An effective diet for those who love to eat. An effective diet for those who love to eat Option for those with a sweet tooth

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Going on a diet is hard labor for many, because how can you give up such favorite and delicious foods? It turns out that you can lose weight easily and pleasantly, and you don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite dishes. This diet is called “delicious”.

Her motto: “We eat deliciously and lose weight.” You just need to follow a few simple rules to achieve the desired effect.

You will need:


You can eat whatever you like, but in a certain order.

We don’t often think about what foods we combine and how their processing affects the body and weight in particular.

  • It is necessary to follow a meal schedule so as not to overload the stomach and not force the body to “starve”.
  • Do not consume fats and carbohydrates at the same time, this will relieve the gastrointestinal tract from excessive stress.
  • The diet does not require giving up your favorite foods; you only need to control the portion size you eat.
  • It is better to avoid fatty meat, especially fried meat. Fish is suitable instead; it contains much less fat. Sausage should be replaced with chicken fillet, and hard cheese with low-fat cottage cheese. This method of weight loss protects the body from stress that could arise when giving up the usual food.
  • Reviews about the diet are very positive; in order to lose the desired kilograms, you need to strictly follow the principles of such weight loss.
  • Dress salads vegetable oils, use cream instead of the usual mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Eat fresh fruit in sufficient quantities, it will fill the body with vitamins and vitality.

The more different fruits, the better. Allergy sufferers should consult with a specialist which fruits should be consumed in their case. Fans of fruit juices will have to dilute them a little with water.

Protein and carbohydrate-containing dishes are suitable for consumption only in the first half of the day, when energy consumption is greater than in the second.

  • Preference is given to boiled and stewed dishes, since fried ones are saturated with fat and cholesterol.
  • Try to eat foods with a low percentage of fat (both dairy products and meat).

Menu for 3 days

During this period, weight loss ranges from 2 to 2.5 kg.

You need to eat familiar foods. It can be called “egg”, since eggs are a staple breakfast product.

1 day

  1. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a glass of tea or coffee (preferably natural) after the eggs, add a spoonful of honey instead of sugar.
  2. Lunch: eat about 100 grams of hard cheese, a glass of tea or coffee, honey.
  3. Dinner: a portion of soup, black bread, fruit. Before going to bed, drink tea with lemon.

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: the same dishes as on the first day.
  2. Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese (200-300 g), a cup of tea with lemon or coffee, honey instead of sugar.
  3. Dinner: boiled fish or poultry (150-160 g), vegetable salad in any quantity, tea with lemon.

Day 3

  1. Breakfast: boiled eggs, tea or coffee, honey, 1 fruit (except bananas).
  2. Lunch: cheese (50 g), a piece of black bread, vegetable salad (no potatoes).
  3. Dinner: fruits, except bananas, in any quantity, 1 boiled egg, tea with lemon and honey.

Menu for 5 days

If you need to lose weight up to 4 kg, you should resort to a five-day course. The diet is not much different from the three-day course.

During the day you need to eat 5 times in small portions, the break between meals should be no more than 2.5-3 hours.

Eat last time need 3 hours before going to bed. An important component is water; you need to drink a glass of plain water half an hour before meals. Also an integral part is the consumption of fruit juices, coffee and tea.

Alternate between the following dishes.


  • A small amount of hard cheese and black bread, coffee;
  • Omelette, coffee;
  • Fruit salad (without bananas and grapes), use yogurt as a dressing, a cup of green tea with honey.


  • Fruit juice and yogurt in equal quantities (100 ml).


  • Vegetable stew on water with a dressing of olive oil and low-fat sour cream;
  • Chicken fillet with grilled vegetables;
  • Sliced ​​vegetables and a piece of homemade ham.

Afternoon snack

  • Feta cheese or tofu with coffee or herbal infusion;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), green tea with honey;
  • Boiled or baked chicken breast (150 g), a slice of black bread.


  • Vegetables (stewed, boiled or steamed);
    Stewed rabbit, grilled fish or beef steak;
  • 50 g of boiled rice (measure dry), add non-starchy fruits (green apples, cherries, cherries, strawberries, black currants).

