How does a sugar glider live at home? The sugar glider is one of the cutest animals on the planet. The possum barks.

Family affiliation sugar glider, characteristic features appearance and behavior, useful tips for maintenance at home, acquisition.

Contents of the article:

Today, humanity is increasingly striving to be more original and unique. In order to stand out clearly among the gray masses, people are ready for many decisions and acquisitions, moreover, many of them are ready to spend colossal sums of money in order to hear a laudatory and admiring compliment from someone. Methods of emphasizing one’s “I” are everyone’s choice. Some people chase the latest in world fashion and buy expensive designer items, the most extraordinary interior items, cars and real estate. But in recent years a new one has appeared fashion trend to express your originality - exotic pets.

Everyone has long been accustomed to cute, proud cats and man’s faithful friends, dogs, and their presence will no longer surprise anyone, even if they are super-expensive and unique breeds. People react completely differently to pets that come from the wild.

If at one fine moment you realized that all your life you have dreamed of having some extraordinary little animal in your house, then you should turn your attention to such a wonderful specimen as the sugar glider. This amazing animal can instantly win over anyone. His pretty appearance and playful, very friendly character will not leave you indifferent. By purchasing such a miracle of nature, you will end up not only with a funny, beautiful animal, but also a faithful friend and comrade who will always experience unspeakable joy when he sees you, will greet you from work and cheer you up in moments of sadness or melancholy.

Nowadays, such representatives of the world fauna as sugar gliders are gaining increasing popularity as pets. Having decided to acquire such a special friend from the animal world, you need to learn more about him.

Origin and habitat of the sugar glider

In the world fauna there are several names for this cute eccentric. It is known as the sugar glider, the pygmy flying squirrel, the sugar flying squirrel, the flying phalanger, or the short-headed flying squirrel. Whatever you call it, it’s all the same little cute animal (Latin Petaurus breviceps), which belongs to the class of mammals and to the family of marsupial flying squirrels (Latin Petauridae).

In open nature, it is possible to meet these animals in the eastern and northern parts of Australia, in the territories of New Guinea, Tasmania, Indonesia and on the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. The favorite habitats of these little ones are beautiful creatures are eucalyptus forests, but they are quite capable of living in other wooded areas, the main thing is that they do not have problems getting food.

The animal got its “delicious” name due to the fact that by nature it has a sweet tooth; this squirrel is able to simply soar in the air in search of the next sweet delicacy, such as fruits, sweet juices and nectar.

Exterior features of the Australian squirrel

It would be most correct to start describing the external appearance of a flying squirrel with the parameters of its body. The length of its body reaches approximately 40–42 cm, and the body is approximately 15–22 cm in length, the tail grows in the range from 16 to 22 cm. Body weight ranges from 100 to 175 grams.

The body of this Australian eccentric is wrapped in wool that is quite thick and soft in texture; nature has colored it in a noble color. gray sometimes with a bluish tint, less often you can find a marsupial squirrel with brown-yellow fur. The main color tone of the animals is varied by stripes of brown color, which are quite harmoniously located on the face and back. The projection of the abdominal cavity is presented in white tones with a delicate cream tint. Some sources say that there are cases of albino possuoms being born.

The miniature muzzle of the pygmy flying squirrel has a characteristic pointedness. Looking at the cute face of a possum, one cannot help but pay attention to its most noticeable elements - eyes and ears. His ears are quite impressive in size in relation to the volume of his head, they are also special - they have the ability to turn towards the source of the sound signal, which is reminiscent of locators. The marsupial's organs of vision are large, decorated with a clear black border, which gives the muzzle of this animal an even cuter appearance.

The limbs of this original little animal are quite well developed. Each foot has five fingers, which are relatively long and thin. This feature allows dwarf squirrels to easily get food from even the most secluded corners, for example, from under the bark of trees. And the sharp claws of the sugar glider serve as a reliable fastening for it even on the flexible branches themselves. Australian flying squirrels have some unique toes. So on the front legs the first two fingers are opposed to the other three, and on the hind legs the first finger is opposed and partial syndactyly of the third and second fingers can be observed.

The pygmy possum has the habit of marking its territory with the secretion of scent glands, which are located near the anus, as well as on the forehead and chest.

These original animals also have another distinctive and unique exterior feature. At first glance, this is a very small and compact animal, but it has a thin membrane, represented by a thin layer of skin covered with fur. It is located on the sides of the body and extends from the wrist to the ankle. During a jump, it stretches, forming a so-called aerodynamic surface. This unusual part of the flying squirrel’s body allows it to regulate the distance and direction of flight; with its help, marsupials easily fly from tree to tree, both in search of food and for fun. During the rest period, the membrane is harmoniously located along the body in the form of a wavy fringe.

The distinctive sexual characteristics of the sugar glider are represented not only by the genitals, but also by another feature. The male sugar flying squirrel has a small bald patch on the frontal part of the head, and the female has a pouch in the center of the abdomen, where she will bear her babies. The male genital organ also has its own uniqueness. The thing is that it is divided into two parts that can act independently of each other.

