How to become an organized person in life. How to be collected

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So, how to become organized in a world of chaos, constant haste and disorder? In fact, organized people are not born organized people. They must develop healthy habits, which then help them stay organized. Here are the top ten habits they use to keep their lives in order.

1. Where to start to get organized - write it down

We all know someone who remembers every birthday and sends cards for every holiday. It's not magic and they don't use memorization. Trying to remember things won't help you get organized. You must write everything down.

Pen and paper is our way of externally remembering things, and it's much more permanent. You can also use a computer or smartphone. You're only making your life even more difficult by trying to contain important dates and reminders in your head.

Write down everything: shopping lists, holiday gifts, home decor, and important dates like appointments and birthdays.

  • As an experiment, try writing down people's names shortly after meeting them (when they aren't looking). You can bet you'll remember a lot more names this way.

2. Create a schedule and deadlines.

Organized people don't waste time. They recognize that staying organized goes hand in hand with staying productive. They create and save daily and weekly schedules. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they stick to them! Likewise, by living a cluttered lifestyle, you won't have the time or space to make your deadlines or achieve your goals.

  • As an experiment, write down the things you want to achieve this year or in your life. Then write down what you need to do to achieve them.

3. Don't delay

The longer you wait to do something, the harder it will be to do it. If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then get organized as much as you can. By putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible, you will take the pressure off of having to do something later.

  • As an experiment, think of one thing you should organize in your life. Write it down. Then write down when you can do it and what you need to do. If you can do it right now, then do it!

4. Keep your home tidy

Keeping your life organized means keeping your things in their place. Organized people stay organized by storing things properly and labeling storage spaces.
Provide convenient storage spaces for the things you use all the time and don't let your storage units get cluttered. Be creative in finding places for things. Also, never label storage space as “miscellaneous.”

  • As an experiment, choose one area in your home where you can reorganize. If there are scattered items, group them together. Once you have sorted everything, find or make a “home” for similar items, label them all “homes” and place them in the right places. For example, a holder for your pens and pencils should be in an easily accessible location, but rarely used craft supplies can be stored away.

5. Regulate

Find time each week to get organized. Highly organized people believe that they will find time every week or more to organize things. Things do not organize themselves; they need to be reorganized continuously and consistently.

  • As an experiment, look through your schedule and find time to organize, then do it.

6. Keep only what you need

More stuff means more clutter. People who live organized lives only keep what they need and what they really want. Having less stuff also means you like certain things more and you can make better use of what you have instead of letting half of what you have collect dust.

Have you ever felt like you don't have room to store everything you have? Instead of buying a bigger house, get rid of some things.

  • As an experiment, write down the number of things you think you really need. Then write a list of all the things you have. If the number of things you actually own exceeds your list of ideal needs, then it's time to get rid of the excess.

7. Get rid of unnecessary things

Do your best to get rid of everything. Less stuff means less clutter. Donate to charity shops or sell through websites. Find a way and place to get rid of unnecessary things.

  • As an experiment, choose one place in your home to clean. Go through the shelves, drawers and boxes. Anything you find that you don't need, put it aside. Make a bunch of things that you might save; a bunch that you'll look through later, and a bunch of stuff that you need to get rid of now. Then find a way to get those things out the door immediately.

8. Stay away from shopping

You got rid of what you don't need. Will you replace them when you see something on sale? Instead of shopping without planning ahead, write down what you need and buy only those items. Organized people don't give in. More things will create more clutter.

  • As an experiment, go to shopping mall without money. Just look at all the things they sell there. If you don't find anything, it means you don't need any of it. If you have made a list, save the list somewhere and look at it in a few days. If you still want it, then it's safe to buy.

9. Delegate responsibilities

Really organized life not overwhelmed with responsibilities, meetings and deadlines. In fact, there are fewer of them because the things that create stress have been slowly organized.

  • As an experiment, review or make a to-do list. Go to your list and find one task that you can remove from your list or assign to someone else. You will feel the stress disappear from it.

