Search service for travel companions and passing cars. Associated transportation of passengers and cargo

Finally, a high-quality and multifunctional online service “Everyone is Lucky” has been created on the RuNet, which searches for a vehicle for transporting passing, large-sized cargo throughout Russia. We help drivers and their clients find each other for mutual benefit. We have made our website as convenient as possible for both customers and performers.

The “Lucky Everyone” service is especially useful for owners of large vehicles who leave for their return trip empty. It’s convenient to search with us passing cargo in Russia for the Gazelle in order to minimize the cost of gasoline and other expenses. And also, with our help, you can fill a half-empty body to get maximum profit.

Features of passing flights

Searching for associated transportation of goods and vehicles in Russia on the website “Everyone is Lucky” significantly saves time and effort for drivers. With a happy coincidence, you can take an additional order in addition to the main one, which means you can earn twice as much. In addition, the advantages of a passing flight are as follows:

  • there is no longer any need to drive the car “empty” in one direction;
  • it becomes possible to save on fuel and engine depreciation;
  • you can use the extra income for yourself;
  • This is a great chance to work at a convenient time, and not out of necessity.

But before you start looking for associated, non-canopied cargo for transportation on a Gazelle on the “Everyone is Lucky” website, we would like to remind you of the need to respect the interests of the main customer. Your first task should remain a priority. Meanwhile, violations in relation to clients of our service also entail a decrease in your reputation on the site and even deletion of your account. We encourage you to consider your vehicle's capabilities and plan your trip carefully.

How does our service work?

The website "Everyone is Lucky" does not provide work to drivers and transport companies. But we know how and where to find passing cargo for transportation on the Gazelle. In fact, the service is only a dispatcher between carriers and clients. We see our task as follows:

  • optimize the market for logistics services throughout Russia;
  • create a database of professional carriers with a reliable reputation;
  • help potential customers and contractors find each other;
  • allow all market participants to influence pricing.

In pursuit of our goals, we have created a quick and convenient system of criteria, based on which the owner vehicle can search for cargo on the way back. Each project completed by the client contains the following information:

  • date of transportation;
  • volume and weight of the batch;
  • point of collection and destination;
  • special customer requirements.

Thanks to this data, you will be able to accurately calculate the allowable volume of goods and take on only those tasks that you can handle. Most often, certain categories of related products are popular on our service, for example, home and office furniture, building materials, bulky waste and much more. And if you have at your disposal special equipment for transportation of food or animals, find return cargo for organizing transportation to truck it will be quite simple.

Searching for new clients right now!

After going through a quick and simple registration process, you will be able to fully use all the capabilities of the “Everyone is Lucky” service and learn how to find associated cargo. This means not only looking for return cargo, but also building your own reputation, winning the respect of clients, and receiving more and more profitable offers.

Our users successfully complete tasks throughout Russia, as well as abroad. Before concluding a deal, you will have the opportunity to discuss all the details and come to a mutually beneficial agreement - this will allow you to avoid conflicts and dishonest business partners.

To find a site with orders for reverse loading, visit the “Lucky Everyone” service. We are confident that our advantages will not leave you indifferent, and our 24-hour support team is always ready to answer your questions in case of misunderstandings during the search. Call us at 8-800-555-19-23 or register yourself. Give a new incentive to your business!

A modern person does not need to stand in line at train station ticket offices and read advertisements on poles in search of a driver who will transport things to a new place of residence. It is enough to use one of the Internet services, where you can find not only trusted travel companions and carriers, but also save significantly. Today we will look at six such resources that have already gained popularity among active users Internet.

1. BlaBlaCar

The undisputed leader in the ride sharing market, a proven European service that has relatively recently firmly established itself in Russia. What is the secret of his popularity?

The first is convenience. Through the website and its mobile application, you can quickly find a driver who will go in the right direction, on the right day and even at the right time. Narrow settings are also available: for example, you can really choose a non-smoking driver who will not turn on the “chanson” or talk about politics the whole way.

The service is actively used for traveling around the country (both between settlements and between regions). It is also possible to search for travel companions for trips abroad (the service, we remind you, is international). When choosing a driver, the user sees his age, make and class of car, personal preferences and the proposed cost of the trip. Availability of reviews and good rating– an additional factor of choice.

Despite the convenience, there are still disadvantages - mainly related to our special mentality. For example, some drivers don’t bother and fill out the information in the form at random. So it turns out that instead of the stated two passengers, four are crammed into the cabin. And the silent non-smoker turns out to be a puffing lover of conversation. And one more thing - the service is focused only on finding travel companions. It is difficult, if not impossible, to find a driver to transport cargo here.