Features of the life of a sugar glider in the wild

These flying animals spend most of their free time high in the trees, only occasionally descending for walks on the ground. These animals do not like to be alone, for this reason they live in small companies, which include approximately 5–7 flying squirrels, as well as babies born this season. In a group of possums there should always be a leader - this is a male who marks both his possessions and his cohabitants with his secret.

Despite their good-natured and friendly disposition, they do not have a very favorable attitude towards strangers, even towards their brothers who differ from them in smell. Having noticed an uninvited guest on their personal territory, they drive away, using their aggression and force.

These cute phalangers prefer night time as their waking period. In the twilight hours of the day, they get food and do the rest of their business. During the daytime, they like to be lazy, relax and sleep, choosing hollows, nests or other voids in trees for this.

Flying squirrels are heat-loving creatures. Cold days and rainy periods greatly upset the animals, and their activity gradually decreases, their mood disappears and lethargy and fatigue appear. If cold weather persists for a long time, this sugar animal tends to hibernate. This measure helps flying squirrels survive winters, thus, they retain their strength and energy during a period when it is difficult to obtain food.

Keeping a sugar glider at home

There are times when a person brings a very unusual animal into his home, guided only by the fact that he liked it from the outside, or by the fact that he saw it with someone, and he also wanted to have such a pet. When it comes to the sugar glider, you need to carefully consider this decision, because with inappropriate care, you will simply ruin the life of such a lovely creature, and you yourself will get into a lot of trouble. This sweet little squirrel is a creature that, to some extent, sets its own conditions. Its owner first of all needs to get used to the nocturnal activity of his four-legged friend and his specific smell. If, despite all the difficulties, you are still determined to buy an Australian flying squirrel, you need to know some of the nuances of its content.
  1. Personal living space. As a home for an exotic pet it is quite possible to use cells relatively large sizes intended for keeping birds. Since sugar gliders are active animals that can “fly,” it would be better for them if the cage was high enough, and the higher the better. The approximate dimensions of the house for one original squirrel are 50×50×80 cm. Small birdhouses are an obligatory element of the cage’s interior; it is in them that these animals will be lazy. These can be either special nesting bird houses or structures self made, made of cardboard, plastic containers or fabric. A good material for a cozy nest would be worn out soft hats or mittens. A necessary attribute in your pet’s house will be various strong branches, on which he will have fun and spend his excess energy. It is good to install a rodent wheel, this design will help the sugar glider maintain its physical fitness and health. You just need to take into account that the wheel must be made of hard materials, this will protect the tail and paws from all kinds of injuries and damage. Also, his house can be equipped various designs like tunnels and stairs, and your flying squirrel will always be happy with various plastic toys, bells and even mirrors. It would be a good idea to place containers with food on different shelves, this will help the animal have fun while searching for food. The water should be placed on the opposite side, this will help it more long time stay clean. The floor in the house of a sugar animal can be covered with sawdust or soft hay; you can also place soft bedding in birdhouses, for more comfortable rest your pupil.
  2. General cleaning. The optimal solution would be to clean the house once a week; as for the entire house, it is better to clean it daily. This does not take too much time, but this procedure will provide both you and your possum with a clean and pleasant living environment.
  3. Diet. Judging by its name, we can conclude that the Australian flying squirrel needs to be fattened with sweets. This conclusion is false, as is the fact that exotic animals overeat foods. The flying squirrel is an omnivorous animal by nature. You just need to take care of the correct balance between nutrients. So, the diet of this exotic should mainly consist of proteins and carbohydrates, the correct ratio of which would be 70:30. Errors in these indicators can lead to disturbances in the homeostasis of your flying pet. This can negatively affect his appearance, health and even life expectancy. Insects occupy an honorable place in the list of products for such a pet. These can be zoophobass, mealyworms or simple crickets. Insects are a good source of protein for sugar gliders. Alternative protein products are cereals, baby food, fermented milk products, and exotic animals can sometimes be fed with lean boiled meat, for example, chicken. As for carbohydrates, these are his favorite treats. This sweet tooth's menu must include fresh vegetables and fruits. You can pamper him with fresh juices or fruit purees, but you should not add flavor enhancers such as sugar. Cereals and dried fruits are a good storehouse of carbohydrates; they not only appeal to this flying entertainer, but also contain a lot of vitamins and microelements. On holidays, you can treat him with a spoonful of honey, but it is not recommended to organize such holidays often. You can also occasionally feed your sugar glider bird food.
  4. Additional fertilizing. To maintain your health and immunity pet, as well as for its good growth and development, it is necessary to supply its body with vitamins and necessary microelements. Due to the fact that animals such as Australian flying squirrels are already very popular as pets, technology does not stand still. Therefore, it is not at all difficult to find special multivitamin complexes that are intended specifically for sugar gliders. If they are not on the shelves of pet stores located in your area, then in online stores it is not at all problematic to find them. These animals also require a daily intake of calcium. For the reason that these useful substances not very tasty, you will have to use your imagination in how to get your child to eat such necessary supplements.
  5. Possum behavior. Many future owners of sugar gliders are interested in the question: “How to win over this representative of the wild?” It's safe to say that this is not a problem at all. If you pay your four-legged friend the right amount of attention, often address him by name, and also spoil him with various goodies from time to time, you can rest assured that you are his friend. In the daytime, when the animal is in a relaxed state, you can pick it up, because during the period of its activity it is more difficult to do this. By nature, marsupial squirrels are very social animals. Therefore, it is advisable to pay a lot of attention to them or immediately provide him with good company. To do this, it is recommended to have two animals at once - and he will not be bored, and there will be double exotic joy in your home. If you have other pets living in your home, you should limit the possibility of them meeting your sugar glider, as it can react aggressively to other people's odors. Although it is possible that after some time they will still be able to make friends. It is also not recommended to handle your squirrel small child, she may not like it if she is squeezed tightly in the hand; the animal may react to this with a rather strong bite.

