Basic requirements for trading enterprises. General requirements for trade enterprises

LETTER from Roskomtorg dated March 17, 1994 N 1-314/32-9





Committee Russian Federation on trade developed and agreed with State Committee of the Russian Federation on antimonopoly policy and support of new economic structures and the Ministry of Justice of Russia Sample rules for the operation of an enterprise retail and Basic requirements for the operation of a small retail chain.

These Model Rules and Basic Requirements are intended to regulate the organization of trade processes and the activities of enterprises of all forms of ownership. They provide for the responsibility of enterprise managers for the quality of goods and services sold, and also contain requirements aimed at protecting the rights and interests of customers and increasing the level of trade services to the population.

These documents are sent by the Trade Committee as recommendations for the preparation and approval of relevant rules, taking into account local conditions.

Committee of the Russian
Trade Federations



I. General provisions

1. These Rules define the basic requirements for the operating procedure of a retail trade enterprise (hereinafter referred to as an enterprise) regardless of departmental subordination, form of ownership and legal form.

2. Each enterprise must have a license to trade, if such a procedure is established in the given territory.

3. The main objective of the enterprise is retail trade in consumer goods in an assortment corresponding to its product profile (type), as well as other goods, providing a high level of customer service with minimal time spent on purchases, providing additional services, respecting the rights and interests of customers.

4. The product profile (type) of a trading enterprise is determined by the charter and is agreed upon (for municipally owned enterprises) with the relevant local administration authorities upon registration.

5. The enterprise must have a sign indicating its name, profile, mode of operation, legal form (affiliation), and legal address.

6. The operating hours of state (municipal) trade enterprises are established by decision of local administration bodies. The operating mode of enterprises based on other forms of ownership is determined by the owner.

7. When the enterprise closes for a lunch break or at the end of the working day, the cash registers stop working in strict accordance with the established operating hours of the enterprise, however, all customers who have cash and sales receipts in their hands must be served.

In self-service establishments, when they close for a lunch break or at the end of work, all customers located in the sales area (department, section) are served.

Customers are notified 15 minutes before service ends.

8. When closing an enterprise for sanitary work, repairs, re-equipment, in connection with its liquidation, the manager notifies the municipal authorities in advance. Buyers are notified of the closure of a trading establishment by a special announcement 5 days before its closure. The advertisement also indicates the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

9. The sales area and warehouse premises must meet the technical, sanitary, fire and other requirements established for enterprises of the corresponding type. The enterprise equipment and inventory must be kept in exemplary sanitary and technical condition.

Measuring instruments, in accordance with established requirements and in the prescribed manner, must be subject to mandatory verification by the State Metrological Service. Positive results of verification of measuring instruments are certified by the appropriate stamp or verification certificate.

Showcases must meet sanitary and aesthetic requirements.

II. Reception, storage and preparation of goods for sale

11. Acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality at enterprises of all forms of ownership must be carried out in accordance with current regulations and accompanying documents of the supplier (seller), as well as other necessary documents.

12. Goods accepted by the enterprise in the prescribed manner are recorded on the day of receipt based on their actual availability. If it is impossible to post the goods by the date of their actual receipt (calling an expert, checking the price, quality, quantity), in the text part of the product report, after the total receipt, a record is made about the receipt of goods indicating the supplier (seller), total cost goods at retail prices, as well as the reasons for the impossibility of capitalization.

13. Goods with expired shelf life, storage, or sale that do not meet quality requirements and standards are not subject to acceptance by the enterprise.

14. When storing goods in warehouses, placing and displaying them in trading floors, small retail chains, enterprise employees are required to strictly comply with the principles of commodity proximity, sanitary rules, warehousing standards and fire safety requirements.

The storage conditions for goods (temperature, humidity, lighting, shelf life) must meet the standards and quality requirements contained in regulatory and technical documents.

15. The goods must be properly prepared for sale (freed from containers, clothes are clean and ironed, pieces of fabric are framed, bicycles, motorcycles, mopeds, other metal products are assembled and cleaned of grease, bottles and cans are wiped, the corresponding goods must be peeled, cut, pre-packaged, etc.).

III. Selling goods

16. By the time of opening, the enterprise must be prepared for work: goods are provided with clearly written price labels, their display is updated, appropriate inventory and packaging materials, and cash registers are prepared.

17. The sale of goods in a trading enterprise is carried out to all citizens on a general basis.

Benefits in trade services separate groups population are provided on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of decisions of local executive authorities.

18. For all goods sold, a trading enterprise must have certificates issued or recognized by an authorized body, normative and technical documentation certifying the quality of the goods, their safety for human life and health, and ensure that the goods sold comply with the requirements specified documents, as well as the sources of their receipt.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Fundamentals of Civil Legislation, a trading enterprise is responsible for the quality of the goods sold.

