it on hand (it’s on the shelf at home). Or it was hidden so deep in the backpack that use could be forgotten. A person, having bought, for example, a traumatic pistol, already feels a sense of satisfaction and psychologically feels protected. But for some reason he doesn’t think about options and scenarios for possible self-defense. Therefore, it is important not just to buy a means of self-defense, but to think about how best and most conveniently to carry it, in order to have quick access to it, how to remove it, how to use it. Do some training. And only then will the remedy help at a critical moment.

There are still a lot of tips, tricks and recommendations on the psychology of self-defense. But they won't help you protect yourself on the street if you don't behave wisely. Just be careful and assess the situation around you. Sometimes it's better to be paranoid than to be crippled or dead.

Good luck, and take care of yourself!

To become more resilient, some to build muscle, others to lose weight. Many techniques can be useful for street self-defense. Which ones exactly, we learned from Ilya Suprunenko, master trainer of the federal network X-Fit, coordinator of the area of ​​combat sports.

“All the self-defense techniques that we will discuss today are perfect for repelling an unexpected attack,” says Ilya Suprunenko. - But remember: applying them without careful study is not only difficult, but also unsafe. This way you can only harm yourself. It’s not difficult to learn a particular self-defense technique, but to practice it until it becomes automatic, it takes months.”

And even if you master these techniques perfectly, remember: for a girl, the main thing is not to knock out the offender, but simply to repel the attack and run away.

Self-defense techniques for girls

Situation: they want to grab you with their hands.

What to do. Keep the attacker off balance. To do this, use a very effective and painful blow to the inner or outer thigh. Apply it in a big way middle part shins.

Advice. When defending yourself from an attack, do not take poses that could hint to the enemy that he has contacted a “fighting” girl. On the contrary, make some kind of distracting gesture.

Situation: the attacker moves towards you at a fast pace.

What to do. A sharp stopping movement is needed. Kick the enemy in the solar plexus area. Not only is this a painful blow, it can take your breath away. And this is very beneficial for the girl: you have time to escape.

Situation: they are trying to grab you by the shoulders.

What to do. Grab the attacker's neck with your hands, gathering them into a strong lock. Give it to him swipe knee under the ribs.

Situation: they kick you.

What to do: Grab the attacker's leg as he tries to strike you, and trip his supporting leg with your foot.

Advice: a very sore place on the body is the inner thigh. By pressing on this spot with an enemy lying on his back, you can either hit him additionally with your hand, or quickly retreat.

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We see news about attacks on TV and on the Internet, but we almost always think that it is not about us. That this cannot happen to us. Unfortunately, no one is safe from bandit attacks.

website I am sure that it is better to be prepared for any twists of fate, and I have selected 13 for you useful tips. We hope you never have to use them.

1. Make a fist correctly

The debate about which is more effective - a fist or a palm - has been going on for a very long time. But more often, before striking, the hand involuntarily forms a fist. The main thing is to fold it so as not to injure your fingers. Do not stick your thumb out or leave it under the four fingers - this can lead to a fracture.

Don't neglect palm strikes: this strike is more unexpected.

2. How to get rid of ropes

The most important thing to do is to try to leave a loophole - air. If your hands are tied, hold them in a fist; if your torso is tied, take in air by expanding the diaphragm. The more free space will remain, the higher your chances of being freed.

3. Remember your vulnerabilities

A woman has much less physical strength than a man, so you need to work for surprise. The main thing is to strike as sharply and powerfully as possible. If you think or “take aim” for a long time, the enemy will understand what you are going to do and will get even more angry.

4. Use security apps

Take advantage modern methods. The Family Locator, bSafe and other applications will help you track the movements of friends and loved ones and, if necessary, signal for help.

5. Come up with a code word

As children, we come up with codes, new words and even languages. And this seemingly fun thing can save a life. If you have the opportunity to talk or write a message, an encrypted "SOS" will show the general situation. And if you go further in the puzzles, then your loved ones will find out that you were taken to the north or along the highway, near abandoned buildings, or even along a specific street.

