Calculate lunar horoscope by date of birth. What is hidden behind the lunar birthday

People born under the Virgo Moon tend to have a subtle, critical mind. They strive to gain new knowledge, but not because they love this process, but in order to use the information received with maximum benefit for yourself.
Lunar Virgos carefully analyze everything they see and hear; they pedantically sift through all the information and question everything said. They love to discuss ideas and plans, critically considering the views and opinions of other people, although they themselves, as a rule, hold tightly to their own point of view.
Lunar Virgos are innate truth-seekers. Sometimes they may come across as gloomy or pessimistic, but those who are close to them know that these people simply perceive life as it is, without embellishment. Such practical realism brings many lunar Virgos success in business and financial well-being, as they strive for a stable income and constant profit, and not for immediate one-time gain.

The Moon in Virgo inclines its wards to perfection and professionalism in the chosen type of activity. Consistent and methodical, these people calculate exactly what needs to be done in a given case, and then scrupulously follow the planned plan of action. They do not tolerate and are very worried about situations when the work done work in progress down the drain due to some missed nuance, so they usually try to foresee all the little things in advance, do not spare themselves and often find fault with others.
Most lunar Virgos adhere to logic and consistency in all their actions; they are irritated by people who are unreasonable and absent-minded, so they are very picky in choosing friends. They soberly assess any situation, no experience is useless for them - they always learn a lesson from it.
In the sphere of personal relationships, all lunar Virgos are distinguished by restraint, do not tolerate sentimentality and verbose outpourings of feelings, although many of them are attracted to partners who easily express their feelings and are more emotional personalities than themselves.

Today, astrology has entered our lives very tightly. And even those who know practically nothing about astrology and esotericism have an idea about their zodiac sign. Each of us strives to know ourselves and our personal characteristics.

The easiest way to find out what kind of character you or your child has is to turn to the usual zodiac horoscope. But it often happens that the presented characteristics do not reveal all facets of a personality. The reason for this is that we determine ours by the location of the sun at the moment of birth, but in our solar system a huge number of planets are moving, and each of them in a certain way influences us.

One of the most influential celestial bodies is a satellite of the Earth. Therefore, if you are eager to learn something new about yourself, then you should first look at the lunar calendar.

Determining what lunar day you were born on is not at all difficult.

You need to find the lunar calendar of the year in which you were born.
In it you need to see which lunar day corresponds to your date of birth.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that lunar days can replace each other in the middle of the usual sunny day, so you need to know not only the date, but also the time of your birth.

For example, if you were born on April 12, 1987, then the lunar calendar shows us that this is the fifteenth lunar day.

Lunar birthday characteristics

So, a lunar birthday will explain to you the characteristics of your character, and will also give characteristics of your child or loved ones. Now let's look at the calendar and take a closer look at the meaning of each day.

If you were born in, it means that you are a born analyst, you have a tendency to exact sciences, and if you have avoided them so far, then it’s time to try yourself. Also, such a person needs a strict routine and daily routine.

Those born in are usually distinguished by remarkable patience. If such a person sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. This is noticeable already in childhood, with what perseverance and hard work such children achieve results.

Birth gives to the world active people. They contain so much energy that it would be enough to illuminate a small town. It is important here where this energy will be directed, because such a person can become both a great creator and a great destroyer.

The day when scientists are born. These people are so eager for knowledge that they, in fact, do not care about its characteristics - whether they are harmful or useful. Such people know everything about penicillin and dynamite.

Future psychics come to earth. Such people strive to understand the mysteries of the other world and acquire secret knowledge. They are attracted to other matters, and they early age begin to become interested in mysticism.

Birth brings dreamers into this world. They are the complete opposite of those who were born on the first day; it is difficult to force such people into a framework and organize them - they will still do everything in their own way.

According to the calendar, this is the time of birth of real singers. Even if a person born on this day does not sing professionally, he is naturally endowed with a beautiful voice and sense of rhythm.