It is prohibited to sell goods with expired suitability, storage, sales that do not meet quality requirements and standards.

19. Weighing and measuring of goods is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the use of measures and measuring instruments in trade and public catering establishments.

20. Gastronomic, bulk, meter and piece goods that do not have factory packaging are sold in paper, bags or other packaging appropriate to the properties of the product. The cost of cellophane and plastic packaging is paid additionally by the buyer. At the request of customers, sellers must cut the gastronomic goods sold.

Bulk liquid and semi-liquid goods are dispensed into customers' containers by weight or using a standard measuring container.

21. In the sales areas of food stores, control scales, control measuring cups, beakers, and an ovoscope must be installed in a place accessible to customers; in enterprises selling fabrics and other measured goods, control meters must be installed.

22. By decision of local administration bodies, trading enterprises may introduce maximum norms for the supply of goods to one buyer.

23. The sale of goods subject to excise taxes, the list of which is approved by the government, is carried out only with a license for the right to trade in such goods, issued by licensing services in the prescribed manner. Products subject to licensing by decision of the relevant authorities must also have licenses.

24. The sale of food and non-food products for which special trade rules are established (alcoholic drinks, guns, self-defense equipment and ammunition for them, commission trade, parcel trade) is also carried out in compliance with these rules.

25. The sale of everyday goods to children is carried out only if they are able to independently make a purchase and pay for the purchased goods. Sale to minors is prohibited alcoholic drinks, beer, tobacco products, playing cards, lighters, toxic chemicals and flammable liquids.

26. When selling goods in sets assembled in a trading enterprise, the buyer has the right to demand, and the seller does not have the right to refuse, the sale of individual goods from the set (except for factory-made sets).

27. The enterprise is obliged to issue to the buyer, along with the purchase, a receipt for the purchase printed by a cash register, confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the purchase and sale agreement between the buyer and this enterprise.

When selling technically complex goods and other non-food products, which in case of failure during the warranty period can be returned to the store, the buyer is issued a sales receipt indicating the name (number) of the store, the name and type (article) of the product, price, date of sale and name of the seller. The sales receipt is issued in two copies, one of which is given to the buyer. The technical passport for the product also contains the date and year of sale, the store stamp, and the name of the seller.

Exchange purchased at retail trading network non-food products of proper quality or a refund to buyers is made in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. In case of purchasing goods with defects, their exchange is carried out in accordance with Art. Art. 17 - 21 of this Law.

Food products purchased in a retail distribution network are exchanged if hidden defects are detected (acidity, fat content, bacteriological contamination, the presence of foreign impurities, heavy metal salts, voids in the cut, etc.), or non-compliance with the name or grade under which they were sold.

28. Unpaid goods may be kept under control for no more than one hour. In some cases, this period may be extended by the enterprise administration to two hours.

29. Buyers should be given the opportunity to leave paid for large-sized and heavy goods for storage for a period of no more than 24 hours, and Construction Materials by agreement with the administration - up to three days. These "sold" items are stored with a safe receipt separately from unsold items without charge for storage.

IV. Features of the sale of goods in self-service enterprises (departments, sections)

30. Goods received in bulk are pre-packaged depending on the properties of the goods and packaged in plastic or cellophane film, parchment and wrapping paper, bags, mesh containers, boxes, etc.

The packaging indicates the name and type of product, net weight, price (with packaging), date of packaging. For goods packaged on electronic scales, the price of the product and packaging are indicated separately.

31. If necessary, some goods can be sold in the self-service area through the counter. In this case, the seller indicates on the packaging the purchase price for subsequent payment in a single payment center.

32. In the sales area, goods are placed on slides, hangers, brackets, consoles, pallets, in containers - equipment, baskets, refrigeration equipment, cassettes and other equipment that ensures display of the entire available range of goods and convenience for customers to familiarize themselves with and select them.

33. Enterprises must be provided with the necessary equipment for buyers to select goods.

34. Employees of a self-service enterprise should not require customers to present goods purchased at other enterprises at the entrance to the trading floor of the enterprise, and upon exit they should not check the correctness of payment for the purchase and inspect personal belongings.

V. Settlements with buyers

35. Cash settlements with the population for goods are carried out with the mandatory use of cash registers, with the exception of cases provided for in the “List of certain categories of enterprises (including individuals those carrying out entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity, in case they carry out trade operations or provide services), organizations and institutions that, due to the specifics of their activities or the characteristics of their location, can carry out cash settlements with the population without the use of cash registers,” approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30 1993 N 745.

Cash register machines must be registered with the tax authorities at the location of trade enterprises in the prescribed manner.