2. " Throw the Hog »

This is an online service ordering service that quickly burst into the market and quickly conquered good positions. It is focused on finding performers in several areas: from courier services to professional ones. It is also possible to find a driver for a shared trip and a car owner for cargo transportation.

There are no problems with the service’s website: while the previous service made it possible to search for drivers among the available options, “Throw the Kabanchik” allows you to become a customer yourself. To find a driver, you need to fill out a task, indicate the conditions, date and price you plan to pay. This process takes on average 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, all you have to do is wait: interested drivers will see the task themselves and submit applications.

When choosing among candidates, the customer can view their profiles, which contain reviews, ratings, and personal information. “Arbitrariness,” by the way, is not allowed here: the administration of the service strictly monitors the objectivity of the information specified in the profile, checks the passport details of performers, and does not provide the opportunity to “cheat” ratings or reviews. The result: a comfortable and safe trip, the conditions of which are determined by the customer himself.

3. " Everyone is lucky »

Online service for ordering freight transportation. It also aims to put the customer in a privileged position. If in " real world“The customer rushes between cargo carriers who dictate their terms, then with the help of the service he himself can determine who, for how much and under what conditions will transport his cargo.

The service works with cargo from 1 kg, servicing private moves, commercial orders, delivery of large cargo, etc. To order cargo transportation, just place an order on the website (or in its mobile application). In just a few minutes the first offers from interested drivers will appear. Each of them offers its own price, which ultimately allows you to save on delivery. Having selected a contractor, the customer receives his contact information for further communication.

The system also offers several additional features - for example, cargo insurance and route tracking. In general, most clients are satisfied with the service, but there are also disadvantages: for example, the selected driver on the spot may try to change the price of transportation or dictate his own conditions.

4. " I'll give you a ride»

A site for finding travel companions in Moscow and Moscow Region (mainly), as well as in Russia. Using it, you can find travel companions for your daily commute to work, for traveling to the airport (to save on taxis) and for other personal purposes.

The first thing that catches your eye is the absolutely “no” design of the service. The feeling of being on a site from the 90s does not leave the user on any page of the resource. Because of this, functionality suffers: users accustomed to convenient interfaces may experience difficulties. On the other hand, the service copes with servicing one of the most popular ways of traveling around Moscow - trips by passing cars. Placing requests allows you not to catch a ride or a taxi on the side of the road, but to negotiate with the driver online. The system is quite similar to previous services: similar placement of applications (placed by drivers) with a search for potential travel companions.

Conclusion: the service justifies itself as a means for organizing trips around the vast capital. For convenience - a minus, for the ability to quickly find travel companions - a plus. There is nothing more to say about him.

5. " I'll take you there »

A service for finding travel companions, organizing trips in a “people’s taxi” and private cargo transportation. However, the site still separates the search directions: “fellow travelers”, “people’s taxi” and “cargo transportation”. The service works in all major cities Russia, but the advantage, naturally, goes to Moscow and St. Petersburg. By the way, the project has a “child” resource “Mahnem!” to find travel companions when traveling abroad. But it needs to be discussed separately.

The principle of operation, as you might guess, differs little from previous services: drivers post advertisements, informing about the route and travel time, quantity free seats. A potential passenger uses the search bar on the website, looking for a trip, and finds current offers from drivers. Using the same principle, it is proposed to look for cargo carriers. The website has a rating that allows you to choose the best carrier based on comfort and level of service.

Overall: the site is useful and full of offers. On a personal note, little attention is paid to the security of transactions: each trip is an area of ​​personal responsibility for the driver and passenger. It depends on your luck here.

6. " On the way »

Another resource where drivers and fellow travelers can meet for trips within the city and between settlements. A Russian startup launched in 2012 and with great prospects.

Having examined the previous five services, nothing new can be said about the functionality of VPuti: it implements a similar principle of searching for drivers and travel companions to reduce the cost of a shared trip. However, there are features, and one of them is the search for travel companions based on interests. This good opportunity overcome the distance by passing the time in a conversation on a topic of interest to everyone. In addition, in this way you can expand your circle of useful acquaintances and connections.

It is worth noting the security factor: the service provides tracking of each trip, and if there are any complaints about violation of the rules by the driver or passenger, it blocks the violator’s account. This “cleaning of rows” can significantly reduce the risks of poor-quality trips.

