Avraami the Bulgarian wonderworker life. Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, Vladimir Wonderworker

All about religion and faith - “prayer to Abraham the Bulgarian wonderworker” with detailed description and photographs.

Commemoration: April 1/14 and the fourth week of Easter

Abraham lived in the 13th century, came from the Kama Muslim Bulgarians and was a wealthy merchant. He was very kind and merciful to the poor. After the adoption of Christianity in the city of Bolgars, Abraham began to preach to his Muslim compatriots about Christ the Savior. He was captured and executed after torture. Heavenly patron of pious merchants, philanthropists and missionaries. They pray to him for the granting of faith, the conversion of Muslims, other people of other faiths and sectarians to Orthodoxy.

Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria. Fresco, 17th century. Assumption Cathedral of the Vladimir Assumption Princess Monastery

Troparion to the Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, tone 4

Today, people of good faith, having come together, let us praise this noble martyr and sufferer Abramius, for this, we are strengthened by the power of God, lay down your soul for Christ, having suffered much from the evil Bulgarians. For this reason, the crown has been accepted from the Lord and now stands before Him and prays for this city and for all of us who honor its memory.

Kontakion to Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, tone 3

Strengthened, gloriously, by the love of the Lord and Him honest cross For the sake of this, the yoke of the Lord, you put the devil to shame and suffered even to death, and for this reason, most wonderfully, you appeared as a great sufferer, Abraham, and as an armorer of bravery and a participant in God’s grace.

Second kontakion to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, tone 8

Like a valuable treasure, your most honorable body, martyr Abraham, was quickly brought from the Bulgarian country to the city of Vladimir, with which you bestow upon all those who honor your glorious memory an abundance of healing, standing in Heaven to Christ God and praying to Him for the salvation of our souls.

We magnify you, passion-bearing saint Abraham, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Prayer to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria

Holy Martyr Abraham, valiant warrior of Christ, the King of Heaven, our glorious helper and protector in sorrow and adversity! Nothing can separate you from love for the Lord Jesus: neither flattering promises of temporary blessings, nor reprimand, nor torment from evil enemies the most holy faith of Christ; You, like a lion, went out to battle against the mental wolves, the spirits of malice, who incited against you, for the sake of your good confession, the Bulgarian people of your kindred, and, like a fiery arrow, you struck them down with the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit and strong love like death. yours to God. Even though you shed your blood for Christ our God, having destroyed temporary life, you also soared with an immortal soul, like an eagle, to the Heavenly Abode of our Father, inheriting there eternal life, glory and unspeakable bliss and leaving us your incorruptible remains, like a valuable and fragrant crin. We believe, O passion-bearing saint, that, standing with the Angels and all the saints at the Throne of Glory of the Trinitarian God, you offer fervent and God-pleasing prayers not only for us and for our city, but also for all the holy Church of Christ and the Orthodox Fatherland of Russia. We believe, glorious miracle worker, like you, by the power of the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, through your holy relics, you exude abundant gifts of grace-filled help for the salvation of everyone who flows to you with faith, most of all, you ask for the death of those who honor you with repentance and you mercifully help a weak baby, and all from small to large, we unanimously glorify the inscrutable greatness of God’s goodness. With the same faith and love for the saints, with your relics falling and reverently kissing them, we beg you, our kind prayer book and intercessor in Heaven: help us, sinners and humble, with your prayers in all our sorrows, needs and circumstances, save us and this city from all evil and all sorts of misfortunes, but most of all, promote the eternal salvation of us and everyone who asks you for help and intercession. To her, we humbly pray to you, servant of God: pray to Christ our God, may He give peace and silence to all Orthodox Christians and may he turn away from us all anger directed at us, may he deliver us from the snares of the enemy, languor in the bonds of sin and the torments of hell and may He vouchsafe us, the unworthy, at His right hand at His righteous Judgment and bring us into the eternal rest of His saints, where those who celebrate the unceasing voice and ineffable sweetness of those who behold the kindness of His face; and thus we will be able with you and all the saints to endlessly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. Amen.

Prayer to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria:

  • Prayer to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria. Abraham lived in the 13th century, came from the Kama Muslim Bulgarians and was a wealthy merchant. He was very kind and merciful to the poor. After the adoption of Christianity in the city of Bolgars, Abraham began to preach to his Muslim compatriots about Christ the Savior. He was captured and executed after torture. Heavenly patron of pious merchants, philanthropists and missionaries. They pray to him for the granting of faith, the conversion of Muslims, other people of other faiths and sectarians to Orthodoxy.

Akathist to the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria:

Canon to the Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Abraham of Bulgaria:

  • Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria– Yuri Maksimov
  • Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria(the most complete life) – Wikipedia
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St. martyr Abraham, Bulgarian Wonderworker

What are they praying for?

  • about patronage and success in trade,

personal entrepreneurship

  • about especially sick babies
  • What is known about him?

    This rich and noble merchant lived in Volga Bulgaria at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries. The life of this man was very different from the life of many of his fellow countrymen and tribesmen. He was an unusually compassionate person, merciful to the needy, and spent his wealth on the needs of the suffering. Visiting Russian cities and communicating with Russian merchants, he became deeply interested in the Christian faith. According to God's vision, grace touched his heart and, having learned the truth of the holy faith of Christ, he accepted Holy Baptism. So this merchant becomes a Christian and receives a new name, with which he is written on the pages of the Book of Life - Abraham (nowhere in the chronicles is the name of the saint mentioned before Baptism).

    After Baptism, the saint, with the word of the Gospel, and most importantly, with the Christian way of life, carries the apostolic sermon among his people. And just as before the adoption of Christianity Abraham had compassion for the misfortunes and deprivations of his neighbors, so after accepting the saving faith of Christ he began to be sick in spirit and grieve over the spiritual misfortunes of his fellow citizens, about their ignorance of the true God of heaven and earth, who was revealed to us through His Only Begotten Son in the Holy Spirit, and about the disorder and disorder of morals that comes from this ignorance (John 17:3; Rom.25:31). Inspired by holy zeal for the holy faith and brotherly love for his wicked fellow tribesmen, Abraham, being on trade business in the capital of Volga Bulgaria - the Great Bulgars, during the fair (aga-bazaar), instead of engaging in trade and acquiring temporary, earthly goods, begins to preach to his fellow tribesmen about eternal, incorruptible blessings, and offers them a sermon about Christ the God-man, “who was crucified for us with his will, who rose from the dead and ascended with glory in the flesh into heaven,” about His beginningless Father and about the co-eternal Father and Son, the All-Holy Spirit.