The sugar glider is a small-sized individual that usually lives in forest areas with eucalyptus growing. By external characteristics members of the family are similar to squirrels. The animals are classified as marsupials and are included in the category of flying squirrels. Many people want to bring into the house exotic pet, try to make the new family member feel as comfortable as possible. However, this cannot be achieved without even a basic understanding of what animals like. Let's start reviewing.

Choosing a home

  1. Of course, initially it is necessary to deal with the cell, and only then with everything else. Consider how many individuals you plan to have. Based on this, you want to buy a cage. If it is not possible to constantly be with the animal and let it out, then the house should be spacious. It is also necessary to understand that possums are awake at night, and you will have to communicate with them at this time. If not, then get several individuals.
  2. As practice shows, it is optimal to have animals of different genders. But if there is no desire to have a pair, then you should get two females. They must be assigned to the same litter to avoid disagreement. Even if the males are of the same generation, during the maturation period they will begin to conflict and quarrel over territory. Possums also often suffer from depressive disorders due to lack of communication, so two individuals will have much more fun.
  3. It is extremely important to choose the optimal living space. About 50 cm of space is allotted per possum. Accordingly, the height should be 1.5-2 times greater. You need to choose a home with a bottom tray or a house like a terrarium. For several animals, you will need a home 75-100 cm high and about 120 cm long. Start from the basic concept - a spacious home is the best solution.
  4. If you decide to give preference to the cage, then the interval between the twigs is taken into account. It should not be more than 10 mm, since these animals are quite sneaky. If you don't take into account this parameter, the pet will begin to crawl out of its home without informing you. These creatures are very smart, they can open cage doors, so you need to think about latches right away. They will push back the usual latch and come out.
  5. Now regarding the location. It is optimal to place the home in a semi-dark place. However, this should not be a bedroom, otherwise the owners simply will not be able to get enough sleep due to the constant rustling noise at night. Naturally, there should be no air vents, heating radiators, or direct UV rays in the area where the house is installed.
  6. It is necessary to exclude the species from the species of possums indoor plants, considered poisonous specifically for these animals. To avoid damage to curtains, they are also removed, as well as furniture. Now it's time to study the indicators temperature regime, in which individuals will feel as comfortable as possible. Indicators within 22-28 degrees are sufficient. To prevent the development of a stench, granules or sawdust are placed in the lower tray.

Home improvement

  1. These animals require special conditions, in particular nest-homes. These can be plastic, wooden and other structures with an entrance hole with a diameter of about 8 cm. They are suspended or attached directly to the side walls closer to the top. At the bottom there is filler in the form of compressed sawdust, straw, etc. You can also lay fleece, but make sure there are no protruding threads.
  2. Of course, you should get some driftwood. These individuals love to climb, and therefore will be happy about this. Birch, aspen, elm, etc. are used as branches. But the bark must be peeled off so that the branches are bare. Also an important attribute is a special device designed for grinding claws.
  3. Please note that all drinking or food bowls must have a stable structure. It can be ceramics, clay, metal, etc. For stability, many experienced people advise screwing bowls to the walls. If the animal is accustomed to drinking water, then it is worth getting one.
  4. A hammock, a wheel to keep in shape, and ropes will also come in handy. You can also start installing stairs, attractions and anything else that comes to the owner’s mind. But you shouldn’t clutter up the interior space too much. Plastic products are chosen from toys.
  5. Nest houses, which are installed directly inside the home, are cleaned every 3 days. And the housing itself is daily. During the cleaning process, harsh products are not used; these individuals are irritated by foreign odors. You only need to take water and soda.