36. Cashiers of cash registers receive money for goods; in self-service establishments - controllers - cashiers.

37. Settlements with buyers are made in the following order:

cashier, controller - the cashier clearly states the amount of money received and places it separately in full view of the buyer;

prints a receipt on a cash register;

announces to the buyer the total cost of purchases;

names the amount of change due to the buyer and issues it along with the check;

After the final payment, he places the money received from the buyer in the cash drawer.

38. It is prohibited to offer the buyer any goods instead of handing over money or to require him to change the money himself.

39. Payment for all goods purchased at self-service food establishments is made only in a single payment center.

In non-food self-service establishments, payments are made in a single payment center or cash registers installed at customer exit points.

40. When a buyer receives a claim regarding payments, the cashier, controller - cashier is obliged to inform the administration of the enterprise about this.

Refunds from the cash register to customers are made in accordance with the established procedure with the permission of the administration.

VI. Rights and obligations of the buyer

41. The buyer has the right:

for assistance in choosing a product, advice on its properties, purpose, methods of care, operating procedures and demonstration of individual products in action;

check the price of the goods (according to accompanying documents), the correctness of the weight and measures of the goods sold, their quality independently or at his request with the help of a store employee, as well as the correctness of the readings of weighing instruments;

demand compliance with the provisions of the Rules and other regulations governing work in the part affecting the interests of buyers;

demand the organization of a process for selling goods aimed at eliminating queues;

leave selected or paid goods for storage;

in enterprises selling goods in glass containers, require the acceptance of glass containers from purchased goods, for which deposit prices have been established, and the return of this amount;

make comments and suggestions on the quality and procedure of customer service in the Book of Reviews and Suggestions.

42. In accordance with civil legislation and regulations, when selecting and purchasing goods, the buyer is obliged to: comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements. Do not enter the store wearing dirty clothes, carrying animals or bulky objects, and do not smoke in the sales area;

select food products without packaging only using appropriate equipment;

when entering a self-service sales area with items, notify employees trading floor about similar products purchased in another store;

collect goods only into inventory containers and keep the cash register receipt until leaving the self-service sales area;

compensate the company for damages for goods damaged due to its fault.

VII. Buyers Information

indicators of the location of departments (sections) or goods sold;

the surname and initials of the sales floor employees - on their workplaces or badges;

list and cost of services provided to customers;

extract from the rules of retail trade of certain goods;

procedure for the exchange of goods. In enterprises selling meat - a scheme for cutting meat by grade;

telephone numbers of organizations monitoring the operation of the enterprise.

44. The enterprise must have all the regulatory documents regulating the rules of trade and the quality of goods, in accordance with specialization.

VIII. Sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the enterprise and its employees

45. The sanitary condition of the enterprise must comply with the requirements established by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, and in food enterprises also with special sanitary rules for such enterprises.

46. ​​Employees in food enterprises undergo a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure.

IX. Control over the operation of the enterprise

47. Control over the work of enterprises is carried out by bodies and services that have the right to do so in accordance with the law within their competence, as well as by public consumer organizations when checking the rules of trade services and compliance with consumer rights on the basis of Art. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

48. Employees of regulatory authorities conduct inspections of enterprises upon presentation of an official ID or properly executed (signed by the responsible person and the seal of the organization) certificates indicating the term of authority for the right to inspect the enterprise.

49. Admission of persons carrying out inspections to the counter, cash register, and utility rooms is permitted only when accompanied by the administration. Inspection of sellers' workplaces and food storage premises is carried out only in sanitary clothing.

50. Enterprises maintain an audit trail in which inspectors make notes on the results of the inspection. The administration is obliged to provide assistance to inspectors and take measures to eliminate shortcomings and violations.

51. For failure to comply with and violation of these Rules, employees of the enterprise are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition, regulatory authorities may raise the issue of the liability of the enterprise, up to the deprivation of its license or liquidation.

52. The head of the enterprise bears personal responsibility for the sanitary condition and compliance with the rules of operation of the enterprise as a whole.


I. General provisions

1. Small retail distribution networks include:

stationary small retail chain (tents, kiosks, pavilions, vending machines); mobile means of distribution and distribution trade (trolleys, mobile shops, vans, trays, baskets, etc.).

2. Each small retail trade enterprise is opened with the permission of the executive authority and in the place allocated to them. To the right trading activities the enterprise acquires a license if such a procedure is established in the given territory.

Individuals selling goods through a small retail chain must be registered as citizen entrepreneurs and have a license to trade.

3. Through a small retail network, food and non-food products are sold (except for goods of a technically complex range and goods that require certain conditions - fitting, etc.), mass food products (bakery, confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products, sandwiches, etc.) .