    The Bulgarians were amazed when they heard a Christian sermon from their fellow tribesman and former co-religionist. His compatriots not only did not express sympathy for the preaching of the holy man, but even became irritated with the preacher, especially when they saw his inflexibility after repeated admonitions and advice to leave the Christian faith. They initially began to persuade Abraham, as someone beloved by everyone, to leave the faith of Christ. When gentle persuasion did not have an effect on the confessor of Christ's name, they began to threaten him with taking away his property. To these threats the blessed one replied that for Christ the Savior he was ready to lose not only his property, but would not spare his very life. After that the beatings began. They beat Abraham “with the whole world,” they beat him so cruelly that not a single undamaged place was left on the martyr’s body: “as if there was no place on him, she was intact and unhurt” (from the akathist to the martyr). They tried to silence him, to renounce Christ, but it was in vain. Then the Bulgarians, furious as animals with the confessor, tormented him in prison for many days, forcing him with many torments to renounce the Christian faith. The valiant sufferer for the true faith did not faint in torment, but, strengthened by the grace of God, he was even more confirmed in holy love for the Redeemer of the world. Then, seeing his inflexibility in faith, the evil fanatics took him out of the city and at a well not far from the bank of the Volga they first cut off his hands, then his legs and head. So on April 1, 1229, with a confession of true faith on his lips, this merciful and sincere man of God went to his Heavenly Father. The Murom merchants, who witnessed this, buried the martyr in a special cemetery, “where all Christians were buried.” The Lord soon punished the inhabitants of the Great Bulgars for the blood of His saint with a terrible fire: “. Soon this great city with many and innumerable riches burned out!

    Signs very soon began to appear at the tomb, giving rise to the veneration of the saint, rumors of which spread throughout Orthodox Russia. In 1230, ambassadors from the Volga Bulgars came to the noble Prince of Vladimir Georgy Vsevolodovich to ask for peace (after a six-year war with Russia).

    Prince George agreed to their desire and, as soon as peace was concluded, he sent an embassy to the Bulgars to transfer the relics of the martyr of Christ. On March 9, 1230, his relics were transferred to Vladimir, to the Princess Monastery (where the surviving particle is still kept).

    Shortly before the revolution in the village. The Bulgarians were given an ancient image of the saint with a piece of his relics and an old wooden shrine. These shrines were lost during the godless hard times. Only the phalanx of the finger of the right hand has been preserved, which in godless times was preserved with reverence by the inhabitants of the city in their homes, and is now located in the St. Abraham's Church in the city of Bolgar. The Lord glorified His saint with many miracles that occurred through his prayers at the holy relics. It was noticed that the martyr had a special grace-filled power to intercede before God for sick children; records of the healing of the sick have been preserved. Abraham of Bulgaria is prayed for patronage and success in trade and personal entrepreneurship.

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    Prayer to Abraham the Bulgarian Wonderworker

    Congratulations to the holy martyr Abraham, valiant warrior of Christ, the Heavenly King, our glorious helper and protector in sorrow and adversity! Nothing can separate you from your love for the Lord Jesus: neither flattering promises of temporary blessings, nor rebuke, nor torment from the evil enemies of Christ’s most holy faith; You, like a lion, went out to battle against the mental wolves, the spirits of malice, who incited against you, for the sake of your good confession, the Bulgarian people of your kindred, and, like a fiery arrow, you struck them down with the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit and strong, like death, love yours to God.

    Even though you shed your blood for Christ our God, having destroyed your temporary life, you also soared with an immortal soul, like an eagle, into the heavenly abode of our Father, inheriting there eternal life, glory and unspeakable bliss, and leaving us your incorruptible remains, like a valuable and valuable treasure. fragrant. We believe, O Passion-Bearing Saint, that, standing with the Angels and all the saints at the Throne of Glory of the Trinitarian God, you offer fervent and God-pleasing prayers not only for us and for our city, but also for all the saints of Christ’s Church and the Orthodox Fatherland of Russia. We believe, glorious miracle worker, like you, by the power of the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, through your holy relics, you exude abundant gifts of grace-filled help for the salvation of everyone who flows to you with faith, most of all, you ask for the death of those who honor you with repentance and you mercifully help a weak baby, and all from small to large, we unanimously glorify the inscrutable greatness of God’s goodness.

    With the same faith and love for the saints, with your relics falling and reverently kissing them, we beg you, our kind prayer book and intercessor in Heaven: help us, sinners and humble ones, with your prayers in all our sorrows, needs and circumstances, save us and this city from all evil and all sorts of misfortunes, but most of all, promote the eternal salvation of us and everyone who asks you for help and intercession. To her, we humbly pray to you, servant of God: pray to Christ our God, may He give peace and silence to all Orthodox Christians and may he turn away from us all anger directed at us, may he deliver us from the snares of the enemy, languor in the bonds of sin and the torments of hell and may He vouchsafe us, the unworthy, at His right hand at His righteous Judgment and bring us into the eternal rest of His saints, where those who celebrate the unceasing voice and ineffable sweetness of those who behold the kindness of His face; and thus we will be able with you and all the saints to endlessly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. Amen.

    Now, faithful people, having come together, let us praise this noble martyr and sufferer Abramius, for this, we are strengthened by the power of God, lay down your soul for Christ, having suffered much from the evil Bulgarians. For this reason, the crown has been accepted from the Lord and now stands before Him and prays for this city and for all of us who honor its memory.

    Strengthened, gloriously, by the love of the Lord and His honorable Cross on the frame, the yoke of the Lord, you put to shame the devil’s deceit and you suffered even to death, and for this reason, most miraculously, the great sufferer, Abraham, appeared, and the armorer of the brave secret and the participant of God’s grace.

    I am a valuable treasure, brought quickly from the Bulgarian country to the city of Vladimir, your most honorable body, martyr Abraham, with whom you bestow upon all those who honor your glorious memory an abundance of healing, standing in Heaven to Christ God and praying to Him for the salvation of our souls.

