Doctor Myasnikov Alexander lectures. Dr. Myasnikov: “A simple way to lose weight without drugs is to speed up your metabolism! Reasons for the development of persistent pathology

Cholesterol is necessary for the body, as it is involved in many vital important processes. Only 20% of the fat-like substance comes with food, and the rest is synthesized in the liver.

Therefore, even vegetarians may have high cholesterol levels. The contributing factor may be heredity, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

For hypercholesterolemia, statins are often prescribed, which reduce the likelihood of complications. But, like any other medicine, these drugs have their drawbacks. Dr. Alexander Myasnikov will help you understand why high cholesterol is dangerous and what role statins play in lowering it.

What is cholesterol and why can it be dangerous?

Cholesterol is solid bile or lipophilic alcohol. Organic compound is an integral part cell membranes, which makes them more stable under temperature changes. Without cholesterol, it is impossible to produce vitamins D, bile acids and adrenal hormones

The human body produces approximately 80% of the substance itself, mainly in the liver. The remaining 20% ​​of cholesterol comes from food.

Cholesterol can be good and bad. The chief physician of City Clinical Hospital N°71, Alexander Myasnikov, draws the attention of his patients to the fact that the beneficial or negative effect of a substance on the body depends on the density of the lipoproteins that make up the organic compound.

In the body healthy person the ratio of LDL to LDL should be equal. But if the levels of low-density lipoproteins are too high, then the latter begin to settle on the walls of blood vessels, leading to adverse consequences.

Doctor Myasnikov claims that levels of bad cholesterol will increase especially rapidly if the following risk factors are present:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. hypertension;
  3. overweight;
  4. smoking;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. vascular atherosclerosis.

Consequently, the primary cause of strokes and heart attacks around the world is an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. LDL is deposited on blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques that contribute to the formation of blood clots, which often leads to death.

Myasnikov also talks about cholesterol for women, that it is especially harmful after menopause. After all, before the onset of menopause, the intensive production of sex hormones protects the body from the appearance of atherosclerosis.

With high cholesterol and low risks drug treatment not prescribed.

However, the doctor is convinced that if a patient’s cholesterol is not higher than 5.5 mmol/l, but there are risk factors (increased blood glucose, obesity), then he should definitely take statins.

Statins for hypercholesterolemia

Sugar level

Statins are a leading group of drugs that reduce harmful cholesterol to acceptable levels. These drugs significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, although Dr. Myasnikov emphasizes to patients that medicine still does not know the exact principle of their action.

The scientific name of statins is HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. They are new group drugs that can quickly lower LDL levels and increase life expectancy.

Presumably, the statin slows down the function of the liver enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol. The drug increases the number of LDL apolyprotein and HDL receptors in cells. Thanks to this, harmful cholesterol lags behind the vascular walls and is utilized.

Dr. Myasnikov knows quite a bit about cholesterol and statins, since he himself has been taking them for many years. The doctor claims that in addition to their lipid-lowering effect, liver enzyme inhibitors are highly valued due to their positive effects on blood vessels:

  • stabilize plaques, reducing the risk of their rupture;
  • eliminate inflammation in the arteries;
  • have an anti-ischemic effect;
  • improve fibirinolysis;
  • strengthen the vascular epithelium;
  • have an antiplatelet effect.

In addition to reducing the likelihood of developing diseases cardiovascular system, the benefit of statins is to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and intestinal cancer. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors prevent the formation of stones in gallbladder, normalize kidney function.

Doctor Myasnikov draws attention to the fact that statins are very useful for men. The drugs help with erectile dysfunction.

All statins are available in tablet form. They are taken once a day before bedtime.

But before taking statins, you should take urine and blood tests and do a lipid profile to detect disorders in fat metabolism. In severe forms of hypercholesterolemia, you will need to take statins for several years or throughout your life.

Liver enzyme inhibitors are classified according to chemical composition and generation:

Generation Features of the drugs Popular products from this group
I Made from penicillin mushrooms. Reduce LDL by 25-30%. They have a significant number of side effects. Lipostat, Simvastatin, Lovastatin
II Inhibits the process of enzyme release. Reduce total cholesterol concentration by 30-40%, can increase HDL by 20% Leskol, Fluvastatin
III Synthetic drugs are highly effective. Reduce total cholesterol by 47%, increase HDL levels by 15% Novostat, Liprimar, Torvacard, Atoris
IV Synthetic statins of the latest generation. Reduces bad cholesterol levels by 55%. Possess minimum quantity adverse reactions Rosuvastatin

Despite the high effectiveness of statins for hypercholesterolemia, Dr. Myasnikov points out the likelihood of developing negative consequences after taking them. First of all, medications have a negative effect on the liver. Also, liver enzyme inhibitors can affect the liver in 10% of cases. muscular system, sometimes contributing to the appearance of myositis.