4. It is prohibited to sell perishable products through small retail chains in the absence of refrigeration facilities.

5. The trading hours of municipally owned small retail chains are established by local executive authorities depending on the location and product specialization of enterprises, taking into account the need to serve the population in the morning and evening hours when stores are closed.

The trading hours of small retail chains of other forms of ownership are determined by the owner.

6. Enterprises of a stationary small retail chain (tents, kiosks) must have a sign (or stencil) indicating its name (if any), profile, operating hours, legal form (affiliation), and legal address.

Auto benches, trailers, tanks, carts, trays must have a clear inscription indicating their ownership.

II. Requirements for premises and equipment

7. Each small retail enterprise must have appropriate inventory and equipment, and those selling perishable goods must have refrigeration facilities. The measuring instruments used must be in good working order and verified in the prescribed manner by the State Metrological Service.

8. In tents and kiosks selling food products, counters must be covered with linoleum, oilcloth, plastic or other waterproof materials.

9. Trays must be provided with folding stands. It is prohibited to place trays directly on the pavement, ground or sidewalk.

III. Procedure for selling goods

10. All goods sold in small retail chains must have documents indicating their source of receipt, as well as certificates (or documents replacing them) of quality.

11. Samples of all food and non-food products on sale must be provided with price labels indicating the name of the product, type and price.

12. Small retail trade in food products using disposable tableware is prohibited in the absence of containers for its collection.

14. Bargaining of melons, vegetables, and potatoes is permitted.

15. The sale of goods subject to excise taxes can only be carried out if there is a license issued in accordance with the established procedure for the right to trade them.

In accordance with current regulatory rules, all retail trade enterprises must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety requirements, electrical and explosion safety, and environmental safety. Retail trade enterprises must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort and safety, and machines, mechanisms, other production equipment and vehicles- have certificates of conformity. In retail trade enterprises under construction and reconstruction, devices should be provided that provide people with disabilities and limited mobility groups the opportunity to move along stairs or ramps (including external ones) and use trading floors and premises for the provision of services. Stores should have convenient access roads and pedestrian paths to the entrance, and the surrounding area should be illuminated at night. In the territory adjacent to the retail trade enterprise and accessible to customers, loading and unloading operations, storage of containers, and placement of containers with garbage are not allowed. A retail trade enterprise must have a sign indicating the company name of the organization, operating hours, location, legal address. On the premises of the enterprise, information about the state registration of the trade enterprise, the name of the body that registered it, the license number, its validity period and the body that issued this license should be placed, if the type of activity of the store is subject to licensing. The location of retail and warehouse premises and their area should ensure the consistency of the technological processes commodity circulation.

When delivering goods to the sales area using lifting and transport equipment, the width of the aisles must be at least 2.2 m. In non-food stores with a sales area of ​​2500 m2 or more, they must be equipped public toilets for buyers. Shops are located on the ground floors of residential buildings (built-in), in extensions to them (built-in-attached) and in detached buildings.

Store premises, their arrangement, layout and placement must comply with the accepted scheme of trade and technological processes. They are divided into the following groups: trading; for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale; auxiliary; office and household; technical. Retail premises in the store are basic. They include a sales area and premises for additional customer service (cafeteria area, storage areas for bags, etc.). In these premises, the store’s trading and technological processes are completed - customers select goods and pay for them. Retail premises should provide not only a rational organization of the trading process, but also maximum convenience for customers. The technological line for the movement of goods in a store directly connects the retail premises and the premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale. The latter include: unloading areas, storerooms, refrigerated chambers, packaging, etc., forwarding of the order department.

Premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale must have a direct connection with the sales area and can be adjacent to it on one, two or three sides. The most rational option is to place these premises on the same level as the sales area. Premises for receiving goods must provide the ability to quickly unload vehicles and use mechanization. Premises for storing goods must ensure their safety during the established storage period, and compliance of the actual storage regime with the normative one. Refrigeration chambers should be placed in one block, thereby ensuring minimal cold losses and the possibility of more economical centralized refrigeration supply.

The arrangement of premises for preparing goods for sale must be subject to increased general technical requirements, since the nature of the work performed in them (packing, cutting, stripping, washing, etc.) requires the use of special devices and equipment. Packing rooms, for example, should be located in close proximity to the sales area. The placement of other premises is determined by the technological flow diagram of the flow of goods in the store.

Office and household premises store (director's office, dining room, staff rest room, rooms of public organizations, dressing rooms, showers, toilets, etc.) must be isolated from the premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale, have a separate entrance or a corridor connected to the retail premises. Requirements can be ergonomic, economic, or aesthetic.

