Strawberry jam (or jam?). Strawberry jam: simple recipes for strawberry jam for the winter

How to make jam for the winter

Except unique taste and a long shelf life, strawberry jam for the winter according to our recipe has one more advantage: it is extremely easy to prepare!

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (1)

Summer in my mind is inextricably linked with strawberries. We literally gorged ourselves on these juicy red berries every year. But even my brother and I’s joint efforts were not enough to destroy the rich harvest. Then the grandmother took out various jars from the basement and began making preparations for the winter. Thick and delicious strawberry jam I could eat her preparations with spoons. Strawberry jam reminded me of a carefree summer.

Now I make my own strawberry jam according to my grandmother’s recipe. Everyone in our family loves him. The children prefer to eat it with pancakes or buns, the husband prefers to eat it with white cheese and cottage cheese, and I still eat strawberry jam with spoons, washed down with unsweetened tea.

In addition to its unique taste and long shelf life, jam according to my grandmother’s recipe has another undoubted advantage: it is extremely easy to prepare. Thrifty housewives will rejoice at the opportunity to use all the berries that are available. Strawberries of any size are suitable for jam: small, medium, large. If the berry has a flaw, you can simply cut it off and put the rest into a common pan.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

Preparatory stage

Sort through the berries. Remove the tails, wash and let the water drain thoroughly. Without any regret, get rid of greenish, overripe or rotten berries.


The proportions can easily be varied depending on how many strawberries are available.

From inventory You will need sterile glass jars, a wide enamel pan and lids for sealing.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

  1. Place the prepared strawberries in a large bowl or saucepan and chop the berries. This can be done using an immersion blender or an ordinary wooden masher.
    The second option is even preferable - in the process of turning the berries into puree using a masher, much more juice is released.
  2. Pour the berry puree into an enamel pan with a thick, wide bottom and pour both packets of confiture into it.
  3. Place the pan on low heat and stir the puree constantly until the powder is completely dissolved. We wait until the puree boils, then gradually add sugar and citric acid. Without ceasing to stir, let the puree boil again and keep it on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Hot confiture is immediately poured into prepared glass jars. The main part of the preparations intended for long-term storage is sealed with metal lids.

Strawberry jam can be made without jam. But then you will need more sugar and the berry puree will have to be kept on the fire for a long time. The option with confiture is preferable, as it allows you to reduce the cooking time. Thanks to this, the jam retains maximum amount vitamins and useful substances. And the savings in time and effort are significant.

Storing strawberry jam

Jars of jam are stored in a cool, dry, dark place. The ideal temperature is below room temperature – 10-15 degrees. If the jars have been properly sterilized and sealed, then the jam can be safely left until next summer. True, in our family it is not stored for that long.

Jam differs from preserves in that when preparing it it is not necessary to preserve the integrity of fruits and berries. How to make confiture depends only on you. I prefer jam that is not too homogeneous, so when preparing the berries I only lightly mash them with a wooden masher. If you want a more delicate texture, puree the berries using a blender or rub through a sieve.

Add sugar only after the confiture has dissolved.

About the quality of jam says its bright ruby ​​color and thick consistency. To check the degree of readiness, remove a spoon from the pan during cooking. If the jam flows from it in a thick continuous thread, then it is ready.

Strawberry jam goes well with any type of sweet pastries. It can be used as a filling in making pies and cookies. It is a great addition to pancakes and pancakes.

Strawberry jam is also good in combination with cottage cheese and various types white cheeses.

In contact with

During the strawberry harvest, many gardeners think about how best to preserve the harvest, since the period for eating berries is fresh short-lived. Using strawberry jam recipes allows you to get a tasty treat that can be consumed immediately or used as an additional source of vitamins winter period. To do this, just look through the list of options and choose the most suitable one.

The main difference between jam and traditional strawberry jam is that when preparing the delicacy, it is not necessary to preserve the shape of the berries. Obtaining a jelly-like consistency is made possible by using sugar in recipes. There are many options for preparing the delicacy, ranging from simple recipes without cooking to more complex ones that require the addition of special gelling agents to obtain a thicker product.

To prepare jams, do not use copper or aluminum containers, since when they come into contact with such materials, strawberries acquire an off-flavor and are saturated with harmful additives. It is recommended to use stainless steel or enamel pans. It is better to use a large wooden spoon to stir the delicacy during cooking.

Long-term storage of blanks can only be guaranteed by carefully sterilized jars.