    We honor you, the passion-bearing saint Abraham, and we honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

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    Orthodox prayers ☦

    2 strong prayers to Abraham of Bulgaria

    Prayer to Abraham of Bulgaria for the health of children

    “Holy Martyr Abraham! We pray to you: help us, sinful servants of God ( names), your prayers in all our sorrows, needs and circumstances,

    save us, holy temple ( house) this and this coming from all evil and all misfortune, but most of all, promote our eternal salvation. Hey, humbly

    We pray to you, servant of God: pray to Christ our God, may He turn away from us all anger directed at us, may He deliver us from the snares of the enemy, languor in the bonds of sin and the torments of hell, and may He vouchsafe us, the unworthy, to stand at His right hand at His righteous Judgment and bring His saints into eternal rest; where those who celebrate the unceasing voice and indescribable sweetness of those who behold the kindness of His face: and thus we will be able with you and all the saints to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, forever and ever.”

    Prayer to Abraham of Bulgaria for success in business and trade

    “Congratulations to the holy martyr Abraham, valiant warrior of Christ, the Heavenly King, our glorious helper and protector in sorrows and misfortunes! Nothing can separate you from your love for the Lord Jesus: neither flattering promises of temporary blessings, nor rebuke, nor torment from the evil enemies of Christ’s most holy faith; You, like a lion, went out to battle against the mental wolves, the spirits of malice, who incited against you, for the sake of your good confession, the Bulgarian people of your kindred, and, like a fiery arrow, you struck them down with the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit and strong love like death. yours to God. Even though you shed your blood for Christ our God, having destroyed your temporary life, you also soared with an immortal soul, like an eagle, into the heavenly abode of our Father, inheriting there eternal life, glory and unspeakable bliss, and leaving us your incorruptible remains, like a valuable and valuable treasure. fragrant. We believe, O Passion-Bearing Saint, that, standing with the Angels and all the saints at the Throne of Glory of the Trinitarian God, you offer fervent and God-pleasing prayers not only for us and for our city, but also for all the saints of Christ’s Church and the Orthodox Fatherland of Russia. We believe, glorious miracle worker, like you, by the power of the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, through your holy relics, you exude abundant gifts of grace-filled help for the salvation of everyone who flows to you with faith, most of all, you ask for the death of those who honor you with repentance and you mercifully help a weak baby, and all from small to large, we unanimously glorify the inscrutable greatness of God’s goodness. With the same faith and love for the saints, with your relics falling and reverently kissing them, we beg you, our kind prayer book and intercessor in Heaven: help us, sinners and humble ones, with your prayers in all our sorrows, needs and circumstances, save us and this city from all evil and all sorts of misfortunes, but most of all, promote the eternal salvation of us and everyone who asks you for help and intercession. To her, we humbly pray to you, servant of God: pray to Christ our God, may He give peace and silence to all Orthodox Christians and may he turn away from us all anger directed at us, may he deliver us from the snares of the enemy, languor in the bonds of sin and the torments of hell and may He vouchsafe us, the unworthy, at His right hand at His righteous Judgment and bring us into the eternal rest of His saints, where those who celebrate the unceasing voice and ineffable sweetness of those who behold the kindness of His face; and thus we will be able with you and all the saints to endlessly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. Amen."

    In Orthodoxy there are not so few holy martyrs and miracle workers, revered by believers and the church itself. Much is known about the lives and deeds of some, but extremely little is known about the circumstances under which others grew up and came to accept Christianity.

    One of these saints, about the circumstances of whose life not too much is known, is Abraham of Bulgaria. Reviews about the wonderful resolution life problems after prayer at his icon, many people are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to the relics.

    Who is this man?

    Very little information has been preserved about the saint’s childhood and adolescence. Everything that is known about him comes from the Laurentian Chronicle, named after one of the monks who compiled it. It dates back to approximately the 14th century and is currently kept in one of the libraries of St. Petersburg.

    Abraham of Bulgaria, a miracle worker and saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, according to this chronicle, was not a Slav. The chronicler describes this man as speaking a language other than Russian. Presumably, the saint was a Bulgar. What is another name for this people - Volga or Kama Bulgarians. These are the ethnic ancestors of the Bashkirs, Chuvash, Tatars and other peoples.

    The place and date of the saint’s death are known for certain. This man died at the beginning of the 13th century, on the first of April. This happened in 1229 in the town of Bolgar, that is, on the territory of Volga Bulgaria.

    What did he do during his lifetime?

    St. Abraham of Bulgaria, according to the chronicle, was a very wealthy man, even rich. He was engaged in trade, that is, he was a merchant. Judging by the mention in the chronicle that Abraham traded almost throughout the Volga region, things were clearly going well for him.

    He traded with representatives of the Russian merchants. Presumably, it was thanks to such business connections and relationships that the future saint not only learned the Russian language, but also became interested in the Christian worldview.

    Was he always a Christian?

    Abraham of Bulgaria was not brought up in the Christian tradition. Presumably this man grew up within Islamic culture. It is likely that under the influence of communication with representatives of the Russian merchants, the future saint not only learned about the basic tenets of Christianity, but also accepted it.

    Of course, speaking about the influence of the Orthodox merchants on the worldview of the future saint, one should not understand it as pressure. Traders of all nationalities, including Russian merchants, have always been tolerant and calmly conducted business with people of other faiths. Most likely, the worldview of Christians was closer to the state of mind and corresponded to the personal qualities of the future saint than the religion within which he grew up.

    What made this man different?

    Abraham of Bulgaria was not like his fellow citizens. According to the chronicle, he was full of compassion and distinguished by meekness of disposition. The future saint's mercy towards other people was not limited to kind words or prayer for them. As our contemporaries would say, Abraham was actively involved in charity work. This man supported those who were less fortunate in life than him, not only with kind words, but also with deeds.

    Based on this, it becomes clear why internal reasons the future saint was spiritually drawn to Christianity. Mercy, caring for others, helping the poor and kindness of the heart are integral components of the Christian worldview, as are many other things.

    What did he do afterwards?

    Not much is known for certain about how Abraham of Bulgaria lived after accepting Christianity. This man did not abandon his occupation and continued to conduct successful trade throughout the Volga region. However, after the sacrament of baptism, Abraham not only did business, that is, traded, but also conducted active missionary work, preached, talked about Jesus and Christianity in general.