Cheerful philosophers appear in Such people have a simple description: they see meaning in everything, so it is absolutely impossible to upset them with anything.

A revolutionary, nihilist and oppositionist will celebrate his lunar birthday on Such a person will always be attracted to opposites and extremes, he likes to walk on the edge of a knife, the main thing is not to forget about caution.

Family admirers come to this world. Since childhood they dream of big things and strong family, which they begin to implement quite quickly. They feel their family like no one else, honor their ancestors and respect older generations.

The 11th day is the time when active people appear in the world. They realize themselves well in sports, tourism, and also in various extreme activities.

If your lunar birthday falls on, it means you are a born mystic. People born on this day are distinguished by their ability to find an approach to other people, feel their nature, desires, and sometimes see the future.

Most often, gifted children are born in. They are able to see the unusual in the ordinary, the simple in the complex, this helps them create something fundamentally new.

Calm, balanced people are born throughout their life. Their calmness allows them to feel the world and people, they can see both the past and the future. It is good if such a child begins to communicate with an experienced medium at an early age.

As the calendar says, this is the day when predictors or simply people with very developed intuition are born. But if you do not develop these abilities from an early age, then in adult life the gift will make itself felt only periodically, which will frighten its owner.

People who appear in may have difficulties related to responsibility. They have little contact with reality, they live in dreams, so it’s good if they do creative activity, otherwise they may simply not find themselves in life.

The time when actors and dancers are born. Such people are very, very artistic; from childhood they are in the center of attention and demonstrate to everyone their wonderful dramatic gift.

Good doctors and healers are born in These people physically feel human pain and are able to easily cure anyone. If such a child is properly developed, the gift of healing will be revealed in him.

Not all people are drawn to others; there are those who are no strangers to loneliness; they are born into. You should not impose yourself on such people or try to arrange their fate - in solitude they feel much more comfortable than among people.

Everyone around feels a leader in a person who was born in These people become good managers, politicians and military men. A brilliant career is guaranteed for them.

A writer from God can be born in If such a person was not forbidden to create from childhood, then with the help of his talent he will reach serious heights. So create all the conditions for creativity for your child if he was born on this day.

In the first half, harmonious people are born. They manage to combine an interest in science and the ability to implement knowledge in practical activities. They become scientists and practitioners who can change this world.

People with complex and ambiguous characters may appear in. If raised incorrectly, they become ironic and sarcastic cynics, but if they are given warmth and love, they will become responsive and sensitive.

Interest in sexuality appears very early in children born in To prevent your child from problems in this area, you should not interfere with his self-knowledge. The main thing is to always be aware of the interests of your child.

The sages come to this world precisely on the 26th day. They are passive, somewhat inert, but they do not need excessive energy. They are able to achieve what they want in other ways.

Shamans come to this world throughout the world. According to what the calendar says, real magicians and priests are born on this day. And even if they do not practice magic in life, this gift will help them in any other field of activity.

Will give you a calm and homely child. Such people maintain comfort in their home, love their family and are prone to handicrafts.

Difficult people are born on the 29th day. Their fate is uncertain, they can become anyone, because it will depend on their upbringing. The more tender and loving the parents are, the more decent the person will become.

But on the last day, we note that it is a very rare day, and this last day of the lunar month contributes to the appearance of curious and smart people. They have an eternal thirst for knowledge, they strive for truth and understanding of their place in this world.

A lunar birthday is another path to self-knowledge. You can study information about what characteristics are given to these days, what symbols are inherent in them, in order to understand how this affected your character.

What was your lunar birthday? Astrologers pay great value details such as a birthday according to the lunar calendar.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the past, it will be possible to compare the moment of birth with the position of the night luminary, to understand the influence that it has on the essence of a person.

Certain features will no longer seem strange. After all lunar birthday provides significant influence even at the physiological level. Not to mention character traits. In addition, knowing birthday according to the lunar calendar, you can prepare in advance for life lessons that you will certainly have to experience.

Red - unfavorable period for birth.

Orange - neutral period for birth.

Green - favorable period for birth.

