The highest air temperature recorded. Temperature in the universe

Domestic winters are harsh, frosty and very long. It is at this time of year that we are so drawn to where it is warm and the sun shines brightly. Do you know which country in the world is the hottest? In which cities on the planet does the air temperature rise to unimaginable levels? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Climate records of the planet

When in summer time the air warms up to +30 degrees, we languish from the heat and pray to the Almighty for cool rain. But there are even hotter places on our planet, where temperature values ​​can reach +40...50 o Celsius. What are these places? And where is the most hot country in the world? Let's find out.

In meteorology, there is such a thing as “absolute temperature maximum.” This is the highest air temperature recorded at a certain point on Earth in the entire history of observations. This is one of the main indicators that allows us to identify the 10 hottest countries (or cities) in the world. So, for example, for Moscow this value is +38.2 o C, but for Athens (the hottest capital of Europe) - +48.0 o C.

Enough for a long time The record temperature for the globe was considered to be +58.2 o C. It was recorded back in 1922 in the desert of Libya, not far from the city of Tripoli. However, in 2012, the World Meteorological Organization refuted these figures. According to satellite monitoring data earth's surface, the absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in 2005 in the Dasht-Lut area in southwestern Iran (+70.7 o C).

So where is the hottest country in the world located? And how many degrees does the thermometer show on its territory? Read more about this later in the article.

The hottest countries in the world: TOP 10

There are many truly “hot” states in the world. Most often, they are located in equatorial and tropical latitudes. After all, these are the parts of the globe that receive per year greatest number solar heat. But which country is the hottest in the world? To be called such, it must have high values temperatures throughout the calendar year.

So, the ten hottest countries in the world have next view:

  • Ethiopia (10th place).
  • Indonesia (9th place).
  • Jamaica (8th place).
  • India (7th place).
  • Malaysia (6th place).
  • Vietnam (5th place).
  • Bahrain (4th place).
  • UAE (3rd place).
  • Botswana (2nd place).
  • Qatar (1st place).
  • Dubai (UAE).
  • Baghdad (Iraq).
  • Kuwait City (Kuwait).
  • Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia).
  • Ahvaz (Iran).


Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa. Since the country is located in near-equatorial latitudes, it is not much cooler here in winter than in summer. The climate of the eastern regions of Ethiopia is extremely dry and hot.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

There is no division into seasons as such in Indonesia. Annual fluctuations in temperature values ​​here do not exceed 3-5 degrees. The Indonesian heat is significantly complicated by high air humidity, due to the proximity open ocean. However, in the mountainous regions of this island country it is quite possible to freeze even in the hottest months of the year.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

Jamaica's climate is tropical maritime, very humid. It is just as hot here in winter as in summer. And here is the distribution atmospheric precipitation is strictly seasonal. Most of the rain falls in autumn. According to historical reports, the first European colonizers in Jamaica had a hard time. It took a long time for Europeans to adapt to the unusual Jamaican climate.


India is an original and colorful country, one of the most popular among tourists. From the harsh northern winds it is reliably protected by the chain of the Himalayan mountains. But hot air from the Thar Desert spreads freely throughout almost its entire territory. Unlike all of the above countries, India experiences some seasonality in the climate: in winter, average air temperatures here drop to +15 degrees.


Average temperature of the warm season: +32 o C.

The Asian state of Malaysia is in the middle of our ranking. The climate here is humid (due to the proximity of the sea) and hot (due to the proximity to the equator). However, the Malaysian heat is slightly “diluted” by the monsoons, which bring heavy and prolonged rains in spring and autumn.


A similar situation is observed in Vietnam: during the transition seasons of the year, the monsoons bring with them precipitation and, often, typhoons. But winter in this country is quite dry, even compared to the hot summer. Overall, Vietnam is the hottest country in Southeast Asia.


Average temperature of the warm season: +33 o C.

The tiny kingdom of Bahrain is located on an island archipelago in the Persian Gulf. Abundance tropical deserts minimizes the amount of precipitation and, as a consequence, air humidity levels. In summer, air temperatures here are often kept at around +40 degrees, but in winter they drop to +17 o C.

United Arab Emirates

Average temperature of the warm season: +37 o C.

In the UAE, the climate is extremely dry and hot. The hottest months of the year are July and August. At the same time, the heat does not subside even at night, remaining at a level of +34...35 o C. Almost the entire territory of the UAE is covered with sand. But this did not stop the Arab sheikhs from turning their country into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the Middle East.


Average temperature of the warm season: +40 o C.

Another African country in our ranking is Botswana. There are clearly two seasons here: hot winter (since this is the Southern Hemisphere) and relatively cool summer, when the air temperature averages +25 degrees. Within the Kalahari Desert, even slight frosts sometimes occur.