    It is not known for certain when exactly the future saint was touched by the grace of God and he received baptism. However, this man received his name Abraham just after accepting the Christian faith. Unfortunately, the name that the future saint was given at birth is not mentioned in chronicle sources.

    How did this man die?

    Continuing to engage in trade affairs after receiving holy baptism, Abraham of Bulgaria, of course, visited home several times, and was not only on the road. Of course, like any wealthy person, he owned land and was the owner of the estate.

    Much more is known about the death of the future saint than about his life. And the point is not at all that Abraham accepted a martyr’s death. Witnesses to his death and everything that preceded it were merchants from Murom. It was the Murom people who bought the body of the future saint and buried him according to Christian custom.

    The future saint of the Great Bulgars died. In those days, this city was the capital, and large trade fairs - “aga-bazaars” - were held there. Traders from all over came there, presenting their goods and, as they would say now, concluding deals.

    Of course, the future saint, who actively preached the ideas of Christianity and was engaged in missionary work, could not miss the opportunity to talk about the Lord, because the bazaar gathered large number the most different people. Moreover, Abraham did not think that there was anything to be afraid of, because he was on native land.

    Speaking to a crowd of people with a sermon, the future saint Abraham of Bulgaria faced not only misunderstanding on the part of his compatriots, but also rejection, as well as outright aggression. From time immemorial, people have tried to change the worldview of their neighbors, which did not correspond to theirs. own views, sensations or beliefs. The future saint became a victim of this type of behavior.

    At first, of course, he was persuaded. Of course, the purpose of the persuasion was to renounce the Lord, to return to the religion within which Abraham grew up and was raised. But, faced with the firmness of his faith, and quite possibly with a new, more private sermon, people began to threaten him. These threats, according to the testimony of Murom traders, did not relate to the health and life of the future saint. They promised to confiscate his property, take away his land and house.

    The threats had no effect; moreover, the future martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, probably in the heat of feelings, recklessly declared that he would not regret not only his property, but also his own life for his faith in the Lord. Most likely, such a statement became a kind of catalyst, an impetus for the splashing out of aggression. They started beating the saint. They beat him so much that not a single area on his body was left without damage, even all the bones were broken.

    Despite such serious injuries, life remained in the saint’s body. Then the tormentors, starting to beat their fellow countryman, threw him, bleeding, into the prison dungeon. But even when he found himself on the verge of death, suffering unbearably physically, Abraham did not renounce the Lord. In those moments when the future saint was conscious, he glorified the name of Christ and exhorted the guards to accept the true faith, preaching to them.

    Of course, such steadfastness did not evoke understanding among the tormentors. On the first day of April, Abraham was taken out of town, to an old well, and executed. The execution was also not easy. The martyr's limbs were gradually cut off - they started with the hands, then it was the turn of the forearms. Thus, he was deprived of his arms and then his legs. But even drowning in his own blood, Abraham glorified the name of the Lord and begged him to forgive the executioners. Tired of the bullying, the tormentors cut off the future saint's head.

    The martyr was buried by Murom merchants, who witnessed both the unsuccessful sermon in the market square and the painful execution. Abraham was buried in a special graveyard for local Christians, and soon miracles began to happen near his grave, rumors about which quickly spread not only throughout Bulgaria, but also throughout the Russian principalities.

    It is impossible to say when exactly the veneration of this saint began. Probably during the first year, as soon as the miracles taking place near the grave were noticed.

    At the time of the death of the martyr, the Bulgars were at war with the Russian principalities. This war was rather sluggish and lasted for six whole years. There were practically no military operations; there were isolated “demonstration” battles and many local small skirmishes that ended in robberies.

    George Vsevolodovich reigned in Vladimir in 1230. It was to him that the embassy from the Volga region arrived with a request for peace. The prince agreed, but in return demanded that the relics of a Christian martyr be transferred from the lands of the “wicked.” They were transferred to Vladimir, to one of the monasteries. Probably, this transfer can be considered the beginning of the veneration of the saint by the Orthodox Church, although at that time the Church of Abraham of Bulgaria or at least the chapel was not built. But already in the thirteenth century the relics were revered as miracle-working.

    How does this saint help?

    Believers approach him with various requests. Of course, there are certain traditions, centuries-old beliefs related to what prayers Abraham of Bulgaria heeds. How does this saint help? Of course, first of all, in the conduct of trade affairs.

    The merchants considered the martyr their patron even before the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar hordes, and it is still customary among devout businessmen to pray to this saint before concluding any transactions or purchasing goods. That is, Abraham patronizes entrepreneurs, people who have any connection with trade - store owners, sellers, administrators.

    However, the good power of the saint does not end there. From time immemorial, it has been the custom to pray to him for help when in distress. The saint helps to improve material affairs, find well-being, your own shelter and stable income.

    In addition, people go to the image of Abraham with prayers for the healing of sick children, granting them success in learning and vitality. The archives of the Orthodox Church preserve written evidence of miraculous healings both during the veneration of the relics and during prayer before the image of the holy martyr.

    When does the church remember a saint?

    The Akathist to Abraham of Bulgaria is served on the day of his death, that is, the first of April. The readings mention him short life, tells about martyrdom and feat in the name of the Lord.

    Special attention this saint is honored in the churches of Vladimir, Kazan and the town of Bolgar, which only ceased to be a village in the 90s of the last century. It is located on the site of the ancient Volga capital, in which the saint received his martyrdom. It is also believed that the ancient city of the Bulgars is not only the place of Abraham’s death, but also his native land.

    In addition to the fact that the akathist to Abraham of Bulgaria is read on the first day of April, the saint is honored throughout the following week in the churches of Kazan, Vladimir and Bolgar.

    Are there special icons?

    The miraculous image to which believers from all over Rus' came to bow was an icon containing interspersed relics of a saint.

    This image has difficult fate. On the day when the Church of St. Abraham of Bulgaria opened its doors to parishioners in the village on the site of the ancient Bulgars, Theognost, Bishop of Vladimir, presented him with an icon with relics. This event happened back in 1878.

    Subsequently, in 1892, the temple ministers from the Bulgars turned to the higher clergy with a request to move an ancient wooden shrine from Vladimir in order to worthily present the miraculous image to the believers. The request was granted, and starting in May of the same year, the icon was constantly available for veneration in the shrine.

    However, when the image was created and how the relics ended up in it is unknown. The only thing that is known about this icon is that it was unusually old, but the colors shone as if they were new.

