Australia's temperate climate. When is the best time to vacation in Australia?

Australia is famous for its blue, cloudless skies and bright sun, relatively mild climate and absence of sharp temperature fluctuations. One of the most interesting and unique countries in the world occupies a whole continent.

Climatic features depend on geography. Australia is located on both sides of the southern tropic, between two giant oceans: Quiet and Indian. The continent's shores are elevated, separated by mountains from the expanse of water, so the influence of the seas is minimal.

Australia is the driest continent on Earth. There's very little here fresh water and occupy almost half of the continent tropical desert, known throughout the world: Victoria, Peschanaya, Gibsonovskaya. few in number and almost all drying up. There are not many lakes and they are salty. There are also mountain peaks, but they are rare and not high.

The huge size of the country determines the climatic diversity: from deserts to snowy mountains, from soft to warm coastal zones to tropical evergreen forests.

Australia has four climate zones:

  • subequatorial
  • tropical
  • subtropical
  • moderate.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the order of the seasons is mirrored from the order we are accustomed to in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer begins in December, and June is the first winter month.

Subequatorial part

Covers the northern and northeastern part of the mainland. Falls out here greatest number precipitation, mainly in summer. Winters are dry, and droughts are not uncommon due to hot winds blowing from the middle of the continent. The temperature is even throughout the year, averaging 23-24 degrees.

Tropical Australia (approximately 40% of the country's territory)

Divided into two types of climate: tropical continental - hot with minimum quantity rainfall and tropical humid with thundershowers in summer time.

Continental-tropical climate covers large areas deserts and semi-deserts in the center and western part of the continent. The sand in these places has a characteristic red color due to the large amount of iron it contains.

Close occurrence groundwater provides a fairly rich flora and fauna for deserts.

Acacias and eucalyptus trees transform from solitary bushes into dense thickets and thickets inhabited by lizards, snakes, ostriches and kangaroos. This is the hottest region of Australia; almost all summer the temperature does not drop below 35 degrees, in winter - 20-25 degrees.

A narrow strip of wet tropical forests extends across eastern Australia. Southeast winds bring here humid air from the Pacific Ocean. It has a mild, warm climate, favorable for the development of rich flora and fauna. Eucalyptus, ferns, palms, araucarias and bamboo grow in red ferrallite soil. Many forest inhabitants are found only in this part of the planet: koala, bird of paradise, marsupial flying squirrel, echidna, platypus and other species.


In turn, they are divided into three types of climate: continental subtropical arid - in the central and southern parts, subtropical humid with uniform precipitation - in the southeast, mixed or Mediterranean - in the east.

The Mediterranean climate is similar to that of Spain and Southern France and covers the most inhabited zone of Australia. Summer is dry and hot ( average temperature 23-27 degrees), warm winters (12-14 degrees) with sufficient rainfall. Evergreen beech forests, palm trees, and shrubs grow here.

A subtropical continental climate covers the cities of Adelaide and South Wales. Characterized not a large number precipitation and relatively large average annual temperature fluctuations.

A subtropical humid climate covers the cities of Victoria and New South Wales. It has a mild climate and high rainfall, mainly in the coastal area. In summer the average is 20-24 degrees. In winter 8-10 degrees. The climate is favorable for growing various vegetables and fruits. True, in order to get a high yield in the summer, it is necessary to artificially irrigate the soil. There is a sufficient amount of fodder grass growing, so local residents raise dairy cows and sheep on the vast pastures.

Temperate zone

Covers the central and southern part of the island of Tasmania, characterized by heavy rainfall, due to the influence of surrounding water areas. Characterized by cool summers (8-10 degrees) and warm winter(14-17 degrees). IN winter time Snow sometimes falls on the island, but it doesn’t stay there for long. In the lush evergreen meadows of the island all year round Sheep and cows graze.

Climate by season

Spring starts in September and lasts until the end of November. Wildlife blooms amazingly beautifully on the islands at this time. In spring, the country is neither hot nor cold. The entire continent begins to bloom with riotous bright colors.

The driest and hottest time is summer in Australia it lasts from December to February. In the center and near deserts, the air warms up over 40 degrees in the shade. There is almost no rain and dry weather lasts almost the entire season.

Golden autumn in Australia it lasts from March to May. Most of the country's reserves, parks and forests take on an amazing red-gold hue. The autumn trees in Orange and the misty forests in Yarra are especially unique. It's time to harvest from the country's many vineyards.