10. Work hard

Put in a little effort. Put in a lot of effort if necessary. Once you delegate responsibilities and create a schedule, you can organize what you need to do and when you can do it.

Staying organized is not easy. It requires you to work hard with the knowledge that when you work harder, you can enjoy your idleness home life Later.

  • As an experiment, work harder when you feel like you're giving up today.

Hello, my dear readers! Today I want to talk about organization, but not of space, but of the person himself. Why don’t we have time, why don’t we complete our goals, why do we jump from place to place in search of answers to questions. There is only one answer - disorganization.

What is the reason for personal failures?

Look at yours workplace, no matter where it is, at home or in the office. Is there constant order there? If you have a notebook? Do you always wish your loved ones and friends a happy birthday? If you answered NO to all the questions, then you need to change something urgently!

Lack of organization in most cases is the cause of many failures in life. Such people are often subject to stress, panic, grasping at one thing, then another, then one thought, then another, sometimes a mess forms in their heads. It, in turn, does not allow a person to develop, set goals, and achieve them. For example, I have not seen a single successful person who was disorganized.

How to achieve success in your career, in relationships with loved ones, in creativity? There is only one answer - to become an organized person, self-confident, clearly understand what you want from life, know your capabilities and improve yourself. People who are disorganized for the most part live their lives, and because of the failures that overtook them, they give up.

Yes, life sometimes throws up surprises, knocks us off our feet, and turns our minds upside down. But you don't need to think about it all the time. Make sure that you have prospects and a desire to achieve new goals in the future. Sometimes it happens that a minute plays a huge role, and missing it costs a lot.

To manage everything, to be successful, to develop in many areas of life, to think positively, you must be an organized person. The rhythm of life today is not the easiest. Home, work, family, everything takes time. Not everyone is able to withstand such a cycle without worries, stress and frustration. But you can minimize failures by organizing your thinking and consciousness.

Once upon a time, as a teenager, I had no idea what lay ahead of me. I won’t say that my life is hard, but sometimes I gave up, got lost in my thoughts, and felt disappointed that nothing was working out for me. And all because I didn’t know where to go next, where to start, how to bring my ideas to life. But everything is really simple - you need to be able to be collected, attentive and confident. Now I will tell you how I put my thoughts and affairs in order.

The tips apply to every area of ​​life, be it work, family, hobbies, and so on. If you implement even a small part of them, the result will be positive.

How to become an organized person

The first thing to do is . What do you want to achieve, what results will suit you. Write everything down clearly and clearly, no confusion. Only realistic goals in all areas. For example, I had this:

  • in the house - make repairs
  • money - earn more
  • family - spend more time
  • health - eat right
  • and stuff like that

The more final tasks you have, the faster and easier you will implement them. Now we divide each task into subtasks. Make a list of things to do that will help you achieve each of these goals. For example:

  • make repairs: decide on the interior, calculate the cost of materials and work, find or allocate money, and so on
  • start eating right: study literature, find recipes, gradually introduce healthy foods into your diet

Everything is quite simple, isn't it?

The second step I took on the path to organization was to start manage your time. I wrote about how to plan your day. Use calendars more often, such as a time management tool, compose, mark important dates and events. To keep your thoughts in order, start notebook. Write down there what will be useful to you in the future in order to keep up with everything and not forget anything. The problems of many people lie in the inability to use their time wisely and rationally. And this deprives a person of many opportunities. A personal organizer should become your keeper of your most intimate things: your thoughts, tasks, secrets of success.

And the third step to success and organization is. The order of the space that surrounds you. Don’t accumulate junk at home, get rid of unnecessary things in a timely manner. Organize the storage of documents, work area, clothes, shoes, kitchen utensils and so on. You don’t have to use expensive organizers and invest a lot of money. It’s quite simple - just throw away what you won’t need in the future, what you haven’t used for a long time. Decluttering your home and workspace will give you relief, trust me, it's no joke. I wrote about how to get rid of junk and put everything that surrounds you in order.