6. Use available tools

Use any item that can help you. So, the bag can be used as a shield from a knife attack (just don’t press it close to the body), and the scarf can be thrown in the face to gain a couple of seconds. Umbrellas, bags and even some change in your pocket can help. Keys are one of the best means. Just don't waste time making brass knuckles out of them.

7. Spray can in the right place

There's no point in keeping a can of gas in your bag if you have a bottomless black hole in there. More often than not, an attack occurs unexpectedly, and you need to grab a means of defense as quickly as possible. Even the outer pocket is not entirely suitable for storing a spray can - after all, even there you need to spend time to unzip the zipper. Keep this remedy in your pocket so you can quickly apply it and run away.

8. If you grab your hand

You can break free from a hand grip by using the “rule of thumb”: that is, rotate your hand towards the attacker’s thumb. But remember that the jerk must be sharp. If the enemy understands your plan, he will squeeze your hand with all his might. In this case, use your legs: hit the groin, the knee and step on the foot with all your strength.

9. If you grab your hair

One of the most popular methods of attack is to grab the victim's hair. This technique is not only painful, but also gives almost complete control over your body. Therefore, first of all, grab the opponent's arm with both hands: this way you will again take control into your hands. Then use your legs again. As soon as you feel that the attacker's hand has loosened its grip, let go of yours and run.

10. If grabbed by the neck

The popular "circular lever" method of breaking out of a neck hold is not always productive in practice. You may easily not have enough energy or time. It’s better to suddenly hit the groin or poke your fingers into the eyes - the pain will weaken the attacker’s grip.

11. In the elevator

Of course, everyone knows not to get into an elevator with strangers. And if someone who does not inspire confidence comes in when you are already there, it is better to leave. Get into the habit of standing with your back to the part of the wall where the buttons are. It’s better to press the button for your “neighbor” than to let him stop the elevator and get stuck with him between floors.

A few more rules that will be useful to you

  • Be on the lookout. Due to music in your headphones, complete immersion in your phone screen, or simply the habit of looking at your feet and not around, you may not notice the intruder. Look around and look back from time to time: if the effect of surprise is missed, the attacker may change his mind about attacking.
  • Keep your distance. Try your best to avoid being pushed against the wall. Even if the enemy is moving towards you, move not back, but to the side, thereby changing your overall trajectory of movement.
  • Keep your palms in front of you. This is not only a defensive position (just make sure that your hands are at chin level and your elbows are bent), but also a “conciliatory” one. So you say: “Calm down. Calm down. Let’s resolve the matter peacefully,” but at the same time we are ready to fight back.
  • The main thing is to escape. Even if you have learned and practiced all the techniques, this does not mean that you have become Electra. There is no need to measure your physical strength with a man, your main task is to remain intact. Therefore, take into account three points: break out of the grip, confuse, run.

Unfortunately, street crime is a completely typical phenomenon for Russian reality. You can disagree with this as much as you like, but it is much better to disagree, remaining prepared for any scenario. Up to open aggression for the purpose of robbery, rape, for reasons of racial, religious, personal hatred.

There are many options, but each of them requires an adequate response to the threat. Previously, we already looked at safety rules on the street and focused on the fact that the best option development of the conflict - without assault, even if this means sacrificing your pride and simply taking flight.

However, there are situations when there is simply no way to retreat, and the only way out is forced self-defense. And it’s good if, in such circumstances, the victim is technically prepared and can use means of self-defense without a license or, for example, traumatic weapon. But this really is not always and not everywhere. Much more often, the only arguments remain strength, dexterity, reaction, knowledge of how and what to do to neutralize the attacker. And it is with the latter that the Survival website offers help - your guide to behavior in extreme situations.