    Unfortunately, in the post-revolutionary years miraculous icon was lost. Her fate is still unknown.

    How to pray for prosperity?

    You need to pray to the patron saint of people involved in commercial affairs sincerely and with pure thoughts. He does not patronize the thirst for profit. During his lifetime, he spent his income on good causes, supported the poor and helped everyone who needed it get back on their feet.

    Accordingly, he should pray with good intentions, and not with the desire to simply make money, get rich:

    “Holy martyr, Abraham! I turn to you for help and in the hope of your protection in my affairs and worldly concerns. Do not abandon my prayer, saint, hear and grant prosperity to my home, prosperity and success in my endeavors. Not for the sake of money-grubbing and without stinginess in my heart, with open thoughts and good goals, I ask for your help. Bless and save, protect and help, Saint Abraham. Amen".

    How to ask for the gift of health?

    You need to pray for healing by believing in your own words. It is not holy relics that work miracles, nor spoken words, but a person’s faith in the power of the Lord.

    “Abraham, holy martyr of the Lord! I pray you to save my child (name) from sorrows and pains. I pray to grant you health and joy, with which the children are filled. Do not leave, saint, in the hour of calamity, of dashing trials. Help me overcome the unbearable burden, overcome the evil illness. Intercede for us before the Lord, beg to send us health. Amen".

    On April 14, the Holy Church commemorates Saint Abraham of Bulgaria, the wonderworker. So much time has already passed since the day of his death for Christ, and his memory and glory are only growing and strengthening!

    Immediately after his death in 1229, Abraham was buried by Russian merchants in a Christian cemetery ancient city Bulgaria. And a year later, the prince of the Vladimir land, George, took his holy remains. He fought with the Bulgars and one of the conditions for the truce was that the relics of the Martyr of Christ were to be transported to the city of Vladimir. The Bulgars then did not even know what a great value it was!

    In Vladimir, Prince George, the local bishop Mitrofan with the abbots, princesses and many people far outside the city greeted the holy relics with great honor. The shrine was placed in the church of the Princess Convent, which was founded by the prince’s mother. AND for a long time Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria was widely known only in the Vladimir region, since it was there that numerous healings took place at his shrine. He began to be called the Bulgarian and Vladimir miracle worker.
    And not far from Bolgar there remained a holy well - the place of the feat of Saint Abraham. Healings also began to occur from its water. According to legend, the first person healed was a Muslim Bulgar.

    Over time, the memory of the martyr was completely forgotten in his native land. But by the providence of God in 1864 the first icon of the martyr Abraham from the city of Vladimir was brought to the city of Bolgar. And it all happened like this. The pious peasants of the village of Bolgars had a desire to secretly leave their homes to worship the Kyiv shrines. They directed their path through the city of Vladimir, where they visited Princess Uspensky convent. Having defended the morning service, they heard that the priest, on dismissal, remembered the holy martyr Abraham of Bulgaria and the Wonderworker of Vladimir. This interested them, and they decided to ask the priest about the saint he had mentioned. Approaching him for blessing, they immediately turned to him with the words: “Father! Which martyr Abraham did you mention during your vacation today?” To these words the priest replied: “There are Bolgars on the Volga, there formerly was the capital of the Bulgarian kingdom, and now the village of Bolgars stands in that place. There was the holy martyr Avramiy, a Bulgar by birth, and a merchant by occupation. He professed Islam, like his compatriots - the Kama Bulgars. This holy martyr Abraham, having heard from Christian preachers about Christ's saving faith, accepted Christianity without hesitation. And not only did he religiously fulfill it, but, moved by apostolic zeal, he began to preach it among his compatriots, the Bulgars. The Bulgars, having heard him preach about the faith of Christ, not only stopped listening to him, but also began to persuade him to leave the Christian faith, but Saint Abraham was adamant. Seeing his inflexibility, the Bulgars began to torture him with various tortures, but, seeing his inflexibility, they cut off his head. It was April 1, 1229..."

    Holding their breath, with tears in their eyes, the peasants listened to the talkative priest, and with their souls and hearts they thanked God that everything had happened so wonderfully... When the priest fell silent and wanted to leave the temple, these peasants announced to him that they were residents of the village of Bolgar, in confirmation of which showed him their passports. They asked the priest to show them the relics of the holy martyr, which he, of course, willingly did. They decided to ask for something in memory of their native saint, and the good-natured abbess of the monastery blessed them to take the icon of the martyr Abraham to their native village. Having thanked mother for the expensive gift, these pious people decided to postpone the worship of Kyiv shrines until another time. Having received such a treasure, they wasted no time and went home.

    It is impossible to describe with what joy they returned! Upon their arrival, the news spread around the residents of the village of Bolgar that their fellow villagers who had left secretly had returned and brought with them the icon of the holy martyr Abraham of Bulgaria. Having gathered in large numbers to the house of one of these peasants, where the icon of the martyr was located, they listened to their story with rare attention and tenderness. Everyone’s hearts were filled with spiritual joy, everyone, both old and young, rejoiced. Soon the icon was transferred to the church, and the Assumption Church in the village of Bolgar shared this joy, sheltering under its arches the one whose blood, shed in this unfaithful country, increased Christianity here. From this time on, petitions began from the residents of the village of Bolgar to receive a particle of the relics of the martyr Abraham from the city of Vladimir to their native village. And in 1887 this event took place. This is how active veneration of the saint began in Bolgar and Kazan, as well as in Vladimir.

    IN Soviet years The godless authorities confiscated the relics of the martyr Abraham, but local residents managed to preserve the phalanx of the saint’s finger, passing it on from house to house. And finally, in 1988, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan, a church was first founded, consecrated in honor of the martyr Abraham the Bulgarian Wonderworker in the city of Bolgar itself. Now this is where the preserved particle of the relics of the holy martyr is now located.

