What can you do in a diary? How to create a personal diary

Do you like to draw and make art? Looking for unique ideas for personal diary ? Then you have found your treasure trove of bold and innovative ideas for ld. Our site is aimed at those who want to find themselves in the arts, diversify their leisure time, improve their drawing skills and develop their imagination. We offer a huge selection of designs made in various techniques, as well as pictures for ld and printouts for ld. Each topic is worthy of becoming part of your personal diary.

Start sketching, the pictures you like are ideas for your personal diary. Try yourself in various artistic techniques and decide which one you like best. Over time, you will move from copying ready-made pictures to independent creativity. Start developing your talent today.

Find quotes for ld in the section of our website. Collected here best examples wise thoughts about all aspects of life, about relationships between people, feelings and emotions. Keeping a personal diary requires time, effort and desire. Many girls write down in it every day...

Just a few steps and your personal diary will become much more colorful and interesting! We looked at the gallery, found the stickers you needed and printed them out. You just need to cut it out and paste it onto the page. Printouts on many topics - with phrases, black and white stickers, pictures, #hashtags,...

Besides black and white pictures To design a personal diary, there are also black and white printouts for LD. If you only take notes with a black pen, then these printouts will fit perfectly into the style of your diary. Printouts for LD black and white What kind of black and white printouts...

There are many different interesting drawings for a personal diary, but black and white pictures for personal journals are also very popular. Many will say that such pictures are not interesting and boring because they have no color... there is no need to rush and draw such conclusions...

Not everyone can draw a complex drawing. But if you want to decorate your personal diary with drawings, you don’t have to draw complex drawings. You can use light pictures for sketching to decorate your diary entries. I assure you, they will look no worse...

Ideas for old pictures for sketching - a continuation of the gallery with wonderful illustrations of a cat. Many people decorate their personal diaries with pictures to draw, and they especially love this cute cat. Ideas for ld pictures for sketching A personal diary is drawn up with printouts or, for example, filled...

We know that many people love this cute cat. Many people use these pictures to design their personal diary. But where can you find many such illustrations? The answer is very simple! Of course here on our website! In the gallery “ideas for ld pictures...

Classic notebook entries have never completely lost their relevance; they are still popular among schoolgirls and adults of different genders and status. At the same time, many people are not going to start writing down their thoughts, no matter in a notebook or in an electronic document, although the benefits of this process are tangible.

It’s not for nothing that this process is called a personal diary. This is something deeply personal - emotions, dreams, plans. Often, notes in a notebook witness the stormy tears of schoolgirls in love and the first business combinations of young entrepreneurs. From this follows the first reason for keeping a personal diary - it helps to throw out emotions and structure thoughts.

Interesting! For emotional people psychologists advise keeping notes so that you can later evaluate yourself from the outside and learn to manage your feelings.

Another reason is the possibility preserve memories of the situation with the emotions that the writer experienced then. A few years later, many people enjoy reading their entries, remembering funny and sad moments from life, plans and dreams.

The third reason for keeping a personal diary is the opportunity to express all the secret feelings, indecent thoughts and pent-up anger. Sometimes it is impossible to shout at an unfair boss, take revenge on an offender, or have an affair with someone. Notebook entries or electronic document They allow you to do whatever you want on their pages with your boss, your offender, and other people. Thus, it relieves tension, while at the same time allowing you to assess the situation from the outside.

How to start keeping a diary

Some teenagers and adults do not have the question of how to start keeping a personal diary. This happens spontaneously during a period of falling in love or life troubles. Sometimes mothers or schoolchildren themselves try to start keeping personal notes about their children at the request of doctors and teachers.

Another group of people are girls of primary and secondary classes. For them, it is a hobby or a mass phenomenon when distributed at school. There are also people who understand the need to keep a diary or who experience loneliness. All this divides the persons keeping records into two groups:

  1. Spontaneous.
  2. Conscious.

People in the first category are not interested in rules and fictitious conventions for keeping personal records. They simply write where they want and the way they need. The result is the most sincere and emotional diaries, but difficult for subsequent reading by the owners themselves.