How to select and prepare strawberries

For work, take ripe berries without obvious signs damage and rot. For rinsing, use running water or a basin of water. The berries for jam must be cleared of sepals and stalks. Preparing jams involves chopping strawberries with any of the following: available ways- by hand, by using a blender, meat grinder or masher. If desired, you can grind the raw materials using a knife.

Methods for making strawberry jam at home

Strawberry preparation can be prepared traditional way in the form of cooking, which allows you to obtain a product for long-term storage. Connoisseurs of time and effort often use simple recipes“five-minute”, which make it possible to quickly process a large volume of raw materials and immediately get a tasty delicacy. During the cooking process you can take advantage of household appliances, which greatly facilitates the work.

A simple recipe for the winter

You can make strawberry jam using only 3 ingredients. Lemon in this recipe is responsible for the “correct” chemical reactions during storage. For preparation you need:

  • sugar - 800 g;
  • berries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1⁄2 pcs.

The berries, cleared of foreign objects, are crushed using a blender until a mixture of homogeneous consistency is obtained. Next, the berry base is poured into a container and set to cook over medium heat, holding for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. After this, carefully introduce lemon juice and continue the process for another 20 minutes with constant stirring. When foam forms on the surface, remove it without allowing the jam to “escape.” The hot dessert is poured into jars and left until it cools completely.

"Five Minute"

The advantage of “5-minute” is the simplicity of the recipe and the minimum time required to obtain the delicacy. To prepare 3 350 ml cans you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g.

The processed berries are placed in a deep container, covered with sugar and left in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Place the strawberry base along with the juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 5 minutes. After this, the jam is transferred to cool into sterilized containers, which, after rolling, are turned upside down.

In a slow cooker

You can prepare the dessert using the following ingredients:

  • crushed strawberries - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 600 g.

Chopped berries and sugar are placed in a multicooker to release juice, setting the “keep warm” mode. Readiness is determined by the degree of complete dissolution of the sand. Next, set the “baking” mode, which corresponds to 100-120 C. The mixture is held for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. It will boil actively for the first 7 minutes, after which it will gradually begin to gain thickness.

With gelatin

Jam of a thicker consistency allows you to add gelatin, and with such a component, less sugar is required. The delicacy option assumes the following proportions:

  • strawberries - 600 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • water - 50 ml.

The water in the recipe is needed to dissolve the gelatin. The berries are sprinkled with sugar and pureed until smooth using a blender. The mixture is kept on the fire for 25 minutes, its color should change towards a burgundy hue. Diluted gelatin is slowly introduced into the berry base with constant stirring, keeping it on the fire for another 7 minutes.

With pectin

You can cook jam with pectin, which makes the dessert thicker. For preparation you need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • pectin - 2 tbsp. l.

Using a blender, achieve a puree-like consistency of the berries. Sugar in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. mixed with pectin and added to the fruit mixture, which is then brought to a boil on the fire. It is kept in this state for 4 minutes with constant stirring, after which it is poured into jars.


The tastier jam is obtained without seeds; this delicacy, due to its special consistency, is ideal for sweet toasts. The highlight is that after chopping the berries, strain the berry base through a sieve to remove the seeds. You can take any of the traditional recipes. It should be borne in mind that the initial mass of the berries decreases significantly after obtaining the base for seedless cooking.

In the bread machine

You can make jam using a bread machine, since you don’t need to waste time constantly stirring. The dessert is prepared using the following ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Chopped berries and sugar are mixed, fruit juice is added. The mixture is placed in a bread machine for 1.5 hours.

With mint

Mint goes well with strawberries, highlighting the taste of the berries and giving the dessert freshness. The following proportions will be required:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • mint - 1 bunch;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • pectin - 2 sachets.

Mint is poured with 1 cup of boiling water for 60 minutes, the water saturated with the taste of greenery is subsequently used in the cooking process. The berry base is combined with mint infusion, lemon juice and sugar are added and kept at a boil for 15 minutes. Next, add pectin and keep on fire for a couple of minutes.