Diet for a week

Supporters delicious weight loss The menu for the week is suitable. The traditional approach, even in the most effective diets, excludes the consumption of such dishes as Olivier, Crab salad, herring under a fur coat. All of them are considered high-calorie. But in this case, you can even eat them. A feature of this diet is that the specified amount of food is divided into 7 parts.

  1. Monday: “Olivier” (about 1 kg).
  2. Tuesday: 7 meatballs, fresh vegetable salad with sunflower or olive oil.
  3. Wednesday: Herring under a fur coat (about 1 kg).
  4. Thursday: about 450-500 grams of boiled buckwheat with onions and carrots.
  5. Friday: “Crab” (about 1 kg).
  6. Saturday: about 2 liters of your favorite first course, 2-3 slices of black bread.
  7. Sunday: assorted fruits (except bananas and grapes).

Option for those with a sweet tooth

A special feature of this diet is permission to eat sweets and loss of up to 8 kg of weight. Course duration is 14 days.

  1. The first week the diet consists of fortified lozenges. You should also drink 2 liters of water.
  2. The second week involves eating full breakfasts (cereals, boiled eggs, toast, etc.), and during the day and evening - lollipops.

With such a program, there is a risk of developing caries, so do not forget to monitor your oral cavity. This method of losing weight is contraindicated for patients with ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Strawberry diet

This type of delicious weight loss covers a four-day period and a loss of 3 kg of weight.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 200 g chopped strawberries, apples and bananas (100 g each). Pour in honey and yogurt.
  • Lunch: mix strawberries and low-fat milk (100 g each) in equal quantities, 3 tbsp. still mineral water, 1 tsp. honey
  • Dinner: chopped boiled white asparagus (300 g), boiled turkey, strawberries and fresh cucumber(150 g in total), for the sauce, mix lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes (300 g), strawberries (100 g), cottage cheese (50 g), natural yogurt(50 g), greens (30 g), add assorted lemon juice.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: curd mass with strawberries (200 g), several slices of whole grain bread.
  • Lunch: strawberries mixed in a blender (150 g), freshly squeezed pineapple juice (50 ml) and low-fat yogurt (50 g).
  • Dinner: pancakes with strawberries.
  • Dinner: lettuce leaves (200 g), strawberries (100 g), half a tomato and sweet pepper. For the dressing, prepare a sauce from lemon juice, low-fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons each) and low-fat yogurt (30 ml).

Day 3

  • Breakfast: grind 75 g of strawberries to a smooth paste, add 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed apple juice, 50 ml whey, 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: mix half a glass of kefir with berries (150 g) with a mixer, add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner: Chopped strawberries (150 g), chopped melon pulp (250 g), ham (30 g), mint.
  • Dinner: stewed vegetables and strawberry sauce.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: strawberries (100 g), hard cheese (50 g), several pieces of bread.
  • Lunch: strawberry fruit salad (120 g), half an orange, half an apple, 1 tsp. honey, half a glass of whey.
  • Dinner: baked fish fillet(100 g), lettuce and strawberries topped with mustard.
  • Dinner: strawberries, carrots, celery, sweet pepper chop in equal quantities (100 g), season with sauce made from 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.


The course covers 7 days. Maximum loss up to 10 kg.

  1. Monday: you need to drink a lot of liquid: water, broths, teas, compotes, juices, low-fat dairy products (kefir, milk, whey). You should avoid sugar and salt.
  2. Tuesday: a day of eating vegetables in any capacity, except potatoes.
  3. Wednesday: repeat Monday's diet.
  4. Thursday: a day of eating unlimited amounts of fruit (except grapes and bananas).
  5. Friday: on this day you need to eat proteins: chicken, fish, rabbit, turkey, soft-boiled eggs, yogurt and kefir.
  6. Saturday: drinking day, same as Monday.

Sunday - The day you quit the diet requires special attention:

  • 9.00 – 2 boiled eggs.
  • 11.00 – you need to eat 1 apple.
  • 13.00 – portion diet soup in light meat broth.
  • 16.00 – eat 1 orange.
  • 19.00 – seasoned with vegetable oil.

