Woody Harrelson's New Wheat-Based Paper Will Bring Forests Out of Impact. White straw paper

A tree appears. For this purpose they are used coniferous trees. 10% of the volume of commercial wood production is spent on paper needs. Development computer equipment and the Internet reduces the need for it. But the need for such material is gradually increasing. Exhausted clearings will be renewed in 50 years. When clearing, the forest boundary moves further and further from transport routes.

Destruction of the forest will harm humanity irreparable harm. There is an alternative production method. For this, ordinary straw is used. After the wheat harvest is harvested, there is a lot of it left in the fields.

Material consumption:

  • to produce one ton of paper you need one and a half tons of straw;
  • for making cardboard - two tons.

Sometimes added during the production process small quantity recycled waste paper. Nowadays, Woody Harrelson actively promotes the type of paper based on wheat straw.

Paper is made not only from wood. In China, this material has been made from reed or rice straw for hundreds of years. In Russia, the first attempts to produce such paper date back to 1715.

Actor Woody Harrelson founded a company that produces paper from wheat straw. It promotes the production and use of this environmentally friendly and high-quality type of paper made from wheat straw. Woody Harrelson believes that using straw to make paper can help protect the environment more effectively.

Woody Harrelson with a book on making paper from straw


The technology of using reed is a complex process. First, straw is poured into the box. Straw cannot be used immediately; long stems will damage the processing.

Initial stage

First you need to grind the material. A special device is used, which is a rotating drum. The straw is fed into the pipe, where it is sucked in. After processing, the straw becomes suitable for further processing. 1300 kilograms will be processed into 1 ton of paper. Loading occurs approximately every 15 or 20 minutes. The chopped straw will need to be transferred to the digester where further stages of the process will be carried out.

Cooking processing

The crushed material is transferred to vats containing alkali - caustic soda.

  1. To prepare high-quality paper, it is necessary to soak the straw well with the specified solution. This is done by boiling it. The ability to easily absorb and release moisture plays a significant role. This eliminates the use of powerful presses and intensive cooking processes.
  2. The processed material is drained through holes that are prepared near the end of the cooking hose. The straw at this stage is saturated with moisture and alkali to a degree of 20 - 25 percent.
  3. It is fed into the next cooking chamber. In this case, the processing takes place using hot steam at a temperature of one hundred degrees.

The operator monitors the filling of the tank. For this purpose, there are holes in the tank shell, and various sensors are installed here that allow the operator to quickly respond to the degree of loading of the cooking chamber. There is a special unloading hose at the bottom. Through it, the finished mass is unloaded from the container.


The mass of processed straw enters the pulper.

  1. It is saturated with liquid to a concentration of three percent. In this chamber, the material is washed and prepared for further stages of processing.
  2. The washed and diluted solution is pumped into a buffer pool, which is considered as an intermediate tank. It is specially equipped to ensure constant mixing and prevent possible compaction of the top layer of the solution.

To do this, there is an elevation in the center of the pool, and mixing is carried out using special fans.

The last stage of preparation

The next step is to grind the material.

  1. The device to which the mixture is fed is a primary grinding mill. The material is further de-fibered and crushed.
  2. At this stage, the pre-processing ends and, after drying, it is sent directly to the paper mill. There it is mixed with a small proportion of waste paper and used directly in the paper making process.

Paper making

After final grinding and dilution with water, the solution is sent to the paper machine table, where vibrating meshes are located. There, using vacuum boxes, excess moisture is sucked out and the still wet sheets are cut to the right size. Presses bring the mixture to a fifty percent state, after which drying machines perform the final drying of the paper. The moisture content of sheets of paper does not exceed ten percent.


The straw reserves are huge. Paper and cardboard made in this way are of high quality and environmentally friendly. They can be produced not only from straw, but also based on similar materials:

  • reed;
  • reeds;
  • cattail.

Ukraine is a young state, and the way we often rush into dubious adventurous projects can be explained by growing pains, a desire to prove our maturity and independence to “adult” countries. But sometimes it’s enough to look around carefully to find the keys to solving many problems at arm’s length. Such, for example, as the supply of raw materials to the domestic paper industry

In the absence of a stamp, we write in simple

Having become an independent state in the early 90s of the last century, Ukraine was left with virtually no own newsprint production and with an extremely insignificant production volume printed paper offset type. And this at a time when there was an urgent need to create our own independent information space.

Due to the fact that the local raw material base has always been insignificant, and in Soviet times, powerful pulp mills were created far beyond the borders of Ukraine, closer to raw material resources, local enterprises specialized in the production of so-called low-tonnage types of paper - condenser paper, for lining furniture parts, photosensitive paper, etc. p. Today, with the development of technology, most of them are no longer used. Large-scale paper (newspaper, offset, etc.), the production of which requires significant volumes of primary raw materials, was supplied from other regions of the Union.