The second group is interested in how to keep a diary according to the rules, what requirements should be placed on it and what it should contain. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give such exact recommendations; they are too individual, although you can roughly learn how to keep personal notes.

How to keep records correctly

Filling out the paper version with your thoughts or the electronic version is an individual choice. The same can be said about the rules for filling out a diary. It is important to understand one thing - it should be convenient.

Some people are more suited to quickly writing down their thoughts in transport, others need silence and a lot of colored pens, markers and all kinds of stickers, photographs, newspaper clippings. You just need to understand that specific rules There is no record keeping. A personal diary is the untouchable space of each individual person; he can do whatever he wants in it and as he pleases.

What will be inside the diary depends greatly on who will keep it. Personal notes of a student programmer will be filled with tags and ideas; a housewife can complain there about poor quality household chemicals or rudeness in a store, and the businessman will write down plans for modernization or thoughts on restructuring loans.

The frequency and volume of filling will also be individual. For different people, although it is worth highlighting schoolgirls separately. For them, a personal diary is something special, colorful and tender, and sometimes dark and incredibly rude. At the same time, all people need to know only a few identical principles by which a diary is kept.

Main requirements for a personal diary

To keep a diary, you don’t need to try to make it like others, although no one forbids using other people’s ideas for designing personal notes. By observing just a few requirements, anyone who wants to learn how to keep a personal diary:

Appearance, electronic or paper format, pen color, writing density and other criteria do not need rules. For each person it will be correct to write in the way that is convenient for him, sharing his innermost thoughts.

Carefully! It is worth separating your personal diary from work, school, medical, sports and other things. They can be combined into one, but then the teacher, doctor or coach will want to familiarize themselves with it. This will prevent the author from writing his innermost thoughts there sincerely, without looking back.

If a girl keeps a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs and facts about the biography of an actor or singer, this does not stop her from giving the notes to her friends to read. At the same time, if thoughts about feelings towards a star are written there, then the girl is unlikely to want anyone to read them.

Starting and keeping a diary

It was said above that records of ongoing events begin to be kept in 2 ways. Spontaneous keeping of personal notes does not require comments, there is already a diary and it is being filled out, such people do not need to be taught how to start keeping it.

A conscious desire to keep records makes it possible to initially foresee the nuances of the future diary by choosing the format, style and method of filling it out.

You should start recording with the following steps:

These are the main points of starting a diary, with the exception of 2 nuances. These are not requirements, but rather recommendations for convenience. One of them concerns paper records, the other electronic ones. In the first case, when purchasing, it is advisable to purchase hardcover notebook or notepad, this will allow the diary to remain good for longer appearance and don't hesitate. When choosing an electronic option, you need to determine in advance where and when entries will be made, and based on this, you need to select a format - an online program or an inconspicuous document on desktop computer.

For those who do not know how to spontaneously share their thoughts You can try this recording algorithm:

This structure is suitable for the diary of a junior schoolgirl, and for the notes of the head of a department of a large enterprise. The only difference is that events and objects will be different, as well as conclusions, descriptions of emotions, etc. Also, do not forget that this structure is optional - items in it can be changed, rearranged, removed or added. Understanding more convenient entries will come with time, and for this you just need to keep a diary.

Important! The main rule of keeping a diary-it needs to be filled out! How to start it, what to write or draw in it does not matter.

Keeping a diary correctly means only making entries in a convenient format and with a comfortable frequency. You can think in advance about the number of entries per day, week, month, or simply carry it with you and share your thoughts with the diary at the first desire.

A few entries per day, as desired, is an ideal way to keep a journal. This allows you to reset excessive emotions and immediately write down the necessary thoughts or good ideas. Not everyone can afford to keep notes in this mode; some understand the need for a diary, but are not able to devote so much time to it.