Average temperature of the warm season: +41 o C.

Finally, the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Local residents are not particularly surprised when they see values ​​of +50 degrees on their thermometer. And it's in the shade! Most of the country is occupied by deserts, so wind blows here throughout the year. sandstorms.

One of Qatar's main problems is the shortage drinking water. It is solved by desalination. This is why water in this country costs more than gasoline.

Russia is the most big country in the world, occupies 1/8 of the Earth's land mass and is extremely rich in natural records. Here is the deepest lake in the world - Baikal, the highest mountain peak - Elbrus, Franz Josef Land, the northernmost archipelago on the planet, the longest European river - the Volga. The list could go on for a very long time.

In addition to geographical records, Russia holds another one - weather records. The fact is that it is on the territory of the largest country in the world that the most low temperature.

On the right bank of the Yana River is the northernmost city of Yakutia - Verkhoyansk. It’s hard to even call it a city. Rather, it is a small urban settlement with a population of 1,150 people, according to the 2015 census.

Frosts are not uncommon in Russia, but the town has become famous for its extreme weather conditions. It was here that on January 15, 1885, the temperature dropped to -67.8 0 C, which today is the lowest officially recorded temperature in the world in the territory of a permanently populated area. Such terrible cold is very difficult to survive today. And then in Verkhoyansk there was no centralized heating, and people themselves had to keep their houses warm with the help of firewood. During that harsh winter, many wild animals, birds and stray dogs froze.

The town confirmed its record in February 1892, and in the winter of 1933 the frost outside was -67.7 0 C.

I wonder what short summer here the temperature rises to 30 0 C. The absolute maximum was recorded in July 1988, when the air in Verkhoyansk warmed up to +37.3 0 C. Thus, Russia holds another record - the highest big difference maximum and minimum temperatures.

In 2005, townspeople attended the grand opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the 120-year-old record - an absolute temperature minimum on Earth in a populated area. Verkhoyansk has officially been awarded the status of the coldest city on the planet and the Pole of Cold Northern Hemisphere Earth.

Oymyakon, Yakutia

There is another settlement in Yakutia that defends the right to be called the coldest city in the world. Residents of the village of Oymyakona claim that it was here that the lowest temperature of -82 0 C was recorded in January 1916. As proof that Oymyakon is the most severe place with a permanent population not only in Russia, but throughout globe, the following temperature data is provided:

  • 1892 – minus 67.8 0 C,
  • in 1924 and 1926 – minus 71.2 0 C,
  • 1933 – “only” minus 67.7 0 C and minus 69.6 0 C,
  • 1938 –77.8 0 C below zero.

IN at the moment this information is being verified, and if it is officially confirmed that such terrible frosts were indeed observed in the Oymyakon Valley, then Verkhoyansk will lose its primacy as the coldest place on Earth and the Pole of Cold, and Oymyakon will receive these titles.

Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon are cities belonging to the Asian part of Russia. In the European part of the country, the lowest temperature was observed in the village of Ust-Shchuger (Komi Republic) on December 31, 1978 - -58.1 0 C.

Vostok station

Above we considered settlements in which the most harsh winters on the planet. If we talk about points on the earth’s surface where there is no permanent population, the lowest temperature in the world – -89.2 0 C – was recorded on July 21, 1983 at coordinates 78 0 27’ south latitude and 106 0 50’ east longitude. The most interesting thing is that these coordinates belong to the Russian Arctic scientific station"East". Again, the record belongs to Russia...


Temperature is one of the fundamental concepts in physics; it plays a huge role in concerns earthly life of all forms. At very high or very low temperatures, things can behave very strangely. We invite you to learn about a number of interesting facts related to temperatures.

What is the highest temperature?

The most high temperature, which was created by man, made up 4 billion degrees Celsius. It's hard to believe that the temperature of a substance can reach such incredible levels! This temperature 250 times higher temperature of the Sun's core.

An incredible record was set in Brookhaven Natural Laboratory in New York at the ion collider RHIC, the length of which is about 4 kilometers.

Scientists forced gold ions to collide in an attempt to reproduce conditions big bang, creating quark-gluon plasma. In this state, the particles that make up the nuclei of atoms—protons and neutrons—break apart, resulting in a “soup” of constituent quarks.

Extreme Temperatures in the Solar System

The temperature of the environment in the solar system is different from that to which we are accustomed on Earth. Our star, the Sun, is incredibly hot. At its center the temperature is about 15 million Kelvin, and the surface of the Sun has a temperature of only about 5700 Kelvin.

Temperature at the core of our planet is approximately the same as the surface temperature of the Sun. Hottest planet solar system– Jupiter, whose core temperature 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the Sun.

The most cold temperature in our system is recorded on the Moon: in some craters in the shadow the temperature is only 30 Kelvin above absolute zero. This temperature is lower than the temperature of Pluto!