In the mid-90s, the Zhidachevsky pulp and paper mill reconstructed and modernized the paper-making machine, which made it possible to establish the production of domestic newsprint. And if at first its quality left much to be desired, then in subsequent years it has undergone significant changes and is now not inferior to Polish-made newsprint. However, the volumes are still insignificant. With an annual demand of about 150 thousand tons, domestic production provides only 35 thousand. The rest has to be purchased abroad.

The situation with offset paper is even more deplorable: with a demand of 90 thousand tons, its annual production does not exceed 15 thousand. Imports still help out. The largest importers of cardboard and paper products to Ukraine are Russia and Finland. Together they provide 50% of the supply of paper and cardboard and products made from them. They are followed in descending order by Poland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Belarus, Lithuania, China and other less significant suppliers.

It should not be forgotten that the industry’s activities are not limited to the production of printing paper. The range of its products is very extensive: there is also writing paper, notebook paper, sanitary paper, wrapping paper, corrugating paper, container cardboard, box paper and many other types of products, the demand for which is constantly growing all over the world, including in Ukraine.

By the way, global production of paper and cardboard increases annually by an average of 3%, which, of course, is the response of manufacturers to the growing demands of consumers. The state of development of the pulp and paper industry is assessed by the globally accepted indicator of consumption of cardboard and paper products per capita. Ukraine managed to overcome the consequences of the economic collapse of the 90s and reach the level that preceded the decline, when annual per capita consumption of paper reached 35 kg. The domestic market for the consumption of cardboard and paper products increased last year to 1 million 586.2 thousand tons - 2.5 times compared to 2000. Our own production amounted to 924.3 thousand tons of paper and cardboard.

Is it a lot or a little? Judge for yourself. If the world average is 65 kg, then in countries Western Europe, in the USA, Canada, Japan, average per capita consumption exceeds 200 kg per year. The USA annually produces 83 million tons of paper and cardboard products, China - 55, Japan - 31, Germany - 21, Canada - 19, Finland - 12, France and Italy - 10 each, in Russia - 7 million tons, of which It follows that Ukraine is at the level of African and Latin American countries. However, with imports of 1577.1 thousand tons, the volume of exports of Ukrainian cardboard and paper products in 2008 amounted to 389.9 thousand tons. It is noteworthy that most of the products of Ukrainian paper and cardboard manufacturers (almost 60%) are supplied to Russia. This is followed by Belarus, Moldova, Germany, Kazakhstan, Romania, the Baltic countries, Asia and others.

It should be emphasized that domestic cardboard and paper enterprises annually export beyond Ukraine over 40% of the total volume of manufactured products worth about $800 million. Isn’t this a direct reason to look for ways to increase our own production capacity in order to reduce dependence on foreign supplies and strengthen your presence as a supplier of your own products to the international market?

Pros and cons of “loose” content

Having lost allied support, the Ukrainian pulp and paper industry found itself in the position of a child, whom soulless adults threw into the depths so that he could learn to swim. But, left without the earth's firmament under her feet, she, to the surprise of many, nevertheless floated out. Today in the country there are about 100 enterprises engaged in the production of cardboard and paper products, while in 1990 there were only 24. And together with processors, traders, scientific, installation and specialized trade organizations their number already exceeds 300.

The industry employs over 30 thousand people. Its enterprises operate 72 cardboard and paper-making machines, more than 70 corrugating units for the production of corrugated cardboard; Almost 50 enterprises have equipment for the production of notebooks and 10 wallpapers. The total installed capacity of cardboard and paper machines is about 1 million tons of paper and cardboard per year.

Since 2000, industry enterprises have ensured an annual increase in output by 10-14%. All of them have been privatized; there is not a single one left whose owner is the state. Reconstruction and modernization of existing technological equipment and the acquisition of new ones are carried out exclusively at the expense of shareholders and borrowed funds from banks.

The production of products for which waste paper is the raw material has received significant development. It accounts for more than 80% of the total raw material volume. By providing consumers with packaging materials, sanitary and hygienic products, etc. using recycled materials, enterprises simultaneously solve pressing problems environmental issues, annually processing up to 800 thousand tons of waste paper accumulated in the country. Moreover, in order to fully utilize production capacity, almost 150 thousand tons of waste paper are still imported from abroad.

Today there are four powerful manufacturers of corrugated cardboard and transport packaging in Ukraine. These are open joint-stock companies “Kiev Cardboard and Paper Mill”, “Rubezhansky Cardboard and Container Mill”, “Zhidachevsky Pulp and Paper Mill” and “Izmail Pulp and Cardboard Mill”. In addition, OJSC "Kyiv KBK" - largest producer paper for sanitary and hygienic purposes, and OJSC “Zhidachevsky Pulp and Paper Mill” is the only manufacturer of newsprint paper in Ukraine. OJSC "Dnepropetrovsk Paper Mill" is the only manufacturer of cellulose paper for printing in the country and one of the leaders in the production of notebooks, OJSC "Koryukovskaya Technical Paper Factory" is a European leader in the production of wallpaper, OJSC "Malinskaya Paper Mill" produces unique species electrical and filter paper and cardboard.