That's all for today, I wrote this article in one go. I didn’t even understand how it happened. I really hope that you will learn for yourself useful information and use my tips on how to become an organized person. Share your secrets, how you manage everything, how you achieve your goals and achieve success. It's very interesting to listen to other people's experiences. Thank you for your attention. See you soon, bye, bye!

Often, inattention and lack of concentration bring many problems. After all, it takes disorganized people a lot of time to complete a job or task, and they make mistakes more often. To avoid awkward situations, you should control yourself and be able to concentrate on the main thing. Below you can find out how to become collected and organized.

How to become more organized

Quite a lot of people suffer from inattention and absent-mindedness, but this can be corrected, just take control of yourself and try to do the work as carefully as possible.


You can become more collected and attentive by performing various exercises that develop these skills. You can start with the simplest thing. Light a candle and look at it continuously for 15 minutes. At this time, your thoughts should be focused only on the flame, center them, because often they run away in a completely different direction. At first you will not succeed, but after a few weeks you will be able to boast of small results.

You can also take a book, open it to any page and try to find all the letters “a” or “d”. Do this exercise daily, and you will soon notice that you have become more attentive.


To become collected, you should plan your work day. Get yourself a diary in which you write down everything you do for the day, week, month. Check your notes every day and try to stay within the allotted time.

Daily regime

Often the cause of inattention and lack of concentration is fatigue and lack of sleep. Try to structure your daily routine in such a way that you go to bed and get up at the same time. In addition, you should do exercises daily. You yourself will notice how you become more collected and energetic.

If you constantly want to sleep, good decision will do yoga. So, you will solve several problems at once. This practice will allow you to become more energetic person and will also teach you to concentrate. The main thing is to attend classes regularly and listen to your trainer, or better yet, explain to him in advance what you expect from yoga.

Everyone wants to be organized. We're sure you want it too. Often, if not every day, you evaluate your life, the chaos that reigns in it, and say to yourself: “We definitely need to do something about this!” But in most cases, you are not able to organize yourself enough to change anything. Remember this day. Today you will change your life, because we have prepared 20 ideas; by applying them in practice, you will improve yourself and become more organized.

People are not born organized, they are made.

What does the ability to organize your life give? First of all, you will save time. And it, as you know, is valued more than gold. Your activities will not only bring more “fruit”, but will also become of higher quality. Being organized will make you successful person who fully manages his life and practically does not depend on external factors. You will become the one about whom they usually say: “How does he manage to do everything? He must be a wizard!

Eat good news– people are not born organized, they are made. Therefore, if you are mired in failures and are constantly in a state of stress because you don’t have time to do anything, just breathe out and read our article further.

Undoubtedly, there are people who manage to organize their lives without much effort, but what about those who are not so fortunate? We have compiled a list of the most effective and useful ideas that will help you achieve what you want.

Focus on results

When the final result is clear, incentive will appear. You yourself will want to organize everything in your life for the sake of your goal. This is especially evident when you go towards your dream and clearly understand that you will benefit in the end. Therefore, at the beginning of the path to organization, it is worth cheating a little and setting yourself tasks that will bring you positive emotions.

Become an incorrigible optimist

Try everything, even failures see something positive. Take an approach to your life where anything seems possible. This is great motivation. Besides, optimists are always in good mood, which helps in all matters.

Be conscientious

By having a conscientious attitude towards all your tasks, you will not allow yourself to go beyond deadlines, let your partners down, or fail to achieve your goals. Understanding all the responsibility, you will prefer planning to spontaneity.

Don't put yourself in a box

It is generally accepted that organized people are extremely neat. However, this is more a myth than a reality. Live the way that suits you. In the event that you cannot imagine life without orderliness and your organization depends on it, keep everything around you in order. But if you creative person and in conditions of complete purity you feel constrained, then relax. Nothing bad will happen if things are out of place. But in comfortable conditions you can do much more.

Learn to make your own decisions

You will become more organized if you don't depend on other people's opinions. Independently determine the degree of importance of your affairs, calculate the options and choose one of the most suitable ones. This is how you will tackle the tasks at hand.