Find out what lunar day it is today...

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By successfully identifying your lunar birthday, you may even discover a hidden part of your personality. Self-analysis, taking into account such details as your birthday according to the lunar calendar, allows you to look at yourself with different eyes and obtain valuable information. It's about about the picture of the inner world. He is always in darkness, and only a competent approach allows him to realize the light. Among other things, be able to see hidden potential or weaknesses.

In this way, you can help not only yourself, but also to a loved one. For example, define it positive aspects, make dreams come true. And what brought only torment will dissolve in darkness.

Surely, at least once in your life you have had an unforgettable feeling of timeliness. A feeling of harmony when the world instantly and correctly responds to your actions. When the process of life itself brings incomparable pleasure. So, I hasten to assure you: the lunar calendar is directly related to this feeling of “getting into the flow.” Moreover. The lunar calendar is one of the oldest and most successful attempts to find... a loophole into the world of harmony. The lunar calendar is a calendar based on the lunar cycle.

What is your lunar birthday?

A lunar birthday is another way to find out the characteristics inherent in a person born on a particular lunar day.
The lunar day on which we were born gives knowledge about character traits, reveals abilities and opportunities, probable career paths, determines health, activity, and luck in personal life. After all, the Moon is our subconscious, instincts, intuition, that is, the entire inner world, what makes the soul alive.

Each day of any month almost never coincides with the lunar day. The Moon has its own calculation and its own calendar. Depending on when you were born, your special lunar birthday is determined. Meaning lunar days since ancient times it was considered one of the most accurate. It is no coincidence that favorable and unfavorable days, low tides and high tides, etc. were determined by the Moon.

Programs of behavior, reactions, and our hidden capabilities are also associated with the Moon. The gravitational and energetic effects of each lunar day are unique, they depend on the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun in the sky, and this distance changes by approximately 12-13° daily. It should be noted that every day the influence of the Moon on a person is different.

The effects of a certain lunar day can restore the health of the entire body if the energy is used correctly, but it can also aggravate diseases, especially chronic ones, if a person disrupts the lunar biorhythms of life. In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is an individual rhythm, where a person’s birthday is taken as the first lunar day, which is the beginning of one’s own lunar month.

The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. According to many researchers, knowing one’s individual rhythm allows a person to avoid many dangers and gain maximum energy on the path of self-realization.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, March 7, 2019

As of date 07.03.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Moon". This 2 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Pisces ♓. Illumination percentage Moon is 0%. Sunrise Moon at 07:51, and sunset at 18:58.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 1 lunar day from 19:05 03/06/2019 to 07:51 03/07/2019
  • 2nd lunar day from 07:51 03/07/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 7, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces (±)

Moon in a sign Fish. The ability for mental concentration is somewhat weakened, the imagination every now and then strives to captivate our consciousness into the world of illusions, so any business that requires specifics has difficulty finding its embodiment in reality.

It's better to spend this time on active recreation, an exciting trip or devote yourself to art. True, legal issues or matters related to investing money proceed without any particular complications.

2nd lunar day (+)

March 7, 2019 at 12:00 - 2 lunar day. It's a good day to start your cycle. physical exercise, therapeutic fasting or diets. Any undertakings on this day receive additional energy boost.

You should pay attention to such negative qualities as anger and stinginess, since overcoming them will help to realize new beginnings.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Moon. The first lunar phase begins from the new moon until the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (the beginning of the second phase). During this period, the Moon is at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy to complete planned tasks.

During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline plans for the development of new ideas, carefully analyze problems and issues, both of the future period and those that remained unrealized from the previous lunar month.

At the physiological level, first lunar phase the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite low in all areas of life, be it well-being, personal life or business.

As in work, in the personal sphere there comes a stage of rethinking current relationships and, quite possibly, bringing them to the most high level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the Moon during this period, vital energy also increases.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Thursday, this day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition intensifies, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows fame, honor, and success in society. On Thursday, everything works out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter until later.

On this day, contacts with superiors are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.