At the same time, the age of many domestic cardboard and paper enterprises has exceeded one hundred years, therefore, technical condition The industry is characterized by depreciation of fixed assets, the performance of which is maintained mainly through restoration, ongoing reconstruction and modernization. In addition, the pulp and paper industry is quite energy-intensive. Every year its enterprises require 400 million cubic meters of natural gas to obtain thermal energy needed in technological processes. That's why special attention there is a focus on the introduction of modern energy-saving technologies and equipment.

With Ukraine’s accession to the WTO, the domestic market for cardboard and paper products opened its doors wide to the import of many types of industry products, primarily wallpaper, tissue paper products, container board and corrugated paper, which, of course, made life difficult for Ukrainian producers. Many enterprises have intensified work on the reconstruction and modernization of existing production facilities. However negative consequences The global financial and economic crisis and the instability of the domestic currency forced the curtailment of many investment projects. Constant current costs for the purchase of imported spare parts, materials, raw materials and chemicals, as well as a sharp increase in the cost of natural gas against the backdrop of the devaluation of the national currency, led to a significant increase in production costs and deterioration financial situation paper mills. To this we must also add the problems of financial lending in commercial banks.

However, it should be especially emphasized: the main problem of the industry has always been and remains the lack of its own raw material base, an acute shortage of cellulose, wood pulp and waste paper. Because of this, Ukrainian pulp and paper industry enterprises produce limited quantity types of paper and cardboard. The production of white grades of paper is completely insignificant and extremely insufficient for the country. For example, we do not produce coated paper or base paper for wallpaper at all, so they enter the consumer market exclusively through imports. The shortage of raw materials is the main limiting factor in increasing production volumes of paper, cardboard and products made from them.

Who are you coming?

Many views on the organization of work of enterprises producing semi-finished raw materials are hopelessly outdated. The time has come for fresh ideas, unconventional solutions, the generator of which was the Association of Ukrainian Pulp and Paper Industry Enterprises “Ukrpapir”, created in 2003 and today uniting 39 largest enterprises. Its executive director, Eduard Litvak, sees a real possibility of building a pulp mill in Ukraine, which should include the production of pulp itself and an enterprise for the production of printed types of paper, primarily offset.

In 2007, says Eduard Leonidovich, the association initiated the development of a strategic program for the development of the pulp and paper industry and the market for cardboard and paper products for the period until 2020. The well-known Finnish consulting company Poyry, which prepares such programs for many countries, including Russia, Poland, Germany. The company has accumulated significant experience in this area, and the purpose of involving Poyry in the development of a strategic program for Ukraine was to prepare a document that would be understandable to a foreign investor, in other words, would be executed in a European format. We did not use a single penny of government funds to develop the program: financing was provided by enterprises - members of the association and from funds raised from investors.

Finnish developers completed the task by the beginning of 2008, and in at the moment This document is reflected in the Concept for the development of the pulp and paper industry of Ukraine for the period until 2020, which the Ukrpaper Association is developing jointly with the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine. The main directions of industry development will be the creation of new modern production cardboard and paper products in order to saturate the domestic market with domestically produced printed types of paper, that is, reducing dependence on imports; increasing the specific consumption of cardboard and paper products to the European level; creation of own raw material base for enterprises; development of the export potential of the pulp and paper industry of Ukraine; improving the quality and competitiveness of domestic products and, of course, creating new jobs.

The executive director of the association is confident that, despite all the financial and economic problems, work on developing the concept together with the Ministry of Industrial Policy will be completed this year, and the document will be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval.

Benya Krik was all wrong

In one of Isaac Babel’s “Odessa Stories,” his hero Benya Krik says: “While we are young, we think of women as a commodity. And this is straw that burns out of nothing!”

There is no doubt that the King of Moldavian had great experience communication with the female sex. But he knew nothing about straw, which not only burns, but under certain conditions is capable, according to the poet’s apt observation, “to play a decisive role in fate.” And these are the conditions in which the Ukrainian pulp and paper industry exists.

In the global pulp and paper industry, the main raw material for the production of paper and cardboard is wood pulp. But for countries that do not have sufficient reserves (and Ukraine is one of them), the relevance of the production of fibrous semi-finished products from non-wood plant raw materials, in particular from the straw of cereal crops, is increasing. So far, domestic enterprises use imported cellulose and waste paper to produce paper and cardboard. But the high cost of the first and the tendency for the quality of the second to deteriorate require the creation of the production of their own fiber base for pulp and paper industry enterprises.

Actually, the idea of ​​using straw to produce paper and cardboard is not new. It is successfully implemented in many countries: Spain, France, Great Britain, and the USA. Not to mention China, where almost a third of pulp products are made from rice straw. By the way, they don’t disdain wheat there either.

Why - by the way? Yes, because in Ukraine the reserves of wheat straw are truly inexhaustible. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, up to 20 million tons accumulate annually. It is partially used as roughage and bedding for livestock, partially crushed and scattered on fields, followed by plowing. But up to 20% of cereal straw remains wasted. “It’s burning out of nothing!”, as Benya Krik would say. The use of these residues would make it possible to obtain, depending on the technology chosen, from 1 to 3 million tons of fibrous semi-finished products for use in the composition various types paper and cardboard.