For high cholesterol

There are special rules for people with high cholesterol:

  • Drink 2 liters of water per day, drink green tea, herbal infusions;
  • Give preference to boiled, stewed, steamed food rather than fried;
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as grains. The fiber they contain removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Eat fish and white meat.

  • Consume low-fat dairy products.
  • Red wine, onions, garlic, citrus fruits help strengthen blood vessels.
  • Breakfast should consist of cereals.
  • Work out in the gym.
  • Drink 1 tsp. olive oil on an empty stomach.
  • Eat dried fruits and nuts.

Indicative menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: a portion of boiled rice, omelet or scrambled eggs, fresh cabbage salad dressed with olive oil, freshly squeezed orange juice.
  2. Lunch: fish soup, boiled chicken, salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.
  3. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and raisin casserole.
  4. Dinner: 250 mg of low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Olga Medin's version

Physical activity and fasting are not always effective measures when trying to lose weight, since this is a huge stress for the body; it quickly accumulates food in the form of fat deposits.

The main goal of this method of losing weight is to ensure that the body receives maximum benefit from a minimum of calories consumed.

Before starting the diet, you need to calculate the required amount of kcal using the formula for each individual: 655 + 9.6 * weight (in kg) + 1.8 * height (in cm) – 4.7 * age (in years).

The result must be multiplied by the activity coefficient:

  • 1.2 – sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1.38 – weak training up to 3 times a week;
  • 1.56 – intensive training in the gym up to 5 times a week;
  • 1.73 – daily heavy physical activity;
  • 1.95 – intense physical activity 2 times a day.

The resulting figure is your daily calorie intake. By subtracting 20% ​​from this figure, the weight will decrease; if you add 20%, the weight will be gained. The percentage of protein and fat is 30% of the resulting number, and the remaining calories are allocated to carbohydrates. By calculating the required number of calories, you can create an approximate diet for yourself. Should also be consumed before meals linseed oil, washing it down a large number water. It is recommended to prepare dishes for 2 days at once. A sample menu is listed below.

Monday and Tuesday

  • Breakfast: Prepare a pie from cottage cheese and cherries.
  • Lunches: Use shaped stuffed pasta or navy pasta.
  • Dinner: worth eating stewed fillet chicken with zucchini ragout.

Wednesday and Thursday

  • Breakfast: Milk porridge with wheat and pear.
  • Lunches: Knead the pancakes with minced meat, grated potatoes, chopped herbs and fry them.
  • Dinner: pieces of vegetables and sea fish baked in foil.

Friday and Saturday

  • Breakfast: Eat cottage cheese pudding.
  • Lunches: Cook the pasta and season it with cream sauce.
  • Dinner: baked chicken fillet in a creamy sauce with onions, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes.


  • Breakfast: fry scrambled eggs with suluguni cheese.
  • Dinner: Treat yourself to oriental cuisine. Rolls with cucumbers, tomatoes and sea ​​fish. You can also use other vegetables.
  • Dinner: salad of radishes, fried mushrooms and zucchini. You can season it with olive oil or cream sauce.

You can easily get rid of excess fat by eating fruits and vegetables to your heart's content. This exercise to burn excess calories has a beneficial effect on skin, strengthens the nail plate and hair. They saturate the body's cells with natural antioxidants, reduce the amount of waste and toxins accumulated as a result of poor nutrition, stress and poor ecology.

The caution is that an allergic reaction is possible.

During this period, you should limit yourself to eating bananas and grapes; they are high in calories, which can significantly slow down the effect.

Pros and cons


  1. There is no exhausting hunger strike and stress;
  2. A wealth of diet options that can be selected according to personal preferences;
  3. Ability to eat normal foods;
  4. The ability to remain in the usual daily routine and rhythm of life.


  1. Not too fast weight loss;
  2. Individual intolerance to certain components of dishes;
  3. Preparing salads from a seven-day cycle takes time, if you don’t have it, the diet can cause unnecessary trouble.