  1. Individuals of the type under discussion are clean, they lick their fur on their own, so the owner should not do anything additional. It is forbidden to bathe them; these animals often drown because they cannot cope with even shallow depths. If the pet becomes dirty, wipe it with a rag soaked in water, then dry it with a towel and keep warm.
  2. There is also no need to trim the nails. The animals perform these manipulations on the trees in the house. But if the possum did not do this, then arm yourself with a nail clipper and trim it carefully. In order not to encounter resistance, the pet is wrapped in a towel and pulled out one paw at a time.


  1. Do not forget that the question of feeding is the most important one. Therefore, the happy owner of such a unique animal should study some of the subtleties. If this is not done, the animal may suffer.
  2. Due to proper nutrition The pet will not only have no health problems, but will also live a long time. In addition, your mood will directly depend on a quality diet. As for the wild, the presented individual is almost omnivorous.
  3. The diet of this squirrel consists of various insects and fruits. At home feeding try to be guided simple rules. Only 30% should be carbohydrates and 70% proteins. Always fill containers before waking up clean water and fresh food.
  4. Such animals usually wake up around 9 pm. Clean the feeders thoroughly every morning and then add fresh water. Under no circumstances should such an animal have access to food around the clock. The animal will soon begin to suffer from obesity.
  5. A characteristic feature of such animals is that they sometimes wake up during the day and sleepily drag food into their house. Squirrels can even fall asleep while walking with a piece of food in their paws. During the day you are only allowed to leave a small piece of fruit for your pet. It will not be superfluous small quantity juice, which is diluted with water.
  6. Don't be alarmed if you notice that your pet for a long time does not touch water. Such animals can get enough moisture from fruits. Keep in mind that even in this case, water should always be poured into the drinking bowl every day.
  7. It is strongly recommended to give preference to bottled or filtered liquid. This will prevent reproduction pathogenic bacteria which can harm the animal. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to give the animal human food from the table.
  8. Sausages, fried, salty, fatty and spicy foods are prohibited. The only thing that is allowed is boiled turkey or chicken meat without adding any seasonings. IN limited quantities The animal can be given fruits and honey. This is especially necessary as a treat when the female is pregnant or nursing babies.
  9. The main diet should be rich in calcium. The lack of an element has a very negative effect on the condition of the squirrel. In addition, the diet minimum quantity must contain phosphorus. Remember, be sure to cut all fruits and vegetables into large pieces. The pet should take them into its paws without any problems.


  1. If you are going to breed such animals yourself, it is worth noting that such actions are extremely costly and require responsibility. In addition, it is very difficult to call such a business highly profitable.
  2. This also takes a lot of time. The female continues to care for the offspring for about 5 months. In this case, the room should be isolated and spacious. Among other things, pregnant females and those who feed their offspring become quite aggressive. They practically do not show affection and friendliness towards people.
  3. Females may have different character because of early pregnancy, genetic predisposition and much more. At the same time, mothers sometimes abandon their own cubs. In some cases, they even eat them. Therefore, before purchasing a pair, study everything carefully and become familiar with all the intricacies of breeding.
  4. Males reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 months, and females a little later. However, it is recommended to breed animals when they are at least 1 year old. By this age, pets will become a little responsible.
  5. More often mating season they have it in the middle of summer. Squirrels can produce offspring up to 2 times a year. To avoid any pathologies in the cubs, do not choose related individuals for mating.
  6. As soon as the female begins to estrus, mating continues throughout the whole day. In this state, animals may refuse food, behave excitedly and make characteristic sounds to call a partner.
  7. Males show aggression. And during mating they can even inflict wounds on their friend. They bite your back. For such animals, such behavior is considered quite normal. If you notice a wound, try to treat it as quickly as possible. If necessary, place the female aside for recovery if the male continues to pester her.
  8. Pregnancy lasts about 2 weeks. During such a period, there is no need to transfer the male to another cage. After mating, he does not bother his girlfriend in any way. As soon as the baby is born, the male helps the female to care for him. When labor begins to approach, the mother carefully licks her belly.
  9. As a rule, only one baby squirrel is born, rarely two. The baby stays with the mother in a special bag for 10 weeks. All this time he feeds on mother's milk. When a female feeds her offspring, her diet needs to be increased by 50%.

The animals presented are quite interesting. Few people keep them as pets. If you decide to contain them, take care of everything in advance and prepare.

Video: sugar glider - care and maintenance

The body length of the marsupial flying squirrel (possum) ranges from 15 to 21 cm, the tail length is similar. The fur is soft and short. The color is most often ashen, there is a dark stripe on the back, and a light belly.

Externally, the sugar glider resembles a squirrel, but it is impossible to confuse them, because this animal has a number of characteristic features:

  • the membrane that allows it to fly (more precisely, glide over fairly long distances) is located on the sides between the front and hind legs;
  • rounded, rather large and very mobile ears;
  • big dark eyes.

Sugar squirrel or marsupial flying squirrel lives in the northern and eastern regions of Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, and the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago.

