Difference between filtered and unfiltered beer. What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer?

In the menu of pubs and beer bars, in addition to the classic light or dark beer, you can meet living things. Live beer, what is it? - a reasonable question arises. You can understand the difference between live beer by visiting a beer restaurant. In specialized establishments they will always explain to you what the difference is, and you will feel it yourself when you try this drink.

Any beer can be pasteurized or unpasteurized. Pasteurization is heat treatment beer in the production process. It is carried out in order to increase the shelf life of beer without losing its taste properties. Unpasteurized beer is beer that has not undergone such processing and contains live cultures of brewer's yeast. This means that the beer is alive and its shelf life is 6-8 days if unopened.

Interestingly, the term “live” is not official, since it is not included in the technical regulations of beer producers. The use of this term is justified by the marketing strategy of producers who attract consumers to purchase by positioning live beer as more natural and of higher quality. The correct name for this type of beer is unpasteurized.

You can understand how live beer differs from regular beer by appearance and taste. Live beer has an amber, slightly cloudy hue and abundant white foam 5-7 centimeters high, which does not disappear within 5 minutes. The taste of this drink is more intense than that of pasteurized beer, slightly bitter. It should taste like malt and hops and not have any foreign impurities. In addition, it is believed that live beer is healthier than pasteurized beer, since during the pasteurization process due to high temperature proteins and vitamins contained in it are destroyed.

It would be a mistake to think that live and unfiltered beer are the same thing. Live beer is sometimes also filtered to ensure that there is no sediment left from grains and yeast. Beer that has gone through the filtration process will be clearer. This is what real live beer means.

Variety of varieties and brands foamy drink, presented today in retail chains, is amazing. Dark and light, dense and light, ale and lager - it’s not easy to understand such subtleties. The most popular product on the beer market is live beer sold on tap. The assortment of such outlets includes unfiltered beer. It is easy to determine the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer if you know the basic rules for making a foamy drink.

Features of the production process

For many centuries, the method of fermenting malt and hops has been used to make beer. Modern manufacturers add carbon dioxide to the composition during fermentation: this contributes to the appearance of a refreshing, pleasant taste and enriches the drink with bubbles.

During fermentation, active substances, yeast cultures, trace elements and enzymes are formed in beer. But yeast fungi, enriching the composition with many useful substances, significantly reduce the shelf life of the drink.

This is explained by the fact that after the fermentation process is complete, fungi can provoke rapid oxidation and spoilage of beer.

In order to avoid this process and extend the shelf life of products, brewers use filtration.

What is filtering

This concept refers to the process of repeatedly purifying a drink from organic compounds in the form of a cloudy suspension. This process is necessary both to increase the shelf life of beer and to improve it taste qualities. Immediately after fermentation is complete, the taste of the finished product is very different from what consumers are used to. Instead of a refreshing bitter taste, the drink clearly tastes like yeast. Therefore, beer that has not undergone any filtration does not go on sale.

In order to make the taste traditional, the drink is passed through a special kieselguhr filter. In it, the liquid passes through a special substance that removes unpleasant taste. But at the same time everything beneficial properties drink, the enzymes it contains, B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and manganese and other beneficial substances are preserved.

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The resulting product is already beer and can rightfully be considered alive. But its shelf life is minimal due to the high percentage of yeast fungi. Therefore, most of the products are passed through another filter twice – a cardboard one. It traps even the smallest particles of suspension up to 0.5 microns in size. The result is a product with a long shelf life.

But cardboard filters also retain some useful substances, and beer that has gone through three filtrations is noticeably different from a drink that has only been through a kieselguhr filter.

Filtered and unfiltered beer: a detailed comparison

Best before date

For filtered beer, it is immeasurably higher: with proper packaging and storage conditions, such beer can be stored for up to 1 year. An unfiltered drink loses its consumer properties after 7–10 days.


Unfiltered beer necessarily has a pronounced yeast sediment. At the beginning of the shelf life, it is most often dissolved throughout the entire volume in the form of a suspension. This is also responsible for the cloudy color of the drink. After 5–7 days, the yeast begins to settle, and this is the first signal that the shelf life is coming to an end. Filtered beer is completely clear, without impurities or sediment.


Any benefit alcoholic drink- the point is controversial. The presence of ethyl alcohol makes anyone, even the most useful composition, poisonous to the body. But if we ignore this aspect and analyze the composition of beer, the percentage of nutrients and beneficial substances in the unfiltered version will be higher. The amount of amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins in unfiltered beer is 8–10 times higher than in a purified drink.