Winter in Australia - best time year. Lasts from June to August. This is the time of the rainy season, but it doesn't happen very often. The air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees. In winter, the country's nature and underwater world are especially beautiful.

Holidays in Australia

Diversity climatic zones the country makes it attractive for tourism and recreation. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in Australia and this is the best time to travel to the southern part of the country: the cities and regions of Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.

The Australian dry winter is the best time to visit the northern regions of the country: the Barrier Reef, Darwin, Cairns, National Park Kakadu, Kimberley and Broome.

Interesting facts about Australia's climate

Cloncurry is the hottest place in the country. Here the temperature rises above 50 degrees in the shade.

The city of Marble Bar in the western part of the country experienced the maximum average annual temperature- 34 degrees Celsius.

The absolute minimum temperature was recorded in Eastern Australia in the state of Mitchell - 28 degrees.

Average annual precipitation: the minimum recorded in Willpam Creek, in the southern part of the country - 126 mm. The maximum - 3535 mm was recorded in the east in Innisfail.

The Australian continent is located within three main warm climate zones southern hemisphere: subequatorial (in the north), tropical (in the central part), subtropical (in the south). Only a small part of the island of Tasmania is within the temperate zone.

The subequatorial climate, characteristic of the northern and northeastern parts of the Australian continent, is characterized by an even temperature range (average air temperature throughout the year + 23 ° C; + 24 ° C) and a large amount of precipitation (from 1000 to 1500 mm, and in some places more than 2000 mm.). Precipitation is brought here by the humid northwest monsoon, and falls mainly in summer. In winter, during the dry period of the year, rain falls only sporadically. At this time, dry, hot winds blow from the interior of the continent, which sometimes cause droughts.

IN tropical zone On the Australian continent, two main types of climate are formed: tropical wet and tropical dry.

A tropical humid climate is characteristic of the extreme eastern part of Australia, which is within the zone of southeast trade winds. These winds bring with them moisture-saturated air masses from the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the entire area of ​​​​the coastal plains and eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range is well moistened (on average 1000 to 1500 mm of precipitation falls) and has a mild warm climate (the temperature of the most warm month in Sydney - +22°С; +25°C, and the coldest - +11.5°C; +13°C). Air masses bringing moisture from the Pacific Ocean also penetrate beyond the Great Dividing Range, losing a significant amount of moisture along the way, so precipitation falls only on the western slopes of the ridge and in the foothills area.

Located mainly in tropical and subtropical latitudes, where solar radiation is great, the Australian mainland is heating up greatly. Due to the weak ruggedness coastline and the elevation of the marginal parts, the influence of the seas surrounding the mainland has little effect in the interior parts of Australia.

Australia is the driest continent on Earth, and one of the most characteristic features its nature is a wide distribution of deserts, which occupy vast spaces and stretch almost 2.5 thousand km from the coast Indian Ocean to the foothills of the Great Dividing Range.

The central and western parts of the continent are characterized by tropical desert climate. In summer (December-February) average temperatures here rise to +30°C, and sometimes higher, and in winter (June-August) they drop to an average of +10°C; +15°С. The hottest region of Australia is the north-west, where in the Great Sandy Desert the temperature remains at +35°C and even higher almost all summer. In winter, it decreases slightly (to approximately +25°C; +20°C). In the center of the mainland, near the city of Alice Springs, in the summer the temperature during the day rises to +45°C, and at night drops to zero or lower (-4°C; -6°C).

The central and western parts of Australia, that is, about half of its territory, receive an average of 250-300 mm of precipitation per year, and the area around Lake Eyre receives less than 200 mm; but even these minor precipitations fall unevenly. Sometimes there is no rain at all for several years in a row, and sometimes the entire annual amount of precipitation falls in two or three days, or even in a few hours. Some of the water quickly and deeply seeps through the permeable soil and becomes inaccessible to plants, and some evaporates under the hot rays of the sun, and the surface layers of the soil remain almost dry.

Within subtropical zone Australia has three types of climate: Mediterranean, subtropical continental and subtropical humid.

The Mediterranean climate is typical for the southwestern part of Australia. As the name suggests, the climate of this part of the country is similar to that of the European Mediterranean countries - Spain and Southern France. Summers are hot and generally dry, while winters are warm and humid. Relatively small temperature fluctuations by season (January - +23°C; +27°C, June - +12°C; +14°C), sufficient precipitation (from 600 to 1000 mm).