Overall: the service is really promising and convenient. Especially for people interested in traveling safely and economically.

Service fellow traveler provided by our company and accompanied by professionals in the field of transporting passengers with luggage. Drivers who have many years of experience working not only behind the wheel, but also with people.

Advantages of this service: fellow traveler- with us:

Our drivers, which means for you fellow travelers have driving skills on the highway at any time weather conditions. Cars are usually insured and periodically undergo technical inspection. Moreover, some drivers are registered as employees, so safety is assured long trip guaranteed.

What is the difference between a blablacar travel companion and our service?

The difference between our service and bla bla car is the rules. We provide a car for several passengers if available; accordingly, the price will be divided by the number of passengers.

For example: You need to get to the city of Voronezh (500 km from Moscow), your trip is: 11,000 rubles, but there is another passenger who needs to get to the city of Efremov (320 km from Moscow) on the same day. The calculation of the amount will be as follows: 320 x 22: 2 = 3520 rubles will be paid by the first passenger (to the city of Efremov), then we subtract from the total amount 11,000 - 3,520 = 7,480 will be paid by the second passenger (to the city of Voronezh).

  • The price is divided by 3 (economy class car) or even 7 (minivan car), depending on how many passengers have applied for a ride in the same direction.
  • A taxi company always has more opportunities (compared to private companies) to provide passengers with a car and an experienced driver.

Thus, the more travel requests you have, the cheaper the price will be in the end. There are enough cars for everyone who wants to get there at a very inexpensive and fixed price.

Search for a trip from Moscow by car

Using our travel companion service, you can always:

  • find and get a trip to the destination you are interested in;
  • find a travel companion in an imported car;
  • Our travel companions page is always at your service.

It is beneficial for the Vremena TAXI company that your trip is as cheap as possible, because... The less you pay for your trip, the more you'll want to use our travel companion service next time. To do this, we need to look for passengers in one direction as much as possible.

Reliable service - the car will be 100%

It is necessary to order the search for passengers and cars in advance, so that there are others who want to travel in one direction at two or even three times cheaper, while paying only for their distance. The calculation formula (example) is presented in the second paragraph of this article.

The car for this trip will be 100%, but how the price will be calculated depends on the number of passengers, i.e. from yourself. For our part, we will do everything to make your trip pleasant and comfortable.

Use our convenient service fellow traveler, and you will be satisfied with the provision of this service, pricing policy and the professionalism of our employees.

If you need a travel companion, come to us!

Enter your route into the search form and you can find a passing car in your direction. The list contains the date of the trip, the model of the proposed car, the number of seats in the cabin and the price of the trip to your settlement. Click "More details" and expand your search if the suggested results do not suit you.

Designate the place from where you need to get there. You will be taken to a city, village, resort, in a word, wherever you want - safe, inexpensive, fast, convenient!

How to find a passing car

Hiking throughout Russia and Europe is more popular than ever! Eat great option find a passing car V new form search for a trip on BlaBlaCar. It’s a matter of minutes, and the benefits are up to 75% savings on travel! Introducing a new search that will find drivers near you, wherever you are, and give drivers reliable travel companions.

Enter the place from where you want to leave into the search bar. No more needed look for trips in the neighboring big city! You will be taken to a city, village, resort, in a word, wherever you want. The main thing is that it is inexpensive - prices are lower. Even a small village is on someone's path. And now we can find this person, and he will give you a ride when he passes by.

Completely updated official website! Who doesn’t know, this is the largest service on planet Earth for finding a car companion. The site's services are used by more than 45 million people in 23 countries on all continents. Russian users– more than 10 million thrifty citizens who are looking for a cheap trip to travel.

Finding a ride with the new ride search is easy

Find a passing car inexpensively

In the Russian version of BlaBlaCar, car owners notify fellow travelers about their trip, and fellow travelers search and find the desired route for little money. Strictly speaking, the costs of fellow travelers come down to paying for gasoline. This saves both the driver and passing passenger. Of course, such trips are much more economical than, for example, if you went by train or bus. Therefore, spend a little time and find a passing carbest option organizing your route, or a trip to your home.

Average prices for passing cars:

  • Moscow-St. Petersburg 700 rubles;
  • Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod 800 rubles;
  • Ekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk – 350 rubles.

The journey is complete important decisions– how, which country or city to visit, how much to spend, and take out insurance. And finally commit important purchases tickets to get to your paradise. The entire preparation of your itinerary consists of a large set of little things that, for example, can make the trip easier and less stressful. With us, your journey and your vacation will be happy.