It's woody marsupial mammal, the smallest and most common species of possum. He got his name because of his ability to float through the air and because of his love for sweets. The weight of a possum depends on gender and ranges from ninety to one hundred and sixty grams. It has a thin, slightly elongated body. The length of an adult animal can reach forty-two centimeters, of which about half is the fluffy tail. The coat of possums is usually gray-blue, but there are animals with yellow or yellow-brown fur. It is very rare to find albino possums.

Its fur is thick and soft. There are brown stripes on the back and face of the animal. The abdomen is white, with a cream tint. Possums have a small, slightly pointed muzzle. Its ears are quite large; they are capable of turning like locators in the direction of the outgoing sound. Large black eyes are surrounded by black rims that extend to the ears. They help you see perfectly in the dark.

The limbs of sugar gliders are very well developed. They have five long legs on each leg. thin fingers with sharp claws. Such “aristocratic” fingers allow you to get larvae and small insects from under the bark, and sharp claws allow you to hold on to flexible branches well.

The possum can bend its tail and even hold small objects with it. And due to its opposed fingers and sharp claws, it handles food very deftly.

The animals are small in size, the body length of the female reaches 27–28 cm, the male - up to 40 cm. Possums usually weigh from 90 to 160 grams, depending on gender. The body of the marsupial flying squirrel is covered with soft and dense gray-blue fur. Individuals with yellow and brown-yellow colors can also be found, and occasionally even albinos can be found. By appearance The animal resembles a small squirrel, which is why it is often called a sugar squirrel.

Marsupial flying squirrels have a small and elongated muzzle, on which there are dark stripes. The back of the animal is also covered with the same stripes. Possum belly white, with a creamy tint. In females there is a pouch on it. The ears are large and can turn towards the sound source. The eyes are large and black with dark rims reaching to the ears. Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals and have excellent vision in the dark.

The front and hind limbs of flying squirrels are well developed. On each paw there are five long and rather thin fingers, at the ends of which there are sharp claws. In nature, with the help of such fingers, animals can feed; to do this, they take out various insects and larvae from under the bark of trees, and the sharp claws help them to hold on well to the branches of plants.

A distinctive feature of sugar gliders is the presence of a thin membrane, which is a layer of skin covered with fur and located on the sides of the body - from the front limbs to the hind limbs. During a jump, this unusual part of the body is stretched and allows the animal to fly a certain distance.

The sugar glider is a relatively small marsupial. The marsupial flying squirrel is the tiniest relative of the opossum family. Its head and body are approximately 120-220 mm long, and its tail is about 150-180 mm. The weight of a mature animal reaches only 140 grams, with a body measuring 15-20 cm and a tail length of up to 19 cm.

There is a dark stripe along the back from the back to the nose. There are similar stripes on the muzzle, in the direction from the eye to the ear. There is a small white mark on the tip of the tail. Just like flying squirrels, sugar gliders have a membrane of skin that extends from the outside of the front leg to the ankle of the back leg, and can be opened by spreading the limbs wide. The female sugar glider has a significant difference in body structure - a small pouch in the skin fold to accommodate the baby.

Exotic animals in apartments are not uncommon these days. Many people, for various reasons, do not want to be content with a cat or dog, but instead get iguanas, tarantulas, snakes, ferrets and many others.

There is a lover for everyone, and at the sight of such a cutie as the sugar flying squirrel, a rare heart will not tremble in tenderness.

However, before running headlong to a pet store or breeder, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the animal, think through all the nuances and correlate them with your own habits and daily routine.

Sugar possum at home: maintenance, feeding

For a long time now, no one has been surprised by a cat in the house lying in the master’s chair or a dog running out into the hallway barking joyfully.

But in recent years, exotic pets have begun to appear in the homes of our compatriots, coming to us from different parts of the world. It could be an iguana or Achatina, a ferret or a chinchilla, a tarantula or an opossum.

The little squirrel or sugar possum has won the hearts of people almost all over the world.

Pets Questions Reviews Jokes

The marsupial flying squirrel is a small creature that has many nicknames: flying squirrel, sugar glider, flying sugar glider.

This exotic animal comes from Australia, and today we will talk about keeping a flying squirrel at home.

A charming creature only 40 cm long, weighing 200 grams, its eyes are round and large, its ears and tail are movable.

Since animals are active at night, vision at night is much better. Females have a pouch on their abdomen for future young. The color of the flying squirrel is ash-yellow with soft and thick fur.

Life expectancy is on average 12 years.

Marsupial flying squirrels are energetic and active animals that sleep during the day and are awake at night. In addition, they need quite a lot of free space for their amazing and high jumps. But the animal is unpretentious in keeping.

Loneliness is destructive for these animals! Yes, and they are used to living in a herd, therefore, it is recommended to buy them in quantities of 3 to 5 pieces, which will complicate care.

External signs

The opossum, or pygmy flying squirrel, is a very miniature animal. Its body length ranges from 7 to 23 cm, weight – from 95 to 160 grams. The animal's muzzle is elongated and slightly pointed. The tail can be very short (6 cm) or very long (50 cm). At its base there are thickenings that are formed due to fat deposits.