Dividing this number by 46 million Ukrainians, we get an increase of 20 to 65 kg to the current average per capita consumption (35 kg). And this is already the world average. A further increase in the use of straw will make it possible to reach the average European level of consumption of cardboard and paper products.

IN lately vegetable raw materials from annual plants are attracting increasing attention from specialists in the pulp and paper industry. This is due to the availability and low cost of such raw materials, which are used for agriculture production waste, improving methods for harvesting, storing and transporting straw, as well as developing new resource-saving and more environmentally friendly methods for producing fibrous semi-finished products.

The use of wheat straw, as well as other cereal crops, will partially replace imported wood pulp and significantly reduce production energy costs. Therefore, foreign and domestic experts, along with deep chemical processing of wood, based the creation of their own raw material base for enterprises in the industry on the use of annual plants, that is, straw, reflecting this in the strategic program and concept for the development of the industry until 2020.

I remember that in the early and mid-90s of the last century, when they first felt an acute paper shortage, Ukrainian publishers, and not only them, raised the issue of establishing their own paper production using straw. But then, in the conditions of the collapse of the economy, it was more like a fairy tale about the Straw Bull. How realistic is this now? Do relevant scientific developments exist in the country, are economic feasibility studies carried out, and if so, at what stage are they now? After all, without this, all our strategic programs and concepts will remain at the level of Mr. Manilov’s intentions to dig a pond and build a fairy-tale park around it.

It turns out that they exist, moreover, they are waiting in the wings. The Department of Ecology and Technology of Plant Polymers of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” has been working in this direction for several decades.

This is what Valery Barabash, deputy vice-rector of NTUU “KPI” for scientific work, associate professor of the department of ecology and technology of plant polymers, told the ZN correspondent.

One third of any plant material consists of lignin, which binds fibers. Soft and flexible paper can only be obtained if the lignin is completely removed. This is done in a process called delignification of raw materials. Around the world, the main delignification method in the production of cellulose is sulfate. But it was and remains in the pulp and paper industry the main source of environmental pollution with toxic sulfur- and chlorine-containing substances: mercaptans, dioxins and furans.

The sulfite method for producing cellulose is the second most widely used method and is more environmentally friendly. However, he doesn't find wide application to obtain fibrous semi-finished products, which is due to the specific structure and chemical composition of cereal straw.

Along with these methods, the world pulp and paper industry uses other delignification methods for the production of fibrous semi-finished products from straw: soda, neutral-sulfite, organosolv, acid-base. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the requirements for the quality of fibrous semi-finished products, economic and environmental indicators. Therefore, for many years we have been working on cleaner technologies for the production of semi-finished fibrous products in general and cellulose in particular. One of the most promising areas in this regard is, of course, organosolv methods, which, along with the possibility of obtaining cellulose with a higher yield of fibrous semi-finished products (55-70% of absolutely dry raw materials), make it possible to solve environmental problems industry.

We have developed and patented a number of modifications of organosolv methods, in which the delignification process takes place in an organic environment more gently, with minimal environmental pollution and a high yield of the final product. If this technology is introduced, for example, at the Zhidachevsky Pulp and Paper Mill, then with their productivity economic effect would be about 10 million dollars per year.

Our other developments are also protected by patents. Thus, the “Method for producing semi-finished fibrous products” makes it possible to produce straw mass of the chemical-thermomechanical type, which can be used in the composition of most packaging types of paper and cardboard. “Method for producing soda straw semi-cellulose” simplifies the technological process of producing fibrous semi-finished products by eliminating the causticization stage, which allows reducing production costs and reducing the environmental load on the environment.

Researchers of the department have shown that straw fibrous semi-finished products, despite their low initial whiteness, are well bleached with hydrogen peroxide in one or several stages at a consumption of this compound of 1-5% by weight of absolutely dry fiber. The possibility of using straw fibrous semi-finished products obtained in various ways delignification, in the composition of different types of cardboard and paper products: container board, cardboard for flat layers of corrugated cardboard, corrugated paper, writing paper, etc.

Is the game worth the candle?

Experts are unanimous in their opinion: market conditions are very favorable for investing in the production of cardboard and paper products. But this must be quite a large amount of money, since each ton of such products requires an investment of about 1.5 thousand euros. In other words, a factory with a capacity of 200 thousand tons of paper and cardboard per year will cost approximately 450 million euros. However, interest in creating new businesses is growing even now. A paper mill is being built in Kharkov, equipment has already been purchased for a new factory in Slavuta, Khmelnitsky region, and production at the Dnepropetrovsk paper mill has been significantly expanded as a result of the installation of a new paper-making machine. The industry is developing and has prospects.