This term refers to a separate type of transportation. The owner of a car making a trip empty or partially loaded (with people or cargo) places an offer of intent to give a ride in one direction for a nominal fee.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

As a rule, the cost of such services is 10–20% lower than market prices and is perceived as partial compensation for fuel. The reference point is the fixed price of a given route; for freight, the rate of logistics companies.

Are there safety guarantees and are they protected by law?

Russia, from experience European countries, successfully received information about associated transportation. At the moment, use the services individuals, heading in the same direction as you, is quite simple.

All you need to do is enter the route and departure time into the search engine of a specific site, and get the result.

The service is called “ride sharing” and “carpooling”, the semantic designation of which implies “shared trips”.

The idea is that in order to save fuel, the driver posts information about the trip online, inviting possible passengers or shippers to chip in for gas and go with him.

It should be borne in mind that when planning a trip in this way, there is a certain percentage of the risk of the following:

  1. Health.
  2. Nerves.
  3. Property.
  4. Time.

All this looks very depressing, although the risk for some may evoke romantic thoughts. The absolute lack of guarantees, both from the legislation and the carrier, produces adrenaline and allows for an interesting trip.

Both the driver and the co-passenger (shipper) assume all risk and responsibility without warranty.

On the one hand, each car owner registered on ride-sharing services has his own account, under which his rating, the number of trips made and reviews of people who have used his services are displayed. You can build on them, but we all know how custom reviews are written and non-existent trips are labeled.

Therefore, despite strict control by the site administration, they do not have key information about the carrier and the only thing they can do is block the user. If necessary, bring to administrative or criminal liability violator is not possible.

How to find a passing car to transport cargo

High prices for cargo transportation by road force people to look for other solutions for delivering property from point “A” to point “B”. Most often, searching for a rational carrier takes a lot of time, since few people want to go to another city, roughly speaking, “for half the price.”

Specialized services allow you to quickly resolve this problem with minimal costs. The demand for freight associated transportation is growing similarly to the increasing demand for passenger transportation.

You can find a car with suitable characteristics heading in the right direction completely free of charge. This is done by following several steps:

  1. Go to a specialized website for associated cargo transportation.
  2. Place information about the cargo and route on it:
    • volume;
    • characterize in in a general sense, such as glassware or soft toys and so on;
    • indicate the destination, departure and date of interest.
  3. The driver or dispatcher will see your proposal and contact you by phone to discuss the nuances:
    • cost of the service;
    • departure time;
    • approvals;
    • obtaining information about the loading point and destination.

If we do not take into account the lack of guarantees for the provision of transport services, this method can be called optimal, since, following user reviews, the cost in this case sometimes reaches 50% of the average market offers.

Prices for the service

By choosing this method of transporting your property, you can get a significant advantage due to cost. You can independently calculate the price of the destination you are interested in using online calculators available on almost every logistics company website.

The only difficulty may arise if it is necessary to send goods by several machines. In this case, there is a possibility that the delivery will be extended over several days, depending on the demand for the route.

For example, about 50% of all cargo transportation through these services is carried out in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. Organizing a passing flight over long distances, and especially international ones, can take a lot of time to select the appropriate vehicle fleet and a suitable direction of travel.

To get an approximate overview of the prices for a passing move, you can use the table below.

Table 1. Price of associated cargo transportation services.

Route Truck type Cargo characteristics Price, rub.
Moscow – Saransk Gazelle, weight 1 t Personal belongings, household appliances 11 500
Penza – Ramenskoye Passenger car, Gazelle Bags with things, 300 kg 2m3 7 500
Moscow — Ufa Gazelle Cabinet furniture, 400 kg, 1.5m3 15 000
St. Petersburg — Moscow Gazelle Turbine 350 kg, 0.64 m3 6 500
Vladimir — Volgograd Goby Personal belongings, approximately 2 – 2.5t 24 200
Mytishchi – Sergiev Posad Gazelle Wooden door 1 500
Novosibirsk — Adler Kamaz 5t Personal belongings, moving 45 300
Ekaterinburg — Balashikha Goby Turbine, 1.1 t 38 700

The information presented is taken from proposals from cargo owners with comments from carriers setting prices for their services. This applies to cargo transportation.

The most in demand are small-tonnage vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5 - 3 tons. Information characterizing the cost of passenger transportation is given in the following table.