Don't strive for perfection

It often happens that a perfect result is not required. It is enough just to perform your tasks well. But people who strive for perfectionism focus on details and small nuances. In the end, this only leads to wasted time and sometimes bad results. The Secret to Getting Organized: perform your tasks well and know how not to waste your energy on trifles that are not worth it.

Good and successful businessmen say that many novice entrepreneurs cannot start their own business for a long time because they are afraid of making mistakes on some small detail, so even before launching they polish their product to a shine. However, this does not bear any fruit and only delays the launch and real problems and tasks for improving the product as a whole. Do it to the “3rd level”, and then, if necessary, bring the business/task/product to “4th level” - maximum! There is no limit to perfection.

Keep a diary

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is one of the main characteristics of organized people. They don't waste energy trying to remember everything they do. They write them down in a notepad, calendar, diary, or mobile application. They make lists, organize and organize information. It makes life easier. Give it a try, even if you don't intend to get organized.

Always keep your to-do list handy

It's not enough to just organize your tasks. They need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the list should always be with you. Today there are many special mobile applications, which will save you from notepads and pieces of paper. For example, Wunderlist is an excellent service that allows you to make a list of tasks, highlight the most important ones, set deadlines, and mark completed ones. An equally worthy and well-known application is RememberTheMilk. It is very simple and understandable. It has many settings that can be selected individually and ultimately get an indispensable assistant.

Don't put things off until tomorrow

A wise proverb contains deep meaning. By adhering to just this one principle, you will not only become more organized, but you will also get a lot more done. Don't give in to laziness. It is much easier to do something and forget about it than to drag it along for a long time. Believe me, many of the tasks on your list will take no more than five minutes.

Always be prepared

You should not complete tasks long before their due date. Leave just a little time just in case. Suddenly, at the last crucial moment, some changes will appear or something will not go as planned.

Don't be shy to ask for help

Identify your strengths and weaknesses and, based on them, learn to delegate responsibility for performing certain duties. You don't have to do everything yourself. Avoid overload and unnecessary stress. Ask for help when you need it. Your time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary efforts. Perfectionists may not want to share their success with anyone else. But is it really that important? You decide.

Don't spread yourself thin

Many people believe that organized people get a lot done because they can multitask. This opinion is wrong. Spraying on several tasks at the same time threatens to perform them poorly and often takes more time. Do as few things as possible at once. If you need to complete an important task, then eliminate any distractions and focus on it. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are finishing an annual report, meeting with partners or relaxing with your family.

Learn to manage your energy

It will be very useful to know when and under what conditions you are able to work most productively. You may do better in the morning or when listening to calm music. Try to identify such patterns and subsequently use them to work more efficiently.

One of good examples Managing your energy and time is advice from Ryan Chartrand pro. In the article he talks about technology constant movement and operation in short “pulses” mode.

Learn to relax

Many work and live in a state constant stress. Determine for yourself the most effective ways get rid of tension. Feel free to let go of your business. It doesn’t matter whether you relax as passively as possible, play sports or spend time with your family. What's important is that you know how to cope with stress and fatigue without compromising your health and productivity.

Have 5 minutes to spare

But not more. Many people use a trick and set their clocks so that they run ahead. It doesn't matter how you do it. The main thing is to always have some time. Come to meetings early, finish your work early and then you will have time for a little rest. However, don’t get carried away too much; if you have more time in reserve, this is fraught with wasting it, which will lead to the opposite effect.

Get rid of fear

It often takes several times more time to complete tasks. Why is this happening? It's simple. When you are not ready to start things, you are afraid to start them, then you resort to delaying them. This leads to a lot of wasted time. Fight with yourself. Get down to business as soon as it appears. By overcoming fear, you will not only gain a significant amount of time, but you will also be proud of your own achievements. And this is quite a big motivation.