Subtropical zone continental climate covers the southern part of the mainland adjacent to the Great Australian Bight, includes the environs of the city of Adelaide and extends somewhat further east, into the western regions of the state of New South Wales. The main features of this climate are not large number precipitation and relatively large annual temperature fluctuations.

Subtropical zone humid climate includes within its borders the entire state of Victoria and the south-western foothills of the state of New South Wales. In general, this entire zone is characterized by a mild climate and a significant amount of precipitation (from 500 to 600 mm), mainly in the coastal parts (the penetration of precipitation into the interior of the continent decreases). In summer, temperatures rise to an average of +20°C; +24°С, but in winter they drop quite significantly - to +8°С; +10°С. The climate in this part of Australia is favorable for growing fruit trees, various vegetables and forage grasses. True, to obtain high yields, artificial irrigation is used, since in summer period There is not enough moisture in the soil. Dairy cattle (grazing on forage grasses) and sheep are raised in these areas.

The temperate climate zone includes only the central and southern parts of the island of Tasmania. This island is largely influenced by the surrounding waters, and its climate is characterized by moderately warm winters and cool summers. The average January temperature here is +14°C; +17°C, June - +8°C. The predominant wind direction is western. The average annual precipitation in the western part of the island is 2500 mm, and the number of rainy days is 259. In the eastern part the climate is somewhat less humid.

In winter, snow sometimes falls, but it does not last long. Heavy rainfall favors the development of vegetation, and especially grasses, which grow all year round. Herds of cattle and sheep graze on evergreen lush natural and improved by sowing forage grasses all year round.

The hot climate and insignificant and uneven precipitation over most of the continent lead to the fact that almost 60% of its territory has no flow to the ocean and has only a sparse network of temporary watercourses. Perhaps no other continent has such a poorly developed network inland waters, like in Australia. The annual flow of all rivers of the Australian continent is only 350 km³.

Climate of Australia

1. Geographic latitude . The continent is located primarily in the tropics; the dominant air mass here is tropical. She forms arid climate, as it prevents the formation of precipitation due to increased atmospheric pressure.

2. Relief. The mountains of the Great Dividing Range to the east are met by trade winds from the Pacific Ocean, which carry moist, sea air. The mountains hold them back. Humid air, rising into the mountains, cooling, loses moisture, which falls here on east coast in the form of large amounts of precipitation, forming an area of ​​permanently moist forests. The rest of the continent is flat. During the hot season, equatorial air freely penetrates into northern regions Australia, bringing here the rainy season in December-February.

Located in the southernmost part of the continent subtropical climate zone . The subtropics are influenced by two air masses during the year: in summer (December-February) a tropical air mass, and in winter (June-August) a temperate one. Therefore, southern Australia is characterized by hot summers with sunny weather and rainy winters. The subtropics are also divided into three sectors: western, continental and eastern. West, as well as in the tropics, is influenced by the cold Western Australian Current, and also in the south by the cold Western Wind Current. However, due to the arrival of a moderate air mass in winter, it still receives significantly more precipitation than the tropics. Here is formed natural area hard-leaved shrubs, and when moving inland -

Climate zones of Australia

Due to the fact that the mainland lies within three warm climatic zones of the Southern Hemisphere, and the island of Tasmania in temperate zone, its climatic conditions will be diverse.

There are 4 climatic zones on the mainland:

  • Subequatorial zone;
  • Tropical zone;
  • Subtropical zone;
  • Temperate zone.

In general, it is typical for Australia arid climate type. Precipitation during the year ranges from $250$-$500$ mm. The driest area is in the south of the mainland, around the lake Air and covers an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers. The annual number is less here 125 mm. In the center of Australia there may be no precipitation for several years in a row. Areas with a large amount of falling moisture are small in area and located in places where moist air rises above orographic barriers.

In the area Queensland the largest number of them is registered – $4500$ mm per year. The coastal northern regions, the east and southeast of the mainland, and the island can boast a precipitation amount of $500$ mm per year Tasmania. Precipitation in the form snow only appear in Australian Alps, Victoria, New South Wales at an altitude of more than 1350 m. Australia, like other continents, is also affected by the problem global change climate. This manifests itself in reduction in power And duration of snow cover in the mountains. The precipitation regime is characterized by seasonal differences. Most of them fall out in summer period, which lasts from December to March. The southern part of the mainland and the western coast receive precipitation in winter.