There is an opinion that statins increase the risk of developing. However, Myasnikov is convinced that if you take the tablets in an average dosage, your glucose levels will rise only slightly. Moreover, for diabetics, vascular atherosclerosis, which leads to heart attacks and strokes, is much more dangerous than a minor disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism.

A number of studies have shown that in some cases statins impair memory and can change human behavior. Therefore, if such adverse reactions occur after taking statins, you should contact your doctor, who will adjust the dosage or discontinue use of the drug.

Natural statins

For people who are not at risk and whose cholesterol is slightly elevated, Myasnikov recommends lowering the fatty alcohol content in the blood naturally. LDL and HDL levels can be normalized with diet therapy.

  1. coffee;
  2. cocoa;
  3. Chinese red rice;
  4. green tea;

Talking about high cholesterol, Dr. Myasnikov recommends that his patients replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Unrefined flaxseed, sesame or olive oil, which strengthens the vascular walls.

Alexander Leonidovich advises all people suffering from hypercholesterolemia to consume fermented milk products daily. So, in natural yogurt contains a sterol that reduces performance bad cholesterol by 7-10%.

You also need to eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. Solid fibers bind and remove LDL from the body.

In the video in this article, Dr. Myasnikov will talk about elevated level cholesterol.

Details Created: 05/03/2017 19:58 Updated: 12/19/2017 14:15

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich is a talented, extraordinary, purposeful doctor and scientist who was born in famous dynasty doctors and healers of the 19th century. How did he achieve success and what is he hiding in his personal life? Let's find out below.


According to sources, a talented boy was born September 15, 1953 in the city of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) in a family of doctors. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a modest, impeccable, scrupulous and very neat man. Unfortunately there is no information about him early childhood. But he remembers his parents in more detail in the book " PEDIGREE. LETTERS TO SON LENA".

Parents in their youth

Alexander's father - Leonid Alexandrovich, a famous doctor of medical sciences and professor, who unfortunately died in early age(45 years old) from kidney cancer. Mother Olga also worked in medicine. The boy's parents soon divorced when he was only 6 years old. As you know, his father married a second time and Alexander had a paternal brother, Leonid (also a doctor and anesthesiologist).

Alexander with his mother

Early years

After graduating from school, the guy applied to Moscow Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov and graduated successfully in 1976. Next were for many years residency and postgraduate training in Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikova, and then defending a Ph.D. dissertation.


His career begins with very hard work abroad. First, he was sent to Africa (Mozambique) as part of a group of geologists who explored deposits in hard-to-reach areas South Africa. He likes to work here, because as a doctor, he is used to helping people.

Even after the group broke up due to hostilities, he did not return to his homeland, but remained to work in Africa. First in the Zambezi province as a general practitioner, and then in Angola - he consulted with local doctors.

In Angola

Alexander Leonidovich also worked a lot in France and the USA. In the latter country he also studied, defended his medical degree and received the title of doctor of the highest category from the American Board of Medicine.

According to sources, Myasnikov is the former chief physician of the Kremlin hospital (he worked there for one year from 2009 to 2010), and today heads the City Clinical Hospital No. 71.

Dr. Myasnikov became known to a wide audience thanks to various programs about medicine on television and books written about a healthy lifestyle.

On television, he first hosts a television program on medical topics. “Did you call the doctor?”, and then from 2013 - “About the most important things:) with Dr. Myasnikov”. It is also known that he hosted a column about medicine on Vesti FM radio.

"Vesti FM"

Interesting facts

According to the media, in the house of Alexander Leonidovich there is a large collection of stuffed wild and exotic animals. According to the doctor, he often likes to go hunting with his friends, but since he is far from a professional in this matter, such trophies are given to him by his colleagues.

In one of his interviews, Dr. Myasnikov shared his impressions of TV series about doctors, because sometimes he watches them to compare his real work with the movies. According to him, American films "Dr. House" and " Ambulance" filmed more professionally than domestic ones, which he prefers not to watch at all.