As for the raw material base, a plant for the production of cellulose from wood pulp in terms of capital investment significantly exceeds the construction of a plant for chemical-thermomechanical pulp or cellulose from annual plants. The technology here is simpler, but it also has its problems. Wood harvesting, for example, is carried out year-round, while straw seasonal product. Therefore, in order for the enterprise to operate throughout the year, it is necessary to create its reserves. Transporting straw over long distances is unprofitable, so existing enterprises of this type in Spain, China or Vietnam tend to have small capacity and specialize in the production of either cellulose or chemical-thermo-mechanical pulp. Cellulose from this raw material is used for high-quality printed types of paper, including money. Based on this, the economic feasibility of building an enterprise is determined.

Considering that there is practically no production of semi-finished products for the industry in Ukraine, creating an enterprise based on annual plants will be a uniquely effective solution.

Specialists from NTUU "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" and their colleagues from the Association of Ukrainian Pulp and Paper Industry Enterprises "Ukrpapir" believe that such an enterprise should be located near a sufficiently powerful source of water, have extensive energy and transport networks, collect, transport and store raw materials mechanized, with minimal material and labor costs. The amount of raw materials must be sufficient to ensure uninterrupted operation throughout the year. It is desirable that the raw materials have a homogeneous anatomical and morphological structure and constant chemical composition. Technological processing modes must most fully meet the specific characteristics of raw materials and ensure high technical and economic indicators.

Production costs for obtaining a ton of straw fibrous semi-finished products, depending on the quality characteristics of the final product, will range from 30 to 60 cubic meters of water, from 2 to 4 Gcal of steam and from 300 to 500 kWh of electricity.

The experience of European countries shows that the most optimal production of straw fiber semi-finished products is with a capacity of 10-20 thousand tons per year with a raw material delivery radius of up to 200 kilometers. According to calculations by specialists from the Ukrpapir association, the estimated cost of building an enterprise for the production of such semi-finished products will be 60-100 million dollars, and the payback period at 15 percent profitability will be five to seven years. At the same time, the cost of building an enterprise for the production of pulp from wood with an annual productivity of 300 thousand tons will be 500-800 million dollars.

Preliminary calculations indicate that when introducing the production of fibrous semi-finished products from non-wood plant raw materials using technologies developed at NTUU "KPI", the estimated cost, for example, of organosolv cellulose from wheat straw will be about $500 per ton, while the cost of a ton of bleached sulfate hardwood foreign-made cellulose - at least $700.

So, let's summarize. There is more than enough straw in Ukraine, especially in the Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kharkov regions, and its use in the pulp and paper industry can bring the country to the European level in the consumption of cardboard and paper products, significantly reducing dependence on imports. The undoubted advantages of this product are the annual replenishment of the resource, unlike forests, the restoration of which takes many years, as well as its low cost compared to wood and a positive environmental effect.

And, of course, the use of straw in the pulp and paper industry will save forest resources, the use of which has long exceeded all reasonable limits, to transfer this secondary product of agricultural production, a significant part of which goes to waste, into the category of “goods”, willingly purchased from agricultural producers. Issues with water, steam and electricity are also quite solvable; this is not metallurgy.

The problem of money remains, but there are already interested investors. As for the current unfavorable economic situation, crises come and go, but needs are eternal and constantly growing. And this is precisely the case when it is worth mobilizing opportunities to satisfy needs.


With the first spring flood and until the end of navigation, hundreds of thousands and millions of trees, cut down in forests and tied into rafts, are melted along large and small rivers. A considerable part of them is sent to paper mills and pulp and paper mills. The so-called balance - straight, without knots, slender spruce of a certain thickness and length - is delivered here by rivers and railways.

Currently, the raw material for the pulp and paper industry is mainly coniferous wood. 10% of industrial wood harvested by the USSR Ministry of Forestry Industry is processed into pulp, paper and cardboard.

Every year more and more are produced more paper. And yet we miss her. Who hasn't felt frustrated when a quickly sold out favorite magazine wasn't available at the newsstand? How nice it would be to always receive bread wrapped in thin paper at the bakery!

The demand for paper is increasing faster than the growth of spruce in the forests. Our country is very rich in forests: we have one third of all the world's green areas. But already now in the European part of the Soviet Union, where paper mills and pulp and paper mills are mainly concentrated, the annual consumption of wood exceeds the natural growth of forests. And in the vast expanses of the south of the USSR there are no or almost no forests. Wood has to be brought here from afar. Long journey Paper, produced primarily in forested areas, is also transported by rail.

But in the same southern treeless expanses there are huge, annually reproducible reserves of raw materials suitable for the production of paper and cardboard.

In fact, is it really necessary to spend only wood on the production of paper, which is so necessary for construction and for other economic needs? In addition, cutting areas with timber reserves are gradually moving further and further from railways and waterways, which leads to higher prices for products. And cut down logging areas are renewed only after 50-100 years.

It has long been known that in China, which is not rich in forests, paper has been made for many centuries from rice straw, bamboo, reeds, and shrubs. Nowadays, for example, in France, not only coniferous wood, but also annual plants are used as raw materials for paper and cardboard.