These Rules define the basic requirements for the operating procedure of a retail trade enterprise (hereinafter referred to as an enterprise) regardless of departmental subordination, form of ownership and legal form.

Each enterprise must have a license to trade, if such a procedure is established in the given territory.

The main objective of the enterprise is retail trade in consumer goods in an assortment corresponding to its product profile (type), as well as other goods, providing a high level of customer service with minimal time spent on purchases, providing additional services, respecting the rights and interests of customers.

The product profile (type) of a trading enterprise is determined by the charter and is agreed upon (for municipally owned enterprises) with the relevant local administration authorities upon registration.

The enterprise must have a sign indicating its name, profile, mode of operation, legal form (affiliation), and legal address.

The operating hours of state (municipal) trade enterprises are established by decision of local administration bodies. The operating mode of enterprises based on other forms of ownership is determined by the owner.

When the enterprise closes for a lunch break or at the end of the working day, the cash registers stop working in strict accordance with the established operating hours of the enterprise, however, all customers with cash and sales receipts must be served.

In self-service establishments, when they close for a lunch break or at the end of work, all customers located in the sales area (department, section) are served.

Customers are notified 15 minutes before service ends.

When an enterprise is closed for sanitary work, repairs, re-equipment, or in connection with its liquidation, the manager notifies the municipal authorities in advance. Buyers are notified of the closure of a trading establishment by a special announcement 5 days before its closure. The advertisement also indicates the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

The trading floor and warehouse premises must meet the technical, sanitary, fire and other requirements established for enterprises of the corresponding type. The enterprise equipment and inventory must be kept in exemplary sanitary and technical condition.

Measuring instruments, in accordance with established requirements and in the prescribed manner, must be subject to mandatory verification by the State Metrological Service. Positive results of verification of measuring instruments are certified by the appropriate stamp or verification certificate.

Showcases must meet sanitary and aesthetic requirements

By the time of opening, the enterprise must be prepared for work: goods are provided with clearly written price labels, their display is updated, appropriate inventory is prepared and packaging materials, cash register machines.

The sale of goods in a trading enterprise is carried out to all citizens on a general basis.

Benefits in trade services to certain groups of the population are provided on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of decisions of local executive authorities.

For all goods sold, a trading enterprise must have certificates issued or recognized by an authorized body, normative and technical documentation certifying the quality of the goods, their safety for human life and health, and ensure that the goods sold comply with the requirements of these documents, as well as the sources of their receipt.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Fundamentals of Civil Legislation, a trading enterprise is responsible for the quality of the goods sold.

It is prohibited to sell expired goods, store or sell them that do not meet quality requirements and standards.

Weighing and measuring of goods is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the use of measures and measuring instruments in trade and catering establishments.

Gastronomic, bulk, meter and piece goods that do not have factory packaging are sold in paper, bags or other packaging appropriate to the properties of the product. The cost of cellophane and polyethylene packaging is paid additionally by the buyer. At the request of customers, sellers must cut the gastronomic goods sold.

Bulk liquid and semi-liquid goods are dispensed into customers' containers by weight or using a standard measuring container.

In the sales areas of food stores, control scales, control measuring cups, beakers, and an ovoscope must be installed in a place accessible to customers; in enterprises selling fabrics and other measured goods, control meters must be installed.

By decision of local administration bodies, trading enterprises may introduce maximum norms for the supply of goods to one buyer.

The sale of goods subject to excise taxes, the list of which is approved by the government, is carried out only with a license for the right to trade in such goods, issued by licensing services in the prescribed manner. Products subject to licensing by decision of the relevant authorities must also have licenses.

The sale of food and non-food products for which special trade rules are established (alcoholic drinks, guns, self-defense equipment and ammunition for them, commission trade, parcel trade) is also carried out in compliance with these rules.

Consumer goods are sold to children only if they are able to independently make a purchase and pay for the purchased goods. It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products, playing cards, lighters, toxic chemicals and flammable liquids.

When selling goods in sets assembled in a trading enterprise, the buyer has the right to demand, and the seller does not have the right to refuse to sell, individual goods from the set (except for factory-made sets).

The enterprise is obliged to issue to the buyer, along with the purchase, a receipt for the purchase printed by a cash register, confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the purchase and sale agreement between the buyer and this enterprise.

When selling technically complex goods and other non-food products, which in case of failure during the warranty period can be returned to the store, the buyer is issued a sales receipt indicating the name (number) of the store, the name and type (article) of the product, price, date of sale and name of the seller. The sales receipt is issued in two copies, one of which is given to the buyer. The technical passport for the product also contains the date and year of sale, the store stamp, and the name of the seller.