It is known that chief physician eats right every day. His daily diet includes about half a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilogram of fruit. As for meat, he prefers dietary varieties, but tries to eat red meat no more than twice a week. Among drinks, he chooses coffee and drinks it without restrictions, and all because scientists have recently found that this aromatic, invigorating drink reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and also protects against liver cancer.

Alexander Leonidovich loves dogs and three handsome dogs live in his house: an Alabai Margosha and two St. Bernards. The doctor practically never gets sick, because he goes in for sports, leads healthy image life and goes to the bathhouse (considers it the most powerful physiotherapeutic procedure).

According to sources, also lives in Dr. Myasnikov’s house beautiful red cat of the Maine Coon breed. His name is Aramis.

The doctor has his own page on Instagram, where he sometimes shares fresh photos with his fans.

Favorite dogs

Personal life

Unfortunately, like most famous and public figures, the head physician tries not to bring his personal life into general discussion. He tells reporters very little about whether he has a wife and children. All that is known is that, as it turned out, Alexander loves his wife very much and values family values. According to sources, in his youth he met exactly the only girl with whom he has been happily married for 33 years.

Father and son

Although this was not his first marriage, because with current wife He met in a very banal way: he came to a social reception with his first wife, where he met his future second wife and her groom. It was love at first sight and after this meeting they never parted again. Rumor has it that at that time it was she who supported Myasnikov in all his endeavors and traveled a lot with him.

The couple also have a son, Leonid (the name was given in honor of his grandfather). He is already quite an adult, studying at high school and is already preparing to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a doctor too.

Books on maintaining health written by Alexander Myasnikov, a famous cardiologist, television and radio presenter, are always popular among readers over 60. Our mothers and fathers value Dr. Myasnikov’s advice for its simplicity, accessibility and optimism. The book by his mother, gerontologist, candidate of medical sciences Olga Myasnikova, will also appeal to older readers - after all, she writes about what is familiar to everyone, using the example of her own life.

You know, in order to stay young longer, you need... not enough time! Yes, yes, that’s exactly how I lived my whole life. She worked three jobs and was so tired that when she came home, she would fall on the bed in her clothes and immediately fall asleep. I was constantly sewing and knitting something. I felt that I was always needed and had to, so there was no time to whine and be bored.

The habit of constantly finding things to do and care for myself was formed in me from early childhood. Since childhood, I loved to read and read voraciously. Reading has become a passion, a necessity. Probably thanks to this I graduated from school with a gold medal. And already when I was studying at the institute, with a small scholarship of 25 rubles, I first of all bought books. And now, when I am already 88 years old, I read constantly. I re-read my favorite authors - Bunin, Tolstoy. I love journalism. I always buy a lot of different newspapers and magazines. And I read, read, read. Because I want to stay up to date with everything that's happening in modern life. But I don’t want to forget what happened many years ago.

Why is it so important to maintain a keen interest in life? Because the aging process begins when the growth and development of the body ends. Thus, already at the age of 30-35 the intensity of biological processes decreases. The process of physiological aging does not begin in different tissues and organs simultaneously and proceeds with different intensities.

During the aging process, sensory functions are among the first to deteriorate. Hearing begins to decline at approximately 65 years of age. Vision also decreases - people over 60 rarely see well without glasses. This decline is usually caused by decreased function of the pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. Color perception deteriorates.

The functions of smell and taste perception are also reduced. One reason for the deterioration of taste is a decrease in the number of taste buds in the mouth by 36%, and the performance of the remaining receptors also decreases. Due to changes in the perception of smell and taste old man gets easily upset about some things related to these functions. For example, he will complain that food has no taste.

An older person's speech is slower, the pauses are longer and more frequent, pronunciation becomes slurred, often due to pathological changes in the brain.

In old age, homeostasis is less effective. Psychological adaptability also decreases with age. Wounds heal more slowly. Breathing and heartbeat become less frequent. Temperature losses are less recoverable. Sleep changes.

According to World Organization healthcare, a process called “population aging” is observed throughout the world, that is, an increase in the number of elderly and senile people. Of course, in old age a person is overtaken by diseases, and many of them cannot be cured, but the quality of life and its duration can be improved. Living a long life while maintaining health and creative activity is the natural dream of every person. Therefore, an elderly person should be active!

Yes, an elderly person gets tired faster, but our research has revealed one interesting pattern: as soon as someone starts helping elderly people, they stop doing anything on their own, and even the limited mobility they have decreases. Therefore, I advise: do everything that you can do yourself, do not resort to the help of loved ones!