The history of the Russian paper industry also knows examples of the use of such raw materials. In one of the chronological indexes of the most important Russian inventions and improvements in paper production We find that back in 1714, straw was used as a raw material at the Bogoroditsky paper mill and the Krasnoselskaya paper mill. It is also known that in 1861, at the St. Petersburg Industrial Exhibition, samples of white paper and cardboard made from straw were presented. In 1870, the Nevskaya Factory organized a straw-cellulose plant, and two years later, paper was made from sedge at the Malinskaya Paper Factory. In those same years, the Odessa and Kherson factories successfully produced paper from the reeds that grew in abundance here. In the book depositories of old libraries you can find No. 107 of the Odessa Journal for 1872, printed on reed paper.

The reserves of non-timber raw materials in the Soviet Union are incalculable. The area occupied by various reeds is about 5 million hectares. In the south of Ukraine alone, in the floodplains of the Dnieper, Southern Bug, Dniester and Danube, the annual resources of reed, cattail and reed amount to more than 400 thousand tons, of which only 50-60 thousand tons are currently used for various economic purposes. More great resources of these plants in the Volga delta, where they reach 2 million tons, and in Kazakhstan -14 million tons.

It's time to put these resources to work for the pulp and paper industry. They will make it possible to obtain additional hundreds of thousands of tons of printed paper and cardboard.

Two tons of reed can be used to make a ton of cardboard. Therefore, only from reed beds Astrakhan region and Kazakhstan, hundreds of thousands of tons of cardboard can be produced annually.

Cardboard - most valuable material. It is widely used in industry, construction, and at home. There are about 100 types of cardboard. In many cases, it successfully replaces and even surpasses wooden packaging in its qualities. In national economic terms, this is not a trifle at all. Suffice it to say that in 1955 we produced about 650 million wooden boxes for packaging, for which approximately 16 million cubic meters were consumed. m of business forest. Even recycling this wood into cardboard would yield significantly more packaging materials. After all, only about 40 packaging boxes are made from one cubic meter of wood. And if this wood is turned into cardboard, then it will make 200 boxes of the same capacity, quite strong and lighter. It is even more profitable to obtain cardboard containers from reed and straw.

It's time to put an end to the unjustified waste of our forest resources.

The directives of the XX Congress of the CPSU, providing for an increase in the production of printing paper by approximately 60%, newspaper by 51% and cardboard in the sixth five-year plan by 2.8 times, directly indicate the need to “build new pulp mills and cardboard factories based on the use of reeds.”

The paper industry has been slow and timid in pursuing new opportunities to increase paper and board output.

True, the Ministry of Paper and Woodworking Industry plans to build two factories in Ukraine for the production of bleached cellulose from reed and two cardboard mills: one in the Astrakhan region, the other in Kazakhstan. But this is a drop in the bucket. Apparently, the ministry's leaders prefer to follow the beaten path of using precious wood, not wanting to bother themselves with finding new ways to process cheaper materials. At the same time, many experts argue that the production of cellulose from reed and straw is technologically simpler, and its quality is no worse than from wood.

The production of paper and cardboard can be expanded on a wide scale: in virgin regions - from straw; in the southern regions of Ukraine and the North Caucasus - from straw and reed vegetation; in rice-growing areas - from rice straw; in the middle and central zone - from straw, potato tops, flax and hemp fires, pine needles, bark and other plant waste.

To do this, it is not always necessary to build huge plants, such as Kamsky and Balakhninsky. Small pulp mills and pulp and cardboard mills will be fully supplied with local raw materials.

Reed, straw - wide road to pulp, paper and cardboard mills!










The need for cardboard packaging is gradually increasing.
Now our team knows how to produce cardboard without harming our planet, since straw supplies are endless. Paper and cardboard made in this way are of high quality and environmentally friendly. Within 5-10 years, in Russia this production method will be the main direction in the pulp and paper industry industry. No deforestation, no pollution of rivers with chemicals, all this will be a thing of the past!

Current Status

Pre-investment stage. There is a site for the implementation of the project. In 2017, innovative technology was tested by our team at Karton-Yug LLC, Novocherkassk.


The project plans to produce products using
consistently high demand not only in a particular region or federal district, but also in Russia as a whole. The company adequately evaluates its products in terms of
consumer qualities and prices for these products. The balance of these parameters ensures stable demand and successful competition. The planned price difference with competitors is at least 10-12%, and this is a significant indicator for wholesale buyers. The main contractors of the planned plant will be corrugated enterprises producing corrugated cardboard, enterprises producing roofing materials based on roofing cardboard.

Problem or Opportunity

The demand for corrugated packaging in the Russian market is influenced by both
consumer market and industrial sectors. Increase
consumer spending due to growth in real disposable income
population, of course, has a positive effect on retail trade, while
increasing trade volumes require more and more packaging throughout the chain
supplies. Increase in retail trade volumes in the country over the past seven years
explains the rapid growth dynamics of corrugated packaging production by
in relation to production volumes of manufacturing products.
Introduction of restrictions on the import of agricultural products from Europe and
North America turned out to be beneficial for Russian food manufacturers
food, beverages and tobacco, which have benefited from reduced competition from
import side. Some local production was focused on
import substitution, which contributed to an increase in workload
industrial enterprises (mainly companies food industry) and creation
additional domestic demand for corrugated packaging in 2018.