For organized people The method of filling out a diary in the evening is suitable, and the volume of the entry does not matter. You can divide the entries into morning, afternoon and evening, telling in detail the events of the day, or put everything in one text. You can also highlight what is happening at work or school, separately describing love or life experiences. There is only one rule for keeping a diary, everything else is very individual. Over time, everyone chooses a way to fill it out in a form that is more convenient for them; all that remains is to start maintaining it.

There's nothing complicated about it. There are three options.

Option 1. You can buy an ordinary thick notebook and write down your thoughts in it.

Option 2. You can download an app to your phone or tablet that allows you to take regular notes.

Option 3. Make a diary. Let's focus on this option, since the first two should not cause difficulties in implementation.

The diary consists of several main parts - this is the cover, the pages themselves and the clasp, which is made at your discretion.

The materials you need to prepare white paper, cardboard, possibly fabric, tape. If you want your diary to be protected from prying eyes, you need to purchase a clasp or lock. Hardware departments may offer locks.

Stage 1

The first thing you need to do is create the cover. We'll tell you how to create a design with fabric. Using scissors, a rectangle is cut out of cardboard and folded in half - this is the cover. Take fabric - cotton, silk, linen and cut out a piece 2 cm larger than the prepared rectangle. If you see that the fabric is fraying, then grease the edges with PVA glue. Using thread and a needle, the fabric is sewn to the cardboard.

If you wish, you can decorate the cover with dried flowers, photographs, beads or embroidery.

Stage 2

Take notebooks or sheets for the printer. If they are larger in size than the cover, then use scissors to give them the required dimensions. Initially, the sheet should be 2 cm larger than the cover. You can decorate them with stickers or drawings. By using laser printer they can be “set” with the desired background. Each sheet needs to be folded 2 cm and glued to the fold line of the cover. Another option for “setting” diary pages is to use thread and a needle.

Stage 3

If you purchased a fastener, then at this stage you need to install it. In most cases, the fastener can be attached with instant adhesive.

If you have a small lock and key, then you need to sew a braid onto the cover on both sides. The lock will be installed on this braid. Step back half the height from the top of the cover and use a hole punch to make a hole. Do the same with the back crust. Push the tape through. If you wish, you can not weigh the lock, but make a tie in the form of a ribbon.

A secluded place to store thoughts and ideas is ready!

When the desire to keep a personal diary comes, along with it comes the need to make it different from everyone else. Still, this is something very personal, internal, often hidden, so you really want the diary to bear your imprint. You still hope that some time will pass, you will take it out, leaf through it; You will read some entries carefully, smiling at how you once were, and you will think seriously about others. In general, no matter how you twist it, a personal diary is a serious thing. And since you only need to write in it what excites you, it means that you should approach the decoration with all responsibility.

You will need

  • - Notebook or notepad;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - handles;
  • - pencils;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - pictures from magazines;
  • - photos.


First of all, think about the cover decoration. Of course, the essence of what you will write is also very important, but this is by default. The cover will help you choose the mood or, if you prefer, . Again, skeptics and moralists will say that everything is wrong, and first you need to decide on the style, then, dancing around it, design the cover. It’s easy for them to say, they may have written a lot of diaries in their time, but we will go our own way. So, to paraphrase the well-known saying, “they meet you by their cover,” arm yourself with a fairly thick notebook or notepad. The easiest option is to simply sign the diary. You can do this in the “as is” format by beautifully writing the word “Diary” and putting your first and last name in genitive case. Or you can start decorating your personal diary with some tricky title that can fully reflect your essence. If you are secretive and do not strive to keep your life “in plain sight” - let the name be “Secret Hole”. If, on the contrary, you consider yourself an open person, that is, an extrovert, - the diary can be called “Living Room”. For those who boldly admit that they are original and a little out of this world, the names “Chamber No. 6”, “Combat Leaflet”, “Narrows of the Soul”, “Nest”, “Den”, etc. are suitable. That’s why it’s better to first decide on the name of your personal diary, and then start decorating. “The Living Room” and “The Secret Hole” cannot be designed in the same key - this would smack of inconsistency.