Temperatures are also characteristic seasonal variations. The northwest coast is one of the most roast area. Minimum temperatures not typical for the mainland, with the exception of mountainous areas New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Alps and most of Tasmania. Frosts in these areas can occur at any time of the year, and the frost-free period lasts for $300$ days.

Spring period on the mainland begins with month of September and lasts until the end November. Wildlife blossoms during this period. The temperatures are optimal - not too hot, but not cold either. Summer– the most hot and dry time of year, in deserts the air warms up to $40$ degrees in the shade. Autumn, as on other continents, is called golden and lasts from March to May. The best time of year for the mainland is winter, the air temperature does not exceed $20$ degrees, it rains infrequently.

Characteristics of climate zones

Subequatorial climate zone of Australia and occupies the northern and northeastern part of the mainland. Throughout the year in this zone there is a smooth variation in air temperature +$23$-$24$ degrees and a large amount of precipitation that comes along with humid weather. northwest monsoon. Precipitation falls unevenly across the climate zone; most of it remains on the coast. Their total number during the year is $1000$-$1500$ mm, and in some places it can be up to $2000$ mm. Summer within the belt very wet with thunderstorms. Dry the period of the year here is winter, rain falls sporadically. Dry and hot winds blowing from the interior of the continent can cause drought. Air masses change with the seasons of the year. The water near the shore warms up to +$25$ degrees and remains constant.

Tropical climate zone of Australia. In the background high temperatures air, in January +$30$, in July +$16$ degrees, within this belt formed two types climate – continental (desert) and humid tropical. The difference between these types is the nature moisturizing. The amount of precipitation here varies from east to west - during humid tropical climate, up to $2000$ mm falls, and in desert type precipitation is only about $200$ mm per year.

Humid tropical The region is within the zone of action of southeastern trade winds, which bring saturated air masses from the Pacific Ocean. The coastal plains and eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range are well moistened and characterized by mild warm climate. Tropical desert climate, occupying the central and western parts of the continent, receives precipitation from $250$-$300$ mm per year. Northwestern Australia, where it is located Big sandy desert , summer temperatures remain at +$35$ degrees, in winter they drop to +$20$. Precipitation here is also uneven. It happens that they are not there for several years, and sometimes the entire annual norm falls out in a few hours. Some of the water quickly goes underground and becomes inaccessible to plants, while the other part evaporates.

Subtropical climate zone of Australia.

Within this zone there are three types of climate:

  • Mediterranean type;
  • Subtropical continental type;
  • Subtropical wet type climate.

The southwestern part of the continent is characterized by Mediterranean type similar to the climate of Spain and Southern France - dry and hot summer, warm and wet winter. Temperature fluctuations by season are small - in January +$23$-$27$ degrees, in June +$12$-$14$ degrees. Annual precipitation ranges from $600$-$1000$ mm. Continental subtropical climate occupies the part of the continent that is adjacent to Great Australian Bight. The climate is characterized by large annual fluctuations in air temperature and a small amount precipitation. State Victoria, southwestern foothills of New South Wales located within the boundaries subtropical humid climate. Precipitation mainly falls in the coastal part - $500$-$600$ mm, and as it moves deeper into the continent, its amount decreases. Summer temperatures rise to +$20$-$24$ degrees, and winter temperatures drop to +$8$-$10$ degrees.

Temperate climate zone of Australia. The central and southern parts of the island are located within the belt Tasmania. The island's climate, influenced by the surrounding waters, differs moderately warm winter And cool summer.

Note 2

The average monthly temperature in January is +$14$-$17$ degrees, and in June +$8$. Prevailing winds western direction, which carry a lot of moisture from the ocean, in the west of the island - $2500$ mm. Rainy days of the year here $259$. For winter period Snow may fall, but it does not linger for a long period.

Australia's extreme weather conditions

Australia's weather conditions can be extreme character. During the wet season in tropical areas, problems may occur. cyclones. In desert areas, for several years in a row, severe droughts, and falling rains lead to floods. In the southern states, the rainiest months are from May to July. From June to September there is a snow season in the Australian Alps.

Cyclones- a tropical phenomenon. They are guests of the coast Western Australia And Queensland. About $6$ of cyclones hit the mainland every year, and one of the most famous is Cyclone Tracy$1974$ City Darwin evacuated due to $80$% damage. Over $600 people were injured and $49 $ died. Tracy wasn't the worst cyclone. Passed over Australia hurricane in $1899$ ​​in Queensland, killed $400$ people and destroyed a whole fleet for the extraction of pearls and fish.