Solution (Product or Service)

The production plan involves the production of two main types of cardboard: packaging and roofing. Versatility of production is one of the advantages of this project. Recycled packaging cardboard for smooth layers of corrugated packaging is a raw material
the buyer of which is the manufacturer of packaging products. So
Thus, the Company, by launching a cardboard production project, enters the b2b sector,
understanding and taking into account all the features of working in this market.
The target sales figure for cardboard is 21,000 tons per year. These are very significant volumes, and even despite the gradual withdrawal of production to this volume, it is necessary to be prepared for competition.
Technical cardboard is a raw material for which consumers have two main
 Price
 Consistency of quality corresponding to the price.
Price will be the main tool for promoting products.
Because the business idea of ​​cardboard production is based on the desire to reduce costs as much as possible finished products By optimally using energy resources and secondary raw materials, the Company has the opportunity to enter the market at an unprecedentedly low price and at the same time maintain a relatively high sales margin.


The project initiator company thoroughly analyzed the main trends in the cardboard consumer market. The basis of a possible summary as a result of this analysis could be the following statements:
1. Domestic cardboard consumer market in recent years, despite the crisis, shows confident and significant growth.
2. The increase in demand for cardboard is due to an increase in demand from corrugated packaging manufacturers, and it is these enterprises that are potential partners of the project - buyers of finished products planned for production - cardboard for smooth layers of corrugated packaging.
3. The constant increase in the cost of secondary raw materials, namely waste paper, also indicates the presence of demand for cardboard and, in part, a certain shortage of waste cardboard.
4. Using only waste paper as a raw material for cardboard production can be a very risky decision, since high specific gravity waste paper in the cost price and its price can significantly affect the marginality of cardboard, its selling prices and the planned, very high and ambitious dynamics of reaching planned production and sales volumes.
Nicole-Pack, Novoulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk region. The factory is focused on the production of cardboard sleeves for winding rolled materials. The factory was put into operation in October 2011. The design capacity is 3,000 tons of products per year with an increase in productivity to 6,000 tons. The volume of production and sales of the factory is steadily growing: its territorial location has made it possible to expand the geography of sales and reduce the costs of our clients for transporting products.
"Nicol-Pack Nizhny Novgorod", Nizhny Novgorod region
Based on a cardboard and roofing felt plant, Nikol-Pak g.
Nizhny Novgorod" after the reconstruction of KDM, which began in December 2011, began production of box and sleeve cardboard in May 2012. Design production capacity −20,000 tons per year; in 2016 it was planned to increase the indicators to 24,000 tons of finished products per year.
Limited Liability Company "KARTONPRO", Nizhny
Novgorod. KartonPro LLC is engaged in wholesale supplies and comprehensive supply of paper products and packaging to enterprises in various fields of activity: printing, pharmaceutical, industrial, furniture, food, etc. The range of main products includes paper, cardboard,
corrugated cardboard, roofing felt. There are no competitors in the Tyumen Region (where the plant is planned to be located and operate).

Benefits or differentiators

The main material for producing cellulose is wood. Coniferous trees are used for this. 30% of the volume of commercial wood production is spent on the production of cardboard packaging. The need for this material is gradually increasing. Depleted forest clearings will renew themselves in 50 years at best. When clearing, the forest boundary moves further and further from transport routes.
Destruction of forests causes irreparable harm to humanity. To produce 1 ton of cardboard, on average, 7 trees are processed. This is a terrifying statistic. However, there is an alternative production method, which has been actively popularized in the West since 2015 (for example, Actor Woody Harrelson, an ardent defender of forests in the USA and Canada, invested in organizing the production of office paper from straw). For this purpose, ordinary straw (cereal straw) is used. After the wheat harvest is harvested, a lot of straw remains in the fields; many agricultural enterprises completely dispose of it by burning it.
1.2 tons of straw is enough to produce one ton of paper;
for the production of cardboard 1.3 tons.
Our organization, having studied a huge amount of literature, in consultation with foreign technologists of this type of production, conducted closed trial tests in 2017, producing 1 ton of cardboard from straw on the basis of the Novocherkassk Cardboard Plant (Carton-Yug), the indicators are simply stunning (given that the cost straw cardboard will not exceed 6-6.5 thousand rubles per ton). Now we know how to produce cardboard without harming our planet, since the supply of straw is endless. Paper and cardboard made in this way are of high quality and environmentally friendly. We are confident that within 5-10 years, in Russia this production method will be the main direction in the pulp and paper industry. No deforestation, no pollution of rivers with chemicals, all this will be a thing of the past! This technology in Russia it is not yet used anywhere.