Temperature of the human environment

Some peoples live in very extreme conditions And unusual places, not entirely convenient for life. For example, some of the coldest settlementsthe village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhnoyansk in Yakutia, Russia. The average winter temperature here is minus 45 degrees Celsius.

The coldest is more large city is also located in Siberia - Yakutsk with a population of about 270 thousand people. The temperature there in winter is also about minus 45 degrees, but in summer it can rise up to 30 degrees!

Highest average annual temperature was spotted in the abandoned city Dallol, Ethiopia. In the 1960s it was recorded here average temperatures - 34 degrees Celsius above zero. Among large cities, the city is considered the hottest Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, where average temperature is also in March-May about 34 degrees.

The most extreme temperatures where people work are seen in gold mines Mponeng V South Africa. The temperature at about 3 kilometers underground is plus 65 degrees Celsius. Measures are taken to cool the mines, such as using ice or insulating wall coverings, so miners can work without overheating.

What is the coldest temperature?

Trying to get lowest temperature, scientists were faced with a number of important things for science. Man has managed to obtain the coldest things in the Universe, which are much colder than any thing created by nature and the cosmos.

Freezing allows the temperature to drop to several milliKelvins. The lowest temperature that has been achieved under artificial conditions is 100 picoKelvin or 0.0000000001 K. To achieve this temperature, it is necessary to use magnetic cooling. Also, such low temperatures can be achieved using lasers.

At these temperatures, the material behaves completely differently than under normal conditions.

What is the temperature in space?

If, for example, you take a thermometer into outer space and leave it there for a while in a place far from a source of radiation, you may notice that it shows the temperature 2.73 Kelvin or so minus 270 degrees Celsius. This is the lowest natural temperature in the Universe.

Temperature stays the same in space above absolute zero due to the radiation that remained after the Big Bang. Although space is very cold by our standards, it is interesting to note that one of the the most important problems that astronauts encounter in space is heat.

The bare metal from which objects in orbit are made can heat up to 260 degrees Celsius due to free sun rays. To lower the temperature of ships, they need to be wrapped in a special material that can only lower the temperature by 2 times.

Temperature outer space nevertheless constantly falling. Theories about this have been around for a long time, but only recent measurements have confirmed that the Universe is cooling by about by 1 degree every 3 billion years.

The temperature of space will approach absolute zero, but will never reach it. Temperature on Earth does not depend on the temperature that exists in space today, and we know that our planet lately gradually warms up.

What is caloric?

Warmmechanical property material. The hotter an object, the more energy its particles have while moving. Atoms of substances in a hot solid state they vibrate faster than atoms of the same but cooled substances.

Whether a substance remains in a liquid or gaseous state depends on to what temperature should it be heated?. Today, any schoolchild knows about this, but until the 19th century, scientists believed that heat itself was a substance - weightless fluid, named caloric.

Scientists believed that this fluid evaporated from the warm material, thereby cooling it. It can flow from hot objects to cold ones. Many predictions based on this theory are actually correct. Despite misconceptions about heat, many have actually been made correct conclusions and scientific discoveries . The caloric theory was finally defeated at the end of the 19th century.

Is there a highest temperature?

Absolute zero- a temperature below which it is impossible to fall. What is the highest possible temperature? Science cannot yet answer this question accurately.

The highest temperature is called Planck temperature. This is exactly the temperature that existed in the Universe at the moment of the Big Bang, according to ideas modern science. This temperature is 10^32 Kelvin.

For comparison: if you can imagine, this temperature billions of times higher than the highest temperature, obtained artificially by man, which was mentioned earlier.

According to the standard model, the Planck temperature remains the highest possible temperature. If there is something even hotter, then the laws of physics we are used to will stop working.

There are suggestions that the temperature may rise even higher than this level, but science cannot explain what will happen in this case. In our model of reality, anything hotter cannot exist. Maybe reality will become different?

Despite the fact that humanity has explored the Earth far and wide, scientists continue to make discoveries that force them to rewrite textbooks. So American researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder made their contribution -

they found that temperatures in Antarctica can drop to almost -100°C.

They spoke about the discovery of a new temperature record in an article in the magazine. Geophysical Research Letters .

Previously, the lowest recorded temperature in Antarctica was -93°C, this data was obtained in 2013. The new record, like the previous one, was set in the eastern part of the mainland. Researchers discovered it by studying satellite readings of temperature changes in Antarctica and comparing the results with data from ground-based weather stations.

The lowest temperature on Earth is now officially -98°C. The temperature record was set on July 31, 2010.

“I have never been in such cold and I hope I never will,” says Doyle Rice, one of the researchers. —

They say that every breath there brings pain and you need to be extremely careful not to freeze your throat and lungs when breathing. It’s much colder than Siberia or Alaska.”