When getting a pet, it is worth considering that flying squirrels at home live even longer than in the wild. Although how many years the animal will be with you depends on nutrition and care, it is worth keeping in mind that this is more likely 9-12 years, and not three years, like a rat or a hamster.

Possums have a number of undeniable advantages, which are serious incentives to have just such a pet:

  1. They are incredibly cute and funny, especially if there are several of them.
  2. Pleasant to the touch.
  3. They are friendly and trainable (they can learn a couple of simple commands and funny tricks).
  4. They tolerate captivity well.
  5. They become attached to the owner.
  6. Clean.


There are several characteristics that can become a serious obstacle to owning this cute animal:

  1. They are nocturnal and quite noisy (they move loudly and can make barking sounds).
  2. They have a specific musky smell.
  3. They may bite.
  4. They require strict adherence to the diet.


If you decide to get yourself an exotic and unusual animal, then you should definitely pay attention to such a wonderful animal as the sugar glider, which is capable of winning over any person in a few moments. Anyone will like his funny and friendly character, charming appearance, and interesting habits.

Today, sugar gliders are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Having decided to acquire such an unusual animal, you should learn in great detail about its care, feeding, and character traits. Keeping flying squirrels at home is, of course, not easy, but it is quite possible. To do this, you will need to adapt to their habits, lifestyle and diet.

  1. Children cannot be trusted to keep these animals, as possums can bite or scratch a child if he or she strongly grabs or crushes the animal.
  2. Sugar proteins lead night look life, so they can make a lot of noise in their cage at night.
  3. Marsupial flying squirrels relieve themselves anywhere, sometimes on the fly, but it is impossible to train them to do this in one place.
  4. Males will mark their territory, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of the smell. And if you let your pet out of the cage, then be prepared for this.
  5. Feeding an animal is quite difficult; for example, for full development, young animals need to be given live insects.
  6. If there are other cats living in the house or big birds, they will always pose a danger to the animal.

Flying squirrels are quite active and are kept either in a spacious cage or in an aviary. The minimum dimensions for a pair of animals are 80x80x60 cm, however, the higher the cage, the better. The walls and ceiling should have bars no larger than 1.5 cm, otherwise the cubs will be able to squeeze between them or even fall out.

The door must be equipped with a lock or carabiner. These animals are very inventive and easily learn to open an unfixed passage on their own. The floor is covered with a specialized filler for rodents in the form of compressed sawdust.

Branches are a must when keeping sugar gliders. In his natural environment Their habitat is that they live in trees; these animals have an instinct for climbing up trees.

Bowls are best placed on shelves and in different parts cages or enclosures. This will help keep the water uncontaminated longer.

The house is an invariable attribute of the possum’s habitat. Ideal option there will be a suspended structure, fixed as high as possible. The following can be used as a nest: plywood or wooden boxes, something soft and at the same time reliable, for example, a knitted pocket. Flying squirrels passionately adore cozy, soft nesting places, so if the frame of the house is hard, you should put rags or hay in it.

It is permissible to use several nests at once, however, while feeding the brood, it is worth limiting yourself to one.

Toys should be chosen that are made of hard plastic. The following are perfect for flying squirrels: tunnels, stairs, running wheels, bells, mirrors and small balls. Toys require periodic updating to maintain the animals’ interest in them.

Where to buy and how much does the animal cost?

You can buy a sugar glider in pet stores specializing in exotics, or directly from breeders (since they reproduce quite actively in captivity, this is quite possible). Prices range from $100 to $250.

Remember that an animal is not a toy. Before purchasing, carefully consider your expectations, wishes and capabilities, and consult with the owners. If you still decide, then good luck! Sugar squirrel will give you many bright and unforgettable impressions.

The sugar glider, or sugar glider, is an arboreal marsupial mammal, the most common and smallest representative of the glider. It got its name because of its special love for sweets and its ability to soar through the air. Despite some external resemblance to the squirrel, the sugar glider is only partly similar to it. The main difference is a thin membrane covered with fur connecting the wrists and ankles. It allows the animals to fly, or rather, glide between the trees.

Sugar gliders can be found throughout northern and eastern Australia, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and its surrounding islands, and some islands in Indonesia. Miniature flying squirrels usually live in eucalyptus forests.

The sugar glider is a small animal, whose weight varies depending on gender from 95 to 160 g. The length of an adult possum can reach 42 cm, of which from 16.5 to 21 cm is the fluffy tail. The body is thin and slightly elongated. The coat color of the animal is usually gray-blue, but sometimes there are yellow-brown, yellow, and extremely rarely even albino possums:

The animal's soft and thick fur coat is decorated with brown stripes located on the back and face. The largest of them stretches from the forehead to the tip of the tail. The color of the abdomen is predominantly white with a cream tint. The muzzle is small, slightly pointed. The eyes are black and large, bordered by black rims that stretch in stripes to the ears. As for the ears, they are quite large, having the ability to turn towards the outgoing sound, like locators. This feature provides an excellent opportunity to catch even the quietest rustles and find prey in the night forest. And large, slightly bulging eyes, in turn, help these nocturnal animals see perfectly in the dark.