Table 2. Price of associated passenger transportation services.

Even if you compare the offers with the cost of bus tickets on these routes, the cost here is 10 - 20% lower. This allows us to talk about the significant benefits of associated transportation for the passenger.

In addition, the comfort of traveling in a passenger car is much greater. The only drawback is the lack of guarantees in the implementation of the transaction, both from the carrier and the representative of the other party. Any of them, at the very last moment, can refuse obligations that are not documented.

Delivery of parcels by air passengers

Today in Russia there is a tendency to increase associated transport not only using a personal car, but also during international travel. A similar situation applies to the transfer of parcels and parcels with the help of travelers.

Using this option for transporting small cargo, the person who bought the plane ticket gets a chance to save a little on the trip, and the sender has the opportunity to transfer the package to short term, bypassing all postal procedures.

The operating principle of the system can be revealed using one of the largest domestic services – “Packeton”:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Create your own lot, in which you indicate information about the product.
  3. Mark its status:
    • buy and deliver;
    • deliver and convey;
    • buy, deliver, transfer.
  4. The information instantly becomes visible to verified service users who are not averse to working as a courier. Here it is called a lifter.
  5. A user traveling in the desired direction sends a request to receive an order.
  6. The customer can check his rating by visiting the elevator operator's page. It displays the number of deliveries completed and reviews of people who have already used its services.

You can negotiate a deal without fear of being deceived:

  • the calculation is made using the integrated service “Yandex. Cash register";
  • take advantage in cash the contractor can only after receiving a confirmation code from the customer;
  • the customer, in turn, will ensure that the cargo is delivered to the specified location.

The disadvantages of the system are identical to those mentioned earlier. First of all, the option of refusing to fulfill the obligations of either party.

In addition, when transporting sealed packages, there is a possibility that the lift operator may end up unintentionally transporting illegal drugs, and this could end very sadly for him.

Where to find travel companions

The demand for budget travel leads to the popularity of this destination. Currently, there is a demand in Russia for passenger transportation within the country.

Big flow road transport plying the roads and wind Western trends, inherent in this direction, explains the growth in the number of services and applications that help you find a travel companion in almost any direction.

Some of the largest sites for passing passengers:

  1. “Bla bla car” (blablacar), known far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation.
  2. "Beepcar"
  3. “We’ll get there together” (doedemvmeste).

Here you can find offers that will be significantly below market prices using bus or train services.

In addition, there are a number of other advantages:

  1. You can negotiate with the driver for delivery directly to your home, which cannot be done with the bus driver.
  2. There is a high probability that along the way you will agree on subsequent trips and thus establish a mutually beneficial relationship.
  3. Along the way, new acquaintances appear that may be useful in the future.
    If we talk about third-party resources, we can note special groups in social networks, where it is possible to find travel companions or a carrier.

It would not be amiss to mention free message boards:

  1. In Russia it is “Avito”, “From Hand to Hand”.
  2. In Ukraine - OLH.

How much does it cost to deliver private items?

In most cases, the transportation of private property means the following:

  1. Furniture.
  2. Household appliances.
  3. Dishes.
  4. Cloth.
  5. Bedding.
  6. Books and so on.

Based on the diversity, separate conditions and packaging should be selected for each of the presented groups. This complicates the transportation process, but does not reduce its demand on both sides: both carriers and customers.

Mostly small and medium-tonnage vehicles are used for moving, so the average cost is almost identical and differs only in the length of the route and the volume of things transported.

You can get acquainted with the prices in this direction from the table, in which the transportation of cargo of one type is taken as an approximate unit.

Table 3. Delivery prices for private items.

Route Distance, km Price, rub.
Moscow – St. Petersburg 706 15 200
Moscow – Rostov-on-Don 1 074 25 900
Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod 421 10 400
Krasnodar – St. Petersburg 2 056 48 600
Rostov — Krasnodar 275 5 400
Ekaterinburg — Moscow 1 793 33 500

As mentioned earlier, the table shows one type, weighing no more than 1t, using a Gazelle car with standard body dimensions.

Services for passengers

Drivers' opinions about passing passengers are completely opposite:

  • some believe that by seating an additional passenger you can not only brighten up the road by talking with interesting person, but also reduce financial costs;
  • others have different thoughts. Based on the stated proposals that the price of the service is lower than that of a bus, many car owners prefer not to take passengers and travel alone. They explain their actions by saying that for a pittance comes relative responsibility for the person in the cabin. And the presence of a stranger confuses some.