    Using materials from Igor Evgenievich Alekseev, Candidate of Historical Sciences

    Holy Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria, Wonderworker of Vladimir, lived in the 13th century, came from the Kama Bulgarians and was brought up in Mohammedanism. He was kind and merciful to the poor and, when the Lord enlightened him with the Light of reason, he accepted Christianity. In the city of Bolgars, in the lower reaches of the Volga, Saint Abraham began to preach to his compatriots about the True God. He was captured and forced to renounce Christ, but the saint remained firm in his confession. The martyr was cruelly tortured for a long time, but he endured everything with indestructible patience. On April 1, 1229, the holy martyr Abraham was quartered, and then his honorable head was beheaded. Russian Christians living in the city buried the remains of the saint in a Christian cemetery. On March 6, 1230, the relics of Saint Abraham were transferred by the Grand Duke of Vladimir, Saint George Vsevolodovich (February 4), to the Assumption Cathedral of the Princess Monastery. From that time on, the celebration of his memory began.

    ...Soon the Lord glorified his saint with many miracles that took place through his prayers at the holy relics. It was noticed that the martyr had a special grace-filled power to intercede before God for sick children; records of the healing of the blind have been preserved. The text of the akathist to the martyr tells us that a fragrance emanated from his holy relics, and from his chains, which, like his relics, were located in the Princess Monastery, healings of the mentally ill took place.
    At the place of his execution, a source began to flow clean water, from which healing also began to emanate. It can be seen that even after death, the martyr prayerfully intercedes for his fellow tribesmen, both those who turned to Christ and those who were lost - local tradition says that the first person to receive healing from this source was a Muslim woman.

    St. Abraham is one of the 13 pre-Mongol saints of the Russian Church, canonized long before the Council of 1547, which indicates how important his feat was for our Church... Since the 16th century, St. Abraham of Bulgaria is revered as the patron saint of the Kazan flock - after the conquest of the Kazan kingdom by Ivan the Terrible, not far from the place of suffering of the martyr Abraham, a temple was erected, where part of his holy relics rested (brush right hand). At the very site of the martyrdom of Saint Abraham, above the healing spring, a well was built, and next to it - a monument-chapel in the form of a tetrahedral pillar, on the four sides of which icons were placed.
    In 1919, the relics of the holy martyr were examined. In 1923, the Assumption Monastery was closed, and the relics were transferred to the museum. In the 1950s, they were decommissioned from museum storage and have not been recovered to this day. Nowadays, in the renovated Assumption Monastery, a surviving particle of the martyr’s honorable relics is kept. After the liturgy, it is taken out of the altar, giving the pilgrims the opportunity to venerate it.

    The atheistic authorities did not spare the memory of the saint in Bolgari (formerly Bolgar the Great) - the chapel at the well at the site of the martyr’s death was destroyed, and the well itself was desecrated. By the grace of God, in the fall of 1993, this chapel was rebuilt and consecrated; along with it, the well was also consecrated, previously cleared of impurities and debris, and at the bottom of it two springs of clean water were discovered. It is noteworthy that in the city of Bolgari itself, located one and a half kilometers from the source, there is no water even at a depth of forty meters.

    The memory of the martyr Abraham is sacredly revered to this day not only by the Orthodox, but also by followers of Islam. Amazing fact: up to the present day, Muslim pilgrims visiting the city of Bulgarians, coming from everywhere, and even from distant Turkey, consider it their duty to visit the source of the martyr Abraham, who suffered for the Orthodox faith at the hands of the Mohammedans.

    …Here are testimonies about some cases of God’s help through the prayers of St. Martyr Abraham, collected by the Church of St. Abraham in the city of Bolgari:

    Blessed Place

    This summer I came to visit the city of Bolgar and visited the Church of the Holy Martyr Abraham. Much here attracted attention: the singing was somehow special, drawn-out. It is no secret that in city churches there is often a bustle during services: someone passes candles, someone walks around the church, but here nothing distracted from prayer, and during the sermon it was so quiet that the priest spoke in a low voice, and everything was can be heard well. Physically, at first I felt bad, but after taking communion, I felt a surge of strength and peace of mind. I was surprised that I was able to stand through the entire service, because it lasted quite a long time. Then I had lunch in the refectory. The atmosphere was very warm, oh. Vladimir told a lot of interesting things, answered questions, and joked.
    I also visited the holy well, the place of suffering of the martyr Abraham. After the bustle of the city, I enjoyed the silence and beauty of the place. We read a prayer service and showered ourselves. Arriving home, after a while I felt as if I had wings behind me, and an extraordinary lightness appeared throughout my body. Everyone who visited the well with me had this feeling. This state lasted for some time, the sores that had previously tormented me subsided. I think that this happened through the prayers of the holy martyr. This was the first time I took a bath from a holy spring, and now I have a desire to visit some other holy place.

    “Wonderful is God in His saints...”

    In my less than thirty years, I have seen a lot in my life. Was spoiled mama's boy, was fond of music and its “heavy metal”. A sated, carefree life led to drugs, which even prison did not stop him from becoming addicted to.
    On the outside I was a blossoming young man, but on the inside I had lost all interest in life.
    By the will of fate I ended up in the city of Bolgar. The relatives I came to see were believers, and I, far from anything spiritual, had, most likely out of boredom, to visit the local church of the Holy Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria.
    After church service and after I venerated the relics of Abraham, a new feeling was born in me, which I could not explain. I was embarrassed to ask anyone. For a whole week I lived as if fighting with myself. All mine old life seemed disgustingly empty and meaningless to me.
    I began asking relatives about the church, about religion, and learned that the icons in the church were being renewed. I was surprised that there were no doubts within me about the truth of the Orthodox faith; I had a strong desire to go to church again.
    My experiences did not go unnoticed; a relative half-jokingly remarked: “The name of our district is Spassky! Didn’t the Lord bring you here for salvation?”
    I realized that I needed to confess.
    On Sunday I went to church again, where I venerated the holy relics. I didn’t have the courage to confess during the service. And when the church was empty, he approached the rector. I started talking. From the darkest depths of my soul, my memory dragged out such abominations that I was afraid not only to talk about, but to think about. I spoke, and I was surprised how I could say all this out loud.
    The confession lasted more than an hour. For the same amount of time I listened to the spiritual instructions of the rector of the temple. He didn’t leave the church, but seemed to fly on wings.
    Soon I had to go home. I couldn’t believe it, but there was no addiction to drugs. My heart was filled joyful feeling that you can live differently. I really wanted to come to Bolgar again. I dropped everything and visited this land again a month later. Having visited the holy well, he poured himself from it with faith for the healing of the soul.
    My life has changed dramatically. The circle of acquaintances changed, I found interesting work, a sober attitude towards life appeared. I can’t say with certainty how my future will turn out. But the feeling of the miracle that happened to me on Bulgarian soil will always live in me.
    I want to tell everyone: don’t pass by such a great place. God is truly marvelous in His saints, who send us their help and save us!