Exchange of non-food goods of good quality purchased in a retail network or refund of money to customers is carried out in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". In case of purchasing goods with defects, their exchange is carried out in accordance with Art. 17 - 21 of this Law.

Food products purchased in a retail distribution network are exchanged if hidden defects are detected (acidity, fat content, bacteriological contamination, the presence of foreign impurities, heavy metal salts, voids in the cut, etc.), or non-compliance with the name or grade under which they were sold.

Unpaid goods can be kept under control for no more than one hour. In some cases, this period may be extended by the enterprise administration to two hours.

Buyers should be given the opportunity to store paid for large and heavy goods for a period of no more than 24 hours, and building materials, by agreement with the administration, for up to three days. These "sold" items are stored with a safe receipt separately from unsold items without charge for storage.

Goods received in bulk are pre-packaged depending on the properties of the goods and packaged in plastic or cellophane film, parchment and wrapping paper, bags, mesh containers, boxes, etc.

The packaging indicates the name and type of product, net weight, price (with packaging), date of packaging. For goods packaged on electronic scales, the price of the product and packaging are indicated separately.

If necessary, some goods can be sold in the self-service area through the counter. In this case, the seller indicates on the packaging the purchase price for subsequent payment in a single payment center.

In the sales area, goods are placed on slides, hangers, brackets, consoles, pallets, in containers - equipment, baskets, refrigeration equipment, cassettes and other equipment that ensures display of the entire available range of goods and convenience for customers to familiarize themselves with and select them.

Enterprises must be provided with the necessary equipment for customers to select goods.

In order to improve the work of retail trade enterprises and strengthen the protection of the interests of customers, taking into account regional features In the territories of large cities, regions, etc., operating rules for enterprises engaged in retail trade activities have been approved and are in effect.

They determine, in accordance with current legislation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as decrees and orders of regional authorities, the procedure for retail trade at enterprises carrying out trading activities in the relevant territory, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and forms of trade.

IN general provisions These Rules define the main tasks of retail trade enterprises, their obligation to have a license to trade certain groups of goods. A trading enterprise must have a sign indicating the product profile, its organizational and legal form, and the company name.

The operating rules of retail trade enterprises establish that the product profile and type of enterprise are determined by its charter. Changes in the product profile must be carried out in agreement with local administration authorities. By agreement with the latter, the operating hours of municipal enterprises are also established.

When the business closes for a lunch break or at the end of the working day, cashiers stop working in strict accordance with the established business hours of the retail establishment, but customers with cash or sales receipts must be served.

In a self-service store, all customers who are on the sales floor when closing for lunch or at the end of work must be served.

The closure of an enterprise for a sanitary day, repairs, re-equipment and other similar events must be coordinated with the local administration, about which buyers are notified in advance (usually 5 days) with a special announcement, in which they should indicate the address of the nearest enterprise selling a similar product.

Measuring instruments in accordance with established requirements and in the prescribed manner must be subject to mandatory verification by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rostech-Regulation) at least once a year and certified with a special stamp and a verification certificate for each device. The relevant documents must be kept by the store administration and presented upon the first request of customers, as well as persons authorized for inspection.

The store must provide the following information:

Indicators of the location of departments, sections or goods sold;

Surnames and initials of sales floor employees on workplaces or badges; list and cost of services provided to customers;

Text of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;

Rules regulating trading activities and the sale of certain types of goods;

On extraordinary services to certain categories of citizens;

Addresses and telephone numbers of local administration bodies.

Should be located in a place accessible to customers

a book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified with the appropriate signature and seal.

The operating rules of retail trade enterprises also define:

Basic provisions related to the acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale;

The procedure for selling goods;

Requirements for sellers;

Monitoring the work of retail trade enterprises.

Goods accepted in terms of quantity and quality are received on the day of their receipt based on actual availability. If it is impossible to post the goods by the date of their actual receipt due to calling an expert, checking the price, quality, a note must be made in the product report about the receipt of goods indicating the supplier, intermediary (seller), the total cost of the goods in selling (wholesale) or purchase prices, as well as the reasons for the impossibility of capitalization.

Storage of goods must be organized taking into account strict adherence to the basic principles of commodity proximity, sanitary and other rules, as well as relevant regimes.

Before entering the sales area, goods must be prepared for sale. The sale of goods should be carried out to all citizens on a general basis. Certain categories of the population should be provided with benefits provided by law.

The sale of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products and playing cards to minors is prohibited.

The sale of food and non-food products, for which special trade rules have been established, must be carried out in compliance with these rules.

In self-service stores (except for specialized bread and vegetable stores), customers should select goods only into inventory baskets and carts placed at the entrance to the self-service hall.