How to store strawberry jam

The storage conditions for the delicacy depend on the processing method. The sterilized product can be stored in a room with temperature conditions from 0 to +25 C. The workpiece without heat treatment must be kept in a cooler place, and the temperature should not exceed +10 C. The average shelf life of strawberry-based desserts is considered to be 1 year, if present in the composition citric acid it can be extended up to 24 months.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries all over the world. Its delicate, sweetish-sour taste and soft, juicy texture cause gastronomic delight among many people. But this is not the only reason why the royal berry is attractive, because in addition to its taste and aromatic delights, it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances. Vitamins, microelements, acids have a beneficial effect on the human body both internally (when eating the berry) and externally (when using the fruit as a cosmetic). However, this amazing and healthy berry does not grow all year round(greenhouse cultivation is not taken into account) and in order to enjoy strawberries in the cold, many have been invented different options its preservation. One of the most popular methods is strawberry jam, which not only preserves beneficial features amazing berry, but also has an excellent consistency, smell and, of course, taste.

Try this recipe for strawberry jam for the winter, which can be prepared in several ways, right now.

Strawberry jam - a classic recipe for the winter

This is the simplest and most commonly used method.

To make delicious strawberry jam you only need three ingredients:

  • strawberries 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon juice of one fruit.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Clean, selected berries are sprinkled with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and left for two hours so that the strawberries give juice.
  2. The resulting syrup is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Add berries with sugar to the boiled juice and boil for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice, which will add piquancy to the wonderful dessert and remove excess sweetness.
  4. The strawberries boiled in syrup are ground in a blender and the resulting mass is placed on the fire to cook for 20-30 minutes.
  5. The prepared jam is poured into sterilized and dry jars.

The jam is ready.

On a note. For the final boiling, you can use a large saucepan to increase the area for moisture evaporation and make the jam thicker.

Strawberry jam - five minutes, quick and easy recipe

This is one of the most common types of jam preparation. Due to its speed, simplicity and usefulness, this method is used by many housewives.

It is as follows:

  • strawberries 2 kg;
  • sugar 0.8 kg.

Wash the harvested crop, remove stalks, remove rotten and wrinkled fruits. Using a blender, meat grinder or masher, puree the strawberries and add sugar.

Put the resulting mixture on the fire, boil, skim off the foam and cook for five minutes. Then cool and repeat the procedure twice, to evaporate more moisture and obtain thick jam, after 8 hours.

Dessert in a slow cooker

Modern appliances make working in the kitchen much easier. To create wonderful jam that would not work under normal cooking conditions, you can use a slow cooker. It will not just give the hostess more free time, but will change the consistency of the usual delicacy, making it more tender, dense and rich.

Strawberry jam recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp. (pre-dilute in 100 ml of boiling water).

The cooking principle remains the same as if a saucepan was used, with the only difference: strawberry puree with sugar is prepared in a separate container and only then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Then select the “Extinguishing” program for 1 hour. When the time comes, the jam will be ready. If desired, you can add gelatin to make it thicker or additional components. The finished jam should be poured into pre-prepared jars, which will preserve the wonderful delicacy for a long time.

Strawberry jam can not only decorate any dish, but can also become a wonderful dessert that will fill the cold season with the aromas of summer and warmth.

On a note. Adding lemon juice preserves the color of the jam and gives it a special touch.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam

There are a number of different recipes that may involve not only standard ingredients such as strawberries, sugar and lemon juice, but also additional elements that will make the taste richer and more intense. These ingredients include mint, orange, apples, and white chocolate. It is better not to add these products together so that they do not interrupt each other’s taste.

In mid-May, our beloved berry season has already begun. And this means that you need to remember to prepare delicious strawberry jam, for the winter you can’t do without this recipe. I didn’t make strawberry jam with gelatin or pectin, only natural thick delicious jam! I’ll tell you about this a little later, because first you need to enjoy this miracle berry to your heart’s content.

This year the harvest was good, despite cold winter and dry spring. The berries grew identically, just a sight for sore eyes.

Look how handsome they are!
Every morning my whole family goes out to the beds with their bowls. Whichever berry he likes, he picks it. Juicy and sweet, with a delicious aroma - it’s simply impossible to fall in love with this berry. My daughter loves to mash it with sugar and eat it with a spoon. My son just loves dipping berries in sugar. And I love it in any form, so I happily devour it on both cheeks.

The first delight from strawberries (this is correct) passes. And the time has come to think about what strawberry preparations we will make for the winter, what new ones interesting recipes let's choose. It is impossible not to preserve this delicious miracle, this piece of summer in a jar. Strawberry jam, strawberry wine, frozen strawberries with sugar - the list of goodies goes on and on. And the recipe strawberry jam Every housewife has her own favorite one. I got my recipe for the winter from my mother. Who's a master cook? delicious jams and jams!