For central regions Australian characteristics severe droughts. In these areas, the heat of the day is replaced by intense cold at night. But these are unusual droughts. There have been quite a lot of such droughts over the past $200$ years. For example, drought$1895$-$1903$ lasted no less than $8$ years. As a result half of all sheep countries and $40$ % cattle died. A $5-year drought occurred between $1963-$1968. – result – harvest decreased by $40$% wheat. The same drought only in the central part of the continent lasted $8$ years - from $1958$-$1967$.

Note 3

The most hot the place of the mainland is Cloncurry, where in the shade the air temperature rises to +$50$ degrees. Minimum precipitation amount – $126$ mm recorded in Willpum Creek, A maximum– in the east Innisfail$3535$ mm.

Australia is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. True, this is the most small continent on Earth: its area is 7,686,850 square kilometers, which is about half the size of Russia. Nevertheless, Australian territory can accommodate, for example, Great Britain 32 times, and all of continental Europe (except for the Russian part) about two times.

Located between Indian and Pacific Oceans, Australia is known as a country with beautiful warm weather and a wide variety of climatic conditions.

According to the generally accepted classification of climatologist Vladimir Koeppen, there are six climatic zones in Australia - from the hot equatorial in the north of the continent to the cold alpine in the mountains of Victoria, where the highest point of the continent, Mount Kosciuszko, is located.

But without going into scientific details, the general picture of Australia’s climatic conditions is as follows: the northern and central part of the continent is tropical and subequatorial belts, and southern regions, where subtropics dominate and temperate climate.

Like other countries in the southern hemisphere, the seasons in Australia are opposite to what we are used to. From December to February there is summer, from March to May - autumn, from June to August - winter months and from September to November - spring.

In most of the north of the Australian continent there are no extreme weather conditions and serious temperature changes. The cool winter passes with an average temperature of +13°C, and the average temperature in the warm season reaches +29°C.

This happens because the climate characteristic of tropical latitudes brings only two weather seasons- wet and dry.

During the dry season - from May to October - it is almost always sunny, the average air humidity is 30%. Wet season lasts in Australia from November to April, this is the time of monsoons, tropical cyclones and thunderstorms.

However, in some regions the climate can be harsher, with significant temperature differences. This applies primarily to sparsely populated central Australia, where a desert climate predominates, implying a sharp change in temperature during the day. Measurements in Alice Springs, located here, show a rise to +40...45°C during the day and sometimes drops to 0°C at night. The central part of Australia is considered unsuitable for life, but there are national parks and extractive industries. So biologists and geologists planning to travel to Australia should be prepared for such weather.

The southern parts of the country have the most fertile soils and are home to most of the population. In the south-east of Australia there are also its capital Canberra and two largest cities- Sydney and Melbourne.

These regions are characterized by a temperate climate. Unlike the north of Australia, it is noticeably cooler here, all four seasons can be distinguished, and the number of hours of sunshine reaches an impressive figure - 3000 per year! For comparison, the sunniest city in Russia - the resort of Anapa - receives only 2,400 hours of cloudless sky annually, and Moscow is almost one and a half times less.

Meteorological phenomena

The average annual precipitation in Australia is approximately the same for all seasons and barely exceeds 400 mm (in Moscow - 705 mm). However, in the southern agricultural zone, wetter westerly winds prevail, which can bring up to 700 mm of precipitation per year.

Due to the Australian climate, it is best for international travelers to plan their trip to northern Australia between June and September, before the hot season begins. South Australia is best visited between November and March, when the days begin to be warm and sunny.

Other times are suitable for those who are interested in sudden vagaries of weather. For example, in September (i.e., the beginning of spring) 2009 in Sydney due to the strongest dust storm Airports were closed for a whole day, highways were blocked, and most of the city was covered with a layer of tiny reddish dust brought by the wind.

It is in Australia that one can observe one of the most amazing meteorological phenomena in the world - clouds called "Morning Gloria". This rare and majestic spectacle occurs from late September to early November in the north of the country, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and is a series of moving cylindrical clouds, reaching a thousand kilometers in length and two kilometers in diameter.

The appearance of “Morning Glory” is always accompanied by squalls and increased pressure on the surface, while the clouds themselves, moving at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour, do not change their elongated shape.

The continent's weather can present both pleasant and unpleasant surprises, but in general coastal Australia, especially its southern part, has a warm sunny climate, almost ideal for a comfortable life, efficient work, and for