“Such a temperature can be felt at the poles of Mars in clear summer day" compares Ted Scambos, lead author of the study.

Temperatures drop so low in ice “pockets” up to three meters deep.

Scientists used data from the Terra and Aqua satellites, as well as satellite measurements National Administration oceanic and atmospheric research USA for 2004-2016. The greatest temperature changes, as it turned out, occur in Southern Hemisphere at night in June-August. Temperatures below -90°C are regularly recorded there.

The researchers also identified conditions conducive to the establishment of a temperature minimum: clear skies, light breezes and extremely dry air. Even a minimal content of water vapor in the air contributes to its heating, although not much.

“In this area, during certain periods the air is very dry, and this allows the snow to release heat more easily,” Scambos explains.

The temperature record was recorded at several points at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from each other. This got the researchers wondering - is there even a limit to the cooling?

“It all depends on how long the conditions allow the air to cool and how much water vapor there is in the atmosphere,” Scambos said.

Extremely dry and cold air sinks into pockets of ice and becomes colder and colder until the weather conditions. Temperatures could drop even lower, researchers say, but it will just take a lot of clear, dry days in a row.

If this record can be broken, it will obviously not be soon, the authors of the work believe. Level Up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and in connection with this, an increase in the amount of water vapor does not at all contribute to the emergence of the conditions necessary for this.

“Observation of the processes that influence low air and surface temperatures suggests that we will experience extreme low temperatures less frequently in the future,” the researchers write.

The researchers note that the data obtained are indicators recorded remotely. The lowest temperature recorded at a land weather station was -89.2°C. It was recorded on July 21, 1983 on the Soviet Antarctic station"East".

Because the current data was obtained from satellites rather than directly, some researchers refuse to acknowledge its significance.

“The East is still the coldest place on Earth,” insists Randy Cervenu, a professor of geography at the University of Arizona and a World Meteorological Organization specialist. — Remote sensing was used here, not standard weather stations Therefore, we at the World Meteorological Organization do not accept these results.”

In the United States, the lowest temperature was recorded in Alaska in the Prospect Creek settlement. The temperature record set on January 23, 1971 was -80°C.

The record low temperature for the entire period of observations on Earth was recorded in Antarctica at the Russian Vostok station on July 21, 1983. The temperature of -89.2 °C was measured by polar explorers and recorded in the observation log. This record was not broken for a long time. In December 2013, 30 years later, American scientists reported the discovery of an area in Antarctica where temperatures are often below record levels. According to them, in this area the temperature can reach extreme values ​​of up to -93.2 °C.

According to the latest NASA data, the area with the coldest temperatures is high in the mountains of Antarctica between the Argus and Fuji peaks of the eastern Antarctic plateau. Research and measurements were carried out using the Landset 8 satellite.

The assumption that there are areas in Antarctica with temperatures below the recorded minimum arose among American researchers after a careful close examination of the eastern plateau revealed faults in the snow dunes. At the first stage of the research, measurements were carried out from satellites using the MODIS spectroradiometer (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and the highly sensitive AVHRR radiometer (the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer). Extremely cold temperatures were recorded along the 620-mile ridge between Mount Argus and Mount Fuji, and even lower temperatures were recorded in pockets of the ridge. Then the measurements were continued by the more sensitive TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) infrared radiometer installed on board the new Landset 8 satellite. It was used to measure the lowest temperature on Earth.

[Image from NASA website]

Scientists tried not only to record the low temperature, but also to explain its origin. It was observed that the temperature drops rapidly under conditions clear skies when the earth releases heat into space. This creates a layer of super cooled air at the peaks above the surface of snow and ice. This layer is denser and heavier, so it can slide from the peaks to the plateau, after which the air enters the pockets of the ridge, as if into a trap, and cools even more. In fact, scientists have discovered not just points, but an entire high-mountainous region in Antarctica, in which temperatures often reach extremely low values.

It should be noted, however, that the lowest temperature on Earth -93.2 °C is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since the measurements were carried out using a non-contact method from the Landsat 8 satellite, and not with a contact thermometer. (However, the question arises: was the contact thermometer used to measure the temperature at the Vostok base accurately calibrated?). However, new data on extreme temperatures on Earth has confirmed the presence of very cold zones in Antarctica.

A little information about Landset 8. The Landset 8 research satellite is designed to do more than just measure the temperature of the Earth's surface. It was launched on February 11, 2013 and now takes approximately 550 images of the Earth's surface in one day. high resolution. Moreover, the USGS processes the images, archives them and distributes them on the Internet absolutely free of charge. With Landset 8 it is now possible to track any changes related to natural phenomena and human activity. To learn more about the state of our planet, visit the Landset 8 website.