If you don’t have your own berries, buy slightly crushed small fruits. This will turn out to be much more economical, especially since we still have to knead them. I have my own strawberry, berry after berry, it’s even a pity to crush such beauty! But what can you do, you have to. The beauty of this thick, delicious delicacy is the absence of gelatin and luxurious ruby ​​color. But you will have to tinker a little. This royal berry deserves some tinkering with it. But in winter, over a cup of aromatic tea, you will fondly remember all the delights of the strawberry season. Let's get started, dear hostesses.

Strawberry jam recipe, we need:

  • Strawberries (try a small amount of berries) – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg 200 grams;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • Stainless steel or enamel pan with a wide bottom;
  • Sterile jars (I have 0.5 l each);
  • Seaming lids.

Strawberry jam recipe is delicious thick:

If you like strawberry jam with gelatin, you can prepare it in five minutes. To do this, you will need to buy pectin (or “Confiturka”, “Jelefix”, etc.) Grind the berries, mix them with pectin and mix. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and only then pour in the sugar and stir. Boil for 5 minutes, pour into sterile jars and seal. Leave overnight, covered with a blanket. Products:

  • Strawberry-sugar – 1:0.5;
  • Pectin – 1-2 packs;
  • A little lemon juice (if you like it thicker).

How to freeze strawberries for the winter in the refrigerator? Mash it with sugar (the proportions per kg of berries are 250 grams of sugar), pour into a bag or container and freeze in the freezer. In winter, oh, how useful!

With all my love for kitchen appliances, you should not cook jam in a slow cooker. After cooking for an hour, there will be nothing useful left in it; it is better and tastier to cook it on the stove.

This is my recipe for strawberry jam, and now you know all the secrets of its preparation.

I wish you that your strawberry preparations for the winter turn out “excellent”! I look forward to your feedback on my recipe. I will be glad if you share this recipe with your friends using social network buttons.

I advise you to prepare the most fluffy and perfect according to my recipes.

Bon appetit! Come visit me for new ones delicious recipes dishes. See you again!

Strawberry jam - very tasty, using an unusual technology, retaining color and amazing taste

I suggest making strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter, which can be prepared in a little more than half an hour. You will definitely like the taste and aroma. The thickness can be adjusted by cooking time or simply by replacing regular sugar with gelling sugar, which contains pectin.

The recipe for strawberry jam in front of you will be an excellent addition to pancakes, pancakes, or as a filling for pies and bagels. Or you can simply spread butter on a crust of fresh bread and add a little jam on top; it’s a very good combination with tea. Try it too!


Strawberries – 350 g

Sugar – 350 g

Lemon juice – 1 tsp

216 Kcal per 100 g

How to make strawberry jam

Before you make strawberry jam, you must first prepare the berries. To do this, I transfer them to a colander and rinse them under running water. It is important to do this quickly and carefully so as not to damage the berries. Next, I tear off the leaves and transfer the strawberries to paper towel to remove any remaining water.

I transfer the strawberries into a blender bowl and grind them into a homogeneous puree. Then I pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, lemon juice and stir.

It is important to understand how to make strawberry jam correctly. To do this, put the saucepan on low heat, and when the mass starts to boil, cook for another 30 minutes. Remember to stir occasionally so that the jam does not burn. It should be cooked over low heat, but the mixture will boil. You also need to remove the resulting foam. The longer it cooks, the thicker it becomes.

While the jam is still cooking, I prepare a jar or jars, depending on how much you use. They can be sterilized using different methods, the most popular being in the microwave and over boiling water. For me, the second method is more familiar. I pour water into an empty pan and place a wire rack on top. When the water boils, I place the jar and lid upside down on the grill to sterilize the sides that the jam will come into contact with. It’s enough for them to stand over the steam for a couple of minutes, and then I take them off.

I pour the hot jam into jars and roll up the lids or just screw them tightly if you have this type of lid. Immediately after this, I turn them upside down, cover them with a towel and leave them like that until they cool. After which I take them to the balcony or to the cellar so that in winter they can enjoy it. This is how the strawberry jam turned out, the recipe is simple and, in my opinion, quite easy.

These products made almost 2 jars of jam, one of them was a little not full, so I decided not to roll it up, but to eat it right away. I can say that this strawberry jam recipe for the winter was a success, and the rest was eaten with pleasure and very quickly. The volume of my jar is 280 ml.

My advice to you is to cook without doubt, it turns out very tasty. Bon appetit!