Store or self-service employees are not permitted to require customers to present goods purchased at other stores upon entering the sales area. You cannot put stamps or other marks on them, or oblige you to leave personal belongings. If the buyer has expressed a desire to leave a shopping bag, briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the sales floor, then the store is obliged to ensure their safety.

For all goods sold that are subject to certification, trading enterprises must have certificates of the established form, issued by authorized bodies. They must certify the quality of goods, their safety for human life and health.

The sale of goods with expired sales dates is prohibited.

Goods for which local administration authorities have established release standards must be sold in compliance with these standards.

It is prohibited to condition the sale of some goods on the mandatory purchase of others. In stores selling food products, accessible place control scales and control measuring devices (mugs, beakers, etc.) should be installed in the sales area, and control meters should be installed in stores selling fabrics.

The buyer must be given the right to check the correctness of the price, weight and measure of the goods supplied to him, as well as the shelf life of food products and the availability of a certificate. The store administration is obliged to create the necessary conditions for this.

Selected by buyer not foodstuffs may be kept under control (with a mandatory note on the sales receipt indicating the time of issue) until payment for no more than an hour.

The store must provide the buyer with the opportunity to store paid for large and heavy goods for up to 3 days.

Cash register machines used in trade enterprises must be registered with the tax authorities in accordance with the established procedure.

In the rules of operation of retail trade enterprises, a special place is given to the requirements for sellers, who must be patient, attentive, helpful, polite and correct.

The seller must have a good knowledge of the range of goods, their characteristics, purpose, methods of use and care for them. He must be able to offer or help the buyer choose a product, etc. The rules also formulate other professional requirements for sellers, and also provide a section regarding monitoring their compliance.

Special requirements are imposed by the Rules for the operation of small retail trade networks (tents, kiosks, pavilions, vending machines, mobile delivery vehicles and peddling trade). Each small retail trade enterprise is opened with the permission of the executive authority and in the place allocated to them.

Through the small retail network, food and non-food products are sold (except for goods of a technically complex range and goods that require certain conditions - fitting, etc.), mass food products (bakery, confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products, sandwiches, etc.).

It is prohibited to sell perishable products through small retail chains in the absence of refrigeration facilities.

Enterprises of a stationary small retail chain (tents, kiosks) must have a sign (or stencil) indicating its name (if any), profile, operating hours, legal form (affiliation), and legal address.

Auto benches, trailers, tanks, carts, trays must have a clear inscription indicating their ownership.

All goods sold in a small retail chain must have documents indicating their source of receipt, as well as quality certificates (or documents replacing them).

Samples of all food and non-food products on sale must be provided with price labels indicating the name of the product, grade and price.

Small retail trade in food products using disposable tableware is prohibited in the absence of containers for its collection.

Bargaining of melons, vegetables, and potatoes is permitted.

Acceptance, storage and sale of goods in a small retail network is carried out in compliance with the current rules for the sale of certain types of goods, with which employees of a small retail network must be familiar.

Cash settlements with the population at enterprises of a stationary small retail network must be carried out with the mandatory use of cash registers, except for cases provided for by current legislation.

Employees of a small retail trade network are required to:

Protect goods from dust and contamination, and food products must be covered from flies with plastic film, gauze or other white cloth;

Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Employees of small retail trade enterprises selling food products must have a work permit issued by sanitary inspection authorities.

6.1 At trade enterprises of all types and types, the safety of life and health of customers and compliance with current trade rules must be ensured.

6.2 Trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents federal executive authorities , , , , , .

6.3 Trade enterprises can be located in separate buildings, on the first floors of built-in and attached buildings, residential buildings or non-residential buildings, in the structure (composition) shopping centers and shopping complexes, on the territory of industrial and other facilities, except in cases where regulatory legal acts The Russian Federation has established restrictions or prohibitions on their placement, including by types of products and services sold, operating hours, etc.

6.4 Trade enterprises must be equipped with convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, and have the necessary reference and information signs. The area adjacent to the enterprise must be landscaped and illuminated at night.

Wholesale trade enterprises must have a developed transport infrastructure and convenient sites for parking, maneuvering and parking of trucks.

All trade enterprises must have loading and unloading areas or ramps for unloading vehicles.

6.5 Architectural and planning solutions and structural elements of buildings and structures of trade enterprises and used Technical equipment must comply with building codes and regulations.

6.6 During design, siting, construction and operation shopping facility, including small retail distribution network facilities, the established requirements must be met:

To the location and adjacent territory, architectural, planning and constructive solutions;

To the conditions for locating trade enterprises in residential buildings;

Engineering and technical support systems, including water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, electricity supply, communications, information technology, dispatching, waste disposal, vertical transport (elevators, escalators);

For fire and security alarms.