An elderly person, a woman, must have a hobby, a passion, a constant activity that occupies her full attention. Reading, drawing, sewing, knitting. For example, I have been knitting all my life. Napkins, shawls, blouses, tablecloths. Both crocheted and knitted. I started knitting when I separated from my first husband. There was no alimony, three people had to be clothed and fed - mother, son and myself. When I was still the chief doctor in the village, they gave me a German sewing machine"Zinger". So I sewed on it. I could only look once at a picture or at a model in some magazine - and immediately sewed it. Any pattern from memory! It took up my time outside of work.

Why is it important for an elderly person handmade? This is fine motor skills of the hands, which well supports speech, thought processes, imagination, memory, and creativity. And also on the hands there are biological active points, related to the functioning of the brain, therefore, by massaging the hands of a child in childhood, we stimulate the functioning of the brain and all body systems.

Previously, when there was not so much technology, older people did a lot of knitting, embroidery, sewing, etc. And few of them suffered from senile dementia, sclerosis and other disorders. So fine motor skills It’s better to continue to develop your hands throughout your life, then in old age you will have a young mind. You can choose something you like: for example, play musical instruments, collect various small models, do handicrafts. These activities will not only bring you benefits, but also a positive mood.

It's no secret that as we age, we forget a lot. We get distracted. For a long time it was believed that nothing could be done about memory loss in older people. But let us remember cardiologists and neurosurgeons who operate into old age, academicians who make discoveries in old age. Have they been spared by the common share? Not at all. It’s just that the brain can be trained, just like muscles. Accordingly, if you don’t relax and give your brain a workout, then the symptoms of memory impairment in older people can be significantly reduced. The process of acquiring new knowledge, memorizing unfamiliar words and terms is a great workout. In order not to memorize meaningless information, you should try to study foreign languages.

It’s also useful to learn poetry or solve crossword puzzles. For example, I really love crosswords, every time I try to test myself: what do you remember? what do you know? And I am very happy when I manage to unravel many words and meanings.

And I study the Koran. Prayers for breakfast, for death, for birth. It's very difficult - Arabic. I am Crimean Tatar by origin. I have always loved the history and culture of my people. Since childhood, I heard my mother sing beautiful songs in the Tatar language and saw her dance. And she repeated everything after her.

But in the first grade I decided to change my name. My parents named me Ulker, which means the North Star. I came to study at a Russian school in Simferopol and called myself by the Russian name Olga - I really liked this name and was a little consonant with my own. And so the teacher calls: “Olya Aliyeva who?” Everyone is silent, and I am silent too - I forgot that it is me. Then I remembered.

But let's return to our healthy and wonderful lifestyle in old age. According to many scientists, bird voices have a healing effect on humans. The singing of birds calms, cheers, puts you in a romantic mood, heals the soul, and brings into balance all the processes occurring in the body. Scientists have noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, there are many long-livers. This is explained by the fact that everything biological processes in the human body will in this case be synchronized with the singing of birds.

Therefore, I personally advise you to wake up early, especially in the countryside, in nature - and listen to the birds. But in the city you can also hear bird trills early in the morning. They create the right mood from the very morning. After the bird concert, you won’t want to whine and think about bad things!

Chief physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 71. Dr. Myasnikov has several specializations: family doctor Myasnikov, cardiologist, Doctor Myasnikov in anti-aging therapy, Candidate of Medical Sciences (Russia), Doctor of Medicine and Doctor Myasnikov with the highest category (certificate 200059, USA).

Alexander Myasnikov- a hereditary doctor, representative of the fourth generation of the famous Myasnikov medical dynasty. The Myasnikov medical dynasty is one of the most famous and numerous not only in Russia, but also in the world. Great-grandfather is a zemstvo doctor who opened the first hospital in his city, grandfather is an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a world-famous scientist, whose textbooks are still used by students of all ages. medical universities. Cardiologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators - everyone in this family has been becoming doctors for two hundred years.

Doctor Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogova. Since 1982, Dr. Myasnikov has worked abroad, including as part of the Red Cross mission in African countries in International organization on migration. After confirming his medical diploma in the USA, Dr. Alexander Myasnikov worked at the New York Medical Center state university. Dr. Myasnikov is a member of the American Medical Association and the American medical academy to combat aging.

Currently, Dr. Myasnikov hosts the television program “About the Most Important Thing” on Channel 2 and Dr. Myasnikov participates in the radio program “Morning with Vladimir Solovyov.”