One way to combat this fear is the 1-minute rule. It says that if you don’t feel like or are afraid to start a task, throw away your doubts and fears for 1 minute and do it. When the time is up, you will realize that in fact there was nothing terrible, most likely, and that it’s time to finish it!

Break down large tasks

Large and complex tasks are psychologically quite difficult to accept and immediately begin to implement. Having received such a task, first study it well and try to break it down into several smaller ones. This way you will cross the psychological barrier and speed up the work process.

Encourage yourself

It often happens that the task does not appeal to you at all. It's boring and unpleasant. Of course, it can be delegated. But what to do when this is not possible? There is only one thing left to do - encourage yourself. Promise that when you're done, you'll do something nice for yourself. Do exercises in the morning, but promise yourself to buy a new outfit in a month. Work hard during the day, but when you get home, watch your favorite movie. Focus not on completing the task, but on the future result.


Imagine what your life could be like if you became just a little more organized. Pay attention to all the nuances and little things that you would like to correct. What would you do with the time you save? We are sure you will really like the new picture of life. Doesn't this inspire change?

Avoid time wasters

Social media, computer games, entertainment resources, long telephone conversations, etc., take up a lot of time, but do not bring much benefit. Discard them. Does not work? Install special applications that will block all your favorite entertainment. For example, Rescue Time.

Disorganized people almost never succeed. They spend a lot of time on things that are not useful. They are constantly late and often forget important tasks. They live in constant chaos. Of course, you won't become organized overnight. This is not easy and long work. But it will bring success, orderliness and the opportunity to spend time on yourself in your life. Try at least a few of the ideas we suggested in practice, and share the results in the comments.

If Marshakov’s “He’s so absent-minded from Basseynaya Street” is about you, then you probably know the feeling that everything falls out of your hands, gets lost, breaks, is forgotten and generally goes to waste.

Agree, I don’t want to be the one who is written off because of her absent-mindedness. Therefore, the surest solution to the problem is to become more collected, learning to keep your life under control.

Still from the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary".

If we talk about the causes of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, the primary ones are usually stress, routine work, mental and physical fatigue. A person whose life is like “Groundhog Day”, or, conversely, someone who is experiencing severe nervous shock, begins to notice how thoughts fly out of his head one after another, how the thread of the story is lost and it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate on important things.

Needless to say, these unpleasant moments significantly complicate relationships with people around you and prevent you from achieving your goals, including career advancement.

To live in constant voltage, expecting that tomorrow something will happen to you again that will cause only a condescending smile with a tinge of pity from your family, friends and colleagues is, to say the least, stupid. If you are tired of feeling like an unreliable person and want to finally take control of your own thoughts and actions, then our advice will certainly be useful to you.


Take a break

Knowledge workers should remember that the head, like other parts of the body, needs to rest.

Of course, you can work day and night without sparing yourself, but this will not lead to anything good. There will come a time when you not only lose the thread of the story, but you won’t even be able to remember your name in the morning.

Therefore, do not neglect your own health: after working for an hour, take a five-minute break, but devote it not to visiting your social network page, but to a kind of “mini-meditation” - look out the window or just sit with your eyes closed.

Make plans

If important thoughts fly out of your head, then start writing them down on paper. A diary is a very useful thing, you will see this as soon as you “try” it and understand all the delights of the existence of such an assistant. You won't have to try to remember more than you can, just open your notebook to the right page. By the way, your colleagues and loved ones will also appreciate this innovation in your life: from now on you will stop forgetting your promises and will start showing up on time for your appointments.

123RF/ Galina Peshkova


To successfully complete your tasks, you need to concentrate on each of them. Of course, many of us are haunted by the abilities of the dictator Gaius Julius Caesar, who knew how to do several things at the same time, but in our case it is better to forget about risky experiments for a while and concentrate on each task, and in turn.

Let yourself calm down

If you feel that you are going off scale, that you cannot control yourself and are very worried about something, then it is better to postpone everything until you calm down. Nothing good will come from your “sacrifice.” On the contrary, you will again make some mistake through inattention, which will cause a fairly predictable reaction from others.