In previous articles we have already addressed this issue, but we will focus on it again. It is important for any person to understand what self-defense on the street is and what its main task is. So, the goal of the victim is not to punish the attacker, and certainly not to inflict severe injuries. The provisions of the Criminal Code on exceeding necessary self-defense have not yet been repealed. Actions should be aimed at temporarily neutralizing the criminal and giving yourself time to move to a safe distance. That's all. There are several ways to do this most effectively:

  • Painful effect
  • Blindness
  • Stunning with loss of orientation in space
  • Immobilization

Particular attention should be paid to physically and technically trained people. The current limits of self-defense are something that is always worth remembering. For example, many martial arts that are effective on the street allow you to give an inadequate rebuff to the enemy. The usual thing in such cases is a broken jaw, arm, ribs, rupture of the liver, spleen, lung, concussion and other serious consequences of a fight, even fatal. But is ordinary self-defense on the street worth injuring the aggressor like that, if you can simply temporarily neutralize him in more humane ways? Or even simpler: make it clear that it is better not to contact you.


Any striking techniques - hands, feet, knees, elbows - are the most common way of both attack and defense without weapons. But if we are talking about such a specific concept as personal self-defense, then ordinary massacre has quite a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, any blows require a certain force and at least an approximate correspondence physical parameters striker. So, for example, it’s hard to imagine how a girl can knock out a big guy young man. Secondly, in hand-to-hand combat there is a high risk of getting injured yourself. The main rule of striking is confidence in their effectiveness. If there are doubts that it will be possible to neutralize the enemy with one or two hits, it is better not to get into a fight. It’s more precious to yourself.

As mentioned earlier, techniques hand-to-hand combat in self-defense - this is not a way to injure an opponent, but only ways to exert a painful and stunning effect on him. From here we can derive several simple techniques that can be used effectively even by inexperienced fighters:

- for a person with light weight and modest training, it is good to strike with hands in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose, at the base of the jaw, in the ear. An accentuated knee strike to the groin or a strong clap of palms to the ears can temporarily immobilize an opponent.

— as already mentioned, the target of an attack with more or less serious training should be careful with physical impact. For him, open-palm strikes to the face are best, which do not cause injury, but have a good stunning force. Punches or kicks to the solar plexus are always good, which are guaranteed to incapacitate the enemy for several tens of seconds. A strong low kick (side kick to the thigh muscle) quickly and safely cools the dust.


Painful pointsAccording to experts, grips and painful self-defense techniques are perhaps the most effective method protection. With their help, you can relatively easily neutralize even a noticeably larger and stronger opponent without the great risk of seriously injuring him. On the other hand, using painful holds requires some technical training. Only with quick, practiced movements can you take the attacker by surprise, make a successful grab and incapacitate the criminal. Best schools martial arts that allow you to perform these actions effectively and easily are aikido, jujitsu, sambo and some other areas.

The following types of painful techniques are most often used in practice:

  • Painful techniques on the hand, fingers
  • Grips and painful techniques on the elbow joint, collarbone
  • Impact on pain points under the lower jaw, on the neck, bridge of the nose

Speaking of holds, one cannot help but recall choke techniques. Of course, their effectiveness is quite high, but such grips should be used very carefully. Excessive force can be fatal.


IN modern form throws, pushes, sweeps are difficult to consider separately. Most often, such techniques are used in close conjunction with grips, painful holds, and even striking techniques. But, in any case, their effectiveness for self-defense is very high. Contrary to popular belief, technically correctly executed throws are effective even against taller and heavier opponents. A well-executed technique allows you to achieve several goals at once. Firstly, hitting a hard surface effectively discourages the desire to continue the confrontation. Secondly, if desired, this particular moment is very good for escape or retreat. Thirdly, a lying and stunned opponent is an ideal target for strikes and painful techniques. The same goes for pushes that can throw the attacker off balance.

Naturally, such self-defense techniques, like many others, require special training, reaction and dexterity. On the other hand, no one said it would be easy. And if there were simple and, at the same time, effective rules behavior in self-defense, then this issue would not be so pressing.


The main idea that follows from the above recommendations is that effective techniques Self-defense is very diverse and, in any case, requires serious training. This is what we advise everyone to do. In addition to practical benefits, any martial arts- This good sport for general physical development and recovery.

In addition, it is important to remember balance in everything, including protection. On the one hand, being a hero can lead to bad consequences and, perhaps, in some situations it is better to obey the criminal. On the other hand, hand-to-hand self-defense should not pose a danger to the life and health of anyone. Her only task is to eliminate the threat, but not to carry out a fair lynching on the spot.

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