Yes No 0

For every person, sticking to a specific diet is very difficult. Especially for those who love to eat delicious food. These people should remove high-calorie and fatty foods from their usual menu for at least two weeks. To provide daily norm nutrients in the body must be alternated in the morning, for lunch, for an afternoon snack and for dinner, options for the selected dietary food.

For those who like to eat delicious food every day, you can eat any vegetables - boiled, raw or steamed. Vegetables fried in vegetable or animal fat should be avoided. Try not to use any type of oil, even for salad dressing. Vinegar and herbal supplements are suitable. Daily dose of calories: for men - a maximum of 1600, for women - 1200. The calculation must be made whenever food enters the body. For lovers fried potatoes We remind you that 100 gr. contains 260 kcal.

You can eat fruit for dessert, but not just any fruit. Remember - grapes, figs, persimmons are high-calorie fruits with a high sugar content. If you wish, instead of fruit, you can drink a glass of dry wine or two glasses of aperitif, and also eat two pieces of bread with 15 grams. hard cheese or drink a glass of any beer.

Menu for those who love to eat:


Example I: 25 g. Boil oatmeal in water, you can additionally drink 0.5 glasses of milk, eat one apple or one citrus fruit.

Example II: 25 g. oatmeal + 140 ml. dairy products with a small percentage of fat content.

Example III: 100 gr. legumes + wholemeal toast.

Example IV: 2 grilled fish balls + tomato + bread.

Lunch menu

Example I: bun or sandwich. From such ingredients as – 25 gr. hard cheddar cheese and a spoonful of pickles, 75 gr. tuna in natural sauce and cucumber, 75 gr. cheese and one banana, 50 gr. ham, tomato and mustard, 125 gr. soft cheese and low-fat yogurt, a jar of crab pate, a small bag of chips or cookies.

Example II: potatoes cooked in their jackets 200 g. and 150 gr. beans.

Example III: large plate of chopped vegetables or salad, 75 g. shrimp, bran bread - 2 slices, 175 gr. strawberries

Example IV: low-calorie soup – 1 serving, 100 g. lean fish fillet, bread with margarine spread on top.

Example V: finished cheeseburger, 1 apple.

Dinner menu

Example I: 125 gr. chop, pineapple circle, 125 gr. potatoes boiled in their jackets. 1 teaspoon margarine.

Example II: 250 gr. skinless chicken baked in the oven, one small potato, plate vegetable salad.

Example III: 200 gr. sole fillet, 125 gr. chips.

Example IV: 2 fish balls, 75 g. potato croquettes, 2 tablespoons of legumes.

Example V: crab sticks, 100 gr. chips, 50 gr. peas

Examples of fruits

Example I: apple.

Example II: orange.

Example III: pear.

Example IV: small peach.

Example V: 125 gr. cherries

Example VI: 2 kiwis.

Example VII: 75 g. grapes

Example VIII: 75 g. pineapple

Example IX: 175 g. strawberries or raspberries.

Example X: 2 tangerines.

Good afternoon, friends, do you think that losing weight without hunger is impossible? We all have our little weaknesses. So, most people who want to lose weight cannot deny themselves regular diets, and losing weight in such cases can be quite difficult.

This weakness can ruin all your efforts. But you can find a way out if you try diet for those who love to eat.
Try to sit on it for a whole week and you will see that without feeling hungry, you can easily lose up to one and a half kilograms. Still don’t believe that losing weight without hunger is easy? Then this is the place for you!

Menu for a week diet for food lovers



Slice of bran bread, 130 g boiled beans, in the oven.


A large plate of mixed vegetable salad (dressed with sunflower oil or lemon juice), on top of which you can sprinkle 30 g of grated Eden cheese, a slice of multigrain bread, 1 apple.


A serving of durum wheat spaghetti (eg Bolognese) cooked with 100g chopped beef and mushrooms. Dry spaghetti weighs 50 g. Large plate of vegetable salad.

Snacks (choice of one of two options): a piece of bran bread, homemade cheese two tablespoons, half a bag of low-calorie crispy crackers, a small sandwich with a piece of low-fat cheese.