6.7 Trade establishments must have emergency exits, staircases, and instructions on what to do when emergency situation, warning systems and fire protection equipment, as well as clearly visible information signs that ensure free orientation of buyers both in normal and emergency situations* .

6.8 Stationary trade establishments must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including being equipped with artificial, natural, emergency lighting, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation systems, telephone communications, fire alarm system and automatic system fire extinguishing, security alarm and video surveillance systems, , .

Temperature, humidity and illumination of premises must comply with standards that ensure the preservation of the health and performance of personnel at each workplace.

6.9 When locating trade enterprises in residential buildings, their premises must comply with the requirements of building regulations for noise levels, vibration and sound insulation according to , , . Trade enterprises occupying part of a residential building must be equipped with a separate entrance (exit).

6.10 Trade enterprises selling food products and public catering products must comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules for food trade enterprises, including having regulated temperature and humidity conditions in the premises for storing and selling goods.

6.11 Shops operating as part of trade enterprises for the production of public catering products (semi-finished products, culinary, bakery, confectionery and dishes) must comply with the requirements of current sanitary and epidemiological rules.

6.12 Commercial and refrigeration equipment must comply with general safety requirements and be used in accordance with the safety requirements and operational documentation of the manufacturers.

6.13 The trading enterprise must be staffed with personnel with appropriate professional skills, knowledge and abilities, trained in labor protection and safety requirements.

Personnel of trade enterprises selling food and catering products must undergo medical examinations, hygienic training and observe personal hygiene rules.

The personnel of all commercial enterprises must be prepared to act in emergency situations.

6.14 At trade enterprises under construction and reconstruction, devices and information signs must be provided to ensure the ability to move along stairs, elevators or ramps and use trading floors and premises to provide trade services to people with disabilities and other groups of the population with disabilities disabilities movement according to GOST R 51631 and. When the trading floors of retail enterprises are located on three or more floors, it is necessary to provide vertical transport: passenger elevators, escalators, tervalators.

6.15 Trade enterprises must bring to the attention of customers in a clear and accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the services provided and goods sold, ensuring the possibility of their the right choice. Requirements for the content of information for consumers are determined by current legislation and rules for the sale of certain types of goods.

6.16 A trading enterprise must have a sign indicating the company name of the organization, operating hours, location, and legal address.

6.17 The minimum areas of individual premises for the provision of trade services to customers, except for services for the sale of goods, are independently established by the administration of trade enterprises.

The width of the aisles between the equipment in the sales area should provide customers with the convenience of choosing and purchasing goods. The width of the main evacuation passages in the sales area should ensure the safety of customers in the retail establishment.

6.18 The organization of technological processes and personnel workplaces must comply with labor protection rules at trade enterprises.

6.19 Enterprises with a retail area of ​​2,500 or more must be equipped with public toilet rooms for shoppers, with special toilets for disabled people and other groups of people with limited mobility.

6.20 At trade enterprises, stylistic unity of the interior of the hall, furniture and staff uniforms must be ensured,

6.21 At specialized trading enterprises, more than half of the trading area should be allocated for trading in goods corresponding to the specialization of trade.

6.22 List of additional services provided to customers at trading enterprises various types and types, is established independently by the administration of trade enterprises in accordance with GOST R 51304.

6.23 Requirements for the design of signs, shop windows, advertising materials, exhibition equipment and appearance personnel of trade enterprises of various types and types is established independently by the administration, taking into account the provisions of the current documents of the federal executive authorities and regulatory documents.


* Does not apply to mobile objects of small retail trade networks.


the federal law dated December 28, 2009 N 381-F3 "On state regulation of trading activities in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ Technical regulations "On the safety of buildings and structures"
Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer’s requirement to provide him with a similar product free of charge for the period of repair or replacement, and a list of non-food products of proper quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, or dimensions , style, color or configuration. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998 N 55 with amendments and additions
Rules for commission trade in non-food products. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 1998 N 569 with amendments and additions
Rules for selling goods based on samples. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 N 918 with amendments and additions
Rules for selling goods remotely. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2007 N 612
Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on requirements fire safety"
SNiP 06/31/2009 Building regulations. Public buildings and structures
SNiP 05/31/2003 Building regulations. Public administrative buildings
SNiP 01/31/2003 Building regulations. Residential multi-apartment buildings
SNiP 23-05-95 Natural and artificial lighting
SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings
SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection
SN 2.2.4/ Sanitary standards. Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas
SN 2.2.4/ Sanitary standards. Industrial vibration, vibration in residential and public buildings
SP, SP Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products with change N 1
SP Sanitary and epidemiological rules. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them, with amendments and additions
SNiP 01/35/2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility
POT RM 014-2000 Interindustry rules on labor protection in retail trade