If you love other cute fluffies, stick at least one or a dozen on the cover. If your essence requires some kind of beautiful “chic” - let it be photographs of Paris, Milan, and other cities strongly associated with fashionable things and fashionable life. It is appropriate to cut out photographs of your favorite actors or singers, singers and groups from a magazine, maybe politicians– what if someone likes them too?! If you think this approach is formulaic, great, draw a caricature of a person you think about a lot (after all, he will probably appear in yours quite often). The main thing is that the notebook or notebook should not somehow turn up when the person is in a bad mood. If there is such a possibility, it is better not to risk it and place this cartoon at least on the second page. Draw a doorway on the cover, cut out the door from cardboard, coat the vertical stripe on the left with glue and carefully glue it to the opening. The laconic inscription “Door to the future” written on the cover speaks very eloquently of what you have in your hands. But what color you paint the space behind the doorway is purely a matter of character. If you are an optimist, then you will probably choose bright and life-affirming colors. Otherwise, think a hundred times, because remember Vrungel’s song: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” Embroider – decorate the diary cover with embroidery. If you are interested in decoupage - even more original! You can completely decorate it by turning it main sheet into the 3-D arena: heroes of the “Game”, cool foreign cars or trucks, straight from the battlefield - show your imagination and easily achieve originality.

If you don’t rely on memory, write down your “call signs” on the first page. social networks. Just don’t write passwords here, because if you don’t belong to others, the diary is not protected from unauthorized entry. By the way, you can also write down the names and addresses of your friends’ pages in a paper diary. If suddenly your page is hacked, you will not lose those with whom you pleasantly communicate on the Internet from time to time. Next, it is appropriate to write something that is most important to you, as if revealing your main character traits. This should be done not for others, we should always hope that strangers will never read our personal diary, but for ourselves, but only a little matured. In a year or two you will be very interested in reading such a post.

Of course, they greet you based on their clothes, but they send you off based on your mind. Therefore, take seriously both the notes and the decoration inside the diary. Write what you are really interested in or what excites you. Please format accordingly. Entries like “today is an ordinary day, nothing happened” are empty, they do not make any sense, because in a week you will have to strain your memory to extract at least some associations with “April 17” or “September 30”. And to decorate such records is sheer absurdity. Well, once or twice you can draw something like an infinity sign, symbolizing boredom, or glue a cut-out picture of a donut, circling its hole, but what’s the point? You won’t do this again and again every time the day seems gray and dull. It is probably better in such cases not to write anything at all. Although in fact we ourselves are to blame for the “wasted” time. The person is generally very strange creature. At first he rushes the hand on the clock, then he regrets that everything has passed so quickly. All that was needed was to fill the empty days with something interesting, exciting, new. And then it would be interesting to write about this in, decorating the entry accordingly, and leave pleasant moments among other carefully stored diary-memories for many, many years.

Please note

Protect your diary from prying eyes. Unfortunately, there are people who won't mind looking through it.

Useful advice

When decorating your personal diary, do not forget about the essence of what you write in it.

In stores it is easy to find hedgehogs and or notebooks of different sizes, colors and even shapes. But a diary that is “dressed up” with your own hands will become your favorite. With such a diary it will be nice to share your innermost thoughts.

You will need

  • Notepad or diary, a piece of thick fabric, thick colored paper, stationery knife, glue, scissors, ruler.


First, remove the block of sheets from the cover. Use a utility knife: cut both endpapers, be careful not to damage the block. Set the block aside for now.

Place the cover on a piece of thick fabric. Trace the cover onto the fabric.

Now use scissors to cut out a rectangle for the covering, leaving allowances of a couple of centimeters.

Apply glue to the edge of the cover. Glue one side of the rectangle, then glue the opposite side. If the spine of the cover turns out to be convex, then apply glue to it too.

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll try to simply channel your creative thought into the right direction.