Calorie content

Filtered beer has a lower energy value. A drink that has not gone through the purification process has a 20–25% higher calorie content.

Taste qualities

Unfiltered beer has a richer taste and pronounced aroma. But at the same time, it often has a slight yeasty taste, which not all consumers like. But the bitterness, beer aroma, and malt flavor are expressed much more strongly in unrefined varieties than in regular filtered beer.

A comparison of filtered and unfiltered beer allows us to draw the following conclusion: a drink that has not undergone triple purification has a brighter taste, richer aroma, and contains more useful substances, but at the same time it is higher in calories and has a minimum shelf life.

Harm and benefit

Any type and type of beer contains ethyl alcohol. In this regard, it makes no sense to talk about the pronounced benefits of this drink. Regular consumption of beer can cause serious problems with health. The difference in the degree of purification is not important in this case.

First of all, a foamy drink harms the heart muscle, causing it to grow and making it difficult to work. Most often, beer fans suffer from shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, and high blood pressure. No less than the heart, the liver suffers from beer, through which all toxins formed after the breakdown of alcohol are eliminated.

Beer increases the load on the kidneys and excretory system several times due to the pronounced diuretic effect. This leads to the appearance of stones, difficulty removing fluid and swelling of tissues and organs.

All these negative consequences are equally characteristic of both filtered and unfiltered beer. Therefore, it is necessary to take a very balanced approach to drinking a foamy drink, realizing that everyone new glass– this is another blow to one’s own health.

It is produced in much smaller volumes compared to classic varieties, however, despite this, it is highly popular among connoisseurs of the foamy drink. What this product It is not subjected to other methods of additional processing, allowing brewers to preserve the natural taste and aroma of beer. At the same time, some experts pay attention to both the benefits and harm to the human body.

Useful properties

The same ingredients are used for preparation as in traditional recipes. The only difference is the absence of special processing, which is why such beer contains a certain proportion of living yeast cells and suspended particles of some components. Thanks to this, the drink is characterized by a rich taste and a slightly cloudy tint, and there is sediment at the bottom. For the same reason, the shelf life does not exceed several days.

Also, the benefits and harms are determined by the fact that it does not pass, which kills the beneficial substances in the product. For example, one liter contains 40% daily norm vitamins for humans. From this point of view, the benefits of unprocessed beer are 10 times higher than the benefits of milk, which is positioned as a health drink.

The remains of brewer's yeast that are present in the foamy drink are a source of vital amino acids, the lack of which in the human body leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. This can lead to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol deposits and the formation of kidney stones. It follows from this that With regular consumption of such beer, the risk of myocardial infarction is reduced.

Enriches the drink with substances that improve appetite and activate digestion. At the same time, due to its dense consistency, unprocessed beer seems to envelop the walls of the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s condition with gastritis and ulcers.

Saturates the drink with substances that have a beneficial effect on nervous system, help you relax and feel a sense of calm, help normalize blood pressure. For this reason, it is recommended to drink this drink for people who suffer from hypertension.

Raw beer also contains microelements, without which the human body cannot function normally. Significant concentrations are typical for iron, potassium and calcium; in addition, copper, phosphorus and manganese are found. Of the complex substances, the drink contains thiamine, pantothenic acid and riboflavin - these substances regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.

Possible damage to health

When discussing the benefits, we must not forget about the harm. Negative Impact on the body due to the presence of alcohol. When abused, brain activity decreases, motor skills are impaired, and the liver is damaged. However, these disadvantages are typical for any alcoholic beverages.

What is the difference between unfiltered beer and filtered beer? Which type is healthier for the body? Beer is a low-alcohol drink, which due to its popularity today has many different types, but the most popular is filtered and unfiltered, in connection with this the question arises, which one is better, how they differ, what are their benefits and harms for the body, and can they be used for gastritis.

Beer production and types of filtration

Foam appears after fermentation of malt and hops. During the production process, the drink is enriched with carbon dioxide so that it has a pleasant, refreshing taste. The product is packaged in bottles, cans and kegs (special containers of 10, 15, 25 l). The last vessel contains the well-known unfiltered beer. It differs as follows:

  • Filtered beer goes through several filtration processes, the last of which is carried out at special apparatus– cardboard filter.
  • An unfiltered drink undergoes only one filtration, often using a kieselguhr filter.

The degree of filtration allows you to create these two types of foamy drinks, which are in great demand among their fans.

What's the difference between them

Multiple filtration makes it possible to remove almost all organic matter (yeast cells) from a foamy drink. The cardboard filter through which half-finished raw materials pass prevents not only yeast cells from entering the product, but also some of the flavor and aromatic components, which negatively affects the taste of the product as a whole.