    Sergey. Saratov.


    I live in Bolgar, but the event I want to talk about happened in the city of Tetyushi. Last year, during my vacation, I went there to visit my parents and help them with the housework. One day, a woman I knew came to my mother and shared her misfortune, asking for advice on what to do. From her story we learned that her grandson had been called up for military service for six months now. At first he sent letters, but for three months there was no news from him. The parents received a message from the military unit. That their son left the unit under unknown circumstances: he fled and is wanted; They earnestly asked to inform me if they knew where he was. The parents went to their son’s place of service to make sure and find out the details. In despair, they returned home - everything was confirmed. Something had to be done.
    My mother and I suggested that they turn to the church, the heavenly patrons of warriors, for help. Often in my prayers I turn to the holy martyr Abraham; I have also heard from people about his miraculous intercession before the Lord for us sinners. The woman asked to order “everything necessary” from the church, assuring that she would pray intensely at home so that everything would be resolved safely. Upon returning home, I visited our church, lit candles, ordered a mass for the health of the soldier, and prayed to the holy martyr Abraham to admonish the soldier, so that by any means and in the near future he would report his whereabouts. So they prayed to Saint Abraham every day until they received news.
    About a month later I called that woman, and with a trembling voice she told me about good news. We received a letter from stranger, a high military rank, from which they learned that their son was alive and well while he was at his home. He wrote that they found out the reason for the escape, was trying to sort everything out and had already informed the unit to stop the search. With tears of joy, we thanked the wondrous prayer book of God for hearing us, unworthy. “Our holy martyr Abraham, pray to God for us...”

    Servant of God Valentina.

    Blessed place

    I first came to the Bulgarian St. Abraham's Church for the Feast of the Holy Trinity in 2000. It is always interesting for a pilgrim to visit a new place, a previously unknown temple. But here I felt a special grace. It was pleasant and joyful to take part in the Divine service, after which we went to the source of St. Abraham. There, a prayer service was served near the chapel. And then they took some holy water, drank it, and began to pour themselves on themselves, asking the martyr for healing. My right knee was very painful, my leg almost couldn’t bend at the joint (it hit me hard). After the douche, I got on the bus with everyone. I felt light in my body, but from everything I had experienced during the day, fatigue accumulated and I wanted to sleep. On the way to Ulyanovsk, I dozed off and then looked around. The condition was normal, only the knee burned without ceasing, a hot iron was applied directly to the leg. When I started getting off the bus in Ulyanovsk, to my surprise, I discovered that the pain had disappeared, and in the following days I no longer remembered it.
    I came to Introduction for the second time in December. After the service we went to the source again. And again I was not completely healthy: sinusitis was bothering me. Despite the cold, I washed my face ice water from the well - she returned home without pain. Abrahamia felt the strength and help of the holy martyr the first time. I am glad for every opportunity to visit this blessed place.

    N. L. Bazina, Ulyanovsk.

    Miraculous healing

    In the summer of 2002, on the Day of the Holy Trinity, we, Ulyanovsk pilgrims, came to a festive service at the Holy Abraham Church in the city of Bolgar. It was joyful, but I personally was bothered by physical ailments: acute pain in the spine (osteochondrosis worsened) and a flu-like condition. Therefore, of course, stand in the temple and participate in common prayer it was difficult.
    After the service, overcoming pain in the lower back, I went with everyone to a prayer service at the source of St. Abraham.
    The day turned out to be warm and sunny; It seemed that nature rejoiced along with people on the holiday.
    After the prayer service, Mother Vera doused me with holy water from two buckets. good wishes receive healing through prayer to the holy martyr.
    Then I got into the car to go home, and soon felt that the back pain had gone away, the flu-like state had disappeared - I felt healthy. And here I am again in your temple, where I receive great spiritual joy.

    Shanina L. A., Ulyanovsk

    Troparion, tone 4:

               Today, people of good faith, having come together, / let us praise this noble martyr and sufferer Abraham, / for this, we are strengthened by the power of God, / lay down your soul for Christ, / having suffered much from the evil Bulgarians. / For this reason, the crown has been accepted from the Lord / and now it stands before Him / and He prays for this city / and for all of us who honor its memory.


               Holy Martyr Abraham, worthy warrior of Christ the Heavenly King, our glorious helper and protector in sorrows and misfortunes! Nothing can separate you from love for the Lord Jesus, not flattering promises of temporary blessings, not rebuke, not torment from the evil enemies of Christ’s most holy faith; You, like a lion, went out to battle against the mental wolves, the spirits of malice, who incited against you, for the sake of your good confession, the Bulgarian people of your kindred, and, like a fiery arrow, you struck them down with the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit, and strong as death, your love for God. Even though you shed your blood for Christ our God, having destroyed your temporary life, even with your immortal soul, like an eagle, you soared into the heavenly abode of our Father, inheriting there eternal life, glory and unspeakable bliss, and leaving us your incorruptible remains, like a treasure of great value. and fragrant. We believe, the passion-bearing saint, as standing with the angels and all the saints at the throne of glory of the Trinitarian God, offering up fervent and God-pleasing prayers not only for us, for this holy monastery and our city, but also for all the holy Church of Christ and for the Orthodox Russian state. We believe, glorious miracle worker, like you, by the power of the almighty Lord Jesus Christ, through your holy relics, you exude abundant gifts of grace-filled help for the salvation of everyone who flows to you with faith, especially asking for the death of those who honor you with repentance, and compassionately helping weak babies, and We all, young and old, unanimously glorify the inscrutable greatness of God’s goodness. With the same faith and love for your holy relics, we bow down and reverently kiss them, we beg you, our kind prayer book and intercessor in heaven, help us sinners and humble ones with your prayers in all our sorrows, needs and circumstances, preserve us, this holy monastery and city This is from all evil and all misfortune, and most of all, promote our eternal salvation and all those who ask you for help and intercession. She, we humbly pray to you, servant of God, pray to Christ our God, may He give peace and silence to everyone Orthodox Christian and may he turn away from us all anger that is directed at us, may he deliver us from the snares of the enemy, languor in the bonds of sin and the torments of hell, and may he make us unworthy to stand at His right hand at His righteous judgment and bring us into the eternal rest of His saints, where those who celebrate the voice the unceasing and inexpressible sweetness of those who behold the kindness of His face; and thus we will be able with you and all the saints to endlessly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible. Amen.