Dear friends! We have prepared the largest collection especially for you. useful materials for registration of LD (Personal Diary). Pictures and drawings are divided into the most popular topics and can be downloaded absolutely free of charge by all visitors to our site.

Popular collection materials:

Sometimes you hear the following phrase: “I want to keep a personal diary, but I don’t know how.” At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) and trust your thoughts to paper (no matter what notebook!). But now we’re not talking about that, but about how to design it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe me personal experience. It’s just that in those years there was not a stunning variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks of 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorations. The most we could do was glue on magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers or chewing gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, many wonderful goods for handicrafts have appeared, so I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, you write with inspiration, you even fall in love with it and... suddenly... stupor. There is no inspiration, no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one “kick” is enough, or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best “kick” is looking at other people’s work. They inspire, help to add zest to... So, let's look together at what ways there are to design a personal diary inside...

To get started, be sure to watch a short video where you will see a lot of ideas for designing a personal diary.


1. Many people prefer the usual, traditional style: they write by hand in solid text, the most they allow themselves is multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why do you need anything else? But let’s say you’re bored of just writing... In this case, any picture that illustrates what you’re writing about will help add some zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photograph, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about a book you like? Cut out a stack of books from a magazine and glue them next to them. Are you writing about how great it was to meet with your friends in a cafe? Or about how, after visiting a doctor, you had to fork out for medicine? Take “material evidence” with you (a receipt, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. And in general, any photo or even the most careless hand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. Why not try your hand at organizing the events that have happened in the form of small ones? Can't draw? But small drawings (maybe even schematic ones) are much easier. Maybe by training day after day you will get better?

3. The same small drawings can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, “what am I striving for” or “plans for this year.”

4. Sometimes, for a change, you can design pages in this way: on special cards different shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that resonate with your mood and thoughts... If there are no such cards, this is not a reason to be discouraged! You can get creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is absolutely no point in throwing them away!

5. On the pages of your diary you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear them, splash them and splash them - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if they are thin enough, then before all watercolor experiments you need to glue them together in two! Then everything will work out neatly.

6. Good helpers The diary will be decorated with colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper or some kind of pictures. The main thing is don’t be afraid to imagine and experiment!

7. This method looks very nice when you write with letters of different shapes and different sizes, as well as in different directions: obliquely, vertically, horizontally. Of course, this is not suitable for recording events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or write down “100 things I love,” then it’s just right.

8. Any personal diary definitely needs pockets for things dear to the heart! For tickets, notes or even small photographs.

9. If you decide to take your personal diary seriously, so that you not only record thoughts and events in it, but also design it by pasting photographs, pictures and others, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will be a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day , an unforgettable moment, etc.

10. If you are not at all afraid of difficulties, then you can start your diary not in a notebook or notepad, but in an old unnecessary (!) book! This process is even more exciting because the imagination in design is simply limitless!

Advice: if you decide to undertake such a feat, then first of all you need to tear out every third page in the book. Otherwise, as your diary fills up, it will swell to obscene sizes. Then, if you are going to dab on paints in the book (preferably acrylic with a little gouache added - then the pages won’t stick together and the letters won’t shine through as much as when using watercolor paints), then be sure to glue all the pages together, two at a time. And then it’s a matter of your imagination! Cover the letters completely or not (as you like?), with multi-colored paints or a little white to write text.

If you have the opportunity to find old book in English or German- this is generally great, because in such a book it is not necessary to cover up the text at all, just paste in photographs, decorations for the text.

I hasten to note that this option already strongly resembles not a personal diary, but the design of a smashbook, and this process has already captured many creatively minded people, but we will talk about this later.

In the meantime, I wish you not to be afraid of anything and, if inspiration comes, get down to designing your personal diary!

Don't know where to start? Take inspiration from this video. The video is a must watch :)


Hi all! Today we will begin a series of articles about ideas for ld - personal diaries!

In this article you will find the following materials:

  • Ideas for ld: design options first page !
  • Ideas for ld: thematic pages — 50 best ideas thematic pages!
  • Ideas for ld: Diary with PASSWORD ! All about how to put a password on your diary!!