Planned monthly revenue 52,500,000 rubles
Planned gross profit per month 39,013,539 rubles
Planned net profit per month 27,250,000 rubles
Discount rate 10.00%
Payback period 8.6 months
Project profitability 22%
Net present value per year 327,000,000 rubles

Purpose of investment

Equipment for paper production (stock preparation, paper making machine, cutting machine)
44 000 000
Generator (with cogeneration system)
18 000 000
Circulating water purification system
12 000 000
Fire extinguishing system
2 000 000
Room ventilation systems with catalysts
1 200 000
Equipment for packaging finished products
380 000
Laboratory equipment for quality control of raw materials and products (QC)
600 000
Drilling a well and organizing water disposal
200 000
Purchase and installation of girder cranes in production premises
450 000
Purchasing and setting up automated control systems
700 000
KamAZ truck tractor
2 800 000
700 000
800 000
Purchase of construction tools for installation work and production process
500 000
Other expenses of the investment stage (costs of obtaining permits, unforeseen expenses)
500 000
84 830 000
Also 8,170,000 rub. to replenish working capital.

Offer to investor

We will announce the proposal for interested investors at a meeting during the negotiation process.


The equipment provided for by the project must, at the request of the Project Initiator, be capable of producing a wide range of cardboard at relatively high productivity: in a wide range of grammage (i.e. density and, accordingly, weight) using mass prepared from different raw materials. This unification allows us to significantly eliminate the risks associated with a drop in demand and prices for a particular type of cardboard. The possibility of using straw and sawdust together or as a replacement for waste paper is a step in the same direction: reducing the cost of cardboard and roofing felt. The successful implementation of this plan will reduce the risks associated with rising prices or shortages of raw materials for production.
Overall, future production looks balanced, the main cost items are taken into account, and the estimated cost of production allows us to be optimistic about the sales plan and planned revenue and gross profit.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that all paper is made from wood, but in fact this was not always the case...

Making paper from wood is a relatively recent invention. For example, in North America, paper was made almost exclusively from recycled linen and rags until 1850.

And for example, banknotes, dollars, were made from linen (25 percent) and cotton (75 percent). The resulting paper is rough and velvety, elastic and durable, neutral in color, interspersed with tiny synthetic fibers (red and blue hairs). Rumor has it that hemp fibers are also used to produce this paper, which is why the dollar is so elastic and wrinkle-resistant. However, the official .

The powerful turn of laws in the era of industrialization introduced tax benefits and favorable freight rates in the late 1800s, it was a development that firmly established wood as the primary material for paper. These incentives remain relevant to this day and are for the most part our dependence on disappearing forests for our paper needs.

During World War II until 1960, there were 25 mills in the United States that still produced paper from wheat straw.

More than 20% of the paper produced in India and China is made from wheat and rice straw and cane bagasse. (the stalks of the leftover sugar cane are crushed to extract their juice, and then the fibers are used).

Globally, 8% of all paper products are made from agricultural waste.

Every year, millions of tons of agricultural residues from wheat and flax straw remain unused while paper production continues to accelerate. According to various estimates, this leads to the cutting down of about 830 million trees every year in the United States alone.

6 interesting and amazing facts about paper production

1. To produce 1 ton of paper, 98 tons of other resources are used;
2. When producing 1 ton of paper, as much electricity is used as is needed to produce 1 ton of steel;
3. Deforestation leads to more climate change than the harmful emissions of all the cars in the world;
4.45% of all copies printed are thrown away by the end of the day;
5. Each resident of North America and Europe consumes 200 kg of paper annually, while Africans consume only 6.5 kilograms.
6.No one in the world recycles toilet paper.

What is paper made from?

Now at different countries companies are appearing that are actively starting to produce environmentally friendly paper that leaves minimal carbon footprint. USA base already has more than 500 manufacturers

One of these companies was Nature's Paper, which began to use wheat straw, which remains after the grain harvest, to produce office paper. Usually this straw is fed to livestock or left on the fields without any use other than as fertilizer.

Nature's Paper collects straw and processes it into paper pulp. But not only the final product is provided by straw, but the heating of water for production is also produced by organic fuel made from straw.

Office paper made from this material has a yellowish color, so sodium salts and chlorine are used to bleach it. The quality of bleached paper is absolutely no different from wood paper. If you think about it, how much waste paper is constantly thrown away along with food

The company sets an example exclusively careful attitude to nature and maximalism in the use of agricultural products. This idea is for thought and development of similar thoughts in the minds of future entrepreneurs and inventors.

Another company, New Leaf Paper, makes paper from banana and palm fibers. All paper produced at this enterprise has nothing to do with trees. It is ordered for printing books

Ecopaper produces paper from anything but wood. Paper from banana, mango, coffee plantations. It is made from the leaves and stems of these plants remaining after harvesting. Previously, they were simply thrown away, but now they make excellent paper. No chlorine is used in the production of this paper. The production of hemp paper has also been mastered there. Paper made from sugarcane cake is ideally white, suitable for use in office equipment.

The Poopoopaper company has mastered the technology of producing paper from… elephant dung!

The manure is first dried, then boiled, thoroughly washed and used for paper production. No, the paper does not smell of anything and does not look different from ordinary paper!
Production has been put on stream, paper is sold in 16 countries around the world.