    (days.pravoslavie.ru; kazan.eparhia.ru; my.mail.ru; illustrations - days.pravoslavie.ru; muchavraamii.narod2.ru; kazan.eparhia.ru).

    The Volga Bulgarians called Abraham of Bulgaria an apostate, the Russians - a holy martyr. Having suffered death at the hands of his fellow tribesmen, Saint Abraham of Bulgaria, by the will of the Lord, rested his relics in the Assumption Cathedral of the Princess Monastery.

    Life Wonderworker Abraham of Bulgaria full of traditional hagiographic formulas and images that turn it into a kind of verbal icon; Tradition offers only a few undoubted facts of life: they, in essence, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

    Saint Abraham of Bulgaria born and raised in Volga Bulgaria in Orthodox Muslim family— accordingly, from a young age he professed Islam as his native religion, absorbed with his mother’s milk. At the same time, as usually happens with saints, already in childhood Abraham was noticeably different from his peers, not taking part in noisy and often evil fun, not having an addiction to material goods, loving solitude and reflection. With age, these qualities of his mental organization manifested themselves only brighter and more prominently. And observation and reflection prompted Abraham to think about the unrighteous life of his compatriots and ultimately forced him to doubt the truth of Mohammedanism.

    Having matured, Abraham, like many Volga Bulgarians, became a merchant. This was a providential decision, because it allowed him to visit Rus' and become better acquainted with the Christians he had already seen in the bazaars of Bolgar: there were Russian traders here. And soon the saint, renouncing Mohammedanism, was baptized. Where this happened is not known, but with high probability it can be assumed that in the Russian lands - Christian churches and there simply were no priests in Volga Bulgaria.

    The trading affairs of Abraham of Bulgaria went well, luck accompanied him, bringing him wealth, which, however, did not kindle greed in the saint, as usually happens - he gave away the extra money as alms. Internally, on the contrary, he became even more strict and focused than before - carrying the fear of God within himself, Abraham, imitating the ancient ascetics, secretly put chains on himself and never took them off. His mercy towards the unfortunate and suffering has increased even more since then.

    The only thing that brought him acute suffering was that his fellow tribesmen, who did not know the true God, continued to remain in delusion, ignorance and unrighteousness. When the heartache from this exceeded all limits, Saint Abraham took the path of confession. In 1229, having returned to Bolgar from another commercial trip, he addressed his compatriots with a direct Christian sermon, calling on them to abandon the errors of Mohammedanism and turn their hearts to Christ.

    Those who listened to Abraham of Bulgaria were at first surprised, and then became extremely furious. With persuasion and outright flattery, they tried to return Abraham to the fold of Islam, but he was adamant, and, despairing in their attempts, exhausted from anger at the “traitor,” his former co-religionists hung the martyr upside down, and then quartered him.

    Russian merchants, who were at the fair in Bolgar at that time and witnessed the cruel massacre, buried the body of the martyr, and later told the Vladimir prince Georgy Vsevolodovich about his feat.

    How the Relics of the Wonderworker Abraham of Bulgaria came to Rus'

    In 1223-1229, the Principality of Vladimir waged war with the Volga Bulgarians. At the beginning of 1230, Bulgarian ambassadors came to Prince George Vsevolodovich, the son of the founder of the Knyaginin monastery, Princess Maria Shvarnovna, to ask for peace - by that time Volga Bulgaria had already experienced the first onslaught of the Tatars and was trying to avoid a war on two fronts.

    Shortly before this, Georgy Vsevolodovich heard the story of Russian merchants returning from Bolgar the Great about the holy wonderworker Abraham of Bulgaria, who in the spring of 1229 suffered a martyr's death in the main city of Volga Bulgaria at the hands of his fellow Mohammedans.

    Prince of Deals Volga Bulgarians considered favorably, but agreed to peace only on the condition that the body of the murdered Abraham was transferred to Vladimir. This condition was accepted, and early spring The people of Vladimir met the relics of the martyr - according to legend, Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich himself carried them to the Princess Monastery, where they were to remain, on his shoulders.

    The veneration of Saint Abraham immediately developed - already in 1231, the Vladimir and Rostov bishops established the celebration of the martyr on March 6, the day of the transfer of his relics to Vladimir.

    The monastery inventory of 1665 indicates that the tomb of St. Abraham is located in the northern, Annunciation, chapel to the right of the royal doors. At the same time, researchers suggest that in 1230 the relics of the martyr were placed in the temple itself, and they were hidden in the chapel after Vladimir began to suffer from Tatar raids. Then the old Assumption Cathedral was destroyed. When it was resumed at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, Abraham's relics were discovered and transferred to a wooden coffin, mentioned in the inventory of 1665. In 1711, the relics were transferred from the chapel to the temple, placing them in a new wooden shrine - in this place they remained until 1916, when they were transferred again - this time to the Avraamievsky chapel of the Kazan Church.

    Relics of Abraham of Bulgaria after the revolution

    In 1919, the Bolsheviks carried out a blasphemous autopsy of the relics of Saint Abraham - with the inevitable “exposure of priestly tales.” Nevertheless, until the closure of the Princess Monastery, the holy relics continued to reside in the monastery, and then their “circulation” began in museums.

    Since 1923, they have been listed as an exhibit of the museum, located in the former Uspensky cathedral Vladimir, from 1931 - in the anti-religious department of the Ivanovo Museum, from 1945 - presumably again in the Vladimir Museum, later - in the Suzdal Museum. IN last time the relics of the martyr were mentioned in 1954 among the “things” “subject to exclusion from the inventory book of the main fund of the Suzdal Museum as having no museum significance.” Then, most likely, they were destroyed.

    In 1993, Saint Abraham nevertheless returned to the Assumption Cathedral - with a particle of his relics, preserved by Saint Athanasius (Sakharov), vicar bishop of the Vladimir diocese, and transferred by him after the closure of the monastery to the last abbess of the monastery, Abbess Olympias (Medvedeva).

    After the death of mother, a particle of the relics was passed from hand to hand by her cell attendants and spiritual daughters - now it is kept in a reliquary in the southern part of the Assumption Cathedral.