80 g mushrooms, cooked in chicken broth, a sandwich made of bran bread and a piece of not very fatty cheese, tomatoes baked in the oven.


A piece of boiled or grilled beef, with a large plate of vegetable salad, 1 apple.


200 g chicken breast with rice (80 g), a large plate of vegetable salad, 1 banana.

Snacks (choose one of the options): a piece of low-fat hard cheese, half a bag of low-calorie crackers, 15 grapes


Effective diet for those who love to eat. Nutritionists have invented a new diet that will allow very busy people to lose a couple of pounds. extra pounds without putting much effort into it and physical activity. All you have to do is drink more fluids and you will become slim. What's the catch, you might think? He's gone. It has long been proven that a person is 80 percent water, so nutritionists have created a new diet, the name of which is very symbolic - “For the lazy.” You won’t need to spend hours “puffing” on exercise machines to achieve a good result; it will be enough to simply compose correct menu for a day. Diet for the lazy Minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Anyone can create a menu for every day: difference from other diets Nowadays there is a huge variation of different diets on the Internet, ranging from vegetarian to powered by solar energy. Many girls and women have complexes about their excess weight, trying all new methods to bring your body into decent shape. But many also find it difficult to give up their favorite foods and sweets that make them so happy in life. There are also those who try to achieve the final result by playing sports. Of course, there is some sense in this, but basically everyone gives up before even reaching a third of the goal. Nutritionists have long considered this issue from a scientific point of view and created a new diet “for the lazy.” Diet for the lazy Minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Anyone can create a menu for every day: just drink a lot of water. The essence of the diet is easy and simple: you need to drink more water. To control the amount of food you eat, you need to calculate everything correctly. Before each meal, you should drink 1-2 glasses of water 20-30 minutes before each meal, then you will not eat too much. Your stomach will be filled with water, so you will eat the portion that is normally calculated for your weight. That's why, dear ladies, be patient and have water, which is best to always take with you and drink even before a spontaneous meal. This will help you lose about 12 kilograms in a short time, and also, over time, tidy up your skin. By drinking enough water a day, you stimulate metabolic processes in the body and nourish the skin useful substances– pallor and circles will disappear in a couple of months. Diet for the lazy Minus 12 kg in 2 weeks. Anyone can create a menu for every day: the right diet. The advantage of such a water diet is that there are practically no restrictions on food. Of course, you should refrain from smoked meats, flour, pork, processed foods and soda. It's better to eat more fish, fruits and vegetables, chicken fillet, beef or veal, drink tea and crunch diet bread instead of bread. It is imperative to ensure that your body receives enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To remember to eat right and maintain your diet, you can create a menu for the week that will fully satisfy your needs. For example: 1. Monday: let's choose something light for the first day of the diet, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat for breakfast. If you don’t like just porridge, add some fruits or berries, maybe yogurt. For lunch it is better to prepare a light salad with chicken breast, and in the evening bake beef with vegetables. 2. Tuesday: in the morning we eat an omelet, for example, with greens. For lunch, treat yourself to steamed fish, and for dinner you can stew veal meatballs and eat a little buckwheat. 3. Wednesday: for breakfast - cottage cheese with fruits/berries, for a daytime meal try to cook vegetable and chicken soup, and for dinner make a vegetable salad, adding a boiled egg. 4. Thursday: brew yourself some in the morning wheat porridge with honey, for lunch – cream of mushroom soup with bread, and in the evening, relax and eat cottage cheese. 5. Friday: Try yogurt and cookies for breakfast, stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls for lunch, and baked potatoes with ground beef and vegetables for dinner. 6. Saturday: after a hard week of work, you can eat a salad in the morning, serve mashed potatoes or broccoli and beef soup for lunch, and some fruit and kefir in the evening. 7. Sunday: in the morning - porridge with berries, lunch - bake chicken with an apple, dinner - boiled eggs and tomato. You can schedule similar menus for yourself for two weeks and strictly follow them, then you will not have any difficulties and you can easily cope with excess weight.