In addition, repeated filtration makes it resistant to sun rays. The light wave changes the chemical balance of the product, causing it to quickly deteriorate. To some extent, this issue is resolved with the help of dark containers.

Unfiltered beer has a richer taste than filtered beer. This occurs due to the absence of the above manipulations. This product contains the taste of hops, malt and yeast. Often, it is sold by the glass, as it is delivered in kegs, which makes it possible to deliver the drink so that the rays of the sun do not affect it.

This alcohol spoils much faster than the filtered type. After two weeks, the product will lose the lion’s share of flavor and aromatic properties, will become much heavier and more sour, which indicates the beginning of its souring. It is better to refrain from consuming a product that has passed its expiration date. This answers the question of what is the difference between such a drink and one that has been filtered.

The benefits and harms of an unfiltered drink

Its main benefit is that unfiltered beer contains many useful substances and vitamins that are preserved in the drink due to the lack of additional filtration. Also, its benefits include diuretic properties and improvement of appetite. In small portions, it has a calming effect on the human body and makes it possible to cope with insomnia. The benefits for humans from such a drink are much greater than from filtered ones. But do not forget that this is an alcohol-containing drink and, in its essence, it is also harmful, especially if it is abused. Foam in large doses with regular use can cause irreparable harm bodies such as:

It makes no difference what kind of beer a person drinks, since any alcoholic drink in uncontrolled doses only causes harm to the body.

Gastritis and beer

This disease can occur in any person who abuses alcohol. And it doesn’t matter what kind of alcohol he drinks, since even weak drinks with gastritis can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa, causing painful sensations. As the disease progresses, a person will feel slight heartburn after drinking, which will gradually cause increased acidity and impairment of organ functionality.

The benefits of unfiltered beer are reduced to zero if consumed in large quantities.

It is better to abstain from alcohol altogether if you have gastritis, since other organs will begin to suffer, and the disease will progress and can provoke:

  1. Stomach ulcer.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Cancerous tumors in the stomach.
  4. Mallory-Weiss syndrome.

To avoid such consequences, it is better to abstain from any alcohol if you have gastritis. Experts from the Munich Beer Institute convince us that the unfiltered product small quantities for gastritis, it is not only allowed, but also has benefits due to the presence of beer hops. However, often people cannot stop at one glass and continue to drink any alcohol in the usual doses, even with gastritis.

It doesn’t matter what kind of beer a person likes to drink – filtered or not, the main thing is that its dosage is moderate so as not to harm your body.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Beer is a low-alcohol product of fermentation of barley malt with the addition of hops. During production, beer is saturated with carbon dioxide, which gives the drink refreshing properties. When finished, beer is poured into bottles, cans and kegs - special containers from 10 liters. It is in kegs that so-called unfiltered beer most often ends up.


Filtered beer- This is beer that has gone through two or three filtrations. The final filtration is carried out on filter cardboard - special equipment that allows you to capture yeast cells with a radius of up to 0.4 microns.

Unfiltered beer– this is beer that has undergone one filtration (often using a kieselguhr filter).


The process of repeated filtration allows you to remove all microorganisms from beer - yeast cells. According to the rules of current legislation, their presence in finished product are strictly prohibited, as they make the drink unstable, which can be hazardous to the health of the consumer. The cardboard filter through which the semi-finished beer product is passed retains not only yeast cells, but also some of the aromatic and flavoring substances, which negatively affects the quality. Mostly this beer is bottled or canned.

Unfiltered beer

Also, the need for repeated filtration is partly determined by the sensitivity of beer to light. Waves of light introduce dissonance into the precarious chemical equilibrium, which leads to rapid spoilage of the product. This problem is partially solved by darkening the bottle.

Unfiltered beer, which has not undergone sterile filtration, is richer. It has a slight yeast flavor, with a more pronounced taste of malt and hops. Most often it is sold by the glass. Metal kegs allow you to deliver beer from the factory without fear of contamination of the product sunlight, which increases the stability of its system several times.

Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. The “aging” process in it goes much faster than in filtered one. After just two weeks, the beer will lose most of its aroma and taste and become heavier. The appearance of sourness and foreign odors will indicate souring. Such beer is strictly prohibited for consumption.

Conclusions website

  1. Filtered beer goes through several stages of filtration, including sterile. Unfiltered is filtered only once.
  2. Unfiltered beer has a richer taste and more pronounced aroma due to the higher content of relevant substances.
  3. Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. Filtered beer is more stable and can be stored for up to six months without significant changes in taste.