The limbs of sugar flying squirrels are very well developed. The toes are thin, long, five on each paw, but on the hind limbs two of them are partially fused. Such “aristocratic” fingers with sharp claws allow them to hold on to flexible branches and reach small insects and larvae from under the bark.

Most characteristic feature The sugar glider is, of course, a thin membrane that stretches along the sides of the animal’s body from wrist to ankle (from the first to fifth toe of each paw). During the jump, the membrane stretches, forming an aerodynamic surface the size of a small handkerchief, which allows the flying squirrel to glide over a distance of 50 meters, and sometimes more.

Adjustment and direction of flight is carried out by tensioning or relaxing the membrane, as well as by moving the legs and tail. This form of movement is usually used for traveling from tree to tree; they rarely descend to the ground. When not in use, the membrane lies along the body in a wavy fringe.

On the forehead, chest and back of the body pygmy flying squirrels there are odorous glands with which they mark the territory (mostly males do this). Males have a small bald spot on their forehead where the gland is located, which distinguishes them from females. Females have a pouch in the center of their abdomen in which they bear offspring.

Pregnancy in flying possums does not last long, only 16 days. A brood most often consists of two or three cubs. The babies live in their mother's pouch until they are four months old, after which they go out into independent life.

Sugar flying squirrels nest in the territory total area which is no less than half a hectare. They prefer open forests with plenty of space for gliding. Possums live in tree hollows, rarely in roots, in small groups of 7-12 individuals. They use grass, dry leaves, and branches as bedding, which they bring into their home in a tail twisted into a loop. If the tail is occupied, bedding materials are carried in the teeth. The group is led by a dominant male who actively marks his territory. They actively protect the area they own, consisting of several eucalyptus trees, driving out uninvited guests.

Being nocturnal animals, sugar gliders sleep in their nests during the day and become awake at night. At night they hunt insects and small vertebrates. As a dessert, flying squirrels with a sweet tooth consume the sweet juice of certain types of eucalyptus and acacia, scratching the bark of trees in search of delicacies; sugar gliders’ favorite sweets also include sweet fruits, wild honey and pollen.

IN winter period When the amount of food decreases significantly, animals hibernate.

Lifespan of miniature flying squirrels wildlife, as a rule, is 7-9 years, in captivity - about 12 years. The maximum recorded age of a sugar glider that lived its life in a zoo is 17.8 years.

A striking distinctive characteristic of the life activity of these unusual animals is a large collection sound signals, having a wide variety of intonations and intensities (rumbling, crying, chirping, yelping, crackling, hissing, etc.). These signals are used to attract attention, indicate anger, fear, greeting, joy, etc.

Today, Australian sugar gliders have become very popular pets.

You can buy an exotic animal via the Internet; its cost can range from 3 to 15 thousand rubles. It is best to purchase two possums at once, because they are naturally very sociable animals, and in the absence of communication - if the owner does not have the opportunity to spend time with the pet - its condition can seriously deteriorate. The animals begin to wake up around ten o'clock in the evening. Occasionally in the morning and early evening there may be little activity in terms of a small snack.

Before you take a sugar glider into your home, you need to know that keeping one is not an easy task. In captivity, sweet-toothed animals are kept in large cells or spacious enclosures so that they can move freely, with a tray tray and large doors for quick access. The cage should have a lot of branches and a nest or house where the animal will rest. Since the possum constantly gnaws on branches in search of food, they need to be changed periodically. They like soft bedding; it is best to use fleece for this purpose.

The cage should be placed in a fairly bright place, but under no circumstances in the sun. Little Australian flying squirrels are very active and need to move. It is recommended to sometimes let the animal walk around the apartment. He should be able to fly and jump with his membrane spread out.

Sugar gliders are fairly clean animals, so there is no need to groom their fur; they do it well on their own, licking and cleaning their fur with their claws.

As for the diet of flying squirrels, a quarter of their diet should consist of protein products, and the rest should be vegetables and fruits. Protein-containing foods include yogurt, ferret or cat food, omelettes, grasshoppers, crickets and newborn mice. You also need to include calcium-rich foods in your diet, otherwise your pets will start to get sick.

The animals quickly get used to people and become affectionate and friendly. With proper care, funny Australian animals will delight their owners with their presence for many years. It is very important to provide sugar gliders with everything necessary conditions and proper nutrition, since inept behavior can kill animals.

The sugar glider is a small marsupial flying squirrel. The definition of “marsupial” immediately evokes associations with Australia, and it is no coincidence - after all, the sugar glider comes from there. It also lives in the Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea and Tasmania. The eucalyptus forest is the most attractive place for these cute creatures to live. The animals live in small families in the treetops. They rarely descend to the ground.