And this is only the first part! Here are other articles from this series:

  • : what you need to maintain, design options, secret pages!
  • Pictures for ld - a gigantic collection of picture options for a personal diary
  • Pictures and drawings for sketching - super selection beautiful pictures for step-by-step sketching in a diary!

Ideas for LD: First page

First page ld - this is the face of the entire diary, so it needs to be made as good and beautiful as possible! Typically, elements such as a greeting, whose diary this is, are placed on the first pages, what is it created for and of course special rhymes!

Here is a small selection of the best poems for the first page:

The poems are a little harsh, but how could they be otherwise? 🙂

Example No. 1

Example No. 2

Example No. 3

Example No. 4

Example No. 5

And a couple more interesting videos on the design of the first page for LD:



Ideas for LD: Thematic pages

Thematic pages - an integral part of any diary! Sometimes when decorating you simply don’t have enough imagination to come up with something new, so we have prepared a whole 50 !BEST ideas for LD thematic pages

Classics - pages about the seasons

1. Page about summer (what summer is for me, what I expect from summer, my plans for summer)

2. Page about autumn (similar questions)

3. Winter page

4. About spring

They are best made on the first day of each season.

For example:

For example II:

Thematic pages about holidays: ideas for holidays

5. New Year

6. Chinese New Year(one of the days between January 21 and February 21, in 2016 it was February 9, in 2017 it will be January 28)

8. Maslenitsa (different every year, in 2016 - from March 7 to 13, in 2017 - from February 20 to 26)

10. May Day

11. Victory Day

12. First of September

13. Eighth of March (the same every year, both for Catholics and Orthodox 😀)

14. Valentine's Day

For example:

What I love and what I like the most are my favorites:

16. My favorite food

17. My favorite sweets

18. My favorite drinks

19. My favorite books

20. My favorite poems

21. My favorite city

22. My favorite music tracks

23. My favorite films and cartoons

24. My favorite colors

25. My favorite nail polishes


Pages about yourself, your friends and family: ideas ld

26. 10 facts about yourself

27. My best friend

28. My brother/sister

29. My family - mom, dad

30. My pets

31. My name is the secret of my name

32. My birthday is my birthday


Calendars, schedules, lists:

33. Yearly calendar

34. Lesson schedule for every day

35. Grades for the quarter, semester, year

Example - How to make a mood calendar

Pages about love. Where would we be without her :)

36. What is love?

37. My favorite

38. My love

39. Who I like

Ideas for LD: photo pages with the “formula of love” 😛

Other interesting theme page ideas:

40. Capitals of the world - London, Paris, Istanbul, etc.

41. My desires - what and what I want

42. My name in other languages ​​- for example in Japanese

43. My painting page - there you can practice your painting

44. My rules of life

45. What do I carry with me?

46. ​​The best bloggers (VK, from YouTube)

46. ​​Jokes

47. Riddles

48. My teachers

49. What makes me most nervous

50. Secret page


LD ideas: Password for the diary!

Diary password — this is what everyone has been waiting for a very long time! After all, LD is, first of all, a personal diary, for yourself and your thoughts. What if he catches the eye of someone who doesn’t need him? Horrible to imagine!

How can we put a password on our ld?

Option I

Buy a special notepad with a lock!!

Here's what it looks like:

A large catalog of notebooks and journals with a lock is on this page:

Option II

Is it possible to make a castle on LD - personal diary yourself? Certainly!

You just need to buy a combination lock and close the notepad with it.

Examples of combination locks that you can buy:

Or this:

How can they close the diary?

To do this, you just need to make holes on the pages that you want to encode and insert a lock there!

Here's how it's done:

№1 We take a hole punch and make one hole on the pages that need to be password protected. You can even do it on all pages - but it will take some time.

This is what the hole punch looks like:

Where can I get a hole punch?

  • You can buy it - it’s the cheapest on Aliexpress

Ideas for ld- as you can see, everything is very simple!