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov is a representative of the fourth generation of an ancient medical dynasty, the head physician of the capital’s clinic No. 71. Over his many years of experience, he worked in foreign private clinics and saved lives during the war in Africa. Now, in addition to his main medical activities, he hosts the program “About the Most Important Thing” on the Rossiya channel, and is also known as the author of a number of popular books on medical topics.

Childhood and adolescence

Alexander is a native Leningrader, born into a family of hereditary doctors. The famous Myasnikov dynasty dates back to the nineteenth century, in the town of Krasny Kholm, Tver province. It was there that he began his professional path Zemstvo doctor Leonid Alexandrovich, Alexander's great-grandfather.

With his own money, he organized a hospital for the poor in Red Hill, and after the revolution he opened the first Soviet Russia eye clinic.

Following in his footsteps were his grandfather, Alexander Leonidovich, who became a major cardiologist and academician, and the father of our hero, Leonid Aleksandrovich, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Alexander’s mother, Olga Khalilovna, a Crimean Tatar by nationality, also devoted her whole life to medicine and even at ninety years old amazed those around her with her cheerfulness and optimism.

Little Sasha in his early childhood dreamed of becoming a driver and traveler, but he further fate was predetermined. Despite the fact that the father left the family when his son was barely six years old, he insisted that the boy continue the family dynasty and become a doctor.

Medical career

After school, Alexander entered the capital's Pirogov State Medical Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1976. Then he completed four years of residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology, which bears the name of his illustrious grandfather.

After that, as part of a group of geologists, unexpectedly for his loved ones, he went to a place engulfed in flames. civil war Mozambique and worked there as a doctor for six years.

Over the years, Myasnikov gained unique experience in medical practice in the field, performing a huge number of operations and saving the lives of hundreds of people.

Returning to Moscow, Alexander got a job as a cardiologist at a scientific medical center, while simultaneously holding an important position in the International Migration Service. After some time, he went abroad again and settled in New York for seven years, where he completed his residency at a local university and confirmed his international qualifications by receiving a diploma as a general practitioner.

Returning to Moscow again, he first headed a branch of one of the private American clinics, and then became the head physician of the Kremlin Hospital, the main medical institution in Russia.


Alexander Leonidovich gained wide popularity and boundless love of millions of Russians thanks to his participation in the TV show “About the Most Important Thing,” which he has hosted since 2013.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Before that, he acted as a medical expert in the “The Doctor was Called” program on the REN-TV channel.

Thanks to television, Dr. Myasnikov has the opportunity to convey to viewers the main points of his concept of a long, fulfilling life and helps them properly monitor their health.


Alexander is the author of many articles on medical topics and more than a dozen books.

Alexander Myasnikov about his book “How to live over 50: an honest conversation with a doctor”

His first book is How to Live Beyond 50: An Honest Conversation with Your Doctor. Moreover, he wrote it after people from the publishing house contacted him. Without much desire, but the promise had to be fulfilled, Myasnikov began dictating texts into a voice recorder while he was traveling on a train or plane. The deciphered recordings formed the basis of the book, which was a huge success and sold 300 thousand copies.

After this, the doctor was seized by a writing frenzy - he liked this business, and he himself began to print the text of his future bestsellers: “The Esophagus”, “Ghosts”, “Guide to the Use of Medicine” and many others.

The doctor is convinced that people need to be educated about the work of the body, how the world of medicine works, and also make it clear that there is no miraculous panacea for all diseases.

Myasnikov tries to write books in a language that is understandable and accessible to everyone, talking simply about complex things, avoiding purely medical terms. It uses the most up-to-date, clinically proven sources.

Personal life of Alexander Myasnikov

Alexander Leonidovich does not like to talk a lot about his privacy, usually turning the conversation into a professional area. It is known that Myasnikov met his second wife Natalya at a social party, while in his official first marriage.

More than thirty years have passed since then, during which the loving couple traveled half the world, experienced many different life situations together, gave birth to and raised a son, Leonid, who was traditionally named after his grandfather and continued the family dynasty.

At birth, Alexander was left-handed, but later retrained. His son is also left-handed, but, as Myasnikov admits, this does not interfere with his life.

Myasnikov also admitted that he has illegitimate daughter Pauline. The wife managed to forgive the betrayal. The doctor's family communicates with Polina, the girl is a member of good relations with a half-brother.

Alexander Myasnikov now

Today, Myasnikov has been heading the capital’s clinical hospital No. 71 for the eighth year. The doctor also has a personal website where anyone can ask him a question.

Doctor Myasnikov - about how not to get sick