The sugar glider is the smallest member of the marsupial family. Their body is thin, 19-22 cm long, plus the length of a fluffy tail is 20-22 cm, weight from 90 to 160 grams (smaller females, larger males), color gray-blue, yellow-brown. The wool is soft, thick, very pleasant to the touch. The muzzle is slightly pointed, with a soft pink nose and huge eyes. The ears are large and mobile. The paws have five thin long toes with claws. The animals' limbs are ideally suited for climbing; by the way, the tail is incredibly flexible - it can curl into rings.

A distinctive feature of the flying squirrel is a thin leathery membrane covered with hair. It stretches from the wrist of the front leg to the ankle of the back leg. Thanks to this feature a possum can hover the jump has a fairly decent distance: about 50 meters. The tail is used as a rudder.

We won’t describe it for a long time, everyone knows that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. So get acquainted: here it is, the sugar glider, photo of the handsome guy:

For home maintenance:


  1. is nocturnal - which means that it will not let you sleep peacefully at night;
  2. emits a specific smell: males tirelessly mark their territory. If you let the little animal out to walk around the apartment, be prepared for the fact that all objects (furniture, walls, curtains, etc.), and you yourself will be marked;
  3. A possum can bite hard, resulting in blood, so you need to learn how to handle it, and under no circumstances give it to children.
  4. It is unlikely that it will be possible to train him to use the toilet: in their natural habitat, possums live in trees and relieve themselves on the fly. When kept in an apartment, everything will happen in a similar way.

Are you not afraid of difficulties and are you ready to get a unique pet? Wonderful. Let's continue.

Features of keeping a sugar glider at home

The sugar glider is a gregarious animal, very sociable, absolutely can't stand loneliness. Therefore buy better a couple animals (the price in Russia varies from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles). If you can only buy one animal, keep in mind that you will have to entertain it, play with it, and at night. Without communication, this little animal will become depressed, get sick and die.

To keep a possum at home, you need a spacious cage with a volume of at least 1 cubic meter, or even better (if possible) an aviary, up to the ceiling. The cage must be equipped taking into account the natural needs of the sugar glider. The flying squirrel is a very mobile creature, it is natural for it to move from branch to branch, therefore you need to place some kind of tree in the enclosure, or simply strong tree branches, so that the animal can climb up them and jump from one to another. You can hang ropes, rings, and swings for the same purpose.

Besides this, there must be a house in the cage so that during the day the animal can hide there and sleep. The house can be either wooden (such as a birdhouse) or made of fabric. The cage should have several feeders located in different places. Hang the water bowl away from the feeders to keep the water clean. The possum is afraid of drafts and does not tolerate bright light. When the air temperature is below 20 degrees, it becomes lethargic and hibernates, so place the cage taking into account the characteristics of the animal.

No matter how spacious the cage is, it is necessary to let the animal out for a walk around the apartment from time to time. The possum must warm up properly, jump, and “fly.” He may get sick from lack of exercise..


In nature, the possum feeds on insects, small birds, fruits, and sweet tree sap (which is how it got its sugar name). When keeping in captivity, it is important to maintain a balance nutrients aft. The food must contain at least 30% protein, the remaining 70% being vegetables and fruits. Yoghurt, egg white, and lean chicken (boiled) are suitable as a protein component. As well as live delicacies: grasshoppers, zoophobes, crickets. Very important: in the feed it is necessary calcium must be present. It is not advisable to feed sweets; once a week you can give a little honey.


Most animal diseases occur due to poor nutrition. For example, a lack of calcium causes metabolic bone disease and paralysis of the hind limbs. Constipation, diarrhea, intestinal blockage, liver disease, dehydration - all this is caused by an unbalanced, unhealthy diet, or stale food.

Another animal susceptible to stress and depression- from a change of owner and place of residence, from the absence or lack of communication, from uncomfortable living conditions.

In nature, the life expectancy of a possum is 6-8 years. At home, with proper care, live up to 15 years.

I bought myself a cute little animal, and now I have so many worries, it’s as if I gave birth to twins. Daily cleaning of the cage, washing of the houses, washing of the toys, and after walks, the room also needs to be generalized. Yes, there is definitely no time to be bored. But nice, asshole! My little darling.

Valentina. Kemerovo

Tell me how to get him to eat what is good for him? You see he doesn’t want grasshoppers, give him sausage. But sausage is categorically contraindicated for him. He's also a picky guy, he only eats food like that. Proper feeding is a whole problem.

Natalya N. Stavropol

I recently saw this in a nursery: it’s called a sugar glider. Now I’m thinking: should I take it or not? Doubts plague us: will we get along? Judging by the reviews, the little animal is absolutely charming, but it makes noise at night. And there are a lot of problems with feeding. After all, a cat is more familiar and dearer; it has lived with humans since time immemorial. Nadezhda, Perm